Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1954, p. 10

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My fifig other members Lawrence vlne Thomas Seymour and An drew Smile agreed the issue Ehauld be held up till letter wls received rum Ihe Mimidpnl Board making it clear mule Nsoluunns rum Goldwater M0 dumc and TM Council were nol nccdod to proceed with build new suhwl Reeve Andrew Dun lop unneeded such letter wuuld five lot oi trouble The clerk run later irom he Municipal Board dated August 17 acknowledging rnlcpnycrs meet ing npmovini the school mi up in 5100000 and said resolutions were not nccmmvy The clerk explained that the Board consid crcd lhc majnrily plebiscite lhc equivalent ralopaycrs meet ln giVen nppmvrl Councillor Duvmc recommended Hw wlwlu lmuc be 1m uvcr lur mw came and um mhuul 1mm Iuuvu Dmlnp unu Cuun zlllum ltlcrmn and Swullc did nul lhlnk lhvy mould lwvu lhu mum Iur the Incumlxlu mum Councillor Suynmur Mid he lhuuam lhu Cuunrlls of Coldch Muhmlc um Tny nhuuld comer on he Mun nnd lnuulrtd what would Mpan MKrkmlc and Toy bull whuvl lick own Ind Cold wnllr had 11 00000 scth lo pay or lhmwclvts Dcwllu nuur IIle by HIE Illan Ml mull nnl uulpcn Mr Swynwur runalncd muonvlncul have been on um council all summer and lhls 1mm is new lo vommcnlcd Counduar Dc vInc 0ch Councillor rccallcd having been received Caunclllur vnc was an oplnlun the plcblmlln wu nol Mr rwrmcnmlun the wlshu the rnlcmycrn He also com phflmd lonu dlslnnce phone N113 wlthoui consuldnu nu ghe council Since rmcipi oi the iuiier dcpuiaiiun Torronio opposan the school were said in havn re coivcd verbal slainmcni min Municipal Bond employee IhIi xmiuilnns were needed and sim ilar advice was given by Leic phonu Amer an omcini oi ihn Department oi Education contact ed the Municipa Board rcpmscni IIch last week inner acknow iodgcd by phone corrtci intern Minn oi ihc School Mi showed no resolutions were needed his inimi decision had not been confirmed by inilm Council ru lu méccd when or conflrmallun did not arrive as tulleptulcdv plume call was put through In the Munlclpnl Board Friday Ind Lhc rmly was um the Board hadn met on um nutter bul would Kn tarm Cmgncfil vmcn did Cauncmor Imman ms at lhv opinion lhe meeting should deal with the latter of nulhorlnllon for lunds Io purnhnse she Mllorlly Plehllclle Coundllor Andrew Swailu said he thought the mnlorlly pleblmle nave Bu mxnmycrs vmflcl In Mar the school He had nul bccn In law new whoa be lnn built but lhowm whtn Coun cil sent the qumtlon to lhc rule paym declsmn said they led In favor the lssuu was 01 Councle Dovlno uld he also thou lhe Vulc dccldcd lhe mm but due la llm luck JK clarity In no Municlpu Dcanda rullngs md no action should bu laken lll Ihc wgrc cxugrcd 1n Tiling Coldwutn Omncil Ind MaudII Nov 22 and considered or the second me letter of that from he Mlmlcipal Baud inmat mng burrowing up In $5000 far sm for new public school And other expenditumx but adjourned wllhuut acting up the Issue mnve la Mmduce modan to borrow the money but could to no supper Coldwaler Adjourns Movie New School Silo Kenya Alljuuml Metllnf Wlwn ll Wm upparrul nu hurl Turnnln Depuullnn And To noxa Up Your mail make sure On request he llccvu me school band mczunu Nov had obtained renewal 01 mm on lhe pmposcd 31k 01 me scrmnl uxnll Nov 22 Previously allowinl canllnuul delay by Cuuncll 50ml Imstm ubva nllllud um uwyanmu m1 cumucllul dump the hum of lhc new mum In Hm Inn In Court ll Ml pmmlmc Wun Inuuwuh lhv Dom vmud anmm IL 01110 dullll rulinqulshlng rcsmnnlhllfli fyr lhv ulwul unly and cmnmlh mum to due nn Lha umunda any were umbXn In mvry um HM nulluullnnn 1n nu mdrcly mumr Rosemount Farmer Buried at Waubaushuno Died of Bums Nov 19 the muck approval WII xlvrn or the purchase new Ire slum cusl not mun than 3000 purchnslnx committee lu be wlnpmrd 1210 HumD Cunndllur Pmlnrwu and PM cum Wllllnm Beach Anar testing It Robinsons Fun era Home Coldwalm William lamps Pedcn was Inkcn to his late Nsldcnce Tny Township for un ml Sunday Illemonn The ser vice WI conducle by Rev Allan ngby of Coldwucr Anglican Church Interment was at Wau bluxhzne Mr Pcdun Wu wcchnown Ind 1111th rupmtcd Iloscmuunl larmcr whn past away 501 dlcm Momorlal Hmspilalv OrIllln an Nov 19 the result of burns suumd 1n the uni stoma shed nn hls farm properly we days previous