Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1954, p. 2

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ENEw HIGHWAY 10 BE BUIlI iRElIEVE N011C01NGESIION EBARRIE Eo GRAVENHURSI xgma BARBIE EXAMINHLFBIDAY SEPTEMBER 1954 The Ontario Department or Highways has Just announhed Zihnt the construction of new thhway to relieve the con gestion on nghwny 11 between Barrie and Gravenhurst will started In the near fixture The new highway wiii 10le the proscm mule ni Highway 93 1mm Crown Hill in Cralghum and hen but across couner to Coldwnter ind allow Highway i2 10 Wau jbnushcne iiaviii then allow High way ms to Part Severn and link ima new mum the Trans Cnnada Highway to be bum in facing Bay More than haii ot the muie is be graded shoniy for the Trans Canada Highway and he route 1mm Port Sévum to Focus Bay is Inow being cleared SS Soclnl Evbnlllz Mendy Sunday School will hold sa clal evening Monday SepL Grcntcl Cammunily Centre There will he hail game slanlng at seven oclock olluwcd by corn mast Those hnvlng corn please come and enloy the un bring along wilh pie Everyone Mr and Mn Cu McMnsler visit 11 on Sundny wflh Mr and Mrs Henry Mitchell Mnrkham swam new Inmuon Sorry to report um Lame Scott has an inledlon In 1m Thu ropnscd new highway will hzmcne mm from Toronto and Southwestern Ontario guing Muskoka west Huh and Parry Sound Axiy tmuic proceeding to Sudbury Sault Ste Marie or Megan Canada via the Sag will also be able u5cthe new route The new highway will not only siphon at much of lhe mm now using Highway 11 but It will nxso provide much shorter mule tn Parry Sound and dmnez From Crown Hlll to Focus Bay by me present route is 74 mlles The new hlghway wlll cut lhls dislancc by 10 miles and another man miles will be cu of hr twcen there and Parry Suund Allhuugh Highway ll from he chs Dhblllc Coma Pat Grenler age 13 Had sud denly on Sunday at the Royal Vic mrin Hospital Barrie He nlnng wflh uncle nnd nunl Mr and M15 Mamlcc Simpson motored down IrmSudbury Saturday unemoon zu spend few days with Mr and Mrs Alex Mlllcr He took sud dcnly HI Saturday nlyhl and was taken hrlvplml Sunday morn lngJwhcrc he yasscd awny about Du luclnck In the allernnon In Auux amblvue com FAST RELIEF FOR BHEIIMMII PAIN of the wpuio chamlar our service ncls sum gum for Iamilics whu incxpuiuntcyl lunml mallcu Sack our caufiél as 10er ll ls oflmd Hie knowledgé lhuna Rhona Calico or llmlo un ROBINSON GRENFEL ELEVATOR and FEED MILL FREE DELIVERY Move To Bellevllla Midhurst communin is sorry to lose Mr and Mrs Bruce Peacock and family Bruce has been rans lurmd ta Hellcvuln by his comp any Mrs Peacock and chlldrcn moved lhere 1m Saturday Ilallday Pekrbom Miss Eleanor Mason is holiday lnx In the Peterboro dismal wilh Mr and Mrs GlennBellby and Gwendolwyn On Wednesday Sent 15 the ladle of the United congregation are asked to come to church at one oclock for the purpose clean lng Ihc bundxng chem Bridge to vaenhum does rm have high accident mt com pared with the rest the pm vlnce most 01 the noddems have been traced to name congestion For this reason department decided toconsuuct me new mutt Traffic survey show