Barrie Examiner, 20 Oct 1954, p. 5

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sm mm mm out 1m Spared Much Wrath First let us breaihe flunk or thé lac lhal vieher were spared so much the wrath at Humane am We have suflnmd some lussc and we hIVe those wilh friends and relatives missing How ever we mi of with little more than material 1m and we should lcni obligated in dig deep into our pockets with substaniini dunnilons lo the flood relic tunds Any chartered bank will mke your do naliun also in Simud the post ice will be glad pass Ilung Ynu will receive In oulciairc ceipi which is deductible from In cvme lax In our iownship io the was and suulh they have sulleer heavy loses cniiie and buildings on the high ground should be glad donate $100000 Loss It is estimated that npairs to roads and bridges in the ownship will be in the neighborhood at $100000 Council drove over the roads Mondry and viewed ihc var ious washout and damagesr Many lnrxe bridges are ruined and long strulchcs of roadway carn pinlnly removed The greatest damage was the 7th line where water which banked up in in rail wny tracks broke lhrnugh and washed dnwn lnkcward lnking everything in its way including lane bridges and lhc roadway Three courage were moved and shore pushed some ice back The break the railway was large enough lu put In big barn This is one oi live on lhu rnllway be tween Barrie and Aurora Rand Daniages mm chnnlh llne easl damned us slulcd above Elghth llncu somn wnshoul at lower end needs rm plnclng Nlnlh llnc passable nll lhc way also lhe lDlh llnl but ll culvert on the mm sldcmad wlll have be replaced vllh much Illl npproachcs On 10 Illh llm former rccvc Dockhlrt was blocked all by washout and cul vcrl lune Culvert at Sandy Cove washed out On lhc 12m llne hr Prull culvcrl has gone also one ul lol and consldcrnhlc washuul al luwcr and On the lillh llnc ll ml known lhu now brlduc hulll two weeks wllhalund lhc storm or not was wmplclcly wasth nvcr but lhc nppmachu were nuv ln wnlcr wcnl all 51ch Thlu brldlc is 10 cal wide and was under rcplncc mcnl Tth anu cansldcrublc dnmn sl llluhway 100 mm summary Innisfll road damages is as follows Some to cul van on lownllne south and on smond line there are two brldgm gone one as five sidcrond was slccl girder bridge on cement but lrcsses and hcsc is gone also lnrgn quantity H11 rcqulrcd approaches mm ends gone 0n the thlrd llnc large qusnllly fill and culvcn doubuul Also 0n the thlrd llnc large quanllly of ill and culvcn douwul Also at 400 Highway bl bridge Li gnnc them be scrvfice road this may not be replaced in meanume way out mus be made East at highway on lhhd line here are many washouts and much xrnvnl needed On lower sldemnd large wnshom The ourm llnc passibln but need many repair 10 smnll washauls The mm line Ms very bad washout and brldz rulncd Llrge amount lil needed lo be replac ed The slxth no ls DIHEME all lhc way needan some wnshauu mum nu Al Mlncfl 10an me dlmnzcs were uxlrnxlvc and ncw culvert will be Icqulxcd also wmc exlcn xlvc Kill mvu nu The rand cmwu iupvhmtnlcd by Mm rucks are busy lhc rvpulrs and at prurm Iherc nrc nune HIM hnvc n0 way to ud nut Innlsfil Women Will Auk Bradford In mponsv an Hcr lo nulfl us huhmun Ihu hrndlurd wu nwlln nruunlmllnxu