Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1954, p. 6

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flTIIE BARR EXAMINER MONDAY The load relief concen being given at Central United Church iomnrmw evening by Jeanne Pen geiiy and Yum Romany Rovers brings back to Harrie the noted Canadian cprana who appeared as soloist th the church chair in the inner paint the summer Miss Pengeny is well known in local audiences aswcil as In American and Canadian music Lovers The first Canadlanarnincd singer in Soin the Meiropallian Opera Com pany she has big richly calor ld Voice mat is very beautiful both in LL soiler nfld iuilcr dynamic ranges musician ni resource and pawcr she has mustanin achieved new highs ui artistry Besides hcr mosI succpsdul car car In opera and on the radlo and concert stage she noted choir mlaisi and last year began her 21 year 501015 Timothy Ealun MemorIaI Church In To mm OnIy 17 when she sang to ayackcd hall at 1hc Toronw Con servatory nl Music In 1928 she thrilch audlcncos In the allCam nda Symphony SurIcs he follow Ing year and In 1931 sanz Carmm In MnmmaI The grailth and loveliest mpranu In all Canada she need lake second place to none on the American comment The concert commences atnighi oclock with chumh argamst Warren MucLQan accompanying the disvlinguished ardsls From cholr mum based on nnclcnl European traditions to he Cuinodhms long way But thats Whnt the Four Lads dld and lhelr luncctslul lnlluwcrs the Crew Culs accm haunt nn he same road to Iamc Whnn St Mlcahcls Cathedral famous boy chorlslcrs appear In lawn on Fri day Nov 10m mmburs the audience are likely l0 Ihlnk of those theatrically famous gradu ates pamlcularly durlng the pop ular numbers that Monsignor now an ls lncludlng on the program The Four Lads bncnmc one of the most Iamuus Canudinnvbcrn groups 1n the pcpular musical ficld 9nd It seems likely that lhgrc are some LOOK AT THIS JI Min Two IIII lulum with llnwl llml Hu ersl luwllul Wm And um wnmrrlxru unl wrupn nnd ln pcm ml Ihal mum Ierevl irnnilul hm lk nnnrl make arwrul or lluw in cul My mom lullcrn OHM Junlnr MIA Sh ll 13 11 5hr 13 lukcl yard JMHCN hth 11m pzlllxm my to mr mumc mm cum mm Hlumnhd Ixmmvllum MN lllllllYAFIVE CENT4 cnlnl lllmnpl cullnm my mm um Barn nl Thr lum nwl Tumnln 7m Junior SewEasy rlelnm Iry nun Ellmln Ill pholunph um IP pur In lhl IIMIIpIp nullInn In Iony pvlnu In Inlovmnlnn Ibol lb plrlun wnl NUTE Thu Barrio Examine Phone 2414 SIM NAME ADDIULLL NUMHEIL AROUND TOWN Flunl il erl llmvln llxnmlnnn By mm ADAMEL Min Two llnwl llml mm And wrupn nnd mat mum lk nnnrl in guy Fornier Resident Heero Den Of Joseph Coady Fbrmcr Resident Hore weLHmown tormrr rcsdenl ol Barrie John Joseph Coady died suddenly followxnx ham ntlack 1n Durand MJch USA on Wednesday Oct 27 1954 in hls 48m ycor locomotive cnglnccr an the Grand Trunk Western Mall ways Mn Candy received his edu cauon St Marys Somme School ln Barrie and mended Hafric genuine VInsLilutc Survivinz members of his lumv ily are his widow the lormcr Rita McVeigh and lhcir live children Joseph Margaret Ann Patrick John and Paul Mr and Mrs John Coady Toronm Reginald Grav enhurst Mrs Jarvis Nniiich Mrs Ernes mm Mnry Tumn in Mrs Hugh Garaidc Kaihlecn flame Creek