Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1954, p. 10

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usruoN tram Am 1051 mini weo tswne SOLD on mean DiliPifilYLEs Christian Science Services FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 195 labor Day The Labor Day weekend is more than holiday it is the end of season Back to school is the theme for families with children The harvest is foremost in the thoughts of the farmer the vacation season and the end of summer business doldrums are what Labor Day means to the city dweller Mixed feelings greetthls national holl day Summer if it has been favored by fine weather usually is happy time but moth ers harried for two months by restless chil dren are relieVed when the time comes to pack the youngsters off to school The boys and girls themselves though vchement in their denials on the whole are equally happy to be returning to their classes for reunions with their mates if not for the lessons which in their view are necessary evil The approach to Labor Day is tempered usually by conditions of the past summer There is reluctance to see fine summer on thewane but if rain and cold have predom inated the Autumn holds promise of clear warm days and crisp nights that turn the leaves to crimson and gold This past summer has been one of vary ing cllmes Maritimers found conditions almost nor mal although rain was slightly above aver age and there was paucity of heat waves Quebecers experienced one of the wettest summerson record and Autumn there will be welcomed Extremes were the story in Ontario where tinder dry conditions for many weeks were followed by torrential rains and damaging electric storms Manitoba and northwestern Ontario got off to poor start with wet gusty weather spoiling the spring and continuing into early summer July and August were more normal but the damage was done crops were delayed and rust appeared on the wheat Spring rain delayed seeding on the Prairies and now with the late harvest certain frost may damage crops Late August rain delayed ripening and prevented machinery getting to the fields Cool and wet was thestoryftoo in British Columbia There crops are about two weeks late and spring frosts damaged fruit pro ducts Do Not Be Careless in Labor Weekend Traffic Aii airline pilot used to delight in startl ing his passengers with an announcement at the end of their trip You are non about to begin the most dangerous part of your trip he would say the drive home hi your car The Ontario Safely League agrees that the car can be either source oi pleasure or dangerous weapon depending on the man behind the whcel The chances of fatal accident risc par tlculurly high on holiday weekends such as Labor Day weekend which will fall on Sep tember and ti this year If this lzolldiiy weekend follows the norm al pattern roads to and from every holiday rcsmt arch in Ontiirlo will be ialnmed with cars The General Manager of the Ontario Blifcty League Reynolds has urged all pedestrians and drivers to exercise dou Die the amount of caution they would norm ally usc to enjoy troublefrenmutoring Every motorist has it In his power to avoid excessive speed he emphasizes The maximum that appears on signs as the speed limit is not always Ii safe speed rilnco road and traffic conditions and not printed ilitlil should govern your speed The League recommends that your usual iipccd be cut by ten miles per lioilr in heavy liolldny traffic For drivers who want to make fast time the League recommends good nights niecp Hill on early start when traffic is compar utivcly light It wellplanned trip with ii comfortable margin airtime to roach your destination lind return without cxcomlvo npceil is another recommendation llcro are some other riuggcationn that tho tommflnnndnrnmhnmcitmumummumuunndutmnmmn The close of League makes for maximum comfort and safety during your Labor Day weekend trip make sure your car is in good mechanical operating condition before beginning long trip Check tires oil brakes gas supply and water take along thermos bottle full of hot tea or coffee it will come in handy if you dont see any good eating places and it makes goodrefresher at intervals when youre feeling tired dont pass on hills or curves and dont cut in govern your distance behind the cor ahead by the speed atwhich you are travel ling fBumper chasers invite accidents and incidentally