Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1963, p. 13

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Wclrl mum limflnr lo muml urvko Awly unUM In um um Mm In 7m 1mm Elim In HINT FOR THE IllllDE AND UHOUM Watch llmlllud Ads nr lcmllc urnnum Ind up plum lamina mmm mm In am mulnl wk mm on 06 III III III CMMIIIVI rIIUflI in ma lymva um um allnvlu ul hall lull will fly Em on lnfminuu m1 no nm Au Hwnufn Mm Ilml WIN4 wmnnnm nu vm umImmn rth No Munm um 1a mm mm puma Lum um pm run mu nunYu fr mm mum nun mm mu rlv Unlllfl lllnnl Mn Hump Mml GIRL FRIDAY NEEDED NM umwny mum mn hlnMion new Mania infillwa Wynn Mud Car No Necessary Discuss this opponunity with ml Sale Dlmwr our local emu CHRISTIAN MAN NEEDED hill or paRWMHhflmo anlly Experience Sundny deoL mlnlslry helpful Elm 00 weekly and up No com petition Wth John nudin 20 2131 Madam 51 can Excerlence no nacwary VII are mature ambitious and care we will themle Lain ywa our expense will be assured of steady cm ploymenl slmstaMIal yearb earnings plus many other bon uses and company sponsored benefit plans No age barrier MACHINE TOOL FlllERS Night bill 40 our mm sum am Friday pm mo pm or mm 171 aui Home Impmvcment VDivklon of ran Manufndurinz REQUIRES TIME STUDY Experienced llma study man or local companyl Prior ex perienm messary ml range benefils pension plan Apply Requires the services of rep resmiative for Barrie and area man we require should be 25 lo 50 ycals old married bendable and have the duire to heme part steadily xpandiny and energetic organ izalion integrity and sell discipline are me impomank than prev ious sales experience Succul lui applicant will be given um nuyh mining to take over ex isting comedians Young men with drivers licence required by Danger field Iotors to fill the position of junior clerk and delivery man Ayply in parson tq FINISHING CARPENTER WANTED HANKA MODEL KITCHENS RR Hwy $0th BARRIE ONT Io HELP WANTED TURREI ANI ENGINE LAIIIIIS MILLING MACHINES RADIAL DIIILIS All mu mll ll mndt DEVILBISS CAN LTD BARRIE ONT SALES REPRESENTATIVES NOW IS THE TIME To look Into llm AVON Opporlunlty Call 041551 or lnlurvluw The National Auto League of Canada Limited TOP COMMISSION FOR APPOINTMENT WRITE PO BOX 2845 LONDON ONTARIO SALARXED SALES POSITION DUMONT ALUMINUM hlwminni Aw DUE TO AREA EXPANSION 40 MAPLE AVE PHONE PA 51879 FEMALE HELP llnmllon bru Day SIT MOULIERS DANGERFIELD MOTORS Parts Department Manager OPPORTUNITY 65 Collier Street DON GIBSON 7M tnmmunily plum My slmdy mnlar HIM um Ind ml oul Iheu under own llflm Thry Me lnl Inn1h In lam Imlll In muhm whlle My 11 uml In me number and mm plum lnr Ihlu on tho Mml Tlutlr Inna llrmml Slim lmry mlrl lvmluru ha run In landtm to pay Ihn 3000 new 517 hr lh In ol the II an INTEREH Sunounvlnd by rulm turn can run Junllu Ind mu Ilnd nl lncy Illn4 70 mlln lnullwnl or Much ln Qumw Inml nub Io llrllnm hm II In human coupla nml Dulrh ramm Me Inlnl ln lmlml Hurlr pulrrl Mdrly Ivy Ihulnl all murnlnnl nml almlhlvlnl muury LONDON HolllenlA Iml tommnnlly which In hnvn nIl Iho Inlwu In NDMKIHI ol madam nodcly ll cm In ul up Ila ulnpln on Irorlul vmdiu hllnd all Im In In April 0n the said properly ls said to be in comioruiblo brick dwelling with six moms indoor mnvonimcos and good will This said lo in corner propcny with More and Post Ollicn altadml In mid dwelling house The property will be altered whim In reserve bid Tenm Ten per cont he purdiaso money limo ol ula and balance within hilly day lhmnllcr Funlm partle will be made known at the lime al nlo Ind hi the munlea may In loamod upon application to he undersigned STEWART ESTEN MCTURK AND MILE llloflinrcol Solloilan llmic Omarlo TENDERS WANTED 0n modomlxod Mum building mm from 101 Imxlnmmly lhlrthm by 1lequ m4 lull hMeman downtown low on Firt floor