Humlny Mr mu Mu oath rm home In ulnlhr and hirwln Mm rallnl In mum lmlr hul wlxlw Sumo nllrmlin Im Mr lml Mu Wnlhm ML Imcr Mr nml Mu Grown Guy Mr and Mn llrm Mum and Hum Mr and Mn latIan Klvklnnd Mn KMIM Mrl Him unk Tovonlm Mm VIIWI Ulhll Elm19 Ulhnn ullrnrlmz wrr Mr uml Mu Mnlllitl Ilmflv ML lull Mu Hn Ulhrr mul Nnnry lilunah Mr mu Mu llnlwfl 0mm llmihnr and Ma Mr nml Mu Tum Fllllmmam Dnmhlll th HIIDIHNH ANNIVFHIMIW 0n Frh HUI ML and IL Lluyll lhwylh rvlrlirnltd Umlr Omh Wmhlinu Amuhmnry at he llnnII DI Mr 1an MIL Mrvvln llmlh MIII lmnlly xlmnrr Mumm lll NIH Slmml Ir rhny an ill TIMMMI llmmlny NLIIL lllly DH Mull IM lhumlny nlglll nntrlllulnllmn In Mr nml Mu PrimMI Flnllrk Mm ul rhlnllll llwlr ZIMI Wmltllllg All nlvmnry ï¬nhmlny rvrnlnz 11mw nlhIulmu uric mm Tm unlur llllm Innln mu Mullqu lmlm INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY Slmud vum again In gum Sumlny IUIM Ill Allnlnn Sllmlll dnwnwl IIghlll t2 Wlnflan you munI Ivy lhmmn nmplwil lnlm Hmurlhwilllr Mu hflhy HuulnavL erl Sumluy mu mnynm um Mlmilll IIHEMIJI Show 0er uir mum um Inhy nlnlimn my um Aknllmz Iler hc Jumur llnuln umul had in in murnln Nmn hour Sunny Hnu Sclml mu llu mlrmmm lmllA Srlmnl Mn lnlktr humc umk hcr mum lmwlinn Ill Hm Holiday Howl mum Cunurulnlullum Miss Jnnllc Prat0dr Harrie In winnlnn lhc Cumhnl Qnrrn at he lenr Carnival In llurrlc zr HIL Mck nu Jnlmr iv nunth Mr um Mu Luke Slmkull Slruuxl 5mm Mn and Mrs Jack Stephens nnd Inn Inn lmh line MN mmcd in rrir his wk uhrrl Mr Slvplwm unplude at Canadian irn chclrlc Mrs CIiH Illclms Lakclnnds ls palirnl in Royal Victoria Humiml underguinu In on cullion Mrs William narlun sncnl cw days lal Mctk wilh her leluhhu uml min In uk lle Mr and George Wanth Ill and nmily Mr and Mrs Frid Mulhulland nflcndal lhe baptlsm Teresa Ann Terry daughter or Mr and Mrs Hill Hanku ncc BQH Vealhcrill in he Lmhcrnn Church llmd on on Sunday morning re tcpllon was held allcrwnrds ml the home Mr and Mrs nnrlko Sr ATTEND HAPTISM Over six table of euchm play ers mended another Monday night cards here Winners warn Vera Nelson Mrs Harwood and Jessie Campbell Mun Archie McNahb Roy ch age and Tom Ponlon Lunch was scmad by Highway Lidia north The No group The Slmud Slilch Snippcrs mol at the home or their leader Mrs Gordan Rlx Saturday morning wim girls ullcnding lléLL DOM EUCHRE The third muling of he lwmcmaking club lhe Slmud Sew and Saws was held at Mrs Craig iiunlers home There was discussion on pinning basting and assumbling the garment demonstraiion followed on slay siiiching Then he girls worked on hair skirts and laps NI NO GROUP fly Mn BERT MULIIOUAND Bernard McGaey is patient in Stevenson Memoria Hospital Allislon us hc result at an ab cidcnl Saturday evening bc tween Toltenham and No Highway He ran imo the back parked waler truck was Hopped while the driver The McGocy car damagcd Dr Male to the scene of he Charles ankcm or Town spent lhe weekend will his grandparents Mr and Mrs Valkcm Mr and