Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1954, p. 3

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Ifrw George Plaxton QC Naiivé of Barrie Dies in Toromo 7w spnpular nmuml un Can udlnll mluny HI llumlu mil belmlk rd 5mm numm clubs iAlzw survlvlnu nrc twu mm Mrs PrutlLrick Mdlrlln New Yuk um MI AerI CM uury Eznly In his camr Mr Pluxlun gained an unvianlu mpulnllon 1n L1w um his bustSS Inumu tuck hlm all over Humm and through uul nth Annrim lluwcvur an mm ls ln spans and rucronuun ncvrr warnd mm few years nuu he mm In 1qu Im mum mrsrx Gmnllc Club my wlnlcr was amnnu he nmsl ur wnu curlr Mr Jlaxlon also played hockuy In his ynlllh iluiugll nul wllh he mic proficiency as two of his mums iluml and llorlmi members at lhu Varsiiy Grads who won Olymplc lunuls As well in llnxlon thy survlvc wllh Frank and Jams Plaxlcn also Tommi lawyers her at Plnxmn arm or Onlario jus tice of he suP mmc court he was mm In Ear rlc where tamer Charles pmqm law He slnncd his own legal mm alter nuduallng 1mm Osgnnde Hall Lnlcr he was asA sonlnlnd wflh MS father and from 1930 1935 with GM lhxtnIL QC Major Cllflord Sillon and 1121 llrnka Dish Recon lhc llamuns were mm lawyers nna athlcic and George livud up he radfllun Ins grandiamnr annr whom he vms named Ahc Nurlh Amcrlcan cord or 1110 Ionyard da 951 In 1905 the grandson sot collcg 1am record at 10 um He starred In 1m nna mm we go lly He was and of rlding fishing and golfing and belonged to the RCYC Canadian Soixncury and the Engineers clubs Deccaseds wile Muna ls ulsn member of aneariy hardware stare owner In Barrie Rawson whuse property was destroyed in the big fires that swept he iown in the middle 70s He later own ed restaumm on Dunlap Street Opposlle 1he present Queens Hold Mrs Rawson was the elder daugh lur Marla ol Barri first sherllffl Benjamin Smith hose home was located at the corner 01 Blake and Rudnuy streets and is Ihc old est home In the town occupied by the same family lhlrd and fourth generalions uf Smith and now the centre one of Barrics molnls nwnud by Lloyd Smith This was the origina Meme the famous Grammar Schnal of Barth In 143 nnd was incorparlcd In the towns first cnllcgldlc insluutc 0n Blake sheet in 1375 survived by hls widow the lnrmcr Mann Grace Rawson Funeml scrvices were held pm today at Timothy Eaton Memorial Chumy He was the grandson George Piaxton pioneer hummunan oi Barrie who with his hmihers Charles and John had tinwaro flmi stove business His grand aihcr was thin of hu lire brigade during the IDwns big fires in 1873 75 and was inter an official at me court house His home was located on Sunnidnie Road Till lilfllxfllflNEfl FRIDAY SEPTEMBER SH Mcr receiving his early educa tion here he loiiowcw tamiiy tradition by bpwming nrticieri as law sludem and he graduated rum Osgoodc Hall in 1008 Well known as canyoraiion lawyer he had financial inicrnsis both at home and abroad The duflh occurred In St Mich nell prml Toronto on Wed nesday Sept 1954 of Geome Gordon Plaxlon QC head of the legal firm of Phxmn Ca who was born In Barrio Mr Plaxlon 69 who rcsldcd Toronio was an eldest son the late Charles Plaxlnn KC and the late Mrs Phxtnn Thur My mu rmnlml nrcrunrlrl vlll mm In your drlvllu 1rnlllrc DHNGEIIFIELD MOTORS LTD 65 COLLIER ST DIRECTIONAL LIGHTS BACKUP LIGHTS RADIOS WINDSHIELD WASHERS MALI INllIAlLIIION dummn NW at In nl onllunry dry Malrh III