Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1963, p. 9

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flown Lonlrnncn other rimnu Ivan llmnl dnnm lo In Um My aunt Include Duvld Lloyd nl Tnmmn Iha will hnndlt USA IIOMIIICHH EIGN END WINNIITAI TN lnnIIIln Nut 1er of flu Vumn pm luv1mm um tun41x they Ill down mum enjoy Nlllanu lea It Euy Week Th lerl man In Ihe rce lwln sly Andreas Rnbl In shoal hmunh hr xlnrllmz gale ll pm EST Semnd nm nnmt Start In Me or he Mzato mum am drapollof dugrcu Ind the course docs no level am much After 11L About 1000 Milan and with vcrliml drop of 450 on the gradiml lily ll nhnul nualewa Just Ibnul malnlainlng lhn lidezrce mm Moat lb pro were to lake their first look Waterfall Run today mm hlanth no nnc III bu surpgisrgi Amer Top Skiers Ready To Hit Mountain rbelmil Rad Wings goalla Terry Sawchuk turned an or the leaml practise yesterday warm casl on his Injured left hand and mm his him with some suckhandling Saw chuk minus Mar usually bulky at BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY CISSORED SPORT LOOKING FORWARD inlnrn Yr Vuhrn Irlllay HUBERT aklppod Iry Ken Vrldo and Rob llunler 1mm Clly Vltw Club 271 eomhlnnl m1an lh Inn of Um numbQuebec ampul Ilnn mm ncdrnm Iml non Muld Iklwed lh CH Vllw my nmmccd he nlznlnx at our Lathe Arizona Slnla Unhrr lily nlxIooIlhrea nthmlvo and Ahfrnslru end lmm Mmkrzon erh Lax yrnr hr mth 11 mm at 215 yard mul lwa lnurluhwm win lhr lhlrd dmfl cholca n1 Oakland Rnldrrl and Milk bolts of San Fun clsco 19m WIN CURHNG THOIHY 01TAWA ICI No rlnlu mm Hm Monlrrnl Cnlrdnnln urllnl Club rimed lhu mh nvunarflrnm uvenl lrl tiny and mdved Governor rnml om Gen Vnnlrr nu Scha um um prove lulu nbllillul thn he wan ll be won the Auulrian Junlor chnmplnmhlp and lllll lha Swiu Alpine and downhlll champlunahlns Ind the Nnrwe nlnn xlnnl slalom Illlel No will member Ill Auslrlln na llanal tum In Ml Eriksunl record In Impru wnn the nianl slnlnm In the 1951 Olymplcs and look second place In Ihe slalnm He hm hold the Norwegian dum pl lhrce limrs lclirérchanzr nntlve Aus lrlnn living In Kimberley EC last year Slcln Erikien ban In om and aperalor ski xchoal In Asptn lllghlnndn 7010 won ha 199 rrnce manna The two previous winners In Invorldbnl he Iwo previous pro slalom evcnlx held near his own 72 mile north Tomnto were not hell on Waterlall Run of he combinedflme event will Mart pm FAVOR PnEleUS wcrons pads handled me puck brisk ly Three tendons an the back his left hand were seven ed by Toronmx Hob Pulmrda skate on Jan 12 Sawchuk says can wiggle my gers Blue Ind lhey feel all rlghL MP Wirepholn nnnum mag um IIUUM lunnvyJMl nmalnn Lan Shrnrmnn and Mldml Ihllllm Ion the In dnnrlnl urn nl lhn Emmn lump mu humplnmhlpl Ftlduy Wmlll rhumphml liu ml lnnl man 01 thmln um um mom mu run or II Full mk Turk IIth nml nulhnl prclnl lo anrhnr tluh Iv mllt In mm In Iddlllon to In hulltulle Mm KIM llyur wuny Iv Tumult an MNIII llm lwnml 1m miend ilm lwumle run In In mm Inng hm Amuunulwunm Crnlhorl hm cululrlrlrd vlulnu Hm VAC mm In mm In prym nu IN lehm nyumlrl Unlvmlly anunln nnlor who II un hmlrn In llu hullmlle and Low ynrrl mum lnrlnnrl IMI ml mn nppnrrnlly hu drcldrd lo pun up Ilw unlmally unlnr prom nrxl Frldny In lnvor Mulllon Squar Gardtn lrnck nmL Tl New York Mnlnlln Club ponmr cl In lnvlmr mm hm uld 3mm lllnl In wiry lnrm lely lnr Ihn lullmill mmmllllnn In whlth lm wlll mrel llmllln anrry llnllnluv who won th Mlllrnu lulllnllo next In Imk nun Funk Cooke who Ielecllnx lhc crnmcounlly lrnm or In Canadian Amnleur SH AISDCII Hun Inld Frldny night has told FMher Manchu um he can nrrnnn to Hum In