Barrie Examiner, 20 Oct 1954, p. 1

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90th YearNe 120 Heavy Damage In CNR Lines Due To Flood Damage The logalrnflway shunmm given some idea of the enormous task Inning on the bin and omside regular routine upon the per sonnel at everydcpnmnem In the ONE Allandule divisional fume The first passcnger train went north 1mm Mlandale where i1 wul mndc up on Monday ailemnon when the road was clear North Bay and Parry Sound The first southbound was Na 44 arriving at Allnndnlc at noon the same da The first notice on Friday evening Oct 15 when all trains were snapped In no curly hauls the deluge which lasted 1mm after midnight The northbound passenger mun Not 45 enroute 1mm Toronto was held at Aurora and the 935501159 were oxcad to remain In the coach cs us the provincm when would not permit their transfer to buses on account of the hlghway situ étlun Owing to llnnss of CNN divisional engineer Aiken great responsibility has fallen up on nsslslant dlvisinnal engineer Hnrold Small 1n dlrccfion operalions required tn handle the tar beyond hc usual war re placing vést amounts of H11 and In covupcratlun wflh he bridges and hulldlngs depnrlmnnl Four hrldgcs 01 he pill and rcsllc type will be rcquirud each from DD to 100 fuel long These are used fur iraflic reduch speed and later 11 is dumped in and the greater pnrt of the umber rcmoved The gram amount of timber and other lumber requircd hlls been met by shlmlng in all available 1mm varluus places on the dlvls ion and mm Caprnolvlomc paync from Landau and as far as Montreal Two cunslrucllon gangs nu wurklng nnrlh from Tornnm and are Newmarkct wllh pile driver nnd cqulpmont 0n he am llon llnc gangs are working from Burllnglnn 0w road is open Lo Inglewood and may nrc comm north with work 1min and hoist South AllandaXc trestle bridge is being built at large break two miles south Thurman where lhc and Dept ls wogklng we clack around Thcsamc schcdme is bclng enr rlcd on with the gangs working on gcuinu out the tin Thousand yards or sand and gravel musl he rushed Io mphcc mm washed The men required hnve so in been mkcn mm lhc span gangs all over the service and up the pruscnl lhe requlrcvncnxs huvn bran mm an buses nrc bclng used for transportation the wnrk where llncs an not In upcrallun On Ihv McnlordCulllnuwmd bunch men are working bolh way 1mm CollInLwoud and are lllUnK un cxlrn large gap cighl mllrs from Allnndulc and no Utopia Carryalls and bull dozer an work an the holeV which is 25 not long and 35 CM dew Thls also an 21hour schldulc On lhc Poncmng branch ganu with hulst nnd mm ls hllndllnz hc work on H11 which all suypllcd mm the companys mum mu Colwlll or the work In urncrnl nnd lhvy have lmcn umplylnu th dleslun fur yrnrs hark Over on the urn Sub mon work Is progresslnu wilh sallsmc Han and he um paswnncr min was expected uvcr mm dlvlslun lllchlnond Hlllrucavrrtun 1m mum lTursdny Thu Work x3 bclnu cnmm on by tmnslvr mnchlnc upcrulurs 1mm one acctlun nnolhvr n5 lulu cumplckd nmmmm cuumn Tllvcunslllullon ox Arucnunc vldrl um prmidunl nnd ww mu must he Ilmnnn Calh ollu and Arucnllnc 19 mm mmmmm mm Sawing 11 TOWN or null AND com or smcox Since 1864 LAND WASH Killed on David llzndnll lfrlmmcr lwu years and cm monllu age was klllul near Yin CPR xlulfion Mummy whrn he wn nu by In car nn Hlxhwny 00 mar lmmc Ac curdlm lu puller the buy was plnylnx wllh hh dun und Influwrd um emu lhc hllmwayu $325000 Sewage Plant Opening Here Tomorrow Member at he public In Invited In lend In opmln ccremnnlu In ronnecuon with the mw lawn disposal plant nndlur Sixeel amor nw It 230 Aldermn on the Jveclzl wan commlllee which Is bellied hy Md Klnzk wlll be warm In aka clll um on conductegl out he mw $325000 