Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1954, p. 12

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ru tamer Darrl girl Miss Mar Kflra Blackstockv who has been making her mark in the book pub llshing warld In Toronto hr some ynars Id last Thursdayby Blr or an extended stay ln Europe Last January Peg as she would be known to her friends in Barrie 1th Dent Sons to become womens editor the Brltlsh Books Publishing House and her new firm sent her to its head ficn In London for three weeks After that she intends to lengthen hur stay abroad to over two months to holiday in England Scotland and Ireland and an the contllmnt Missrfllackrstuink Is in daughter Ms Rlchardson at Barxln Iler many rlends in own said gandhyc to Mrs sum yes lcrdny morning when she Inn for In new home inlonawn where shu and her liveymrmld daugh er Jocelyn win join Major Gllhen 1an new posting Well known in circles In Barrio for her In inwrest in pninung Mrs Gubnn made her first home In Canada hem at 37 Ecclcs Street on her amval in this country from Eng land over mrcc years ago Last Thursday Mrs John Slurv gcss nmnnmlncd at her home on he fourteenul concession at noun bufml lunchunn In honor uf Mrs Gllbnfl About an of her friends were mcscnl say wcll to her and la prescm her with gm of Wedgewood china as memento of her years in Barrie Major Gllbert is known as jumping army doclor Before lcaving to take postgraduate cuursc in Montreal year ago he was head 01 I110 parachufing doc tors at Camp Borden and has lraincd jumping army mcdlca per sonnel as far away as the North west Terrilorius He has been posted Ottawa as an army psychiahist crncheted tablecloth that was copied stitch by slilch rem skel dncs of pallcrn rather than be ing made according I0 Inhlcalc diréclluns has wun second prize at lhn Cnnndlnn anlnnnl Exhlbt tlnn Iur 1mm district woman Mm Andersnn nus travelled ll Tumlllo on Tucsdny tn sue her mnnur clulh hunt alongside other murmurng entrlcs In the needle lfllE BARBIE EEMMER FBleY SEPTEMBER 1954 Mrs STrachan Enfertains At TrQUsseau Tea Mrh Slmchnn Edgar eh lurlninctl It tmxmcnu to on Sal urday Aug 21 in hoonor or her mnlghlcr Donna whose marriage in Robert nooxh Toronto tank nlacc on Aug the Unurd Church Ill mm Auan bride Mrs Nich ulsun and Mrs Ockcndcr and her greatHum Mrs McKnight puurcd ca In he atlcrnnon In um cvcnlnu Mm Strachun Mrs 1w Jamlmn and Mrs Taylor pourer asslslud by me Mlssus Irene nnd Domlhy Slmchnn Ind Phyllis Cuuncy BEVERAGES LDWELESE DISPENSES PRESCRIBES cmam ALE Your Phalmacist CREAM SODA You Physician AROUND TOWN Mam By IAN DRUOSRM 81 IMPEFRUITUME MIG Ilcylmlds manlan lunk Mme on 5ummy Amt no uclm III quM Unllril Chmch Saturday Bride Entertained Bgforg Wgeddjngi Enfom her wedding last snar day to John Arthur Bailey the runner Mary Gwcnnoth Reynolds was much enlnrmlned kitchen shower was held In her honor at the home of Mrs Wiley 73 Sanford Slrecl rby Mrs Wiley and Mrs Cluunhlcyr The bride was scam beneath decornlcd archway to open her gnu which were pmmrflcd In dccumwd clulhcs haskcl Many