Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1954, p. 8

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Our advice to the handyman who InnI In dont uan Iomndlo nhylhlnu you arent sure It you dont nlrpndy know handles pin or wood or menu or Imus anything to kcrvljxw place at mntorlnl In their rela llvu noalllon Tm trouble with tho dullyourscl book lctn In that they assume you are carpenter to amnwllh If you arent the Instructions may be mum dlmcult Put one dowel It says 1011 or people will Mk whnla dowel But youve got to atan with someone who can drlvc nan Otherwise youve got nothing Thats not to mention the fact that he cant saw board Our man has taken the best lumber the business mensnrcd IL cnretully and men mangled beyond pnlr with two cuts ma Illhandled Im plement Its all my well for the manufacturers to sell saws drllla and planes and to tell tlm alleged handyman that he can hand evurythlug tom an ashtray to dlnlnn room table wlth them namely tryth 1ouow which are well worthisbrlqnsl onsluerlng Duhqgn said phesevnte figsithflié him c99 cemabqqlffiu road we in yonpada have been trayenfimunMe pust decnda amconcerned over thejnct that we are not gettlng excited over Germanys 52 hour week at EOéents 55 cents an hour and the not that she ls lnimdlng and some times capturingthe export markets or the world We do norworryrbecausewe are pros perous becnuse we are relying on our great natural resources to see us thrbugh But any couhtryfs greatestnsset Is the character or its people and If we become am and rich and indolent we wm loge out others The Uvnhandy Handyman Everyonels golng sllghzly dnfly about the do lt youmlg trend olllce clerks who coulan chnuge washer on thclr tnps have becomerblpllme plumbers Hnndymén who nmmnlly couldnt put together respect able onmuc cmle are chlnklng about storage walls Tllls ls nll verywpll hm we would llke to put ln word for the chap who Jugt cnnz drlvc lmll mum No amount of know how lnlommtlon ln all the newspapers and mngnzlncs In 1hc world will make hlm drlve pull straight In these comparative days or Canadian prosperity temfimions are greater than in the ume oipxusperity and n1s well to regard seriouslyany storm signals lest we driit buck fihiswnming was given by James Duncphn head oi MasseyEnnis Ferguson Lilnitediinen informal address without my notes or prepared statement to the weekly editors or Canada several weeks ago dgtheii convention in Toronto his iaoleaslly tosocinl Ourilhzofi ldlbeon productiv securlty en 1151 They rummageasiiy t9 leisure to hoi idays to shortworking hourslo long week ends whtn Vazshoiflube thinking oi more and mi 1953 worit We shbuid be congemedover our grow ing producbidn CDSLJyWhich spring from the factors havejust mentloned in country whiqh livgs byibs exports to the extent we do we must remain competitive In Some Honer Truths Give Warning +o Canadians run congerned over the excess or opr purchases romthe USA with our adverse balance 01 trade or $100 mllllonslnsc year We are mklng theensy way We should orleht our purchases to theWesgern Heml sphere to our grndltlonnl mnxkels to the customenwhlch In nlr weather or In foul purchase lroln us providing we glve them the opportunlty 01 enmlng the dollars In order todn so by buylng lrom them am concerned becausewe are too young as nmlonnatsumglenuyyell 33 tnbllshed to lie back errant oarannadnanm of lelsure nnd soclnl 1equrlty The munda tlon of our national prosperity was hnr$ work and dedication will take just thn to keep us great It you arent me lnalrucllona dllncult Put one dowel or people wlll Mk whnla nlrpndy know lln handles or menu or almost nnylhlng loan at mntorlnl ln lllolr rela