mmuv mm mm Mummy mum hy mm Imu mm wlll Im mm HI mrrlml uHmIInml vv Hm Amun ml Park rw Mm Hm Hum nl mm hum an Inn Imk mm All Um In nmrll wlll nl mm mu Arm I1 mm wrnk 1mm 1M nun Ilny mull nu nu mum wrokrml Whm In 1mm mum nl lhu lull llumnlu Kmrml wrrlu uu llmr wru Hu Imam nllrlulmu wn 11mmwa dun In mm IMunllrulnudllu pm drum munnut wu mlnlul and llnl mtmlunmp Ill nnl II Mr In xvlnnmvl In hm um um nunm uy Int Ilu my Ihr nluumwu ullvI lllwn mumall illilumrnl lnwrn Hnuw nml Altlmnmn vmml KInll le nmhy rmmv Mm mrrnm mm mwnlml lnlv mm wlu wu un ham xllmmm Tluv Amm uummmu Hul lrlv 1Ilml Alxlmnmu llnh jmw wlm Hmmx nu mum mu NW NW npllnlilll hymn lllrnuuh mm Enllm ml 1va IHIHL 1mm mhln mlm In Ilw mu ulv mp Ill MI ww Band Concert At Agricultural Park Sunday Sept 12 svcond and Inn lvhpurzllln some thm luduy hy the Hume Arc lmp lhv junlnr Flynn opera The Omnrln Ilmakry Assnclntlun nlnn until pm lmlny In propose conch um UlllnIlU Hnukvy Assncmuun hnvu given the Commis nlnn until lHlI lmlny In propose an Agreement to owner much Hun Iimms hut wlll prch sultublc or oper nlltm wllhuul llu mail of sponsnrsmp COMMISSIONS FINAL ATTEMPT KEEPFLYERSOPERATINGTODAY 90th YearÂ¥Nof02 Vulr uuu Impuul Hum nl mm lHIII fll Imk mm All Um In vlll Iv nl um um un mm wrnk Irwll lhln Hun mull mu hnlhlay AN INDEPENDENT 1um Serving THE TOWN OF 3m AND COUNTY 01 513100 lml Ihw lml Ihv mmnnlvm nm lml linuuu um qvlmflulllhl In mm In II1rd nuvllnu mu ullvI lllwn il mrnl IHiwrn Hmnw Willml KinIv le whhh hllrlmll Wm mm mm plm hum3w Since 1864 Inn dos untlnn meeting wlll be held mun by the Hume Arunn 50mmlsslon to try nnd Flynn operating 1n Burrlc mm Orillia Girlioses Life AfferHighwdy 400 Acciaént uw mmmm vulml nu prn mu duwn wlm Mayor um Smllh Cllnr Alrxnmler Ilml rm Klny vulllu mum Annmm Wllhml KIMII ml Earle Wllllamu volcd lur Fullnwmn nu mclnlun no ul lmnm mud 1mm unulhn mle wnn Emma The max nwnrr llwn prmnml mrcmy lmuurrr llru WIHHIIH with he Iu luwlnu umr TAmnI Iluuuulhly ullnll Ill mqmlunI mm mm mun Iml Inn In Ilnml lllllul lll rm mm 1m nmulny nu lumllhl HI lllllllr In mm II won wm um wlllmul um um lhu lnm MUM Iml outHI II murlll lllrlfll lhu Cnnunlxsluu wwllhl Ink llw mm lxro ol chum or leUll of who MINn Elnmn would rerflvr mmm mum nlhrr Hum wmrnl lur mw nw tn ilmkl nml lkulu mumunn qul nmmm In Un Mum nvmllmvn nr muqn Nuluuln mun plnyru could be mark wlflmlll Elmlu UHMIII llml llw ram Wuulllul uuwnl plny mm Humlay 1mm 12mm wn llw uwmr flnnl Mnuul lwhyl lllrvuul will Ivr llmll lvl lrulllh In Um Flyrll Imelullnl Hr Iv lullnu murannm nm nllmllun when mm nunu mill to vlny Maple mt Unnlmn 1m numm Mnjur mm HIIyIF lnlmllu anlr my HIer In um um wlll mrl um um mm muum unlr Hm cunmll Iu uhy Humlny noc Tum In NI Nod 11 Flym wre Nuld un In which Mink nml whilr PW Md hvflarritfmmiï¬tr Whllc every nlllllvm was nun l4 rhnnur wnrrmlp Emu mum MIL nnd nnlunln Um Il Fly cu would umpch nyvrnxlum Meanwhile Ihn Amm clummkr Inn InstHull numml lmpt km me Hym nprrnllnu ur um mm nml nru lryinu ur numr Iulluhln mulnl nunmule lo hum pnrllrl Hm wm