Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1954, p. 3

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Ilmbylulm nuur Zlun Prvflbytcrlan Ludlcs Md Angus ls homan nn nflcmwn cm lukv tall and bizanr In he hutch butmum Wednesday nnemonon Nav 10 rum la nclnck Bean Nuv Cream Warehouéu Earl Sunni 201555 mm Malm her 200 Elm MchHan 5n Poyldgf quogncl Ausun rrnfiusci 2414511 Grth 23 Irene Wilson 524 has bran mm mm democracyl lhe wnmt arm or Rovernmcm mun nll muse ulhnr mm mm huvn been mm from me low lime Slr WINbun Churchill Lakeside Cabins Vlau Malars nrke an Quecneues czsys Buauty Salon Culligans Webb and Son Propane Gas Jacksons Grill qulnfion Hardware leh single Mirxon xiuhmam Culllgans 282 hlxh lhmc Mar ion Rohlllard 720 lusqu Nov Lalxeslde Culllgg Grace fiomman 242553 Marlon Roblllard 132720 Vlgu Molurs Jackson Jickxe Menu 270701 bummy lenncll 206516 cxgrkc and cum Agncs rarguw 2465541 Ella Swain Zia592 Qliccncuci Terry ixammon zozAsliu Non Clnrcuc Rum Harris IPA Peggy 2m Mar 1155 239531 Kyle gas581 quglnsoni granny Ming Kchnym vcrE Gallnu ghcr 520 loan Hunter 191521 mgh single Ausun Frnpdscn gowdcrm my mm Mex Baker Cmfin 7m Gcorlc Rumncy Sr 121 Mr Dukcr 597 George Rumncy Jr 38457 Olflcc lg Lipstick Cream Warehouse Powdur Cologne Dulce Mrs Walton who died in the axle Sydenham Sheet in in momma lived across the street mm the Dunlap home In her only youth She and Mrs Dunlop attended gchoul togclhcr in Moon alone So in he cans of the fire has mi been anionmined ulflmugh ii is believed it originated near the garagci H11 non unfit was in bed why an Illness at hhe time at he he Ind he was towed 10 Ice freq lhe building In pyiamzs Mr fiufixops wue Manuemé and their yuunzesl son Jimmy ll Mgr at church at he timcl Cominued mm pan one not the lama anSimcoe °1W Dfinlop Ihe owner was on hunting trip the 11m and plane was flown to Huntsvxlle to advis him the handy and brig hm hm loss at $60000 In Sunday Fire Moonsione KOMMRVILCKENS LEAGUE olmng room and IoungI mmuly lobby umth mvlcu HOTEL YORK Bloch from SPARES MDIES TOWN LEAGUE Barrie Bowling mdgo amund mm STRIKES ANGUS Where Luxuries are Economiesls NEW YORK cmr convcnllnl hm an Mm In lho hur GM would gullII clly Nur hmom dopuimtni don dlllvlfl 150 tamlovhbll mudml loom DollgWul dlning room and loungu hlmdly lobby umth mvlcu Bloch from Funnsylvanla Railrbld Minuhl from Tnm Squau Swonfl Avenue 5mm Velma Hank Vlsllum wth Mr nnd Mrs lld Glbbuns 134 wrckund wrn MV and Mm Orvlllc Tuny Ind Shir Izy Barrlr also MIL Sxmu lvy The Injury is no serious but no nuw dac can be set pending re cnvery Walls has been taking heat treatments and living exercises and according to promnwr Jack Allen should be ready in less lhan three lwncks Tickets tor the bout wm be hun nrcd at the next dMe set Allm stated More than 313000 In advance pad been nworlgd in II iiofiishri mid chndmn vt Cookswwn visited one dly hm week with hat siskr Mrl HAY Ml Edna Allnn Homo span couple dnyl 1w wuk wllh her mrcnu Mr nnd Mm U0w mnn Allen In Slck Chlltlrull Ilolnlul Sorry upon um um hum Grny In pollen In Sick Chlldunl Hmpllnl Tnmulu We hum hr wlll soon be nNn mum home lnllurl Nupper Nov 12 Dnnl 1mm um Mum wppcr or Knock mmmunlly In Slwurl Hull on hldny cvcninu Nuv I1 Walls apparently sumred he In ury Thursday while sparring six rounds He all some pain Int hit night when he