to the handyman who lanl In llmndlo nhylhlnu you arent my Thiamine fixaminm Tlm nnwmun who Inan MI vocntlon mlmuly mm lln bull men In any commullll llr mun Inks nu nrllvr lnlarm ln evwf phm tom munlly llle rlurrlarn lxIx work bu mver done you and your local nlwunnn are II bull lnmr louulrr rlmnm are your Mer wlll bo cuverllll mm for newxpprrl Anylhlnl llm luppem on Clxrlmnm or my ullur IllNluly lwlldy llul mnlm DWIInd how alien MI mo curwlll nml llw newmun In llllck ll llh wnlk uncrullnl II II cmlllhlllll but ullen frullnllnl well llul wlllml llrre III lurlmllon nhnul mun out weekly cummunlly nrwupaper termed vaUuVIll luunullun brcuuxu mm In nPVIl ghoul lwoplo yw know WEDNESDAY SEPT 22 1954 Thry dhlcun among olhcr thin Idvlrllllnl bath nnlluml Ind lucnllnyouln newn Ind rdllorlnl wmlnl lubmlpllom dlllrlcl new ulhmn Um me uf plclum nnd uUwr lulum he dIVelnpmtnl ul clnumtdn mum Ipprrnllcu cm ol mllnu Ind ulnllnl muchlnrry nnd Wt mu cuuld an Iurnlng out crnillnblr wcrkly newnpapu compllcntrd prom 1th HID mambo find plenty lllk about when nthpnmr pcc Io xnl loxclhnr ll can vtnllun lhey Iuend III lime bnlween Ibmul mg llDllI and cnlnrlulnmcnl In 1th lllk They ex chnnn Ideal 1mm how alhm vulva pmmrmn Ilm IIIr In mam nnd uul new way dnln Ihlnus uncover xhun cum much help In Imp In Mn Inz com pruducuonl In mun they wand much In cunvcnllan lImo In zlunlnl Ideul whch wIII help Iholn do holler job In lhclr muncllv cummnnIlIm Buwmnnvlllc Statesman RcccnUy the 35m nnnunl couvrnllon of he Can ndlnn Weekly Newgpnpm Asmclnllon which 111 Stalnmnn charter mrmbcr comprblnx around 000 publisher mm every province wnl hald In Toronlo hue conhrmtm lhc weekly ncwpapcr men and wormn discnn mulunl problem and way and mum Improving lhdr wcckllm am they may beuer serve their mpmlve cummunmm Cnnadas unique dramatic adventure the Stratiord Shakespearean Festival Founda tion or Canada has come to the end of its second season with highly practical triumph to add to last years triumph of re nown reports Michael Earkway in The Financial Post To the acclaim of critics and public in Canada United States and Europe the Btmttord Festival can now add the beast that it has become saltsustain ing When this Second season ended alter an extra ninth week on Aug 25 the Fest ival Foundation had working cap ital fund oi $150000 more This will carry it until the opening of next years season when ticket receipts begin Chnrlmlelawn Gunrdlnn Individuals whme lmmbdlnlc plan are balked by lawn planning regulations are up be nnnnycd 9n the ulhcr hand when they hnv invested In gym ppgrfithey pr m1y too glad that It vnluc miml nedgby npyroximledtvelopmenl ngprhy Pan Aflhur NewsChronicle Port Anhur adult mod on the slrcol nccnlly and In nmnxnment watched number of school me buy plnylnx with their bleyclu Tn anmc appar cnlly camlmd mnnneuvrc lntn anlxlvn each rylnn Io damage 1h other boylhlke while saving hls own In nu nnmo went on secmcd nm In most Inslnnces bolh parllm ho engagement mt trcd damnlt 9315103 or urnzns Convention Attendance Youthful LUhéfiEls The Georgian Bay region comprising the counties 01 Bruce Duiierln Cirey Simcoe and the districts Muskokn nnd Parry Sound 15 included in plans nnnounced by Premier Frost or series conferences The program is designed to guide Ontario in its development as one or the worlds grant industrial hearilands Further the province is prepared to grant $10000 year to help each regional program Planning Regulations Editorial Nofes The weather has been terrible for the tail fairs in Elmcoe County to date Despite the rain it is indicative of local enthusiasm and progress in agriculture that the displays have never been better onthe