Barrie Examiner, 20 Oct 1954, p. 19

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VIVA f5 22min Mun nmmm WWNIBDAYOW 1m During he absence Magis trate Fasier QC on vacuum presiding was Hi Worship Magi isixaie Bartrcm QC Ta ronlo who is mlicving the various mngislratcs on holiday durinl term six munihs Posscssor oi robust voice judicial mind arm sense oi humor he also believes in the gown and ham radilioflal wilh the oliice Assislam Crown Mlurney leingsmn acted in me prosecu Hun wilh Sgt Morlcy Wright OPP and Cpl Uou Hockridgc om unicourt dutiu Adioummenls Relfianfl Some 01 lhnsé Wure William Haggas to Oct 27 James Brown mm 3150 Donald Mnckny nthc same dam Albert Monls ONov Kins Kort to Nov 17 Edgar Park Oct 10 Rogur Halve duhdud by MacLarcn QC pleaded guilty to charge of driving on lnwnshlp Road 10 Essa on Aug 19 WW out due can mfl atlcnliun murm Eunablc consideration tqr other person using the mad Evidence by PC Ray Rubens OPP was that he invcsligntcd nn accldcm 230 am on that date The mad 13 gmch and 15 feel Inches wldc Roger Halve travelling nnrlh hail lcit Ule road to the west dlch and the vehicle continued 67 feet nlnng the ditch and mm fluid and struck hydro pain Incl wcsi oi the mmL Two people were thrown nu and am them M155 Lynn Jevons 14 was iniaily injurcdi Mr MaeLarcn asked as to the nature oi the marks made by ihe car on ihe gravel and the officers uplninn was that extch speed was not indicated Counsel xeicrrcrl lo the accident as uniortunetc Reive had no license and liiilc cxperi aa lo drle with me consent lb ovncrrrvhuwnsnlso In the car mp tuck exception to Hm lcrm Unfurlunalc ls yum ll mildly ll was catastrophe the owner Wns lndiscrccl why dld the driver get In no demand Mr lelngslon expressed ch uplnion lhnl Ihc speed was no urea or an tncxpcncncnd drSvcr un lhal Up of mad and he con sidered In he serious case careless driving Judgment convlcllun and Inc of $75 plus c0513 $450 or one mnnlh and Rdvcs license he secure out will be can called or sflx mumhs mare charge hadbccn vlllulrnwn by lhv Cruwn Don Wesson was the car vwncr Two Convictions Ivnn Drun plunch guilty to lwu surluus lhurgvn driving while ability to do so was Impuler on Oct in Vemm on Highway 21 um driving wllllc his muse was undvr smpcusfiuu lhruuuh 51m vluu cunvlcuon Evl PC MacDUn ulu ow who lud Hwcllarucs was that an accldcnl had accurer pm um day on Highway 21 Nu cm was hurl but he omccr Iound that Drccn was 1n no cun lllllun charge 01 can He an ndmllml bring under sun nvmlun alncc Ann Mr Livlnmlull pluccd ht hlumn II on much dilllklnu Hlx Wur hhlp pulllcd out Dial the pcnnlly or sLcund nthnee means nol uvur llmc monlh um not In mm dxlyl null he ruled or lhc uvur llm monlh um not 1er mm dxlyl null he ruled or flu minimum In nddillun Urcch wn fined 325 will 150 on Hie second charm WIHI 1m nllvm nllvu IO days In um consecu HVL wllh he lh Spcod To 89 Ailmmlnl IIIum lmulru nullly In Chaim run 1er IL on Highway uml WU on Llld by PC MlmDulI uhl OFF 05 Inc 1055 01 wn chnxmw WM llvhmhd hy hll blulhrr John DrumH Ind tvl drum UIHI Ihu nccuacd hud If Sudbury lhzl murnlnu III 720 WED ESDAY OCT MEN Wllll THINK TOMORROW IMUTIBE MODEMTION TODAY Rcive Fined hll tvl had 71 came by North Bay Ind Orulh md hid done 1mm 10 In 85 on lhe may hld flawed in 05 when over ulzcu by we owe on Hwy1y MntDomld however hId mn owcd or to 10 mm mm noted speed at 59 on 400 ml was larcedln do V10 lo 100 mfllcnnn hour to slap Bennett He had no pavscnzcn and no Incident said Ms counml and cunn lequenlly considered that there wu no hazard Worshp rc oflcd No accident but ha¢ was no hl hum It All adds up ha he poulg hgve known both convictinn was registered on the one charge with Inc $80 plus $1450 nr one munlh The license wu no suspended Musf Pay Costs Two charges each against Don ald Howey and Wllllnm Grantham laid by lnnsfll Chic Police wnunm Blogg In connectlon with Qflnnccs at nrivnin mantra wprc whhdrnwn but each muslpay costs of 80 