Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1954, p. 8

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In hnlInw vlllll mw lh mull thinly mulm In Iha Mn mum mm mvd mnlulr mu up mul lhrm Ihmmlly In My MI uan lhn rmmll Mvhll murrrl mm ml llw rnnult nmw slllimll llvllmlmz ImII Hmr an lhk Ia mu mull mm brgm In Ihln vul and wok um um lwll welL VlAilmN mm llslunu WLYC Mrs An Imlglflugh HS Murumcl Fhvrylimm Lulu Nam V1Mullrr RM Prykv In with the hridr Nunw Mmlihrhn ml llkmls 25m Wedding Almhtmry 0n Tummy July Mr and Mrs Chus Bowdun colrbmtrd lhm 23m wedding anniversary They were at home In heir Iriunds and ncinh bars and rclahvus when 64 visitors congmlulmud Hu happy couple and signed the gurst bnuk The ten table was cuvcrvd wiih love ly lace mm the cnnlrrpilci Ihruelicnd WNMinL cake wnh silvrr cideOSllLkS and candles nl Bach side of he mkv Mrs Stem nmdrurd mNhLr hr bride poured 01 mm sllvcr uapoL which was vym Mr nwn wedding presents years nun Also pnulln was aunt Mrs Frank Slorrs ndyvnw Beach Among lhnsc Mrving were Mrs Powell of VJHCIIIIHI swim who Is yisiunu in Hullu Mr Steer Mrs Jhmvs Slrors and Lynda of FMer Cumurs Chumn ht Vnsum of lillurd Hcmwd Ihc gum and pfjwnild them 10 the brlrln and Llem Ihny Imm mul mm wm ml rrhm Included dunu xvrl TllSlh from an auhtahdlmmu hrlmunm crunm and snunr Lon SllVfll lray Ind zI hrut silvrr sandwich lmy mm nrl me lwixlhmrs Sewml gins mhnuy wun nuivm which Mr hml Mrs now drn inluml mm Hm mnl mum lo nnhhu mp N12LIIL rhm nthIr hmuulnl frnpn yum mu In llw gm FluI ml In mm Irml WWII lwu rmly lmlls hrrmllr lnllnll Lvlmlvmlv ly unl mu mum mu up Igm nuny nml mmk mw unlvlmrll My an my mm vlhlullvlna In llvulhm Mill Innnl muuyu mul plunnlmx ynHr um gnulm lu nul mull um Hm Iclvrllulr Jml In Inmny mrJIun yv mm mm mum hr yhur mm mum Um Mr hmv Mu luH1 am mama mm wannsngguu 1mm Manufacturers use advertis Ing as their lowestcast way to gfl across news and information abuut flacir pmducls On cmgr ndvcrlising In popular sufl dnnk amounts xéft drink would cusl more these days if it werent for ad veggfi lnuIIK Irrth llvdrn Lulu HOLLOWS um Hm my 0rd mu In mp gnmru um mum m4 In mu rmly wlmm Saving money lwm uur lfllflllu mu Mum 4mm vimmm mlx mm imy rnn haw llvl mt rut Sr mgmum ands Hus way makes mass p10 ucliun possiblo which mean lower pmducfiun costs lower selling costs lower pyiccs Yes Idvcflising is low cost scllin melhod lhnt help keep your icing cost down la Insf than l5¢ nglgs mm 431 1pm mm mm Mmltll Hlmlvmnl on on View NM NM Ind mm mm Qs Vim mum nan rm Finishlnl Town moo my 89qu Beam um wJKifier no sun on nom Turnma Wcslun Barrio Klrk land Lake Aumm Churchill Gn mm umdrmd Conksmwn and Guthrie Mn and Buwdcn have two children Allen at orn lin and Mrs Hall and me grandchild Lynda an Anton CKBB PROGRAMS 700 Nm llrldlxnu 11 um ms rum mm mm no my mum 1mm an um no spam flmmflnv mum so The Billy mm um um Tudlnl run our um unnnn man we Mm mnunr mue bus ram rm am nmnm 61mm gnu Nu HrldMnM 9011mm Junom aJu mmunlly Comm YnulsDv an mm on mo Nu llndllnu 202 Cuunly mun In mum at Wu flnulh In Waind II In Imek rum Ill 145147 Dunlap Phone Bnnlo 6m Lplrlli