Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1954, p. 8

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t0 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY IN ALL ENTERTAINMENT THERE HAS NEVER BEEN EXCITEMENT LIKE IT All iIIE wnnnsaor CLYDE Bram Aileen Evening ShowsAt 655 St LIII MATINEE Hillsilil Iiiabuiting his way out til the hottest rather any guy ever til Inner an IWAAMN BROSvW iiti or won 230 pm ADULT ENTERTAINMENT NO ADVANCE IN PRICES FOR THIS PICTURE ENBIDDENLOVEAMAZINGADVENTURE Hill TIIE DESERT SIINIIS lllI II PEIIILIIIIS WEST VALL Darius litDMFSON run rIIIIIIIoIIs BURIED Treasure GRANADA MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY tTflE BLOODCURDLING BATTLE CRY THE WEST WILL NEVER FORGET DAYS STARTING THURSDAY ENTERTAINMENT II swept out IiiCult mumuh mm IIni or layer liKINGS or RuherllAliDR EleanurPARKER ti in COLOR Italsand mm willies mini tin bloodWm IN THEl EVENINI ri USE 322333 no STERLING HAYDEN IIIIIII IIII PLUS CARTOON IN COLOR DONS FOUNTAIN YOUTH 7119 funniest ruff tr we Ian 2ND BIG FEATURE dnse Idem For Movie MerryGoRound Tune in CKBB at 540 pm daily Coldflier Commentary Iarmril Inr Jlertor Mrillilllh Ill til MIIIIIIIII Allgll IIII Clitlllil met in Ihe Innrlrh luIII WrIlIItMIIIy tvrIIiIIIl Iul Iatcwtll unbltrgrllrvr willr IIIrIr minx llrV Ii Wlulry IlINl Mil Wig IIy Mr mm In Tulrlwa Imul iivarIl mnl Inkling up new Illllll III MnIkIIIIm iirr IIIIIII ul mumy wnq Ilcsrlllrll IDOTECI WHAT IIOII OWN INSUHE 0V PHONE ltppnlon Sim nlnIIII willI maul Witllm ll ilIo ennuregollou lllalrk lallnlrlnnrln Mr and Mia Vltzby In IlIIIlIk Inn vorlrhlunvrl glii erIrrsvaI thvlr npplrclaiiuu Inr IrlrnIIIIIIIII IIiIIllI In IIIc pnrisiI null militantc given by guano runl IIIrIleIIIInll III IIItIhrring ihn wurk III Ilit LlIIIIilt Mini IIIIIIr lull tlwrrl Tltl fluid and III wiir anti Iwu tuna have been llilllr IIIIIIrII lIIl IIIIIIIrIIIIIl Iarnelvnn Irv rrIIIly preparatory to lIIrir tlclllh line null null IIIrare IIIIIyra and party IE4 IIIIIInII lmm l4ll Channel lev rrII illvrr arcs wIllI Ivn Ilrrr IIII grmIII llcg IIIIIII MCIIIIIIIRIIINI Imnwi live nun Illm Ilncr IIIll Ivcnr were IIIIIIIHIII lmrk by an amt nary wim nunIuI III IJIUII llmlillllll ln lllrillllllb In In unit which rIIIIINI le WIIIreII lil CIIIIIwaIrr gut single Irar Ag IIOIIIJIM MATORITY Malmlly In IIIIIII nI tII illpublic YT Indunclll are of tin Mwlcrn IaIIlI iOBLAWS BRING GUY lOMBARDO pN CANADIAN rv lily Llilllililitltl Ihe Conurilsu win has Immun nunlcul legend In IllirrIIIIiiIIIIIII crIleItIrIIIIanIi rnukrs ill tint npurnrltllcl on gnnnllluu lclrvlrtull alarlinl Dru Tim II III rIpInlng llllL lul InnInn wrvkly ml nn Cunn Illnn TV tnulllglIlIlIg lily Ilitl lIII Ihlnmn 11le Jlllmilnnll Iralur III lllr Iwrulnsi IlllIllC Ill Illll ill IIraleIi IIIo ahnw IIIrIIIIIra all the Invrulic innubanin ptlsunnln IlltsIIIIIII lItIIIIIlIn IMmrn Im III mnI van In Knmy Intri litr Mill Hill Flnrmlgnn Pinch wrvk In Elllllilfl prrsulllllly npwlll In Iru slur unnr lipunmml ny InhInw irucnirh lol the lily imnlianln slmw ll llillil up Iur all lllrlc Quintin lV slnllrurr will It IrircIIIIIeII Hill ll lull JR weekr Itll tanruu allIfalmilan rIrgIIIIrallIIII Tll Inn mum um um hummy Is Ivlnnscrl In reclusiver IIrlnl In nulrtamllnl Cnnarllnn Inlenl In Canadian TV viewers Es ANCIENT MllNUMlNT Ildert IN the tgyptlnn rnnIIIII n1 Iielara was built about 3000 IJC Post Urges Caution AcceptiIIg Unsolicited Parcel Due to the Increasing number or reports which are being re ceived of persons or ilrnu at tempting to use the maib tor the operation at Get Rich Gulch memes the Port our Depart ment has Issued warning to the public to exercise the greatest caution In accepting delivery oi unsolicited article through the malls it was pointed out that the De partment was doing everything In Its power to halt such opera lions that are clearly at traudu lent nature but that In randy hor derllne cares onlya sustained vig ilancevhy the public can bc eiiccfi tive In avoiding loss The schemes reierred to are varl icd In character but