Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1954, p. 5

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the ywr which include he proscnlallnn of an Inlcrprovlnclnl hrlu lu Ihn agricultural comm 192 the Hausa Common in May He claimed um lho Farm er Union was the only am or uanlznuon In prucnl Inlet IL Board Grain Cnmmlssiun 1n Tarnnc Au rcsull at this order have bran Issued 10 unstcrn clcvnmrs rcqulrlnl um grade and wclghl ccrxlflcnm nc cumpnny loads purchnscd In the cm In rcvluwlnu the need at the format In hernmo uruanhed Mr Cnrmnck cnlltd nncnllun Um Ipnnumlc lrmd lnwurdn loprculan lo lhc fnrmcr All ouuldu he an rlcullurnl rnnlm wure lncnulnl In up llllmn hikh ul 131900000 vhllle n1 lho lnmc llmn lurr wtm buck 3207900900 um mlhcr TN nuw prrdiclcu thlnlllllu 50000000 Onr minn He luld also lhc ambushed Unuccllun Wllh nnmnllud lnlmr TM known as me FarmerLn bur mlnliunu Conxrus lhc Inlet pmvmdnl muncll the Fnrmcn Unlun hclnz member 11qu rcp runnlcd membershlp In Cnnndn of ll7D000 people whlch some 03000 are Inrmcrs Mr Curmnck hurl burn lpenkur the Can ndlnn Confirms thur unnqu mgcllnu 1n Turonw Innisfll Local 92 of ihc Farm IS Union held xis iirsl sunsonnl meeting nIHKnock Nov The chairman Herb Shannon nxsislnd by Sccmlnry Joe Cochrune were in charge It was well attended nlthuugh dcinyud in uncninn lhrnugn inc necessin oi lhn cum mmce obtaining some lniormntion 1mm Barrie The locnlwns nddruxscd by Ihe provincial prnsldcnt Cur mack who reviewed the nullvllle lnnisfil Local Of Farmers Union Meet he apcnlng at lhc Rnynl Wlntcr Fair at Toronto and It may be lnler estlng to us Canadian In knuw that many the exhlbltors at the LS naunnal show we Intended asked about our blz Canadian show We were successful in per suaning one Pollcd Herelord breeder to keep his herd coming north and they will be on exhlbl tiun at the Ruyal Tth were among the trophy winners ln Cul urnhus Monday will he the ofllclnl openlng day 01 the two new schools North Innlsm 0n the 17m Innlsfll Is holding an olllclul npunlng lur all ratepayers of the nay ownshlp qmcc al Slroud It turns am now mm this bull hall brulhurmn both dnm and sires side tn the bull Winning lh Grand Championship at this Huna show Naturally his value has been tenlold enhanced In our estimatlod least Official Opé ing New lnnisfil Schools snulh wind in the spring We believe that few might be greatly appreciative of the they might get 1mm this column it we were to do Dist that How ever we did get into the lime light in more ways nun one as result of the Ehuwlng made by the Grand Champion bull them He turned out to be doubly re lated to the bull we purchlsed this spring Our hull was pur chnsud or us by Warnicl 1mm in ranch in Iliinnis alonH with three others However we had splendid lime in the big Nniionni Pulled Hurclord Show being among 10 who want dpwn from Ontario and you mny1dupend on it we did not iel lhv Canadians down and came hnme wilh enough invin ions to visit ranches in the Son thern Slates hat we could slip awayfmm here about he lime nid man winior gets gning nnd breeze back again with he first snulh wind in the spring Owing to nur being In Colum bus Ohio the day the Coun 11 meeting we did not get the usual coverage and wfll have to depend on hearsay etc get you any inlurmnuon on whnl hap pened Missed Attending Council Méeting Would you like to earn Hundreds of Dollars fora lihle study the ma col of Ilfo lnaurancu canlulpl lhu pmmluml you pay has Ilm dlvdondl Ihn company pay you own Iho ynalll alndlod Iho dlvldnnd rocmd ol Thu Mulual Lilo ol Canada and quickly uw Ilm advanlqo ol buylnq lnluvanco mm mm Company Mm all Hum yuan am Ihnad hundde ol dollaxa bocaun lhal docklon Yum ago when wu buying my firm Illa Imunnco looknd only Ilu I110 01 lho plvmluml lyould have Io pay until hland laid You IMulVMVulrurlil Canada npnunlnflvu ARTHUR JOHNSTON llllt Ont llhB Syomnr