Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1963, p. 8

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may NEW YORK IAI Wlllh rumno perennlnl ll WWW 11M mnlrmlfr mm mm mm In Eulm than New Yolk no lvrnvinl rum qr Wayne Tlmnlon nuqu mum lanllM lm prrlly cmnln many the lmwlm have muler oul by now but nne lhln In or mine when he lalkn alnrl al IuL Sunday lluno prrsvnl will have In my ccpl he ll on lhnl llolldny lluwl will have 12 flvopln lanes Major League or no Major AMLIIDI Inca ll you cant buck pmurm Imullnu lm Iloun nrrnnml or Sunday after nunu mul nprmcnlnllvm rum lhu AIXU In Inronlo mo LUllllll up In lr mul slrnmhlon ovorylhlnn out Orlmnnlly was ln mvcllng of he rnptalna hut hemnnngmncnl wnnl All the huwlurs In turn oul wvll Pastrano New Proving Grouns Ihu Imwlnrn dont gn along vlll the first ldcn lm muse llm tlnws Seven is Ilnc hm if they start at nine they lush tun Inlc All of them have to work the flux day and they need lhc rest The other hm Ideas have to be discussed further feel this Mug will be solved conllnucd Hyck man bul hope we dont have to lose any guys Im prcllr sure we can salvage 12 teams nllcr Wt 10 down lhc Isl and llml out lmw many wnnl lo bowl Other wise wall lnlslnon ls bnsln MEETING ON SUNDAY The guys were given the wrong allltutle when Leo get up nnd told them the news There are three nl ternnllves lhcy can take It they wanl and Im sure ll will wnrk out For one the can spilt up Into two shifts one group at seven am one nt nine Or else they can use twn llltcrenl night Amt finally they split up lulu two acpnrntu leagues under the same Ilne and the same bencllls As bowler found the change prelty hard to accept sald Bill yesterday But as manager of the house have to go along wllh It youre In the clothes business aml cerlaln line lsnl moving you drop ll Well 1ch Barrio isnt ready or 10 pins on such large scale rcallzc they should have been glvcn nollcc but we werent sure the deal was going through until last week couldnt tell them whnt didnt know and wax given such short nollcn myself talked to few of the bowlers and their whole beef is that the management failed to discuss the move with them and the change was forced on them with out the benefit at any alternatives Its true they were given short notice but had they stopped for few seconds to find out the whole story its quite posslhie they might not have tolded so quick ly But they didnt and now have real shmnzel on their hands The guy really tcclsony or is 13111 nyckman Holiday Howls newest manager and former president or the Mens Major League Bill just took over man agement last week and right off the bad he had this lhlng dropped in his lap RYCKMAN IN THE MIDDLE When they were told they would have to cut down to 12 lanes the bowlers held an onthespot meeting and the end result was decision to fold the league Tlicre were three motions and all present voted to to The final decision was forwarded to the big bosses in Toronto and Jim Harris president or the leaguc is now waiting for further word Jim Harris had lot to do with the folding he wasnt there USED ARMY TACTICS Ron Lee secretary and an army man was left handling the reins due to the absence of Harris Jim had lelt word he would go along with anything thtI guys decided Dec didnt waste words he used army tactics in breaking the news to the guys and this was probably the worst