most eom only take two iorms One Is the iorwarding of error dered and practically worthless srtlclor through the Post Otiice COD system Frequently the per son who is asked to acecptde livery does not know oi anythirig having been orderedlor delivery in this way hut accepts and pays tor the parcel an the possibility that someone else In the household hair done so In some cases oper ators at this type oi scheme have msde practice oi allowing up on obituary notices taking advan tage oi the enniusion In the home to ensure acceptance oi the un solleitdd parcel The other Is the sending ot printed card in an individual ad vising him or her that they have won lovely gilt package and stating that It astipulated amount Is iorwarded to cover cost at pack aging and posting the gilt pack agewill be sentpromptly Need less to say the eontcnls oi the gilt package when rccclvcd are iound to be practically worthless The Post Oiiicc Department ad vises than an addressee has every right to reiuse lo accept delivery oI COD parcel and suggcsta that where doubt exists this course should be lollowed Annual Meeting Advisory Group District CNIB The annual meeting oi the Barrie and District Advisory Corn mitlcc to the Canadian National institute for the Blind was held at the home 01 Mr andMrs II Hancock on Nov 17 The corrunittee chairmen AF Pugh welcomed members oi the Advisory Committee to the meet lag and thanked them tor the sup port they had given him during me post war Following the reading at the minutes by Mrs chh several reports were presented to the meeting Mr Webb reviewed the case calls which he had made since the last meeting Mi Phllpolt district heme teacher informed the meeting that 1ch blind people In the Barrie arm had received Instruc tion in Braille and Moon type Eys toms of reading as well as In lmthcrwork and weaving She explained how Instructions In these subjects helped Were ngusi to blindness Murdock districtfleld secretary reported that at the end oi the iistol year therc were ll persons In the arm served by the committee By the end 01 Octo her the number had Incrmsml to 45 During the ymr stall workers visited 30 sighllcss pmplc Six blind pcmm obtained raw nutter IoLs ior handicralis Ind specially adapted games and Ippllances 1mm the micsroom department nine received Braille Moon type or talian books trim the library lwo used talking book machines loaned to thermby the committee levm received direct ilnanclal assistance Mr Iinncock read the audiiorr statement tor the Iiscnl year or fimu mm by Advisory O7m MONDAY NOVEMBER 29 I954 Look at Background of Medanle Bay Winrier Co unty Oralorical Contest IIIUslraIes llslNOrlh iIIe Hearvia Medonte school mil who won last Friday eval insb Simcoe County lnrstees and WW Amooialion annual or atopimi contest has bacltlground hiIWwe llqniliunce oi very worthwhile competition Ends II pupil at Mmrnt Si uIsSdmol hair the son of Mr Mao Thoophlle King Mount St Tools and Is one oi iamlly oi ii He Is or Much extraction £1 klmily having lived at Little llomc Bay until about decade deol likean native Muskoka iam ilibe the Kings depended on the tourist trade 01 livelihood Timers and lishoranm lound Pel ers father and grandilaihcr repute able guides in tholr respective than coming to the mummuty of Mount St hauls has stimulated ev culture 01 Its school lite writes The Elmmlncrs correspond GM In that Mcdiorlte centre Peters homel was mistakenly reierrod to 7o Elmvaie in Mon dayd issue oi The Examiner iHls my reproduced as lol lows was entitled Rural Schoul Ployfiimmds and was initiated remrkabie work tor IOoye by the dludleators In it he nrittee Including Christmas rc mernbmnee allowances preven tion oi blindness treatment team wpenses paid by head 01 iIco $1M departmental Chang Ior general services salcsroom Ilhrary lndunplnyment $73140 loin expensm ior iIscal year tor the Barrie and District Advisory Committee $315132 Income or year 8509924 XL Girdwood read the Icpori 0t nominating ccrrunittce which was adopted mlhimously as Iot IowrChairrnanAF Pugh