ulluw Faun nlwrnh uw lrnm wflhnul lhc lhrcul HmmLlaX Ion were mndr none were Ianulhlr ll nmmnn Smyllu will um um lllr Ipanmrxhln cnnlrul whlth Inrccfl Clcvrlflnd llnrunx mm UN local tccnc mm few ymru nun mum Drulxu mun nu Mmqu pm Im In mum milu mm In mmuuu Ilehlrhln Put In lullrl lunch In Ia Illnnunn In nlllrlll mm wlll he Inn by um Mlyflr MIL Jnhn ll um an Ipnljl woun will In ltmltll lluny AIL lurldr llllllllllnn IVII MI7 mrmlirf II In hvl Aim nonum numl uolum hr mm mm mm mum plum no mo Iofllnll pm and Ink nlmr Mnmlly mm Lab In my Ilalntnly mudy In mm 11m mm Imlnrr wlll he Ilulrd nu Irrvlnl nunul Mm my etohmlnm III ulna rim In mm npunwud Iuy Mum nunly Trude qu Im numn mumd wllll um 1qu qu Mm un um Imdu ML II lulu luv ma um um In IIIr vle Int you lABOR DAY CELEBRATION AT ORILLIA ERRIE ONTARIO CANADA FilDAY SEPTEMBER I954 Mll JUHHUH flTEWAIlT of Hllrrlo who la mm how with lcurflu Johnalum WT or Centre nlnmoo 1m and Jullnn Frrgunun Ml ur mum North mm WM mm of many Illnunuulnheu guvnta at me Wann Hench hydm noromnnlm ï¬lmma Thu DCI Scnlor and In Icrcnl wmpcllflun plumd Iourth L1 nur tnlrlu wllh In pclnll Thz Ulnncr lhc Lorne Seal Band Gtmkulowll an Norwich Mu lcul SolMy and and Hm Hurllml um Hoyx nnd Glrls lluml Ilnrrtl ltlulld nnd lhlnl In all mm are mm Harm wrlimu In tho nnnunl band cum jmlllhms Tnmulu 11m mu Hw lur mucml bumll mlnu 1mm Hm rotl lmnnmIIL um 1hr ollwr lwn or hm mm mm Immrnmuy ulw srcl1m Um wumn wnx Orlllln rm 1mm rvvu uumu by prnmk mlml ulmul noun ClHulu Hum rum cm numn 11mm In class 01 nine entries Barrie Collegiate Junior Bond yesterday won llrst prize $400 cash nnd the Whaley Royce Trophy in the music competitions at the Canadian National Exhibition The group 26 young musicians directed by Allen FLsher BA scored 011 points out possible 100 Second went to the Thorold Reed Bond with E1 Collegiale Junior Band Takes First Place in CNECompeIiIion uwcvcr lull yrnr lhu lhurlr Cullrxlnlu Band cumpdm In Sec unn One Hm lop compeuunn held dlndcr auspices of Cunndlun Band mnslcn Assoclnlicn The IDCII mun wï¬lh 42 mullclnm came cloal wind lo RCA Hume Squmlxun Ind nun llilmmon Vilh nllnnxl 00 muslcilnl Ill nhlt Mr Fnhzr dccldld Ihh ynnr In hp UN hum In llnll and cnlrr lwu unmwllllunm Ono urnup com puswl mzluly HI more nuvmul mudclun um tvrml mum grud mu numbnrrd 35 and plum In Svmuu Twn lhny wm Im pncllc nl pununra lullnuml III lullur lmml rm 1m pm In ï¬rtllnn lwo wa 1me almmu mo Fuulnlllc Tum 14 page plum llco mom who wlll In wouldan at mu supremo 0mm of onlmo alulnga whlch open In Harris on nlcadny was lormerly the solicitor or the Vlllaga wanna Bench The Onlnrln llydm howan wlll cunllnuc UN opcrullnn Hm mvlcc until he btxlnnlnx ol um yur Al he Drcmnbn clcdlnns rfllcpnytrn In Wax Drnch wxll lhln yLur nmmlnl leprtsrlanlvM lo Irer on lhrir nwn hydra tum mlulon which will bu formed at Hull llmc lly llmr lhc lranlucunn hm cmmulrlul Wuaun new will lmvn Hill nnmml HDDOUHO l0 xwllnhnxo UH nrrvirr 11M bum Inlllllnlrll lhrlv wIH be In than in lhr mm Somu LOW Wusala Beach thus becomu he 