Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1954, p. 2

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The Tarpon uscd naunMvcrlud pace to £119 he thlcrmincd 60 mlnulu bid he Flynn or vlc Kory Wllh the Flym twa men lhnrl In he first period Thompmn banned hnmc drncclnd that by Muslimr Pele lluluznrd mldwny In the mnzn Goalk Rcu Brookl who plnyld lenuuonnl game had nu chnncv or lho VA Bdorc he mam pcrind was two mlnum old Um Gnrdcn Clly Ind hnd 20 land as Wlmvyl Rd cru nuhcd In an Icrnmbln when Coach llnp Emml wnxnl ex nzlly ham over me afllclntlng dont mind 101mg he said but It hurl when lhcyrc mien mm you The only dlxtnsleiuinote oi the excellent show was lhe question able oliiclniinz at referee Jack SHUFSMIC of Watch and hll Dut Ildc colleagues an ill lines Shrop shire in Cunadnl lap nmnteur hockey was nvnriy allicinm with miscnnducts and double penalties lie assessed thrcc iOminuie pen nlties and three time against the iéLpm oncé the Fiyen played two men xhu it certainly didnt add la thrilling battle between two nvcniymatchui clubs on the night play AndJo ndd to Ihl inept otflclnt lnz Ihc chpces third goal Nu evenlng which prnvvd wlnncr wan amide and everyone In the rink but Ih llncimnn knew in MemorlnlCup chmhplon BL Cnbhnrlnes Teepees are going td be welghny OHA Junior problem this season Coach Rudy Pllous has mustered one or the heaviest teams seen in thlsclrcult or many moon and with this decided nsset must be ruled repent contenders IL was the welghc more than hockey skill that enabled the Teams to edge the Flyers 32 at Enrrle Arena Frldny nlghc ln thrlllpacked wellplayed comes before 1335 lnns Edge Flyers 32 Here Friday Poor Officiating MursTiIt Champions SWeep Weekend Series ln flu lmlnvd nlfll and tour agl ol Canodul Iodlm Ilu alm nl Inman II dam InnIan in pmu nunlml uwmllon th cm Emmi 64 in mm nu mm ml 04 mum lmdnm 41 mm mm my mun mm rm Auk mu nay1 1m in um um 94 5m Elli vhllgflfl l3l 11353 231 111711 53 Efi 7M Anny Im ronllnulnu In good nun mm you who wan la rank cl pmmolog Canadas layout and your own In Anny mmfifififim 1b nppovlunllln 1m yaunu man wlxh 1M 1th Impetu mum and Inulllgnnu mah run In Ihu Avmyun al In modlm magnum Olvonlmllun Iho Amy II acwlppnd lo you oullng and Hula In tam Ioldlul Hm Ian In CanudVon Army or young who mn mm IN hullung Opporlunity minorn INSURANCE FOR CAREER IN Action at Bayrie Arena as Flyers Bow to Teeps in TorridGame Inr hadnt nude runrh Ilmly lllnul vrry lupvy Iwwrd Inu lurxu hm mldn coll IAVII lluwln Hover Oeoru Hamlrl lnllxlnnl llarluw Hulllh Mlcdunlld And Jmk Kllu liquIHy ll brllllunl Wnn ulllhhll llnll rook whuu calm cullrcllvc wvlk MIMI hln lnuprr Irnu He hunml uhh lop lmrlnu mu In from Inch HMunrd vulurc But he pmsure on unnue Mnrv Edwards wan walled xo lho Ilnnl bell Arnold Smllh wul llltmlly chenlrd unrlnu chum wmn anko Icld hlm from he bllmlinc In penalty Aha could huve born nwnrdrd nnd rm qualam nskcd Johnny Mncdonflld mum on ma Icarlflf npuurlunily loo dld Danny lolzlanl bolh world to he dnomrv to lose canlral Hu kcy nmmtnl HID 0114 The Flycrl Md laugh llme bunkan Ihrouuh mwnms the In and Izumd mnlndl wilh he run most ho Ihull wrrc mm well out Shrap Ihlrc looked 1111 cnlllnl mlnnr prnnlly un Emmi lur drlnylnu Hlu game rnmu III Ulu Irrond Mm ht nmmd Hawle Olav wllh minor and lllllionducl Dunn wnn nnlumlly dluuxlod wllh lhl whlllc lnulllll by Hill lllm Th5 runninan My hudder nl ha box whllo ierpu vlnyru un lhmd mound nlwnrdr nu eru lhcr elm wan In for nuo nl Im rtwre bluellnn and bow Jihnmu mire can pmvn Emmi Wnl May In the game xzulIllgmgnnrki The Flycn lost Rnnnlr lhrough cheap misconduct but Vnsko Um Taryn1 dullnllu nilMm drlonco mnn invc two nuporlunlucs through minor penaltch The Flynn offen llvo wnl mamcnlnrlly hnlud whvn llubcn Bull