Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1963, p. 4

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Momma rm um Infl In my mun numi ma llllulnn myle um an WAILI IAIAH ILAIGHY Mirnllluw Iqu Mum um mu mm llllll OLDIR Cllllhllu IIhlnlvflul ll Iii um I3 lvvllv IO CV1 Ilnlh II lull In UniHa yur mu use hm mum Yuma Mlllll IM Dillllh mm on lmun mu mt 01mm 1m no cumu nu 5mm Iml Vnmv mm Ill mm tinfilm nny mpw rut um Ammm nmlul rm Auan numu nulllkmn an im in urllmv onnma In lvJanI rm II huh II Ill um It Ir Manna run lnhn nu In yumT Barrie Examiner Feb 1943 Aid To Russia tag day in town netted $1111 bringing local fund total to $4592 Gordon Graydon MP lor Peel assumed uties in House of Commons as leader Progressive Conservatives Mrs Gray don ls former Dalsle Giffen of Sunnldale William Marshall elderly ni ht por terat Clifton llotel Allandale rutally attacked and robbed Walter Preston 71 mnto Apprehended next day and com tted for trial Dalton Mc pougall 24 itCAF kll ed overseas All six hotel beverage rooms forced to close at eight oclock Saturday night it was pay night and all ran out ol beer learly llarold Webb lleld secreta for Canadian National institute for Blln addressed Kiwanis Club lie said there were 75 blind persons registered in coun tty Mayor Donald ltlactaren receiv ed letter lrom laul llledy ol tewistown liennsylvanla commenllug lavorably on ttlie Barrie radio broadcast from CPRB ho Illeanl Calling of married men he twecn ID and 25 for com ulsory military Lservlce started Fo lowing protests alrom ilarrle provincial government de dried not to remove birds and animals from Springwntcr Park 100 llonorablo me was originally and intelligently designed to take care of victims of legit llnnte unemployment it was method whereby moneystrom the Various contri butors paying in good times would no uumulate fund ample to provide nec aryf assistance in bad times ms originally conceived the fund skouid have been continuously solvent liact as recently as six years the fuhd had accumulated reserves close to billion dollars Yet recent report indicates that if unemployment this winter is roughly the same as last year the government will have to put at least $74000000 into the fund to tide it over till the end of May For some reason unexplainedper hnps because of that national inlerlorlty complex we hear so much aboutmany consumers go on sUghung Canadian made goods In favor of imported pro ducts The Imports do not have to be any beuer or any cheaper the simple fact that they are made abroad gives them salcs appgal polnt ls comment made by Canlet who operates three shoe Iactories in Canada has interests in two ln Italy and ls now enlng branch in Italy that will manu acturo exclusively for export At news nonlerence Mr Carrier displayed two ladles sandals One shoe was made in one of Mr Car lers Canadian plants and was marked Intelligent effort and businesslike me thgds are needed to put the fund back on its feet Such effort must be based on clear definition of the meaning of insur ance vAnunem luymcnt insurance scheme shnuld be se suppoxting and this is pre ctaely what was proposed last winter by tthCanadlan Life Insurance Officers As 9ctatlon The association advocated sep aratign of thetn51xrance and wglfara auctions Wye Act Censumer Deals In Realities The work lo rule pro ram origlnnl an In Brilnln sccmngly ml tho oiled in slowing Ilm ponlal service to mnrk ul dogma and lhln without any open llmlndlenm lo ml but merely by ad hcrinu lo the rum Welfare Should Be Apart grom Insurance WAR DAXS 29Y515R A69 WORK TO RULE FLAN Clmlhnm Daily News Cnnndlnn mtmen nro rcpnrlcd vnllng iatrongly In nvnr of mlopllng work In rule program an nlcp lnwnnl draw Inu nllcnUon lu lhclr demands for salary lncrcam minadas uqempjgymeqt lnsurange mm mm The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher of the Unerhbloyment Insure Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publlsher Brian Slught General Manager mum FEBRUARY Amic DOWN MEMORY LANE It called for an end to the federal con tributions to the fund benefits program to help workless people