0n am ml llmrl Lumin or umnhlnvlllu wlm rvny mm ma wlm mm mu lunlor mm lucky my wln mummm med 14me an nu nlrlnw mu Ind IIKI wllh hla Invmlle Ier In me apecm coulul toryoml Ilm Anrwu ll look HM ll IIclllnu lW wrrkl Hun lwlr In Why Iml mu he 1me munIm Ind lyrllul Ih WU um lHIl IN ll lml The lull fly In Ill hnun MIqufl punk II 1M uul In an rtmmmlrnl Wily In um mm In nu vvrnjnl Elegion Capture SecOnd Straight Senior Softball Brawn urnl wlm 1mm mm Imm Iuy wmwh mm ch phllln mu Crmlh nu um plululn erlnn Mm lmvluu lnnmln llmlhu hlm nu mum um WHIIH wk wn Hun up ml mum mm rmk mm or hm um mm Cmnm luu llnnlly uund III wlnnluu wuyu Imam llw won fuur mum In mm rnuhl lm Hue umllvr Hr max at Mum Nevrrlln n5 Hm Wllluwdnlr LIl IIEH hnsul INIII th0 hi LMrh Muurl In the 70an mm yrl lvnu whu nlmn wlnnlnu un Lullnu unnny lull dcwlle hll 10 Irulurrl In rww lrnml lunar the cm 1man 1er ihmAln Mr IL munfli uzn Hlncv UHIL lhunfll lhu lurulllu jahmy Jock nn nxnnnd In the Ilmllry lm bullvr III 50 prr IM HII rum pm wnnl Knml rnuuxh alluw Mmm lu nurme Mum nIII Nuuml lrnrk champ prrlnlly ll mm mm rmlllnur lu muk wm Mun kalv ummm mumn ownnr us lunplmml Mum will lmgrll mm 1051 uu GuppyNun mm mm 1mm Jonulluul mcmllllllshrd um Aumm 1m wmn hr mm mu mum mu wrnl qu mv on mum nuuum mumqu mm Naw um he lnlc mmm uddlcls have dcpmlud or he mm thing at Human Speedway xhnuld llc down lhv halllc bvlwccn wuv lowdnlcn Junk Cook and ramnms Ivan eru lhc Cnrun paml lwphy mu $35011 pun um gm wll The Cnrllllu baublu which mmru lulnl 500 III msll hflx ncvcr Imn won by lllhur Cook or Moon ml lnr Ami wllh mly law of IE nan uxl urdny mlvlu III It Nu hwlly Mock rnr lmck you um lul your LIsl kupuk um bolh he nbuvulmnllunul nrrs wlll nrivmu l0 pick up uvcry pulnl Hwy can III the seventh and ï¬nal frame lull seven runmr slrandnd and only once dld CGE muster man than one MI In any on ulna mrnbull was Just shade less ln hrllllnncc Only once dld Leg lon lnlly more llmn one In an lnnlnn but was also he ï¬nal seventh Three he cvcn rum Irophy Battle Rages Final Pinecresl Weeks CUE oulhil Legion 65 in ha game but Harry Couse key mainstay the champions was lower of slrtnzlh in he clulchv All runs against were unearned with the exccpllon DI ope counted COE wen expcclcd to provide tougher opposiiinn than they did in the inals But it appeared thni the only member he challeng ers mound stat who could smoth er the Legion plate power was righthander 1m Lahinci The col orlul performer scored the teams lone vickory in the series 64 verdict and ï¬red in the 11 cxcii ing stalemate He departed ipr his home in Haiicyhury annr that prior to departing ior Hurshny and the Boston Bruin training camp MCoach Bob Mailion sent the nlnder oi his sun Bill naymn Jack Luke Turnbuil and Lorne Davis against Legion in an al lempt to capiurc the title but none met with Vlnnlng successi They 105 only thrce games dur In schedule play and ousted Min eslns In Ihe semiï¬nals hrcn glmcs to one roster with ur rifle ï¬elding ability strong pitch ing from Harry Cause and ex plosch bats zhcy proved full value for lheir mlg honors and will be avored to capmm he dis irlcts senior laurel for Iho first umc Kelllcs tremendous blnsi wflh W0 mates aboard came In lhu mm innan nhd brought Legion mm oncrun delidl to 543 lead that they neverrelinquishcd It devel oped into the winning margin and gave title to squad that rnllnd uLnn mprcsslvc seasons rccard The vin gave Legion the bestinseven ilnnl our games to two with one