MichV and Mn Moore Marxian Londoni Oni HJa death was rent shock In hls many friends In Durand us well heavy blow lo hls family Grad kindness was shown in Mrs Candy and hcr children when they In to rave with hodv ll Danla or lnmmcnL Two nur and neighbors Mrs Thompson and Mrsl Boullnv were amunu than who lrlvcllcd with them Barrie and wnflcd wnh MW Coady to make the slum my her Mlchlgan hvmn Requiem mass was cclcbmlnd by Very Rev James Clair In St Marys Roman mthollc Church hen on Saturday Oct 30 10 mm with moment In Mnryl Cemetery Barrie Pullbcnrm were Ermnn Homn Brennan Harnld Allan Aye John and Comm Lloyll Abou 100 mass cam mu vahl lrlbmo 19 he denused Wllllnm Muvhanl Joscph MM cham Davld Johnsan and Thcmpsxm rcptucndnx lhn Dru lhlrhcod or Locomon Enllnccrl ulvmun Ducal 550 accnmpanlm lhc reman ram Durand to To mnlu Amnnfl Uu many lurl mbum were thus mm lhc Brulhcrhood or lmnmnfivn Enulnccr Dlvlllun Local 050 Durand Durand High School rnssmnlu and Incully Durand Elrmcnlary School IIM lnnlu And Ila Durand ncluhbon mrmcr Bdrm minimum Ind 10 Inca fnmlllu whn mul Horl Wrtalhn 35 You Railroador Charla Km 59 Dias Interment Gravonhum Itclauvu nnd xiiml 1mm Duv Imd Mlle Creek Mlzh DclrnH Hulhlo Turunlu London Oshawm Culllnzwmd Grnvunhum Oulll Wnalmku Mommyna Illrhmun HUI Nrw lhwcll nnd ImInlan nunEuqu Ulc nmml Ornvcnlmm 111mm Funeral Icrvkm wen hvhl Hnl uniy DcL 21 IBM lur Church Krll fill Grnvmhuul wlm wul rnllwml ruuvluyro mu ML KM xlINl umllrnly nu Wnl lmldny CL 20 whlln ha and MI wrm Vllflln IHUHII nl K1k luml Lnkr Ho had hnnll Illflunl lhu pm nvoyrnu drrcnml wll lmm ll Snu uwl nenr Srbrluhl HP Ierll Ml lerUId unrr II Ilmlll ll Allnmllln Ind rnmo lu Unveil huul In 1926 ll Irlll Ill lnnuhlnl Llnplrlmrnl WIUI whlch llv wrvrvl llnlll lluu III III llnlh Wu flnl manlnl In Ellxnhrlll CWIHI own hlh wlm mrvrrcued hlm yrnu Tunr yrm llu hn mnrrlmI Ev Ilauluy UIHHI Hvwul yuan M10 Mr KM FIVILI ml van Cuumll and II Hm whu Ilmllily IIIVU PEGGYS BEAUTY SALON Owlng To the Passing of MRS SCHUR Will Be Cloud Until Novombu l0 Math Iln Wynn re mm Kull leun in marriage by Squadron Lradcr Robinsonllnmlllon Vlng Ihn WI wear mg gown lace over laflcln mylud with very full Iskm nucd beams and lung ulcnvc coming to Mall over her wrlsu She wore nngcrllp vcll and carried nauquu pink CUTTING THEIR WEDDING CAKE tollowlnz their recent autumn nuptlnls 1n the Wing Chapel Wlng MAE Zwelbrucken Germany are Flyan Ofllcer and Mrs George Wilson Dowsett The bride is he former Helen Isobel Bryson daughter or Mr and Mrs Edward Bryson of Barrle and the groom is the son or Mrs Duwsett and the late John Dowsett of Vancouver BC After 11 wedding trip to Austria and Swit zerlnnd they will be making their home In 2welbrucken The bride Ls matron In charge of the nlr force hospltnl ZWel brucken waddlng wide Inlerzfl took place tn the Wing Chapel Wing loyal Canndknn Mr Force at chihruckcn Germany on Snl urdny September 11th 1954 lwokhlrly oclock in the afternoon when Mlu Helen Isobel Brynn daughter of Mr and Mn Edward Bryson Barrie wax married Flyan Otflccr George Wilson Dawscfl Wing RCAF chlhruckm son of Mn Dow le and the lalc John Dawson Vancouver Brfllsh Cnhlrnbla Fllgm Liuulcnnm Parkhouse olllclalcd at mun1m curcm