ynur lmbyl IIJUI Mir 1h Mn dflrrmrr hi rmloll on Iml lllyl II In vhlhlr mum on In Illll IIrlpI ulmlml hml MIR In Ilnrlnr ML ll unn All unnal Ihln um lllvnl mwm um rmnnm SPECIALS CAR ACCESSORIES VIII MI Ind Aunl NP and Andy Ncwhcrry Trlnldud Vl Imlhu IIlllln Kuk rr of Albany NY nlld Slcuhun Nmmnn nl Nrw ank an Vllll lnu Ulclr unclu nml num Mr nml MI Mumbvrwn mu mum mnmln Home nnmu mm luvrrnl cnlllu mum by llghlnlnu hm wruk Ncw Lowell Enrol Evcrvll lull Nuw Illwrll me lan Friday In Innhall 9mm Stu In Iavur NW Lowell lmy plnyrd um game at Ev cmll un Mume mu Mn Mr or llnrrll cnllnl uII Mn Hdflh LMkl Mr nml Mu IL Mumlmmm ul Inmlly vllllrd lrlcmh nl JHKMJVIHL on Humlny Xuch Mnlhcr Hum Cnlllm blu vnnmflnoM lwr Quebec visitors At Apiary The Home at Simeoe Honey Maguircs haney house is always an interesting place to visit and an Friday aiternoan it was espe ially so when four cars with Que bec license plates and Quebec slo gan du mlel cest ul ban dropped arounll in the early aitcrnoon The spokesman tar this group at FrenchCanadian heckeepcrr was Simon Dosehenes assistant prct vincial apiarist tor the Province oi Quebec Mr Maguirc led the group tram room tn room and Mr Deschenes explained the promises anti various pieces equipment in French Finally they arrivad at the display counter and reception room where glit hnxesnnd various eentalners tilled with piratea galdahd rainbow branda or honey were neatly arranged where Mrs Maguire served coiiee cake and ice cream One thing that im pressed the ladies at the party was the Cleanllnm Hi the whale build ing and the imprcsuion oi the beauty of the countryside gained irorn the large windows to the north While we eninyed the view and the reireshmenu ML Des chencs lnld me that he had eon dueted eight tours oi similar nature combining recreation with education The present tour was through Ottawa Carleton Place hithine Niagara Falls OAC lti Guelph Owen Sound and on Sat urrlay they were planning to at icnd the CNE and had Ilckeu tor the nrnndstnnd portormancc Last year the Provincial aplarlst or On Iaria had told him to be sure to visit title Magulrc establishment which he did with group 57 32 He said that in Quebec there are almost as many heekeepers In Ontario but on mnller scale lot at armors have trees as part time job and at mum dont have the equipment The Government employees llke to show the people Whnl is lican done in ether purl of the Enulltly Sometimes they wine through the USA hill uiulliy through Ontario iur Ontario inr nhcatl oi all other provinces in commercial beekeeping and he said There is no uiher uulilt com pnrerl iu Mlllrslnfl and he mlded at heloukrll Around the mom Na nthrr plnee has the sparkle am alm nll the readers will allure the feelan oi pride in thin beauti ful bulldlll lllat rnietl n5 num ber rule in the bee wnrlllnntl merits ii yearly visit llurh an lulllturity Mr Desehrnes Wllu Oihwl Prizes Kann Miles of Barrie spflfl last week wllh her grandmother while El was at Ollawn Fair where his Shrupshim sheep won emu first prlz Qupgmzulnugns EL Vllll At Schelher Mr and Mrs um Faman bun dnn and Mr and Mm Harry Foy ston are on Irlp to Schrciber when they will vlsll Mr and Mrs Morrow Rlddell Mrs Don Mackenzie and daugh 01 Joanne cl Edmnnlun are spend lng month wlth her parent Mr an Mrs Fred sanmf Pomhm vidnng her 5mm Miss Young And Mrs Johnsmn Mr and Mr at who of