924th munlclpul hydro system In the province II was lurmerly up eralcd as local xyslcm owned by he HEIC Gucsl lhc chnnlcovcr tern moniesv whlch were held In the wllflRl Dcnch Cummunlly lhll Included munbcn pulllnmml hydro DUICIIII Ind revrcscnlnuvcs several municipallllu In Slm cue Cuunty With the handing over oi cheque or $103000 on Wed nesdny afternoon Reeve Wilbur Nash secured ior the Wusngn Bench the hydro dirtribution system serving the village The cheque for the money which was rnised by debentures was received on behalf or the Hydra Electric Power Commission of Ontario by Ferguson manager of the Georgian Bay Re gion During August there were 56 permits Issued amaunflng $220 57100 In the same month last year there were 40 perran issued to talllng $11025000v representing an £ncrease this year of $3032200 There were 72 new dwellInK per mm Issued 135 month valued $201000r00 The corresponding num her In August 1953 wds 12 permits valued at $10150000 an increase this year at 50650000 From Jan 1951 to Aug 31 191314 13 dwelling perm have been IssuedV Mulllng $123230000 The ï¬gures or the same period last WasagaBeachIoODerateHydro Hands Over Cheque For$103000 To HEPCForDistribution System clear indication that bulldlnk tn Ban1e 15 still continu= mg on the upgrade can be seen from the latest statistics Lust issued by the Town Plannlng Bqard which showthat durgng August the value or new building permlts issued had increased by $9650000 oyer the ï¬gure for the same month last year Building 00ntinues 0n UpGraTe Latest Planning Board Figures Shbwiiugust lip By $9050000 The young hnf sushlned mclund skull Ind natures In an uppgr page of gum Ian Bobby Mllllun ouryear old son of Mr Ind Mn Mllllan 128 Guml Street was taken tn Royal Vlclorla nospl III last night nfler II was lfllck hy an ouklda bl hum Awarding Io Dollar car drlvtn by Willi Thumpsnll2l of anle RR tnvelllnl weal an Gunn Strut when the ymmxsler untied lens the mad towudu hl hume ll rwu slruck by the 1m headlight IN hurled to an mum Bobby 1m cwln blather Brian Ind two older brnuun YOUNG BOY HIT BY CAR SKULL LEGS FRACTURED Elect Cammlnlnn up In Fun muclnuu HEEVH WILHUH NAHII Wnnnxn Month 11 near here at rlam hnmllng over to Fcrxumn mmmgor the Onlnrln Hydrua Georgian Unynoxlan tho chcquu Iur HDJOOODO WIHI which the vllmgo purchumd mm the lolnmlmlon Hm dlalrlbuuon ayltcm serving the vlllnno the meombnr oluctlmu qungn Bench rnlclmycra will elect members to conatltulu cummlulun lunupcrvlao the opomuun 01 um acrvlco but unUI then um um will cnnllnuo to keep ll work Ina Fred Webb Sophia St East Culhbcrl Orchard Drive at 14 nnd 13 Pcnclang SL bufldcr no Lnnglln 83 SL Vlncent SL iii iiognnx iou Napier SL Slrabane Avev builder sell Mayors Coin licr Fellow 5L builder Bcrtram Bros 28 Jnhnsion Si is Jennmi rm 11min at iiimn SL bulldur sell Harry iLynn in Toronto at 153 Tor onio $1 buiider sell Cecil Cook iia Wellinzkm Si East ni Lcmla 51 buildcm Chas Alexander and Son 150 Si Vinson sm Wm El cuuumcra in Hm village proper will be mvcd by this