IIOW MUCH ENAMEL To ï¬gure how much enamd you will need In recpatlng radiator muUplyv in height by its widlh then multiply by scvcn This will ulvc you lhc urea to be cover ed Your dealer can then ndvlsr nu the quangllyo mutiny malar infySu wln 0mm whethu you In hulldlnx ntw home or lxlng up your pruent xlmlllng youll ï¬nd we have III malerlalq you rtqulu nm at the ï¬lm prlcu Check III In for your netdl Hurling Aniline Bllumlnoul C031 Salvny Cblm Hard Ind Sou Wand Ctmd Portland Yemeni Medan Clment Tlmktn Oll Burnt Fuel 71 SWeaj£mded llydnlrd lee Illlkl P1111 Mull Calan Gzlvanlud Tuvalu Aluminum nonfln Home lmulallfln alvlnlua noolln lulu Up Ranllng FOOT 0F MARY HT IIrnld llnnlln Alyhafl hlnllu Ma Coating BALI PLHNING MILL LTD THE SARJEANT CO LIMITED HVBRYIIIING umnm PHONE 2496 IARRII MONDAY 110129 1951 12 mm mm EXAMIN Isnt cvolullan wonderluï¬ In the palmlithic use man came home frnm hunan he bram osaurll and mom the cvunlnu sn Inxz In dark cave watching the flames lickurlnn lire To day Mlor scvzml mmmns years pragrcss man comes home rem hunung me illuslvyc buck BAnllIF Twentieth Century Cavemqn Hds Own TV Theatré Hem Antlmulle llurnln liqulpmrnl JoltmManvllla Prndnctn Call Stoke lard Wall Planer Brink Flre mm and Clay Flhre man Gvauc ulverln Gymum Lalh Vltrllled Sewn llw Fltldlllc Hand Illd Gravrl ï¬ler and Ctdar Pam Flnll Full and Galen Metal and Wood mu Tramlle llpc PHONE 2H and spcnds the evening 1n 11 dark nnod mom watching the semen at flickering TV SL4 And in many use modern man siill docs his watching in cave bcnausc awarding ihe Canadian Insiiluic Plumbing and Heal ing many Canadian landlieshave unreported thnir TV nu to the baqcmcnt Here they have con Llructcd in what was formerly wasted space proper ihenlre In which TV can be michcd com iurmbly ln surroundings planned nnd lurnJQKd specifically for his purpose The Idea 01 TV Lhoalrc In 1h humu commends Melt or many reasons To begin with the whole family does not always warm to be TVMMM at the same time Some prclcr nnc pragrnm nlhor have lhcir awn fuvarllu In some amllm Wang may mm rhm are membcm who xcn do not want to look at TV at all bu will mend us much an hour In some alhcr occupauon such rcadlng Furlhcr man Hvlng rooms into which TV hal been lnlcclcdl are poorly planned for this 1m cnlmnlnmcnl lelnx roomlurnl mru ls drslgncd be placed in mum or less lrcuLAr armngu mun around the walls at he mum Th mun either mm has In be rcarranlcd In rather ugly arhian la make Tvlcwln mky on tho viewer bave Luann mqu necks uncomlorlnbly to me he shuw The bnscmlnl an me other md can In ammgnd lo make an ldlfll TV Imam plul radln and general rumpul room as well ummuphunu nudllarlum and you like In older haurscs where the mating mam mlghl prove pxublcm betausc In size or Manon the poniblllly of replacv Inn vllh modern plnnl should new plant lake are of the hu bc cansidcrcd No only would nudlnll prublcm bul in addition would providc the home wllh tinamt ml more cmqm heat Mnurn an hénllnl It hn In fncly been the primary mm In upcninx up the burmcm In part ma ltving space the houw And very vnlv able Illdlllonal Apnea prov en 10 be Culculaltd on the hasla 1qu rental value Imit ah nyayn the1051 the new equlymcnl wllh cxlrn comlorl 1n heating bonux Because of their cmï¬poct dulzn modcrn hcntlnx planu lnke up r¢anvoly mue 13116 and mm lrmumlly no accommodated 1n mull mclmurc