£395 The cnlumnlsl qunles fore ward by Ihe Bishop of Toronto Right ancrpnd no Beverley who nolcs flux as murky clan gymnn Read has ldullllï¬td him self with the llvcs of his peoplc The young mlnlsmr wan hrlr conï¬dence studied their problems and helped solve hcm Thr nur churches In which he mln cred were qulckcncd to new hm and became slrohg sellsuppurln lng parish Th cchurchcs were re paired onc pnrlsh hall was hulll and the rectory modcmlzcd Two churches In nelghboring parkh were rcopcmd and restored The parlshw he all were dcmum smuun ol what was possible In country workl Whlle shepherds Inflrten Pis Iures seems to us muslrcndlng or rural preachers any mm also h1gth readable and vuhc mcnt assrumum presentday values and shuuld bring bolh un ban dwellch and rural Canadiaws ta sharp focus nu ma uacrovl Irust which um generation ls She followed up her meeting wllh am extremely Interesting enthusiafl or his cause with an nngmszing aludy nbhls Junpub shLd book Shepherds In Gmcn Pnslures eruen nul 01 his Ex patience and philusnphy cleaned In 1he rural pastorate of Mono she found It thallghlful and dis turbing dncnmcnt Chltf Ilolur the Holy Flre on country acre Is new mle for Reverend Allan Read who bb carï¬c rcclur nl Trlnllyv Anglican Church In Barrle early this sum mcr Toronto culumnlst Lou1 Dempsey devotes comldemble amount space to the ynungm lur ln her dhcusslon the shan annual summer school for rurnl clergy belng operated at the On tnrln Agricullurnl College where the Jam clergyman has men lecturer and learner his ypar us In farmer years 10 BARBIE mmmm FRIbAY AUGSIBT 1054 Honey Harbour Evmmvulcgupmnknight in full armour In mum ï¬lm about Joan of Are the nmvic makers go over mi weiglny pmblcm by dresxlng lu attics who playnl he ml pm in sun or armour mch of aluminum Rnull xlimilng Including scene showing Joan mounling licr lions procmled on schedule Cunadimn manufnclums uv lo ufwciuhlsaving aluminum nolonlylxcauxcimmkcxlhlnz hum lo handl nnd chcgper lo hip bul became il maku up huu mun products per pound llclm lhcm nmkzl Ihclr prod ucu fur Aluminum Cam my armada le Mm fbelama 9m For Real Trnaf DINNER 1n the fumed DrIu quHI llnhm mom with unu nml hull hour uvonlng crulnc through the hcuuurul 30000 lulluulu Bung Zom cm AROUNDé TOWN 70 9m By IAN Honey Harbour LIMITED comm llrlnwmml inKrtnnllmlnllylmumu mm mm tmullumml hmml mun uvrrluuk luvrly mum rlmunrll rm yuur mm luyuwnl llllrfl II dlmm lllflllc by on Kuuluhmn al quuln Irmmmnvl mum Hum Ihdmnn vulrvnllmu or lmw palllu Phone Waubaulhonc 35 Hum ln Angus In January mm Mrs numm wm bruuum urn no when only 10 wLLka old hy her pnmm llu 1m Amanan and Susan Swnulmuln MLNKH name has lust one IL 10m llmL rtJldLnl In lhu LILnurture Mrs Eva Heddlll who has suld her huhEu al 42 High 51 um moved Ottawa Io share resi dcncc wim her nmy sun and duuuhlerlnlnw Mr nnd Mrs lluvurlcy lllddfll The fmmll l5 Inluuvernmunt survlcu In lho cap Ila $450 The young clergyman includes In his book bum nllnck an Toranmdwullcxu lor their houghh lLss phrchasu OI counllus ruck Iuads ni sod whlch leaves the EMS open In erosion and drought and drainage 0L Invaluable 10D soil He points out that ï¬le city could grow 11 uwn grass by wan lug year or lwn or seeds to sprout and mature 1ch is much of natlnnnl valur In the buck quite apart mm In NH mliginus Ilnvor conclude AB rcvlewen She bellcvcs that it cnuld be Included ln hlgh schonl Imdlng and public llbmrlos In me great value of all Canudlam Alonu mm mm at barns grain ï¬elds recplanting prolects uoll conservation studiu aplaries MD the churchmen hold class room seminars that also huln younger graduates In no valu amc sandpaperinx 01 um ell qu clly vencc Th summer lchonl Guelph is operated by he ngrlcuuuml coll ege ln cavnpcrallun with an all denominallunnl church cummlllne ll came lulu being because lb awmunms that many lhOSL mg tonll annually