nmm ylulr rmley Ihln admlule ol llHT lrn uni Iv mnunnm mm In mum llmu 3th or In um wnlrnrb Illfllfl In Wnlhn an cm Hum 1m 1m Sympathy Extended Our mummy 11005 cm to Jnscph WEEKEND SPECIAL 17 TELEVISION 21 TELEVISHIN NEW 117 Mill IIllllilh AN LOW AN NIVW IYIM MIYIHVIM lllllllll AN LOW Exclusive 12110is Disltihulors EPLETTS menu CBLT TV channel Toronto WEDNESDAY JULY 14 THURSDAY FRIDAY JULY l6 Inn wmm 1705 film an CnMalln Inn 1130 Round In Tlma 1204 Non mumn 1201 Muthwn Dlle 1n cum Work 5n um Hum no mu mum nnuhln mhmn 1n runny nmm Vlevl mm Nun Ind Hymn mu Vlru lmntd nan Thu mum Touch noon upon ncnlu mo aqu mun um luqu nu ma imm mm 45 nun mxun mm 00 um 03 mm In Ins rum Pulumv 05 Italian Wuthn 110 Em rum worm nu 11m mu van in arm lnl amnhook Prelude In Dlnner n2 count In mm mm lludnnu mm on anon inn club 123 525 camp numn dn nufilun nmm ymgmu Hnurh In Banlo Buns Ind Mum um Mr and Mrs Wllflmns Kirk land aka1m visiting the home mm daughter and sonlnlaw Mr aqd Mrs Am Wright Mr and Mrs John Downer and Inmily Purl Colbumc and Marion Downnn Turnnla spent Ihc past week with their parents Mr and Mrs Arthur Downer Mr and Mrs namm Wright and Iamny Guclfih visited their pay cms rccunlly Mr and Mrs Art Wright and Jamin and Mr and Mrs W1 linms nllcndcd the wedding 01 llnburl Williams on Salurday at Ulyfll Um home ht bride Mr and Mm lineman and family SaullASte Marie 0m and Charles ncecmfl Chapleau spam law days with Mrs George Par ker and family 3150 Mr nnd Mrfi Ken ancs USA Mrs Wzsmer 51mm in Toruntu Vcrnnn In the death his falhur William Vernon In Toronto last Saturday in on cue mmnin mm Ina mm In mm In cue mmm Nun men mm mm Danny vuwm lhuw no cm In nu JULY I5 Mom vxsnum with July 11 July 12 July July 14 curly 0n Nanay mu mm sunny weather expelImam nn Sunday unable Ind mm Yukrday nw the tem pmlm go My lo 51 wllh low 01 59 Tcmpcnlnm Into up wad no deme um um 01 an week Ind lndlullulu llnl there Ihnlxld he mu murd lnle change Sunny Ind warmer In the Influflnn to may Temperatures Up At Start of Week likely Continue Tempcnlurcs were WYEBRIDGE lEnd Wtddlgg DIAL 1230 us In Nelmhor nan Round Up Tim 229 um finingdune Luncheon UIII Womn rumm Club 12 an an llmdm nxmm 33 mm Mum lupnm Mung Mun no us ruiua In mnnu In mm mo up Iggmun um ran liemm ulnx men Bulw nook an Yum num luvfl 1m wmm MW so we nu Tllm mm ifo Tlm bu Nut 556 The mm mm sininnnnaw 10mm nu nulln no rum run menu Wumv Pum mpmu 179 min cum 0M Wllh nl mm mm llmnu Mr nnd Salurdny Beth McClunK Riverside holidaying with her uncle If aunlv Mr and Mrs McClung in Em nob bi lb And legsy maul Midland Rah Douzln spent the put weekend II hurl Mn mm Form New Lewd Mr and MN Eldon Beccrofl and funny Tomnlo Ind Mr and Mn 6mm Russell New Lade were recent v15in wnh Rawnl Plbnlc Phnnbd Mn Edward Mewum wax hams to lhe Ladm Aid Wednu day memoan whcnlplans were made or plcnlc to be hald Lime Lake Park on July IL dainty lunch was served the close of mncflng The ncxl regular meeting wlll 11 held in September Ilnd In 0mm Brim Theyrr ncul and canny Sumolh CIlnsuodu wm nliud cuUs wmm pluk Snvlnxly mm Elastlc and rlbbud cuffs blue whim Slxcs Shop Now or Extoplionnl