of the brides friends were prcscnl an end best wishes hcr Thuxflning mum klblc Wu LIH lud Wllh rlnk and while Awtll Inn on Quukrr anc Llulh Mu CUIUHIIII nun nl lhr lqu pmlmi HI durlnu thv amrmmm and Mrs Andorme II Ikhuy mund in In rvmivm lrn HSLDLH 1n lhc nflormmn wrn MIM Hurrmv McNfll and MI lluunm law In llu rv mlnu usimnnls wm Mix Audxry lulcnlt of Hwy and MN Shirky Ilmk ILIrrlr Mrs Blovin Atkinsun pvurcd lea and rcfrcshmcnis were ficrved with Mls Hill Mrs Marwnod andMrs Sparry nlstlng very neat Speech lhnnks was given at the cancluxon oi the unctlnn by will NovilLS rccwrs church war Giler were pLiyc urlng Ihc uvcnlng followed by rclrcshmcnm scgcdbyulhg Dogma The 51 chlurs Udu where the bride was employed cMcr tormlncd at lunchcun and show er or her op Tuesday Aug 24 Manager Anllmny DECme cxtond ed the best wishes of he slut and mmrcmcnl to lhc brldt who will In milking htr mw horn In Exclcr She was lrcscnlcd with slxplccc sol of aluminum wnn Mrs IL cynulds unwrinlncd LL hcr hunt 58 Grove Shch East lust WednCRiIy allcrnmm nnd cv cnimz from three to we oclock and from sewn Iu nine oclock at lrmmnu 411 in lmnur daughlcr Eu1van around hundrrd Emu were Hm mm mm hrr mumcr The mums of flu Hcynulds home were dccomlcd wth gladlnu and other garden Howerx The arrh wny was ducumtcd wllh Muk and whllc Ilrtnmcl and lulu wlllle lmll Thu 1mm Hva wn Ill rL1yml by Mln leluhlry ml Mll KIIH Iknwh xlhlvr Inldl uf Hmnflunl In anunlu tarp nmnbur brides rivmls grnc her bl surprlsc whcn they game nl he home her hrnlhcr and six crlnlflw Mr nml Mrs Low Culu VIHflku Avrnum lu prusun her will nnlxly Imnnmul ms The ms were plaml lmdur an arch which was lccnrnlrd WWI plnk nml whllc rulrmmcrs um while lwlls Many lhr Xlllldi rlnmu hum ILnriIx Tm Inirh llmnkul htr hlunlx tur In1r Ihvrly mrnrisv mul 3w muuy mvrul gflls Arur nu mn mu rwlrwinu UM Mullalnliuul Mu ulr mm Mrs Mum mv HI wry ichlum IVIIILIL The urmcr Vulma Cale whose marriage to George McNully Iuok place In Tornnto on Auk 21 was cnlcmlncd 31 my home of Mr andJflls Chccsmnn Jllhn Slrccl by large number of her Old Iricnds below me weddlnu Gills were Cbnccalcd beneath bcaulHul pink doll with lame umbrelll The dlnlnu rpom tablv was luschtu dccnralcd Ind Iuvcly threeHer cnkc made by Mrs Chccsman was the cenlrv piece vcry plcnwnl cumin rvmlnlscmg nllome Mm Hrlun Chnvsmnn Mrs Slnn Dr and Mn Duvld OdNInw suvlll ver duinly lunch CUTTING THEIR WEDDING CAKE fol lowing their nuptials in Central United Church at Windsor are Mr and Mrs Louis Ross Allems The bride 15 the lnrmer Oletha Marilyn McKIbbon daughter ML and The brldc expressed her thank or the many usclul ms August Bride Feted by Ffiehds Before Nupfials MINI ll lvmld Ilml Ind 901 PMMI DRILL Iulmn ml nu ma VIM Phoml Ml mm mumm AININIMINIWONI IOI Ivmma noun lmMumunu kvl hand magnumu Arcmnmmlzlllmw for IKrll mul MrllLIl lnllnm MRS IZXIHIKHINCH 593 Huvdmario Shoot Mm nlm Nunhu um Im lcrmnmmlallun or numhrr rlwr up ur hnl mum MHBKS NURSING HOME can 15thth may you Summer Nuptialsare Held in Windsor Church YOLLI NG WOOD wuw uhuul The