Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1954, p. 8

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tan snm mum MONDAY NOVEMBER 1954 CUTTING THEIR WEDDING CAKE following their nuptials in Knox Presbyterian Church at Crossinnd are Mr and Mrs Billie Irwin Fisher The bride is the lormer Isobel Doreen Anderson daughter of Mr and Mrs John Anderson cl Elm valc and the groom is the son Mr and Mrs James Fisher of Wunngench Alter Wedding trip to points north they will ha travelling to Vancouver where they will be spending the winter anner anan Mr and Mrs Holley and Tom Weston visilcd Lame Hol leys Mr and M11 Hmvard Scoll Onkville mum rchuvos here Mn and Mrs Dusto Visited Mr and Mrs Campbell and olhcr relative In Toronto on Tues day Mr and Mrs Plowrlght visucd rLIAHVLS at Sharon lust weekend Move to Barrie Mrs Wllben Davis andflamlly moved to thelr new home on War slcy SL Barrio on Thursday Their rlcnds melon Monday nigh In the Orange Hall and alter program music and readings the InnAny was presented with lovely studio couch and piece of jewellery also was prescnlcd to Mrs David who thanked her Hands as did lhe olhcrmomhcn he hmlly Members 01 St Peters Womans Auxillnry aha smagzzawmwfiaug ma om ammo IV AIMMOM 01m Mr iiie116 digbé Vnm runinulu lholhm first look Kily Ilnuk Mly ycm no Wtilhlfl¥inl Aluminum mu nlvrnlly In on It ad Dulr iny cnuinc had ninglc mu nlununum cmnkwm nnd qlindtr block Aluminum ha bun growing mm ult cmfl Indumy hcr nlncc Now man aluminum nllcyl an luzlninlIncomballhuhcaunnd Ilmm ulnumwnlc Hahn and Aknn is butler Khan vrr nup plyln nlunllnum fut Canndal lmly nhcufl plmnu nml olhcr menu uun looking for Iiuhl um and mtth II Inc Ilon 0mm mice Ihnl he erulu anlhm paid Aluminum Com pmy cl Canada LE Mam Spending Winter in Vancouver IXAMPLKI land Lllfluullll nullurn Hymn om MM IV KIMm noun ImflhmflnndflA mwnunqqunh MINESING Tl Elfinl3 Wornans Aiilvllnr aha Sharon Vlslc In um 110 mu on 50 TO 51200 PE ELGJQF mnoNwmmmv Ovu I00 munm cram In Cumdl cummmu IOANI Ta on mad Imam All at sun On do mm In Malayd mph VIIIHOAN rm Nabni met at the bums to present their 1731 pruident Mrs Davis with prayer book and enioy visit with her before Mr departure 8L Pnkrl YP Elect 0mm On Thursday night St Peters Young People held their election owners or the coming season at Mrs Dust3S with prev em MILr the opening prayer and hymn Revi Stuth read ihc Scripture 1mm St John and conducted Ihe election Rosqu were as allows Fast president Bernire Franck prtsidcm Grace Pearson vicevprcsident Corbett Adams secretary Katharine Fra iick assistantmavid Kayne sandy School rm SI mm Sunday School pupils rnjoytd allowccn paer hr home Cnmlc nnd Drinn Foys Inn on Snlurdny nighl Ml nutst man mnskrd and mum In r0 mm Mrs Harry Adams led in prozrnm or games buunlllul lunch was enjnytd Fraud Grundyrank Congratulnuum lu pmufl gand mmm Mr and Mrn Harvey Mc Lean whn have Hllle Krnnd dmm Marllyn 1mm McEvuy she and Mr mum have been nlmndlnu mma llrm nl lhn Mc Lean llama um rnturmd hmm wllh Mr Mchoy Um wrrkcmk Aurnd ComrrvIIlve folnenllnn Mr and Mn 0mm Juhnmm Wrtc In Toronto on Mondny nnd TlllMlfly nucndlnl ngrmlvt Conwrvnuvv convcnlhm Mr and Mr Aim 1mm Callrurnlm mum at IL Mn uulnn un Sunday all It Am Canvmllun Mrmbvrl MJHMIM Wumcnn Imlllulu III an um 1m mu tollvrmlml MIII on Mnmlny Ihllnwnen Futlvluu Inlloween party was held at thesphool on Friday uflcrnoon Costumes were judged as follows Grndn Joyce Wcamcrby Lorna an grade Jacqueline Slnclnlr ank Franck grade Carole Fcyswn Gloria Luck grade