lnwn by FBI lhty will be lnkrn In In lhm nullifylnl mm Crothers Favors New York Gardens The two are Hen Chime and Marl chjnmln from he Lu rheux ulbe the Vnntnlulchln People the Lake Indians at Old Crow llny Milkmen an Iorcuplne Him In lho Yu kon near the Alaska bordcr bonl no mm Inside lha Arena Currie Trained or In but lhm year by an oblnle mlsslonnry knawn here only Father Manchu lnnnnr Swlu Army Ikl Imlmclon Ihl Mr an rm mrlrd In hnvo remrdtd crou counlry llmrx an good or beller than name un lap Cunndlnn commie mum mm ht A111le of mm woman uboul who the mother live chlldren may chum to cum berth on Cunndal crosmounlry Olympic xkiinz mm mew YORK CF nm Mb John McLeod skipped the NW Hill rink In the mm draw akin three games Jack Millers murchlll rink grabbed two 53m and Mel Sanders of Bradford took one The firm game will In flu 11 Im dnw went to Erle Ark ey Canningmn while George Kennedy ham Barrie took two and Joe DeFavrlzlo Bram bridge grabbed onc Indian Skiers May Get Chance The Bradmd Annual Onion Skin Bnmplel cominued Thun day with rinks mm Richmond Hill and Canningwn caMuring both early and lale draws outstanding Mhluo early in life and was Canadian heavyweight champion of the First Division In the First World War when he was wnund ed wlce He was mentioned In despalche and won the Dlslln gnlshed Service Order In 1516 OTTAWA 9P 3W0 young In Critchley built the lint trey hound racing track in Britain in Manchester in ms and be came chairman of the Grey hound Rncing Association which he organized Bradford Bonspiel Winds Up Today mm vu mun Boxing speedway In mgby and basequ and Ioccar were Introduced to give the crowd diverauied menu Sometimes he flopped as wilh baseball and mgby under fluodlights but mare ollen his ventures were unqualflieq inm clu cpeases am Whlla Clty he Introduced the British fan to hockey on grand male finportlnz nomad Canc ndal lending Imuwn or his two Hanlngny teams Grey hound and Regen Ha qued athletic meets with the cream olhth nu um unllw Allll er greyhound rnclnl ultimately Imam one ha blggcst drawing cards When dog racing wu lirme established Crltchley quickly entered other renlm of spam promotion And enmed the title Englands Tex Rlchar aller tha great mm promntu of the Jack Dempsey era 11 hi Roldan 20 Dwell 1mm re Cecil Crltchley war hero and friend Illa Iervlcau mun gnhnd Am upon promoter In th tfd Kipl Inn on LONDON CP 3111 Crilchley CnIgnryborn soldier mduslrlallst lportsman who built Ind operated Brlmhrl Int greyhound raclnz track died at his home near London lady today He was 72 and had been forjevgrgl xyonlfu Intmducefi DcgiRacés Giant Shortsman Dies Iyurnr1 Unl vhnmnu ct intend Ic lnn II wilt of Immelmd hamu mm halvmn mun Ind Yuri Mlrhu Ihe MI mm In vul llnl yllu Il moll our 91 man mm um llnnln Ioolul why In wmkoul wllh lha lvnm F11 may and would mlgn hlm In Ihu mo duplln llnnlva urliu Ilntrmonl In Nrw mk lhnl III Mp Am mlu InJuvlm would bar Mm Hu nldplmu or Al ml Inolher wuk Bundny Mnnlml vlalll 1h Iuwly llmlxm mmm rhn hnn won only xo helr ll mu Ihll town and 1mm lnllu will Dehle yd Winn TumIla Pm mm Ihm at our hmnrlra Monlrrul III all whlll luuhlnl Inn 11 II lho MnuL ml Forum Cnarh 10 mm Mnnlrul my put mzulnr nalmlmlrr Jarqurn llnnl Ind Injuml ll lenrrmnn Tum Johnan lulu MI In hid In Ilul lhl nddl MAKIHI ill IHM on Mnnlml Ind Tumult Inn 50 mlnln 1m hohlnd lunm luau up muck llnwlu fill CANADIAN PM Thu hnmc lu Idvanluc why Ml Ilrdrna will In wmldnl or Toronto In lnnilhll hull wllh their rlnll or nnd placl In lhu Nullonll llrLrhy lgnzur non plmu be an chlmplan wont bumoblhemonlh cam palm llk ormer chumplan