game tied The championswili now repre sent the group in the second nnnunl Interlocking senior sait bnli titiemun ior the CKBB Trophy against either RChF Flyers of Camp Borden or Bradiord the defending title hoiders Doug Kellles ThreeBun Homer Was Final Nail In 26E Chitin Doug Kettle starry groundcovering shortstop exploded thunderous threerun homer to rightcentre ileid Monday night to power Barrie Legion 14 victory over Canadian Gpnerni Electric at Queens Park and wrap up the entrys second successive Barrie district senior softball champion ship rcl CGE kcpl mm aslvillckcrlnx hopes alive In the bottom of scvrnm when Ccc Cnak oponwd with single With two out Rub ThurIDW cashed Mm hump an double but Cousu gal Ilayumfl grbund short lo and the game and he uuc march Legion soun set the stage Im Kculcs vicmriuus and dramatic crash Turnbulls Error on Schew chuks bunt and walk to Slrvc lilnns placed runners an bumd and Kettle with two out fouled several pitches before he conqcct Ed the clrvml Legion tallied twn Insurnnrr runs in the suvenlh on slnglcs mm lllncs and Harry Cause and sandwichudwalk to Kettle snulm topped chlun mum whllu nines Kemp and Shuwghuk had one apiece for xyvlval came in the ourlh by way nno hit and three Lcalnn errors bad thrnw to ï¬rst allnwcd Ab ancn npcnlhc Inning Bob Thurlow followed with doublc and Bill Raycran brought one run across on second error at ï¬rst With runners on sccnnd and third and none um George Slnrcys ground er to third saw the throw to ï¬rst an lhc bag The Xunner collided with Bcrl PDDp he ball went rec and we runs scored give CGE shortlived 32 lead The margin was extended In 20 In the third when Al SChcwchuk opened wllh single was sacri ï¬ced to second by Hines and then stole HIqu on catcher Ray HNIL He scored on Popps 1y Ab Emvfn in centre field Leg on can ure lead in the mp he Hrs when Slew mncs reached ï¬rst on an over threw um and took second He moved to third when Pupp grounded out tn Ccc Cook and scored an Romes deep fly to Gmham Croshlc 1n ugh Held naginst were unearned Sharp bascrunninz and headsup plate strategy Paid all consistently for the twotime champion Only hie runners were cit stranded Ccc Caok wlln lwb smglrs mm 5PEED Below is the Hm oi the SPEEDY éomic mlpl Wnlch for mm and follow the good advice ml goo with them 5L Cnlhnrincs Merry Macs who elgminmcd Banc Greer Aces cap lured the PWSU Intermediate chmnplommp The Gnrdtn cny enlry disposed defending champion smmud Kroohlcrn units lo one in he bcslvlnlhmc ï¬nals GARDEN CITY LAURELS Playlm in Quebec wm only our cams was sulcidul venture nc cordlng to the Marllncnus ln nn nounclng Ihelr withdrawal The OHA junior council agreed that he iMcrlncklng schedule was on coslly venture and involved too much travelllng me for Ongarlo clubs Meanwhile the Fronlcnacs wilh coach Phil Watson back at the helm complllud negolialions arm working agreement with Victoria Cougar the Wnsmrn Hockey Leagum Marlineaus Sell Frontenac Shares The Hun Gerald Martlncnu and his son Bobby who held stock In In Quubcc Junior Frontenau sold their shares lo Gerald Couture whun arrangements or an inter locklgg schedule with the DEA Junior group n11 through Hodge vzho starred as junior 1th Montreal Canadians mun llshcd all kinds records lasl year while KWth Clndnnall M0 hawlu the Intermfllonal Hockey League CGECaok 3b vfluthcrlcrd 1b Bowen cl Thurlaw Raycrnn 1b Smny ll Crusble r1 Brill Turnbull Hickllnz chinn 101 one CGE 000300114 Unrplres Stan 