Barrie viewhsIIman William Baker Barrie Mercury Mrs Webb BanIr treasurer IL Hancock Barrie active manager It GlrdwwdBanic Grmcron Barrie Mrs Pugh Barrie Mrs llawson Barrie Mit chinson Barrie Much Barrie Mrs ii Forster Barrie Mor row Barrie Ms Harry Gray Al lirton Mrs Mabel Wilson Al liabon Mrs Hooper Beclon Mrs 633 Mallion Tbticnham Wood Bradiord Associate members Miss Scott Barrie Miss 00x Barrie Ilonurary mem bers Mrs Iaurle Barrie Mrs Meredith Barrie Mrs lemur iintiowaynihrrie it was moved that the next reg ular meeting at the committee be held on February 2nd 1955 More CNR Changesp AI Gratienhurst Grovenhurst Banner Continuing its economy mcos urcs the CNlt next week makes Iurther etaIi changes in Graven hurst The passenger station starting next Wednesday will no longer handle train orders thereiorc eli mlnoling lhrcc telegrapherL All Iralns will stop Io orders at Mus koira Junction In Milan located in the railway yard hcrc Tho oillcc work or the night dcpnrlmcnt Is being moved Into the ulltlnn oiiice where lire will also Icll passenger train lckcis special ticket seller will be on duty during the night The Grill has also madc nnpil Cnilun close Ill line mm TaIII In In Srolia noth ulllunuvllle N0 illMiilPl Into the future Ia thlr plrlura II II at roaonialny unner In ninmlc rrtemh and yrvaiurllen Inllc clnllIlng tilled with mInpmaII air In Mil sealant the tlrntle mlimrllva dual and particles all In IrItaIn Th PETER KING makes asincere and excellently worded plea to the residents oi his herrnc township llis speech was both eloquent and sincere nunnr acnoor PLAYGROUNDE Dy rarer rune My remarks tonight are aimed at rural school playgrounds Per hapa this is not the lime or place in beef seem hold apol ogize Dun observations tell me that there seems In be right time tor everything Else why does spring bring an epidemic oi vacuum cleanermlcsrneni also know that dealer lust doesnt happen along when the old car gels stubborn It Is to get Dad In one or his weak moments Well it is my sincere that tonight ilnd you parents and school boards in one 01 those weak ma menial The boys end girls know are on my side and see look ulmutual understanding in the teachers inces Do ml think am pomplainlng about my particular school yard alone There are low in Ihe town ship more picturesque llIe pass Ing tourists would lino the shade oi the spreading maples an Ideal spot to have their lunch The artist would iirvd challenge in the rplendor at Its autumn dress The springtime meirdy or the birds against that lcsliy backdrop is like being in great music hall But to the sctvooi boy with Ime lnii and Mllflil Ideas it is little more than an enclosure Let us visit one or these schools now passed the hall century mark From the yelling and cheering which we hear trail time must be In progress dust or iun lets loin In the game You are up to ball Willi true Babe ilulh swing you hit the balll Ii tings through the air headed lnl rthI laid but it never gets there instead it finds Its target In the upper corner or the west windowl Now you are in the dog house Another one up to bat pleascl Icli halter Ihls Iimcl sirikcl and rml Tod WIIIiams boll whines to outfield bu not II llelder gels his glove on 11 ll In last in tire adjoining llusIIi Luck lly someone has another In But not or long Over the plale It goes strike lioth latter and oalcher miss II but the pass lng truck didnt as it rolled out on Ihe highway The old rule Over the fence Is nut has been chungrd It new lrutid Over the lcncc could mean drrItiIl We leave the ball game We Imve behind lot that group oi Juniors gazing inadlnlmlion nl their young IIIm Johnny lie is wmvtng Nu anrut and legs in and out me hrarwhvs oi lIIc uvcrlurng lug manic Of course we are un lIJy but Illne urc Iv swing or teeters to burn up Johnnys In IIryl lILIt plnykmului lrt litri 01 Me Ilunleu 115010 norm more hair lcm ntrIs has been sil oxide or In live hnudml IIIuI some ltiwvl tilllliitll Sulnrart the mace Ink on up Iur IIIIlIlIIan ml Iruningc and we have loll the sire IT swiuve ilolri