Brim Faymm John Colcs grad nnd Linda McLean Gordon Kennedy lucky npoL Floyd Inn rldzc Prlzm were given by he Womens Inslllulc and all grade and proschool chlldnn rmdvcd prlm The carhers led in pm uram games Lunch by the ladies brought In most enluynblc puny in clan urur George Pearson Mceunzl will be held every two weeks Lunch was sqrvcd at table gay wuh Hullmvem dcmralinns Next mcellng will be Katharine Fm licks Wflh Corbett Adams as Dm gram convener Counsellors Mrs Partridge Mn Dunc AI Fumnl of 70mm Mm Dull Mn Lurk Mn Wallwlnv Hlny nlul Imu Dnvl wrn In erlluatulh lllncc Mrs Robert Wilson and son Bah Owen Sound vlsflcd at Fred and Anhur Palms Lu annzr Eludlo The meeung Icalurcd mm sum review The home ecnnomics lea chers ol the dlsmcl have poo 01 film strips so um each school al though owning just one can by exchange use nlne or 10 nlhcrs Miss Eliubem Legal of the ham eccnmnlc Ila It Hfllcrcsl Public School and Mrs KcH ll nnd Min Alice Mark inc hum ecunumics doparxrnent II he Barrie Nitric Cnlxuzhle lnsmum afltnded Ihe Georgian Bay Regional Home Economics Fall Conference in Colllngwond on Saturday Oct The speaker on occaflon was 3010 Welder of Blue Mountain Re aoru Callingwood who spoke vn the wplc rm Impm 01 our Ed ucnllnnal Sylkm on our NW Can adinn Students aThB teachers also heard an ad dress by the president of the home econumlcs secllnn the 0mm Educaflnnul Association MrSG Lee at Whitbvaha Was presenlM the conference The spring fleeting wlll be held Orlllifl DiAlrlEl Collegiate Inst mxe on April Edward County 155 WEukcnd al lcnding the funeral of causln prm llnrucullnml Soclfly Mrs Ferris was Convener or very cnlnyable evening spunsor Ed by Vespra Hunlicultural SacIBly It Midhuml Forestry hall The Ferris family plnylng as an or cheslrn entertained wnh 53mm numbers Nancy Orspr sang solo and Carol Orscr Iavorad with piano instrumental Mc Veixh showed colnrcd slides of scene of Barrie and the surround lng countryside also film which was Iakon 1n Albemn with Ms Home Economics Teachers Aflend Fall Conference was Iaken 1n Albenln with Ms movie camera The swapping of rools nnd p111an and social cup of tea brought me evening to close heafly vote 01 thanks 33 eivn to all akng pan nus Trip to Winter Fah The members nre reminded of the bus trip to the Royal Winter Fan on Saturday NOV 13 The bus leaves the Wcmnglcn Hotel corner In Barrie mm and leaves TDrDMn at pm Lunch amines are not loo numeroussa lew sandwiches brought along may not go amiss Coflee stands are plentiful Watch Coming Events 101 all detalls nr phone Mrs Ball or Mrs Gable Barrie Running broad Jumpnorth Ad am and Donna Luck Pamvlu Ward Eric Kennedy Gor don um Earnon Johnson Dawn Partriduc any Srinley Gordon Kennedy 12 PMsy Luck ShlrlLy Sinclair and Patsy Ward Allan Mc Cnrlmy Ill Hrlnn Inynun Palsy Parker Gloria Luck Liane COM Frank Fra lle Lama Maw Shlrky lrnrwn Gordan Dnvls and Smn sdulcy fimruc xcamm I2 Cnrmu Adnnu mu Scull Slnmllnx bmnll umpHclh Ad mm Dmmn Luck 21 Steve erkx cm Kunxmly Imn Johnson Linda Mch Gordon Kennedy Anhur Com Inuy Luck Inuy Ward fl1n Foyzvtun Dmlglns MLCnrlncy Glnrln Luck Palsy mm Llun cl Colts Frank lelck Flelg Day Result Classes accnrdlnu age Hop skip and JumpPamela Ward Donna Luck Dawn Partridge Enrlcen Johnson Palsy Partridge Patsy Luck Gloria Luck Palsy Parker Lorna an Shar on Franck Erh Kennedy Clifford Adams Gordon Ken nedy Arthur Colts Doug las Mchnnny Allan Mc Cnnney 27 Frank lelck Liontl Coies Corbmt Adam Muld Srlglcy 2H Hun nu GMNEIIS MENS wmasronnnu nuniw 600 mm 