Jon Lou van lo 1th somrbody About evrry hr momhn Home Ice Could Work For Leafs My lroub be llndlnl lhn him in mm rm Lilian mid Nu cleaned tm lla Ilurufllll llke am him um lu mtrflnuflnn Inld Aslmke awly was Palmer who bolstered the detence of hi lwu consecutive Phoenix cham pionships by mulching Hebertl avfridny was another stroke back 16 Nicklaus who but Plan In playol In line Palm Spring lunmunant Monday wu In group L11 along with Hebert with hackwhack 61s was 10 undar par It 154 or 36 hole over lhe d679yard desert guano It the Arimnl Coxth ll Aller mecxlng Pnucmn Llslnn Id would llke Io aka on thu Clay lhn bulking heavy weight who ha been nnmlnx Iha round In which hu bull All his opponenu Except he added lhll one 15 going lo be Khmer missed lha In two punch In Du other MM zran Jay ebext wha has zone 2V years without winnlng sell tournament carried shaky oneatroke lend hula um third round the 5000 Phoenlx Open today The unma blg lhreeAmald Palmer Gary Player and chk Nlcklaux were breathing down big neck MIAMI Fiai AP iielvy weigh boxing champinn Sonny Lisinn arrived Friday wilh prediction that he would nzain belt out Hoyd Pailmon in the its mund oi their April rematch here Fulkx who see the movlu of MI light nre going to ho Ier Hey MI rtrun Lhan uid becausu its gonna 2nd Jun Iikn ha In on PATTERSON IN ONE LISTON Critchky tried hi hind at Balm In human191 whzn accepted nomination In flu Eu Ialinmn byelecflon Empire no Ends And United Emplm party candldate He wggdefented mm mun Crfichley Eat am at an 11 ul junior clerk In the Calnry branch ha Bank Montreal Budin 80th Al rlcnn who enflxraled In Canada youth like Ofllchlcy mafia lab lortune In flu United King om Veteran Hebert Holds Shaky Lead Criichiey wan head British Oversea Akwlyu Cnrparatlon from 194 In and he hadl number of hith interasu in Britain Canada and the hamas where in parmmhi with British holiday camp oneer Hilly Butiin he organized the building of big tourist mg on Grand Blhaml Island Cr was keen taller canlfnuln lo pfay even llter he became blind In 195 Hls We the clmar Dlam lshwlck lwlce waa Brllilh viomeno Amateur 101 cham BIL Ayn pi VeL and nlumpt howaver Ha becnme IAConunandér he gfder 31 SL Mighaeljnd St Ila nnllu Iunml In nlnrmnnrrl Marlin In llm all lumlnl him 27 Ihlyll ml lulhlml Al llrnnru 10 Tod Paw rod what pnmd In In Mnnrr Ill 35 In lnnl period Jlm Count1m who am neared In Um linl prrlod Hm Inc Imunnru muhr lnlo lhn Smoklu wt Al 1935 nllrr tnnrh why Krnmm look uul unnlunvler WI Mnrlln In lavnr All ulu nllntkcrl The Human picked 1le no nine penallln Hm ram which rm pinyul under nlnrnnllnnnl mm mm In Me In flnl prrlnd Frldny nlnhl Gmru Ulilulo ltnl Mnrmml nhud 11 In Hm mnml hut Smolul cvrnnl ll al he mark he third paw on MI by team rnplnln Ilnmld Jonu nun Kuwnlrhuk mud all Inll 14 ITIHI IT AT ILAKI if 1th law KIIthenrrthrlm Tum dc ruled than In Kllchencr Thundny nizhl BEETLE TO TIE Maul 1300 Inn saw lhn Mn mm unnp In lna In Iha lhlrd period and an an lo lake wln Him the Smnklcs Irmnd Ion In many nlzhu on their laur oIA Orglnrlo CM am Maroon at the 0n an0 Hockey luwlnlion Sonlnr lulu wtre the latest victors over Cnnndnl hope In next monthn world hockey laurna mgnll In Stockholm nml lar hardly looked like world championship maie rial Friday nlxhi as may sni iered lilcir lourlh ddsn in Iix prflnqmnmcyl Kama Tim was Iypknl Palmerl pulling for lho laumamcnt so lar with the exccpllonmf the 504mm He has rimmed so many cups he cant keep count ol them Player whn shared the lirsbmund lead with Hebert and Nlcklnul dropped back with Trail Suffers Fourth Defeat The aggressive Amie