thing he could do The management is installing 12 livepin lanes and you have to go along with it ordered Lcel Bin go the guys dldnt like it and before you could say whos got the kccshkn the league had folded 5000 THE ABC people got together with Holiday Bowl people and they decided the only solution would be to install 12 fivepin lanes This sat line with everyone except the Major League bowlers With 13 teams It would be necessary for the loop to have the convenience of 24 lanes The Barrie Mens lilajor League consists of 18 teams and each Wednesday night the fellows turn up at Holiday or nights exercise with the big ball When the contract was drawn up for the Majors to roll at Holiday it was decided they would be given 24 lanes to bowl on Everything was running smoothly until the ABC people took look at the profit sheets from Holiday Bowi one of their long chain of bowling houses it seems they werent doing as well as they thought they would when they equipped Holiday with 24 10pin lanes Fact is Barrie just wasnt ready for 10pin bowling on such large scale FIVE PINS THE ONLY SOLUTION Besides the American Bowling people wont go or it Allow me to present the facts to clear things up bit Someone once said there are three sides to every story the right the wrong and the truth Im not sure if this applies here but it really depends on which side you take TOOK TIME OUjl from helping the wife do the shopping yesterday and dropped in to Holiday Bowl for the latest news on the red hot debate between Holiday Bowl vs Mens Major IOPln League fSeems the b0vlerswere dissatisfied with new hlsincss project undertaken by the Holiday Bowl management and decided to fold the league While to management hates to lose the business they cant group of stubborn bowlers stand In the way of progress lTfl BARR EXAMINER HATUMMY FEBRUARY 1m HOLIDAY BOWL VS THE MAJORS SPORTS CHATTER By JERRY GLADMAN 11mm who on 50anle an lnrludlnx ll knockouu hm nun or IM nu vulhl any lop mllbwk Imnl Ill ml flied Willi mnml huv mu MI 101 mm mi mm 71 011 II mu lhal mm The mmumlm um um In lelovhhn Mlvunvlrr nl Mad liq lqum jgudon lniflm Na tamemlu lrnm Mllml Heath II HM halts aver lha luauold mw NML my KMrKdy mun he umlnz or Um Tumn In the llul mind It 4113 III For Imn rvunlrm will no nulrl mm In Du cruml mum uiihln In unmdc Hum other Hm NM Kennedy IM Gonl mlltlun nlrurk my 11M or um whim Mk Wu In In lulu the Inn 1mm 11m 011an Tenlm III Georgian Bay mmnllnm ochy rennin mo ngnln pmvnl Ila tummy 0V lhnd rml Mell Exprrm ln dump lng tho lmltr at Hm lmd Arm Lu It 70le Mlh xlllnanmll wln aver ll Ila LHy Fnlnml Hm Inul all but thl nrmllaull fluan mulching llw hm bule In the MM In Ilm play om he 0mm hum Im Mme margin um IfiIIWNIrVIoln will uncqu lur Um home new Hwy MM ln lle II HM Mnmufivln wnu um lmz gun lnr UrIIHI II lumle bk 11 Ilall Ilrlv Itlmmnl huv ufwxu Nlnunrn Fnlll Mnnlrcnl llanlon Peltrhom St inhnrlnn Curl Sunday Sprlngflcld at Buflaln Halllmore nl Provldlnce Hmhcy qubrc Pillshumh at Rochester Enslem Plolenlonll Pl HullOlmwn 29 ll 619913864 Kinzslon in 11 Sudhury ll 10 If SI Iauls I311 17112231 Frldlyl lluull SI Louis Xbury mu mm Fnrl Wayne llullmtnwu Klnxsmn at Omaha Hundnyl ilmrl Klngslnn nl Minnmpalil Fun Wnyna Ill Sudhury 5L Lou It HullOllan Tonlghll Gnmu mum at Cleveland Rochester Pittsburgh Providence at Springfield llullmlnwn Kinzslon Sudhury Sl lauls lmcskaling