that during July 1947 4370 vehicles passed over he highway dany In In same month uthls year lhedaily average jumped 8750 dnublc what the highway was designed to carry In 1953 more were 85 accidents with four deaths This year so far thcrchnve been 40 accidan Wfih fnur death WI Flower Show The annual lower show the Womens Institute was held on Aug 28 ln lhc Orange Hall llarry Thaklcr vlmprnsldcnt Guelph llortluultural Society shnwcdn number of Interesting films at Guelph and OAC gardens and oth er beauty spots or Ontarln few plcturcs at local lnlcrwt were on joycd too The Judm Mr and Mrs Brnyman of Thornton award ed the prlzes as follows Aslcrs Mrs McQuny Mm Gary Wllson pansles Mrs ll Knupp Mrs Smith Ihree splku of gladlo Mrs Spencer Mrs Wllso novelty bouquet Mrs Smllh Bmwn dlnln room urrnngn mcnl Mrs Brawn Mrs Maw llvlng room Mrs lllltz Mrs Spencer Spcnlal mnnllan by the Judges In Mrs Vr Fletcher or large basket glads nnd num erous other llnwcrs llquso pla Mrs Spencer gloxnnln and v1 olel Mrs Cunnlnllmm dnhlln Mm ll Knupn lllrl Harm The llrst llmc for classes or the chlldrcn lho WI provldui pthX and zlnnln seeds In the sprlnz In be Shawn he nnnunl cxhlbll Results were very grutllylnz Zln nlns Myrna Spencer Earl Lennnx Glorln Jcnncll Gary Maw Wnync Dually phlox Frances Ann Maw Myrna Spencer Glurlu Jennctl El cnnor Jenncu Gary an Mrs Smllll moved vulc nl lhnnks to all whn hnd helmd mflkE ll show sucms Holy Communlan In El Jude Sorvlrc lloly Communlun wlll be held In St Judes Anxllcnn Church ul 10 um un Sunday llecenl Vlsllon Rcrcnt vlillonl Included Alex Cnldwcll Pulerbulo wlth hll pur lnlx Mrs Ellsxncrc Nurlll my also Vlallnr II Inc Caldwell home Mr nml Mn um and Guurxe ol Ccdnrumvo nl leorun llullx Ml Mflbcl llurrcll Tumnln Ill McQunyn Mr and Mn Alfred Sumter spent Sunday wllh Mr nnd Mrs Robert Sprnur Turonm AI Torunta Weddln Mr and Mn Geuruo HM wnc In Town on Snluxdny numme lhc IUIytwthblnmn wnlrllnz In Wexlry Unilrd Church Mu IL i7 Monlwn named Mr Illul Mn Munlmu wcrc ll Townlu lul Flldly unend lxlz he uncml of Mn Mnrrlannl brulhcr AI IllInl Iuach Cnmp Mum Mer Sponm Gull llruwn and margin Carr Irv upmnxm um wnk we Unllrd Church Cnmu ncnr Mldlnml no Lilo llallorl le Won wm lrrrIVMI Imrv lur News of Thornton MIDHURST nan Qleanln Bee Sunday Vlsllon Mr and Mrs Pogue and Laurel and Mn and sun Lindsay Mr find Mrs Galbraim and Joanne 0mm M155 Nonnn Rm Hawkeswn Mr and Mrs Sanderson Curry and Joy oz Shnnly Bay ware Sunday visllnrs at Slnssnrs WINNER OF THE $200 merch andise draw at the ninih annual Civic Holiday Regatta spunsored by the Barrie Junior Chamberoi Commerce was Mrs Ronald Piief8 Grove St Fast The draw was made in conjunction with the summer spurts event which drew large holiday crowd to St VinA cent Park orman glilies Slreetséllle Is spending week at Slessara Conllnad To Bad Sorry tn report Mrs Shel wellconfined to bed at Hm or writing day morning oi the sudden death of Robert May Allismn Mrs Nay was Ionncrly Miss Charlotte Mnuon of Thornton Reccni callers at Mrs Greenes were Mr and Mrstlahn Frey Joyce and David and Mr and Mrs Elliott David and Douglas oi Guelph lleiurn Tn SI