Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1954, p. 9

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Winnipeg nmhIlMt Thmms Robertson In metling mnny of he specch space problem the small hcmv won mcnJnn nwnrd wnh lhis plnn In nnllnnnl hflmc dcslxn wnlcsl Inr nrchllccu aponsnrnd by the Plywood Manu facmrm Associnuon of Brlllnh CnlumbII spaclnul Fullnx The ofliclnnl plnn pius cxlcnllve and xmnxlnnuvc um ol spaceanv inl Hr plywood humIns results In calm smclousnoss especially when the dulnn brings outdoor llvlnn Mons 1mg lhc hi1ch The modern home wllh no bane mcn and no ulue to serve Shop 54 Sophia Rel I93 Baynold St Dependable Eleclricul Work For lndualrlnl Vlrlng Nepal Work Lllhllnx Fixtures Rcsldcnllnl nnd OIL BURNERS SALES £7 SERVICE PHONE 3230 WALLWIN ELECTRICAL CUNTMETUHS OUIPMIHI uln nru nuthmlm ll luau llunlln Ind Fluhlnl Llcuuu AUTHORIZED Sula cull mulfipurposn opens onto him ouidocr Inndrbux he chlldrcn is an vrry prnmlcal 1mm tensum humv plan vrry prnmlcal Vicuflue this In crusunu humv plan Indy Workbench Prlmnrlly childrens play room hnl mclhcr can supervise from the kilchcny lhv spaclnus men also lncludu handy workbench wmx uvcrhund cupboard for lather and and but or casual Inmlly menu The mom II Icparulcd from he BARBIE WELDING Your home and gurdon cnn be made even more attractive wlth wrought Iron work made by crnltsmen Call us or free estimate AND MACHINE ll 17 Mululler El IIx lllONl I1 fllrel nArI Fllu Anllll Etc For Hula BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Yaw an Al pnhlllonl llnIhln Job wllh our romplllo IIl Ilulc non ulpmeul mu llmo Ind money Ind In ynur man now buuly Ind lunlu umllh Ill mulpmrnl mllIlIlll Ind romplelu Imllutllonl CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT cquoorlls 0U llliNTAL ILAN INCLUDHH IWEIIYTIIING YOU NEED ITS EAEY T0 llHAUTllY TIIOHI OH 00118 YOU DO IT YOUIIHELF WITII CLARKE H001 SANDING EQUIPMEN PHONE YOUR RESERVATIONS post room 111ch urrncc flay unusung Ilnla Ihn or and Edutsmllnu II by far lhe mml lmpurlnm Ilvn 1n min Kund palm llnlsh on cxlvrlur nupllcn Ill of Ur plywood ln applyan llr plywood Ilnlsh on unblu cndl hr cxumpln cum llxc panel mould be lenlnd wlul mlxlmc If whllc lend and OH pulnl Thll lml nolblnu lo do wlllx walrrprw hit uunllllr he plywoodIII wllh Iumlmr educwnllnu provenll mnlllum lmnl crclplnx In bchlnd dhe pulM cunt and um reduces cllrrklnu In nhsnhllu mlnlmum and In each the chlldrens rooms cluman storage In pruvlded lnr In the hall as well where mrccunll Hr plywood section tor auldoor garments ls localld nclna lhu mnin cnlry One anre Wall Marnie wall wth slx be square bum4n arransz so lhnl Inlhcr and mother each MI lhrcc cabinets wlth drnwcrs and roomy hanger space Gama Slurre O1hcr built1n Nlurcd In Ihc Robertson piun include smarl modern nnlly mblcs wrlllnu desks llvingmom luunuc Ind handsome bookMarnie unit 1111 bxtcnds ull 1ch alonz one do of he Hvlnrdlnlnx urea Falding piywood doors Jim he chlldronl bedroom Even 1hr 20 out Kaian complclc with tlr plywaud Home unlt where garden furnllurc Ind loo are kept when no in usou ancrpmot glue plywnod qunlly uullnblc 011er or In door use has been spcclllcd Iur hulh nxlurknr and lnlnflor Ilnlsh I1 disllncllvu drybum 30foot MunArc mme Cnnul choice of color and vmdnuuna wild and rubdown mint Hnlslma Iupply lhc nucmnry drcomllvn conlrasu klmncn by cupboards nvpr the passihrougn to the bar Thrsc cupboards arcmarl oi the niiicicm buillln kitchenmilky room com bination hm utilizes every inch ni workan space The complain utilization oi space is carried out in every room For convenience nil unils iur umrnua oi personal clclhing are designed an 2100 moduLe and may in grouped in any doslrcd munhpr nr grouped In comblnntlnn needs insigucd ln Moray drawer accordlng lo the utilization oi every mom uniis or six master 1M er bedroom chlldrens pfuvlded and hang lndlvidua at spncc aom For 1mm designed 51 holder that can ho quhrkly assembhzd In an evening with loTllE BARRIE EXEM Handy Book Stand Of Fir Plywood Made In Evehing Just the mine Iarstudenu hls desk beak trough keep rglcr once volumes within easy reach ang easy lchna Bowl 311th handsome book lho Surlounl Company 01h Dvnl Shrnrd Slml me new dwr um cnrmnkr la hnnn l1 CROSE blIDGING lhu HREPROOF Chlmnoy wilh lhe SUPERdrauth €an III II find lelled Mary Sum Banla Peon 246 Mum Mm pa rum THIN Truly In III III mm In up Lleml lulu Donl iusl buy chimney FRAMING THE HQUSE 10 NAILING CROSS BRIDGING biugonul cross bridging by or by is nafled cl each end wilh Mn ZMnch nails