Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1963, p. 1

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um nmuhlrllnl four In Ilrm Ih mly mlay Fm mmm ulflr Dnmn nllmnlrd moo MN FRANCISCO EH hulhllnz Irhldl nmuhlmnu mmme TID fillmmly ml lily rlbnllmlnd nllml 70 eleu mm Hu HUI mmunl nnndlnn wlmor mun mllyl III 51 mu liqom mm In the or In Hwhwim Ital lmxl Ikml he lwhllna mum In 01 llny IWlld only our car on hm lurvnlr Mum llrlrm by 1min Mochy Mk Juhn Uni of Truman FerryPgilding Has $100000 Blaze MN ANTONIO TM MP Khan Jam lhnw who hm Item IlMWIKiMlI Ilium mach 19 llrd Frldny unnwnn lhnl rho hml harm hay Fahllo mu Ilellvrm by rueMinn dim all Hm nrfldflll Only One Car On Time In Rally mnnvm HMMT Mvmcm HomerD TM mrrnnllnu Momran nowpalm rm occnn urnrmmrm In my run lflnlun Momm and la llqnldnln lwir vrwerly DETROIT Ai Negro iiomnn Cnii mile nun lmn orii wumirrl dictionary and history icxlimk uni In Cl nmchinl admin in im nrrixllmsc oi iMmli 51m laid geeks Mm uninlr in Nrumel Moflwr Man lmricin of UN Xiinlo Skier oi lmviilmm ohkdui ha ildl deiinilion erm permn inhnglnu any hind Molth Dies Unawarebi DETROIT AI WlerrI dlcllnnnry EAHIKMHI will in Nov MP Am Gcrmnn run hrlsllxm Knnlmnnn IIvunlnum rrromnny perfumed Cunll formerly mu mnrrw no Govt Asked To SuppresvsPaiJerk mun um Negro Nun Objects To Defiriition mm BRUSH2L8 AP leading European pollllcnl om hns cnlIM tor Common Mnrhl summit mmlnu ulllxln hm mnnus la mm the lulum mine at Iho lhrivlnz mmmic mmmunfly The proposed motlan among Mad mm of mo alx Common Market mumriea would mow lllUll on mlum entry Into the Common Market NEW YORK MP Govcmmcnt nzmls aporalcd trading wmpnny for four nr Iivu months help 4an evldmco ngnlnst 20 mm award mallnx $500000 mmh of mcrdmndlso lmm Nuw York plus US Attorney Ruben Mornnlhml bald tr dny Warrant or the 10 mm usual Friday Early today 17 swdy Actor Tony Curtis Marries Again LA mrmc More Tgllgg 0n Common Market nuscm snlud power In mil1 my revolt In 1950 Earllcr broadcasts by he now pro Nasser regime had laid uypumnl Kmscm seized power In ll cvqu In 1950 mun place lha caplure ol Knssem Indhllaldea by armyth whn singed llghlnlnz revolt Frlday me broadcast sald Kassemu brnlher ln law Brig Fade Abbas E1 Mehdawl and Al Tnha Shclkh Ahmed an lraql communlsl agent also Wm oxeculod acmnllng the Baghdad radlu report quoted by Cairo mdlo El lllehdnwl was presldenl mllitnry tribunal whlch rlcd Kan opponqnls nllcr In mu 17Are Taken Into Custody Mrw vnnv nunclll mm hm his lop linulcnnnts Eughdud radlo announced to 12 BEIRUT Lebanon AP Rebel firing squad have exo culed Iraqs overthrown Pro mler Abdel xKarim Kgsscm and 0w NEWS BRIEFS Iraqi Rebel Junta Names Interim Head iha exccmipns look 99m Yur No 34 For Examiner Want Ads Tev phone PA 82414 mo telephone number to cantor the Business or EdItarIal Deph PA 67 Our Telephones ARMY UPSET IN IRAQ look place of Knssem 91 rebels perfumed by Judgo mnrrw ndmu Jnuc nowpalm hm hm my run only newmnp Ila llolr vnmrlv ll wnl Rm Prmcluul Myrnmld my mu unluqnnle ml llrv Innlml Mm Hm up lnuulM under mm umdnh Ink mun mu sumclnl Ilmom Mu Khan Jon AerM ml Ilnm raffle nxldml Ike lhnl uho hml harm mm tmnnrlm mflm mm munllu Adar lony Cunls J7 nmrrlrd Inn Friday In In Iimplo Iw um ywpm Indicating Ihnl nullCommu nlst who may not yet hnvu extended hclr suprumucy ev erywhcro other bmadcnsls urged people to mm to crulung comma and enlist to dclcnd the revolt