Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1954, p. 11

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The August Meeting By BILL LACK On mm Um lrul rcMulnr hurling the Humnm Cl Club wn call mm by Dull Hell ynmldunl Cnldwnlrr Public haul ML nmnrk pnslnlnl the 10 Achvclmnl Day uursflmw The uumlmu havan lnrn wrlllcn we km up Thu club mun brm W111 nhnwn pirhlrv xlldt un he judxlnu Lilly mlllr Thv nulle If No nluulnl IIW All mmplr rvpurl un the malls the camp wnn mun mums 115m As 1mm Ham put was flu hrs nlnu duILIm ever rurm clon Kenny and Ralph Hayes Hie lenom Club Palsy Janos Vascy and Myrtle Scull of RIlO Don Junlnr Farmers have Just rc Hurnud from weak Dismal Junior rumm Camp Duclos Polnt on he suulh share Lake Slmmc mm was mg the dim Inn Mm nsA mm Amp for York Cnumy and survrd Julllur flrmura 1mm ll Ccnlrnl Omnrlo cumulus Juniovs AI District Camp By npplylng agriculhlrnl Hmo swxle this fall The cost is rnln flvcly small The prlce will vary from 235 to $250 per on In can land mg on track at local paIMs In North Slmcoc This price In eludes provincial subsidy hall the cast the Ircluht Tu ubnin the subfidy it Is nucumry to En cum permit from ynur local agricultural representava The mu of he year ls delinnclylhn best time apply llmLslunc Phone or lel 1hr 1pm department of agriculture In obhfln full domlls Agricultural Limestone Applled at 1mm one in two Inns per acre provides an inexpensive corrective where such condition exists It not only corrccls ihc acidity but as well provides cal clum an clumoni needed by all crops for plant cell construction Results recently publishfld Show thnl when limestone was nppllcd at two tons pLr acre ihé increase In on ylrlds was per mm and in hay from 20 to 40 per cent vary ing with line lpr or soil to which lhc lime was applied Evun pala tocs responded in Soclb per acre application of llmustone with 37bushel par acre increase in yleld And the incidence 015mb was not increased Boos Crop Yields Inst weekend when We vlsllcd some friends the tobaccogrow mg district DI Nurnlk County lDbncco we Iound was he dum mm an4 of conversation Jun sn We wouldnt come away with the him this pertained only at Harvest umc nm runner explained Tu bacm armors talk tobacco 12 months Yeah To Increase Production Ii is wise in look for and enr xcci ihc most serious limiting fac tor Somelimos it may be an un dcrdmined condilion 01 the Sol Again may be lack or im balance of one of ii maior ele ments We know that in many of mi soil In Nnmh Simcnc an acid soil candiilon ls definitely the weak poini Wall wn In tho gonnral arm Inx areas are not quits so wrapped up In unc pruducL Yet planning on any Iypc of arm is continuous process thus while the 51 crop is being harvoslcd plans and pre mrations must be going forward or 55 llrluvrl Vnuo llumlnu III phil II um pr um luwlplprr IVIIIIME In lull pllnlo Ilr lull inlumlllon lhufl Ihl ylrlun you mu By JAM HANCOCK The Modem Influence Plan To Thrive In 55 Concrete Work liveyeamld had Just ramm ed ram his grandfathers arm Where mzw collie pup was hu cenlre at allmcli In reply to his methers cnqulry about the ups cular he said ollhnndLdlh Ch lwolanc Jobf qunuy mum ml my numllln The Barrie Examiner NOTE Phone 2414 Ilaurn Ilonll Hlllu Phone 3371 Trlp Iht Vtsl Mr and Mrs IL Smyth on Jean Ht nulds have returned hum nor pcndinu the past four months In 1hr WESL Move radian PC Alan Mason Mrs Mason Richard and Davld moved in Brnd ord 1m week They vlll be greatly missed around mwn Gave Talk It Sunday Schnnl Mrs Nclsh Toronlo spent 1110 weekend at he hmnc of MI Mrs Mlna Colw Bari Colwcll Tlll and Irwin How manvnlc spent few days at hE Dmdlcy and Sulhcrluncl homes Mrs McCurdy Sudbury visllcd Mrs George Gummnrsnn roccnuy Rotuflu to Album MIS Long has rnlurncd to her home in Alberta nlltr vlslllng her M1 and Mn Kennedy