plant Th1 the lnrzesl flnanclzl pmjm ever underhken by the lawn Ind It expected um lkwlll lnlvn Iha sewn pmblem or our explndln cummunlly whlch lul palluled he wllul or Kempenlell my to many yenL The new planl has elxm llmcs lhn uplclty oi the old Ilruclure wlllcll wan lmlnllrd 11 yun no In ulual me to new play will have 21 tlmts he upaclty lhn old one walked under Ilmlhr pmuun mndlllolfl Cnmulllnx tnnlncen were Furham Reld Ind Hm confine DAMAGE AMOUNTING T0 $20000 was caused yesterday morning when film of unknown orlgln completely de stroyed combined general store and two dwelllng unlts at Mltchell Square Thé blaze started shortly after oclock Flrc reels from Guchrle were called out but even wllh the 11 Sim iixnm nu nua fnrll Blllfl narlh II CNR Alllbdilu Illlon loss $20000 in Fire at Mitchell square OUT ON lllOllillTY 0N muuwmm RTIIEET No 90 Eh matrix Examimr Attendance Affected By Flood But Simcoe County Art Exhibit ContainsManyFinePaintings Although it opened athe beginning of the disastrous weekend flood the fourth annual Simeoe County Art Ex hibit at the Midland Armoury on Friday Saturday and Sun day was success from the point of view oi quality at en tries The great modern drill hall in the neighboring town was completely transformed with panels covered with paint ings and sketch which had been placed around the walls and across the ii in our parallel lines Attendance was cut to below the lion Dunlap Ontario hundred at the nlilcini opening Minister at Education Dr Dun ecromuny on Friday evening how lnp dropped in on the exhibit an ever and it was not until Sunday Friday nitcrnoon and expressed afternoon that more lhnn hnnu the upinlnn that it was an excell Hui oi visilurs tr other centres on display and very well hung Attendance was cut Io below hundrnd he nmdnl Upcnlnfl ceremony on Frldny cvnplnz how ever and It was not until Sunday nncrnuun mm more lhnn hand In visilurs from olhcr centres czuld travel lo Midland in see hc nw As scludulcd Fred Flnlvy 05A RCA dlruclnr he dcparlmcm ndvcfllslng Dr It Onlnrlo College Art was pruscnl Frlday cvtnllul to address the vlsnorl rum Midland and those who had been nble lo lrnvcl rum V1211an IIrbuur Colllnxwuod Slnynur Pcnclnnu nml Barrie Ila had managed much Midland we nhcad 01 mo hurricane nnd unvc dclnnnslnunn nalnllng chans lnu rmch mm hls nudltnce llls porlrnfl Waller RUM cl Vlclorlu Harbour Wnl on dlsplny the cxhlbll of ntx lwa Dlullnxulflml Guest Anullwr unmmumml um collngy nrl thuw ml Frldny wn BARRIE ONTARIO CANALx Nq drlvm were abla tn ck through lo Midlan on Friday evening from Orllun or Elmvnlc and some lhe travellers from Dnrrie were stranded at Elmvnln on their way home mm openy in By Sunday the roads were clear Ind the large Icmpornry all My was cmwdnd with lnlnrcscd viewers many of lhnm rqm lown mm or An In his nddres the opnnlnz Mr Flnlcy dwrl nn regional dc vclopmunu In an In cnunlry Ilmslnz the lmpnrlfincc or an artups mm 13 those cxhllnu In slmron Counly This not rrnnlssuncc ml but ncluully the Mr 01 an 1n nnw coumry In Canada pcuplr hm had be rrorcuphwl wllll llle develop mm rcsmmrl uml lmluxlllcn esslsmnce of 50 volunteers the llremen were unable 00 save thebulldlng The store was operated by Arthur Rice It was completely levelled to the ground but all members or the Rlce tamlly and the Roubns lumlly who occupied the second floor escaped surely General Store WEDNESBAY OCTOBER 2Q I951 mm they had had mm Mme m1 mm lhclr attention 10 Ml he ML Now hnwcvnr with some of tho necessfllcs nkcn are penplg gnll Mr lhe country were lumlnx lqut lhmuxh ml pnlnllng Ind mm nouns They IIE learning to palm and make things with hdr hand or are Icarning to up prcclnlu beamy which olher hlvc created The mm considered hi