my and woddlnl mus was lung by Scr on Klngslcj RCAF Chapel Ceremony in Germany Weddingof Wide Interest Held In Canadian Air Force Chapel In Germany Helen Bryson Bride Hnr nllcndnnl Flight Lieuten anl Luan Johnson at Calgary Al hcrln was wcnrlnl saw or med dcvclopmcnl otGuu Lnkc Inrk Mo wnl also member lhc Mnsonlc Order and Orange Layne Snrvlcc wu held Saturday utm noon nl lrlnlly Unlltd Church wllh mv Armmunx con Juclllw Mnsunlc member unend cd In In body lnlcrmcnl wnl 1n Micklu Mununnl Ccmclcry Pulllwurum warn Ed oxen Wllblrl Jnckmn MacDon ll Rudolph PuHcr SInnky Snug 1m Lumi Trnvcs whu WM 101 low mllruud employer Ind Mnh Surviving Ill wlln lhnc dmwhlcu Chrlsflnn Lyle Ilmmlulll nl Ormln udc Mn Gruydnn Knnpm nl rrlr and Mnrlc 11m Lyle llnfllcyluol Urlllln um IlVln urnnflchllllran Th Wnlnmhy nHrrncnn mm Illu II lho Soul Cllllcnl Club had 1le nuendnncc All ol Icy wm nrrwnt All wrn humiy lo wolrnma Mrl Mmhlllrl Mlu Iurkl ML IIIH null MILCHIHIEIVI he Summimlfl Clulz lrlrmfly mu curdn wm Nnyml lnr mm przlod Rev Luck Tells Senior Citizens Of Importance Others nun plrmme wumum wrukrr an um IL Luck lulu lerl HM Ilupllll Churth who rrmml In huw mumum lun llrr mu he mum Ind nvnllllnllu In Hm wnrlll Hum 1w Mlmlnw Hind ymml muhlmkq Ind Inkml hIerdl IF Itrlnfltr Mu Wurr extrmlnl vqu llmnku In npmkrr uvnulnl nulllmlp fur I1I vuu Rm rllwur Ilium mnnvlu pink tulle nvm firmn Infleln wnh filnk Have and mulching hat er flowers were yellow roses Flylng0mccr Llndsny Down at wlnx RCAF wna grown man and lhe usher were Flying Omeer Common B11an Slelllnxen Germany formerly of Vancouver and Flylnz Olflccr Turner Wing formerly of Snsknloon recepllon lollnwud Ah the Offlccrs Mcsx Wing Lcnvlnx on wcdrllnu lrlp lo Austria and Switzerlund the bride was wearlng xrey wool lull with plenled sklrl nnd lurqualne ha and ulovus or purse Ind uhnel wen black And she wns wearing Mann carnnuons 0n Ihclr return Flying Oflleer and Mrs WW wlll be making lhclr home Aiflwolhruckcn Elect DiFectBrs Orillia Speaker Todays Kiwanis Dr Hubert IUpWLH lnnl IIIS ldcnl or OrllHn Klwun Club and Paul LlculcnnnlGovcrnnr 01 DM llun Flvc wlll bu Hue xprukur ur todays dinner mcclllIK Darrin Klwnnln cum Cummumfy Home Hoduflll will chnlr he pruumm whlch under lhl mmmlllnc nn Kwnnls Edummm nnd Fvllvwmlp cxpcdrd that 055 LlculnnnnHJovtrnor LItcl when Mclmmu 0K Orlllln will be rucnl nlmvu leh Du Vlgnlrudcnl Hurry Vllllnml An ulccllonl pxuflrnm wn pro vldrd undnr Koy Club nuwku lnsl Mammy Murray Hoblnwu Bull York Collrulnlu UN mmnml ppwnllon 44 Ian llnv for tcenmucm nwm clrclul we Klwunll lmnnl dirtnun um ym wm Gwrur CnhlwrlL mu lamb AH mum Jnck mumcnmuu Cum Churllu mun llnrucn mu nml 0mm uumm YOU T00 will find our DRY CLEANING SERVICE BEST IN TOWN WRIGHT CLEANERS CALL THE EXAMINER FOI HUNTING IIIONB HM ulmuw ur mar mom ml Ir mum Illp Ihlu ll nul tull mull may II ummnl uh ylmlll nu Iully lmm hlml am away Health Unit Says Milk Consumers Well Protected It hit come In the mention the Slmcoe County Hum Unit 1w nunon In being chculucd ln cemln Areas the cum on some dnlriu In pistnurhlng Ind Idan milk whkh may have come 1mm herds knotted with Bruc ellbsll Hagum apparently hnvfl caused same concern tol the cou mmcr who queflon the salely la