They were dulcndcd by John Reid Window Damaged Charged with wilful damage lo wlndows Ralph Urry on pm in Barrie John Wright and Maxwell Henderson pleaded gull ly Theywcrc defended by Char les Snagrnm AEvldnncc 01 PC McClure OPP was that at 145 am he was called the Urry propmy when the two men had been vlslllng in an apartment uputnlrs and coming out had bro ken window in hall and ana lhnr larthcr down The omccr mid Ihnl both had been drinking One had part bottle at Ilquur nd being under 21 was fined $10 with costs 01 5250 orw days and casts of $750 or seven days Mr leingslnn polnled nut HIM he men had been in custody since Arrest Intoxication In Public Two appeared on this charge on an old oflcndcr but His War ship considcrlng mat each had bncn In cusmdy or 5mm time gave them all an opportunlly to get back to work dont always In lhnm all all he saldbul as gambled on the first one will do for he nlhcr 00 Two olhchV brought in by Bradford pullcc were flncd each $10 pxus $250 ur five days Unusual Vagrunt Paul Elmhursl 18 with home and parents In London was charg cd by PC Credo with Vagran cy Oct 1n Innlsfll pleaded 01 Evident PC MacDon uldOPE fur Crozlcr was that the Ollnwn omen had been called and lnfurmatlon was Um the 1nd llmcs had run Iqu from home me 30 Paul who 15 of sllgllt bulk and appeared undurnourlshcd stated that he was an only chlld and ma hl alher was travellan salesman and also sald lhnl he dld not wnnl to llvc at home but was lntcnnlng lo rcflgh Orlllia Wh he had bccn helpnd by lady rcsldcnl belure and had also In tended lu go lu Turonlo He clalmcd to have been arrested bug ore hm has no criminal record Mr LivingHon xuggcslcd lhul he mlgln get chance build up nhyslcally the jail and His Wur shlp agreed by Inc $50 wllh $450 costs at one month Inlumr nllon was that he 1nd had been nulslcd by UN Snlvnllun Anny prcvluusly with are lIoInL sup pllcd but had spcnl UH money olhurwlsc Thch charges m1qu memundl Scull Inld an 5011 27 one by Mrs Mnry LcUurr nml In 0111ch by PC MneDunuld OII were hcnrd and the cvlLlLnLc Wllbert Graham and Edwllru Arn old both uldcxly and MN LCDHXI was Hull Scull II unlitw Miller had made In Iwnw will mu In On at Illc farm and lhia ucmslun cumin home nmr drlnklnu wlxm he had IIhS lllld bolh mLu um no Injurlm uIUWn Mrs LullarrJnuuuth lh badly upwl by UN ullnlr unLl had none 0IIldu null lhcn nclxhlmr Dtlnking Caused It All Ihrru nururd um SLIM will on controllid access THE HOUSE OF EAGRAM we hurtian sin£1165 ll 10le WdcmtwuJ BUTTER COOKIESdeugm y9ungsters and add to the Yuletide tun gopdworkcr and gnvu no trou blc when sober but the aged lady mud in response to qumliun hat she wuuld not card to aka Scott back under the circumslan ccs and though Ihat he would be boner by himsell The accused had been in cus lady Icr almost W0 wcnks Mug isuatc Barium allowed suspended sunlcnce and Scott was bound nver lu keep the peace and to stay away 1mm the arm for SIX months In addlflon to bond of 5200 he was also given stern warnlng Scull was dclnndcdfiy Ross anan Gown Cowan Barrie Charge Dismissed After he hearing evidence in charge retaining against Jack Marshall Defence counsel JScagram claimed nnonsufl which was allnwcd by Worship and the case dismissed THURSDAY The docket was nu serious cases Followed Closely charge of allowing tou clusuly behind another which and laid against Tuny Guglialla win was not prcsnns Maurice Wens gave cvidchqc fllul on Aug 23 hc had been mowed lng west on the Llghlh Hm In nlsm on gravel sunace and gulng up an Incline he saw dangur ulgn and braked qulckly Just War the slope was hole In the road nna he slnwcd wlth mm wheel in the bolls The other car cumlng up struck hls and druvc he vchl all out of the hnle causing some damage fine or no and costs ur five days was imposed on Guullann Vho was dnvmg the car uuuw nl Struck Parked Cur Charged by PC lL Innmur om with cmlm urlvhm Ull Guxm 315 nm un on Patrick Lallnnlc pluudcd hm gully Evldcnw