Mrs Bruce McCal lum Chmhnm visilcd last week wilh Mn and Mrs Pat ForeshlL Mr Bauman of the slalf the Royal Bank here has been transferred in the branch at Sunrlmm Mrs Joseph Walsh and daugh ter Mrs McGoey and Maur een span couple days cenlly Ain nlo vilh friends Juckééi Win or Canher cull ed an his nunl Mrs James Drummnnd Mrs 638 Mallinn attended the cancer association conven li0n thd Torqnlg menu Mr and Mrs Wallace npping Lowell Murray Creyke and Mrs Vlce attended the Sunday Schnnl anniversary in Ihe United Church Schomberg last Sundayl Lowell Tipping and Murray Creyke panlcipnted in the servicje wilh trumpet and plano solo The speaker was the Rev Lee nl Allistnnl Mrs £an Irvin at Furl Laud crdnle Florida here or lha luncral her uncle George Dmmmond AROUND S£VICOE COUNE TOTTENHAM STROUD was ban was call accident badly called TM land mum Jpflrmml by Inhm Wmnrnl lmllluln hal hoe held In vlrmm nu Mn hrnnod Mrl lllll ï¬lrl II In Mlu Dell Mu II mum In Nrwmnvkrl Huh rllnl Hw um hull In lull hwr Immu lull wwk Mu JIIIHMII Wrlnn MM MM Fvnnk Mum AIM Mum and MI Dvmlhy ulul nl KIDIMHIIK uwv curds nl Um ham ML and Mn rrll Frnlrr lnnl ulmlny nu Tlmrhllln Nlh Mllh flny Tlm nul day Mr and Mn IL lurdllnm and Mann Hum war null or Mu 1muhll and Mr and Mn lern 11 WINNER Mn lnulnrd In Amlrrwn uluo Mu Hoynuhh Whfllflt bun lelllnu Mr mulJln Vrr nun Hwynnhh ï¬n rllnil lvr lllu pm lllrte numllu mHan all In llcr sonl harm nm hunk Icr Inn Him In In Inllrnl In My len Iluhllnl Hrimll llrr many Mum and 0th hm whh hrr npmly mm mm hm mu Unilunfl mm the Iwud rApmrnlI ML Inn uucslu at he home of Mr and Mn Jim Ynlwrll lml Snllmhy cwnlng we Mu MrCnum Mr null Mrn Llnyd Llllyl Tnnmln Mr IIruMn Mul MIMI Villuudnlo Mr nml Mm McDonald nnd dallnhltr Dun Millt Mlchnrl U1 mnskl son ML and Mn Polo Urme Ix patient In Slrvrnwn Mmmrlnl lluxpihl In Allixluu DINNER Mn mu Mm Hnrlun lkmnly Snsk men the past monlh lmmu n1 Fm Dar Ian Mr And Mrs Wright it in Ncwnlnlkll vv onulwr Mu cCuuue nnd Mrs Lloyd Lilly wrrc nCrnl uucsls Mr nnd Mrs Krrmwd Mc Cajme Mr and Mn Spock and Mr and Mr Speck spent In vex In MI Hnlul Kim ilcd Mr nnd Mrs George Mchuuv lislan Mn Vernon chay paliznl in Stevenson Memurlal lluspilnl Alllsmm She was Juer in all at her home In wgtk ago Mr and odwcll tn purchased Ihu home on Main street 50th formerly awed by Mr and Mn Don lalmcr hlré Vxllm Somm spch dag wag ricpr in Turnnlo Ilcv ga rs nan and Jennilcr Aylmcr vlsfled wilh rulnllvc hemlol Miss mime nil Toronto spent lhe weekend wilh Mr and Mg axing Wabon ruwn was In Barrie allcnding C911an CgunciL Mr and Mrs Lake have moved their new hnt onDCCIIlee Slrccl Mr and Mrs Little vi llcgurclaljvcg in SL Calharines Selby nan has returned home lrom Bradcnlon Florida where he spent one month Sunncnnn and ML and Mrs Lisk spent week wilh relalivcs in Fort Erie and Tor unto Mr and Mrs DonaId Palmer and Garry moved lnsl week In then new home on Main Street north They recently purchased it 1mm David Rae Tnmnla