Mimics hund md aqua mt Sound floor um room Apmmonl Eighteen Mulch sued Danie urio dem rlm Mnmh nlx remix 1w PO Box 561 For Ippolnlmml PA 700 Mm or my Met not nommrfly nmlhd WEDNESDAY FEB 13m 1963 at 100 pm The allowing properly Fan of the East hall oi Lot Number 24 in the Sevcmh Con ocssion of the llovmship ol Om mom parlicularly described as follow COMMENCING al stake on the Noflh side of he ilidxe Road at the calm limit of he said Lot THENCE thuly nlnng the said eastern limit 20 M13 THENCE Westerly and at right mglu to the laid emun limit DATED at 11mm Jammy 14th 1065 THENCE Soulherly paralch with lhe said caslcm llmll zl rod more or In La lha nld Ridge Road THENCE Easlcrly alarm the said mdge Road lll Llrfllm line mi more or ks to the place beginning containing lire cighlhs of an we more less saving and exccpung lhermul the most northerly 100 col the said lands VaJuabIe pmperty In the Town ship 0m Under am by ylyug the powerov sale can tamed in emain montage whlch will be produced the time sale there will be or ered for sale by publlc Audion the fillEflIFFS OFFICE tor Barrie and terrltory to represent one of Canadas leading nurseries Must have car Earnings above average We train you and assist on sales Year around employment té the one selected I2 TENDERS Tropical Island Is Chosen Rs Site For Groups Utopia SALES HELP AGENTS LEGAL NOTICES Court House Barn by Jerry Ooughlln Audlonc WRITE BOX 142 Compbellford Ont MORTGAGE SALE Salesman Or Saleslady MALE HELP Audlonccr nw mun mm In nunr ulrmnn lorlzlln Sllnlm mu In Um lm um ulenl llc mrlhnds bum on Inuwlrdia rnyrholony In nlocl nmn hm and will move In In Hum Ihrir lnnmr Ilm and sur vuvmrllnu lo 1m In umllnvln Ion 11m lump Io mm wnmrn Inmam um luvle or we Immnnlrd glvln nmn nlmul mm unplul mm fill Illlvllm uni mm mm In ler nu lnrlmlrd In the puly 11w umup ll llln lunhlnunr lmlnr Mrmhrn cl Ilw mmmlmlly Me Mulldrnt lhey lure luund lh Meal misty Allhnugh mnln qunllflw llnn wu myrhnlnxlml IIIM Ily nr lhl Ill Ihrml llmu rhnun rrpmenml hnlnnml ulmlnn prnlwlnnn lnrlud In murmur an cullmr IIIHWI lrchnnluxlu conlmlnet nnd 1m 0er Ilnnrr More Ilmn 5000 unrmnl lrom many cmlnlrlrn him Inqulred mm liking part In Ibo Von mm CANBERRA Incuflrl Se curiy nxcms lodny presscd search or the mlulnu lhlrd man In the Skripov spy cue The Melbourne Herald say hi wal he man in whom flu nlan made radlo lmnsmlllcr wu lo have been dclvcrrd by woman tnunlcrspy The mnslurmlnd 01 II II lucd my ring ll Sovinl diplo mat Ivnn Skrlpuv ordered am ha couner Thundly on chums he made clnhnrale prcpnrullons or cxplonngc Sqdn Mr Francis Mc Laren above at Kingston 0111 and Ll Ian Me Konzic below oi Cnigary both RCAF pilns will receive lilo Gcorn Medal for bravery in exirlcaling the two uccupanu of hurning Chipmunk miner aircraft at Centraiia nntlast ril it was announced Friday Winphoto an of tlllll vlllnm along Ihr Gull Carlnlh FrIIIny nluhL klllnd our pcnom nml Injured nl 9151 olhm Scum hnmu wlra wrecktd Pallu nld max at lha vlc Imn hm hm lnpmd In heir hoch whrn lhl vlolcnl wavu Ilrurll MOUM MAUNGANUL NJ ReuteralQueen Elizabeth and Prince Phlle today huddled in slrnnl north wind to which surf Illssaving carnival pop ular sport on New Zealand beaches Thl warn wuhrrl avrr nvrn mllu nl the win tuned man Sand and Iprny flew in lhe faces of the royal couple as team mm many nm or New Zealand compeled his hrlak on Ocean Beach lure The Queen nppcared absorbed 1n the mm which high lighted Ivehour royal visit to the mount this beach art called Ind the nearby my human Seek Mastermind Two Decorated Wave Strikes CAPSULE NEWS IfAleg Gmca ANA Queen Prince Philip See Water Carnival FRANCIS MtLAllEN IAN McKENZIE WASHINGTON AP Izor Casslnl New York society Ml umnls whn write under lha name Cholly Knickerbocker us been