He was In om ycnr Mr Pcdcn uncrll vus lhrce months In me day since th vlfc the lulu Annlc Grllrlx was Inld to rest way was Mina made Hm Rccvz adjourned the mccung MniPcticnwn born In Wnubau COMPETITION lN TllE Simcoe County Weed Esay contest Was so close this year that toss oi the coin had to be the deciding factor in naming the winner Earl Shannon SS 15 Innislii Runnerup was Joan Hart SS 13 00 The prizes to thq winning entrants in the contest were presented by His Worship Warden Smith Campbell at the Wednesday morning sitting county counciii Frontlow lelt to right Lynda Russell SS Vespm 5th Dorothy Hand 58 Essa 4th Joan Hart 2nd Earl Shannon lst Charles Hornn SS Oriilln iid shone and armed most at his lite Ill For Punt Six Months Mn Grover Kashnor Died Thursday Och 2l In 121 wanshlb We It Anglican and ConservutWe Surviving are three sons uni lwo dauahlurs two brnlhcrs in cludinu Sam Pcdcn Goldwater mid wa slslers Last Member of Family John Brown Dies No Born Raised in Edgar He had fumed an the homcsleld unul mom llve yen 30 when hmllh prevenled hlm 1mm carry lug on Mr Bmwn was married In 1894 lo we lormer Isabella Wll son who ls wnlvlnu and also 4hree suns Ernest ol Red Deer Alberta James of Riverside and Wilson ln Edna In pour mun or lhu pruvlum alx mouths Mm varr Kash nor paqu away on Thumtuy Del WM nl Richvulo llhlunfl Imldml Ilnrrlv mm was burn hr un Feb 11 Melon resident of the Edgar dlmlcl John Bmwn who was elm he lam mmber umlly or six passed away on Thurman Nov 1954 In Nmnlo was member he Unlkd Church Ind 11 Llhenl The unnral was on Nov mm the Lloyd and Slocklcy Funeml Harm Darrin wllh service con duclcd byfiev HkqoIIIl IBMna Ihlbrmeni in Eden UnllodChurch Cemqtery nmuvM friends and neilhbors wcm Icscnl In tho lunml tom 11 came ram Wlndsor unminglnn Livenside Wcswn Midllnd Ind Tomnln old lrlcnd Ind nellhhorlFAwnrd Kcrrlduc Har old Hutchinson Edward Hulchln son John Mcuun ank Maddcn nnd Maurlco syn The demand was born on Aul ID 1360 nl Edmr was rllsmd land educated lhcrt son at me Ina George And Epntgclh grow 1396 the former Alma Mnudc Boone daughter or the late Isaac Boone and the armor Frances Hammondwas raised here and attended the former Mlandnle puth schonl on Burton Avenue and had many friends In the Al lnndale section of town especially The uncml was tram the Jen nm Funnnfl Home on 0d 25 with service condudcd by Rev James Farzuson St Andrews Prcsbytcrlnn Church and Inm ment in Barrie Union Ccmotcry 70 Years In hafiio Mrs Duncan Tucker Dias Oct l5 In Ottawa Well known to older residents of Barrie and dishch Mrs Dun can Mkcr wh the 0mm mu nu mumr MJsa Rose Cbumhlll mm away on Friday 0v 1050 It the home 01 her daughicr Mm Amid Shun 1n Ouuwa allowing lcnlhy 1mm Daughter 01 the his Jonulhm and June Churchill wu born In Don on July 1800 Ind had Lovon flowers were mm rela llvm Ind fiends and from tho Loblaws Grocutcria Tomnln Nun York Police Fame Ouawn Motor Sales Ball Phnlnn Mm CD And also mm group 01 neigh bvrs In me arm Pancaron were rlcnds ma omily GordunRmch Mnurlcc Strausmn Goale Storey Harry Fell Llano Wlnkworth and Charles Column Surviving are hu husband GmVEr Kashner two 5stV Or lee of Toronto and vacr Bud Barrie and two daugh tum Mrs Slubh Mickey Inchvule and Mr Skin Mn Donald 1Wanaaynt unawn Wllh CVer Cur Walk wnll loud you bun mining nupvolll nuth 40 plan Icy mu all HlIdlIlllp hudu bum utmolylm1hnynyoun Io you um um vlghv In opuuung you Cal Walk Illa nu buly walhlnfl Hallo Nuny all you Ioday Mull Ihh wuan Nowl Peter Nothover King Edward School Bunlo 7th Back row Bonnle Flotoron Elnivale 8th Gayle Mlller SS 14 F103 13th Barbara Tlnn Mount Steven School Orlllla 10th Evelyn thchle SS 22 Nottawusaga 14th Vlnzlnle Luvln Beeton 6th Joan Rant Tottenham llth Bernadette Hamelln Penetang Public School 15th Larry Crlpps St Marys School Mldlnnd 12th Absent when picture was taken was Anne McIntosh Senloxj Publlc School Colllngwood who took ninth place lived here or 10 years bu in later life had made her home wlthhm daughter Jmn Kn4Mont mal and Ottawa Mm Tucker was or some year with the Bell Telephone Co In Barrie and had host hlends hem She was member of film Baptlsc Church and had bum dvn jn the various branches of church wdrk and also with Barrie Womens Insfllutc Beauulul lowers were sent In remembrance by the nssoclallon and the church also by The