llnhby Show Home and School Auaclnllon sponsoring llnbhy Show Iznln this your name me win In the Lions show In 219er Will the pnrcnlu plan an Inn children worklna on their hobbles To Live In Dania Mr unu MrL Wlmnm Wu are leaving Mldhum In make thelr home In Enrrlc ML and Mrl Wnll filmed on In Aecond llnu all their llvel few yum no my their mn Qook Inc arm over And Mr and Mn Wnll lIvcd rollnd nl lhe nmlly homemnd Thuy huvn unaided lnke nn npurlmnnl In town Thch mnny mend nnd ncllhbnn wish them many plcnsnnl your mmmnm All Younl Penile are asked to juln 1h Fricndshlp Hnur after church cncn Sunday evening lhrveslers Home Ronald Coum and Kobe Good cllow have arrived horn mm the hnrvcslcrs nxcunlnp Dame Nllm cum lmse Lois Coulu Dori Mason Ruth Smllh and Mrs Lynn Run 011 Me taking Ihc nlgm cllsxex nl the EDCI lhll wlnur High eel Nov llsu bake sale Drop In for low moment and have cup of on any 11ml during the nflernoan Cnnvnlesclnx Minuln Mrs Mason convnlmcing with her dnughlar Mrs Glenn Ecllhy Mincslnl Chickenpox In the order the day in 55 Na 17 Vespra SI Plull mm Tel St Pauls Angllcnn Church are holding an nucrnnon men lea Mrs John quk Eut Forum on Mnndly uMidhuml East Forum will meet Monday evenlng Nov Topic Farm Forum inihe Community Womens Anociltlon WA met at Mrs Princes on Tuesday with 14 members present Biking the business period the ladies decided to enter to Cundler and Centre Vespm WI 25th nnni versury on Nov 17 with iurkcv dinner in the Forestry Hull Mn Frnnkcnm led the devoiiannl Mm Adumson had an interesting pro gram on The World Council of Churches at Evunfisn liiinois this summer which was enjoyed by everyone An amusing con test was won by Mrsr Coutt The ladies were asked to count the arllclcs in their purse The largth number winner Mrs Cook Mrs Nash lerved delicious ihneh Mr and landed the In Toronto mum in lhe pmvlnn conierence were aiscusscd at me meeting Most oi lhese the speaker claimed hnd originated or were heing carried through solely by he Farmers Un ion imiion is th only one which is asking tor parity of arm price with Lhasa oi other industricaL He advised that turmeri Join solidly with their locals and also thnt other in armed across the coun Yy CRUSHED CONCRETE GRAVEL HT RUN CONCRETE GRAVEL CRUSHED DOAD lWEI BAND FILL LOADED AT lfl DELIVERED Various resolpllnnrt considered Phone 3050 167 Shnnly Buy Ild GARRETTS EAST END GRAVEL PIT Chlckenpox School MIDHURST Toronto Funenl lrlmdxhlp flour 10 an udoqunlt pvamllnn luv your lamlly Iownlmlwllzonu1hu Mulvnl lllo Canada up nlullvo In your temmvnlly loday Mrs Hurry Mnycs al lunerul their cousin last week Trip To Max days were apan In Max by MIL Jack Kendall who wn visiting her ivieriniaw Dur iniz his mother absence Ruben spam day wilh Brunt Taylor Convenlion Niann FIill Mr and Mn Frank Dinzman icndcd the annual convlminn oi the Probation 0ch oi Oniario at the Shcmkm Brock Hotel in Niagara mu on Oci 29 30 and 3L the banqum on Friday lhty heard the Han Dani Poner AxwrncyGcncrni 59min Hing In Dundlik Mile Choir 0n Lnymenu Sunday Oci 24 Mr and Mn George Simpwn and Susan visited Rev and Mn Eric Richards ni Dundaik where my aucndnd iiu xpccm mvim in Mr Richards church Mr Simp Ion had lhe priviirlc oi Iinklnfl with Lhe nii malechoir and enjoy ed ii very much nut lomllluolnmy £251 wishes for speed recov ery are sun In Linda Tny or who had her mnslls removed at the Royal Vlumrln Haspluii Barrie on Thursday Oct 28 Your school mmm nnd the Emwnles ham hnvc you back wnh them soon Linda Belldenee lllrry Mutlnl Mr and Mn Grammy have taken up residence in ha home Hurry Mann Mr Murlln ll at present llvlnu wllh hh brother Hexaward nnd Inmfly The Nhool children enjoyed Hniiaween mfly in the school house on Friday afternoon Oct 29 under the dircclinn oi the Jun iur Red Cross Society of SS No The most eerie and run111w event was he rip throth thc Witchs Den where many Eme somc