Values in SummerSmurf Lingerie 5mm TuMonnow MONEYSAVING spasms 511115chon GUARANTEE SPECIAL Ium my mini mM LOVELY GOWN LARGER BRIEFS RETAILERS ro THRIFTY CANADIANs 100 RAYON BRIEFS SPECIAL 64 SHOPPING nouns MONTUESTIIUR 015 530 wan 015 to 12 NOON nu 91500 900 SAT 000 to 500 ZELLIMR LIMITED Frances Berthdafle Barrie Junneflc Klnz Tom and Teresa anky 01 Mldlnnd spent the lnd thcir hnmcl here ill JViriwley has told we um al llnd to Mr and Mrs Sulli van Par Credit Mr Ind Mn Murray Todd Bar rie spent low days with Thamax Todd and vlsalcrl Mn Todd who Is pallnnk at SL Andrews HOSPI 31 Midland pending cw dill with 191 SI Cluke MOUNT ST lOUlS Mr ind Mn Lawlor at the spent the weekend at Dol hcfe Mr and Mn John San North Bay visited Mr And Mn 11 rlllle IMAMpun WIHP II SHORTIE PYJAMAS Mud n1 mllun 1mm In uh Ilnvl ml mu lvlmn Mm ma NYLON FULL SLIP wuluum Ilm hm mm um um mm mum mu lWhml wmn mm mm Mvdluuh Luv mmu lulu mum Nu un nulmu mm mm mm Imu um LADYS CREPE SLIP Vllh IMF lrlIn In vhlln My NYLON AND ACETATE BRIEFS Inlllmd nr Ivllmnrll Illlk Whllm Mylr LADIES HALFSLIPS SPECIAL ILEAIEH NYLON and mluml brald lrlma lhrsc lrlm Colasuldo pmllils Elnsllc log Whllc plnk blun amlln Sites Small Mcdmm Lnrgm SATIN INSERTS and nylon sheer prtlllly hlflllllght NINE Colllsuode brink Whlle wllh mt plnk 0r blur mnlzc Slns SnmllMdlum Lanna NYLON LIN ms rlnsklc waist and 105 these luvnly nylon brlnls Whllo Ink blur mallv lune urlhld rod bLIck 51le S4 lll Mullum large BIG BARGAINS PANTIES SLIPS LADIES MINTY STYLES AT SAVING ILEAIEH NYLON and Hum bran trlma lhrsc lrlm Colasuldo pmllils Elnch leg while pink blun amine Sims Small Modulm Lnrgm SATIN INSERTS and nylon sheer prtlllly hlflhllght NINE Colllsuode brink Whlle wllh mt plnk 0r blur mnlzc Sllcs SnmllMdlum Lanna NYLON um um rlnsklc mm and 105 or these luvnly nylon mm Whllo pink blur mane lune urlhid mt buck 51m Smuu Mullum large 47c mm JLW 5a Inan It Hyluu lul llle ml lllm Ihm 11 Mlu Mldlyn Coulhun Mu Mnbel Moore And Emmett Couxh Hn Toronto vhlted with Mr nnd Mn mu Conlhlln recently larrllna Lllpnde bu POSIth Wanna Beach or the summer months The church looked very Immu Iul on Sunday with cut flower and lighted candles TI Sacra ment theVMldA Supper WI ob served whlla Gordon Ollvur lanl son 01 Mr and Mrs Lorna Wilson was bapllzed Connulnqu to Mr And Mn W11 FIan on the nrlvnl at Mn Dorothy Grlmalc Turonw spent the wcnkcnd at her homa here Hlw ANTEN MILLS Ilnln le mm 159 198 298 AMIMHM Tfll ml IllnrzM ml mum my mum um nrl nullnmlm lluy lll Im ml Tllnmwll VIUI lwhlnhl lry nnl mm mam mum null Innuv Whlln MINI 11 In on L64 3W6 Sizes ma 97¢ Oszcs 10 lo For 97 SPECIAL Salinstriped Celanese panties Mme styled at 1015 and teens Made with snug elastic Walsh comfortably handed leg While pink blue maize 73 5137 27M SPECIAL vllnmln wIlh MW lau AIM lwl in Huh Mun yrllvrw COTTON TANNING 50 Hip and In ml 541 Silvlfluly Xricrd Irlmxhnmhbnll Lylr wllh mnhxnldcrcxl lwlrlop Iul Lllnly unhuml NM unnu llmx Whlh Siltx 40 OVERSIZE GQWN 298 237 TMIIIJIKM llho lmly or Rummy luhlmrrlflll Hlylo Ask 0M ouroonvcnnnl Illelunl Im

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