Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1954, p. 10

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Pmibuico nknfis imam 34 Fulh 11a Are lll Sorry to repon Miss Florence 51er mum Ihe Roya VidalL1 Hospital Barrie and Thomas 00ml ls ill at the home his daughter in Barrie ugwnson BUILDING Toronlo Vlsll Mr and Mrs Black Mur AI Nil In Hnlnca men under yun old In life nlmd no um can an anal 1500 or 131 Our compmy cum hllnkex mmInc policy to do lhll ob For example ny you arrow $700 min ha than you bunow mm the than you Im plymenl nude the plymenu yml Hill Nhgm In tamed wkhl Huntnu Wcn huppy Ihll man ohho than our cunnmm da lhl necunrynplying Bulcvuy dmI Ibo lusunnca mmpgny pnyl Va 12111 lust how un ponlqt Ihl hmm to our cunomm Any mm know there would be enough or his unllylo war About if lurking hnppene to him than mullnz lulu plymenll TM lull on indlculon of the my wc do buslncu Wen out to give much help to our customer an Ind the but ponlbla dell We think oull Ilka our compn1 lo you and mom why nut make mu you bus lam lifemund no um con inn drap Inf phant mm 37 NIAGARA Lg Talk about What Is FEINSURED IOAN lie of Mormon lllumluu mum Onlllll yd III BI EMII Ill lb nil Nydu Chnlmn IN Unhmlu Avlnul hlnnh Banking the way you like The mlmndnrl door IIWUI openIlla upwimca Innowledle And Judlnmll will be uulul yuu Canadas cumn tmnsnulnm In good and service wlh other cnumrics resulled in deficit of $7000000 in 1953 Thfls cumpnrm with 3157900900 surplus In 1352 Mrs Marlin Bereaved Mrs Marlin received news on Sunday the sudden dcmh her brother Albert Lnldlaw which had taken place In annnln Nov and Mrs Marlln were In To rnmo attendan the funeral Al Toronto Funeral Mr Imd Mm Nelson Moore ware In Tommo on Friday mlumllng the luncral Mrs Dinwoody Mun Into New Home Mr and Mrs Gordon Ferguson ml Miandulc mnvcd lnln their new heme on Tuesday Carr Margaret and Mary spent Sunday In lhmntm MnandMrL Carr and chtldren rcmttlned ln the city unlll Monday Trlnlly WlllS Thankoflerln hlnlty WMS are hnldln the autumn thankoflerlng xervlce tn the basementat the church on Wednesday Nov 10 at 230 when Rev Florence Hunter Angus wlll be the speaker Allend Vl Are Convention number otlhe Wl members attended the area eonvenllon in Barrie onMonday and Tuesday Flaunt Soclnl Gulllerlnl The home of Mr and Mrs McQuay was the scene at very pleamnt soetnl zathrrlng on Thursday evenlng Oct 21 when over 60 01 thclr trlends gathered at their home to honor thelr daughter 1911 who was recently mnrrled Mrs GCunnlnghnn was mlstress nl ceremnnles Mrs Lennux gave roadlng EVA telyn and bats Blnek played plum duct and severhl at the ladies staged mock weddlnl whteh caused canstdernbleJnugh tor ntler whleh the brlde was presented wlth twa end tables and two lumps ln wrnught lmn stands and rllver cnkc plnte Mrs luck Landry rend thenddrcsl and the um 01 the muck wedding made the prosentatlcn Jenn hankcd the lndles for the benutt ml ultts uml lnvlled lhcm all vlslt her Whlle lunch wns hclna served Mrs Nelson Monre gave come Instrumental muelc inn InglVWalllce Mr and Mn llllluwean Pany very suctnsslul llnllpwucn nrly sponsored By the Business Ind Dkot Progress Club was homuzhly cnjnycd by he chil irgn and older folk no in the own hull Saturday evenlna Inst lherc la drowan Inletm each wear and gram many of flu col umos wen wcll porlmynd by he young glrls and bOySermv wy Lwo yum 00 year In Omnuvlll Halpllll Samuel Hummus In pmenl patlcm In Ornnzevnle hospllnl Oneu lnm WMS The WMS and Evening Auxil lnry or the Unlled Church were guests the WMS Fraser Pres bylcrlnn WMS In the church on Mrs James Tough 15 nt prawn paucnt In vacnmn Mcmnrlnl oapllaL Alllsnan Vlllu slnlerln Kenlucky Miss SthIey Tough relurncd on murday from week via wllh wr aisler Barbara Mm Knlxht Kenlucky Mr and Mrs Thnmu Dune In are mum Mend In Toronto Mm Don Flcnh has mummy Mn two week My wlht Town in Irlends VMr and M11 Kirams 5nd Mu Marie Mnnnls ahTmanto called Sunday on Miss HelenWalsh Mr and Mrs Mneev Delaney mve returned home num two Neelm hfillduya Symfzuthy Eilended We extend sympathy to Mrs Jar Bishop MM Mrs CuDldo rscn whose hrnlher Mr Fuller Bolton puma away on Mon iay Inst Vim Kelmufirindicrhfiarnn 51 Mrs ches mother Mrs Enswn Barrio on Sunday MB hauls Schflemr and