nppariiiuns appenred to frilhlen ho unsuspecting Mon oi the students arrived in casiuml which added much to the weird atmosphere Mim delicious lunch prepared by themrents cinssrs were dismissed early Visli To Wundvllie Mlss Bunnie Mani spent Fri day night with her cousins Lynda and Wayne Murphy while her mm and daddy accompanied Moore to he ham his par ent in Wmdviiie Mlneyn my mun Gum with Mr and Mn ME Cecil Sutton and MIL Wal ter Sutton travelled to Toranlo on Thursdny Oct 25 to vléit thé Iormcrs son Hnrvgy They re part Ihat he is very cheerlul and quite resigned to his long canvn lescence Halloween purity helped to brighten the week or the patients Ma function Har vey Wnn the dom prim At pros cnt hé ls qultelmont upon leath ercran the product at which he hopes to 5011 Dont you thlnk that they wuld rnnke lovely Christmas gllts1 the prize fvr Ihe best the season Mm mm kylur and her partner won he spot dancé Wllh Ibout 140 In mend ance this ms the biggest dance of must successful season Ind will domuch inward repairs mlm ha vlsn Harvey sultanln 1mm Hulmen man very summu Halloweeri dance was held the communfly hall on Oct 21 with upaclly crowd Ind Prize both ch drm and adult Lack hylur nel fler Joanne Wort hon 15 and under Dennlx Suuon but lunar costume Mr IL Pencc Duo prlzewas won by Miss Mary An dmw of Gulhrl and M13 Irml Sloddun also of Gmhrie waived snmnr BAY Schoul Pelllvltlel WM ul nmu In Mum mm mm Um um mnmhn vgmhl rumm an mm Iron Von ml munI Imuni Mn am mun NIInn IIINIIOI uriInmnu run ml II Mon smrnmaon no umum Dual nun Am laugh in mm lawnIo Dunu menu In an pings mun coqu Iml PMM ml Ian To win omw man um ma omcq llmvll 0mm no no lawn unu Grant Chnplcr Ralkcs uunndod the Drum cry main of the Grm Chnpler of Em Slmmc vhith was hcld 1n ELmvalc on Ocl 27 urfium uy remain to me mm niownlu In thflné vnry queerBrownie Puck mmbled Monday uflernobn Their Halloween mukcup wns lnr cry tom the usual rim non unl Iom The air worked very hard for the 11m pan of the meet lnc Ind men relaxed for some mums and most abundant and tempting lunch Weird Vlilnle VIqu Saturday evening saw all descriptions or shows goblins and wllvzhes llmina about Ihe village with the annual cry of Trick er Treat Most oi the small vlsllora went home wilh mcks iuli oi nli 1h iLailowven goodies and want In sleep content wilh their flood fortune However as usual few were not satisfied with this kind of un and resorch to Sonplnll windows depoaiunz farm machin ery the mores and being quxle noisy Whereas all he mrmcr was harmless we should like mention lhnl rural peat boxes are tovEmhuM properly and there it considerable fine for nnyunn ound inmplrlnl with them Let word to the wise be Iuilicienl or those who dismantled the box Es niong the nldg Rudd from lhe store wmt We hopn Ihm ihere will be no recurrence next year Significance liallnween Halloween actubliy has roili ious significance since it is the hallowed evening boiorc All Shims Day The idea cos luminl ghosts etc dates back in the time when the panpie hu ileved lhut on this night he spirit of their drpariud friends and rum nu Mum no by ulnan nomuj MIcLAnEN on nu sorry to hear that Kathy Emma has been H1 nnd hope Alan her lndlsposmon of short duration Mr ndle daughter Mm Harrison 01 Mln my hm szolle ls Mrs Simpsons sister Delunles To WI Cnnvenllon The WI convention ln Barri was landed on Nov by Mrs Prlsslck and Mm Mann and an Nov hymns Emma Mm Hick Hng and Mrs Prlsslck nipllsmnl Sexview lWhyne Nurvull James 1lny son of Mr and Mrs Howard Caldwell 1M June chvlc was baptized during the morningaervlne Crown lilll Unllm Church an Sugday Oct by Rev Slmvsgn On Oct nun cm at manor Strand Hunt Club In on Satur day in their annual 1M weeks holiday ll their camp at Expannla They axe BobWebb Clarence Far mlsan Robem McDonIld Ellln lee Ted Webb Blythe Black Glbblns Ind L141de Webb mun1n Schnnl Mr and Mrs Ronald