have lnvllrd me lndhl Sumnd lo lnk lvrr In many UIII wuk and MW 1hr lllmur Iu uw mun humlml wan whu nrc hem rnred lur mm durlnu lhu Hun rlr homo mo Mllmwrxml In WMHI ull lhl mall llmdl PHILen wnlxun un dlr lhr lmmutr rdvrlhu wlll huk nml Mrvv Hm dlnnvr Just One Week Haul Night llw lvlu hm lwkvy llllmvr whlrh lnvmu MIVld lny1hnz lldlu Innl Church wm cmlunrnu TI pm Utl 21 Dnlll lulu lillJ Hun Night With Haul Innlml Mm nml Irr IIpan mull hm many mm hull dur qu lhr human Hun nhrr md mm wlvrn UH hrnvy 11 tn Mm mm In llrllr mm urn ur hm ln rvmmc mun prmlln wbuw Immrl wrrr mm win um mu mmmw lllul um Wllh lhrl nullllann luv lxuck mm mm mu 1an um mm Iw urcupnuh wrrr Inkrn It luvan In lxlmy and flIvrII nml IIHI lhfllrr Thr um drumlmwl um Wnnllnl um mm rvumwn vul In cm at All lur Hm Mk Mm Ivmvu Iml rlulhlny Iml van ul Ihr mw WWII Iu um llw puler um 31m 10 um LIHIII will El mm mm lho rllhlh Hm wt huhwm whuo No pain Illlll we Inhl In hnvt been Ill llnl on luv cu In In wter When my wl In Ir wlm Ihe mme9 ruuq mulnlImn mm wu no mu lhun ll wu huu1l um rerhnm he 11va Ind washed ham the trch which wax vlhcn vuy dew The car was brought lo huh land surch did nut revell the mum How ever after Chic Blaze had spent many hauls they were lmalad hotel In Barrie and hid come from Sudhury They ind cndelvaxed to ems rem Highway 400 la 11 and here later taken an the car by trunk whkcll backed out to high land The fire department span the mm nsslsflng he police while upenuons were dlmclcd from me Slmud wlnphone They got gn alher operator up and the petty calls well Is the important ones weré handlgd Is 1m qs hey came We did not sieup nr 36 haurs Chic Blax says but we are glad there was no 10s oi lilei One citizen who works in Mim kn Jack Friscr was supposed to have picked his moiherup at her school in Vicloria Road where she teaches but did no tum up it has been learned since thui Jack not 95 far Newmarkei where he was siorm sluyad His moihcr wads qulie wonind over he week en Loblaws Cooking School Attracts Thousand Women Conunqu ram pale and or their Iamnys evening meat as Mrs Roger gtvcs way all at the items on her menu each day Opuunr Buy On the opening day at the cook lng schuol Monday the ntlcrnonn menu was wondertul assortment fnmtly budget meals and Inncy party dishes and desserts all no alcd imaginatively out of products to he Inund tn the tumlly grocery store There was dlsh called mum Pull which conslsicd mosh 1y tomltoes brand crumbs cheese and ms and was served with melba must Then thcrnwns party nndwlch lord campu AUvely simple manlaudure HM wouldve pcrled tor either lea or brldzc smck Baked fish cakes sour cream rolls corn meal bread lrlah sum wllh parsley dumpllnn pork chop cussercln chocolale marsh mallow uke Ill apricot clkc frust cd molasses creams mnnl bulls ln mushroom snucc chocolnle custard dcvlla loud anc rullcd mucu rnons Blhopl Ham rlch lruu cookies frult cup dcum rlce wlm mushroom almond auce barbecued wclncrs Tunalnn Blanket quick Graham wnlcr brownlzs Apple crnscnnu wlu snusages Chorryllclnus crumb ple Ind bnmmn cronm ple Wlnncr of nroccrlu the cook Inz school an openlnz dny wnr Mrs mum Mn Beltrch Brow 228 Dunlap St Mn Grace Pnimcr 11R Anlcn Mllls Mrs Florence Bam nz 196 Bradford 5L Mrs Elwood Ney 1H