Eurllngtun are spending week at Larry Fnysluns Bani15ml Service baptismal scrvke WEE held in St Peters Church On Sunday morning when Sheila Knfihleen nnughter Mn and Mrs Arthur Paine was baptized Godpnrems were an uncle Reg Page and M13 shlrleyCos or Tarantpr Goréon McKinley of fawnnu visiled niece Mm El me 0rd Mrs Wlll le Toronto Mrs Harv2y Campbell and Dor othy 01 Toronto vlslted Mn Wlll Maw and ana Mn Wlll Maw returned to Toronto wllh them and had the thrlll ol seelng Ihe Duchms at Kent and Prlnces Alexandra at in CNE and also wen Manon to see her slxter Peggy Reld take or holiday In her mum Scotland Mn nnd Mn Thnmu Muwell Bearmvllle visited um uncle Ind aunt Mr Ind Mn Parker Peterburn none Exhibit Mm anulre was tn chute ol the honey exhlblt at Pelerboro Exhkbmon or our day recegluy NEW LOWELL MINESING DIAL 2487 $1450 $195 $5995 $315 Mrs Mo Jnmlvsun usth In the nu table when her Krnnd molhnr Mrs Hawkins Orllllu celebralud her Both birlhday canny Mr and Mn Ed Hastings were xucsls All he weddinz of Mr nnd Mrs Claude Snyder In Orlllla 1m Salurday Mrs Gray has returned from spendinz week In Toronlo womene lnsfltuln August mecung of ms Womens Insfiluu wnsheld first hlesdny at Mrs Wllllam Fresl wflh good nuendance The president Mrs W109 called the meeting in order Mrs Feehcly read he min ules The trensurcrs and mher standing committee reparls were heard followed by business dis cusslnn Mrs Patterson spoke to the point on the mono bet ter clllzen makcsn bellcr warld Miss Erma Jenn Milson played two plnno solnsv The speaker Mm Norma Crek or touxlh IIne Te eumsexh who is well versed en Insulutc work and problems spoke unurinxly nnd unawercd mnny quesllunA She was inlrudum ed by Ihe branch district dlmclor Mrs Herb Kant The mcellnl was brought 4n close by the slnzlni ulGpd Save The Queen followed by soclnl half hour over he tea cups The hostess was nsslsled by Mrs Charles Bryan Mn Harry Poll and Mrs Patterson The next mecdng wll be held Sept at 815 pm the home of Mn Charles Morrow Womznl Immule WI will meet one week ellliar It pm on Sept Mrs Robert Campbells Mrs name will speak Roll cnll Why am proud be Canadian Hostesses Mm Norman A4 Cnmpbc and Mrs William Campbell ML and Mrs Rnhcrt Andrews lnA qnlnl undny Dr and Mrs Roland McKay and chlldren Smnolh Rock Falls were recent vlsltors at he hnme n1 Mrs McKays parunu Mr nnd Mrs Wallace Tipplug Mn and Mn Lloyd Loam have returned from short holldny Wllh friends Snake Island Lakn Slmcne 0n Helpllll Harry anley hu returned from Tomnlu Generll Hospital where underwen In operation lecenuy lope For Speedy Recovery Sorry to report Incl hope or their speedy recovery three at our lewnr young women who are Ellen In 5evenrnn Memorial nxplul Amslnnz MrL Thnt Barnett Yrv Mu Dan Fleck and Mr James Feebely VH our plncr ynull hnvr In be Inlllllnl wllh rhmnle lrllll ll much Mr yml WMIL and Inflrr 11 Mr Ill Ilw buck INII mnllvr or yuu llnl pull lu uuxo llul IM mull Ix prnllvr car My lunvr nu morn Hum 10 mum at me 11rch InMI lxbulnm an lur Klnul And wr llllnk Ulerul IIUMHI 1w nwulnu your own rar lo um yuu lhnl lndruemlrntc nnd xrcdum III makrl mu lrll llknl King Tn Kinun luulyuuunh mdo nulxldu uu disnpnurlnl runnlnl LJMdn nml mm on chrome mp nunnu In loInch nmk dour Ihrn wnl umn lrnlhrr upholuery Illlpl wool nun nu nllimtlvr mrmnrrr mm mm bar with goldylnlcd mm glam um con moo um um mm ma