display by Jim Humphrey 14 nl North Vancou vcr averted an Ontario sweep Providence Quebec Hershey Baltimore Springfield Providence 27 20 157 53 Quebec 2121 10107 15156 Hershey 14 76145 Baltimore 2224 715518551 Springfield ll 21 519116750 rsltrn Dlvlslan nullaia 2317 5157140 Cleveland 2122 816616948 Pillsburgh 15 28 3145178 43 Hochcslcr 1528 7164 19131 Frldnyl Run Plllsburgh Dnlllmoro Hershey Sp nglizld Bulimia Cleveland Pillsbuth Hochcslcr Bunne Lilley and John Booker of Tumult earned the junior dance crown with 1313 paints The junior pair title went in Linda Ann Ward and Neil Car penlnr at Gall Onl They enl lcclcd 486 points Jeannie Marie Sanders 15 Tomnlo school girl won he junlnr womens chumpiunship Thursday Hrsl day of the new day cumpnlition EDMONTON 1C Onlnriu skaters won the Canadinn junior dance and Juninr pairs evenu Friday night to bring the pmv inces champion iolal at the 196 Canadian iigure skaling chum pionships Io Ihree Terriers Worst Bradford Enemy Jim Murdult lmml mmk Pictured above is Ole Parry Sound rink winners of tha District Play Bfillsh Ontario Skaters Win Bring Total To Three By THE CANADIAN PRESS American Lune Enslem Dllehn OEIIHO Junhr HOCKEY Rncofi 25H SllelM 2011151115 11H 711C540 171310I211M 1112 21117031 5125111 mu lmlr Iri PARRY SOUND WINNERS Mudlnll hcrl Im Um all le 0m 11 CHI IL Strikeouts Now it Tum cm 0941mm AL Joy mp Ila film Com fll IL llnrhfln l7 lllmnlmq mm nmm Of ll lmn vm IMI Lynn 11 um Hi anxlll III 0501 Hulhrh Isml um um Ilml lmuu Fur hp uh II lml ILvI 17m KM Lvrm ln IallAlary Iuimgclo mul Erin Dvldw in mum and Odeown am ml In In 010 Man Arm or mm Mum och1 Mama ne llan with in lulur Influx declslvm lnnl Nrtmlh MINI pnlr And unglm Mnl lo Krn Mqu rll Flnl 17an nml Gordan Cun Mnlhmm or Ilm lo um Jim Rpm WWI Iwo IomI Wallnm Illan WI It llfldlngd Ilun Mlml hum Marlo Junior Wallncwum Drrsdcn Knmln lngormll derkh Owen Snund Tlllmnlmrx Slrnllnrd Intrreollrllflc Mtfilll Turunln Laval Monlrnnl Blnhnpl Laynlll Arrndln El lumnnl Drilldl CnIumbln Mhrlln Mnnllnhn Bunknlchcwnn mlnIllnll Junlor Smilhs Falls Hnwkcshury Smilha Fall leads bestals¢vcn quurlnrlinnl 10 mlan Primmse Hull Hawk Ollnwn lrnd brlescven qunr lerlinnl 10 Sflulh Porcupine Kupusknslnu Suhlthrwnn Junlor Wrylmrn llcxlnn Mclvlllc Estevan Hump junior mens cmwn iiis free sknling prnlccled lead taken in com puisory figures Thursday and gave him total at 31939 points one ni lhe highest Intel ever received by junior com pciilor Miss cy Hooker 21 malhcmnllc tucker lapped lhree nlher couple in he Juninr dance Lynn Mal lhcws and Bryan Topping of Toronto were second with 12M pulnls nnd Judith Ann Richardv Suniiy Gumes Manlrenl 5L Catharine Pelcrhorough at Hamllmn Mrlra Tomnlu Junlor Marlbunm Oshawa Knob Hill No MchH Nnflhrrn OMAIIo Stnlur Abfllhl Timmlns ll Timman lands hostelnine nml Hnul Knpuskmln lead bcslnncvcn lemlllmll Humpmy finished almost 60 points ahead of Phil McCordic oi Tannin Taller Cranston Lacllin uc was hlrd Frldnyl Result Montreal Guelph Pclcrbniougju Nipgara Full Weslern Lennie San Francisco Vancouver Eulem LGxue anhvlllc Phlladclphln Johnstnwn Grccnshoro Charla Knoxville lnlernnllonnl Lunar Minnnnpall Pan llumn Cookstown Nips Thornton Boys the our junior lilies dcclded min at the chumpiqnshins Flylsll WELL AHEAD Consul at the Bmle Ruling Club ycslcrday afternoon The rink defeated the Churchill rink and 1115 aflcr