Marys Home Mrs Wi 01anth 51mm lhreo oavn 1m week with Mrs GrcenP The previous week she was with hcr slslcr Mrsi Jr Blair in anonlo Mr Coxworih hi been spending halidnys with his par Enis Mr and Bird Coxworlh In ivy Mr and Mrs Coxwurlh returned Friday in heir harm in St Marys Mn and Mrs Ockenrlen Tor onto spent lhc um week In Honor nelty Irelon Abnut 160 Irlcnds of MISS Belly lrcton bride 11 next Saturday met In the Orange Hall on Man dny evening In her hnnor Dallnn Banting was mnvsler ol crcmnnlcs nnd Mitt Nelson Moore was un compnnlsl There was 11 short but very cnjuynblc program conslslinx solm ducts instrumcnlab up dunclnl and readings Innlsfll Coundl of which Mr Irclon mcmbur wum well ropcscnlcd and cxlcndrd their but whhu he brldEmvbt ncny ml behalf Mr Thornton friend wna pre scnlnd wllh lwo Keanqd blnnkcu and sum 01 money while her Klllylcnlh friends pmemeu wllh many bcnulllul nnd useful KHLI llcuy and her lnlllnr hunk cd hcr Irlcnd Iur hc RIM and HI plunszlnl evening Lunch win 5ch rd In the basement nflcr which hum was 5mm dance Trinity WMS Trinity WMS will Inch nl Mn Vrml un Wednrsdny firm 230 Humhy thnol Trlnlly Sunday Schnul wlll rp opcn mxl Sunday 5m 11 am the nmrnlnu srrvlru l7 MULCASIEH H1 Modern Equlpmcnt lixprrlrnccd Sin Muchhm bum to yall nprclllcnllon Draw Winner Have Your Metal Work Done By EXPERTS BARBIEWELDING MACHINE 10 EDGAR BATSTIINES Al The Side lho Road DONT BE LEFT STRANDED TIRE SERVICE 19MAPLE AVENUE ruoma am yuan Flower Shaw Vegan Horticultural sway Wednelday 111th Aug 25 II Mid hPJdI very suecequl show on hum Rdorutry HIlL Several the chlldren from mhschool wan prlzel or flawzn essay and veg embles fieiL Return Toronto Mr and Mrs Fare and Jimmy returned tn their homel In Taronw alter spending stveral week nl their collage hare Mr and Mrs Roy Wilson and daughter 01 Niagara Falls were recent vlshan at Wilsons Mr Ind Mm Johnny Collins and guns of Toronto visited oven thre weekznd wilh Mrs Camp Surprise strum Mr and Mrs Tom Strlbble who have been on holidays wilh the lnuera slster Mrs Alex Denney were pleasantly surprised Snlu day night by large amlly re union in honor of Mrs Slrlbbles birthday at the home of Mr And Mrs Jack E1115 lwaTeem lhve 70m Rout th TwixTeen Group enioyedm corn roast at George and Frank lln Higginsons home Russell Coulson Mr and Mrs Bruce Miller and Mn and Mr Ernest Ellis spent Monday the Exhlbmun Mr and Mrs Robert Ross and friend Hamilton and Miss Euphemla Em at New York spent day with Mr and Mrs George Ellis inst week Strnbhnn Mr Ind Mr Young Oshawa were weekendguest €Mr mid Mrs Percy Webb moh mond Hill and David Heath 0511 nwn were recent visllor at Daudcrs Womenl lmtlluh WI will meet at Mrs Tears Wednesday Sept at pm Mo to Goad heallh and goud sense are two lIfex greatest bluslnzs by Mm Howell Ran call tram lnw Cantesl Mrs Cockburn Salad demomtrauon Mrs Stru chnn Mrs Garnet McMaxVer oI Grcnfel will show films nl hu western our Lunch Mrs iLauderL Mrs Slraphnn Mr and Mrs 6303mm Jim Wright Pete and Norm Baker Don Lnnzford R09Chnp Mr and Mrs Cussldy Mrs Humphrey Mr Shank and two chndmn Mr and Mrs Al Smjgh yde Mr and Mm 80th of Tommu Mr