Wclumlon SL Mn Kelly 82 Ownn SL Mn lulu clue to Eur Road Mn Wuncr Dawncy Mlntslnl Mn lllck ry 10 Owen Mrs Dem berllnc 70 Nupcr 5L Mm Bruce Binnie Cundlu Mrs mchlrds l6 Duflerln SL Mrs Barbara thclzr Clnppcnon SL Mn Cochrnne lZfl Dnyflcld SL Mrr Robcrl limo 205 Buyflcld St Tuudy Btulon 0n Tucsduy ulternaon Mu Roger1mm wn equally dcllc lam mum all wllh tunn sh chow mcln wflh rlcc Duhth Men Irlsh new with oldlush loncd dumpllnzl lndeuIl Chri arn Lwlrll onnzu whltLI dllc lllhll Jnm rings Vlunnm chow mu ukc land Inna Ind quick npplcsnu WWW Am dnllrlnu 60m hot other dcllclous clpu wen or nprlcul Ihcrbcl rncd rlcc chlnm Alylc nll house rookies Iunn muck on mclbn loan nul numb cnkc upsldc lluwn muchn cukc cherry dxllmn plc nmnuw mnrmnludc mumm pcnnut brlllln rclrlncrnlur dcucn hult dolluhl lamb pln wllh halter cvuu pulllnl Infly rnw lDlIEh Inlnd Ind wrlntrs and mucrkrnm wlkh rillllcd npulunuco Ilnnnr wun mmu wan Mrl lknvcr Donlld SI wun the Ilnlnlm Ilvcl double boiler umn nwny yuludoy and hc wlnm AI Ilw drllrluul loud llmu um Emmy my Mn mnw VIIh MH lion II John lml nevi Ihmlup My READ AND Milli mkule luou Cmnl ed penan In ms mot than hc pnvlm yen Iunn ks on mclbn nul numb cnkc upsldc nuclm cukc cherry dxllmn man mnrmnludc mum Dum Bruce RichIds Durham Mn Attendance At Art Exhibit ls Hit by Hurricane Continued irom pue gnu included In this number Win the uisplny paintings etchlnh and skelches by the lain Wuod 11 Midland resident who was well knuwnin Canadian tiniest tanUon 1n heshow mum archer who reproduced the world he saw Yound him in unloruel able lush on he was represented at the show by group at works lrdm his earliest perlndsnme benrlnz dues 1910 and MI 3138 cum completed as late Although It was ln the field etcnlnn that Mr Wood excel he was also painter of note as revealed partlcularly by hla The Lady lrnnlnz whlch he palnted In 1922 This work tourcd the United States as representntlve place of Canadian art Another hl large canvams The Axe Grlnder was palnted In lumber earn in 1935 He was In to catch 11 mnmenl Ind mood wlm pastels and charcoal as revealed in the tiny sketch Mother Ind Chlld done in sun pastel Kn 1911 and he hnunllng charcoal sketch 1m we 9139 an early lynxlg His etching March the figure at man inning against the wind on inncly struck which hung in The Grange nt Tomnto was on display along with sketches ol church street the dngks and bouts musicians and peopleIii mnde immnrini with his sure Ind vivid technique that give the all cnt or strong and drop brush stroke made with sure unm tcrinz hand Comedian Am neumnmmamw with N0 DOWN Alihough the pniniinl in en crnl were or high calibre Ind picnsnnily diversified in subject matter and ireuimeni her were mm which aloud nut or iheir artistic vnlue and ior originality of concnmiun and muslcry of cm posiliun Ind technique Amonu the fines wnrks exhibi inrl in the show were liwuyr the lovely waier union of Mrs Ada Torrance n1 Oriilin Her Tents and Autumn Frenzy the inner rec Ind colarlui nudy oi sunflowers were in her but In lowing siyic The anti imp Ioninic color at the tents only lightly skeichnd made lovely nudy in biucu andpu flown 1w Anclher mm oumlndlnl nhllily lhls years show wns Mrs Hllllnrd Flashenon whuse pnlnllnll showud to butter