lnslng BOWLING 3an 1mm In In man hr lhv Landing mm umrhlng out an 0an In Irml lhe may In Nu llrmllnnl 51min In llve smvlnu wm nlll Kmml Km llrllnr Imrw Elo mw Iltrwnnl Pm and Im ry Ilmmnll Emlv lhlmy was HuM rmh Ilnglnl or Ilmtllcml In We mow hall he dun Nw Irlll Jlm mum mm Ethnly and 15m lIaIy mil wunml rah lu mm Ilm lu Ill Hnlnnv 71L lirvmo Hlil erhrvl llhvl and Jack Um mud om lnr Mudumn Ilnllnml Lumlmfl and mm on kmrhed in It 3me 1w lmvn Hmn and 00k wlnu nwr mmllnnl lml Iluflnml Marsh In Hrnlllnnl Mn VIIIIM llntkry lwnuuu ldlon llw llmdhml Amlm Khhln 1m mllc run ouldmrl Inn Iummrr Tumnln In 408 SnclL Imvlevlr dmnl mm umcnnnl wilh he Incl Idd In many he Ilnntmhlml Held llm Gran nyl Snrll wlll the mm In wnny mm lnnllh Sntll mnklnz hh In Indoor appearance ol lho cumm non mm would rnlhrr be ouldoarl Illa card auldmrl hire minuln su urcnmh Ila my ho hm no Inlcnunn try Inu lo ecllnsu Hm Unllrd Slnlel lmlmr mark Iomuhl Llulo Jm nanny who Iho Indoor mark at mu hm Inxl Itnmn wlll watch hla om mm Hm ulnmln In the swim wome chum pionshlp with 7504 pomls Miss Griner has won Ihe womnl crown lhe lust three years Shlrrn Kcnwmlhy 19 Wm couver was second with 7443 and Palm Burka 16 Toronlo humorup to Miss Grincr last year was third with 7149 he scores an upset win over world Canada Brute Kidd wander bay of mu track may sue hls pellecl rec Kldd unbcnlcn In seven races lhls season lnud world record hnMer Inlor fine New Zon lund In lhc mllc he In An nlu Times nccnusc Kldd runner who spocinllm In Mr and mm ml dlsmncns ha hml glvcn much of hnnro nflnlglsl She ch New Zculnndcr Ilhh harwcicfirdrocsil holhcr le Fool KMAII coach use has ch cc la be Sntll MY Foot Ihnrp and Sntll has burn or mun llme SET IT OUTDOORS son and Brian Bailic alsu of Toronto finished bird with 129 gnlnls In the pairs Miss Ward 15 and Carpenter 13 who have been skating together or elghl years were opposed hy three couples Wendy Vnrne and Jim Miller ol Vancouver finished second wilh palm and Sn snn and Paul Huchncrgnrd Toronto were lhird with 435 Defending champion Wendy Grincr In ol Toronto look Ihn lead after cumpulsvry ligum In re first round of the snnlnr dance one oi lire live 0111 Marilyn Barry and Richard Dunv lap of Calgary was elimlnnlcd ln lhe runnlnz were Marilyn Crnwlord and Blair Armllage oi Toronto Paulclle Donn and Ken Drmshy Ilsa oi inronio Carole Fnrrest and Kevin win bridge another Torunlo pair and Donna Lee and John Mlich all of Vancouver The Mitchell Were runnersup Ins year In tho cvnnl Landing Thornton Each Count Seven he first Personnel are skip Lame hxdhope will Gil christ Doug Jackson and A1 Sdmurr Examiner Photo Unless Kidd Upsets Champion Perfect Record May Shatter LOS ANGELES CF Unless RIDE WANT PARKER IIHUINA CW Hub Kunmf rm III nl Suhlrhuln lmlihrMsrA III WPIHIII lmlhnll rmlmnm Inld Fll xlny lulu cluh pmmrfil la mnlrh any Md fur mlmnnlun luhmlux vulnllulmrh JMUI Imhr Kym mu he Ix rnl nu Immrur uhlalnlnl Imkrr IranUsl lhe ArmHun mmlrllm II IerllrII Ill hnnll la Ingur till Golnz lnln Um llinl Mrlml It nu In Mar 1mm 51mm um um Slaw Kunyu hmh lama Slow lmml m1 nvrnlnz In Um no nlmml rwry mm ulm Hm wk ml mu rrled all cur znnLn lo gm llrMhml be Iln Km mnlmmm HIINI low with M1 ual nml my mr rlurmml in IN uinuln Suva Knnyn IM the hem In lhe Norm Yank Onlnrhu Mlmr ochy Anoclnlkm plnyotll mu Sntlm ArtM nmrwlny nlghl llrmllord Mm South 51mm so Icllnul