mxl rrslllrnu on lhc mum slcml wrw lhu mrmwu uI lhu lnmly or Her mm mm lehu llrtlly wbu maulrd mlnu Dur Ir Mrnlul umr Nu Inu Mr and Mus Icuwau Ilnrrcll n1 MNIIHIHL Mm llrllly ml rm wm We mqu uwllrlx un nhl Imlly mum Mr and Mrs oncnlyand lamlly wm pit1ch to have many friends nnd nclehbon call no sac burn on Sunday Aug 22 lo hell lhom colebuflc 41011an versary nl the ORellly homestead Ell Midhmsl The event was ltddud succu with 31mm I75 people antheran during the utter nmm and cvcnlng Annlvcrsnry xucsu came from anolxluV Gronlcl Mlncslng Crum husl Slruud name Dalston Cundlcs Orlllln Edgar Ulupln Om suuun and Elmwln The ORcllly héme wusdccor Bled wllh bnaulllul How mm Coulls Mr Elm Mrs George Cuulu Mr and mm Smllh and Mr and Mrs John Spence Koslure which wnx much up pruinludby mu nanny Hrs mum Iu Aunusl at 11154 by lho qu mun onumy wlu rnulor hls humc lhu midst ox VLsprn Townshlp bushland th humvslcml wns Inm mum by me Mr Thom OllLHly cldnl 5m whu nmrrlnl the Cuuur Inc Smllh Ulupla They llvcd lhrre wuu nuIr mmnv mm cmmruu lwu In nml Ive my uuul Um Spring ut Celebrate 100th Anniversary of OReilly Homestead rmn chain Mls Howard NIMHO Phone I462 Mrs Alex McKlbbon of Windsor and the groom 15 the sun or Mr and Mrs Louis Allcms or Barrie After wedding trip to Florida they will be making their home in Windsor hl Dummy LcunnL oI Crccmnrfl Ol iver and Leo DI Barrie Mrs Roy Romans Margaret Torunlu and WHllam oi MIdhurs nnd thdr ll lrandchlldrcn were all Present for he won anniversary Cclcbmlion Rifflylgh aflIlf 101 Dunlap Oppuullu tlumll Hold Phone 10 Dulrh nutty llauuhbld Illnll lmmlull Tnmluyl Ind nutr any mum CALL THE EXAMINER IOl HUNTING PHONE 24 lulu mu rm Iman wrrlIly Ihm llmu MN nulnmrn cm an rm In 1m mam Lenores Beauty Salon IM llrIlI Illlllll Inkul Int4 III pull ill Ihn wlmln hmll Ill Inlay Ivy Ill lmllyV Nprrllln lur plrnltl Ilfllrl Ind tnflllo wrrkrnllv ON DIET FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ORDERS IN BY PM DELIVERED THE SAME DAY Thrn will Hal2 DRAW durln Opening Week mm mu Hm IAILTICIILARH DUTCH IAHTIHHH CUI CAKIZH BAKER IIIINH IIINNIZII 10 HAIHIN IIILHM HOME MAIN HEAD COOKIE PHIS Mom and more maple nro mnklnx lhflch lnntry lhclr ccnlm 111 mm lktd Hpcclnlllrn Opposite Post Olliqe IIAIIIIH AIIOINTMI ONLY Tho Touslo lho Town 58 DUNLOP STREET EAST FREE DRAW Phone 2693 TUESDAY SEPTEMBER ANNWNCING THE OPENING OF ll MlOINTMIZN Bruce Mlcmx was graomsman or his hrulhcr and Robert MCA Klbhon brother OI lhc hrlde Paul Micms brother of the gmnmnnd Thomas McKlbbon cnusin 0K ht bride were ushcrs For her daughters din Mrs Mcmbbon chose 11an gown with matching 5101 mid pink and while accessnrlcs Her purse Corsage was pink and wlmc carnnllons The granm mother were rose lace gown Barrie Womens Insmme will meet Dn Tucsdny 56m at 230 pm at the home Mrs Del cskcy 135 Innlsfll Hall call will be Hcallhlu Hint Ind health paper will be glvbn by he president Mrs Adams Lunch éanvmx xs Mrs anlcs AllemsMcKibbon Nupfials areiHeld In Windsor Church In Inllinl hardy gladloll In Central Unlte Chlrch In Wlndsur on