modem olfl greatest mnney winner sank swam pull or an eagle lhree on flu 490nm first hole nearly need he Hard No His tee shot landcd mm tel past but bnckspln draw across HI cup The ball wobhlcd at the edge but didnt all Then he missed the lhrce loot pull coming back and look par lhree iii posted his second livn underpar E7 on lhe strenglh of seven birdies two over par holes and nine parsfnr less inseamfly than Palmm so Al Balding ol Tomnlu had 74 71145 Jerry Magee of Tor onto E74446 Jack Elssezgcr nf Val Morin Que 7575151 and Bob Panasluk of Taronln 777719 Stun Lennard of Vancouver was six strokes ol Um pace bunched with six others at 140 Hg had gundspl 69 and 7L M11113 any cp chk Hart Gardner Dickinson Jolunny agd lon1my Boll vuw mull belleva Wu the knock oi Thu was the model be once dkmisscd hll uh eve menuth Included being the ynungesl bdgadler gene in the British Army at 27 nan eludes all too many of us And guess late luck chance or whalever you preIer to callllt has alnu lmlla mum benevo lmhglylmy once quid mg 111 we Camry an oltah look baék on lth mm In lha It was In beamling of um awrybook career man who met adversity with dogged de ermlnnuonjnd Whose courage carried him nlong the path of qugnlqre 119d globes wuw Crltchle nry carrier began It mm agashortly alter In quit clerkan 1n lhe Calgary branch bank He loak an examination orxtha Royal Mflflury College at Kingswn gained scholarship and In due course emergcdyilh pommly Jinn In the Lord Suachcanal Home argpws coma auunmc mam THORNLEA was luccessfnl and he sat in Parliament for one lumen 35 in Nauonal Conservative loflfllfikellhamjn Middlexw hAsu ANp mm mm turn ollw Cumllul ml nflnr wn ruumh Alvlc Thom In nmmlu Id II dlnp Mmml llnpo Onl Km Duunn anonlo Ibo Ind Nurm Hunl Tnmnlo Ill uudl Knudmn wlnnlr thl Imrlo mum Ind MumIbo openl on ha llanumnrmnt Cnrlhhonn drcull 1m yrnr loll tunlllknl ol vlclory Iflrr Fri dnyl munL lmnully In can win nlllar whnl lmppcnzd 1mm lwo lnhll no Im Hmlu Ten who PANAMA CITY ANGear Knudsen of Toronto Ind ddcnd 1m dumle Jim Fm Florida rod Iveunder nr an Friday In llxm In In II mllwny mnrk he lnnaml open 01 oumumenl 73559 lpnrl 5an Then an cum mmlnl llccnrcs but person lnur hook or our Inna or tluxlera hook uprtud oul IIDXIK the are allowed mm New lenlslnllon this year Inwlng fishermen to have two lincs In the wnlcr at one time umvlnz popular one am chl pul my can Imp wnrm running from one In lhn mhcr Knudsbn Fence Share Golf Lead Sum Incomplete Ind 11 hard In my Jun how many ice llshcrmcn haunt the nalld aurlam Ontariol lakes but an allicinl of lhe doparlmenl lands and aranl lald he lhaughk 100000 Wu good gum Lake Slmcne Lake Clalr and he xhoru Luke Erie are lhn main centres An acrlnl sumy Lake Sim coe th ck Ilth 111 hull The Ice fishing xenondeter mlned by huwlnng the In sureruns from nbnul the mld die of Januarf lo the middle of March No come requlrzd by Onlarln residenll Olhm pay $650 season minnowssalted or liveare he usual balk AleIACrs 100000 They In wooden hut ranz ing ram he crude the pa aual and tans themselvu by side llny IDVES Deparl of lands and or cskx official estimme here are more flsnennen an Lake Simeon new man any time durlnl the summer 1111 lhe peak oi the Ice fishing season when anglers throughout Ontario brave reel Ing weather la drop thalr line lhrough hole in let more ban £101 lhlck TORONTO CH Bllslering heat and greedy blackfliex dont necessarily accompany Ontario spnrt lifhlnx Wendy Griner 15 Tax onto who took eomlortahh lend allercampuhary figure in Edmomon Frlday In her bid to win the Canadian Sen lor Womenl Flagc Shun Fisherman In Fonr