Indicted on chmgas of falling Io register as publicity agent for Ihe late Dumlnlcan dialaloy Rafael ijflln Mr Ind Mrs Waller Klnlon men couple of day In Sug uenay Michigan with frlmds map of Mend and neigh bor me Mrs Earl Wnrn Iul home to honor Mn not Green with slork thaw er Mrs Green mccivcd many huulllul Ind useml mu Games were played allowed by lunch served by the hostess and Mrs Ben Lee Della Torre lha sixth whllo to he killed by Negroes In South Alllea lhls week Flva whlte were killed by Negro mob urller In the week as hey fled lrom car lrnllnrs whlch hurl been let an fire near Engcobu ln lranskel OTTAWA CPD nnll unam nloymenl insurance hmd will go bankrupt wllhln two month rcllnhle sources lorecnsl Friday Bennlll unymenll wlll be con lnued llkely by mulumllllon dollar government loan to the lund The slate at lhe und will com from In 26m Parliament with radhot polilicul and financial headache Some basic charms mm necessary In view the funds all rorn 1956 peak $915000000 Cusm younger broth of Jacqunline Kcnncdvs prrsonnl drug dnslxner Olen Casslni called the charge untrua By runs mm Sorry to Mar Joe nckkers In Royal Vldorla Hospital Barrie HI chums hops he will mn eel helm nle chool euchre had the following wlnnm Mn How Ird Pcnny Mn llulchlusan Angus Dare Gmrn Jullln and Ken Green 1110 nexl euchu lll be Feb It MO pm LONDON AP All acmu Europa lodly thaw cracked through the worst men Ike cenlnry bringing flood and landslide The death toll cuppa la near 600 RI louvned earth slithered down on are village ot M1rolil Ion In central Greece denim lnx all building except the church and the school Police warned the 800 vlllngera In time and they find with thelrliw stock Greek Alr Forca helicop lerr dropped tents and rupplles CAPE TOWN Reuters whit Souih African huslnew man Armando Defl Torre about so wn hacked to death Ffldly night by Iroup of Ne groes In Law African Town Ihlppeq here my French lmck um mnnnlu III In Tnnmlo Mlpllnl nflqr In llpml lhumlh er home only yeImlny kllllna HICII alxhl cthun Flmmn nhl Mr Funnrh had Allen lulup Inn lllnl an In mm to Indict Cassini Thaw Continues Mob Kills Going Bioke RT NITS CONSOLES HIS WIFE Howard Mnom chairmnn oi the national iurborl boardil under ilre in the Mnrilime ior remarks made In Monimi Wed nesday concerning ihadeveinp meni oi winier nlvigaiian on iii Lawrence Wednesday re port laid Mr Minn described winier cvoiuuon on the st Lul rence as natural which the Maritime wouid have mop as being in best imeresu oi die whole country Ampiiiying his remarks he said the Maritime wouid not oppose winter naviga tion as sodi but would oppose massive snbsidiniion make it possible He laid the devel opmoni oi Montreal on winier port would enable ii regain lraiiic which now com vi Uniicd Sinics pom Harold Wllson 4a benl righ wingtr George Brown In lhrcc sided cnnlcst or leldership of Britains Labor Party Vllsnn nilrd to gel mnkrlly and runoff vole was nrnnged or next week AP wlrcphma The Paclflc Ocean cover one thlrd In amhl mrhce nnd Ill conuncnl could uslly Into lu 61800000 lquln mllu mm cup ul In or Ills Emu IMI no1 om mull mm Ind lho lulu bo ume red um um nler boiled may Ileth and louthed In dun Party Winneg lmr Under Fire HAROLD WILSON HOWARD MANN VAST PACIFIC CP Wlnpbalp ROYSNN 130 CF One at tho In the trail noel ulllnl Illlpl of U1 century but ended hexuny ll breakwnler or umber compnny in thin communlly 115 mllu northwgu of Victoria THE BARRIEEXAMINER SATURDAY FEflnUMlY 1963 For men Jenn the Ihlp which ulle undar tavern nnmu had been In And chin buggy cnlled CZ No am when aha wu launched In Scotland In 1301 the win Kraut 3000 on our muted trqus clued Comet one fleet of hue ulllnz Ihlpl un der the British flu hum ta curry cueoil or United 8153 03an Thu Ialllnz hip or wn al