Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1954, p. 7

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mminalions to Be HeldNov 29 Twink kn lid imlmlhn HIulll In numlunln mm IIMM Iqr nunlflml nlllgg IrnTaa GRANADA MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDE Double Program You Will Enioy MALE VANITY THE FIGHTINE FINNS mean of CO mvanduxeomh EVlNING fle ANNBLYJMM AT 655 PM mumts rws FOX NEWS MARH mun nu SAT ALSO IN CINEMASCOPE JUBILEE OVERTURE rmcss ron nus ENGAGEMENT IJVENINGS ADULTS 75c TAX INCLUDEU MATINEES ADULTS 50¢ TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 250 TAX INCLUDED buningmimm hnvuxwxruf mmmm Vlll lllllllll wllhlwo klndsof UR 16W JAN STERlINfiMONA FREEMA Roxy Théatre PLUS CARTOON PHBMER PHYS 0H You 521 noc mmnum 0mm DONOT MIss SEEING THIS ROMANTIC COMEDY JUST WRIT 111 In ml own hp but airy wign EVENMG SHOWS AT 655 PM MONDAY TUESDAY Hawthorn nzw vlar Emmi lunium ROLLICKING REVERY IN NEIDEIEERG PICTURE THAT WILL SEND YOU HOME IN GOOD HUMOR DAYSSTARTS WEDNESIIHY 230 PM For Movl MunyGoRound Tuna In CKBB 540 pm daily nous or HITS nszer THE asst INBARRIE THE WORLDS GREAT LOVE MUSICAL TREAT NEWLY GLORIFIED BY MGM NG°MONA mm 53 PLUS CARTOON WRESTLING WRECKS TONYSWTERRIFIC EVENING snows and 835 Im 1th In llv 0mm all lv Murmur Maw 29 mum nl pm an rlnllnn nmm II lurltlnn Mumhy Dec lwulnnlnx ml null III um nmmm 11 be um nu In WWIIIIIMI randldnlu lvr Ill all ENTERTAINMENT She EéiiidfifEaiypg numuw nu ROBERT mmnum Jim SIMMONS ARTHUR Hqumcun wwwilh GAR BUCHANAN WANACE 30m RAYMOND WMBURN with two kinds of woman In lamol Vlhgflffffilfme VANN BLYTH EDMUND PURDOM CmEEXEFJEE Thu mmulnnllml thln ul ll ha Numnhur Imum nulnrll lwhl In Hm Dunn All al Hum nu Hum llrm In mm Inn 1mm meson lOUlSCALHERN pm Amuwcmaww The Ulllmnln In PHIpuns Enwmc ROBINSON Ira14 JOHN roasm MARCIA HENDERSON of mm mm um um rumbdllml Ind mm mum fur khnul um of COLOR randMom MARiOLANZA pmaenu the 3311er musical meant for the ldu MGM The ycar 1053 saw on cmcrgn Canadas most important min eral in value terms accounting lar 15 per com of overall mincral pro ducllun value The pcrvlsnr was Ivan mummy to repair due bridge on but lrl Conccsdon tho bridac In Angus Village and the brldge an L03 ll Contagion The number gradualu Cani adian nurses cmlgrallng tn the United status has Increased more Khan fourfold since the and at UN Second World Wan In 1053 1042 nurses moved lo the United Slam The clerk was also instructed to write the angmwr the Can adlan Pacific Runway asking that the 6th Line at he township 1mm Lot 26 to Highway 90 be It In the condition mm the way round in lhe damage vlnz been dam by New trucks used bythe CPR dnwfinz m1 material alter the storm ormnn IL Caxwarth wu instruclnd by council to wrilefim CNN dlvlsloml engineer In landale requesting that the rall way build larger bridge under the CNR rack in Angus Vlllnlc running tom Queen 10 Km stuck great deal the damage by floodan ln1he skmn was caused by the culvm not be Ing large enough In the wunclla opiglnm Repair of datum named by th Oct 15 Hood were em 01 he main mm bushes dimmed at th November meeunl o1 Essa Town shlp Council last gland Essa Township Ask Railways Do Flood Repairs ALIA THE TURKEY YOU MN EAT TltktlI lvllllhlo lmm ntlnblr or II lhe daor TURKEY DINNER Wed Nov 10 Dinnul Sorvcd pm 5934 BARBIE Insurance ALL KINDS 85 Dunlap St Ihnnc 5201 Trinin Parish Hall STEVENSDN INSURANCE BINGO 20°° Tues Nov pm See Us FIRST For 10Gumes 15 Games HELP KIN Admlulon 35c IIONDOIZD IINHMIN OLIVII Im TRINITY MENS CLUB ANNUAL 135 Plan Childmn undo 13 60c 5T JOSEPHS AUDITORIUM fully YOUT YOU atqld enlaxly met lovely pedest Han like lhln would your INSURANCE Iny To boost buying power sand in VCflmcM In home Industry Gen man 1ch have been rLduccd so the lap tax payach In 55 per cent in Camda lncnrnn Ix mm up to 83 nor cont The story that precede mu part that womenmlll nvw play in world evenll mm lung way back more thn no year an declared he speaker Shu told at how live lle Quaker women had been up vainled delegate lo nllcnd can lerenee on lrccdom 1mm Ilavcry making long nrduoux journey by arman vessel across the ocean lo meclinl where nll lhc alher delev were men Many clergymen at ending lh conference Iald Wham Women The women dale Undar Canadas free ncnnamy the Lllllc Guy Ls rcally lhe mu Shut line most wrporallana In Canada are nwncd by ordinary maple Ahurclwldcn with ordin iry Vlncumu Women take so much or Eranl ed today she remarked relcrrlng to the present day woman right In meet In public in vale go educnllvu In awn hnmcx and property and engage In any occupalion me choose and even keep It nflcr marriage The last lnw year have turned back page at hhlury an ar al women are concerned she laid Comparing the achlcvcmunls cl wu men to me climbing cl lung hlll whlch thpy me not yet It ha wp Emerunca Wumen Mrsl Marshall