pf Winter Weather Ilroka Vbelle nr cl Mldllnd who Ibo ucondqmmd 95 um rol hpvg Mhnh 1313151 SKATING moms Rllky Gdhy clicktd or the Pollemcn and Jerry Goodwin far be home club The 5mm amt will be plny ed In Bradford with call In oodhrldge Arena in Die first nine of HM North York Ontnrio Minor Hockey Aa mcmion swnHInnl Bradlnrd Police and Wood bn 99d jt out 11 muuulncu ne lhcm rex lslered nid an olllclnl of the fish nndelldlile branch 01 ha dpnnmanl land Ind forests bmusa Inmellmu people lean lhzlr hull on Iho In In There been name dlstus slon about makigg fishermen rezlstcr helr hula but no lei Inl nailhagn Introduced Huts rent on Lake Elmo mm between $3 In so day tamplm with llnu but Ind stove By far he largest number Ice fishermen angle ram these but Iew put out lines wllh llpuy signal devlce and than with rum cm but man holdlnx line in the open III Din to be uncomm ah blllerly cold In the In plac seasoned inhuman said and you ever get caught In blow nut there well youve had ClubsDuel To 11 Tie fishing or Whitefishnu Con sidered gum fishme catch and many they like They cant use nets profits would be mill and fishing or profit ma 1ng mm dmnplanxhip for laurlh Ilme Moll expert Expected Mlu Grlner Io maintain her lead In helm skallnz par Hon ol the competition Satur day She won he m1 In 1960 1961 and 1367 CF Wirephotn ARE COMING lZSPINlANES 12 IOPIN LANE WI Will Be Oflulng For Your Complete Bowling Plnwro TO THE animal on Lulu cm and Lake Nlplnlnx hm been ltlllnl perch plrkerel Ind pm The Tlmuaml Chlmbu Commerce has In Innunl clml vnl la mm In khannan Ind Ilka trout cliche men hm begyrepofled loyd my an plcnmnl In th Lou Palm Bay Ind In Lake Ontariol Bay or Qulntn Smell are belnz nauzh In lhl Welland Canal nnd in mm lags In 3119 Pughmjl mt Whllzflsh are most popular In Lake Simone became hm II no llmll on them Like trout are scarce but sumo an llnded Th it ll twp The Inger Inku OMIHO Huron Erie Ind Superiorarc no men aver but than let fishing in thl bay and 10 hi IhOleL on have been Ialr throughout the rovince lhll year so far Smaler lake It ollen Alushy In the centm bu cnuse heavx pawl1h sink In he summer causlnl hazards to navigation CQNDITIQNS FAIR Largest amount wagered last Ieawn or Llngle luck mu at Old Wondbina In Toronto when 11day nee meek look In dnlly average 3271682 mallgt was at oneday met In Newinzton 0nL when bell Mailed $228 In Ontario slam the 1962 betr In on harness hnrscs almaxl reached the eightprovince liz ure 1961 The province re pomd macaw collected the betting windows up $10 ml76 In year NERVICF COMM FRONT END SUSPENSION OVERHAUL 27 TORONTO ST mu Amman wum muncmu Aasonlu Figure or flat racing wen lasued separately two month ago They showed an alICanada betting latal of $143529941 an Increase of $6760520 tram that year belare and record On percentage basis haw aver Ihe rise In harness belttng was Mr more Impressive It rose by about 40 per cent cnm rat9d wttll about five per cent flat racing MURDOCK During he seasnn75 raclnl usnciaIion ran 8338 races on 312 day of harness racing In 1561 um were 70 associallnns 552 race and May lnlaL iln Ihu night province where federalaulhorlllcs supervise ha parlmuluel belting Ialal wagering reached SJMWJOE up by $104mmx from lhe previous yeah Quebec and Newfoundland are not included Let III and Your cu OTTAWA CPD Bcltlng on harness race took an lmprcsr sive leap Lo record levels during the 1962 racing season Illa led eral ngrlcullurc department purls Ontario accnunled or practically all of it PA 82202 flatness Betting Takes Big Leap HARRY

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