to help mm tcr lo Canadas six million arm and vlllugn dwellers would he citybrad dlvlnlly school gradu ates Mr Ilcnd himself ll clly bred but hls hello in he lnrmcl he Inlher at he xlnllonl amounts to almost pmlonl 0n bulh the moneyhunxry armor and the grasplng city dwellcrhe puu respnnslblmy or mutilallon and destrucllor at for es and valley wllh Lslncvit able exhaustion at new Handing rivers ruined arms and broken lame In themarmhcs Mona the rcctnrs adherents have planted two mimon trees in an attempt to ameliorate some he davmtn lion uhlolhgovrubbed hills In NH lumbcr business at llftccn years ago Barrie Resident Departs for New Home in Ottawa Ailhough there poetic feel ing in descriptions at rural ii and inexorable identiï¬cation wiih the slowmoving seasons and hevngnries of nature there are as weii terse biting charges against 1hnsewhoiny wnsie the productive soil neglect and bieed the countrysidehor are greedy and calidouslin their plunder ol the inn privileged in hand flawn or am smtcnnncn the nextthe lnan declares ColumnblDempsey 1D Dunlap HI Phone 9052 pmmn mm conlnln In vllamlm Ind Hervr llruklnsl UHML Now Avlflahla In lhrrle THE F001 BAH MILLET SESAME nu puma Hrr numan mm In mo nflor mum Him53 1mm wqu Wnr Om llkubllllg having bwn pm by 1H1 mum lunv llvr mullur mm In mm hrr Inlhrr um Hm Im In mxumny wm hrr llnughlrr m1w1un Immm 1m 1mm nml mm Hm vrtkoml urmlu with hmlhrr Mvall ncLIImpnnlrll her in lawn mm cv lur mmnm In lur mw lmmm and wlfll he rxrnpuon at two yum mm Minmnu musm am has livudln nan1e Wcr slum Hxlnmlvll Vlclurla Schunl nu mnrrlvtl mm lo 10 Mo Munr Gnnlnn mm Huldlll vrll nmunhrml bnnllmasun vlrsulllv muslrllxn mug membeg 1mm lIxmnlnLrn mum and ulnumx mum mu sm nm came unm lo me home Inn nnw 1m mm which Wlul lwu mm Inknulls me mu cunllnumlsly mmm When the glass nlnu1ya man Incl Whn dircm not hl won try to keep cool Right now everybodys playing Iho Enme Baa the HmL And everybody Wflnlg wIn Partic lpaliun Is by lndlvldunls rather than trams and fortunately in his mldï¬ummur madness Win nuts make up the bulk of play rrx Even so polnms or vlc my me much In demand Hm are same ranching Up to hcln bent lhu heat Whrn thermome lurs soar gaol cflsp saladLham us My ovary lmc are gmrd huaslurs too when energy lags Thnls why wcve ChUSln this gem luoklng yet very simple mind cumblnlm hush frufl bright wllh dunbs rm 1111 and rufllnd wiHI vhimud roam or IhIHy crmnn chrrsu Serve my help yoursult sulndx Hmmuxhly chill m1 and milled In crlsyly curlrd grccns He lavlsh vllll ll whlp pad crmm or use soncncd nrrnm chansc with chole go Inland In It for extra huh and youll beat me mm ail mun thllx Inurc youll m1 ynursrll smlu guml summer mum wlwn the at 110 LEAVING ST MARYS GllURCII following thél récent nuptials are Mr nnd Mrs Walter KenyonThe brlde lsthe former Joanna Marie Caruso daughter othe lamMr and and MrsAmhonyCarusoor Barrlcindthe groom 151119 sun at Mr and Mrs Kenyon of 0tthuAfler Weil dlni trlp to Muskuka lind the Unlted Stutesfthe couple will he mnklng tllelr home In Earlla phom Rm Beat The Heat With Sdlads Good EatingAt Ninety Degrees National Salad Week CBUple Leave ChUrchAftgrfWedding cheese mp mnymmnlsc cum chumml lnIh hull 15 cup rhupprd prclmn cup whimhm mum lhc klnd mm uumlly home In mlnd naturally Ir diswfl llurox our nvnrflo rlch wxlh cream throw ham and rnlmful wllh rtsh runs yum chnln Jun mlx mm mm In ynur rc Irlklmlnr Scrvu In xllco mm mm llllll ltuucq Ynull cowl or mu nnlml have plrnly up durlnx summcr upuclnuy lhuym lrosly and cum You can be mum mnlnmnu 11 you kc rum rm snlnd Whlpped Cream Currant Dresilnx Make Cup Dressing cup mayunnalsc ablcspuuns cumm July caspmms kmon ncc V1 cup whlpplnx cream lunspunn sugar Combine mayonnaise and Jelly mm mm won blendml Add lvlnoyl Juice nnd mlxa Chill Jusl brfum sorvlng bra cream unlll HM and add sugar Fold WhllmLLl crfam Inlo mayonnaise