climbed into the napusmu Setvlce The Sacrnmcnl ol Holy Baptism was admlnlslcrcd In St Lukes Anglican Church Plnkorlnn on Sunday ulternoon ill when in lullowlnx children were bap llled Diana Louise daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Bell Alan Gmrgc and Jafrlte Elizabeth chil dren of Mn and Mrs Oscar EuLham ksnsumce Mary Anne daughter or Mr and Mm Kenneth llildcyt Knmn Darlénc daugh ter Mr and Mrs Robert Maura The nectar Rev Canon Chaps crlin conducted the scrvlcc and give nvery hnlplul address on he lcxl Jesus look llule chlld and set him In Ihe mldst at them There Was lame attendance ln eluding membbrs nc warlous lamlLlcs digccuy concerncd Mlsscs Eleanor Cowan Louise and Verna Shannan attendud Lu JanosWood wedding Dalslun nn Del 23 Congmmlnllnn to Verna Shun nnn who has successfully com plccd her mum In Toronto Nursan Assistant lllr mother Mrs Shannon alkndcd lhl xradunllon exercises on Thylmjny Webb bank Injury sullered ln rain Ing Thursday forced Canadian heavyweight chumplan Earl Walls In the sidelines and nostponcmnnl of Ihc lZround Mlle bou Tuesday with Barrics James Parker Saturday evening Nov at clos ing time two ynung Ban1e men mnk over the ownersth Hotel Phelpsmn rarfi David Kenny The nuw partners are Bob Bibby and WullS Buck lnitiry Sidelines Canadian TQM Tuesday COOKSTOWN KNOCK BOB BIBBY Bu Phelpsion Hole The Injury form Eacrnillac sprain in the muslclc near the and the spine bvne Walls coamnnagcr Jimmy Jones said It was nothing to he alarm cd about think the same lhlnE has happened at least once lo every tighter IVE had Onlceru of Glen 11mm Lodge The allowing officers of Glen Rebekah Mac NO 200 Elmvaln wen installed on Thursday even lnz Oct 28 by DD President Sis 141 Juno Archer and Ham Nablc Gmnd Sister Gladys Rowley VlwGmnd Slslcr Leela Slbbal IPNG Sister Eunice llnwal RC cordlni Secretary Sister Jamel Financial Secretary saw at film Playe Ttmsu HSlater Gladys Mums Wnrdorl 51m Grace Lord Conductor Slslm VIC lurln Ritchie Inner Guard Sister Marjorie Whmon Outer Guard Era Jnc Baker Chaplain Sister mule Wade 5N0 Slsllr Olive Emma LSNG Bro Andrew Boardsall RSVG Slslcr Florence Mnnnlnk lsVG Slslcr Laurn Campbell Musltlnn Sislcr Vnm Flnzchcn Luly luncheon 5ch Bd by same Ihc Brothers ul the 001 brought the evening close THY AN EXAMINER WANT AD ring the pm wrestlingshim be Introduced la 19 crowd 0n arising Friday morning or some rnadwark he lound dlb lcull to bend over In He hlx shoe cull laces He was examined by chiroprac tor and we physlcians Includflng Dr Thomas Flnmmerlclt ol the On tario Athletics Commission omw All agreed Wall would be unable to ml the Tuesday engagement Gwnzc Drysdnle celebrated his 62nd birthday on Sunday Del 31 he humc at annvlnlnw and daughwr Mr and Muflnck Tinncy win blrlhduy dinner at 51x oclock Mu Dunl hll only 515m was his guts mx mu nflrmmn Mr nun was tumble to Luml on uccoum Illness Jerry Cpughltn It understand that Mruniflby willcarry on the active management the hotel Mr Coughltn ls wellknown auc tioncer and car salesman aufimfimca WADE Ulflllll N0 IICOHQIIDIO WNW MICK COMM Celcbrfles 82ml Blrlhday This man makes miles minules To hlm money LI daymany comm Security km ind hl Ibllily lu cam II II In lmpmlnnl nbilily no only In mm hul to If umnlrylur lluc MIMI daily wage mmm ol Canada In phyllcnlly mpumilvlc fur nut mlionnl