againsl Kn Iema supporters Harder and airport rt Knssem was destroyed but gave no details of his reported death It was believed by somn that he could have fled from his beslelcd detenee ministry and made good ht escape by but on the 11m River Another broadcast today Inld that the bodies of two at Kan mnr lieutenants ha been found by snIdIers In the rubble ol the bombedth mtnistry As soon as the announcer read his statement th niece were kn nu In were mad Hauler has mat MI death be ncnlh the eel of lhopooplu lmllMuM an lullme uml In Catholic IMmlt Sim L111 hofll Hm Mnry lmrlcln mmrhrr ohde ha dldlnnn Ilurmlnu in mm Mm mum on 1m kn Hue Mor nowmnpm IUMNMI in ll wnl dildoml today public AP erephoto my lymllpm udgo mrgo Mnrrlmll Jmld Iduh pup crjlldznl nullbommu not yet hnvu err nflhriol Mn ho ex dnlnml How do Hwy Ihipl dry land Our nlxymmhl you Ir qulnnz when he now xllmflu Id an Inn nnlcml would ar rlrc wan lnkl mm It lmd be nhlpml rum Chluuzo nwn nttnnllnu In hank rmpluynl he all vml la wmkwllh than Mm Ill llnlwlwl we hunk In ullmnlml mono Coll Ahmed Hmnn nakr wm nnmcd In Imud lho cnhinct an prime minister Hair hm botn dlqclmrxad mm nrxn lry Knmm or Hillpccltd Ian clpn on in ruvull ngnlml hlm In 1059 TIth mlnulrl Inlrr man marrhnl In who at lha ml hull hmlr lmlll chum llme llnkrml wllh Iluo wlm unnuumm erlod mm In communique nmndcus by Baghdad rndlo Am was eolcudtr the bloody rcmlmlun lhnl hml brought Kumm to power yum nxo lxul Inm wn lm rls unrd by hlm or nporlc lu Inulnnllon nllcmpl JUST THE TOOLS OF HIS TRADE IIHTHIZSDA MII MU mm lrldny has lvrflnch bank In lkllmdn Nn Val Hamlin wnl mlvlml by Iekrhnnu lhal III elec Illral mill norml In In nmlamled Th chllur Arch in mu The junta ordered crack down on the Communists And lhmugh the night an nrdcr wns npcntcdly broadcast to the pa llce and Ihe Nntlonnl Gunrd annlhilnle Communist nxenla the Communists mnnnxcd to go their xupponm on to Iho streets bloody rlotlng might lead In All nnnlhcr govnrnmcn lumovu Maln threat In the new rcglmo appeared In mm mm Iraqs well organized Communists Iomelimol suppressed and sometimes lolomlcd by Kim 52m ORDERS CRAQKDQWN Syria Iraqs norlhwesl neigh bar clascd own borders and braced for possible trouble mm Illa proNasser nggv regime Thy munUon Jn Demnkm when pmanser xludenlr hnd dem onstrated against the govern mtnl lust manlh was described as tense malncd sealed mm lhe rest the world and Iraqis were wnmed that vlnlmarn or cur cw wnuld he shot REBEL FORCES mm Hal banlyn nmw were re ported have led push whlch crushed regime Abdel Kur Im Knsscm In Baghdad gitJans ONT bulir 7an Krruvdlnu nu upon uumlm nl Mm mlnlllm haw Prime Mink mm lnwrrlul 1an Hm Conunalln purl nu qu uld In In In mlonnl III Yank hlnu muld do nnlhlnx lml hum In Canada Inga Innmu HTAWA CPI film pm mm mm npoflod bulldlnu up In INp nnllAmnrltnninm ml or he Mull mlnml rlotllrm um mlzn ulllclnl Her or mall on pnrlm In ha Inn lnr lumenl my Hwy Mumin ed In do what my am in mm rnl Inch an Ian dovnhpln and In low ANNIan lmlrn an llleronl lnuelf Thh wasnt mod enough rm ommllbn undrr Vlnlcmwyn who walled ta hww Why only 11 pvr cm he Amerlcnxu uolnn Ahmad mm to 04mm mmpnml lo gun per mm In ma Trva nnd mbllrlly Mlnlnm Cauwnrt uld mlgn tourism mm about unooowo In your In Maria and Alan will lhn mancy Canadian er51 xpeml In um mvlm nddn up In £01000 ourhl lndum nnd imbucuy dcmencnc mu lo be Approved TORONTO cm man atom brewed