wax mat the nccuml was drlvmg we all Hm mm roadway and when uxmllmr humd he slruck hcphkcu WM 10 which was partly ullflqc moul dur hnu his own vehicle was dum ucd fine ut 3x5 wuh cusl ufliccr said ha Laplanlc was quite nur mnl but uppculcd lo be EluLpy $2 May 01m am rd um mxucm mu ucuunml whrn um Kulscd uulng tasl ma mum 1m mm Sun und m1 hrmlun culllslun will Imthr Failed to Give Hulf meiclcd mum to mm mm road to Home an on in Vlspnh luul HIM was cnu mm and nn The pnvrmlnl 221014 nml lhu uculscd was seven hn Incth hum Hm hwmrr ond cunvicllun he mm Mu ml ul 3150 lnnisfil Polico Case hu Imvmx hm In his 5m 11 at 120 nm In um luwl my uqu lLmlcnhclnwr um cunvlchd qu nnul plus an Gumlo 7491831 vary ingt with Holiday Special OCT 15 In nrcuml Hm 1mm mmllwr cur wldl furl Mild Lhmugh charge lam by PC Hollywood who had nullccd cmpy bottles around lhccar and had checked with driver Cour Aims to Please Kenneth Fletcher out at town was onsummnns to appear on chnrgnto be heard on Thumday but wrote stating that as Monthly was ht daynlt he wuutd meter to have the case tried on Mnnday Oct 25 Maglstrntc Bartram grant ed the extension but as nu court held here on Mondays the hear tng will be In Colltngwoud OWner Not Known Fulluwlng charge laid by PC Hedrlch OPP im Oct agalnsl Robert Bradshaw and RogcrrMunm at having liquor not acquired by perm brought not guilty plea from both The officer had check an car an Kcmpcnfcl Drive um day at 430 gm Five people were TKn with Br dshaw me wheel but no one would admit owner ship me llqunr pm bottle I1700nnmlimnhntlmlMIIIMcllnvuliluuunullytmcliflllul lhc mummth um nbuul half of III lilc lmmancc puliuylmldcu III nnull Mr lvlllinm luulmmc in rmc nnmlm Imgcxl Ilnulc lmldcr of lhc xcnhvr muliliu inucd limnm the mud ncw unlmn IEVCI4YIVIIIII Imnwrm lnlwuhvr Almnlmml In Mum nl Jcénuqlnn an VluPIIIIdmI and Culch Manon In Canada Ihu OpInhIn Canadian and Ollkc ul Ollnwn 39 VWMWa Melvopolllans Canadian Ovuunlnllon Wammy Mr Ind Mn flaomu Barnett Sn went the past weekend with their dluxmer Ind lamuy ML Ind Mn Jerry Glovanelll Toronto Mrs Kclmln and children spent 310th last wllh Mm Paul Scarbom children Hell grandmothen Mr and Mrs Mike McKenna 2nd Punt and Bcuy spent the weekend with we tonnus pmnu Mn and Mm Mchy 65 Mr and Mm Jack che To ranln spent Sunday wlth malt pmntshnre DBL Commenlalar Reports Allan Andersun wrllcrcnm mcnmor or the Raving Reporter over CBL at LI5 old the story the past our year of prugrus of the vlllngc Tollenhum on Thurs day cvcnlng last in words llkc these volcot um people was almml 100 per cent for sewers whlch we now have and are second lo none for any small town The parllcs interviewed lnldfihclr own slorlcs the lhrcc years cl mud caveIns and dust Digglng and more dlgglng unlll lhls past wcck we have seen the nLw black pave ment rolled dwn on In two main crass sitcom to the lawn limll rapulnuon or sea Tollenham has nyubulnuon abouwoo pcgplc and Is situated in Simeon Counly an the Nounwa saga River 40 mlles northwest of annmo It has 1W6 railroads CNE and CPR runnflng through Us Wldc ShocLsKlvc the business part new look The revs have been removud which takes away the drowsy appearance whlch Mr Anderson at one lime quoted Thu under he friendly maples elm whiskey tound in the glove compartment Later man in the hack scat said he ownnth but denied this and said that he had been mid to say it was his The name 01 James Kimm was brought up at the time Mr leingslunc adjnurnmcnt to evidence Ilem or uranium Molropolllun lllo Insurance Company CANADIAN MEAD OFFICEOITAWA Wm METROPOLITANS PLACE IN CANADA TODAY asked weeks secure lerthcr In yodr cammunhy lhm wcll luinul upcvicnml Mcllnpulllan Ikhl man In ulvc whim whhh law at Main Im than yew phm lle nnc ul Um mh lichl men In nnmlal wmklnu llmnlnh the Mclumulilnn cnisc mum in dnlnd k1anqu nllku and chmnuu Tatum had dcllzhflully dnlmy air mine nu The tow was lncorpcralcd In IBM and remJud lu mm In hon or Alexander