4m 4W éflm 5m suvponr SPEED SATISFACTION nununm HARDWARE 331 MATCHED Sharon Franck 1D Lornn Maw Harold Srlglfly ll Corbett Adams 12 High jumpPamela Ward ID Danna Luck And Bath Adlms Gordon In anna Partridge Llndn McLean Larry Srlglcy Barry Ward Pntsy Luck and Patsy Ward John CDlL Brlnn Foyflon Glor Luck Palsy Parker Lionel Cole Frank Franck Shirley Pearson Jnyce Wonthcrboc Sharon Franck and Sam Srlgluy 1D George Pear Lorna Muw Garden Davis sun Harald Srlglcy E111 Scott 2L THROUGHOUT THE YEARS illat hug n1 wuys been popular and i1 Viilued item is this tablecloth For luxury covering formal dinner or the popular butiet style setting this iiiet cloth centred with your favorite decoration will set oii your silver ware and china giving an air elegance Relays 30 yumch Adam Dunno Luck 11 Ronnie Mc Kuc Eric Kennedy Dawn larlrlduc Earnen Johnson Larry Srlnley Arthur Colm l2 Pnuy Lurk Patsy Ward and Shirley Slnclnir 2L so yardsIlrknn Fuyston Douglas McCarlnuv 75 yankPalsy Park Glurln Luck Lionel Cole Frank lelrk 12 Sharon Franck and lmrnn MAW Jntklc Sinclan l2 Corbcll Adam 1L Harold Srlukjy 2L nan lhrnwDawnn Inrlrldnc Linda Mrlman Larry snuloy Gunhm Knnnvdy 1r Inuy Luck PM Ward Dmmlm hlchrlnvy Allan Cnruny 1Juycc Wunllwrbcn Glnrln Lurk 21 Frank Frnllrk LIumI Calm Shawn Fm Ilrk Jacklc Slnulnlr cm dun Davin Sum Srlulcy Curbvll Adam Harold Srluluy Pale vaumnzngugm McCart My 11mm Foyslon Frank Frnllck UanLl Calm George Pcarsnn Humid Sr Icy Corbett Adams Gor don Davis 27 ow Meych Cnrlnoy lhmm ID mmDnuulnn Mcl Hrlnu Foyllon my Treble Filet Clofh for Formal Dining GREEN WEEUNT STUHES lhuna mil JIELIJffoId an Ilnyflcm llllllY BROS BARRIE Churchill WA WMS Thankoffgrings Mrs Douglas McPhec was host ass to the Churchill United Church Womens Mlsslonnry Society or its autumn lhanknmrln mzeunn held Thuruhy afternoon Du 211 The president Mn Russell stew an was In the cnuva hvenly membvrs raspunded to roll can by uslng blble vase In which the word thanks was 10 be found The Nnvcmbcr word lel be kflnxdoml Mrs Kell led 1n prayer for Miss 11th Peru the societys spbcln mnslon uy There were 12 sick can and lwo books mud The sodctyl ul Iomtmn or halo his year one double bed qullt 1n dark color Mrs Lucas and her group were charge the worship scr vcc wllh the harm The Influ ence Chrlsllnn Leader MrL Slnclnlr read me scrlplum lesson and told um story 0n The Experltntc One Mlmon try Mrs Gordon Todd sun as sale the lovely hymn le0 firm Tu Be Holy nnd Mrs Mc Phcc reviewed the ncund thnp me new study buck enuucd Chrlmlnn mnumuuun ma The New India which had ll purpmu the showan of the lmmcl xnndw on Imlln by lho Chmllnn cummun WomLns Ammlnflun nlsn helll IL mtcllnu the home Mn McIhvc with Mrs IL MIMI prfsldlnu Mn Krll lnhl ha lessnn story The prrsldrnl mmnm um Lama Maw 17 Glnrln Luck home lcarsnn Scull 27 Llonal C1ch HI ank Frnllrk Come Adams Sam sniney 11 you wonid like to hava directions or making this cloth Just send stamped sailaddressed envelope to the Needlework Department oi this paper rgquegting TREBLE FILET CLOTH Leaflet N9 7747 Phone 3816 number of me members had Knlhered at the home or Mr Sanders and quilkd quilt or Red Crosl mm to be for warded to the nearest cemrc tar use when needed um Imlavmml umu mum Vol mi wvofll An 91 ow mun an Mm you munI Iayur lumh THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA finmlnutlcfiml deas can be planted too Dnnlc Branch Flahrr lslnnlumI Branches also In melon Cooknluwn and roucnhmn IIIIIIIIIIII nillll III IIIII FisherAnderson Nupfials are Held