Whale Re markable too has been the good attend ance It is to be hoped that Cpllingwood this weekehdinnd Beeton and Barrie next week will be favored with sunlight for the remaining three airs in the county Drivers should be constantly mindfulrot the met that school days are here again Each day hundreds oxvchlldren me coming rpm and gotng to classes It behooves every motor vehKcIe drlye hnvfi full knowledge of his or her pbllny to step In nn emergency wlsc rule 15 L0proceed With caution when there arechildren walk lngor playing In the vlclnlty Encourulnx lltnon Mn Cecil Wllkinuon ll Improv Inu and IM will noun be able to be out Illlll Ntwmukrl Tody 0n Wrxlnwlny Srpl 27 EvertM banball Ixnm will play nl N0w mnrkcl In hr ourfll gum or the Soul Gllnmm Luann hall the lnrnll wln lulu znmo they will lnkr he Dflvll Mrmnflnl Tmphy anmnykel mm mm lhl run or llw jmul lwo In Mr and Mn PM ODancll Tur Imlnmsprnl lnw day with Mr and Mrs loom Pcacofi heunhllnn In prmnlnuon being held in the Drama Hull Evcrclt on Wra nudny Scpl 12 or lhv newly wmx Mr and MrsAlvjn Dcrmnlt Mlulc by Hobblnl and Plne nlv mr Rumblnn Evrrelt Bu Newmuktt Al the bnsvball game In Everell on Saturday Sept In vau won uvrr vamarkcl Mr nnd Mm Wllllnm mGlns nnd amlly Toronto npbm he wvrkcnd with Dan Frrrll Ind Irrne Dr Stralhy member or an old and disllngulshcd 0mm 1mm lly Ilse linked with mahy cums long connectedth the develop mean his nruvlnce and Tar nntn Born at Barrio he was edu cmcd In Enfllund and Swlutrland Trinity Connie Schnol In Purl Jinpo and Trlnny Collvn Wllh In five your ukan hh Maslcrx demo In 1902 he was lnvllcd acrve an the College corporatlon nnd did In conflnuuusly rum 1907 Several Imus hchn1 ban chnlr mnn of In executive and In addi llon has served as chalrmnn Trlnlly Cullnze School baard of lnvcrnurs represented Hm College on the Unlvemny Sennlr mm ID 1952 Called to He hr at Onurln lp 1903 he became comm BRAKEanpGn sunny mew ollinrrle who has been Installed as Choncpllor of Trinity College Unlv army Toronto Is seen rollowlng ceremony recently wlth Dr Scnddmg 91 oldesngmduacé Trinity College ends long period during which vnriousvdiz nlluries ofliciolcd ll convocatinm in he conierring the Colleges degrnes Lnsi previous holder of Ina chanceliurship was ihe Int WurifclL in 1921 Dr SirILhy whotwu yearn no last May rer ccived an honorary degree from Trinity inaugurated hisnuw oti ice on Munday evening by con ferring honors upon six aislin gullhrd members oi the clergy or opiscopolcr mmntn Telegram Thelnmllauon skathy MIA1LL as slxlhrchanccllor TRINITY COLLEGE INSTALLS STRATHY CHANCELLOR Barrie Native Iiilnity Chancellor EVERETT Why My nudlq ynuve mlulnl Funny World LEWW MILLIGAN Pravda he Sovlcl Communm puny newspauer hax bcun duplnn lng he may mIlune chnklnu prmlucllon llnm some of Rus nu main Indumm nuruuro crncy lhe bane of slnlcowned In duslry is hclng nssallcd with ur by the Krvmlln seek lo harnch mnrn manpower In the cnmpnlun Io produce more load and mm llvinx Mnmlnrds lravdu however due 1101 xuuxcsl any cure and um Krvmlln faced with lhc dllrmma of blaming the nlluallnn an Hm hurraucrnllc syn Iem upnn whlch the Sovlcl Male loundcd The Prnvdn ankle nlnlrd mm In many mlnhlrln Ihrre wrrc loo many lnslrucllom nml rouuln lluns no many cmnpcllnr drpan mrnlu 00 many ulHLlahL nnlrd HIM flu mlnlxlry the 011 Indualry hm more than 500 damn mrnls and central munnunmonu For every Wuor lhrrr umdnls mm Inc dullf Murmur mined lhrrv in uuch nn nvrrhp plug nsgunlbnny um um sup ply I001 1m 0w lmlmlry whole 11 lit1H leI by tllrm mlv drunrlmcnm nl lhu lame llmr run lhh mmr Llrpaflmmlnl rhnnurlx the 0H Indullry In brrn qupllul wllh nnlwrrunry mm to un vnlm ml 50 