1nt5 plum BudKnapp Jlm Boorman bases goalie who came wilhm CARA dccislnn playing or the Muinorial Cup Barrie Flyers in 195263 Charlie Hudge has been tabbed n3 mgulnr custodian fur Dumb Blsons the American Ho ey league this season LEGON Hines 3b Pimp lb 2b Kefllc Hardacre Cause Gducia 2b lb Wannmnker Thompson cl ShewchukrL Thurlnw wlhi pair 01 doublu and George Storey with Ilnulc nnd audoublq accounted or CGE CALL rm stuunn to PRINTING mom 2m Regular Bison JACK WHITE centre slur or the Mcmnrial Cup Flycrs In 1950 signed to play wlm Slraqurd Indian 01 lhc OHA scnlar race this stasnn He has born re leased 1mm prolcaiionnl hold by unvch Datum 1ch American Hockey League and Is cxpcclcd lo vc hIs amnlnur status shurfly Ic played with the iï¬dians In and with ancyflcld Braves of the Quebec Hockey League last year Mndsor Eundogs ad the DEA seniur circuit haw signgd twa more new from junior ranks Don McLean mm 1m Memorial Cup champion St Calhmlnei Tec pccs and Bhlcy Dlmma Irorn Guelph mllmarcs both wingers Sign Juniors Wellington scoer 20 shutout vlclory over Alllsdon 115 week In In the bestname ORA midge round two game cm with om gamu tied Wlnnzu even will arm the BBC Inch team In cow pele In the Innunl dhtrlct ludhope Cup Ind Thompson Cup cllsl bald Col llnzwnnd Del BDCI Field Day On Thursday Competition will be keen In line quest for 5min burned hie unlor clnmylolnhlpl In It boyl In evenu mmuu mule Imam Collcxhle Inlmulc ï¬eld day will be held Thumb It tho Arena lroundl Returns Home Wellington Win And In newcomer ruled by Dash us put the best pmspccts to om me Bang p05 cm In Bunny years Andrl Hall will re celve hlx lirsl taste of compellllnn when he meals Joe Trupnink ol Toronw 1n threerounder Dash sue Ball ls powerlul punch2r and Is confldcm he will flow ln la lop amateur llngcighl After lengthy summer layuu the Barrie Boxing Club will return in iisiic aeuon tonight as man ager Orv Dash handles our mem bars on the armieur card at the Palace Pier Tornnnm Paui Kenny who overcame Eeriou back injury usmund medical advisers has shown ire mendoys Improvement in raining warknuisnnd will got laugh liveround Icsi against Eddie Benny of Hamilton SWIM aucnllon Will be on Chuck EdwardV who broke Into the MM game Ins ycar and Im medialePy chalked up five con secutive victories He hasnt ought for ahnosl year as hockey imerrumed but he puns on mare mlLt octlnn Lhis scum Banks knockout sped11L Lyle Parker with bhrcc K0 Viclnrlc and one 1055 In our slants gel cran Werner Kroawhouskl of Toronto In the mlqdlcwulghl divis Ipn Chuck will delend his undefeat ed streak In threezoqu bout against George Nickcrson at T0 mmo 1n the Idspound class LocalBoxers In Action At Palace Pier 56 ELLEN ST FOR APPROXth NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR STORM SHSH mm Our Budget Plzin Is Now AvallgbleAsk For Details N0 DOWN PAYMENT Up To 24 Mouths To Pay LYLE mum BEAVER LUMBER Iluvr um am nnknmcn rxlll yuur cunvcnlcncc or IIIIH cxllnmlc no ohllgnllun In yuu PHONE 2517 You Can Toko 12 Month To Pay At Approximately $l l50 Pol Monlh mama clrznlnalcd Brampton 1n the Hrs midget series In two straight games The second game at the series against Niagara Falls Is billed 1hr Mrlculluml Parkgmt no dale is 50 Mnnngcr Bernie Mchnn has named Johnny Moore slarllng pitcher Saturday afternoon when Danla midgets open their second Onlnrlo Baseball Assnclntlon mund HLNlngnrn Falls GET READY FOR WINTER husky 29103150111 Quebec swimmer Jacques Amyut