In the legislature Ffldny ovcr what the Raven mvn dvermi sl0ooooo 000 bualnnu or he vim1m mhour banngo ol quu on and mnan Mt ha 1065M fallmntog of he lmvol Opposition To Prefient AntiAmerican Issue The raw might break Pnr Ilnmen even helnre Tuesday Harold Wilson rantrunner for Ihe Lnbar party leadership was reported romldcrlnu mlalng he mnllcr when he opens dtbflh an the Common Market on Mun uy mm dance he xnvcmmcnks dISA pleasure at the French veto bar ring Britain from Common Mnr kemembcnl Correspondlnll were told that the scheduled Park leIt next mnnlh wn called all because Margaret has dulles home while the Queen ll touring Aus tralia and New Zealnnd Bu than was Aptculnuon Ihnl ha cancellation was urlhcr evi dance he Knvcmmnnkn Uh Charles Paaael Labor mem ber ol Parliament said he plans to call an Prime llllnlnzr lilac millnn Tuesday invth House Common lor an explanation PannLl said tho cancellation on ghvarnment advlcu is fun Hull Billion Dollars Goes To Tourism LONDON AP Princess Margaret began qulet week end In the counlry today while behind her In London row built up over the cancellation he vlsj In Pnrls Meg Spending Quiet Weekend Some report had Knssem slaln in Baghdad Alr base Mosul was said to be mp portlng revolt AP ercphaln Map Barrio Ontario Canda Saiurldly February I961 10mm nuvml lxlm lmlrr In nllnnpll In uploll mm Hmurn hflwecn Canada and lhv UH Many olwervm doubt luowuvrr lhnl Mr Dlrlmhnler uuuld um lo km hm dl tumm um nl rnmvnltm Mindy qumlon hmuenlly In whrthrr nu Cannonll our plmlll on Cnnmllln mural my and made In Cunnda pol ml wm II II calchn mu unrul lh an arm of chluvl In and null Amerlcnnmn ma Nu prmnl mm nlnllm b0 lwm he luv mull mum clou In prim minhm qwfiofidlfllho nub uh my qu Mn mu Hill lullmm will be Ill lulu Lnlhcnrl mid Ontario um Imml mmnlon mu 00m mud for ma US mlrlu dollar 11 ll mm mm ml 15 rm of wrist apvndmg In 0r an0 7mm hack ho xnvrm mm Quecnu Imk llmuld be willing Ia pump real money In In Mala dcwlnpmcm cl mum mom in nnld urnan Ibo pmvlnm la mm 125000000 to build yearmum man In lulu rrglnn unpaid handlan Inga tonvmllom llu charged 1th Mb CnHIch had evaded lho real prvl an mmmlna tourism In fiend muth walnut or dkmulon at tho rud lundnmentnls The govern ment Modal policy of lcltnco guide ll UEKGFZE WENan said Tho lnnknrs mum wwuld have ggknq her through le Vera Atlantic Refill She la main somewhere In the south Allaan between lhn weakm end lhu Gull Max lcelnnd Norlalk lha coast guard Slncq noon Thursday When ha Marina Sulphur Quenn was due at Nortolk Vn there has been no mrd from the fillMt lhlp converted tnnknr of Sec ond Worm Wyr vim NEW YOMJAPlThennlr and uel search mnllnued May 101 mlsslnz Amerlcan maker with crew of aboard The US Coast Guard dumbed ho caplnln as punclunl man who omlmrlly would report by rndlo ll hla shlp was delayed ihalrmnn of tho Conscrvalive puny parliamen Mr ac was reported earlier this week to he one number minister who sought ML Dielenbnkera resignutl Bl rulme minister US Tanker Still Missing Air And Sea Search Continues um un awms The office was checking personally with the prlme mln ism and In the meanllma had n1cnqmcnl telép one check at the prime ministers afllce 1nd cnted hindheep caught un Hees nor Mr Mr Sevlgny could be reached at their homes or olflces CFRA sald it had received ln tip about the resignntlons and that It understood statement was to he Issued through Mr