30000000 mlan 71000 In l924 senior member the noted Tomnlp law firm bearing his namm has been suid mm the cfiv bnraglnn conhnlltce concerned with in chancellorshlp has bun wait 7an the rlghl manE mum mous thnine at Dr Slrnlhy will doublless llnd similarly uniform fipprnvnl on the purl Trinity olieges constituency and the uhllc generally II hpproprlnlc Io recall p15 nges at Provost Seoluys nItalIon when the prescm chancellor re chvcd nu doctoraIe In 1952 An InatllulIon hlzher lnnrnlnz can seek no hlgher end or Itself II SLI Iorlh than lhm ll uhauld In spIre In It lraauntcs mm or wrvxte to Ihe cammunlI and deep woman or education Idcah Gerard Brukeandge Stra lhy has dcvnch hIs loliure hours to he cause 01 education Inr nur Iy hallcentury EmInenI In the field 01 law and veteran World War he cxpmsm In hlxh degree Ihmc qunIIIIcs thch II III on cducallan slrlvcs In Impm TOO MANY BOSSES The Snclallslcxpcrlmcnlln Grout Drllflln may have been all lu Il xmd It dilpcls the llluslon or rather lhc dcluslon lhal slnlc ownershlp nml dlrncllon of Indus lry would solve nll lnlmr prob lcml cquallzc lhc dlstrlbullnn wealth and Insure rcanumlc nnd sotllll uncurlly Inr nlll Thn cxhlb 1an Socialbm ln Illlxlln Inn shuwn lllrfl the Slnlu ruthlcn cmplnycr lnbar The workcm are regarded commodlly llkc Um munmu and cqulpmcn wllh whlch my work hm brcuus lhuy an human and wlllul lhey must be nubch In many laskmnslors and burrnucrnls lo kccp llmm ln hula Tum nborllnscs 1L1 rec dum ln rgnnlzr In ll nwn du trncr and the lndmlry llwll lI bodtvlllcd by an mnny may win rum lurmcd ml unprr and Incum plltnl clan In the Snvlvl Unlnnl NI Jlmfl lllrvm Thanlnlvlnl HI Jan Anxllcnn Church will hold hrvm Umnkulvln an Enn my mm 230 nm Von lrnlllr Arrhllrnrud Dr Lllhumum or Shanty wlll 000 Thrsc 10013 are said be 10er and mum were laid um Soc usm would 12 rid of he 110$ 01 an in duslry and thcy would be acuve partners uhuring 1n the prom which formerly want lo the priv ate invcslorl In gelling dd the Boss however they ound lhnmsclvca In the hands 01 mul tiple horse Inside the industry and host of bureaucrat cnnlrnll cu Inspector and snoopers who wauldlentcr lhcir homes lo see lhey were llvlnx beyond their ra lion So nr as lhc prom were rnnccmed there wermt my and me warkm my mm In mg New lamlllel We welcome several new lam llies who have moved to our com munlty lately Mr nnd Mrsukoyal and dnughlnr from Cobaura living In Gearge Mulhollnnds npanmcnl Mr nnd Mm mum and sunny mm Frenchmans Bay lixlnz In Gibblns apartment Mr and Mrs Miler Stevens and lnmlly Damnlo In the Ben erghl home Recent Walton llecem visitors Included Min Burlclgll Kinsman Wllh Jenn Wire Mr and Mrs Leon Garrick Toronto at George Mulhollnnd Mr and Mrs Camplw lhmllton Mr and Mrs Palmer Toronto Norman Palmers Alex Adams and daunh ter Lllnx and Barbara Duncan To me wllh Rev and Mrs Wanlcg using taxes similar ununtlnn was arising in Britain In connccuon whh he nationauzcd lndlrslrlu undpr hn Labor Governmcng The workcfi Congratuhuam Mr and Mn Kenneth Wrilm on the birth at gunner In Ban1e hnspiul Sen Unlkd Annualcry United Church anniversary next Sunday Sept 28 will be canducl ed by Rev Whales at mm and 730 pm standard lime Speck music by the church choir Dmery welcome Farmnsin this community are busy with Lhelr lnll 1an exhibits Om Fair last wank In the bacon hag show CHI Camadden was awarded nlne mm Iaine2 scmndx ufidlwo thirds and In the Jersey cattle Robcn 5pmulc wanone lirskfinur scenmk nnd bur thrd WI Second II Cookstown Congrailulaflnm to Slroud Wo mens Imlilule on winning second prize tar lhclr cxhlblt at kas lawn Fair last Frflday under the doctors care here wflh her daughter Mrs Elmer