get less mileage per gallon if they are constantly braking their cars seventeen out of every 100 drivers involved in fatal accidents last year had been drink ing Dont drink then drive its com mon courtesy to dim your headlights when following or meeting another car lack of sufficient oxygen is reason for fatigue Keep car windows and ventilator open and breath deeply ii drink tea or coffee or some other refreshing beverage not alcohblic every two hours stop to stretch and walk around if you feel tired Rest if you feel the slightest bit sleepy 10 change driv ers every two hours if possible ll keep your mind on your driving Dont engage in conversation with others in the car if it takes your attention train your driving 12 signal for turns slowdowns and stops well before taking action and avoid abrupt stops These rules are your best guarantee of having happy holiday weekend and re turning home safely says the Ontario Safety League Freedom for None indlas freedom from colonial ties is not apparently going to mean more freedom for that countrys vast population com mission appointed by the Government of India to study the press in that country has comi up with number of recommend ations that are alien indeed to the concept of democratic freedom cherished by most Canadians The commission recommends first and foremost that Indias 330 newspapers should constantly be held under rigid gov ernment control Content and treatment of news as well as management policies on employment and advertising the com mission believes should iit all times be under governmental scrutiny In short the commission believes that Prime Minister Nehrus government should be empowered at all times to tell the newspapers of India what to print when to print it whom to hire and fire and what advertising to ao cent Canadians rightly critical or such propos als unsigned to enslave the press and render it the tool of the politicians before heaping loo much scorn on the heads of Indias press comm sion would be well advirri to look abou Canada and for in stance consider the restrictions imposed on radio by ihc CBC OPINIONS OE OTHERS Council vs Ratepayers Slayntr Sun in always surprising in in um nir bmii prop erty owners in their criminal battle with municipal countlll dont wise up and pull together to get what they want Unfortunately ihc too general altitude Ii Whnll in II ior mr Till Will quiil evlilclll nt Ihe mccl trig iii Sunlilllaiu Council hold at Waraga Hench Iaxi Ihilrlday afternoon good gallirrlllii OI bcacii rnirpnyrrl attended lipparcuily there discius methods of disposing the debris which luau along the shoreline ruinnu iii limiting Iiltir case and altering imm lions luwlirii on solution hr prulllcln the lion sirayod rain the tuplr or topics and cvcn began Imliiiilu among Ihlmscivui over brothInuit dune uiip one laily In paliicular win mine vocal in Ilulllihll having on iuwiuiilo lake ovrr the and rum um lilllnrllnlnl of land and innu Ilnlil li Will pliillitil out by Silflll illikinii barkroad nip rflyrr um her own proiccllvc irnrc will fill cruwli Mill and ruulri he rmily included Ill the debris to be clranrd up Township councils slung Waugh IIfilLIl nrc unrifr cominnl the iron the mum and summer tollngn owners who all have inc on what should in urine Uniorlllnalcly llimI oI liirlc iilrlu tIalIl Wiirli ollc lrnllp or rniupnym wani nircrt liml in him always anullnr group that want It cliiic II built down to one Iinlplc tiling Until the pro party owners in the broth areal forget iliiir own IiIIIIiI llilclrill and nulrc illi willit II IllII lilr lhc brarh ill whole time it no Ilillltt oi ilrllllig Illly mum tilllligll Nu rouuill II plug in Illly llllllllil to click Ill llrck out It will lull nitrnil and do liic brvl klluwl how Uiiejiliarrir Tramway Class Newspaper mun Ilulll WALUI Pruldtnt Illmbu Clo Aynya Not lald ItIlC Circulation Months Ending Mulch JI Published Monday Wednesday Friday lit The Wllwn llulldlnt iolt Olllu Mum llurlii Ontario Canaan 11 IIAIIIIIYI EXAMINER LIMITED Cliliiltfllt VICcIrclldcnl Ii luvm liemliryTnnuru unnum of mm Clllldlan wuiiy summ rumlion Winn in nu Illlin ll clmncl Mac Ilaloot IIVIIT Dill Ilnlnl manu ruloci lm nun In comIn Danishant Ir nmv loll in ten III Willi 0° null Iioulhl 0100i mum Ill quellnlom van in Hull IV IAll ounltl uAIlIIII soul Idol OahuI lentil HIM Im Mi Mil ninth mun unwawu Ni FASHION DECREES THAT