pmmu Ill up no nol Ilwnyl enough In ennhlc lllm Io nu Ibo many mngcncin Ilml nun vuynnc II one lime or Another And whcn lhal mppcm he nuul hollow 11m pmtni dy mmulmr finance mm developed Imwtr Ihv ml of mm like him To 5m Ilm money Mp ho ml In nth hh funily nml undlng lls clllldvtn AdmoL Hm Small Loan Acl wnl Troika Hometh Imnon Io wuvhle null lnnm on Inun and lnlcl ifcul lmli Tn Iupply Mm mm ulna money mumnble um IIIOWI him In has emu my Aml ommlnnllynwiihnul depcndcnm on Man or nllm 11mIlluowlloilwmldllnnnmhulwlmlmllllomnffimdhm lo continue building Ilmngtr qundcr nIUon Mony Mm Null pmvllm II JERRY COUGHLIN ELMVALE lI llIle Io lruclu or or Ilka nllmld locomth um um wmanlinking mu counlry province by The 10me cnginner was to naming the ditch known the Arnold Curbe Award Dikeh Ind advise council as In the proper procedure to have the ditch clean ed out saMsanlorily fur the DN peny owners allecled The ang lneer was am In make report on he camcnl bridge on Can ncsflon 10 The town sollcllor was In examim nu Corbgu Arnold Ditch also and advise council lhc provlslnns ol the award could still be enlnrccd The mwnshm passedn by law providing strut uxhtlnx In lhc hamlu of Baxter Th Cos at conslruclinl and maintaining the 111110 Wm be paid out hr awn funds omfic tavimsmb The ownshlp senator Gordon Mchk was asked examine petition slgncd by pmpm own 01 the bumup area 5L5 and 32 was lull Concession and aka the necessary action lo have registered plan at the area as soon as powblg The lnwnshlp clerk has wmhn to Robinson Midland MP thanking him or bi amtance in securing grant of $30000 from he Dvparhnent ol Nauonal De cnce lo assist In constructing and puulng permncmvsurtace on she townllnc between Fssa Town jhlp and Tommntla from 211 scum 11mm 01 Camp Borden to Burn Church At the Octnber mcetng at coun the road supervisor was in truotcd Io engage ditching ma chine to clean out the ditch at Lot Concessth and the clerk was instructed tv nouty Lhe super ntcndent of the Canadian Natlnn al Railways at Allandale of the dangerous condiUOn the railway crossing at Lot 30 Concession and he warhead bddge at At between Caucasians 10 and Claims nor sheep and lamb kllled durinfi me name pexlod amounted to 85 AA me Nuyember meeting at council lhe road supervisor was Inemuctcd to have 1111 man Do Conceflon 11 14 Concession at the Peacock Bridge Ind at he Goodwin Bridge as soon as possible Lawn is being xntormed 131 he has an an nflldavn slat nglhednte and place he killqd Rene payment In hm Town Shh during lb mannu ol Scotch he and Odour mileiml One cm In flu account ml or transportation of hmfly to In ulher pmvywa In 113 mi lnz relief Indanother paymenl was duxxuble to Smith Falls Hospital nepounu or the lwn months amounted to $11315 In cluding nne chlrumr luneraL Ind council paidout ma tor TB flerrcare lidogrloiuna wgrxylng eep ercr lo rcceiva the boumv paid yfiLh township Dexmutt was given permission engage bulldozer shove laxbale at the mad Lot 18 mccgston Township Relief Payments in Two Months $86432 DEAL WITH THE LEADER DEAL WITH Dangerfield Molois LIMITED 115 mm DIVISION 211 IIIMDFOIIII 3T Illll I98 mum bllck InIQh nm II My chucked ma mm with 51 CHEV SEDAN Although the supply whs tuhpt ng the home baking was not so nuch in demand until later pm ab1y because rnnrc baking Sn the homes In cookr wmthcr On sale