Idvm Mn than may did 1mm eul show Barrie Her cnmlully chosen our cnlrlw were varied Ind showed dmcrem pack 11 urllsls talents The black and vhllc wnlnr color akoh Back Street was her in wnrk and me used an odd and nmcllve rayon ypr technique in her xludy Wayllde Mukel Her Seed In luau Wu null IN aucccmul but she was nah he naslcr at her nubch in Hun py Srncl um Anolher MU In the show who cxccllud 1n lhc wm lllue mpru llnnlsflc type Ikalch 1n water colnrl wnJ Lena Pain whnlu Sprlnl Sprlnl we modem Isllc llllln landcape pnlnud wllh humorous touch Allhouzh Ha nrlluh value was mnlnly dccorn uvc dellzn was qull nu mnrknhc and cmnlniy pninlud wllh 11 unique nnd clever lech nlquc Mode School The modern Ichocl wu even more Ilnxllnxly reprucntcd In cunvm mulled Dr Wlllon en Iorm by 1ch Wilton Orllv lln whn had npnnrcnly pulnlcd permit undcr lhc Influence lhc cublm ha mnmd ponlun of him Ihurlnv he cnnvnu with munlrnl mnml The run lhu nrlhll eflnrt provldcd mm 01 change rum lho more convcnunn nl purlrulll In he Ihuw nnd Ihe wu nl lcnll pnnlr nuccultul In her attempt to cmu ha modcrn mumn Mn Kcnnclh Trcndwcll Dar lr wnl Ill her bull In Drluwood one lho lwo mull nlll Ihe tn crrd In In mm The mu We had an nrrullnz qunllly Ind wu unlmvd wm hu mm mun mm and drnnllu IUIL whlch Iln ulu her wurk oul rum um lwr lrln Ikchd cullcuum Sh luul connxml herell pnhnpl Ilulu um much In her menu en lry Aulumn ml lhm wlmc uwr Almplmrnuun Cd 10 INI mlklnn man blfl llllla more mlyllyrd nrkuround made Ilnnnr Iuunry by Edward Tlmlnul ul Culllnuwand In nul mndluu Inlry Ind lumber Cull hmwuml mlnlur Mhl Mnry Mc Kny luautu tortuok hrr p10 Cnllnlllnlln llylu dllllnc vnnlngu Um wlllrllnl rvlurl 01 My Iludy nnlumn lrnvu Mlu McKlyl Ihrcc cnnvnu Slnrl Stunt Autumn Dlnle Fill Yulhlxr wrrr Mllhlhll mldlllunl 10 In uhlhll Ivnrllni Irllnl Mu Ann Mnumll cunhlbulml mu In mmfl plum Nu wllnfmn Irmrl lu HI ID Ihuw IIIII Whnrl and lhlllvl Unnlull we unhch teprrlunllllvu vllrclllm Hul Illln revulnl IMI lulll whu unlrml unv of 1m hot lrrllnlllfl In 1le Huh 05A mnw Ina cvuulyl mull lul rnlvd nmululr Iknln Arllll Mr Illeve wnl Inln llm munll In lllllufll 111d lmlldln Iiunm wlwn bl Ichhm Inn wlrm woud lnnu llul Inl Irr won him muvlnuwmq mol nlllnn mu Mr new 1m ll cullcllon lhuwed lhnl In in nul Ilnpuad II the pom ma mclml In Im yum mqu nukunlnl Lllhl ha lrlu dlllmnl mmch lo nub II $39 mm lam navbnm mm In whlcl onuundln yurk ofr as dark 913d pane 5nd vlewcu woulgi like to see mnre mm unvusu were some at the more popuhrwarlu with Sun du vlslum Another mist Waller Owen Camp Borden also we win could be In ordinlry ucnne In My usuli much with his heavy ail technique Hisiarze Enlikh road seine Ashxidu Pnrh Hm Enz and was In elicciive study in grey and greens minted with In expert hth Ogden Orlllh enereq his palntlngs In memlcnfl In the show and they provldfld brlght rpm at lnterelem the side wall of the Armoury In coppcryloncd mclnl on dun ebony background 1m The ban Duxhlr Bull Elk Hindu Lady 8nd Rutlever were much Idmlred Ilthcugh it could he wished hnt he would lcmpt more stylized treatment ufid simpler subject munct Carrlbenn Sunrise nude ilu fly by Andre Blrkholt of Orlllln wu slunninz or quc alone and me hurnlnk calm in koplul 1onex Another 01111 mm Bishop