success fully 0ng Ihc cold Wale the St Lawrence River swlnunlng 21 mlcs upvrlvcr tram amcd Ste Anne de Ecnupre Shrine Que bec Cily In seven hours and one minute It was the longest Swim ever aucmmcd In Quchvc Moore Selected Series Opener Niagara Falls Amon cnlcied the river at 8115 am and climbed onto yacht Quebec 116 pm Aprpmxl mainly 5000 disregarded heavy downpour to enter him on The cat luilowcd closely an the heels of Marilyn Bells conquer at Lake Omar At the In math lhercwen 11 Cum lulla uom or flu Thumhy group and ï¬ve nuns enlercd or Friday nllhl Tho cxecuuvo tryinglo luv 26 Min 12 In each mun ready to run bowllng on apenln dunes whleh have betn tenhllvaly set or Be Ind Oct Anyone lull wishing enler lcmorjolnnleamlstn vllnd will my 01 Ah lollnwlnl Blll Farqulur 54159 George Pearce 5m lhzel Wllflll 6432 Bnen Bum Blll Fuqnhar wu elected pruldenl the Mlxed Mun qulln have It mealIn of mm repruenlallvn lul Wednuday evening It Ina bowlln alley Also elecled to tha xuullva were acorn Pearce ll vlcepnsldenl Ind llnel erxhl as secretary treuunr Teams Required Mixed Maior Bowling league SWIMS 21 MILES CflMBlNflTION HOBBS HOME OWNERS BEAVER UMBER EQMPRNY LTD COMPANY LIMITED Wli IAN SUIILY Omar wellknown performch the Gal mm are gonllw Dob Senlo lormcrly with Tnmmo Mnrlborns and Mlku Circa Korm er Oshawa General Dick Cherry younger brolhcr to Don who Ilnr red tor the Flynn nvcr the past lhrcc yum mud on prospect Heading the list oi holdnvers 1mm last year are John Sluavcr Hec Lnlandc Ron Hakiead and Pelc Pilolc Others who saw lim lied acilon with the xquad but performed mainly with Hes pcie Hawks are Hany Chalk Bobby Hull Carl Hale Jnc Hogan Drum Murray nun Buomer and Jim Erlson Thirty of the uandidalm are the property at Chicago Black Hawks and 22 are holdnvcrs from the Dosmn Bruin mmp held In Gall one week previous The win PnhllEd Dory Funk to malnmln his leadershlp In the cam petlllnn or he John Laban Bolt nwardedlu the Norlh American Junior heavmvelghï¬ champion Funk now has live victories again no setbacks Approximately 300 inns angnded the lhnlhpacked professional show Next Tuesday night at Barrie Ar ena the colorful midgets make huh ï¬na appearance the season In fourman as mulch supported jay other allsm bnuks Gall Black Hawks lastplace ï¬nishers last season opened Jheir H354 junior training camp wllh 52 hopeluls on hand under the supervision new coach Gerry Brow Each team won all Hut um hour thne llmlt expired be on wlnner had been declared In the Ihlrd The relate allowed 1le mln um overumr and Larsen and Funk clnlmed Ihe llnal fall Wllh jug 30 seconds remalnlnz The opener between Frankie Hart I71 Hailand and Mike McGee ended In draw Egch wun all but he lime limit expired before third all decision was reached No aver llme was allowed Gal Hawks Opqn Training Camp Dory Funk and Herb Larsen Sn under the WIN by second fast night Ban1c Arena to claim axteam victory over Chris Belkns and Bill Curry on he pmlenlonal wrestling shaw Funk and larsen Capture Tag Win THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT 22 19543 Howl Harem hockcya Immor tal who bland suuh brlllilnl cake with Montreal Canadlom signed his ï¬rst prdmional con tract or $1500 CAR mas RAIN SHINE N9 EWY FREE PARKLNG Adults l°° CHAMPIONSHIPS Saturday Sept 25 ADULTS SLED Chlldyeu Free Under 12 nvllh Patents Childfcn 7m WIT MKEMS STOC FillINCH MflTORS CHHYCU PARTS BORN TOO SOON 50 LAI CANADIAN Fluma 5971 75 Bradford St For Genuine BARRIE CALL