Ni Its Fruit Time LCU11ING THEIR WEDDING CAKE following their nuptials in Si Jmnes Anglican Church at Gravenhuiï¬st are Mr and Mrs William Keith Young The bride isihe former Evelyn Lysle Palmer daughter of Mr and Mrs Pumler of Gravcnhurst and the groom is the son of Mrsi Young and the lime William John Young or Barriei Altern wedding trip to Northern Ontario and the Uniied States they are making their home in Churchill Pm mmmm How much of cups prcmwd mm av cups sugar bottle 11un mm pectin To prom mm Crush har nughly mm quarts lullylripn dcsirud eve mu or rumqvc some at scum Blatcbfotdé 110 Grower damo it is PROFIT Your mom lapml on ma umwnl ml mad lo gulm you wonl So wl your India can by wing Blulzhlmdl on Crown In cowl 10v um Inn II you on blagv gnlm wlIh mm In and lop mm In hlqhul mam pvlm you In tau awa wand Ind uonomknl ma thumnna In mum Dlnkadl Ilou Gmwev quulny Ind Ihul uuuully om Inn In uu Cu In and ham how In and flu mm mm yaw hum nluuhlwd any Bollor food Bigger Proï¬ls Summer Wédding at Grgavenhurst PRESCRIBES DISPENSES IRA WILSON Owen Dunlnp St Phone 2903 RED RASPBERRY JAM Qdcéwella BELL Your Pharmacist Your Physician DRUG STORE COOK HTOWN UTOPM Measure cups ano large sauce To make lam Add sugar run ln saucepan and mlx Well mm om hlgh Mandarin to lull rulllnz bsl nnd boll hard one mlnutc sllnlng constantly ne muvu lmxn heal and at once sllr in llqulrl full pcélln Then sllr and sklm by turns or ï¬ve mln mlc lu cunl slightly lo prevent Hunting hull Ladle qulckly lnlo glasscsl Par Hln at Once Masz about 10 ounce Klnsscs BLACKBERRY AND RASPBERRY JAM Yield nhoul 10 rnedlum times cups prepared run cum sugar home mm ncclln To prlpare ID null Crush complcloly one layer um about quart cnch fully ripe blackberries and rod raspberrics Cumblnc fruits It doshfldV slave halt or 1qu lo remove some or mus Mcqsum cup pulp mu very large saucqmn Tn main line Jam Add sugar Irull In saucepan and mlx well Place over high heal hrlnl la In full 1011an bull and bull hard one mlnulc illnan constantly ncmuvc mm heal and nncc stlr In llquld lrull pcclln Skim 01m with metal moan Then sllr and skim by turn Im live mlnulcs Inlcual slighlly 1m vxnt 1101an Krullh lcur qulckly lnm mum Covcr nm at once wllh HI Inch qu pan xlflln liuun pupm ur Mlsx Audrey mumm who mm In June Imynl Cun rvnmy Muxln mmlnn with he lulluvylnu mme 0qu VI an hunnm Mnrunrrl Carn lumml Elcnnur Jlnlmfl IZvrlyn lllnck Mnry MC Drnlmll Olrnc McQuny hmlu IV Imlmn Nurmn llnl lNlI LuIJ luck Audrey Milligan Pupils Pass RCMT June Examinations Grudr chiu umnrl Mnry DHMLP honuu Ilnrlmrn LIIWI mlmxu erwll Mary Cm my lrlm an rqunl Dlnunc Law Cnml Newlm ry an mm cm lwmlu lhor McNIun nun who an lhclr llvrlllmod hy mm publlc llnvn mm mm mruy mum lhrlr nwn way lur nowM yunl lull Her II lluW xlrllnnr Awlux he mhrr wny mm lulyrr mu hrrumn mun nu pmlmu pmnn Hun nu wu lcmlmkr Inlulnnl luorvvr Ill om lha Mlh Muhl Mung mull DISINFECTANT llllYHll IMIUIITANT Bflflfllï¬ FARM SUPPLY POWERFUL ALLPUIHOHH Hrn Min Ymnn Mule Carum dau or 01 he late Mr and Mn An ony Carma Bank was married on Mnnduy July lmh 19514 at tpn nclodc in lhe momln in 51 Mnryx Roman Cathollc Church Barrie to Wine Kenyon Barrie Inn of Mn and Mrs Kepyan of Guam The doublering munage ceremony was pentonned Very in James Clalr who also said he nupual mnsa Nupï¬als are Hejd