whose clalm to insurance benefits was exhausted and general assistance to jobless who had run out of all assistance The payments of seasonabie benefits to seasonal workers was not insurance added hrieHmm the Canadian Cham her of Commerce Such people should not be able to claim from unem onment in surance it argued Some of causes of drain on the fund were listed by the Chamber as some married women some pensioners and loose 101 tests The married women should be able to prove at least some attachment to the labor market he brief submltted and some pensioners drawing retlremenl or old age pensions fare not really 1n the market for jobs This separation of Insurance from wel fare is the nub of the insurance fund roblem Bolsterlng of the fund by Dom nion subsidy will be no more than stopgap The Ion term pian for restoring the fund to so vency should be based on its return to the true definition of Insur ance Italian Crafted in Toronto The other was imported by Mr Carriers company and was marked Made in ltaly The significant point is that the shoes were identicalidentical as Mr Carrier point ed out in materials workmanship styl lng and price The one made In Italy is the one that sells commented Mr Carrier This Is the one the store buyer decided the shggpershquld see The shoe buyer of course is only deal ing in realities in stocking the product the consumer will favour Unfortunately since the consumers choice means more employment In Italy and less in Canada it is not possible to say that the con sumer is also dealing in realities Duncan lileArthur Slmcoe Centre lliPP announced Lorne Corbett Norman Perry and Mrs James anlefl injured in collision of two buses on ng way 11 Paul Bud Fisher elected president of VON Work steadily grows annual meeting heard with 2405 visits report ed in past year by the nurse Miss hic Nnbb llirs Agnes Jobson installed Vorlhy Matron oi Hnyview Chapter Ensi ern Star and lillnnlkln Vorlhy Palren lliiss Jenn iinmilton prior to entering Vellesiey Hospital as nursein training ieted members of Barrio Nu vieliesl llirs inrry Young also on tertained in honor of Miss iinmllton llirs Fred Crowe enierinlnod in honor of llliss loan Webb who is lo be married to Delbert Cole Blizzard led up roads in district CNR passenger trains from Allaminle to ienelnng Ind Meniord were cut off and no buses running or two days Alvin Iiiucki Jones and Ah Demnrco iormor ilarrie unior hockey slurs brought mm rovidence oi AilL lo pla wli Toronto Maple Leafs ior weekem gamer Vlih ilnrri Lum ley in goal iinrrle Lions juvenile iockey team bent Orlllin 54 Barrio scorers were Leighton Clark Jack NixonI blur rny Richardson and lb Bowen lhe quoulun nuggesln Ilnolf What nor of rules has the service which nmko rimsle the Inconvcnlcnclng thus put ha exhuqu rcgulallonu mnko It legal lo slow down the ucrvlcu malls ace why not rm them bdoro they Became source lrmlhln loslnl service In Cnnmln Ix reasonably adequate nr Inndcxlunlo at llmcn lolcmnl Canadian pubic mu up with ll Iomllllnns Ioday are much Illlrmnt mul hnprnvml mm whnl lllry wrro hvtwcch the MI wurhl warn LEGAL LOTTERY Calgary Albertan In our vlcw llm me or mllonnl loucry not tlul It would otter pain lm way of rnlsing until but that would qrovlde mum conlrolllnu the pub Ics gambling lmllnclot nlluw lug Illa Insllncl In be expresst with the lml possible harm In Indlvjdulll and lodw who Vllhoul lnoklnn Into the mcrlls of lholr roqursl most Cnnmllnns would probably llko In 300 the posllcs get more monvy llul sabolaulnx the postal vicu and lncanvonlcnclnx the public may nol be loo helpful ma be that lhcmxcrhcc wnuld bu holler horn wow amno uljualmenl lmlh rules and wages Silence 0n Thé Share By llqgh gym ln Silence On The Show Mr Gamer has wriucn grip ping smry boardinghouse me In Tomnln Without any ex rlnnnllon the title sun very nnppmprinle to lhe subject Na IO however when ynu read the lines at lard Byron lrom which the ills when jll is no In the alarm nor In he mils We feel hcnumbd Ind with to be no more Eul in ma allotsilenca on ma lost except jiulu liIe Thcso llncs do lpply lo number of tho Inhabllnnu the