Bollom and are nailud oher subflooring and promuny finhhecffloor Ing ix in place One row zvosvbridging required for each xpnn between and 12 and mo rowx if the spun is over 12 Drive out of lawn or qulckcr lervlcc nr phone collect Ellcud 56ml MUM Houlh llulle an llwy ll I1le SHERRI Limiled PAINSWICK Ends al1he troughaxe bat Al ochod with screws and gluing will provide addmanal strengul anclnd handgrips anacth In cllhcr endnre optinnnl chever flnlshcd nnyanc en gaged in reference work any unl verslly or high when student or any businessman will Imd me book trough constant uldns vle as an aumcuve nddlunu In den study or office Natural grain of the flr ply wood can be retained with vari fly at wipedown stains or by applying blond finish with wlpcvdawn white undercut and shellac or varnish final coat II canbe painted to match or con rost the desk or walls of he mm 11 the plywood ls first xlvcn good prlmer underwal parts ml 1mm panel 45 Inch Hr plywood Dimensions 01 the trough cambe tailored 40 it file desk an whlch will bg pmed FACE NAILING IIVIWII Just ttrihulmwof the dvmlr he large broom closet which can easily hold camplue nssortmum clunnlng suppllu In the back will of the utility ronm is another door whlch lands lo the bark deck Twu window pmvldc plenty nl Ilgh and vcannUon or Ihe ulll ily mum whlch is lam enough Becausa the architecture or Bull 13 so decorative In simple landscnplm ls must and clnpboardcd cxlurior lcrably whiml rccommcndc Twn cnhy Ways and mu Irontyard Inside Thc Bell looted by the 1mm plaua mnln door opens dlmcfly giving mum Th other door lo hold complcfic homn laundry equipment me the sun deck door lends dinme IMO the ZOXH garage Connected dlrccuy wiLh he utll My room the nllmudcm kitchen contains 11 empiric army 01 mod cm kllchcn equipment muludlng wark count cupboards and cab lncls The nk mnvcnlcnlly plumLl In the rcnlrc of the llnu of rnunlcrx nnd dlrcflly under the window wither wnh or wil way and attach clthr case WI unmouvc appear uremems ol lhc 30x30 for lhls suffice However In he added later no required Overall dlmun the house utlllt the housc utility room and All cached garage are 54x30 Hence lo bulld Ihc house as lIlufiraled 751001 101 would be ruquired Cubage of the house is IBQW loch cubngc the garage ls 3700 fem Welcome Dxlm counlcr mace He ard Inside Thc Doll by the 1mm plaua laar opens dlmcfly mum The other door welllighted Bxlo ttrflwlbfiwf chem BARBIE CRAFTSMEN Slorm Sashes and Combinalion Doors BARBIE BALI PLHNING MILL LTD NOW IN THE TIME TO lllHillv LLT UH MHAHIIIIF UI NONI HOME FOILTH ENTIM All 10 COMFORTABLE WINTER dimensions MADE IN SAVE FEATUREHOME OF THE WEEK orauvc In 30 must ullablc exmiorprc recommended MONEY Wfit om Includlnx room and n1 54x30 Hence as lIlumaled the In he opens ulilily Thc the nvmummu LUMIW PHONE 2496 BARRIE Iwv windows plnccd In adjoin lng vnlls assurc good lighting and mm vumilnlinn for bolh bed roums In Thc Bell Measuring IZGXIZ Ihc from bedroom he mm and 15 dcslgncd to serve an Ihc muster bcdmom Both have hinge closets pmvidcd betwc and mvc Aul mm the klch nrfa ls equally Canvqnlunuy lncnlcd between the two bedrooms the nilmodern bmh contain both In and shower and rccclvrs nmplu mm and venfllallon thmuuh the one window In In In wall Thu hmung plum shmnd be placed under Ihc llvlnx mum pmvldcd between he rclrlxcrnlor and slavcl Aulmlly mm apart mm the kllchen he brcaklusl ma ls equally sullnble lnr use In all meals One large wlndow pm vldm ample llplu and vcmllallnn or he room In the lot wall 15 lhc spnclou linen closet Shlm to the lull cemgnt bnsc men lend dawn from In brcsk fast rc where ram wraps located mom Just the 11 mm the breakfast As plnnsnm as llvlng maul boysl right wall the mos nllracliv dccomllvc mum of this room Thc ongback wall an vldzn backdrop for large urnllurt pluccs This room can duubIe as lnnnnl dlnlng urcn Blurprlnls Avnllnhln Compldc plan and bpulflcnflcns plnnsnm Is xpacluus he mom bonsl Iiva windnws large fireplace cenlrcd In me wall the mos nllraclivc rallvc mum of this room longback wall an vldznl drop for large urnl xood Hues cngl 0N mun HOME WINTEBIZING HT BALI FLEMING MILL NDO and DOOR ull cemgnt bnsc from In break ad slzed closet nn hum helr In the living In I11 he door EASY BUIIEET TERMS or his house and all olhcr Home of the Week designs are avnllablo modulate cast Fnr plan prices write to lhe Home Huiidinz Edlior Barrie Ex aminer nnd enclose soilari dresscdflc stamped envelope Aliow seven to ID days ar reply mm

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