ullrluh dnvrl munlry mm cucl mm Thu KIIIKI nmlnfnrmx wu Ilmllnn and pnlm no wcrn lnlhlumd lrum lvcr Ilnled wllh gold and mndu mile hood unmmlllL um wannl mm mm In my bonll Ive run ncrou hm Insl yrnr mm hudy lmlldur rulylcd nn Amurlcnn fur iKim hm Snud Arnbln and ILWn dellvcml thrHy before hn dlu Mrs Mnybc you lemlfll mm swam your blflln lhn war one 01 lhv Cunndlnn nulu munulnclurtra mndb lpcclnl Mr or he Dllkc of Windsor whu WIII lhn lrlncu Wnlrx II had nmnll bar In hr back and librnry and IIqu Wading lump wllh shndcl un mum All In nlln was Hume cur lwu lone xrry and llllltk luod llrM lixrrpllolmlly rlrml TOTTENHAM GUTHRIE 1949 MONHHCH SEDAN my tummy flannel by her piclurcsque d0 cripllan and comparisons he lwccn India and Canada Mrs Walker conducted the dam Ilonnl period 01 the WA meelin Chlc Horn at business wnl plnnn lng he connruaunnnl owl IUD per whlch will follow the nnnlvcrr snry WA And WMS The WA and WMS met In the Unllcd Sunday School room an Sch In the WMS mealan plan were made for ma 1hankolferlnl mccllnl the church on Oct and also for the wheel or lender or Mlsslnn Band to he held at Gulhrlc an Oct Mrs Mason rcplace Mrs Gentle Campbell llhmrlan Mrs Hall led Ihl wor sth servlce an the theme Nu llon Before God She was asslulld by Mrs Ecrlrnm and Mrs Mel Jamleson Mn Grny nrnuxud keen crest In the new Iludy bank Thc Chumh lnlmlln thy IL Mr Mrs WHIIam Rose and son Barrie spent Monday with aunt Mrs Junie OConnor Home anI New Brunswick Mr and Mrs Ocur Lxmnn and Hilda rammed hume Salurday nlgm tom New Brunswick accom panied by Mrs Wuley Mellock who Is visiting her daughter Mm Edward Holland Clolhesllne Shower surprise pflrly was held at Mrs Mel Jnmlcscns on Aug 20 when the dose nclzhburs of Mrs Wllsun gathered to give her clnlhesllne shower Mr and Mrs Wilson are moving lo Silver lhorn when the lormer will be on he stat 01 he publlc schnoL Former Mlnhler VH1 Rev nnd Mrs Huih Shannon Newmarkel called on friends here on Monday Ind Tuesday Mn Shannan preached In West Street Baptist church 6111 in Sun day Mrs Bell oivBairie innd Mrt Edith Carter spent the weekend wiih the laiiers brother in Saxnix 011 Motor Trip Welt Gnnrze McGiliivray nncl Sid Cur beli are on molar trip Lb ansi Mr and Mrs Ken McGiiii vray and inmin at Barrie went part way wiiii ihom Mr and Mrs EalunAnncll vls Med In Taxunto Inst weekend WI To Hell Sept Church Womens lnmhm will hold unh regular meeung In the community hill on Thumdly Sept at pm The hdlu Con sonljiill and 3311 Ewln 1an ltulu have bun Invited Th Ians HUI Ind Belle Ewart Ins Sluyncr who will how colored slidca birds and lower Sim cm County Roll call wlll be an swered with item or lhe Tweedsmulr book or orML Mrs Annie Thoma ls spending few days wlth her brnlhar and My wife strongmn NEW LOWELLf Health Much lmprnvtd Ernest Hammond returned home CHURCHILL ANGUS héé Mmfwilfrcd vao Fnlho sick Hal Her many IlehWISli hern peedy recovery Mr and Mr Duckwnrth and Imin spent Sunday with Mi and Manfred Vnsey at Vasey lloiidly In Muskoiu Mr and Mr William Graham Toronto spent Saturday niternoon and evening with Mr and Mrs Duckworth on their return from holiday at Rain Home Ind School Sent Angus Home Ind School Club are holding their regular meeting Thursday Sept nt 51111 in the new schouiand would like every one to Itizndi WI Dlmm NrProkct Womrnu lnnllule wu Mn lery Kendal Aug 25 with 29 han prennt