Wfll Ihumbcd or cromhecklnx II placed the Flynn rlght back In the running And he mnnlnlng ll minute and 19 around had Hue lnnl minding an Ihclr lhmuAh exclltmml Hubert Bnll lost the puck to big Herflc Clgslln lnnlhg Flynrg cornnr Most the ollenslve nctlon cam In the third when the Flycr 1n nlly broke through the heavy Tee pue chrcking nmmur double penalty to the Teepeel to llart the lenlon paved the way or Barrie drive that Bob Barlow cllmnxcd with at low 1540mm Only Elmer Vasko win In the llnblnwhon the zgnl was scored Vnsko bounced out to tally the eventual winner MuBllnc shot lhnt cnromed of lanky Blake Enll alnndlm In ham Brooks The puck wnx carrlvd In Dflslde hy mm lime over mlnule lnlcr wllh RubenLot lhu Twp scrvlng m1 medalonce lnfrncllon George Rnnulrl sneaked In high bluellne Ihot pus slnrlled Marv Edward vgw hnd no chance of menu he all 56 ELLEN ST PM 2517 BEAVER LUMBER CQMPANY LIMITED HEADQUMUXERU FOR ALI YOUR LUMBER AND BUILDXNO NEEDS Thu Mrrcnulllv llmkoy Luvzno will hnld Ilvvubhhlndrn lnnluhl nml lumlny RI Harllr AIIIHI lhll work Tunluhl MlllrllnlWmulnr anlry uvnhlnu menl Slmrm Mnlnfl In hr npmrr 730 and lumIMrnd IIIK Hlnwnln lntklu TIUHHU In HIP Hum lhn Mummer mun hark Tun day In by uwnrr mlnn wm Im mum whlln munum mu nu Cumman rn un llmldy Ilnnrd In junior nml Mlllnr Ilorkfiy hl MI homo tlly nml plnyr Int Iho Armourtd Mnu In In my Harden OM rlmll Lruuuc Ivvcrnl wnr ycIrL Mercantile Twin Bills This Week Jllmny noddy popular rrlcrrc ln OHA Junmr click fur Irvnrnl yum wulll bt dalmx mum on the Icr ml nunun Ho uu opened mum Inlhlnx Ilurc ln me Sound Mid my HIE wlll bu wnll luk rm Ihe Iynra ammch Iny wnl but mu In the sen tun wm lanky mm mm mowan lmmnduu lmpmvvmcnl cnrh wm mm as Cm lloekslrn Barry Cul lcn Chum Wnrchol nnd Hunk Clula One save all dullncllon from Vnsko hlucllne shot wu phcnamcnnL Emmi converted Grorze flnnolri ram lefl wln la Irfnnce and warklnx ulonxsldc D11 am he pnmmr lunlorl hard Ihu loakzd ch he mllm ml 10 bjll for mfllnx blucllnc Conch Hap Emms charm will have good chance to gnln consid erable around ml week as they appnsc Marmara Wednesday In Mimic LCM Gardens tackle the rugml mumnm 1n Guelph rrlduy lmd play in lhn hizhlyInvnrcd anunlu SL erhncls Collcne here Salurdny nlxhl The Flycrs dunno droppmg broth and woukend series with he chpccs rcmninnd In nlxlh place one polnl Hamilton Culgy Str Catharina chpecs flushefl some of their Memorial Cup 01 ensivc power Saturday night when they scored nine goals in the third period inr an 110 ahutput win over Barrie Flycrs bciare 2500 Inns In at Catharine op were conflan In one gonl In each the first and second perlods bolh by team capmin Hunk Clcsln but dchnccmnn Elmer Vns ko touched of barrage red light bvhlnd gonlle Don ngnzlo ago Just 26 mounds or play In the Cicslu CLC Hankser and Mitch Plaln each scored two 1031 fur the TcLpccs wha moved We throélwny In or am man In the Ontario Hockey Association junior mndings Vasko Pa Kelly Chester Wur choiV McDonald and Eddm llocknlm counted on goal each Teepees Score Nine in Third Blank Flyers Buddy Proprietor DARRII vanl rccurd 1331005100 can and trucks crumcd tho bard lnm Cnmdn mm Unllcd Sum In 1053 Mlchncll Guelph 5L Catharine Mnrlhnms Gull nnrrle Humllhm Klchcnnr Bahrhy new Call Kllchrnur EL Cllhlrintl ll Birth ll Fulun mmu Tuesday Sl Mlchnnll Gull chnzxdny mm It Mul bnlol Thursday Kitchener nt lnm Illun 011A Junlor Barrie Arenn Nnv ST CATHAKINFS 00111 Ed wnras defence Gretnnn Vusko Huunrd Knlly forwards Cec Haekum Cullen McDonald Cles la Wnrchol Rdbmx Thompwn Hoeksul Plum Km Roberts Wmhnl Clem IB Ptmflues Ureenan 422 Hul szujd v06 Greennn11$81 lev 1hr minor conduct 11m Dawn servad loam penalty 1217 Ther llrlod Dnrrle Baer RamM 420 Km Vnskn i1 Honkslrn Plnll Bnrrtc Rnnclrl Glover 841 Pemlllu