pra grcu mosl lmpurlanl Ind compu mcnlcd lhc munly mum and lhc Slmcoc Cuumy An and Crnfls As soclnllun whch sponsor the an nual cxhlbfl an ll lplcndld con lrlbulinn he movement dumcnxlnllan ol palman wnu musl lnlcrrsllnl clchuq 10 ohm Mr fields mm with cw drfl Yokes unlnl n1 Ihat use 11mm could be noted Vlhln Im hour porlmll which Mr old II now hc proud owner we cum plnlcd Commema by Mn Finley were anlrucllvc and lnkrmlnl Wood mwlny Then were well nvcr 250 pulm Inu on splny nl Midland con nldrrnblr Immune mm Ihu rurllor ycnn lhu Innunl cxhlbll an Turn pale ulzhl plum Fatally Wounded DUring Breakin At Wasaga Beach Vlml Iluuvtrnl ullh Wm nlh mm ulludllnl Io llll hlnl Im alluvial ll VII Ill IXurII Ink huh 21 the lvm mull rIIlIIllrfl Illy uoundnl when Ihul Iry Mn llalurl HmIIII 10 wlle ol the owner In Hull manna lalcr nurrrmleml luhvuflre Wm Winn poll was um In luulvll Mme hy fllry mm lem and wh mm In ulumun 1m noum mmu mm mm um nnlnnum Ind polka uld um Ilwphrnkllu upm dvhrn lmmu luy Mu hm runuunlmu Iltlurllhll Iflllflllll Ill lINInl huh rm lvvlllur ml MI wlh hum Illhu on and nun rlrylnl and HM Irir dour Th run lhv lull In In In Inde Ind Illhnu II mumd Ivy Mm lelh lo In he lupl rnmlhl law an unlll Ihn ml mm Iwu men WINI up line wmmlod nun nun ho lud mum hr I50 nil Ind naepod In flu ru ML Hmllh ugly wllll lhn lulludrr Ind urnml ml un hilIldlnI lull hqul lnr puhul uum hole In Imp wlmluw lfll rllmlml MI the tool Mn II rlllnl police lull rum who tho mm nu mt Illnllnml Im hun MM nul Mn nmlln hm lllm In um dch In addition to this damage nn overallfigure is nvnllnblu as yc mm the various uownsmps inthe county where in many places cansldcrble damage was caused Township It is unconfirmed hm under lced that Essa Township and wumselh Whip had some £hing1bke 18 bridges washed out each County Road Damage $170000 Public Works Here $10000 As Result 0f Weekend Floods Mr Jones Lold The Examlnctl We have lost hhm indulges all wilhln hallmule 01 web other In the Benton area In addlunn lo jhe roads which havb consc qucntly been cut of due 50 this damage he rand rum Angus the Baxter sideroad and mm Shanty Bay to Oro Simian are pasmblc but way should be op cncd Within day or No Damage to the county road system in Simcoe County due to theweekend flood will probably amount to between $60 unnm andsvomoom according to Ted Jones county engineer while the figure for Barrie will probably be around $1000000 estimated Robert Campbeii town engineer In addition to this damage nn overallfigure is available as yet mm the various uownships inthe county where in many places cansldcrbie damage was caused Township It is unconfirmed bit under iced that Essa Township and wumseth ibwruhlip had some thingJike 18 bridges washed out filth Mr Jones Laid The Examiner We have lost hhm indulges iii within hallmile 01 web other In the Benton area In addition to jhe roads which havb consc qucntiy been cut of due to this damage the rand mam Angus to the Pubii Works Department in Barrie on Fridaynizht when the storm really broke was of Ken cral nature Mr Campbali point ed out We have washouts mi vert and sewer damage in num be planes in town Curlbiggest work at that me was in placing barricades and lanterns at danger spoia and our men about 11 at them workcd mmueh the niuht on this on Saturday and Sundiy our men continued 40 work xight thrnugh manning pumps in let tinx flood water out at basements 1m pimple Five pumps were in use continually on thiuyork aver the Vwoekcnde Over one 01 he bridges in the Becwn arm raffle X5 still able to get over and than will be mm over the other two by the end this weak Us Ballty Brldxen The coumy has been notlllcd by Lhc pmvlncc through he ny dm and Army that Ballcy Bridges an available