underlIkA lng In 11 conveyed messau great lng Onlnrlo Hydro Chairman Huh cn IL Saunch salll We at Hy dru are looking ahead In lonz Below are he delalls build ing permits issued by lhe Building Inspector or he munlh 01 Aug ust Dwellings Herrlnglnn RR Earth at 33 Henry 51 buil dnr sell William Guy bisle Ont at 59 Lelitia SL buildcn llob blns Everett Welder Essa Road at 57 Holgale Street builder lribhle 78 Cumber land SU Kiihtlcy llll Dun lop SL West at 47 Grow SL West bulldog Allahdale Lumber and Fuel C0 49 Essa Rd Blox am 100 llnpcrall AVE Weston Ont dwellings an Newian Srecl builder HELD Chappcl 40 Theresa SLnl Bowman Avev bullder Emerson Webb 91 Drury lanel Emersnn Webb 91 Drury Lane at Bowman AWL builder sclll Emer Burnlc Bnyileld Sl l02 Dunéonnld builder From Jan 1954 in Aug 3i there were 377 building permit is sued amounting to 3175751000 The 1053 figures were 252 permits vaiucri $171379000 an increase this ynarA n1 $4314400 Lwere B3 pom195 valucq $624 50000 an Inciease this year saw mm MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY single copy nnd bencllclnl nssoclauun with this new member the ï¬ydro family The Wang Beach Iydmvelecl rlc Iyucm will be pan Hydm Gcoulnn Bay Region Lon mum Wluga Beach has long history at elmmcal pruzrcssa dutlng mm 1023 In rccunl yrnrs lhc nrnwlhl communuy hns experienced can sldcrablc lncrcnxc 1n the numbn hydro customers and use tclrlclly mum Jnnuary mo and JanuaryV Ml thu number Turn page livvv mouse Garages Wllllam Hallam 1133 Barely 51 bullder sell Dalton Swan 14 Alfred 51 bullder sell Strunaghan zllCodrlnglon SL bullder sell Jr OCannor 72 PcneLmg SI thunder 5811 Spraule260 Codrlnglon 5L bulld er sol Hamllwn 32 Gran vlllo 51 bulldnr sell Thtal $2 20000 13 elevlslon aorlals $130000 Repairs nr Allorallons Bruce Ro bcnson 173 Collier St convert dwelllng to apls Pyburn 109 Pisa Rd Insul Erlck dwelllng builder ll Coulson Charles Al nxandcr and Son 151 St Vincent St construct outside stairs at share car Penman and SL Vlncenl Sm Town at Bartle alterations In re hall bulldm Chas Alexander and Sun 150 St Vlncent 5L Coleman 44 Blake SL reshlngle part roof builder Alexander and Son 150 Sir Vlncam St Tuwn Barrio repalr wall on Market Bulldlnrz bullder Mnluney 83 Pcnetang SL1 chkey 62 111311 51 Allcrnlions to lnlerior bullder 5911 Thomas 167 Shnnly Bay Eli nlleratlnns lo dwelllnl builders Allen 19 Thompson 51 Mngloualcn Gearge town ropalr damage by in at 27 Park SL mulldcrs lllll and MC Knlght 120 Caok St Roy Jam lcscn no Owen St rcpalr mo 01 dwelllng lbulldcr self Hob son 52 Hnlgate 51 repairs mot and veranda builder Eldqn Ball 240 Codrjnglon 511 Lower 39 Thronln 5L rrpalrs In dwelllng lbulldcr sell Mrs Edna Campbell 40 lllgh SL napalm In dwelllng lbulldur Campbell Coukslawn Ont Victor Zlmra 103 Burlnll Ava repalr roof dwelllng bulldar Janowskl 61 Napler 511 Valley 13 Maple Ave mnvcrtglm age bulldlng lo apartment and gar age bulldcr Skrypnychuk 50 Essa Road 15 Items $1807200 to 131 or monlh 522057100 non magma om mum St builder salt Total $20100000