HeesuyICp anon The source confirmed up per broadcast earlier by radio 525$ng CFRA era was no Immediate re action from Prime Minlsler Dlgenbnkers alum OTMWA CHTrade Mlnls ler Bees and AcLlna Delenca Mlnlster Sevlgny have resigned lrom the Dlelenbnkcr cahlnet rellable source told the Cann dlnn Pres today The source snld the resigna llon would be formally Ill noyced soon Hees Sevigny Reported Quit ml hi ll wu lnevllnhlo henna cl Hut mum at the which will be mud If lnl background us crlldm CnndIn flatnu pollclu Mb Imm Ml Ivldcmly new yu dpllala KM Mn the mlnoh lly DIclunbner 10an ln woman anwhlle on Highway 00 rm nlonl Ibo propefly 1km lnx lho old hlzhwny hm hm cut down and bum DHoun hnvo Im mnflrudld when lkur Crwk krmku mu lho mad our time wllhln about mllo Elcdrlc WM cnblcl have hm mm on pole at lent 50 Im buck from Unlr mmr human with Ihvfl lme drlvlng mndonn on Ml Iodlm hluhny nmld dmoflc Work lmpmm lllghway so hn mmlmncod roadway lhrwxh the bush 1mm ch dnle lo cormsalm of chra Twnshlp has been cu and heavy machlnory hn mmv td me much While how machlnm am busy lnlckl um haulan sand and build wlda madbui 11w Sulphur Queen Ion Beam monk Tm at mm Ins Sn urduy under lhu command Cnpl Fanning that clly The ship opcmlbd by Marine Transport UM Incorporated carried load of moflun Iulp him can guard spokesman Inld such sen would have put the decks of tanker awash adding uaol Ben Ilka 28foot nu to any other ship Another must mud olllcln anld however he doubted lhal llool wave would minuva disturb lnnker the size the Sulfihur Queen although Ian er Almflnr lo the Sulphur Queen lho Plno flldn bmku Iwo all Cape llntlcm In 1960 and seven um wm lost Highway 90 Worked Over Aland1h abfithcnstmt mast fir mumed up mag 14 he Mr Hm lormar national president at Ihe Progresslva Consurvntlve Assoclnllnn lnld reporter Ins weak that meal Ing group cabinet minis tor In his private onica hm day was simny aimed at suck ng way of shoring up the gov ernment for non confidence vole scheduled In the Common Ihnl mini Ihe lame Mme pressed by reporters to declare whether he mended to seek reelection In Ins Montreal district consum cnuy of Longueuil Mr Sevlgny said am member of the team vigny 45 created stir Thursday when he Issued press release announcing nnny lrnlnlng plans and described hlmsell ns mInlser of nntlonal defence He Inter told report ers It was not at him to say what his Mute would be but mm as matters stand am acting minister ML Sevigny has been associ me defence minister since 195 and was named acting minister last Monday liter the resign ion Sunday of Deience Minister iiquness lnry caucus and on Thursday declared the party was united Iorlheficomlngfiprlll election an My Qwflb fiWJWfi cy on but Iald now Id mlcum Corpornuon an allow only or book vnlue payment lmlend fair market value III the companion uh Tho mmpanlcs have obtained an lndnpcndcnl npprnlsnl vnlu hm he Em Ilnllom at 51500 000 and the CnItcx Ilnllnnl at 11500000 Altogether 53 in ulnllnns and other Amerinnawncd proper Ilca were taken over by he noxmmcnl his Imml COLOMBO Reuters Fl nnnco Minister Knlu gnlla said today the whole world will condemn lhe US lIIcclxlon to suspend aid to Cey Gfl The US aid was cut yes krduy nflcr Ceylon failed to provide ndcqunlo compensaflun or he nnilonnllzed properly two American all campanlca Essa Slnndnrd Eastern and Cnl lex Ceylon Aid Halted Minister Protests fifishuuv said wth nd mil