YnII farmers would curmlrirr sueII II fluid such Inn Iqu Inr yrmr hrnll IlIc nkasrwd vnlur ul IIil acre or lzlurl In Mukrnie uveIngII III but to point mil Iu yurl quII yuII WIMIII rtnllm lrvlu Ilitll luvrtlrIIrni You cum he lay Ina the ground work or mine rural Iary girls iiIr wnr ram lrrlvrrrlug IIg IIlIIIIItuI lluw no you klIth lnrt time might be It IrrIIIrr Iilnnrtly if Jatkin IIIIIIIIIUUII siuggillil it out III sun III rmr MrIlonit MIMI yank Am II you would In lnlllrilng Itillliilllildly II alert cllllml Nu culilvrllts um Ian be Inn on ymlr tilts male than lllt playgluulhl rlnnI 11w In uvrrhmr um grown up mun about all in Irlwrnllyr when linw the agricultural n1 lnnwrruw color In Illlnk quwanIvcly II they tlll IIlIl Irsirn Illa ADC III ii ilt In InI yurril In mar livaial lilmilm we itvril In Canada la mi gmwlng Imiitna We are inlvl that her mime InnInna drprnrla III how well Wt lIPl pmvlr Mn nltlllmln lllltlilllKP ltlllnulry lull leer Imialml wmllir In IIthr Milt ll la the learn Muir which we VIII tirnt ovumll lltrIIIL have In tell you wlme we turn the Ins In May In pining baryon In lurk lint um Inn 11 IJrIlIah mintrial use In ills Atom lacludgl an atomic energy power Italian awn to In In operation lair Inul view the Oman nt IntIImw ask you llllll are we we and gtrle worth III Eli Tiered Examiner Section 2Pages to I4 IIIIIIIII lISIEIIIIIE PIIST News or interest Junior pans By JAMES HANCOQK at North Simcoe have ell owed the progress at miss Rowat Elmvale In winning the Eaton Scholarship with deepest interest Several weeks ago he was chosen to represen Ontarioiromanrong the candida who had been num inated bytheir varlqus Counties Thm at the time at the Royal Winter Fair the tlpal selection was made irqmmmongihe various candidates across Canada We have asked Ross 10 report briein on this experience Eolon Scholarship lly M85 ltOWAT It was pleasing and unique experience to spend week with the eight other candidates who like myseii had already worI pro vlneial honors and were meeting at the Itoyaliar the final award The candidates were Ross Hus den or the Fraser Valley BC dairy Bob Plank Alta grain Ken Serdula Eask member or the winning team in 5H giaIn judging this yepr Dave MacLon nan Man Rosemand Caron who gave us all chance to brush up on our lIlghuSchool French Paul alshop Annapolis Valley NS and George ililey PEI We had an inIormal dinner Thuruday evening with the ludges snrlthen on Friday we appeared Individually belore the judges who already had record at our activities The questioned me lur about 15 mnutes on my 4H workmy school record my visit to the MC Conierence and my intentions for the inturc The rating sheet used was as rolloWs education Experience activities In agricultural Iciiv Itics 15 activiilcs in other Ic tivltles 15 personal suitability 50 in appearance poise and speech 15 hi evidence or stand ing in community 15 poten tiality as citizen 30 While the win was to me dream come true It was at the same time reel greet tribute to our Agricultural Representa tives who Wulk so hard to give us In North Simcoe the opportun ity to share thevbeneflts oi HI Club Work and the Soils Proieci It was also tribute to Elmvaie District lugh School to our church In Junior Farmers and to all the organizations which take anllnterest in the development of rural youtbinNorth Silheoe take this opportunity at nylogto all Thank you Bids On Royal WinterJ Fair Beef Were Lower Those who exhibited market catllc at thcIloyaI winlcr Fair Ihis year round prices were quite bit lower when the exhibits were auctioned to the butchers The ll Cluh members tram North Simcoe who hsd entered In the Quccns Guineas Class iarcd as Iollowr Alex aowenloek had the misfortune atohlve hia ll culled Ind It was sold Immedl ly tor Zl cent pound Ivan chand and John Mawdrley had their calves placed in the second prize group and theywere auc Iloned at 2a and 25 cents rc rpccilvely Mel Slrachanr 160 lb licrciord steer placed In the tint prize group and brought 30 cents Katharine Merrya Shorthorn rtccr lhat