enlered some the lhowu most pleasing water colors The Boat House rand Old Farm stud olor DUE TO THE WEEKEND WEATHER CONDITIONS ALL PRICES 0N LAST WEEKS SALES CIRCULAR ARE STILL IN EFFECT NEW LINES ARE BEING ADDED DAILY TO MAKE TIIIS DIIVIIIDAY SALE REAL SHOPPING EVENT Below are llstnd only itch the nun udder spcclnls SHOP TODAY AND EVERY DAY FOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS Indeeame entire water section was outsundlnfi lhls wnh more variety and mm Na 17 11m White back ground woven with red blunlor Irccn checks In much ymn kHchrn BUY ll DOZEN AT THIS HIECIAL BIRTHDAY HALE llllCE um mzmmurw mm my Iwrnlcrl work um um Com IIIM My hmwn hmuhrr Inld my marl mun nan mm many men whllr 20¢ 75 11mm TEA TflWELS 39 Dlrect Irom Ireland Big generous slzc with hemstltched edges BIRTHDAY SALE PRICE OZ DKIJIN MENS PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 1519 DUNLDP ST Drnprry nnd upholnlny Inmplrl hnl mlku ldrul mlhlun cuwrl lrlnu und vlulm NIT All 100 100 GRAHAM FLEMINQ WHEELING YARN cusmou covans Hill All SILVERTONE FOII medium mm at how Dlherfluumndlu mm mu year wm Wlnm by Mynle Cooke 01 Drill Low Tide Int aid warm he watt Mn 1de Midland Model itudy nncly sculp tured ntzm bud plintcd by Jun mm Pcneunx Figurines the work of Hunter Call Bemo pn in by Mn Monkmun Cookstown Show Scene by Mix B4 Perry 01 Mberley painted In the nshlon ol the tumoul Can ndlnn mm anreh Hunh Rear View ikllllul work of Nora Sulllvln at Ornlla Overture the wurk of Tindell Or III nu Drlvln Shed pnlnfld by Mrs Wharton of Barrie SIW Log Point and Burn mule both the works your summer an colany member Hugo Maul also much In ma flyle of Mr HunIs and Suppllcnuon trIklnl painting In the unique style uflectcd by Charles Shaw Elmynle Barrie arlisi who Louid well be named the locni nmnteur who had most improved aver he past yenr Bert Younz was also weil represented in the exhiin Mid land On Windy Hill was hit best piece in the show andflAionl Georgian Bay had been done with the same interesting kchnique llhouzh it was not good Daublc bed Ilzc Bl 00 In nurdy clou woven yams to me ycm lcrvlcc Nenlly hem mad and blanchzd alumina whlle Stock up lhh Ipecinl BIRTHDAY HALE ImCE cmmnu lomrxmml Snllnl nuyun Dulmuks Chulcu color and duhlnu Holulnr l0 31001 Jul Hwy lllIITIIDAY BALI PRICE lltlr In Al buy JIII In Him or Full Icwmu Good lunth cullon mlnu ml bronllclolhl In and lelcc Hon ul mllvmu lllul culun 30 wldlh BIRTHDAY HALF llllCII COTTON PRINTS BROADELHTHS ZCVBPLY POUND 298 HEMMEII SHEETS BEDSPBEAD CLEflBflNJlE mm mm the composition unit 141qu Culley Simeoe point at vieI County rectum Mr an hm outline the dwdopmafl MM dthewlmlymuhlhlt nd the Member un mun exhibh puxpoue of he nuoduon Wm Dad mam chmmn nun nmfi mm by membm at he audition EzIVW Sim Member un mun emblt comm wen Alex Dochen Mldlmd duhnun 11 Thom Colungwood vlceclulxmn um shlmy Ruby Midhnd mumy Mn 501m Mldhnd mmnm mnum Dav1d 1121 manna mumtr Llew Bcavn Bax11¢ duhmun the hlnllnl commu lce Mrs Lloyd Copelmd Elmvale Mn Kabul Gublnk Ban1e Mn Blacker 0111111 311 Miran Hood Mldllnd MIL But Pene Lang Mrs Leach 5111mm Mn Monkman Cocky lawn Mrs Murray 0111112 M15 Mary McKay Cnlflnxwood Mr and Mrs Thnmax Cull mxwood Mm Spellmln Stay ner M15 May W11k1nson Mldlnnd Charles