and Mrs Slmchln of Dccton Mr and Mrs Sunchm Orlllln Mr and Mrs Jamleson Mr and MttA Taylor 01 anrext Home Mr and Mrs JAmlesonnnd Mrs McKnight of Elmvnlc Mr and Mrs Cockburn Gwen and Eric of Orllfln Mr and Mn Young Oshnwn were among the guesn attendan 1m Booth Strachnn wnddlnl on Saturday In the Un Ilcd Church Church while on Sundxy Thu win vluUnnIIl hu lull Ir II dink PI Hm wllh nnw lonl mum BUNLIIPS No and N6 Hemlock Spruce and Pine Lumber Rough or Dressed Dcllvcrcd on the Job by truck HI Wulrll FIIIHI IIIIHI In uunl Inn Int mm Al ANTEN MILLS Clappnrtnq Lumber Co Port Lorln Onlnrlo BUILDERS CONTRACTORS on FARMERS Write or prlces Weddlnz emu UTOPIA DIAL 31 Mr and Mn hcderlck 21 of Bune nnnnunce the ennlement of their younleut dluxhter Mzmn Marie In Robert Dough Ker anly son of Mn Helen Ker md1he me Mr Douglas Ker Tomnw The mind will take place an Silurdty September 25 our clock In hlnuy Anglican Church BanS5 102 Show Ind town Community Sept 3nuslc by the Valley Ranch to mo time in inalma Mixed dancing every Friday Pine Crest mllm nunh ntEar rla on Highwny 27 or mile south at Elmvale Music by Rep lana AdmuLnn 50c DZUWF Cmnnwnclni Sunday venlng dusk regular shawan or general Imam films 11 anvlew Park spammed by Dame and blame Fllm Caunnll Sllver collection 79102 In her first two months as nurse the Barrie brunch at the Victarlan Order Nurses MES Frances Cux reports total of 390 cases In July and Augustmsflghtly higher tom than hm year Oneu at the biggest increaseu ha been in the number at instructive visit in new mothers given during the um six weeks of bnbyo liiu when in new mnihcrs problems ei re dggussedlwni is check VON Case Total During Summer Approaches 400 ed eln Eightydb of mi calls were made In the two summer month Conllnulng with the Victorian Orders policy at oflering nursing care to convulescema the chmnlc nlly Ill those suffering wllh hear dlxcmes 0ch there were 190 calls made In cure for cases of chronic Agni Illnnss Prenatal visit In July and Auzuat totalledao and there were 46 vlslls or hath made to newborn hnhiua ENGAGEMENTS Hpeclllly lormulllld la nul new wood or old thnlflhl pllnlnl Imllcfl 52 qt $125 gul AIH SUIILIHS ID 7LMIBHTON 5T BOYDS PRINT WKELPHPEE man In palm IJrIIIIIrI lurprn Inf DreI TunIr wt hm It lull Iumull We uvn romulrla Inn Iy nl nnlsr uppuu lnrlullrnx In men lleevon pqu Nu III tar nll yum pnlnllu mull 230 qt $135 Kn MOOILWIIITII HUME Hall funny Hank Star and Boys 83g HUNDIUHH 5135 mi M11 arolyn Payne returned home Munduy at unllnlght by plane utter an interestln summer holldny an the West Coast where he was leltlng with her grind parents ML and Mrs Alvln Steph enxon 01 Vancouver She flew to flntlsh Columbla early tn the sum mer and Imong alher Interestan slghlfl teak ln nllxthe Brlflsh Em plre Gnmm and saw all the beauty 31ml In the area on mle trlp to Seattle and Vlctorlnl She muted couple at alllng vuscls In the hnrbur nnd Vlslted many of the rural palnm of lntcmst nrnund the coast Amnnz the hlxh was of her summerweru the Theatre undcr the Stars perlarmnncu of Brlgn dean and Oklahnmal while ln the West Carolym who well known lacally or her vocal