the milk or human consump an The Unll would like to point am quite emphalléally am pmper pasteurluuon wlll ldll all disease produclnz badcrln and the con sumer new have no an over he nmy of such milk For the pug our years the Sim mu Heallh Uni his been Bruc elloslscstlna monme Snlcrvul all herds sppplylnl the hiring In the cflunly Over 10000 such tests have been made and Brucelwsis rimmed the mm er is visited Ind urged to dlsposc of any Inlecmi animal Any hazard hut exlm dlreo ed the runner Ind hh family mount the consumpuun In lectcd raw mllk or me himdllnu such unlmnb Kiwanis Ladies Raise $130 Relief By Radio Bridge lhc Hurrlcnnc Flood Relief Fund wlll benefit by the mile bridge held Thursday cvmlng Nov by the Womens Auxiliary the KS wanis Club as he entire proceeds Vol 3180 Win be donated to this worlhy emuJo From 10415 to 1045 over CKBB the nlmcs the lucky wlnnm were drawn by Mrs Barbi Wheeler nsslslrd by Mrs Frank Boyca Mrs Adnmson Ind Mrs HBlzelow The member the way and means oommlme who worked ure lcxsly to make £th prolem auc us He Mn Blzclow eonvcncr Mn Adnmn Mrs Jack Butler Mrs 11 McCarroll Mn Harvey Little Mrs Ohml9 Bewlvy 9nd Mrs Allison The winners of nuructlve brldzc prlzu wen follow Mrs Mnu Nezblln Mn Mary Dcmlv Mm Loulse Clixkm Mn Gerry Qulnn Mrs Mulse Dubola Miss Doris KuranlnMynucrllo McKinley Mls Judy MlmhlllV Mn Edward Cocmr Edcw M15 Van Lyons Blll McAulny Sellon Ellls Cccll Wcbb Blll Mllcnmsnn and Ted Clarke Tnul membership or all Inbor unions ln Cand only nneflflh at 1hr Domlnlan labor mm can RAPIDLV Law Human uvulml Au Ioou Iwmln vuu mm cm wm Vw mm Lulu IllGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA AT HOME Ilnmcrul uuullly blunkcl our lllllll lml Iltu blunknl 00 Louk lhu luler un unvy mum Kurwvml mnm Thmv ll INJan llkn Kulh wuqu Vlccruy nl wmul hlnn Illll lho lwll qunly Haw ll wmnlh wlllum welsh uul will warn Ilka Imh Ill Illll be lulim nnw Iur yran lu cum 1995 mi AMERICAN sonooL Suite in lummu IL 1mm JOIN Tl 1350 Wat645 KENWUOD BLANKETS KENWOOD LHYAWHY CLUB M15 Judy mm Owen Sound the us of Sue Wall or the weekend M15 Jun lurid Ian Yesterdl or caller at OLmuV when she wlll vlsl her sister Miss Mar garet Hinds Ferguson 87 Drury line Ban1 Rulunal Operation En glnecr or Hydm was one the D7 vacuum whn racelved dlplm recenlly mm Lhe Man ucment TrainlnyCourse ol lhe School Business Admlnlslnflun of lhe Unlversny olWeflern 0n uulo The amup was selected ram an inn ol lndustry or branches at the Wynnlan Mayor Huber Smlm rccelvcd telegram on Friday morning tram JamCs Parker Taronln in Win hlm to be hl must official rcprmc llva of lhe Town Earth In Gmadlln heavy wnlah llle much anle Lent Gnrdcns El Worshlp rcpllcd Im rmdlalely by wlre comma and scndlna best wlahc for xucccssl That mam ll was lnnounced he bout had been pwwnnd dug lo ry by Parkers upponem In IrIlnan Howcvnr me lnvlmuan to Mayor Smflh hnlds good for the am dun and he willJzu at the rlnzsldn on um occasion OLDEST CITIZEN PASSES Frank Saint BrndIords oldest luzen pissed away on Nov In York County Hospital Newmnr keL his Nu yen wnck enrller Mr Sulnt inflated bad all breakan an um which ow lnz to his Ive could not be In to hell prnperly TO INSPECT RINK Coldwaier Rink Commisslnn