hl gum completely and hqhlmsgll wlll gsllfy lo IL ynnes ac livilies were nint project stated by line British who then shared their knowledge with the Americans Wynne was ar rgsied in Hungary inst all and extradited to Russia where he has been held on cspinnnga chnrgeglinm lung nvembcr case oi Eriiisil businessman Grevilie Wynne Khrushchev said Ruuin would provide complete pron of 11101339 CIiig€ljgffll him uyvufi Ha the signing of years treaty with the twa Germany would he the best way to 1m prove ngIPSEVIe relallons He declared that are were no Soviet nuclear arms on Cuba and said certaln number of Soviet Imps there were merely ruining the Cuban In the use nvgl weapyns He dismissed the den of third force European bloc n5 expounded by French President de Gaulle and said Russia was stronger thnn the first second and third lanes altogether Khrushchev wn speaking during twmhour Intervlew the Kremlin with Canadian newspaper magnate Roy Thum MOSCOW Reuters SovIet Premier Kilnuhchav today re jected the ruggesllan that there might one day he Russian AmericnnBrltish axis oppnsd In Communist China snlcf Hg did lnvesllgnlfmi ha IThn day will not come Denies Any Nuclear Ems Still Remain InCuba No Mora Than 7c Per Copy hn Clearing mntnz colder Io mom Low tonight HM tomormw 20 Far aomnpleto lummary turn to page two Khrushchev That by will not come We shall nlwnyl be Manda wilh Ihu Chlnuo and hero will came ma when he workm chm In hrllnln and tho Unllcd Slate and olhcr cnunlrhI vlclorlauu Then we wlll Indeed havo onn happy lnmlly lho world ovr Thomson said look lan ward to the day whtn the 50 vch Union Brltnin and America am all Eolng lo be one big happy Inmin opposed to he Chine The Sov lender quietly re plied We Russians have pmverb whlch my that when duar lrlnnds unml hay an Just nmuxing Acmsclw rcplicd quesllom Inxly Your Rudd and made gesture Ihaugh cut llng his great unnuluu um Khmshchcvl common on China canm alter he mm erred In Iha Chinese as our 15qu nnd hrolhcrsf And can ulso assuro you lhol ll you wun to know all about hlm on can go lo the Brlflsh 1mm omen orlllo Amcrlcou Intelligence scrvlco and llwy will all you all about lllm and all Illa he dld and all that he was engaged In and he hlrusellhu agmlltud that Khrushchev uglcd across green bull able from Thom son replied In serious one The time will come when you will hava mmnme pmol that he was arrested or things ar which people should be an rested Torn Sincey chic foreign writer of Thomsons ritish weekly newspaper The Sunday Times said information in Brit ish oiriciai circles gave the im pressian Wénne was not mem ber of riiish any network and his arrest had had very detrimental eiicct especiain in Briinlnr Soviet nIdcs Including Khru shcheva sunInlnw Alexei Ad vzhubnl edltar of thovgavcrnment newspaper Izvcslln laid the Sm vicl nremlur Wynne was an rested in Hungary last Novem her1He than sald Ml now recnl Lbcal Weather Al In Khrushchev appeared mystified when asked to cum mcnl on that Englishman who was arrested as spyJ He re plied what Engllshman Thomson lald mshchev Ihnl If he fell the question was Im proper shuuld no reply Thomson leading 160 British buslnessmun on weekend Irlp to Moscow Khrushchev about the arrested businessman award the end friendly lwhaur Interview In the Soviet lenders Kremlin office case will probably man be over 14 Fund

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