Trim 000 ll uvcclrd and nnnlhcr anunur nlnn lull Cmulm In In mm II omer ltnluro cvcnlx Al mnll Iluhrnluhlu ILLOOO yunln lhll mum ho um Iluulnl gum hnllmlm Valery nuly IhlV In run lhnl I1 helm heraldrd In whlch rould pnxlum wollll mnvk BY GERRY GLADMAN COLLINGWOOD poor third period emu by the Bar rie Bay Cixy Falcons of the Georgian Bay InmmedlchA Hockey League led to de Ieal at he hands of he Colling wood Shipbuilders the 0011 Inflow Arena last night It was tough one lose any game lsbecause or two perfuds the Falcons wcm Just grant They came Irnm behind twtrgoal deficit Io lle It up and appeared headed or via cry But one flllng the Fal comannotandflmtisa Ulirdperlod gun True to lonn they did not have it alter the The redJmired masked man of the Barrie Mercamfle Loop handled 32 shots many them backhmakcrs He hm la be good to keep up wllh Calling wnod nmmlndcr Hurry Lumley no stranger Ia hockey fans Old Lum had an easy night In kick in out 13 drivrs The unsung hero of the affair had to be Ken Robertson lris ky lillle hcspcmclod rear guard If for no other reason he Finons should have wan for Kenny because he worked his heart out on the Ice nnd ale out on Ihn bench mglu The Falcons extendedlhelr lasing shank to eight straight lhe longest of the season and all but killed chances at captur lng playoff berth Mldlnnd Flyers one point hack the Banleiles were Idle last mm but have game In hnnd on the Falcons lhe Falcons have four gamus loll on he sched ulentwo oi which are on the real surprise was Jnhn Peck Reid subbing or regu Iar goalie Don Friday Night mm maid poor on hls last visit to Collingwood 124 loss came thmugh with dandy performance and couldnt be blamed or the lost Robertson Is the type of guy who never slam warklnghe husllcs dins Pushes skaursv checks and fizhls On lhc bench hes bundle of norm encouragement and leader He scored he second Falcon goal on must hcnulilnl play and sparked the club lnto lying ll up nu Falcom realized going into ha game hm ml was lhe one they mm to win and HUSTLING ROBERTSON OFF 10 FAST START Kanyo Collects All Four Goals Palean Crew Fizzles Bow Shipbuilders BRUCE Mum Buck Farslund rounded out scoring at the 915 pol on Izumuonnhlu play Jerry mm look nnd ll upperm1 in on Forslundl sknlo was mmionat mly our umm nmnlll on he Mixqu and il um Falcom Mill have hope of mnklM um playdowm theyll ham to Mt ho vldory lrniL Anmhar km Ind Umll just about IQ NOTEH The Fulton play llosl to he Shipbuildm the nnrrlu Amla mmnvw nllrr noon wilh km NIH back In nc Ml 11w IItlcons um um ul In mnvorm once nznln uslnz he 911 mark of me first an unassisted goal by the bad guy Smllh Smilin Smhly picked up loose puck and 1111 cd rising shot war the kneel lng Lumley Slam Ritchie no that one back minute later nlso unasslmed He warned in on the right wing and pulled Reid out or an easy sho Near the end of the mum Peck made great save on Reid but Don Kcith slrcaked In in lip In the re bonn¢ But he mm on goal told the 50m in the lust the Shlpbuildors polled fluid with 15 hon one while the Fnlmns managed mere six Calling wnod x1ka qulckly with lwn ion In th um 01m mlmlos Andy Grunt nnd Dill Hagan mdl 1mm one mm the nlde of me nd mirilho mnrkmflcobmél It made lilo dmcrcnco llmlgh because the game WM my Im the lcp will real gusto The Shipbuildmsv anxiaus to lulu first place for lbal home game in the pnyols mic alo 91 