Shlw Elmvale M15 Lou 15 Couey Ban12 Gnrdnn Reeve Barrle Hugo MagL Toronto Ind Mrs Fem ThnmnsonfiAllmon reception or Mr Finley was held the Frmhyierlanchurch in Midilnd liter the opening cere mnny on Friday night with mem bers at on of he church groups tutoring Openln Ceremony Mr Dochmy prellded or the enflnz of the exhibit on Friday in Worship Mayor Charles Par ker of Mldland brou greetings from thak town and the mead absence Miss Olga andmy Ornlla president the Slmcne County Arts and Craft Associa all priced to give yau ml snvlnn IIIUNTMM PI MHWIIANHIKD nchullnu nnw make your Itlrrllull um mu your pun un nnlll rmulml USE OUR LAYAWAY Ilrurdlm at Ilu urnIon Ilvllullyv Wuhuul mum or hnum your mmth Iboulnlely Ul IIAINIE FREE GIFT WRAPPING SERVICE Flnnl qunllly canon wllh Inllny mum Ideal for ln dYflDll Ind bcdlprlfldl Ll ccru hndc About 48 wk BIRTHDAY HALE IIHCE for 100 nnmnv LINING mnv 59 1y le Ind Splrh at Bay ware hung on the and wall 1an the door Ind fir trees Ir mged by VII Edwards MM hnd seamed Ind bummed he Armoury mun tor Ihe mow er Illaction Included film mowlnu Imnzed by Mrs Ruben Gilbank Simcoe County ilbmrlan Klee Wynk the film which tell the nary at Emily Carrs Mr Van GnKh and belumul color mm The Seamus taken in the Slmcoe Cullrfly area were shown 111ch 5m book urranzcd by the Slmcoe Library Coapcraflva lnlnz LIIM wldlh Printing Error lhmllxh printing error line was in am of Town nunln 5mm ulvertlumm which Appund In TIM Bum iner lul Weiusflly 11 Intro dnclary copy Ihnuld hive mad TOWN BARGAIN STORES LIMITED nnmume flu pur chue the eniin BANK RUII STOCK of menl Ind boys wznr lrnm flu mum Ed Alhleilh Munl Ind Boyl Wear oi Cnillnrwood mm 100 Io nchullnu Ivy null IIHHI All Hmll nnlvan Lully lhup In um lull ullvrlllrln LayAway Ilrm Hun Itpm wm huh to 10 yard lengths or Drnpnry or Slip Cover Inh rlcn1145w 48 wide In Ii blg selection of patterns and colors Regular to $505 yum OUT THE 00 DURING OUII IIIIITIIDIIY CELEBRATION SALE CLEARANCE DRAPERY ENDS EKG 70 00 Klngcol llannelcue blanket 10F lhosc cold night nhcnd Flu quflity only WM wllh pink Dr blue borders BIRTHDAY an BIRTHDAY SALE PRICE 95 BLANKETS Kingcol Ilunnelelle display Coumy 100 Ferguson Office Headquarters For Hurricane Fund Julian Ferguson Insurance Co has sat up headquarter In own In CnlIIngwood In 111 Fer guson buIIdInz to twelve couldl buIIons Ind donalIon at any kInd In Ild he OntarIo HunIan Ilene Fund Anything that can be uud for rehahxmmon pumpse being requestedcash domuans good warm clalhinz whkzh Xs definitely ln wearable candiuon nonpep bhnblc toads canned or packaged loads bagged or crowd nonpuish able vegclablcs bedding I11 kinds umllum buildfinfl mater lals um The services some nl the wo men at Colungwoud are being sol lcfled lu suannd pack dnnauuns The Colllngwoqd headquarters wlll Conlncf he head oflice of he relic lund in Toronto Ind kccp nflchals Ided of what has bedn contributed wmbu shipped when It Is needed per instrumlons rum Toronto Canadas most casteny palm ls Cape Spear near St Johns in Newfoundland Guml qunllly Hnnnrlclln dual or pylamnl nluhuus clc sum mm mwhy panama no wldc nunmm mu rmcu mum FLANNELETTE PHONE 3345 YMlD EASTERN TIP ull nu Wm PAIR YAIII

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