For Joanna Caruso And Waher Kenyon ng mush andnccmvpanlcd the su 7M MrsEdyvard Cnmnrun at Tor nlo Slater 01 lhehrldc in the xlnxlng of On This Day anis wzelhus and Ave Marl Given in manhge by her hxolh Jasvph Caruso ol Ban1e the Irlde was mm guwn ofwhi2t hanully laceand nylon mun slyl 2d with lace rcdlngolc with long Ilypolnteddlcovu nnd bnul nylon Iullc skirt In wall nnglh Her headdrch 01 matching aqe armed crown to hold her hnuldehlenglh vclL The bride luwer were while sluphanolls and vhltc gardcnlas and baby mum with Ivy Icahn Shc was attended by Miss Madlyn Saw as maid 01 honnr and MB lune Lucas bridesmald ers nrnldlne Caruso nloce the ride 01 Battle was lower glrlv was an ulldwlllh weddlng with the maid honnr and the brides maid wearing gnwn n1 whltcnylnn lullc wllh Jackets of chanlllly lace The mald honor carrlcd basket a1 whltu steqhunolls and plnk ms 23 with while bphy mums and wore pink headdress and the bridesmaid carried basket while sicphanail and yquw ms with yellow mums and Wm yel iow headdmss The 110 or girl was in whlie nylon nci gown was wniiz length and she was carrying basket of white slmphnnotis and Yellow ruse nnd mums and was wearing Aynilow headdrcnn Studio on Codrlngmn Street where the slslcr ol thebridc Miss Grace Caruso Barrie received black and white printed dress wearing corsale 01 while garden las The groamu mother whv also received was wmring dress of grcnn and whltc prim with cor sagc plnk roscs Miss Margaret mmxinbn the men prgaqm playcdlh 01min was zroomsmnn lnr his brolhcr and he usher was Bruce Bmwn or Barrle Leavlng on wedding mm in Muskoka and the Unlled Slates lhE brida wax wcnrlng an ensemble in blue and white comm tweed with while accessarlcs um curs10 while gardening and xlmhnnalls On their return Mr and Mrs chyon nre maklng thclr humn in Barrie The marriage Mls Lornn Do olhcn Arnold daughter Mr and Mrs Humid Arpnld Ivy Kclln George McVunul son at Mr and Mrs Bruce McVnnel ul Ivy took plum on Salurdny July l7lh ID Ill Ahrcc oclock In ï¬le ntlcrnmn in Ivy Presbyterian Church The doublering ceremony was pcrlorm cd by Ilnv pucrglx McVanelArnold Nuptials are Held In Ivy Church Mu Fred NeLson the church or gnnlll played he weddln music and nwomnlnlcd he solnlsl Mrs flaland Hum 01 mm lecn In mnrrlnxc by her nth cr the brldn wn wearing Victor lnn Ilyle Kown row palm French lace In Wall lcnklh with In nylon mug skin with deep me palm Inca Inscru Her xnwn was In lrndlliuxlnl whltc and her Inner llp Vcll wnl hrld by mntchlnx round chlorlnn hcnddrcu Inu wflh pour lrlm Thu brldc parrlvd ll cuxndv 18d rusu wllh Ollrlrh plmm llrr allcndunll Wcrc MISS Marlon McVan Ivy In maid II nor and Mn John Hlnlnn Barrio as brhhmnnld Mm Hhirlly Manltra IHIL was lower uIrL The lnuld If lmnur Iwnl wcnrinz will Imuxh ann nl dnnclnl plnk lulle wur lnHlln with nurlnlr€vrl lIIHILI bolrm lntkcl and Illnlchlnu ulnvu uml hrmlrhru Shu IIIHIJKI msrndo blur and while mulm TH luldcmulhll wnllz llllunl gown llulc armn lun uvcr mum Mr mununwed 1m mum nckrl and WM won WI llmlrhlnl IINIKMHM and Izltwu Sllr carrlul II cumulc nl yclluw and whllv mum 11n fluwrr gm wm wcnrlng th flock OlTlllll uylun lllln wllh mnlchlnu IIImdlIIL cavrlul 33 BAYFIELD 5T Generator and Battery failures BBENNHNS AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE WE MIE HIEQMIJBTH