bonrdlnmhouse in question hoarding housu typical other In tho area The people who Hve In this house on cilher younger people rum Ihu working class on lhclr way up or older people ram lhe middle class who are allum or on their way down Ihyflmlly 101ka Mu Hm pallcy pmpolnl he Mbcrnll wnlhd out cw wuh nxo And no unllko that whlch Ihn hmuxhl dawn an 11 TRUE 10 LIFE Mr Gnmcr has aucccedcd ld mlrnbly In crcnling lruum llle atmosphere or this Iype of tslnbllshmcnl bath in the MI fly DON OHHARN TORONTOle he Proxm Ilw Commnuvuexcusc n1 Torlu have pulley unltmrnl Goal Opponunlly In lo he Iludlcd at lwndny annual Innding or PC pmvinrlnl WCIann lultr lhls month Them number nl up pmon mlnl Jusllcc rcu MIHIC dovrlopmenl elm And urh him Ilntcmtnl n1 lhrnry plug Ilrmiud umlllc pynpnmln Thu lnry IllllmCfllhnWtVll Mrmily In much mm cure In lhnn than at tho olhtr pur llu nclnx lha party In power ll unl flay In and luou wllh ntw on AT THE LIBRARY QUEENS PARK Till CANADIAN lflEM PC Party To Study Goals 01 Opportunity 11m dulln mm Prlmt Mlnloler Wlnllnn Ilurrlllll mug ncruu he Imlll In am III mosl In mmll Secnml Wmlll Wnr Iwnhu yum nun May ln lMIuhrll nu umwnlmi In IIonldhnl Illmnell va Ill le th Iml my will MIMI In tmfln worth lh llrllhh lmlrr mlend rink mulnn mum at Hm nr mauled lnr mm Ind wnr flllllfllll mm Iho Unit1 Mam Ind mlml WI Ihnll Al of mm In in not wrahn nr ll Ill 7mm colonlm mlml nl lnuhlml Inl 11 Hull Km nuuubrkat agpglnlwll inv nu alpolnlvd ml Cludl my Silence On The Shore Tells Oi Boarding House TELL ME BOBBY HOW DO YOU PUSH THEM IN TODAY IN HISTORY llng and In he people who llve mm The character are In teresllng especially Ihe land lady They are mostly as you mlghl expect an assorlmenl at odd peopla nnd mlsfils In splle ol the 1m hat some them have exceedingly nasty charac terlsllcs Iha nullmr sympalh ellc Io them and convey Ms aympalhy lo the reader Thl partly because they also have somclhlng llkeable or some slrcnglh Mr Garner mu their posslbllillen and redeemlm qual iuu us well as lhcir nulls though lhelr Inulls may be he must nolltcuble There ls not great deal 1210 In book but therevaro sumo developmenls The reader can what happens lo the churndm and keeps trading on find em Inn lhrywmll mull npmlc under mm In tflnIMHIMI ulml Grncu mu the lnndlndyu In on lho mos lrrllmlnx people Imaglnahlc but she can Ihow unexpected and real kindness us Mr Gnrnurl ducriplkm ol her as lirsl seen by new len nnl Waller anlcr period He heard In lnsldc door open and close nnd knew he was hung Inspected by cone II mum no lnr nilcld Ihcrc lnglcal quelllon Why Wasnt lhII done Ion All key lcmrnl myl Inlklnl pallllul palm he hm m4 mu It Ion In uIvanm 0r do ll rrdritlfili Kdalu or our pcoplc llul II II far lrnm hldebaund And on Iulpccll lhl men who drew llmonl at mm ymmgwanldprcrrr la lune urn man INNna lnl llun ll II PC lrndlllnn hen or in pan denrim IIIII not been In KI alum And whllu lhc llohnm ndmlm leullan mm mu nvvmrh nml MW Imlu munl In humI Inddm Izmir II lhl rm mlgm nlm mun nulvlm un mm lhn unrlyl om IUMXJHUL IUMNO AIIEMJ ernhlc minim in IC documenl my menum aljypuulnl1 TMI mulllml Inn Man lhnl wly may Inlm la Mullnl mnlm an cl III major lltdon and HIM lurh pmrnm II Ill In wle MIL In wle mil mm mum um um wllh my advma Man In plnllormInd II Mme leni Hm gumnmonl ulnlnully vlll hm to In IM mm 50 do uhul It can In Inn mllnz upansion nl penn proxrannm unhmll nu drnl loam mm 3600 to 51000 yenr And lhrn lhrowu In sum completely nnw Ilufl where rnn lhnl Onlann AnuaIly In over nll IC document qulln lm lhlnkinl compm In whn II have been um 10 In lhe prtlnu humhln laynll II Mld In Hm Conwrvnlh Illgmlinrd cnltmr mum 1m in ambudxmnn FREE THOUGHT slandlng In Ih vesllhule The door wan finally opened by woman between lily and sixty her short brood llguro hidden benenth nondcscrlp dreu over which she had thrown an unbuuoncd cardigan nor am wag pulley 31nd shapclcis hut UARBOIKS GRUDGE gurdge ngalnsl life whlch she lake out on some or her room en She Is drab and vulgar an incarrlgible Ilgn hunger md prior Into the clrcumslnnm and doing cl her tenants For ex cilcmml she ands