Goodwill Group of the church and by Barrie WI The luneral service was con duglcd hyflcvF Luck min lsler First Dapum the Path slfiSmllh Funeral Hnmc on Gd buck and Smllh Mr nlckcr dlcd some yum no and the only Immedlale rclal1ve SL111 llvlnx her daughter and mm grandchlldrm Rosemary Pan113 and John Cumplny Llanlled obmlcq by the owncu Din mlleld Moms umllcd 65 Colum St Bnnla warmer was In Barrie Unlon cry and the alloying were pallbearers Armslmng win Rowen Symmu buck and Smith AL 195 CHEVROLET MODELS Phono Z772 FOR BUSINESS DI PLEASURE RENT CAR Bunie DriveHEur N0 Ile accause money mundcd by return If not delighted ELHNSMHNS L006 BIG DAY POINT Sprnd the evllnlnl danclnx Nu cxlrl chine CALL fill121 STROUD Lnnz May Your Lum neck mum your date or BANQUETS CIIRIHTMAH PARTIES CLUB MEBTWGS Your Nlme rumIntel bunk ta nleel mm WEHYMOUTIIS MAIL coupon Tomm BOOK STORE so Dunlap St BARBIE MONDAY MW 29 195 ll 33 STRATTON MFG CO 47 Colbomc 5L Tannlo OnIrh DIM uunuuuCu With Uan mi mM ml than My win Pluto mt no llulgn In NAME Referring to rellglan In the schnol Mr MacLennan xtated thnt rellxinus excrclses start the school day and play larlnr part in the lives or the school children than many people perhaps name Dur lng the discusslon atteman wal dawn to the threeinld respons lbmly for relmous raining shared by the hmne the chmNI and the school Tolemncc was unphaslzrd the first mntlal at school participation ln relizlous tralnlnzl The health unit scrvlca to the Hi Wadflp Mayor Heb Smith was chairman for the even lnx The minute at the chben meeting wexe read by Mr Knlum and Laurence Pany read the msurera report letter from Mrs Gordon Pim summm hér emanation as recordan heelmy was read with regret Mm Jack Barrett was elected to an this wflflum panéi discusxion on Home and School provcd to be most interesting Members of the pami were Le Cook Peter Sinclair Gnorgc Holloway Sn Jock Mn lnrcn and Principal it Mac Lenmm The whims dismissed in panoi form included religion in ihcschooi the ilth the chid homuwork and the camic book Pflflm Home School Panel Discosseé Health of Child Homework and Comic Book Problems Religion 111 regular mmuhp meeting at the Oodflnfllm Kane and Schaol madman was held In the school on Thursday Nov The mean opened with unl mna led by Gordon Fin wm Rel Knight in the piano Wu announced that on Tour day mrnln from 10 am to am men ould be free slmuni at he Banh Arena or preschonl and ldndcrganen children accom panied by In adult Those 1m skating smlons are spammed by the Barrie Rmeadon Council Housman FINANCE nu BORR0W$20559 nellxlnn Ind llalllh Gel up In 1000 an Icmible emuon yaur awn Ilgnniure Requiremenll IN only In moeLIFu one day nice Cull IllC tady Dunlap lbwu can floor phon lkllll ONT tum umumumuwmuulumom Repuy In IS momhly Innalmenn of only $1600 oath PROV 10NE Thapanni awe look up num ber of other topics more brlcfly including lhc value plan teach ing at school Individual lmlruc Lion in mark the problem 51min children home promptly at the noon hour unltonnlly dun the iusiJIicmion or corporal pun ishmnnt an uppmisal ol the pros cm report cards and the pouibliily of additionalschom being built in the area nm attendance award ws won by Mia Houstons room schools including the reiuiar visit of Lquziilied nurse were outlintd in touching on the next subject Modem schbol facilities were dmibtd health proicctiun inu¢mselvcs The makers Also mentioned hearing and xltht em mm tha rezuiar routine Help with Homework to humewnrk an important quesuonvwa felt to be the amount aslstance that should be olfcred bylhc parenla From me teacher point at view it was suucstcd that the prglercnce was to leave the child on his own as much in possible in the early grade the aslxnmenu are no diuicult and no help should he requimL Even when the wark is more advanced there is danger that the amt lute provided by the parents may wniUct with the teaching moth ndabeing promoted by the school concluding comment was tlnl homnwork is necessary In the elementary yum at schoollnl as preparation or high school thn homework must be stressed Comic Book Ilsua The comic book 1511 as might bu cxpcctcd raised number of contmvmiul points While definite conclusion was reached the dlscusston contributed to blotter understanding of the pro bem on

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