IN THIS WORK IGNITION CARBURETORS MAGNETOS Vacation Time mm TRIPS mu mun Drop In And are uu at your enrllcnl convcnlenco WEDDINGS AVOID COBTLY basket of yellow Ind white baby mum Mumy McVunel oi Tomm wan groomsman and lhe uihm we Arnold Blnllnz Ind DonId Hal mapd bolt DI reception Iollawed he Ivy Orange Hill where the mother at the hrlduxccelved Inpnwder blu shcer Mykd Mllh Iwmheart necklinevfler accessorï¬es wen navy and she wan wearing canaze red mm The grooms mnthcr who also received was In dusty me sheer wllh lace panels and was wearlnz navy necessaries and orsageyl tallgmnn rgscs Leavingon wedding irip Fredericton New Brunswick and Princé Edward Island the bride swearing drm oi minted tur qunisc andehiie nylon with rhinc ione trim and corsage 01 red 0591 with white accessories 0n imlr mufn Mr and Mrs McVnnei ill be making their immc in Bar Ouiniiuwn gunsis at the wed ling include Mrs Harm Mrs McCiung Mr and Mr Viunay McVanni Mr and Mrs hi VIcVanEL all of Toranin Mr and Vlrs Cecil Bmwghn oi ï¬rnnio Reginald Arnold oi Barrie and Mrs Jenneit oLBarrie Mn and Mrs Tipping n1 Taiicnhmm Mr 1nd Mrs wiliimsnn She bournc and Miss Jenn Meianal in Miss Haul MeVnnel oi Tor nn Gladiou and swcnt peas made an attractive semng or the wedding OIMLEJ Dorothy Elizath 5mm daughter of Mn and Mrs Wflflum Stile of Brussels to George McMIchan son Mr and Mrs John MtMichan ol Barrie at the home 01 the brides uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Thuell in Guelph Dorothy Stiles Becomes Bride of McMichan The brlde who was glvcn ln marrlagc by he lather was gowncd ln whltc chanlllly lace and tulle Her gown was styled wllh arm mung bodice tapped by jacket 01 chanlllly lace whlch bummed peter pan cnllar Thu Ilecvcs were llly polntcd Ind the skln was boullnm wllh clr cular panels at lace coronel headdress held her vell nLcm broldered nylnn not and her How ers were cascade plnk glad in Mlsi Dorothy Spam Windnur was her nlccos maid of hnnor wearing waltz length gown or llahk blue organza with match ing jackcL She canled cascade of yellow glndlolL George Walker 01 Windsor was gruomsmun reception held hn home of me brides aunt and uncle the brides mother received in navy blue dreas wearing pink accessor lies The grooms mother received in blue and white crepe wearing navy necessaries The woddlng ccremnny was ruled by James Hakogmrgc Rev Mr Kenny DD performed mo ceremony For wedding lrIp Io Niagara Falls the bride chose dress navy blue linen wllh whltn cmorlm On their rclum Mr and MIL Mchchan wlll reside Kn Guelph Guest uucndcd 1mm Wlndsur Tornnlo Bnrrle and Drusscll WY AN EXAMINER WANT AD llfllllflV TELEVISION ltzrlllï¬oitnArlon yo DUNLOI HT PL MONHBCH SPECIALIZED ALL MAKES 0F nmcmomo EQUIPMENT Phone 2059 SERVICE PHONE 2464 MR AND MRS KEITH GEORGE McVANEL Whosq summer nuptials were held in Ivy Presbyterian Churbh The brideis the former Lorna Dorothea Arnold daughter of Mr and Mrs Harold Arnold of Ivy and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Bruce McVanei oi Ivy Aiter wedding trip to Frederic ton NB and Prince Edward Island they will be making their home in Barrie mu in mm The 25m Cochranc reunion wasj held Springwalrr Park on Sat uday July 31 with ï¬end a2 tendancn Observe Silver Anniversary Of First Reunion Mm Cnchranv Harm the eldest member present had attended