Fox en Joygd motor trip to Brampton mm uumm mum Dunlnlllnl mm Im In any Hand la In In em Long nu 07 mum szlfll mm and lunulol mm now an LIFE INsUiTNéi nemah Winn ofWInnIpel vbnlnz here with his causln Herb Wallace QQYB QEAORAM town MIMI Mlfll l0 low no VETEWARY oowm EOWAN mm Moufi OPTOMETRY ll IIUIIlEll Omnmm nun Whmlm Vlillor LEGAL aloud451mm man In no In Imlq 0M vnm am IL 1110 DO D0010 or munomm an Ilml om AV II In Int ulcnm or 40 umu nu nlmnv runn mama mm Ilunl of In nan conmum In lo ma llchldlll Al nun ml Amman mu Audi onmmurmml Aw umnulm conIlan an Dim1 um um mmmnm accounum um mm IAIVI AIIIION cm In rmiuu Zomth DUI II Recent Vllllm Wdtors Included Boyd Mr and Mrsr Boyd and Mn chfiker Bellevllle with Mr and Mn Hurry Hard and family Mr and Mn Irvlni Nelson and chk at Toronto and Mr and Mn WH bur laugh und Mn Aytrzd 11 Barrie Dwight Nelsons Ml Helen Wilson Tomnw Ind Jnme Hnnd Alllslon Hnnd melon lloeku Banquet Irving Nelson and Grunt WI lncc mended me banquet and dnnee given by Benton Recreation Society at which the pllyer of Ihc Junior ehnmpun hackey mm qunLarIo were presented with lenlhcr wlndbrenken and souvenir medals on Friday nlznl Buy ownm Bulldlnx John Hunter mu purchased file mwAmxfi mum Ill IAIIII Many le Coldl or Flu We are Manx lo hour of In many In Ml cammunlly bulnfl Hl wllh cvld and flu and hope all may soon be better Wall Bond Held WI Mrs Campbell president of South Simone District Womenn Instuuh visited Band Head In sfllule an 01 28 Home mm Brflllh Columbi Mn Graham Small hnl rcturn ed home allor spenang some lme WM her son Roy Small In Brmsh Columbia muma rubuu munm Townlo Imu ml ma rm mu hm mm an um In an L01 Euchre Inn Bum 1m euehre and muquerade dance on Hallmen night span sorcd by ssmuu Orangeliodge Wu largely minded and sued time enjoy by all Tum Patien dens orchesiru prbvldbd music in the dancing mm were greni number and variety oi 5mm ens iumns worn by Inn dnricurs hm we um cnmplm list of ihe prize winner is not vrrllablel Ladies in prize inr etch was won by Mrs Elmer Glbbins cond by Cnrscndden Mens lira wcm in Elmer Gibbons and sewnd to Jack Hunier Door prlle was wan by Mrs Gibblnx Install PYPB Olflnefl Ii vary impruslve aervlce ioak pine cn Sunday ntiernndn the Prmbyierian Church when the di fictrs of the Allnnflnlzsimud PYPS were installed by the min ister Rev Muir who imk as his mi Faithlul Servants very enjoybis solo mu lard My Shepherdl was sung by flair ant Cownn flrb miners installed were presidem Duncan Campbell I51 vicepresident Yvonnr Lumulli 2nd vicepmidcnl Kiichener Foil secretary Wendy Wnlir treasurer Ros Boyd Dmgrnm mrmner Pn ricia Orll worship convener Murray Amos mission Lorna Cumming evangelism and social nation Ruben Aischison lelluw ship Waller Schnndlcn pres Peder Webb Collecilon the Hurricane relic fund we ken MuMBZN anxam numn umnn uvmcml warm su may Commumwm to Mn Gemn Allin who calcium hlr 35m birthday anniversary an 111m dIY Nov Auror Vulon Mr and Dam Slanley Baker Mn and Mn Douglu Richan and lamlly Aurom Wm Sunday VI flora with Mr and Mrs Elmer Prq Inst wednudny and mm the day uth Dale Dylanlnx SthBL cnmub unfim vnam Aunt Mum CHIROPRACTOR MUSIC Isssom hum mynm NMRTIIID Ecouuunn conm an Hum mu 3mm osuovlmv ACCOUNTANTS IIOI 0M ml yumu 3mm am link pom $301653th mm sanwca 15 Qrgglfords$t BARRIE Phone 5971 wuum wasn first prize winner building formerly nccupicd by the Orchard family Allend Plawin Mllch number of people from thls vicinity attended the plowing mnuh at Jack Consinbics farm on Saturday Owing in luck of pub city the prize I151 not as many 1mm hare plowed us wouid done John Cownn won first in the hull ncss class nmi Dorinid Mc Plrellt Education Schooi teachers ure not the only Individuals who have Ercnt in fluence over our children was the deelslon oi the entire group nllcnd lnglhe regular monthly meeling oi Burns Home and School Associa tion held in the school