Warrant OHicer Jnhn Trema wan the RCAF Slnlion at Trenton spent the weekend wilh Mr and Mrs Albert Bulman rs iln ms and umin of Toronto vlsflcd Mr and Mrs Kearns on Dr and Mrs Holmes have left for Barbados West Indies where they expect to spend gay weeks Mr and Mrs Rutledge of Burlington visited Mr and Mrs Thomas Ruucdge during he weekend Mr and Mrs Henry Williams and Gilbm visited relatives In Toronlg Sundpy Mrs Parkhlll of Queens ton spent wek with Mrs Wigginsr Mrs Brewster ol Tor ontn visited Mr and Mrs Reygglds dur cxng made or Loyalty dinner on March in Slmud Cummunlly Hall with th Rev John Munls ol Eaton Mem nrhl Church Toronto lormcr pastor on lhls charge as guest speaker Come and bring your lamin The congregation of St James United Church reports permiss ion has been granted by Simon Presbytery to erect the proper ed Sunday School addition an the west side the church Congratulations Mr and Mrs Bill Wealherfll nee Sandra Pnrvis on the birth baby boy lb oz in Barrie Royal Vidma Hospilnl Feb lath His name Is Kcnnelh Alexander Lgmmv DINNER and Mr and Mrs Fred Quanlz Be Ewart Mr and Mm Alex Black and Mr and Mrs Fagan attended funeral at friend in Midland on Mnndny CQNGRAIULAHONS Mrinid Mrs Elwund Pagan and Linda spent the weekend in Tqrouln By MRS WRIGHT BEETON 233 BRADFORD ST WMUMIIII Mm 0le at ï¬lm 001 um and Mrs and Mm Bill Wood Beeton Lucky draw wlnncrs were Jack Smith Tor nnto mblc Bah SnLherland Beclnn lump Mrs Ell Hell Becmn cushion dour prizes went lo Gordon Marlin Tenan ham and Mrs Cecil Reynolds Demon Him Ila Npml oupz Beaten Horticultural Society held Rs nnnna euchre with large attendance Winners were Mrs Hawkins Allislon 19115 Mm guy Miss Carol McGee has mlum ed home from Slevnnson Mem orlnl Huspitnl Alllsmn where she underwent an appendectomy Nichol and Mason Lucky draw winners were Mrs Aiken Beaten Mrs Stewart Allislon Mrs llnwton Bee lun and John Gould Benton Mnï¬and Mrs Cranslon 10 GO TO HAVE FUN HR THE SHOW FOR IHE MONEY nAuaggfLp Morons llMllED By MRS GEORGE HOLT mormon Womens lnslllule had 47 tables of euchre lens In play In the Thnrnlnn Orange Halll The men and women wln ning high second high and low prizes were Mesdamu Allen Miller Beverley Cochrane Clill Reeves and Messrs Donald Bane Peacock Melville Dixon Special prizes are In be glven at the end of February for the hlxh lady and hlgh mun lnr lhe month In mm Bonanza on he CBCTV nelwmk qch Sunday Mn Daile Scalcy Toronto spent the weekend will hm par Mr and Mrs Vernon Mc Quin spent day with relatives in Toronto Nunwanna Comma dlnlinclivo exciting loch nm ulymlrly wlunnnnrc Id hucknl mm rockpilclunter mm mo ntnndnnl lcntum that add lo Corvollon Ilplvndur ltBPLFJQIflWASHING DAzzLING CORVETTE THORNTON Your Cbuvmm Oldlmohllo cdm Sévcralfmm hare Intended hi funeral Mrs rauursuu rm and Mn iack Sldlllng Sudbury Mrs George Davis nnd Arthur Banla spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Georgi Ft Davis Mr and Mrs Kellh McVanell