mlxluro Plncc sluflnd puts an crisp kl tuce In the ccnlre of ynur latier Sunjouyll mem with rained punch and pear halves ml the centres 01 these halve with cur rant jally nnd rulflc or memen er Whlpped crcnm Serve im mchnlnly wllh whippcd cream curlam dresslm cheese tablespoon heavy crcnm Jumblgwnunswsuxur leaspoun grated ornnï¬e rind Drain pcarhnlvcl ll canned Cream he chccse unhl smuolh Add cream sugar and Mimi rind Blond well Put v10 halve mar lugclhcr wlm large ball of cheese mixture to make whole peat Then llm he nulslde lhc punt with red and color lul Shorl Mrlps urccn popper lnrm cm or In pears CHHL Pear havcs ounce package so cream Pear and Peach Salad Platter Imxrn lel Halad Mnku Svrvlnuil uuntr package In Slumd Pearl lnblupoon sugar tenmoan vnnllhl Crunm the cheese unlll month Add mayonnnlsc and blend well Add the Hill nnd pecans MIX lhomuuhly 11ml he rrunm luv ll Ind ndd lHflflf and vanilla Fold In In whipped mam lwur lulu drop roucr lrny and ch11 unlil llrm4 Slim mm svrvu on rrlsp lullucc lvnvm Girnldl he mlnd wnh ninrnmhinu thrn Arilst mm wcré ï¬Mnny nwmbcm the nssnclnllon and others MELYtï¬ic Brynn and Miss Audrey Milliznn have relumed mm 1th Bristol Williams burg nnd Richmond Virginfn washingmnDC and New York while In Bristol Mm Bryson nllcndchhc chum of Dr Guy Malcr nlthc Vhlinin Interment College and meellni the Mlicr Msucinlion of whlch she Is the anndlnh rcprcscnlnuvn chmalrcvlnsscr 1n advanced plane playing were conduclcdby Dr Mnlcr and Marvln Kahn wollAknown popular plnnlxt and compostr gave daily lccluru and dcmumlmlluns ul pupular plnno playing Mrs Dec Miss Man Em nndls Bradshaw msnclalu tench of Dr Malcr lnclurcd and do mnnslmlud new methods at ï¬lth lng early nnd lnlcrmcdlam gmdc wnrk Ella Mason Ahcnm well known spcclallul In school muxlc dumonslmlcd her mnlhod of plum Ins unchlnz Several mm ers were present um playcd new tomnoslllnpx Muic Teachers Return fromTrip ToUnifed States ynrrow thnu art like same high born mnld with nunny brow nnd mall exquisite race Framedln head kcrchiet of snorwy lace And in ngown olflcecy green arrnycm Whofrcm her cashllalcd lower hath siraycd Fille with cDmPJSSion or human race Whom she to serve hath sacriï¬ced her place And in heriovely sphere is not afraid Since by all common roads wilncsslhce Chamingln whllc and green the passerM Beaming neglect and slight no manymom As doth become heart high degree And liswhcn used with most dlswurlesy Thou from thy leave giveth thy spiced perfume Nola Tho perfume is more ap parent when the leave nre bruis Itwas used once upon mg in mat making when hops were me onyhandt We read the yin rowhelng cumvmm 1n hegnr dens at Madeira where so many rare flzywers grow The ynllow ynrmw of our cultivated gardens Is very Lovely To see ihe hidden loveliness under microscope is lnaflncenbiy wuchlngjhe beauty the large number minuh floreLv exquit im in siruciurc symeiricaiiy nr ranged at am camman roadside fiawer blooms from June in October and possesses lhc valuable iessun how to snared or it in lound sway nDl nniy arnund flue world but in lnlkiarc iiinrniun and medicine many peopicsi Everywhtre he familialplant the yurrow Conngnu by Cnni ndian pains barren hiihidu iandy banks or in rich meadaws feathery green lniiaze growing at iniervnis on ii leafy mm ll cmwned with dusky white or sometime in pinkish flower and sends out spicy aroma Yulraw mmgl 61a mur Prpper NEWSOUTSIDE THE DOOR Tn the vatow ANNIE DOYFS After dinner he nrlernoon was spent in renewing aid acquaintance nnd watching ball gnhm Mnny spam took place under ihe super vision oithn vport committee Sumer was was followed ofliccrs Ofï¬cers for 1055 are follows President Deliner Bates Shul hurnc vicepresident Roy Drillin ger Slnyncr secretary Mrs Bounty Hully soon committee Ivan Bates Toronluwllrcd GUv ran Angps Due Bentley any PrIus wcre awnrdmi the fal lowlng Youngest