all 25 picnics The youngest member prescm was MasterRnnnie McLean Ivy age month bnaulilul big gakc was dnn Rated by Mrs Eddie Webb Stroud to commemorate the 25m anniversary of the Am rcunlon The happy day war chdcd by variety at and sports and con NW5 Under thel0underihemwg 65 Collie DANGERFIELD MOTORS LTD CALL THE EXAMINEII FOE PRINTING PHONE MM More POWER and STRENGTH where it reqlly counts MICK fUll PRESSURE lUBRICMION Chowolo an Inn oplmlu In Nlaunm hill all anally Incum mn nunlnn Illa MORE OF MMOUS ENGINE UNBEMAIH VAlVIINHHD CONDMY flMflliflflw vulvalnlmud opuullun omhlnud will hlnh mmpnnlon lnllol nlvol mum now pay nullqn Chnvruln0 unable you In dunno Ihn lnglnl whlnh oxnclly in ynuv pnwnr mqulmmunn Yolu Chovralol0dnmobllo Cadlllac and Chevrolet Truck Dealer Gemue Hutchinson ls vislllng his sin Mrs Bales ln Shal boume Chi3 week Mr and Mrs Mnchod and family spam the weekend at Munkmn Mr and Mrs Elli spun the weekend at with their daughter and Sm winner iiuécmnson week camums EmaW Mr and Mrs McLean Mr andlMu Partrldgc Mrs Eon my and McLean allcndcd the luncral at Ihvlr uncle Mand den in Kirkncld un Salurdny Mr and MN Slrachan and chorah Weston Mrs Stra chan and Mulanle Strnchan and Euulh of Tumult were recent guests at Slmchnns IL Shauna nflbngerg 9153 lsilcd My Mrs slcssoy 0mm visiting Aurnd uncles Fumfll EDGAR Hutchinson Shnlhnurnc mm th Inna BAIIEEXAMIyFBmen AUGUST 1954 Whm quiz shuws were thehlg rage on he radio nnc o1 um hcsl was Information Please sol me paltcrn to In or the panel programs um came alonz 1am Im nu sure whether on the air or not but whénx hscd llslcn my bad tam01 the bralï¬icslpcoplc the Slales on the show every week In answer me mos dlmnult qugguons people muldï¬cnd in remembcrlhcrc was an automabue accident once that w1a blamed on lnlunnatlon Please II was minni accliicnl man wcm through red light and skunk nnulhcr car Whun it got to court hl Fxplnlnud it his wa Your Honor Iwn 1islcnlng Informman Please on the radxaaudancra lot at diflicun qucsuons they asked the tour expcrlsw suddenly cnse their dyes and tell what color necktie hwy were wearing Fraï¬klin PIAdams and John Klumnn and the others clnsed their eyes and they couldnt remember What tic they had an vaas playing along wth Ihem trying answer the qucsï¬uns and clusgd my um jus gm la the comm And you know didnt knuw what Me was wearing ellher Radios guess can be dislincUnn when youre driving 50ml perrplernfusc have them on llk th radio on for WM drives think helps kecpyau alciL Im nO one to B1050 my eyes as reach anl lnlcrsectlon anyway when youre shnpplng or used car the fact that some cars are already cqulpbgd wnh nudge can be big cansldurauun when yqurc lpoking them over at our place take the car at your chnmé out for test drive Hist and try the rafllo loo Warm MI He lost me court case Ion WIDE 016 of Us Ennlnaorod ov lho mud and llm loud Chevrolet axlu lonlum umculng dvmblflly and ulmnglh NEW GNIMIR ARRYING APKIHES Man rumylng llnnglh mnunl blggnr paylondl lhnn our will Chev lqlnl M05 nIPmoABu IRANSMISSIONS Chuvvolul oflnu with choke of Ipadnlly onulnoovnd Immmlnlnnl Indudlng lumom uulumnvlc Immmlr Ilum By GEORGE MNGEBFIELD CLIE BOQK Ierlu canccrts Member in clude Pipe Major Sally MacPhcr um winner championship hon on me new Anugonish High llnd Gama sum Aw v1 mu Phona 2487