ready nearing Ila elm In x901 hul here was mu pro in nulnz min with Inn capacit Icl And no pretenslom to speed nupm was built with thin The cm In whlch the voyage in be made wlll be double hulled canoe perhaps 90 feet long Already line kaurl Irecs Ideal for canoe building have been offered 1mm Mnurl forests lnnnrlhernANy Zenlnnd find on Inrl carve have oflmd to work on tho crnn They Include workmen renowned for lhe artistry 01 their ormmenlntlon tn historic pattern and designs splen dld canoe up to he best in dmona race of llne carver ll likely to be produced or the voyage OFFER HELP In view Now New Zealand descendA an of these ancient voyager plnns to undemka long ocean voyage by Ilmllar mans Mgluklul marl lencher and Im driver for months has been working an preparations to trace in rcvcrsu Ihe mlgraHons his lorehlh ers who me to New chland hundred of years Age The Mn or journeyzd In canoe through the chain Pacific lands probably mm as far away as Hawail OTHERS WANT To Go Melcklnzl hopes to navigale canoe mm New chland to ma Kormach and Cook Islands hence Pamela and eventu ally to Honolulu Since first announced the plan he has been besieged with applications or places in the crew But he pracllcal dclfllll of lhe pmch are Inklnu much detailed planning driven by paddles 1nd by road ma tails of tho klnd used by the early Polynw Ian voyngm Many lrlbcs WELLINGNN CF time when European bo ume tenfled when out at sight n1 land Polynesian navigaml wen making epic ocenn voy am zeros lhe Pacific in rail canoes Barqué LogBhdChip Barge And Now Its Breakwater You Still Cant Beat Natural Cab Driver Plans Canoe Trip From New Zééland To Honolulu Complete Appliance Service Depot TONYS APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE PA 64142 GAS InlSOfl the WI told to Ger man owners who renamed her tho Gram Ind put hu to work Insulin nltrnle mm Chile During In World er me win Inlgrqed in wen com rt and Illuman la 1mg nlemta and ranmad lhe Jame Dollar Bu than was no mm or millm ahlpr In In postwar slump In might um Ind Ihu WII bought by Vancouver towing rm Ilrlpped and con verted lnlo log bum Lanl lull while carrylnl Ion from Ocean Falls to Fraser Mills the ran Izrbund nor how wen holed And her keel willed Then the win condemned to rust away with olher Ibandaned hulk the Roman hrukwn Mr have offered In contribute to the work of building Ind Hulnz am the canoe Meleklnll has ound no dlm cully In recruiting Mamls with apechl skills such as navlzal on wllh mane mnrinen lick ets He also has an experienced electrician and radla op om Hours 830 am 530 pm Sn lll 12 Noon TO PLACE YOUR COMING EVENTS NOTICE Comlng Evonn noIIcI ho econamlu way of Idlelng In Ibout Ivuryono 0h rm tponsorad by Indlvlduah crglnlnllonl or ovhor onnrprlxu Than 110 an dilly In Th0 Examlnorl llulllad Adv ling ncflon USE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE PA 82414 THE BARRIE EXAMINER T0 INFORM PEOPLE COMING EVENTS AD OF YOUR GROUPS Meellngl Social Event Fashion Shows Entertainment Dance Instruction Claus Sport Event And Olher Occaslonl dcparlumm approval or the voyage Include pro vllo that thu canon be mad with 31on device unknown In lha day of flu ancient Polynw Ilan nlvlnlorl orator dnca Ihe New Zealanq Finance remain one of Rh malor roblems and and If lllll be 111 nought for the van lIue Meleklnzl am an deplh cm due II lnddlnlta but that the voyui will definitely b0 mldo US WALLOPED MOSCOW AP Thu United smu hockey mm pupilKn for the warld champlomhlp tournament next monfih In Stockholm wok Incum bud bullnu Ftldny lolln to the SW vie Union 120 Three dm no Ihe American loll la Clechor InvakIn 1M TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA MIN HOWEY ELECTRIC so mm 0454 14 mg

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