won the Queens Guineas amnun um pound and the Champion Steer oi Ihe show brougmuss Trip Toiosioin Conodo By DALI MIthm When you drive down the Mag ncllc lllll near Menetm Ind take your loot oil the accelerator your car will slowly back up the hill remarked ll Gvlllor when he uddrcmd tlic VIseyCeIIlrc IIus iunlur Inrmera at their Nay rrnbcr meeting held at Waverley School Mr chlller member oi the teaching stall at Midland lllalrlct Iilgh School gave very IIIKAT IlATLIIUTt Inc III iIIc worlds lllltell har iIuIiI lIIe In Iiiu Llu IIIIIrIrn II Ill lIIllIl ung wIIII Inaxlmum wiriilr til sevrn Iilllll IIIIAIILY Illiilitiiillli Innr iIIllIl It In ncrnn walrr Flaunt is ill IIInIs greelrr that lie ollllmphctl or iii lunl Irr Illlllin Inch UlLVIiIl NOUIICI Mulcul annual pruriIIriIuII 0i Ilvrr In about 51 per celri at tho rIIIIIa errIII liltitlllllll HELP KIN interesting word picture oi his trip through the Gaspe Peninsula and the Maritimes five years ago Travelling through Ottawa Mon treal and Quebec the speaker out lined briein the Impressions which he gained He suggested that the Juniors see Parliament In session whenever they visit tawa Around Montreal Mr Gav lllcr stated that agriculture was not or importance Here the arms are long and narrow with the buildings clustered together Quebec said the eaker was both Interesting an beautitul The Iamous Pialnr ot Abraham the monuments or war leaders ihe meal at Chateau Frontenac Hotel and slgntncant sights all adued to the enjoyment oi the trip Crossing the St Lawrence and gplng eaul one will notice that the landcsape becomes very rug ged and hilly The iorestr cen rlst mostly ot birch spruce and balsam Mr Gavliler went on to say that through this particular area mostly all the birehes were dying This is due In the recent mild climates In his Iravciogue the speaker gave his audience taste of old Quebec when he described the little town at Gaspe studded with looming church spires The pop ulation oi Gaspe which is engaged lor the most part In the mining industry Is comprised mostly or French and Englishvspeaking peo ple Not iar trom Gaspe Ir seen huge reddish brown rock which stands three hundred to tour hun rned teat high This is known as Rock Perec Crossing irum New Brunswick to the garden provinm Prince Edward Island lIlr Gavlller was impressed with the immaculate appearance at the white houses and painted barns surrothsdcd by spruce hedges Prince Edward Island Is not only tamed ior Its spuos but has Iluurluning iox arming industry Alter stopping at lobster lant In Nova Scotlawhcrc the to ster market Isa big busincslthespeak erIterminated his two weekl trip by returning home via Maine and Gananoquc During ihe huoiness part of the meeting proposals were made for the organization or two quartets and trio for competition at tho January Coniercnce to he held at the King Edward llotel Toronto Plans were also made tor but lead tostlendthe Queens Guin eas CompciIIion at the Royal Win ter Fair The evenings program was closed with recreation RIIOfDon Juniors By an norms The November meeting of Illi ODon Iunlor Farmers was held In the YMCA In Orillia Our speaker Wilbur Reed iormer Warden oi SimcoeCoun ty gave an Inlcrtuilng talk on How To Get Started In Ferm Ing pair of silver candlestick hol dcrs Is to be given to Mr and hire Russell Carter who wcra married recently Plans tor dance at Eady Corns munin all to be held Nov III were discussed At this writing we are happy to say that the dance war ialrly uuccessiui While lunch war being enjoyed Mr Tlccd related experience that had on his rccrnl lrlp through he United Slates Mil WI MVNPW SURANCE on their car to cover your cri pexnor DONT IOIIOET TILE IIadIo IIuciion TUESDAY NOV 30 III STEVENSON INSIIIIIIIIEE Eco Us FIRST ior Insurance 01 ALI KINDS In Iiunlap Iil r1 rhona ml HELP KIDDIES oo Bingo $150 SIOGAMES I5 55 GAMES Tuesday till 30 8pm 51 rosarus AUDITORIUM ADMISSION Ito nronnoun hr KINIIMIKN noun or nAnIIn MAIinfill use the fihmiwwbonwm isntDJ

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