Pratt We hope she may soun be stored to good health ShinyPinon Gmgralumlam toMJm Barbara Parsons and wmiam Sunny who were married in St Pauls Church on Sept 15 by RevsL Rawc Yuk Year Euccmlnl Innisfil Township park was 2105 on SaludeY Sept 18 nfler very sucqcsrsful mason The lnnn cinl rccemL this year Inc udlnfl Mnlal me booth mulled around $13000 an lncrcnsn $1000 over L1ng yang Mrs Spence has returned mm in vlsil with Hamlllcn mends VDIHIAN DUNUS warsnun IUMRINB NURSING MODES WM IAIWRS um BUSINESS Wflh Daughter Mrs Plgyvrighyotmnaslng =wha RUIOMOBIII DRINK INSIRUCHUN mcmc APPLIANCES WANIMUII SIORIS Hum SERVICE CROWN HILL Thmug Elmer prfccsr xivid Fllr Prize Winm Strand dotivilie Toronto Funeral Mr and Mrs WrCamp1cll and Duncan and Mr nnd Mrs Fraser Cambeu were In Taronk on Monday last at lending in funeral ol Lhclr bru Lhcrlnlaw wusqn Comedy Show litre Friday Dont missvthe hummus comedy Zeke and Daisy Sn Simud Com munuy Hall Frldny cvcnxng Play by Thornton Young People span sored by he Presbyterian WA Women on mm Jury Mrs Herbm Black nd Mrs Thomas Bowmln attended the Fall Ashe Ln Barrie last week being the first woman from this com munlgy in be called on the will lury Presbyterlzn WMS Ill Barrie MrsA Jame Campbell F551 Road Barrio was hostess Slroud Presbflcrlnn WMS on Wednes day evenlng Th5 presidcnl Mrs Bruce Cuwan wash the chair at the absencq at Mrs Hand sccmury Mrs Nelson Wat son lllcd In Folnwlnz lhl open lng devotional pcriud by Mus waons articles wort received or Lhe bale and arrangements made Return Io Vanity Rosa Waiiace Robin Wright John Martin and Don Menan have resumed their studies at Uni versity of igronLoi Visit New York sun Mr and Mrs Gordon Rix and family enjnyed motor trip over me weekend visiting at the home of Mrs Rixs num in Sunburn New York Mrfiand Mrs Melvlllc Ncnlands Brampton were wlth Mn Banlv In for the yweekcnd 35th Weddin Annivemlary Congratulations to Mn and Mrs Lennox mack who celebrated heir 35m wedding anniversary ofi may sém 17 Her 11 plenum mullan with wide range nfmnnl modulinns for may budget For cum Iu Inuk hum low coach fares herwccn lumnw mu Vancouver One way 3671 mound air 1072 lrupuniunmlyInwfinm npply for tourist am olhcr Iypu of sleeping on Imvcl Auk ohcvl Iubllanilal ml oflond by Family in lo Wnlom Canada and to MIdwm and USA all and mu My day 1h Conlinonkll llmllul luvll Monvrn Olluwa TOIOMD Mlnalxl wlmtpo Sonkomou Edmwm Jmpor qu van and Vancovvov Ynul find sman new travel comfun and wnvcnicncc on Canmlinnanionnl onllncnraILir MITnu mlzly coaches rcluing lounges spacious drawing mun and compnnmcnu restful huhcums pupuluppriccd Iluplcx roumcucx and hmhx PHVostheyarolflwym listed in In to WinnipegJusperVamouver mcfllnl an Sept 21 at Wen Gwll llmbury Mn Keth Guy Ind Mn Bruce Cuwan lav Inspiring paper an mm und Wu Lite Mn Cunpbell Next litlous lundn and social hour wax 01 Cancel Sunday Servlne No servlce In the Presbyterian Church next Sunday owlnz to the St James anniversary 0n the allowan Sunday Oct Rally Day wlll be observed sum smeausu due to infilpuflon Iur woner play Mm ar nngmtnumdf £91 sedionfl Id nuver heard of rliumlc when my Old Counuy neighbour suggested Ilml wax what nccdcd to gel over feeling llslless and rundown Um lrlcd mehcn qp hcr advice and its made new woman or Now rcalic hal adiumic can bcjusl imynrmnl as laxalive in ridding lh body ul clogging wnsles Knlschen is bolh senile lnxnlivc and diurelicl Acluully the salls in Kruschcn are similar to those in famom heallng Spcn and hey min the Sam way mu up slug glsh system Gcl Kruschm and sec lluw much bellcr youll fctl KRUSCHEN AT All DIUB STORES Not me

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