wrest ling matches and member of he Sun Lovers Club xla by lwln set of badly lmlng tnlsa leelh ller greybrown hair was lame and held In polelon by several careless hnlrplnl that lhrcnlened In all nutwllh every movement of her head She lixed hlm with pair 01 cold susplclaus blue eyex Among the tenant an Mr lehUool who drinks and Waller anlct Mann man who scparnlcd from his um lly nnd wnrklnfl minor ed Horinl Job whlch fines not mulch his nbillly Then an Mr Mm Un an old cuckney with lame lcu Sophl Knrplnk mlddle nned Polish newcomer Alina munm prully young III who belongs to my smut evnnxellxnc am In Lnrnmcca French Cnnndinn nmlly who have lhe on floor and Clark cmnin normnice young man dclnrmincd to gel along In flu world nundl rnllul lady by ill mm in IuHIrInl mm burl mu uybnn om cmwdlnl nn problcml lmludc chronic Ihmuln ol haullnz ofllu racy 1mm and puhllc low mil Ihnmll ol munklgul lunnpormlon In In ho pholnxrnphn of flu Kremlin Ind other pldumquo Mom Illlll rhkh Sovlel lu thorlllu munlly WM 0r mnm maul nl ma pmhloml rlnoly tom Iain auumcrn Thu 5mm mlnw II mm Ill rum lu win It major Nubianme hnllxlnl Ihmlnn DURING ALT um 65000300 rub haullnu rmnrucllnn In lhelr m1 budm TM II whom hull lhn lmal hudul 50ml lulhor Mlu Ml lht value nl IN IN Illl lrul In no wsz on 1m fimld provnlnndn hlph duly learumly Ihnl ha lmpmllvl lmmlnl mmlmdlnn me In Momw In werlnl mm In ml up uhmplncp lrnnl IluwA nu Um rlly Manor Illh pulmny 6500 MIL luau mnunlq Mr urncr has obscmd hh denlb wry shnrply and dc rrlbcs both place And peopll ividly Somcllmu loo emnku corrmcnl whlch hnw real In 11 Ill book II rich mlxturl 01 load and all humour palhul and lrnncdy odd churnclm xhubby live and shabby qunnm Icm lo be ten Alice at lilo nl ha ha mn ll In banrdlnz haum on ma lrlnln nl Hm unlvay lrlc In lmnlo Majo Problem In Moscow Now Is One flanking Shortage MOSCOW MP anw TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH By JOSEPH MOLNEB Mm Den Dr Molner lmtold have calmac anolgeeye Have you ever helrd drops put In lhu eye to treat catar act 11 an onerallon ll neces rlslllunerlmls Were all sensitive about mu eyes and eyeslzht Its re traction error and ca he cnr rected by glasses 1011 think much about it But an operation on the eyaWThal rounds glnrmlng Amunlly as now performed II isnt bad although guess hardly anybody really enloyn gnlnl In hoapltal There hnvo been times when have odern male paln and sedative arev used More and after the nur sery to take care the natural nervousness Its an operation demanding precision but dont think Id call it xerlnusnne exgem in thy eye healed lanscs are filled to direct the gm rays to the proper part 01 hr retina the lab done by the natural led In the eye belore the cataract clouded It The new lenses may he spec tacles or may be contact lensel whlch are coming into greater use or ghh purpose ca arncl actually chemical change which cause lhe lens of the eye to become cloudy thus grnduallyprevent in sufficient light mm pusy lug rough mm is nu medicine which will correct this There have been claim from lime to me Some people were mis taken in their claims Olhm were deliberately oiiering their LONDON Where do we go mm here That was the flue lion tired at Prime hlln sler Macmillan by Labors acllng lender George Brown alm Frnnce lmd rudely and brulnlly endcd lhc neznllallons lor um alns entry Into the European Economic Communlly He Will not alone In asking IL The same quesllon has been heard on all uldes an lhe people or Brllaln surveyed the wrecane or the governments hopes of playing major part In European unity and pmgrcssl For the answer to that burn In question turn back In the Commonwealth Prime Minlum Conlcrcnce held lnsl Seplcm bar and to he proposal mndc lhnl llme by Prime Min lslcr John Dielcnbnker Can Ada He above all amen mull have an Inner lense anlly lncllnn lhnl now with he and lo umpu blocked Ihu nrllhh xmcmmenl laoklnu la lhe Cammnrrwenllh cnunlrles ha xhr partners Erllaln In the Europcnn Fm hade Area nnd to flu Unlled Slum for lar wnrdlooklnz program min expnnslun on uvrldmlda ba Mmcow omch ny 100000 Muxcovflu nnw llvln quip