declared lhnl the emergence 01 women and IM place they 1m laklng ln the world had men among the 10 most Important event at Ihe pasl century She quulcd noted hlslorlan The 20th ccnlury 0an ln go down In lary us one In wnlch sodcty under look to benefit the human race whole and anc ln whlch wupmn look very large part The world Is our parish and WI are concerned with he underdevel npcd pnvcrlystricken nallnn he world 0mm we wanted better lawn or nur village nnw We whnl bcllcr laws or the world We are mere consclnux ul he new man kind amnn Canada and vicewells the Internaunnal Council slalcd In her address Monday aflur noun Wumen are new chaslng lunar anceand prejudice and lntolnrancc wherever they are laund Mrs Marshall lmmedlate pan pre flcnl 01 National Councll of hdusekecp wldened to lncludc concern or mod government nnllunally and lo Cally and tor the people the whole world deluxalcs present lng the Wamcnl Insmum Sim coc County were told ntlhclr an nual convuntlon hem thin week Women have changed the changing world and while Ihelr cl WEEVIDKTHEEI in good Womens Widening Horizon Include All MankindFormer President Malional Council lmpresses on WI MONDAY NOVEMBER I954 HELP KIDDIES 5112 Earth Examiner flenvakfpnrjLiggijfon iggunmsarfioneroussly is mm her example Among thcge were Womcnl Art Alaoclullcm the llannl Cvuncll ol Wamcn lhn IODE lhc WCIU the YWCA and the W0 menl lnnllulc All lhue grant movement Ilarled alum About Iha Inmo time lunx with murlnl lhu vole During rmean Wm runl 195450 women worked pr the int time In lnduslry and were IQCOEIIIZ ed poteniial worker This war also new lhc bczlnnlnxl at nurllnz rwlih Flnrcnce Nightlnzale ill the lumen plcncer ln thll field 01 Canadian Scene me 1850 to 300 in Canada things moved quickly in tin wo mcna wvrld as lhe Canadinn PI cillc Railway moved want and Lady Aberdeen came in Canada with her huvband whu Wu appolnicri lov emugeneral ln 1553 she jull in young woman in her early 30 iaui as able travelled all acmu Can ada with her husband aheJrad beauiiiul curiosity Ind encrnm to know the people of Canada nxai whom Ihe had come to it wu Lady Aberdeen who 01 Canadian women organized with three purpose or which they could work together in promniu unity lo vrcvcni wmlc Ind lo pm ducc power Wamcn were hm dc tinimy on the march and areal na liannl organization came into be in lmpircdby her and llvc 1n church groups cm were work lng humus ucurc lvr lhemsclvc some gay najuyul anal These pioneer women accomplish ed great deli and one oi heir main accompiinnmcnil wax to rouu he meni Amonz the husbandl ai lcclnd were some weallhy New Yvrk Duich burgomuicra wha mn endcd proparly lawnl Women wcrc admmad to university or the In Iimo at Geneva Nili There Is no power an earth like an Idea whose lime has came slated Mrl Manhall quoting ch tor Hugo Ladle had nww became vaen In 1848 the um organization arm women was formed In Iowa and sumch group were formed in England Women dnro Io mcLUn an group In their own homu ml were an he abolition slavery womens luf rage temperance and world peace Ihn latter two 01 which hnd not eon gccumpllnhed Women Unite one of the only type employ ment wan to women hack in those lily was plain mwing They had no right to awn prupcrty But mm that little nucleus eight year iat er at Seneca Falls NYi came the first canvcntian vi women headed by that name graup at women Eighteen clauses were drawn up at ihat tinv and the ninth stated that wamcn were determincd to secure or Ihcmsclvck thc elective ran chine In achievement that wax to be 70 year away The Hogan this convention was Women ihe World Unite gatu were mtn Many clergyman to be freed Jun as well aslhe ne gro allch What do we mm to do wllh BLITZ CAMPAIGN WWWZaZte The onlunndlnx work 01 Ill lclfmlnlvml ounnhnlluu ll ludhpwlnblo Monday November 15 Vicloriun order of Nurses CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVE he prublcma of many Mrs Mnr lhall axkcd hcr lmencrl Great opporlunitlcs ace me to solve Ihcxe prdblcml but like sound judg ment Ind courage and dIscurnlnu mlnd If we are going lo knnw he unlwlr It no envuxh in know he quusllom All know what lhn prablcml nre nnd wur response can be summed up What we need to be are laund Inmlngcnt mpon Ilble citizensfl la the commuully THEWORVFOUR PUB In 1AM MON TUES WED BIG ALL COLOR SHOW $3000 Burton Ave United Church HOT TURKEY SUPPER Hdulls 150 Children 75 Section 2Pages to l2 Work or Mn Manhau remred briefly Kn bar 1511 to the work 1h Canadian Alsctlallon ol Gomumer am In bringing the vale 1h houn wlteconsumer Into pal1y Ilandlng wlm Ihe Ilronl vulces at Industry lradc and agriculture women have right to dcmlnd better quality in all the good Khey buy the strand and als bener produce and better dl tbu 1m to in people the wnrli WED NOV 24 Illllnll 445 545 045

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