baby Vlmmle Gltfen Edenvnlc mosl rcccnlly manlLd coupleyMr qnd Mm wm The 12th annual Bales reunion was held an Springwnter Park Midhum an July 25 Mrs was man inlroduced and her cmonsiratiun he var ious pahls the new sewing mn chlnv was lnlcrcsunz and Instruc MVE Eh binding killing and hommmg were nmong the ï¬nished mplcs shown on hostesses loe evenlng were Mr Mrhl Carruthers Mrs McDermoM Mrs Demmrort and Mrs Hammond At one ociack whom 75 mn lvcs and Irlénds sat down 10 hvoly picnic dlnner which was enjoyed by all Mrs John Hammond cnnvener bdrm ccorwmlcs wok charge 01 the program Severalgond papers were read Mn Demihofl rend lng was on MeatCaoknry ex Qlalnlnfl braking slmmcrlng pol roasting 2c Mrs McDermons Joulngs Along the Way dcscrib ed ways locamvfor floors using liquid me tiger amine hcquér and plasucs Mrs Nelson gave Recipe for anpinexs and Mrs L21 Banking gave mum at Housewife Utopia MrsHL Jenncll gave paperjn Budgel Twelfth Annual Bates Reunion Held at Midhurst A1 the business session canduct ed by Mrs Reid présldcnt an in vlmuon lrcm Alï¬es Hill branch was accepted and flnul arrange mens Im wedding supper were discussed Heinz puts In the CREAM drmoymmuan of new slant ncndlc sewing machine by Mrs Halt ol Barrie was the special ca ure the Ivy Womenn lnsfltute meeflng at the home of Mrs Ho July14 $931 BEE33 mm Sewing Machine Demonstration Given for WI Mn SAVE ON MILK Womens Institutes WWMgg served 51m and by he Median Gradelv Plano honors Jnhn Mngmnn peas Mary Lou Smith Grnde ll Plana honeys Karen sham Curl Hammun and mu Graham pm Anita SmlL Grade 11 Piano hmnrs Jnhn NH Winuon Pnrmdzn Patsy Intermediate Sight mule that class Catherine Cnlemnn K91 Chmchi Grade Plano passanerIe Dexter Angus ICIde VIII Plano honors Jo Anne Hopk Donald Tony Grndefvll Plum Wayne Parker pass Thompson Grade VI Piano honors Ann dqmmme Newmarket Grade Plano honors Jnhn Mngnrn Mary Lou gmlth Grade CBuntenmlnz John Allnson Grade II Theniy 11m ch15 hon orsï¬DJï¬ Mary Lou Smith and mu Muir 38 RoburLShnn non Grade Hmary pan Pnrxu son Howe Barrie eldest lady Mu ume 5021211 New Lowe mm mm Joseph Mumberson Barrio or mmlng Lha nmhcst dislhnce Mr and Mrs Norman Crock To runm wns dpcidcd hold the 13in flutes rcunlun ngnln at Mtdhursl on he last Sunday in July The allowing an 1h mum at he noan Comervalary Mush nxumlnlllom irlcd by pup at uni Br Ancr who written ham Shirley Ken Mkhm McMnmL Grnde lemnny honom Miriam McMann Alliston AnnounceRCMT Results Pupils of Jessie Brysqn 5291 FURNACE CLEANING 11m PoweredVacuum Way JOITN VENUS Owner FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE OIL BURNER SERVICE DRASTICALLY REDUCED Dresses Suils Sportswear Lingono BLANKETS SHEETS PILLOW CASE AUTO ROBES BEDSPREADS AUGUST mama CONTINUES Dial Singing To hnnurs 55 97 Silvia honnrs Danni pass Wayne IIONOR EARL ALEXANDER VANCOUVER CWField Mur xhnl Earl Alexander was hnnnred here July 30 by Ian Latvian who prucnlcd to him an ornlte scroll or his part In reclng Latvia from ï¬ll Redd In L911 The pres enlnuon was on bdrm several thousand Lulvinns 7who have set led In Canada DjAmbrmIn Jojc ï¬nrmw Lynd Fannlnz Grid Film first ch han au Joanne Whllneld ï¬ve mn nu Frnnk Maher honing Andn Kennedy Shhlay Mano John Coch Many of hue pupils covered 1h workal lwa grade in one year Sailsfaciibn Guaranteed IO DAY lRlAl Buynndnu SncroEnm price $935 or lDdAyI SLu ilit does not bringnewcomlon immediately If 11fo 10 day you are not completely satisï¬ed to turn your SucreEase for run mfund of pur chum price TI MLUJJII Oflu or Money Back lfyou suffer fmmlow burning when you ride or drive your nulo or sit on soflcuahiana nthome¢ry SacrmEasc the pnlcnled posture carnelian sent pudwhich relieve pressure and attainon buck mus cles Sucrbilinc nndmpine For Auto Riding CKJA CH BARRIE WILSON OSTEOPATH IQ CLI NIC 28 Dunlop Street Wilson Building 1E ONTARIO Trlcpllonc 229 TRY