lm 1m yenr nul Momw Inn 1an at rnll 00000 yrar or In It lhm ml would amen ofllrlln nu mnnulnl in lo Imp mall am hi head pulHou withqu luhmnllnlly mpmvlnl Ihr Ia al IM vul ungodly whu IIIII In Iuhmn lld haul In IMAM R00 Thu nlllrlllly pmcvllml unl llry llvlnl mm hm hm ll nlm mum mm Iqum ml pnmn 11m 11 about mu at run Noll Amnknn bathroom dnnl hm th lhc In uvm In ml lhen In an An l7 puma lo Inch room In mm Unlnn In pmun III melnl lhll lhru hut mmllmu ha dawn poop up unmlnl lnlu an mom You mph hmucnlly muml mm or Ink ol pinto 1m more hnvg been no alms the nrllish people ar Ilrillxh lndullllfllllll mshla lnr panic Ilnllnn hccnuxc lhc abrupt Franch lermlnallan me Com man Market tnlkla Nalurally In the Inner zavcrnmcm clrclu hue ll annayance dinnpolnb meal and van Inger Tho an or waa ovldcnl In he ward uml by Commanwcnllh Mlnll lu Duncan Sandy WM he lurntd la Landan lrnm rus Itll and mid wmpandtnll II Inc Damian alrpan lhm per cml ol Sovlr populi Hum 11 cnpllnl xtulnl lhoul nine per rrnl cl lull nl llunll upwnwlnllum fur haul lnl mnnlmcllun N0 PANIC ETATIDNS REPORT FROM UK Catagact Actually Is Chemical Charige To Commonwealth Britains Exes Tum By MtINTYRE HOOD mulled remedierhecausu they knew lplllbla Mpla would pay mnney lor them whom Bl avnldinz surgery However mcdlcntlon pan bl hel to thls extent Slnoe ll pro lem essentially lsthnt tlls lens as It clouds doelnot ad mlt enough light drugs whch dilute the pupll wlll permlt some added llght to pan lhruuah In In rim case and the right tlme thla can he helpfuL The time vagleg because there at which ll cataract urns cloudysometime last same lIme slowhln some cases It may not ever lmpalr eyesight Em cataracts never get better and If you aint see ndequnlaly surgical removal he onl answer often asked whanhll shnuld he done It used to he he custom Io allow cataracts to ripen but these day In dr clslnn de and rather on the need or mprgvlng vlsIun use hl eyes or close work should have surgery much mount Ihan lhe person who doesnt Ive known ylenly peunle who after the operation vehemently wondered why Ihey had put of In long Den Dr Malnm have varicose ulcer near the ankle and It doesnt mm to heal se tell me what do do MJ There no hope belng ahh to heal that Iype of ulcer with out medical attention and hen It Isnt casy unles proper step are mm In mrrrcl the var case veinsthe basic use of the trouble er up ulon and it has been reflected by higher sham prices on the London Sinck Exchange Is une reilei in the period at uncenninly now at an end and thin Britain now know what lies Ahead The marl was well dzlined by Prime Min ister Macmillan In broadcast in the Milan in which in said We were laced with lhe veto an misguided man who leaml Io lhlnk hal France Europu and that he France exactly In line wllh whnt Prime Mlnlsm Dlefcnbak er wanted tho British 10mm mm to do In September Had it been done then valuable llmn would have been lulncd but In the Anxiety in Her Into ha Com man Mnrkrl Brllaln lendm turned den In Mn mob tnbakcrl Idea Now that Francs hna lmmlly kicked Brllnln out he SCH moul tlnnl more renllstlc vlew bclmx taken of lhe chlcnbuker nllcmnllvu and It kth ln became the keystone of Drlllsh tcanomlc poilcv hr at lens ht lmmcdlnle lulure We xhnll tnkt mmscl wllh 1h Cammonwcaflh countries guln as in what hcsl lo he done and he mm with UN EFTA and wllh the Unlkcd Slntesl ll anynne cnllIlcd la have deep sum of mlluncflon over uhnl hm hrnncurd nml nnw lmppenlnl In the prim mlu Isler Cunmlll whose vlslnn of cxpandod Cnmmamronlh Md world lrndo now likely become mm lcnllly llnflom hum II um luuu Ihlch nunn Incl lld Md In lhru mruuvu ol mfll III the whnla IfVflldMA I31 Thu rlulrrh Jruu Irlul lha uhnle tlmrrh and cm II he thurch uhlch IN body in us Ihlncly uumlnl and dlrlnrly unlnlnrd Imlru men hmby Jmn cnnllnucl In work In lhr wnrlnl RIRLF THOUGHT GET LIABILITY INSURANCE TODAV Ill my mu 111 lrlzhunllll wunl ulwlnlly you Mk II hllily Inmnmre Man vllhl pmmm law lull mum wlm out your mum and err Mr at your lmlmw EN MI lor mung mu lmmnu Mm Dill IA HUI MALCOMSONS

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