meniinl Nov Ippuimcd Wil liam Beach Ind Aiken Orion to men represonintlves oi lhe Lions Club at In Inspection at the ink Nav Some literation Ind re pair Ire under consideration pre puhiory to he Lions Club ink ing over ho rink npcmlun mi winler fir van musmvsmnun anum Quillly ur cumlun Ior penny IndluLlIlem vn 150 me July Lmu Imund wllh lulu Wlllq ullll HHmIL Illleldulny baud all Kruwoud Tumqu FluxHIM lwvvrlullw humanton blunka IIHII bauud wllh all whla lln lfltbun huuly 71 IN BANQUETS CHRISTMAS PARTIES CLUB MEETINGS apand Illa Ivlnlnl dlnnlnl No kal churn CALL UBrlZl STROUD Lnnx Mly Your Lum Bank Renew Ir am or B10 BAY POINT 1995 1695 um Incaon on awn mg ml yum use nun 1M swam us run Mlnm us mum mm no gm Ami CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 urnarm 30 soon cImdu 15 run lunl as um 30 uch or mu In mu Am 31 Ml ln In Muuul unann un Douhll or New um Nun Hudunu um new Jlmbnns no My Imnu in mmde mm nu VIu 15 Ban nan nmmm lmw um Nu anon Boom mm on 11 230 Mon hr In DI us hu an un mm PumaIll Ynun Whlll CWHDI un mu mm us um tn mm 100 ulna ua mu mum Ll umndu com emu mm awn 540 um us Plan 1mm mm you gum on MI Pnludl mu mum um um Irenun wz comm nun nu 100 spam mu mun mm vnmu amen1 wmm sun on no smnuh In nu Du Nun mo nmu mull 115 mu 73 nun Mum nunvl FOR RESULTS USE EXAMMER WANT ADS Eplells Electrln urn happy to present this schcdule CBLT Prnxmms three ngs weekly as scrvlce to vlew era In Bun1e and dlstrlct CAPTURE EVERY MOMENT OF ALL THE GREAT TV SHOWS WITH THIS 11 GE BLACK DAYLITE IMBIV In Item um wm wun lnlvrklrnrclnc prrlnrmantr rILMIr plclurul mu ll lmpluvul rhm nu pnmnmnco mum Inluhulun rulllor In Ihu clrcull pmnmu uvorwurkmu mum rnmponml Ind ulvu luncr Irlvllc no If WIHI OE yll cl btllnr plclum null ll Ill rollcnl mum muoduullun und mnlrul lhl um may avenue mi FEATURING EPLETTS ELECTRIC 145147 lhmlop SI Phone Bunlo 8442 In run an In wvul In vm wnl tn nm 1m ln 0mm BL flnulh II Wth II ll Mink Mm Wm um um um n4 cumu 11 uh Hi nun an VM Muuum mom volml 74 10in mm hm 5wunuu Mm CELTTV TIIIH HlillVICl IH llllOUUHT 11 You spam cuntn Channel Toronto WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER IO DEALERS IN GE TELEVISION MONDAY NOVEMBER TUESDAY NOVEMBER mm um um nun urnmu cum nua nm on wma 3799 mm mm fludllnnl mu 91513 rmu no ukflBIW 2J0 NCII Loo Bulhun am Lo mm mum LOH Mllflnll Wollhfl no mm on 145 Rulnnu wmher 200 mu Fume 11 no mm lcr nu an 21 on ma mum am am Ynuu wmr com 30 NI In lldlu 1J5 11m to Ladle Lou mm 110 Nun Humm us mumy umer talcJun yam awn un fun us hm Hum mm 54 you Min 00 lun colnu um um Imam mu Hullllll 30m finecm 11 Soul Illfl mqu nu unmad or mt IJN NI mun mmnmu an Humm um Im HEIII Tulle no um undunu Ilm an mu H1 um to on In IN Dvnhh hum IJII up can nun mm fll VMII IIIW III Ind nuan nnumu Jell EDA Wnum 5533 may rm 41m show gzu Empme cum 110 Tum Pull no Nu um am New lxudlu u2u mm mm anew nun nound In Time mm Nun Huaunu mu unm 1210 lwolll mm 4213 Mum moon us am on un suemm or but us Nun use nun clock on 1m Tun alum In no hmnpnu 1mm coDon an In an ham anec Nun dune mrmm cunm Clmv Burden soon In mm on uuuuun Baum an rutqu 205 mum wmnu gumI wuuur Hum 915 Pruiudl to Dlhllll wtnunvn ml Mom

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