Cluwautu PLYMOUTH mm mucus 55 Dunlop St 182 Bradford ll CIIHV CIUI 50 HUM MIDAN PLYMOUTH IIHWH 50 IllllYHll€ll HHMN Hl PLYMOUTH NIECMI HEIMN PLYMOUTH Il AZA fllllll COUIH 51 CUM WINDHOIK GET THE BEST VALUES HARM HILL LTD llAMCREST 60 84 FAMOUS 12 84 Wfim compme ultcllon cBIan In In mun VICEROY 72 84 50 IMIUIIE and Mrs Reynolds and gave very lnlurcsllm mm on Keys lhé UIIHNI Sunday School on Sun dny mornlng Now that the sum mer holidays are over Sunday School viH ammuncc 10 oclock nex Sunday Undugou In Gunilla Sony 10 1111me MrsAAch Green Is pallunl In Taronm Gnnural Hospltal where she underwent nu nlher operatlon an one hip We hull hls one will be successful flAMCREST 72 84 FLORALTINT 72 84 USED TRUCKS HUI mm IH UNIT TON VAN 70 CHIN Ill INTERNATIONAL TON HIV Bl mun TON PAN ll Fol TON PANEL YIIEVIIULET TON SEDAN IUNTMU RHIMN ao llllllK HillIN WMmN MIZHUURY CIIVIR Juli WINDHOH 41 PLYMOUTH 30 cum c6111 41 MUNMICII mun 41 mi unmm THESE ONTARIO CADETS are members ortfie Can ndlnn Internntlonnl Drlll Team composed members Alt Cndetfiqundrons from across Cannon who took part ln the compemlon wlth Sr 01le Alr Patrol Cadets tor the General Benn International Challenge Trophy at the Min 1995 1995 1350 uni hn she may soon be home again Glrl Guhlu at Camp Glrl Guldus rum he lncnl com pany ntlnndlng Camp Wlldman an the more aunrman my mr Wyevnlnv were Joan and Anne Ccrswull Lena Swddnrl Shirley Woodrow Glenda Faxlnn Mar gnrcl Hulbcrl Ann Brandon Duris number mm hm are nlund mg he Fxhlbilion anunlu cangdns first AndOnly PREMIUM GASOLINEIAITRE Suns 7ONE RADE ONE PIIICEWoHcy Makes It Possible llére Wily The fall meetings 0w Glrl Guldcs are In mmmcnce Thurslev Sept 10 when an mnmhurs as well 115 girls wishing Juin are In lcd to mom Work has commenced on the new room or hc schanl Clark Marllyn Argent Ilvlnn Wal mu Beverley Llsk Marilyn Cul bun ngm Luls my nesotn State Fair lnst week The trophy whlchvhas been Lwon our times previously by the Canadian team went to the American cadets this year In centre row extreme len WC Don McMamn member or Barrie 102 Squedron who won his place on the Canadian team Slart Work nn sehoolroom Oil Cumpnny lelltd modum only My made or gfll1llclllllIltll HIM Sunocm IIII muln In Ilvlnu ml Ilmnn nub much Ilnl pump Mm mmpkllon nlSuAl ncw Canadian military and plpdlno enable In lumuly mm Sunnm lo Camdhn dmlcm mom unomlully uvlnu nm nmmlonloyuulnlln formofl premlum quulily gnlullm II mull nu Mu UN Oll COMANY IIMIIID GivesMore Miles PerDollar ESeIISLQtItRegularGysiffice Wives PremiumPerformance REMOVING WALLPAPER Tn remuve wallpaper mix two tnblcuponn olvInegnr and one pint hal water and spray on with vacuum cleaner attachment or npnlx with paint brush Let the mlxlum sank cw mlnules lhun remch pantf RELIABLE POLLINAIOE wind he most relinbh pollin Ilor flowers In cold climates where most insects cunnn llve IS THE BEST GASOLINE mu IN TOWN Titan All Other IIvlmum 11mm No Change In 113 Ibsl lmlify1 5117 JDT0 324 Gallon dyer 0ch Imlulu Gmdchasoiincs nowlows cANAbTAN MADE In Canadas Mast Modern Refinery me BARBIE EXAMINER rnmn szrmmm 195411 Visile II Men Kella for sev eral days were Mlu May Melvar Sudbury Hider Bl MIL Ken and Miss Norma Ferguson Tammi niece Mr and Mrs Lou Nellly In Scott and Louise and Mm Ldu Nellly Sn molarnd to Wlndcrmnre fREGULAn GAS PRICE NNm GILFORD Some 61 natures mos complicated sfruflures occur In line cmallest forms cf life This astonishing sag crealure lhe Rudiolurianfor example can be seen only under highpowered microscope WAIEIIOO uomnul louomo mum In tanner centurles utlooim was usedms mean ldemllyinl cuuvlclu and slavu Mrs Gl Thorburn and children Donna and Reid 01 Almmbn California 5pm my day In week with Mr and Mn Paul RusselL on Tuesday to vhlt Mr Ind MB Bill Ncmy at their camp tlhlll

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