wllhln mo buc man OKMhtr wlth leh the quI la supply 1mm and IrHfloklnx Dependable Electrical Work For CIMCHHII and FRAMING THE HOUSE Ulnaumm vmng opal Work Llflllln lhturu Shop 54 pHI SO an 93 lgyllald St on nunnsus SALES same PHONE 3230 WALLWIN ELECTRICAL CONTBHCTDHS 010E MAILING Sula Aunlommi ioiglvsovgsflor mang will lapped 01 Bï¬ï¬ed and ledger ship nailed to Iho btam When iohv and do no overlap by lie am used All aim or xuppdlled or their lull depth lapped 10M on nailed iogelher wilh 1hr GAInch null Join org loo nailed lo wood beam wllh three SWIngh gallsledger ship reqUire iwo Lind mail for eachlolsl wppnnod or upporied by tall lLOOR 101513 BER equipment If mlulmi This lcavca the majorlly of flu basCmcnl pace open lo be convex12d lnw hc TV hman Furnlxhld wllh llghl comm nbln maplemove sham the me atre wlll nccommndalc bolh ll nmlly Inn and flood comple ment of vlalllnz viewers Mmolc from the m1 of the house ll mm the mm llvlnz mm lnr whntcvrr omcr neflvldu the llnco TV ll muully vlcwcd In dlm roll the mmlly prrmu And light the absence bl wlndawx 11 na drawback wnn MI own TV nutacre In own ulldmmround cnvuï¬ our madrm uvcmun tan npcml mnny an rvnnlnx nmmuon mum bolh mlnd and body All mud day In lha junlle or modrrn bm mndnnl uan chmc 1nr molt houuhuldm pair mlnbnmt Iman winduw and door Icrecm Window Screens Slmnlml wuy in nmnvu Um wlnlrxu uccuxnulnllon AM Ind mm mm the mtgh brunh Ihomuuhly wllh kclvmw Wm cvupornlu lho lmunnl IHH can be wmhnd nut wluu nu xudrn hm Whllo topper Ind hm do nul mu lhuu rreouu hnve end rucy unlor llxhlrmlom mm and mm In mln drlpl mm hum Tu IUVIIM 1N5 Hm In muh wllll In VNNIL Wine 11 wmlm an wllh cloth or plrcu old mum Ilml Nu mth wlll nnl cm Ironwire urtrulnl Humid be promer wllh Mull umln Ican eman Ippllml In um Mlno manna mum um wnkvned mnml My cm In upllml wllh rlxhbnflfll mm hmckeu llrmly IHIHHI Illh In 11w llnn mp to mln nmrl bull to In wove un In pnmnce Iml lu pn hnn hum ml Illnllnl II ll KinM um plnrd and up an box VlNTHATION Nllblll Whm null plum II lnilh In lulu Mllny ml ll cited Ml Inn ll ml ul nu homo mqu mm Imuod In un huvm 5de luau wlh Mlluy mam FACE NAlLlNG No Cellar Megns Lowei Building Costs ROOMS nannooms nm cwsms cumuz cuo GARAGE 5m nmmsrons 31 Theres plenty room for the average lamll lnsldc The Al chlnaon on In nddmon spnclnus llvlng room compact modemly equlpped kitchen separate breakfast mom and the ï¬rst lloor ullllly room thls well planned home cantalm good alzcu bath two bedrooms and 10 room which can serve as llhcr den or qurourn Sterng presents no problem In The Mchlnson In all mm arc nlne centrally located closets includingan unusually long slnr axe clcuct In the right llvlng rnnm wall Everyone likes homo Ilzat ls well llghlcd and venlllntcd In regard lo hcsc two features Th9 Alchlnson again rates hlllh score THE ATCHINSON 01 coursv In addition making mu ranch ype house more com omble and pleasant to live In the many windowu are damn icwrallvc asscls tor balh the ex terior and Iho interior of the house While mm 15 no dining room pmpcr Ihc breakfast mnm Mgncd to be used as amily cnh ing mum Actuauy youll ï¬nd It more convenient to scrvc many 01 lhc nmilys meals in possiblï¬ Get lnsegiicide Under leaves Many zardtncr have had d1 olnï¬nz ream from mm Just because they spraycd only the upper side oltho leaves of their flowers and huaheL Aph ld and thcr lucldng