Wnrchol 115 Vaska 251 Roberts 754 Rnnolr Ml mnduclV 901D Vusko 920 Hub her all MAB Vnsko 1721 OHA Junior qundlng innit nuhm Guelph El Mlflmcll Marlboro Hnmillnn BAREIE Goa Bmoks defence Blake Ball Hope Manuetn Ran alrl Dame forwards Barluw Mac donuld Pman Garner Smlh Ruben Bull Kane Glover Mc weilaz nm Palm 51 Km Thompson Va ko llufllrd 1031 Pnnalucs Mncqueen 39 Clo ln minor misconduct 500 Hug lard 110Bnlth 845 Polizllnl A921 Greemm 1200 Pullllnnl 1359 ManuMn 1510 Vnskn 155 inck Shropshire max 18 N0 CHARGE WI THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI SI Kim Barrie EXAMINER LATE Second Pulod DIM AND COPY WILL BE DELlV RED To Your Homo By carrier boy has hot arrived then WAIT UNTII pm and if your 2433 LIB Hul Glav DWB imam unnlllrs nuxgar 405 and 1551 011A Junlor ad mm mm Nnv 03AM Goal Elgnzla ence McQueen Ford Duwe Ball Hope tnrwnrds Smith Muc Dunnxd Vuuzhnn Barlow Pnllu nnl Garner Rnnlefl Ball Graham Graham Kane Glo wards dmnne vukm Huxgnrd Greener Kelly Bum faanrd meals Rubens Wurchol Hock hlru Cullen Mannnld Hock nlruPlnta T21me uuer mum Hugh Mclknrifmm mun llnnmen Babe Kndamky Welland Ind Rm Smith Humil on Fenaluu fiéhcenaza mini 25 Kane 1551 Thlrd Perlod SI Cnlhalrm vmm Clum 5L Cnlhn McDonald Cullen Kim Hacks St KltsKolly Clcslnl Kim Wnrchol Kim llnln Butler Thompson St Kills Plum llnckstm Thompson 10 Kins Hockslm Flnl Period SL Cnlhnrlncs Clusln erthol 011 lsnnmcs McQueen 971 Smllh Becoml Perlod SL Cnhnrlne CXcsll llnngerliéld Motors LIMITED 23 BRADFORD HIJIIII ll Orllllul dirk hlu llnllh ex cepflonllly load Ihlpr see mm It um youll buy DEAL Wml IIIE LEADER DEAL WITH 50 CHEV St Kim Barrie UflED CIllI LOT SEDAN 15 Bull 1033 1101 1855 243 331 518 853 Simone Presbytery Young Peo plel skating party Barrl Arena Wednesday NEW 10 830 Afi mlulon 50 123 gin Orilliu Pontiac Scalp Newmarket Oriiiia Pnnliacs chniked up their secondvsirnighl OHA senior victory over Newmnrket Redmen Samrday night with 74 decis ion before 71300 Inns aL Oriiiln Danny MacDonald and Ear Clnmtuls each scored two gnals tn the Nnuncs oflcnsive display Ken Roberson Jnhn Wood and Ron Nelson milled one nnlece Gor Eon ace Ken Broughton and Run Branksmn shared the Redmens aulpuL MIME MOTOR SALE fimle fil nlnlc 10mm 250 Dunlap IMWVINUMI TIMI2 CO Mary Ht llmll TAITON NOEL Crnlxlmnt IRIVER mmnnmn Blylleld in nnrrle Ont 123 Tonuny Wilson who pllyed ll mum venue or Barrie Plyers Ian wintar has tuned with Part Eluln Jayme the DHA Inter mediate clan Native 01 Kincar dlne he played must last Ion with the Wingharn Junior learn and spent the sunghe on the roller 01 he bfiamplon lasflmll Port Elgin Pontiacs who tenured Norm Bugnell the mound zm BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOVEMBER 195 IMMEDN MOTORH LTD ll than lead nnvrle WILHONH MRHIP Mlnulnu IMIHHH AUTO ELECTRIC LTIL Dunlap HI llntrle flunk Wilsqn With deceel Vlwr Véndlehll thaw you whnin In ulnaml Weve all the tumult turgidname yquhiofindlm¢ GORD ROHCH THE ROXY THEATRE BUILDING For quick starts in any wculhcr lmy Preslolilc hilcmzl lhc buttery that needs wulcr only lhrcc limes In your in normal car use See your IrcslIlilc Buttery Dculcr torluy MENS SHOP mm morons Hgnynor 0M guaranleol ol good and good valvul llylo good quality Theyre your Mm Mldhum 7nlllnlwnml II Iowan HI l1 Iowan HI llama IOIIN WALK MIlMlIi nepm mm Northern 0mm uyl that Danny Poland exEanie hockeym ilgned with Sudbury Waive Instead of Sault Ste Marie Greyhaunds who are pltnly mad Poland had been iEleaSed by tawn Senators at the Quebec Lea gue and was klzled for the 500 But he stopped Sn he Nickel Bell talked do Maxie Sllvnrmnn and signed fiownvcr he cant play un lil the CAHA reinstate him an amntcur Poland To Wolves VIM MOTORH om 0M OM nl

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