for llu Ht They both goi In rca start but Ihc Falcons were lmll overcast11ml quua oftcn ghve Lhe puck away Thelr passing was on for Um but the steady gnalkccping DI Rcld kept them hi there The Vvisilors started rnlher slow In the middle frame but surng buck slmmzly nflcr Rab mtsons goal The final stanza was probably one of the slum Reierce Jack Shropshire found it necessary In uses only seven penalties iour oi which went to Barrie One oi the guiliy penis wm Falcon centre Al Smith with his first penalty oi the ienn Al is be coming somewhat oi hadboy laier and even went as 31 as pushing couple oi guys in Midland ihe uiher eve Two oi he Shipbuilders who escaped penalties were John Taylar and Dan Keith both mnstm at the elbow and slash lng cchnlques um lime Taylor nearly look on Mac Fifes Ilead with his sllck but Shmpshire missed it Smlth allowed up with second of the name an footer mm the blucllne Ho grabbed clearing pass mm Chuck Edward and MM lha flying mLssile an my goal botmd lhe lmme ended Sn ue with new We humming mm Ihe Barrie benda cs the year team doing much The Ship builders Intent on prflecung then lead dumped the puck ouLof their awn tone whnn ever possible and played de Iensiye gamarunlll the end FéLCONS STRIKE FIRST Midway though he second Jim Nixon grabbed hot one Irom Andy Grant and skated in on the Hub side to beat Peck with low drive This put Oalllngwood lwo up and things began to look bad or live Falcons men came Robertsons any and dandy It was with Kenny making the whole plan He do ha puck from an opposiklon ddcnceman pushed aside ano ther and broke in ail alono on Ilumley Fully aware Univ Icyd bdng weak on high Ken faked low and sent lil zlcr over Harrys hand lldd Aprolbslql lo Shnngshlry Eflfifius SWEETHEART SPECIAL mowans rorms the ar litre they lvcy refcfed rfined wsl vcr In sitwlon cu Ernie mvcl the Wing vnu AWN vft eV Reid he lwecn 1hr pwee Mme mm 53 Agaln no sm Ilfhlning Own 5L Shot Gull BY Barrie 04 BY bllinlwood 10 1581 FAUON 40 lMd db fcce For Incxnn Reid Arrrrrrumh lwrrs Fmith Clarke Stnliarl wrmn Kcnsl Alr Fe Edward Boon man MumMm SHIPBUILDYms goal Lum lcy fccwcc Robinson Riluhie Hill Taylor Gram Iorwnrds Forslund Nixon Reid Reid Rnwn McLean Hagen OFFICIAL Shropshim LFnlcans mu 2Shipbu1lders Mobil Shlpbulldcrs Kellh Taylor Reid l9 Penalties McLean interm ence 1222 Forbes elbowing 13 913 1052 Second Period Shipbuilders Nixon Grant Roblnwn Falcons Robemon Falcons Smith Edward McBride 1710 Penalties Smilh tripping 656 File Hill high sucking 1211 Forbes Interment 1510 Shlpbuildeu lean Taylor mm Shiplxxildexs Hagen Hm 15 95hlpb1u1ders Porshmd Rawn 985 Penalty Forslund Imkina 1600 MR WILLIAM TIDEMAN He mmkca lhat 11ml Elcclr Molm wlll mmlnua xlvo IL cuslnmm lervlco and quality workmanship has incc managed ha clcclrlc mater dcparlmnnt Toronto rclrlgcmllon company and duran Hyd ml tramway conversion was an inspector and tech nlrlnn wllh lhclr INHIC mm or divlslun um lhormnh ly nmillnr wllh nll phase the clcclrh motor lrndc lllll hl wife Corn nml Ms dnunhlcr Dabble um Imkinfl larwnrd lo coming bark Harrlm um nnuva Bart and was friend and lormcr employcc 0m Battle Elec lrlc Mylar Founder th lnlo Mr Harold Han IIEWINIIING HHIMRS TO ALL MAKER Barrio Elmrlc Mohrl has nut ownr PA 6M0l BARRIE ELECTRIC MOTORS Third Parlor Flrsl Period referea IA Jack

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