tal ents an ln one the largest church yuung pcoplns drolrs ln Vancouverl tar as the BE Games are concerned she partlcu larly cnjoyed the xwlmrnlng events She has some excellent phutoflraphs her travels Mrs Van Dunn of Plcton is spending some ml with her sister and niece Mrs Gunrke Craw ford and Mm William Rowull Bay fleld Street Mr and Mrs Smith and Mr and MrLAllen Lnnejohns at Inngrksp were weekend guests with Mrs McBride Bsu Road Mn Laurence Reeve has return nd home alter visiting her sislcr Mrs Palmer Wardman Chmham Miss Sylvia Jamleson Reg returned last week Irom California 12 way of Vancouver where she mended the British Emper Games On her way home she also spent 10 days at Lake Louise and Bani Spring Hate Mm than vlslk with her parcnls Mr and Mrs Jnmicsan 1n Thornton she plans Consult vs 16 Roguhv Pvlcu $l200 SALE PRICE 18 Rogulov Price $1350 SALE PRICE 20 Regular hm $1450 SALE PRICE MAUI Hum HOOD IIMIIH ILC rm IIAIKIHVOOI lllthlH Our iobjs 11 HOME OF WALLPAPER AND IAINI Nut to flu Boll Tokphonu Bullnou OHIcI FREE DUAL DELIVERY THE LADDER BUY OF THE YEAR Two Piece PUshup Extension Ladders No mum wlm lyne you require vlrnlnhn or wuu wa hvo IL llllll qullly II In mm qu mu uuuleme Io qu yuu wuu puellul Idvlrn on III nor llnlnh pruhlrm unulll III II In pluqu to III III VI Flu MINI In III II AlanMr uhu my Flu Iml Hr Ina luulnm Ir youn In mpmea lubw uHy ml quick ly you nu do buumul drrnnllnz Job mm NnIIvL $205 qt $115 gull MOORES WALL SATIN $210 to know paint Whur to use JHow many coals How to apply it FLOOR FINISHES go Toronto when Ohlhll canted pullan in the P112 puumr Pavilion the fluxth Gm Human hm returned ham to Penucmn BC liter rpendlnz the lummer holldlyl with hll grandplrenll Mrr Ihd Mrs Comp ton Rahsou 4a Parlfflde Drive MIL Edith Ar old Bradford Street Ellflu guest at Mr nnfl Mm Ber Rumbie Fern Col uze Amerley Misses Ely Daherty Dork Lov ell Anita Coxbell and Lena Ver aldt returned to North Bay alm spendlng couple daya with Mr and Mn Mull 40Dalton Street Mm Wynn of Tran BC has returned to her home we vhfling he Asterlnhw Mrs Vaugh an Perry Street Mm John Couclflha rglurned $550oo mmucx morons Limited Ford Monarch Dealer LOCATIONS For your Mslunlng pleasure lune in Cavalcade 01 Music Sundays 530 pm Mikkel Squire Ph 55 md llohlon Bu FemdnlqM 90 Hwy 47 MEBEIJBY TUDOR Mmy Exkru This on slandqu $095 gal run an and max 5123va ovm so ms EXPERIENCE 36 BAYFIELD ST AT FIVE POINTS mm kllchnl mnunnm mu um cuplmmll $215 at $915 Knl ALKYH SAMFLA Loch Ilka mm mum Ilka numtl Thn vuy hm llvhu rnnm mx Iml mm mu nmnnnu MOOIHZS lMlEIWO ENAMEL 3105 Ill COLOIIIIUCAD Iar mmIo no lover IIId ml my Ind NHL Tullsinlm yum llr Inlo Inuutllul pummu VAIJJAllZILH luve wmu mum nl Wlllplprrl um Venullnl me new nlyln ml Imu nur nny mm homl utter pendlnl mm mm wm harhuxbmd In Manual While that she vklled with the Inner sitter Mn Thoma Ken nedy ITS EASYGOING DM THE ROAD OF LEAST RESISTANCE BUT IT3 HARD COMING BACK WE ARE IN THE MARKETFOR GOOD QUALITY MAPLE LOGS INTERESTED SELLERS PLEASE CALL IIION IlAllllllI 5200 FOR s895 1195 1325 URRYS KEYS $015 Kill

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