Mn Kendall the pruldenl opentd he meetlnx Mono All panms are anthem Ill home are schnalL Roll call wu Inswered by namlng Can ndhn lree All were able la um wer 11 our trees are many and belumul Altcr the minutes and Lust week from the Royal Victoria Hospital much improved in health Inn in operallon Mr and Mrs Waller McMncknn are visiting their daughters in Taxunto HAWKESTONE SIMCOE M0 SERVICE FACILITIES SimeonMotor Products Simeon Motor Products Slmcoe Motor Products NEW usnn cumin01 97 Emma sw BARBIE 1775 1975 1952 BUICK 1953 annex Inn The 43 Serles SEDAN Mn glemhi Iv Vanln Mr and Mn Annan and daugh ter Edith ol Tnmnk men he weekcnd wllh Mrs Tabley Mrs Alex Fletcher and daughter Connie have gone to Toronto raw days Ilere Pram WIscomln Dr Bertram of Milwaukee Wisconsln and Mr ahd Mrs Jnhn 3118an Edgar VlsfifiLML nnd Mrs Roy Gray last week No sarvlce Al Aldln Nu xervlcem SLAldans church lemma report on the ambiance Guelnh Dhcuulon the project And food vlewd Conven en Mn Funky Mn Smith Mn flay Gny IMWL 5hr welL Iallnlloné Vuler Vlmorl wllh Mr Ind Mm Ed nr Johnunna were Ml Sadie Walk Arlln on New Jersey Mu Runell xenon Ellnbelh New Jersey Mrs Tam Jermey Orlllla Mrs Melvlllc Dolph and sum Jam and Gerald Purl Arthur Mr Ind MIL wlltrcd Johnxlon Banloakel aughtcr Barbara and Miss OILan Pmphet have zone NiagarnAFallshNX and Bumuo or few days Misses Barbara and Marilyn Puzsley spent few days wllh their grandparents Mr nnd Mrs McDougnll in Toronto Simwe Motor Product Slmcoc Motor Products Cars CnrryTlIc Slmcoe Mom Product MW 0081 EM HANGING PLAN 1951 CHEVMLET LlLLB INSURANCE PLNN T3 NH York Stale HOOII SEDAN 1195 has the IOR PRODUCTS Mn WMPEEVEP North Ely spending few daywwnh her 11 let Mn Wallwln Mm AudreyMoney Ll spending low days LEI Mngulrel Mlnmng Rlclor In Mafillniel RevIAIlnn Head is lecturing in he Maritime this week hnvinz let Monday mnmlng by mm He seems be muclulndcmand he Ingiat Guelph JAGa cw week agu Mr and MIL Wllliam Dnvb and grandson ol Willowdnle vis SundayfiSepl dlw to Harvest service at East Otoat 730 pm Allend Toronto ON Mn Ind MnfOrvllIe Doblon Mr Jack Wlllwln and Join Ind Mr Ind Mn Fred Dnbsnn Paul nnd Peter were gmanglhme who hive attended the CNE 99 1° l99 Blmcov Motor lmducls Slmcoc Motor Products CENTRE VESPRA Slmcoe Motor Products SPECIALS We recnrd and cptrecardstulsulti ynué own parsanal rqulyemcnfis Useo studio If needed For rates and lil tornguon BEEOHDINE SERVICE 1950 MERCURY YOU CHOICE 9501 PONTIAC s875 $975 SEDAN Sedan DIAL4126 SHLESMHN are coumoul and iully qtynllfladxlo holp you Incl your car Hlmcae Molnr lraduclu Slmcoc Motor Products Slmcoe Motor Producti IlaIn churnhwcuekq Servin complete par of Church Cemetery urvlee will be ngen In the nexfluueutlunwn no Ihne have for today due lo mom of help II The El amlntr plant on account of un liom lied It theuycekcnd with ML Ind Mn mm Mr Ind Mn Walter Penman nnd llmlly and Mr and Mn Ferguson Toronto Ipenc Sunday Dobsnns Muin MTmay an Edenvale IS spending hulldnys wflh his grandparenlshere OILY nsn on pressed rum the Oollchln smdler fish was once an Lm purmm rade nrucle among Brit Ish Columbia Indlans Mn and Mrs Olwny London are spendlng week with Mrs ngllnglunr VDahson 1953 HILLMHN are sold with the General Motors CALL ma EXAMINER Fol Emma mom Mu WODWIIJ GUARANTEE USED CARS s1095 SEDAN 6539

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