Frldzy July 39 1954 seven oclock in he cvenlng Mlsx Oletha Marilyn McKibbon daughter of Mn and Mrs Alex McKXbbon Wlndsor was united in marriage Lauis Ross Allems sun of Mr and Mn Louis Al lums Barrier The Rev Cale onlcialed he Impressive doublering ceremony Mlss Joyce Thumpsnn as mald OI hnnor warn waltz longlll gown uI whllc cmbruldercd ur gandy over blue lalfcln with blue lallcla sash and scalloped nockllnc sleeves and hemllne She wore mnlchlng blue organdy gloves Mlss Marjorie McKibbun cousln the brldc as Junior brldcsmald was dalnlily gawncd ln umbmidnrnd blue nylun aver tauda wllh malchlhg glnvcsl The allcndnnu worn matchlng blue hmddmsscs net and lamla Wllll shit cnrsage ol plnk sweet heart roses They carried blue nylon lace mskcls plnk swan hcan roscs Barrie lnsritute Meets on Tuesday Dc George Klnz played the weddlng musl and Mrs Willlam Duran sun The Lords Prayer and Calm The nghL leen In manlngc by her ath er the hrldo Was radlamly luver In an quulsllcly embroidered waltz length organdy gown lnalur lllg scalloped neckllnc over yoke of llluslnn Pulled sleeves tiny Vlils and boullant hooped skin wllh scalloped hemllne Her lw0tlcrnd vcll at French ll luslnn was taught to llama pearls and brillianls She carried while salln covered Blblc lapped wllh while omhld wllh baby whllu pnm pom mums on the summers with blnck accusorlu Ind sag n1 whu llamellas Followlnl Lhe reception Mr and Mrs Alicms Mt or main my to Finrlda the bride travelling In beige linen dresl embroidered in black with black linen Jacket matching accessuxics and white orchid cnrsage 0n mnir rciurn they will reside on Park Plat in Windsor Outnllown gucsla included MLss Marjorie Allemx Braeklln Mr and Mrs Ken Cavanagh Mlss Helen Cavanagh and Douglas Cavnnagh Barrie Mr and Mr Arthur Mlblc and Joseph MnblL Welland Mrs Charles MnKlbhon Egnnvllle Mr apd Mrs Charles Kllson St Thomas and Mr and Mrs Lew Leach Nlles Mlchigan EXHIBITION Good golng SMurdin Scpl II In Saturday Stp ll Inclu slve LEMON PIE 439 Jm mm DIlciouu sums bin mud WHITE BREAD 2nzIoI15c Clmphllll Tonth Squp Locum23c BANANAS 93AM GRAPES It SUPER RIGHT MEETS TURKEYS uhan Pork Shoulder Roast PORK BUTT ROAST GINGER ALE 2wz3 nnnnnn In Fri 25 SUGAR CRISPS aowka23c White Cake Mix mamac MODESS CIGARETTES mm mm No Iannlul Solld Mon SMOKED HAMS ands Own Idy hum In lbl Av Yuknn cm cmnu gnm Jim Plrkr Douhl Crull vmmu WlnayCullom flrnuml Nuw an pm BOKAR COFFEE m1 Pnonucl spncmnsr Onldm lllnh Na Culllumll PM Juicy Ponullr BrmdnWEEKEND SPECIAL mum fllnullr IZI Full lnlnrmallon mm any 3an WMI at Ma lb nun aw n54 Go By Train to thg IKellnn LImlkSem 20 LONDON Low null Fares Frnmbildhunt $820 Coabh SEPT 1348 EDP OLDEST ITS cm St Auzusllnc ounded III 1505 the olden city In the United Sula Clnm CuloovShm Ill 79l Foolul Iimx Hannah is gun in which he in crowd unit In In monfillod andfino 0thth 11 mu Midfi In ol IO pkgx ol 20 lb Ila big Prlu hr 795 2m 59 nun Prim 3m 2Ib25c flln Pliu 21529 HIE Priu 3h up sum Cloud All Dy Maudy am am 1954 33 43 57 wd

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