inst wLck twilh the program in charge oi the Parent Education committee The tltbieet Do parents playmates teachers and community influence your chiid7 was introduced by Fisher liter which iour groups discussed the issue and brought in iindlngs nt the conclusion With Gordon presiding the program opened with the poem by Edna Ja ques in Flanders New in Map ing with the observance oi Remem hrenee Dny and included 41 poem by Edgar Guest Father and Son contributed by Mrs Munroe special feature oi the program was the singing oi group pl vocnl oiosflnd duets by Mm Dodds and Mn winger Camp Burden with Openlloiu AI Million Min Bumm Hisson underwent in mgndix opemlinn Stcvcnsun Memorial Hospital Ailmnn an Monday Nnv and Bobby Gordan Wuyenrold mn Cpl and Mn Gordon tonsilieninmy flm fume morning 8min 0n Church Music Mn Allan Corrlgnn nccompanicd by Mrs anwle at Ailiaton Mrs George Jauray Ind Mrs 18mm attended The Seminar on Church Music held in Trinity Un lled Church in Kitchener over the wsflmnd Mr EndMVIs Fergus KenL and Paul were recent guests Mn and Mr Lung fluency Wmerlnm Mr und Mrs children visited on Sunday Oct he Illa nanny col Shun Impthy ol the entire munityh extended ta Mr and Mn Wflhrd Cole and Emily 21 the mum nation on the death the belovzd son and brother Doullu wha passed way 111 hi mh year allowflnz lingering ill nest TRAILMAKER Weve got them in whkcwnlln too come in now while we have complete flock of all sizes BURNS Swnnsmi and lends at Fergus ERENCH MflTflflS MruAliAn Currmn accompanist Another added teature wu mast challenging uflk Haw to Write In habit rcadinz good liter lure in our children by Mll Mciachiann whn had on display number at rutuble book tor chil dren vate oi think we ex pressed by Stuitz an behnli of the organization to all who had cantrlizuted in such worthwhile program George Jatiray presided tor the apeninz exercises whlehin ciuded the singing at The Maple Lent allowed by the Lords Pray er in unison nnd Scripture tending by Mrs Lamr Buyers wexmme was extended to the visitors and guests including members rmn Baxter Home and School The par ent cauni showed the Junior mom leading again by quite large ma iority The dixtrict council meeting was announced In be held in Bar rie anihurday evening and the next regular meeting wii be on Visual Aid with the in hers in charge of the prozmd Meeting ud iaurned with the singing at the Na itiunnl Anthem Sandwiches and pumpkin tnrts were served with the cup tea Mrs Wnikcm ex prESsed the nwreciatiun oi the Baxter association hr in most on jnynhle evening Mn and Mrs Hunls mm or Sheridan spent Sunday with Mr And Mrs Wnllwln Mr and Mrs ODonull Tar omo spent the weekend with Mr an Mrs Ggqrge Pgncock BARR EXAMEEBMONDAy Mr andivriéf Gnrdon DH HOUSEHOLD FINANCE when you need it $50 in $1000 on your own signature Fm WWI lenlce Enqyhrmecl requiremenn Up In 24 mnnllls Io repay Borrow will cunfidenca from Canndua Inrgcsl and meal recommended Eon Iumrr finance company Cull HFC today EVERETT Dunlap saw lunnd near phofi 5529 IARRII ONT OUI CAPS All GUARAIIHDI MONEYSAVING PROIECTIONI TflAllMAlRlraad ramp on umyqu monoy let our oxpom dudt your Hm Ioduyl lhlloween AG BCE Men llowem Eva was munzly celebrated At the Engineers Mess Clmp Borden very large crowd mended wllh lull dress or the occnslon ln whlcll several prim were awarded lur lhe evenlnl Rubblns and hls Pine River Ramb lern supplled the muslc Break School Window On Hallowecn the school SS No Evertll had many wlndow broken by prankstcrs wllh the re sult nn school an Monday Miss Donna Robbin himtaker pusman CHnLs Rasmurmh Alumn houzh Toronto Ire Ipendlnl law day with Mend In EveretL Mr Ind Mn Wllllnm Janklm and kindly Tommy spent lhe weekend with Em Ferris nnu lune Yunr Nnme lmnrlnled bank in ulefl hm WEHYMIIUTHS Hamming 19514 PERSONALIZED 30 Bunion St BOOK STORE

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