and It ls likely um hose wlll be used to PPM the broken brldgcs lcmpnrary measure unIll permanent slluc mm mm be bulll Huwevcr wlth the fall now hen nnd unable to go ahead wllh any Wtucflon work before Lhc had wcaihcr set in the cnzlmcrs department wlll um be able an replace the lost brldlcs uan may yum havc damage to other bridges In the county but Lnll has not nmclcd lhclr mme capac lly in any way Mr Jenn ex plaincd Raouzhky speaking would fly that our dnmalc was about filmc mm us had lhc wonn sprkng weather mmdiUou have new not unusu11 or to Dbudafl for about 320000110 ya to repair damn caused by pflng flooding he added Governnwnl engineers 1mm flu Munlclpal Enzlnccrinz Branch hnvu been In Sdmwu County ancc he Mart of this week ncsslnl 1hc damage In the various town ships or rcpon the provincial gavummcnl Fortunate llm When one considers lhe dam nxr that has been caused In other places we can only be muml In name that we did come out the load as we didcnmmcnud is llkcyThu our will amounl to not over $1000000 The pmblcm thh 0anle Plan Vast Drainage Program Race Against Time Weather Try Reclaim Helen First steps in me gignniic task to ngnin bring back the iioiiund Mnrah to stale oi productivity have already been taken with pumfis being brnnghb in mm various sources to drum the lake which now covers the onceprosperous vcgci nbic growing nrcn Monty ll nlrundy rullllu ln IluHund Muth Floud Ilrllel Fund whlth was Icl up nnLl lhmlmndl dollun huvu Mumly bull El mlllc Mil the hulmlrsl fulnlllu In lht mmlu mum In Hill rcwtcl lprclnl hockry unlnl wnl Ilium In Uurtlc lull nluhl buwrcn he Unnlo llyrn And me owm Sllllml mm wh Ill lurvlrcl Dom dunnlnl Inn by Hm pluyr mxmnurmrnl Ind hu Mann Ulllrnls All vmcnll wlll Ku lu Ull lklllnml MIIIh fund The Hm lAIlln Trail IIrnl Preparing for City Status Minml lay II lNll lnr Wnknl nwl Ilm whimd and lnuuh um uvlnlllnl hum muluml nlu lur runny run mum mm Ill ll nvw nvw Walktr Hlnle whlch 1mm Illlclnlly ulwmlW Mildly Odd Nudlul flu upIulhoc lelru In My In upIulhoa rum mtnulr and wnh kny leo 01 mm mum 1nyth lvmllrm lu may 1va pkllhlfl Hull or III now rlnj mm mm Iho uucu mhnull mu Wm um um InlulIN wherehaw wlmlmu Wm uh VI VM elmI uny in In lhntkrw pl Wm WW WV Ion hul rlur nuomcml lllhl uln or run In um colllm mum Ind HI The Imam flnomnvulnl up law but llnu In Nu In flu shown cum ul lhl window lurn lo DIII mm Inn NewWalkerSlbreOpensIomorrow Adds Much lo Business Seclion lnu uxuu an mu luau anym For the remainder of this week nnduprobava longer wc will be concentrating on replacing wash cduul sections dentin dtlllzhcs and repalrlnl bouwvards Hallway sunllon Au NR and CPR mainline passmgcr rain to and tram To mmo wore In opumunnyy Mon Loblaws Cooking School Attracts Thousand Women First Two Days Conlinues Today Thursday Friday The chlgmlnz cook wllh he adulhorn accent Mn Elale Clay Rogers paying her annual via in lawn th wcck From Monday 11 Friday she conducung Lab hw Free Cookan Schncl beng held at the Roxy Then every ultemocn from 130 to 330 oclock Each day we have been mg cgowd in attendance and the ual anup at housewlves expect ad thls Incmaon Ind Thursday and Friday in Onlurlo vIlcd lhu llrlckvn mm on Monday allernoon wlm nm tr Kuvurnmcnl vflchnlI and Il Wu lunflnnrd lhnl he nun wt or mnrhlnrry pump whlch would dulln Hw wuter ml OK lh Iwu lulu the Imu Cnmal lylrm lrlHIlLr IIMI pm Ihmuuh all ulur lhr mrclllut wllll lhv vnllnlll lmnl olllrlnll In an wary HVIII nbln Ilulrv llI Um Trent tymm be umme rmm mm mm mln ukun lhrm In Hutu mnuc vumpl brlnu limped and 11 ml Ilduwllk lnwl wllh Hm man floor llmmlh lhfl mnflrlrn Inn down The low ll llnlllml lhmuuh uul In Jun lnllld llmlrum In urnhml Hind Ind In watluul mn lllnl bmk Ir hrynnd Hm xlrflll at