Clara Ann of Toronto ware weekend vlllors wflh Magda In town Posllng To Quabc Flo and Mrs Dunstannjnd ch11 lrgn Norm Bay nre here on nunlhs urlmlgh prlnr lon poul In Quebec Mr Ind Mr Fred Inn Ind funny We lpem Sundny last will the mmnl mm Mn Al ng Wakh Mr and Mn Swnu Ind chu dren Cnldwzler were Sunday VIIHDIIWIRI Mr and Mn it Keogh Mn undv Mr Arthur Wnrmd Ind Mr and Mrs Keogh Miami to Guelph Friday 1954 Mnflnnd Mm Wine and TN IANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY loupla an the bank Ior mny pummelta depoalt Inn Irman loam buy travail cheque Nowndnya people drop lnto the bunk nu cnaunlly an lnto the corncr atom The nclghborhood branch ll an integral part of the life of the community The 4000 branches of Cutlndno chnrlcrud banks make nvnllnblc nn allround nnllonwidc bnnklng scrvlcca flicndly pcnonnl Icrvlco kcycd to Cnnndlnn condltlonn and flu cycrydny nccdl of mllllom of cuntomcn TOTIENHAM KM 79000 Mulligan lcrnndnhhpulupn Iht la mm In Um 95 71M houmm at Eu Im Illu povnuomm 1t Canadian lnnflullonl of hlzhcr rducnuon rcporl 010 nudcn In attendance or the lmM ca em ycnr 7MB 00 BanXe mm the weekend with NonInn Du We finned or Duuml Hnllowecn pmcd very quIMly new only mmwne removed he camcmy and church xnlu And look hem away They havent much 103le or those who have long to rest inii Mn dnyA Iquonln Mu Dullfimyna lun called on ML Mr and Mn lvnn but and chlldrcn spun Sunday with Hand In Illmlllon and Mn James Lnughlin spent Sunday wuh Mr and Mn Smflh and Mn Dan Ken Toronto spam weekend with Mr and Mr Wllllnm Dutf Here for Motherl Illrflldny Erwin Colller Enmford and Hnrvty Calllnr St Gcoruc And Mr and Mrs Denn Comer Stnyncr spent Sundnywdlh Ihelr parent here it bcInK their mmher blrth Turcnlv Cnllm Mr and Mrs Allan Gibson and mm Toronto called on Mrs Speck Sunday Mrs We Mumbersam Banls men he weekend with Mr and Mn Mumhcmn Mn and Mm Douglas Dun and dnughltr Wnlerdown Mr and Mrs Norman McLeod and lamlly Toronm were all with Mn an Mrs Dave Du Public Bpukln Collin Tm school publlc speaking was 191d thil year at Sunnldale Carn xrs mu with Mel Sagi as chaing nn Speakers were My Van naihoven at New Lowell on Lther in Our leesz Joyce Walkerv Cicarvicw on Sir Fred irick Banllngf Douglas Banner nan Brenimod an Tobutm Willard Sage SS No Sunnldnle laxnew on Billy Graham There were also lx reciiuiicm byflpupils mm Clearview Bcihol No Sunnldale Corners Crows Carnen md New Lowell Musical num bers were given by Crows Corners Clemview No Sunnidnle Cornl and New Lowell The udynsi were Mr Tfleal Mrs Woods and Mr Rnwn nll from Slnyner Elm prize but public spanking went in Rosy Van Knnihnven who am an enyvved cup The oihcr Ihme vpenkers each won 3150 lhuse reciting got 75c DDay presented the prizes on behalf oi the W0 mens Institutes and the school board oi Sunpidnic Hum who muowcdmm MneUnK ffluicd wllh The Lords Prayer Allerwardg the hoslesses served unch undn soclnl me was spent Wonk Rev MCKEIILIE whowu born In Cape Brelnn NS and whtn young man want ID 417116an While there he really bummed by boak he md on Korea This book Io zelher with olhcr IncIdenls led him In makehl flml dcdsIan In as missionary to Korea He returned Nov South mm H1 umlogxcaI Inducuon and thle awaIllngllund to send hIm pa Korea he accepted call In tummy church In Armdale NS and IflgrwnrdLSpenI some am In hospIInJ HaIIIAx In aka medical wnrk and make him tell more eflIuenl as mlsaLnnary though he spcnI only 18 month wonIan In vllhie In Korea be fore his dQMh he had ucnmpush an en and had who work all umbII ed oLhcr mIssIon Friday on 11 Seward luau ml read by Na Gum pglL Mu Chrldl played In or nn talc whlah was much amend The Ivehr Mm Herbert Wallh wu leduxd by praldent shejlvg miew of the and NEW lOWELL Dny mom Sun and won Al and Mrs Wll ELSWORTH MUGGS AND SKEETEI VDICm DIWT WWI POGO wi mos mam NEDGE mamas nouns USINGAND BLONDIE mos mam NEDGE cuppens 90qu USINGAND mm mmm amm The Miracle labflc finish lion you nothing mm ngaml THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOVERDZER 19501 vou MEN ALLSTICK up ma mu omen DONT my mm FOUNFMOLE ermwneauswmzz WEEK arm AilAll meagruERWAvr woom vaa lam4955 Humane For Pickup Deflvéry Dill uu Iy Wally IMO By Chick Young Wall Kelly in

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