Snsccu rc qucnkly so hood 51m bccausc they lnsUncllvcly go In Lhn parts of plant which alter the most prolech and the easiest coding The underside loaves is per fect hnvcn and lending grornd or thH Its mod idea to rtnuhxly ln Ipcct the underside leave for these destructive posts Thcy nrc tlny grun black pInklsh or hmwnbh bug that do mu mpvn nbnut much Oven mnugh yuu dls lurb them In applylnl conLIcl sprays be sure lo rpray up lhmuzh um pIanlIM dawn on lhcm mus lhoronghly weulmz lllc un dcr side In 1mm um spray In uicll one and hall loupoonlulx ol nicounc nulphalc mind with unllon of soapy wllcr Any hauschold wan will dc Soup causu lhr spray lprcad And s1le me vnï¬oua yam nl the plant And lnsrcls whllc lho huroilcldr gum work kmmu lhn WIlsA chm zxmmnm ml rummn mow uu tantrum nulln nrc nullmlml In numl lluMlnx and Fishing Mum SIX THREE EIGHT 15600 5500 It In his breakfast mnm And If you make lnlormallly the dimer ï¬ve keynote the room using me in decoraung and selecting furnlshlngs yuur nmlly wm con sider eallng in the breakfast room more enjoyable than in he morn taxma dining man Because must hold no healer us well ynur laundry equip ment the utility mom divided lnlo two scctlon The mm urea holds the hunter lhercmalnlnn section with dooropcnlng on ma back dch coplfflns lhvejaun dry cq on In addition conlalnlnxv thb usual nvcrhcad storage spare 1h 20xll garage attached ln Thr Alchlnson hns specin tool storage compartment 1th spa clcuu storage are make in MM place lu keep all type tnnl or household repair jobs as well as the lawn mnwcr and garden and lawn tools hiudanflfuu 12V thl 1le ESPECIALY SUEan you want PINE ryoqnma In reconditionan old housrs wllh wldipinc board Hoorlnl paintlng especially appropriate In the npinlnn of an architect who has successfully remodelled many Colonlal larmhouscs In onuold HOMELY HUMOR Icrwnnlly Id nay youwfl ltlmllcs You an do prolrulnnll nllnllllln Jab wllh Iur nmplln flllMUII Julia Ilanlal Equipment NI me And money Ind In yuur floor Iw Imuly Ind lull luvnhh Iqulymml nulullll Ind nmplllu lmlvuclluul CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT Ull RENTAL ILAN INCLUDHH EVERYTHING YOU NEED ITH BMW 10 BBMJTUY Tlllml 0I FLOORH YOU DO IT YOU VITII CLAIIKI 00 HANIHNU IKIUIIM Drlvc out of town or quicker service or phone collect Strand unnzz PHONE YOURRESERVATIONS III Built on llIv hr1le SHERRI limiled PAINSWICK sun can casfly be bu an GO no 10 Cuhage offlhc house Iv 15000 leek nubago be Aamgl 5500 feet This house will look equally mtmcï¬vc in nny type or Xacallnn And while any type extcrlnr flnlsh can be used wldo cupboards sum 19 pcrfcclly sull he archllcclum 014m charming ly Informal humc Color and brightness can be add ed to the cxtcrlor by the use of bllnds and colored ronflng by creatlpg wnodcn canopylike enact under the ralsed sccllnn ol the root and by uvsing as laclng nr flu garage dillcrcnt lypc ul cxlcrlor nnlsh than the no used for the house propcn For plan prlccs write to IF llama Bulldlng mm The Emu Examlncr and enclose sellud rlrognd 5c mmnud cnvnlupc ll luw In 10 days for reply mum ODSL lhc rlzcondiliuned floor In diucremxooms are painted 0M gold mmnc blue and dark green Measuring gm SHOES FOR THE LADDER paIr old lcnnis shuns placed he Inc ladflcr wlll hclP You can prayer termlle damage you um corn pelcnl Idvlca an my bulld lnx mallrrï¬ we an Inn we can Ilclp ynu