wsttruuioiiumlwkll II Simcoe County Councillors Are Guests of Grey Couniy Interesting Tour Last Week Owen Sound SunTimes party of more than 80 includ ing three women made thorough tour of Grey County on Friday Aug 3i starting at Meaford ShOIIs ly ailcr it in the morning and fin ishing at Owen Sound in the even ing Thc occasion was the visit of Simcoe County Council and its ni ficials at the invitation of Grey Couniy Council the and of June members Grey County Council and Mikhail made simi lar qur Simcoe Countyarid Fridays nc ghborlygesiure was an effort by ihceouncll in show their appreciation of the kindness shown them in lunc The three women who were pres cat throughout the tour were Mrs Iluihcrlnrii till clerk hur assist ant Mrs Pal Support and lulu Marion Calder nech of Durham Two buses and several mi took the tourists and their guides from place to place After leaving Mea ford iiiey travelled to Thornbury to inspect the orchards and apple plant thcrc and this was followcd by trip to Eugenia to sea the anilicial pond which supplies the Eugenio hydro Picturesque Spot One of the most picturesque rpuis in me county thc beautiful Uistvcr Valley was on the lengthy list of attractions Most DI the Vi iilng Simcoe councillors and bi flclals werii cnamourcd OI lilo srcncry After passing through Flcshcrlon tho party vlsilcd um Grey County Home at Markdale Ind inspected both the lawn grounds and the living accmnmo dallon of llic residch Dinnrr was icrvtd in lhc Angli can Church at Markdale belon conllnulng with the afternoons PTURIM Worden Cwer Mnnnc row ui Grcy presided iii the and table and wclmlnrd the guest on behalf of tiltl council Reeve IIu9 rell Uixoli oi Markdale extended the wclcornc of hit village and iimnkrii llic Ioder of ihrl chllrull for the dinner mini mum ihniu Wardcn sinus uixnpiicu or so me iiimiimi it mmibm of Gray uiiiiiiy Council Iill llirlr wonder ful Iimpilolliy lpul Ilnlmi imii ir uie mi oi the day in Miami the rnnmlnu Ilild been three permanent mLII on the pro party These men also looked after 3000 acres belonging to the Sau geen Valley Conservation Auth ority Mr Danes explained the methods of fire protection used at the site The party next visited the county roads equipment depot in Durham where they saw some of the var ious typ of mndilnery used for keeping the county roads In good condition Modern Farm Their next portof call was the farm property park of Alvin Metr gcr just outside Hanover callcd the Happy landing Farms Mr Mclzger explained the modern methods of dairy farming and showed Ihi visitors his automail callycontmllrd milking car IlIctzgcr has 40 cows and can be milked by woman in one hour At the Dark section of the farm more were several iypcs or imi mlls on show including gccsc dccr pheasants peacocks and num cmu types of tropical birds it was intended to take the vi lion to the Provincial Trout llcar ing at Chatswoith but bccause the tour wall behind in its schuiillo it was decided in drop this from the program vmi Armoury Instead they travelled to Owen Sound when they visited lhc Annuury and were met by Col Middiehm the lDth Ambul lncc Corps After that they had supper at the Paragon Loduix where they were joined by LLCoI II mndlcr ii the 28th Armouh ed Ilcuimcnl Orcy 4nd Simeon Turtlierl Among those who atlcndcd the tour were Wanlrn Manncrow Mn Audrey Rutherford Grcy Coun ty clerk Stuart llowry Urey Count asacsonr Mackcu Craig one the Grcy Couniy roilcllorl Emerson ilrirwn oxwsrdrn or For Real Treat Mr ulna inns aim iiiiil 29 HIGH STREET BARRIE ISUNDAYlMORNING SERVICES 1100 cm ALL ARE WELCOME Belliel Pentecostal ytiiiircli Pentecostal Assemblies cleaned 20 MULOABTEB 811 BARBIE nev panacea moron SUNDAY smart i954 10 unErmday School and Bible Wed Prayer Meeting and Bible Clan ll urnMORNING WORSHIP 130 innInllean OnspclService Study Wonderful wins Broadcast cram ssso can Sunday mywewoam Windsor Iiu Grey Warden Smith Campbell of Simcoe Fred Hunler Simcoe County Clerk Eric Simpson Sini Cae Couniy assosor Coll man Simcoe County lreasurer Warden Oswald of Bruce County farmer Simcoe Warden George Banting former Simcoe Warden Thomas Simpson former Simcoe Wardxn Waller Middleton former Simoec Warden Ernest Miller Samuel Dunbar regis trar of Deeds for North Grey Thomas anage Governor of Grey County jail Stewart Coop er Grey County agricultural repre sentative Fred Egcner Grey Couniy dierlir Cumin