fallen the owner one of he first flares He was Instrumental In obtaining 1h flu past ochn Kn 1358 Prom or any Scum Toucnham ls pmud of In early settlers and it your family has not lived there or 100 years you are considered newcmncrquol ed Mr Anderson Have lam 1n mgrus BuL Mr Anderson We see the change coming hen too Wchve newcomers They have new Idus ol gunher pxoxress such as on industries whflch no doubt we will have soon flhcn the younger gen cratlnn who gradunlc from hlgh schnol will find suitable jobs in Tollcnham Mn Ilflklaler sullen Sm Mrs Charles Llnklnter suflcrcd stroke on Saturday morning and Is valiant In Royal Victoria Has pllm Battle Her many friends and neighbors wish hu speedy recovery Her daughter Mrs Howvil rol Youngslown Ohm came lo nursLI hcr and her daugh tor Mrsuwr Odfl0 Chicago came 16 vlsll her also her slsler Mrsr Hill Hamilton Mr and Mrs Langsllcidof Hamilton Spent the weekend with Mrs Llnklmcr nnd Mrs Hill Miss Elalnc Wpsl and lrlcmt Tornngo spent he weekend nli her Mr and Mrs nnlph Carmah Cul borne spam the weekend with Mend Angus Mr and Mrs Waller McMnckon are spcndlng hnlidny with rela livcs nt Highznkn Luv or VLI Mr and Mrs Hammqnd an leaving Friday night In vish rela ANGUS Mr HMWJXX Inmlcd In Canada lhc luiul nmounl flm Mclwpullun has mm In uumllmn Ilmc ll nlmd Canadl plm lheunnunl nowlnmltd In Illmhcucnllhu lulal wtmlmm vmlvcd mm Cunndllm lvy mulc llml MILWUII flu MalmpoHln like ullunmlinmhu lnilh nlhc fulmonHmulm Mun Hm ll Illuhnwn Hulfnmllvy lhcshxuclum lnkcu lnlhc puvwm and dhclnpuwm of nm nIlInn umuwmmmuvm Charlu Camcron ham on the mum twins WI and 11 on Monday In flay1 V1 lmh Hamill Bafljlz PM and Mn Gonunr Ind hmll London spent the weektnd with Mr and Mn flaun as Wilkinson uiéph umwdéxiumi Iimlversary servkes on Sunday on 10 Mr Ind Mn Norman Coulscn mmnlo mm the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jervis Kgarrgqm spent Sunday launder with Mr and Mrs um Haunt Suzuki Vlsllor Mr and Mr Rayner McCul lnugh andsan Barrie and Mr and Mrs Norman Willoughhy and son Slroud spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Thomas Wijhughby and Mr and Mrs Alfred IL1yncr Roiafd bextcrf Toronw mam flu wcckcnd his home here Unlted WA Ind WMS Regular meellng 01 Angus Un ucd WA and WMS was on mes day evening Mrs Harvey Rub lnson Opened with hum song number Emilie ghcnded BARBIE BURLINE CLUB Pcrsons lmcrcstcd In mombcrsfllp 1n the Barrie Cur ling Club plcusc contnét Atjfloplf Amgvcmr Nullmum ADAMS PRESIDENT PHONE 4185 COLE SECY TIIEAS PHONE 4087 In lhe Mclmplnlitan Lti lnxurance Company launched pruurmmuc olcxmminn in Canada and opcntd ks fim office in Mum ml valously Mclmpolilan lxcld men had been serving Canadians for 22 yearssin 1872 Im years nflgr Confcdcmion In Ihe Mumpomm 171me ll Cunadian cad 0mm in Ilaw lhc mlminh Imlivc cenlrc fur lhc Cumpuny huxinm In Ii cuunlry Slaflcd originally by 100 duh Mm In onwplnnncd upcmlinn muml overnight from the llonu Ollie In New Ymk lhc Mcnd Oflicc Iodny cmpluys slum 1100 Cunndimn In thc hundmmc buildth Wllitll Inn become Inmlnuuk in uur Eupilul cin lhcyurvclhc nccdwlLnnmlianpnlicyhuldm In Hu Annlhcr lmpmmm Ilcv wm uktn Ml Ilmuh luuon wilh lung mlml of chm Imminllon wilh lhe Uh lluumluc Iuxinm nml ol pulvlic scvvkc Immune the flu Cnnndlnn l0 llcud up Mclnmulllun Clnndawhlc urgnnilnunu ViLclmhlcnl Iml icncmlMnnnucv Mr lunlnll Ilucm nln nqu an 3300 Mclvupnlilun people In Camilla mm com lo uml FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 195455 SEASON flonowad by the Ws Payer Hymn Wm by Mn angina Tovlc Mn flunk1 Serbian India Iran P531111 100 Hymn 571 Mn West will by in charge 01 auctions to Novem ber Mm Lewis lnviled the ladies to her hmnt Roll call wu answered by handing In thank ogierinzs by member and two communes re ported wax deddm 10 hold bazaar tea and bake sale DEC MIL Kirby lmmduccd the weaker Mn Scull India Meeflnx closed with MhpatL

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