Etoblcoke spent the weekend will lyy lriendst Cam Anna and Marlon SkHIA lng Sudhuxy and Mr and Mr George Dav were weekend guests of Mr and MIL Gemgo F7Davis Rcv Harper attended the Diocesan College or preach ers St Clements Nurlh Tqrynlo qua week 13 MRS WILMER WIISON The Em Innlsfll School Itngue goes Mn playnfls Thornton Arena Feb 23 Ivy beat Thurman Feb 16 with 12 score High scorers or Ivy Ellis Don Gllpln Ruby Ken Hng garth Jan Martin Ivy game Ilpromnlann exclusivebrandohlrivinnplrnmlm lho sccrct Corvnir Carrion its unique Gcyllndcr nlrconlcd cnuino ovvr the mar wlwln fnr ideal wright distribution Trim nnd stylish on the oulnitlc Corvair in roomy nud quuriuun uu tho inside So not ready for un get with sporty Corvnir IVY nEu ulymlrly mnlhmi va wumnu pitclunm runqu and plush mrpcllnfl UL ul IIVIUI with its famous Jetsmooth ride nnd hendtuming exterior styling st any rand Inside Chevrolet luxury is inviting 0n the practical side dependable power nnd easycare maintenance features SEE 15E 39ANR BEAUTIFUL CHEVROLET we Envoy um Chmoln Truck Dulor uuu ILV lL unevle lets you savn without sacriï¬cing No other car comes close to Chevy IIs luxury on budget or gm as far as Chevy IIs economy with style As or pep it packs powerful punch Look into Chevy II Its the luxurious way to save GET THEEMABIAND THRIFTY CHEVY 11 Ivy Ornngo Hull was the scene 01 presentation Saturday for Olive and JlmmyBlnkley large crowd gathered Io wish he newlyweds all the best nus mm the Br played by Mrs Cleve Fallon Gungo Davis nclod as master or CEerDn Ins Weston Codlrnna read the address Elwood Jenna Mr and Mrs Ber McLean Mr and Mrs Lyell McLean Mr and Mrs Weslnn Cochranc Mr and Mrs Gordon Cochrnne Mr and Mrs Jack Cnchrane and Mr and Mr Ross Chip chase allcndcdthe silver wed ding anniversary at Mr and ML Ewan Jenna In Strand hnll Frldny uoNog Nawyyvans The cnuplo cum to the plut form the luneerg come 1711 Mr and Mrs Fred Green and Marion Tull Tornnlo spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ber McLean Illla an Friday Our sympathy goes out In Mrs Ivan Caldwell In the loss at her mother Chock your local llallng or channel nnd HIM gut wilh sport Corvmr umml M011 WI The bride undrxmm thanked all present or the gills liner the singing For they turn Jolly good ieilows all enjoyed an eveninz oi dancing Music was supplied by Edgar Denny and Mrs Fallon Lunch was served and Roy Holt mad the presen anon of beautiful chrome suite an electric fry pan and several Miler cooking utenslls 1n THE EARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 22 136 HEATING FUELS Phone PA 6653 mmwmu ming Lthlgrioï¬tyvbngrstcnls the show on YOU DRIVE THE WINNER WHEN YOU DRIVE BARRIE PHONE PA 66527 Chevy II New 400 Sport Coup Carmir Mann Cunuqliblu add Chevroiccg andsccmullcr no professor of geography pm posed America as lhu name 01 the New Vurld in 15M Impala Spar Sulan BUSINESS MACHINES Dunlap SI FA Hm $7950 was SIMCOE ChcheE Chevv II nmu Ncw and Used 19