Iieuuni FULL GOSPEL MEETINGS Sunday 730 pm Loyal True Blue Hle 10 IIIGII STREET Sunday morning service lirld In II million It lllllcdala It I0 Iin lieling nilalalcr Ortertlfl Bring the lick mi Iflllchd unioy our binInn with IIHAIITY IIYMN HINUING Hvrryana Welcome my 7M We St Andrews Presbyterian Church Owen and Worsiey Sis REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister ANGUS 30$ Organist and Chairmqu SUNDAY sameness iisi ll am and run rirc sumsrm Morning Service Broadcast cxao ii latme ciiuacir scuoor come ro crmacn FIRST BAPTISTCHURCII CLAPPERTON 51 AT WODSLEY MI LUCK BA ED Minister Mrs CLOUGnLEir Organist SUNDAY SEPTEMBER l054 LABOUR DAY SUNDAY LinaSUNDAY SCHOOL II MILIIUMAN VALUES COMMUNION ramLEARNING FAITH COME TO CliUIlCll Ii == The Salvation Army 00 COLLIER STREET Sr Major and Mn Cooper SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 105 II lmPIIOLINESS MEETING 230 museSUNDAY SCHOOL panEVANOEIJSHC MEEHNO Wednesday 230 run time League Friendly Welcome Awaits You at The Salvation Army t=l UNION SERVICES Central and Collier Sr United Churches SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1054 Service in Central United Church ll am REV LEWIS Minister In Charge WARREN MMLEAN Organist and Choirmaster tJ TRINITY CHURCH Anglican Rev Allan IIeld BA LIII lisv GZOYGEIJEITIII MC VD Mn Roberts CbnerlrceIM Trinity xn September 954 IrnIIOLY commonron II amIIOLY COMMUNION and SERMON Preachcr The Rev George Sherran Your are cordially welcomed IIIIIIIST IIIIIIIIIIII VESPRA II Allan Read 31L LIII 200 pm EVENSONG All Are Welcome FREE METHODIST CHURCH zoo liayileid SI suit pm nev ii tlllATT Sept 10 ll Sunday School ll am and 110 pm Preaching by Rev II Mom llIslrict Supt Pastor Bright EVERYBODY WEUCOME I== SAINT GEORGES ALLANDALE Rector llcv NewtonASmlih fill 00 lullHOLY CiMMllNION ll00 MIL0L1 narrisai rims The um 024 Burton ilve United Church and Essa llouil Presbyterian Church IIllfillll live United Church REV EUGENE IIISEC Ilt Minister MR HAROLD DEMPSEY Organist SUNDAY aluminum 1051 Farewell Services of tho Miniitor 015 munSUNDAY lCilOOI Il iimIIEGINNHItS DHIAItTMIiNl then his party would ccriainiy ianl wonderful time Jilich Morley lrry slaicii that It mu min pimium Ii to mini lo Irlhl pm in the tour IIc staird that he had cli Joycd rnccllliir than and that fiincllnn oi this union Will moat plarn iu mini Ill rum rach mil Judge Moriry iold lhu party that Ilr had at one time been leave of Colilngwimd and had been 21 years In lrcy County as Judge iiinnuu niinwm iilnlicr win Itll and County mix of ilinirue and him ornicr MI mlil Ini wol IliI to mod with Iill Irlrniil again it our tuna he laid ho political ligipoflclil llI Juli iinnq but actually iiin wryv bolh nilcr lhn laimi office If Morley hail nol won that illirl innit niii havo been your louniy IlliIfil today said Mr ianiwii win in yum of an run the unmiinm imit wal Iconic Ilanlinl oi Dollie nimtlicR IlmIQl illmcoo WIIKII VIIII raml Min dinner iii pally pnrmiui to un Grey County rumi iirnii munnu whrn rnuu lino own Emul cilir mm It explained mu nuiqu whim In In the lorrkl Iie trey Couniy Inilun til lira DWIIWDI Ill Ialilk aunt Pom liwylml nflrr ainoo arm of yummy unatr fumin lion and pilltllil him It cit ur TanorM he acid but can started In ml and nine were Honey Harbour 70 beawam firm Honey Harbour DINNER in tho famed Dela waua dining room with one and linlf hour cvpnlng cruise through the beautiful 30000 islaiidi 3450 DFIanllal lnirrnniionnllyfunoui tIIllIlll room It air rolidlllulifd Ill Iiruilii windows overlook the lovely IIIMllI rilllillrll For your added on loynienl than in illnner music by Ovid Klinilllllllll It the muscle il lhl IIMVIIWIIII lillln IIriiul irlopiinrio rurrvlllonl In Iailln pnllu belawm LIMITED Phone Waubaulh ll limrMOIiNING WOItHIIII Theme This Changing World with Christ Inianl lliipilsinii 215 pmllolly Sunday School 300 pmllolly Church Service Walt on the Lord and lie shrill strengthen thliio heart COLLIER sr BAPTIST FELIDWEIIIII OF EVANOELICAL llllilliilil REV II NUIiLMlZYEIt IlliliOlt ll umAIWAYH AIIOIINIIINII IN THE Wiiltli OI TIII LOIII ramALI YII TIIAI Igltllolllt anoniicliar cirnu IIOTII auvrm lN rlir lllllttll SEEHEAR BILLY GRAHAM CLIFF IIMIIiOWB HEN illllilt ROY iliitliillli lN AT LONDON NEWS REEL Clililllllilillli PUBLIC SCIIUIJI IlllllRY SEPT III PM fiflw

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