me urlulnul bundllm HIGHWAY 400 OPEN AT MARSH THIS AFTERNOON llluln 1lnll Tl Ilda will In llnlklwd In pleuth Hull of III now mm mm lrlnun whlI lha cllllnl White uvu Hm rum neuuI any in nu uhnrkrw pl nu Ion hul rlur lluomcml Illhlln In Hm colllm Hum Ind lh uh xluwrbml lull aide nm Departum or lllthIyl lnnounced um moman nut llllhwly on Ilollnnd Mmh will bl open Ml Illu mwn oclock VBIII raw mine In lnvel fll north only uo In mullnrd ma To me than navvé MONDAY WEDNESDAY man singlycopy 22 PagesThreé Sectiois and FRIDAY Bridge hangs from ink dlszant 53min and machinery 1mm Montreal were rmvcd Ink the lomnloBarflc arm to build some 40 new mam day night allme some them mnvcd 9y syfiem devious re mung The hawks damage was re rportad between Tommo and VWashan and Town am Barrio Worst hit by me weekend lands were line 01 the CNR More than 150 washuuLs were mpomed and dozens ox brmgea were damaged or destroyed Main 1111M the north Barrle and Beavcflm will be Dpened warm he 9nd of week The Llndsayflflllla sentiun the Wand IubdMsion was op cncd on lvmrvdnyv anewan rans conunnntal Mains to and from 10 ano to lot throng Canadian Pacific Railway wan operating on Monday or the first Umc sinceFrlday night mm Its main line throuth Macllcr and Sudbury Raps had been curm pleted 50 washmns Lmludmg brlgzc approaches act Jcchm uni The Hamilton rrle une ls compldloly out and no date has becn cqglnutgd gr lg LOlrpenl been ihouslnd women in Mrs Rogers nudicncc play as much 01 an we to Mr an human as her undeniable mastery of the culinary am She knows haw cook good food but shove the know how to talk flaunt it in vastly entertaininl uhion liberally twinkling her runnnfl commentary with nnnc dam Ind wiiiicisms Agatha bla nurncupn the duly cooking school LI course the who 1m belnl uttered by the sponsors grand prize 01 nn The lnlernallonally known home cconomln cook mm person nllty Ind lho chum she exudes on unnally advcnlscd xclrlgemor wlll be ulven nl lhe close the haul and wamcn who nllcnd Iny ul he icsslona wlll be cllglbln l0 wln XI and each dny there are dilly prlzu cl electrical npplh nnccs all luppllcd lhrouzh the courtesy local dealers In Iddluon 15 buy at grocerch an given away dnlly lo members 01 the audience and number of lucky huuscwlvca no home each afternoon with prepared Mum Nm to page elgm plum lhe Onlnrlo Hydw wn Installing 30000Knllon pum an Monday nlghl ll hoped III with he tx hllnx pump the walcr wlll Aluwly be drulnvd Thu mm dllnirr nl lhu pmun limo nqu rpm mud how rulu Iull wullhl wrluully nflul their chnnm ul lryluz l0 curry mu van drninnflc praurmn by whlch Hwy huprd ln rrLchr n11 um um lylnl out of llluhway 400 What llumwnrd whm dlulxl nun mlnl Ml the MM ml Frlduy Illulfl wnslhfn lhn old Hall UV mm Iho bu thll lho Mflrlh wm rcclnlmcd ncluufly bccumu in river onto mum The pump mum nut crun wlkh Um mm whkh low nl In lho walcnhrd mm gu llu rnlln um Imam Wldq Inks Hum llmu nun huwcvcr winu lllullwny £00 wn bulll lflluol mlvm wan vlnml llndnmulh ll Ihruuuh MIMI drnl tun Walt unlld low In Ilm Now drulnnnu emu nnl mm hlnhwuy xllkn nnd nu ky lnl Iu pm Um culvm what ulumlrd II abandon Ur ht llme wlul nu prnonl mlrnllflh of UN Mu lylul wrfl lht hlzhwuyz Alurc llw nwd wulru behlml llm Mlhwny and hm and um muan lulloll Um can he limp lurlurn Um wlnlor ma In Wlll mun lhll Ihn muan luliolL whlrh ll Ihnllowofl and conII UMJNHII un xlucuvu lnnd cuulll bu remvnr ll In mw Men rnhnnlnl 0m Immlhlllfl like um Ihlnl Clll mm onlnu mm In born lnu lluuunh We Illlllrr In In llnllllnl MMIIL Mm llumycd hun Hull hvunndl luuhull nI urmu nu buy polnum hru mm Ilhlllmml nunnl n1 ta vemmenl ullld on ha 51ml um my In crap Ill In me Inmml can be ulvuvd

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