were layer rakes fruit drops Ipple raisin and date pics cookies daughnuLs and cum Lalnucs including threetruhmnr malade at Note 25 Small Jar Horseradish was 13¢ to 35¢ hoica Honey Chicken have been or good uullty and size fill all and the dlqflay included his plump mask rs at 45c lbw smflllcr tit 40 and low as 35c lb or broilers Boning Jowl sold or 35c lo 400 lb Plenty of Eggs Although the supply 01 MAI was Envy they wen Well gold out by noon and ranged In price 1mm will pullets 35c and 40c up to 55¢ tor extrs lame HomeBaking Fragrant honey was an sale in white Knldcn amber in lame nge sites tins Jars and uranium 1mm 20c to $235 but Choke Chickehs Potatoes Vegelables Nam were at good quality Ind sold or 40 to 45 basket or $235 or the 75 lb bag Other vegetables Included some inc 25° URRYS 50° SKATES SHARPENED REGULAR SATURDAY NOV 61 vu mm Hugnlm IIIC NEW ETHOD rm Im um Italy The Ctmdlm Lelion wnu ov II to continue to be known Rememhnnce Day Memzosh Reds and Tolman Sweets sold for 75¢ in the usual size baskets menuwmuwm mm mi zc¢zmsm In 00 In Alum mm mm 10m Canadian legion Want Nov 11 Kept Remembrance Day Th Lexlonary monthly mall zine the Legion my In In Novtmber lune that DPPSBI nnyvmov to chum the name to Veteran Day II was done In the United States last month In In editorial the magadne says Flmmnl he new des xnahan In to veterans we believe the Vail majority of Cunldhn ex ervice men and women prclcr lamefiavay and also red cabbage 15c While cabbage were mm 5c up Carrots been and parsnip are not bigchip this year In mid for We to 50c basket with various prices on small comalners also onions Squash wen in great varlcly and mm 10c up AIME mm mu Mum an mm mAmWomom tom m1 WI VW gwm gmgmwm Adam leinpling Apples Phone 5729 DISPLAYS SHOW alums SIGN PAINTING REFINISIIING TRUCK LETTERING FREE ESTIMATES JIMMYS SIGN SERVICE gums llnuugh lhc inlcnmlimulAnuuc fall Ihu Hugmm bllnliun uf lainlingn hnarlim lilirn inlvllmlul In IIIC umhl llw illnnmic xumlh nfuur n1liuuamlllnu imlity ulnurcilimu Mme all he Stagmm nllccliun mnul many new rlillllll fur anla by Ininyfiug full umlmlamliug uf hian Canaxlilu In InoLIIt ufnlhu hulls nu BARE EXAMINER DIQNDAY NOVEMBER l95l3 am the orlllnll Ind primfl Conn up 01 Nov II nlflonll dly be preserved namely to to emn tribute to In memory of our Allen Remembrance Day convey the cue mennxu at that concept and we hope II will ulwnvn be known by hut name In Candi ArmEtlca Day wal renuned Remembrance Day by all Com monwukh countries In 1931 Stephens We Inok lorwnid to serving you lrom our new larger premises WEDTHUR CL OSE he flame of Scagram or lull delalla on Ihe Grand Opening of our new location lllc Mn and in lhc miluln of llmuumlw of Knuum culhmianli vuitulin lllclutw1lnullMum FRIDAY NOV 12 mlkn mnusafinu in he Ihc mum Iona of NA See Wednesdays Issue Of The Barrie Examiner Lishznto CKBB THE STORE FOR MEN WILL BE ALL DAY hirmlly Luigudyy AILIIIJ ulhulmu nf lhr blimlm In 10M Immoou msMenu ll Mumyou mum mm alul maul nlmnl lml ml Muilal pauan In InsuluUanl Ind psychiatrist unm outnumber Ill Ihe pallan In III the public hospitals of Canada by max than no per cent Canadal urban ninsu mum carried 113899950 passenger last year 5OBDBI gewer than ll 1952 Cumin VEaflwayl moved IWW lens 01 relghl dudl 03 New in Ilnly in

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