Af CrOssland Wuamabfi took mm Km Pmbyudm cum erashad 935mm 96 21 1954 gm The marriage Mi lube Doreen Andemn ler ML and Mrs John Andemmokflm Vila 33th Irwin Fish Ion nl Mr and Mm James Fisher oclock the anermon Rev John Cooper uflidated at the cere many Th wedding music was plnyed by Mry John Imam nl Elmvale who also mnpunled Ihe solulst Mm JohnCmDer 0L Elmvnle Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing satin 3mm atylcd with slight mm The neckline was lrimmedwim laceand the veil fell softly mu halo headdress trimmed with pearh She wore her mother peasz and curried houqum 01 red Her aucndumwcre Miss Mur lnrul McGlnnls 01 men Bench as mild honor gnwncd amen mum and Miss Mary Andmpn ol Elmvnlc n5 brldesmuld lowncd ln mauve mum Both lhc ntlendnnls ware yellow headdm and enr rled bouqucu yellow mm 1m flower EllL1 Mlsm Linda snn and Sherrie Marlin with an Bunch were zawned alike In yellow lnlleln wearing mauve headdress and currylnllznskcls mauve baby mums Ray Lnngmun at Toronto was groomsmnn and the ushelfl were Kenneth Anderson of Elmvnle and Jungle Lungmnn at Elmvnlg Latest polls show 55 per cent of canadlnm aznlnn lowcrflnz the vmlnl an to IE reception allowed in th church basement where 1h math or the bride received In teal blue crepe Ind lace wearan navy and plnk necessaries and corsaxe of pink roses The mom moth er who Ilsa received was roan purple crepe Ind was wenrln1 purple and winter white accessor Ieiland Forsnzlc ycllpw roses The bride and com lei wedding trip to points north the bride travelling in navy gabnr dine suit wearing navy anri pow der biuo necessaries nnd cursla of pink roses On their relurn thy will be imvciiing Van couver where they will spend he winter Outoitawn guest at tho wed ding were rum Toronto Trenton Grnvcnhum Orfllln Barri and Slayner Ynu dnnl luvs In cull Int In of ynuu Hm la relp Ilurvm ho mulllaw the lead It mly nnl be In any lu cunvlnu him Ilul Ivlnl manly un Illn lulu rich lmvul of Inner mlnflcllon Ind mm of mind lucl him In nunK Ml own fimnclll Iflllrl wlIIII ha II uill yuuul Ilnl In Ile Im mlml Ihl ldn III the luring MM II mu the mm mldl lumen nannyu llllll In lmn pmunI count with The Rayl IIILIDI InnII Ve welcum MI Iccuuni nu mtlur lum Imnll Hmml Tlllll In Jun SM nl Dawn mh build nLM Juan mullulrmmm will my mum In nmn Mr in III lull All lmmlhl ulmul Alln youu II mm Cub andScout Mothers Complete 21 Cub Woggles The rezuhr monthly mean the Is Barrie Cub Ind Scout Mothen Amman was hcld nlnuy filial Hm Nov pm The president Mrs Brown presldcd There were I9 mgnbers 1an The mmurtz opened with the members repealing the Scovl Mhtherx Pmmls The minutes were read by the mercury Mrs Smith As the treasurer was absent there wns no Manual port Mrs Eanunz reported chm uln lu ale had been sem Lo Cubs who are 111 Mm Brown mpomd um ill the material on hand has been made up Inwncckcrchlels and the annnnB were turncd nver the 51an and Scnuu or their ski boxes Folhwlng the businessmceung he ladigs wnrkcd on mum wag fle or 13 Pack Twentyon wanles were completed The Importance 01 the tar noth In delence cansldumllona of cnursn lend urgency to he upen in up mu raglan But even there were no possible lhrun there the grant pclcntlnmlc or pwcetlme pmflrcu wuuld sllll be present RnuynNnrandn Press Mruhmmls were served by Mrs Bmwn Mrs Dyment and Mrs Smith The meclhm clnsnd with me Scout Benedlcunn Canadian highwnys measured 512795 mlles at the and DI ID52 Look tor the FUTURE OF THE NORTH mu

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