Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1954, p. 7

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Social WorkersiromVariousCountries VisitLSimcoe County Points of Interest Itinited States Air Medql 5551 43 untannr TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE had be OF SOCIAL WORK with representatives or the health and welfare agencies of Simcoe County on their visit to Barrie Ontario Hospital in Orlllla and to the Couchichlng YMCA Camp Geneva Park Lake Couehiching where they spent Saturday night and Sunday before continuing their post on Saturday The visitors including the Netherlands were from various countries Belgium France Israel BO en guests at neon luncheon given by the County of Simeoe at Bradford From Barriethey went on to the llvia Czechoslovakia and Germany Before coming to conference tour of the province Barrie they had been to centres in Southern Ontario and Hit large crowd attending Af EVERETT Celebrates IIIIIIuIny Irm On shunany July Io un til In her birthday lny nl rmunin arrived in lzv lIIlI III cIlIhrali iltl in ii lay at tin IIIlille of Nnrval Roi Iey iind Donna nd Mrs Albert Gibbs Tu runlo spent it few days with Mr and Mrs IIitIly Wilson and Ill wnnil lIii MIS lat ODonnell To me weekend with Mr Imnizd liactttk iJil Toronto Atltlit the weekend at his home iiiIL Ill sInnthrunk IIIIsplial Mr IuuhI FIIllI ipilli Satur day In ruunuu nIsIquI lIer hus huun who Is Innuur In sunny limuk urn vI wnh him runny ru Mr Inn hm Angus Leslie Bar IIu uiu In MI nun Mis wIIIInIu colu un squIuy ILlll Train Vlll at lalgravc CIIIIII IIIIIIinns In Everett ball train in wiuilill IIIsI lilfll Ii Inle nnin un July In Trip In Nnu Stuiltl JolIII IIuIIIh Robert and lnun nIII Iit nlI SnIIuIIny nn Iwu Innnuu III In Nuvn sInun trance Ihanh InInIIe tl ml InIII tlIIlr III on An IIIInn IIIInIII uu hlinlliiy IuIy ii for the services the lodge paraded down the main street with William Henderson drumming and Lance Vilsun Iiiing Vacationing Here in and Mis William Jenkins and thirdly luruntII are spending couple of weeks vacation at the Innnu at Ben Ferris and irene Vocational School Vacationai school opens for mini nrcn at the new Legion IIIIII tor couple ur wttkfi Mr and Mrs IIanurII nnII lIlIIIily WIIuItlIriLl at Sunday with Mr and Dainty Mrs mu 0ch AIIisIInI Sptilt Fr Iy with Mr dlltl Mrs unnu oInI Mr and Mrs Ilnruhl Mann and Judy accunninnnd by Mr and Mtt CInIunIuArururs alid Lynda urnhi Sunday at Wusnun liuacll MI and Mrs I2 Pearson tic cuiupallled hy Mr aild Mrs George Juffray and family Spent Sunday at IlnI outrage at We ga Btall LANIILoIKnlt SATELLIIH Nu part In llunlzaly which my mum unIIuu Inilrr toncnIs the lit llAV Illldmn IlIy is IIIIIrr than 1000 miitt limit from Hill to south With II klIIIIiIII width of IllIlIIi ml min CALI Til II ma PRINTING PHONE 14 Sunshine is Accented in Modern Landscape Sty llIIIIrrII glir colorful fume lllnilt tile homo IiiIi cut nil nilerle IIuInIn nf nnnIIIn lInIIIrI wlIn rxllit in IIIIIIIIrIIIIn IIIIIr lnnunliy IIIIs IInIIII rInnIIII IIIIn Inniui IIunIIIIIt Inn IIIII annl IIrIIIIIII llllt In tit rIIII ilIII Inn in Innrlly Lilll IIIIIhu uI lili Innnn IIIInIInII Iur IIn IIIIIIIIInn IIIIIy and III Illlliylllflti InuI rIi urine III on unnnn Illtltllil1 Inni HHItl nnunm lln itilui It IyIIIIiInI ltltlllly In wanIIn In yiiilr nnIIlqu IIunu It tlliilllilllt Iun vlll Vtilll InIIII IIuwm IIInI Iltlllliili uluI lliifI Iln lnllvr lllllliiII III InnIr lite kinInn IInuI nn Invilniil IliIIit ftltillllfI IIlrlt IlIlIllI nIInn IInInIuIIvr niIIIII nIIIrII will nnI InIIIInn wltli nun lIlllI ynn Mil Inn IuIIIannn fiII ImIIInII In lIIIuiIIIIIlIIII IIIlIllt IIInnIIwn In nIIIIiI III IIIII Innniry Iur Innny yInII in Innu IIlt iIIIIII Inn nI InIIIIInnnI tillilll Inr Inw IIInu wIIhII rim Inui Innrhiurniiun In III InnIIuII nInI Urittrlrirlllt uI Iilf InInIIy qurrr tinn IIIannII IIni IiIIInn I4IIIIli1elIrI nunnIIInIIIn uI Iim Illrilcv im Illftl II If lllljllillllflll ui lrIlIIIIrrIpII run In Innulnuun linlilliigu tall Lfttrtitlll cvrfiftrvll nnrl ItIIIIlII IIu nuI III lmtiirl wIIII IIn lllllc IunnnnIInu Iiilir IIInnII Iinu Innl IIui uI InIInInrnInIInn Iivrrl Ininh uI uny ttIlIrr In III itllllllli nan IlnI ylftrlitf uI UmIII IIInIIII In nunI yliii It intidly rlIINIIilul Innn inIIl IiMIll flinif Il IIIIIIIvI Iinwr IIInII lilitlll Villlillnl wlilili Ifll IIItelecIl In Iuok uni ItIIll IIIIII views IIIir iqu IIunI contribute to Innun rnA ilIyllIIilt IInfflt Rift flitIll M0 InhnnIInI In IIrliIi runuuhi iIIto IIIn Innur nIui IIIII run only he IllltlltII II uvInIIIIIIIIuI uI quI Iin Innny iuu Iltilr um nvuh III In on yquIninII nnn most Iilllttll rnIIuunn II ItW IIIIII iIII rliiIIIIIIwliilnIIi qu Inurh qulu llltiilll tliirvaliun sun rhqu II Iunlnl Iiy IInII loaves III IIIIII what Wl klluw Ill Ilillii iIIoIli Iniu IIIIIIHI wllitli tilllr ttIi Inn In nIunIh nInl Inhcr llfr nururm lixpillilllllti In Ohio drum unit IIIInIIIIII annuan uiirliliw InIII un Ilia quII lvriIrI uI illf Villi II IIIIIII Inhnaiy uI Iimi foul muIInI IInnnih um IIIn IhII lliflli II llililtWI Ill fItX LOIIl lIIII tllll IIIII wiltl nnIy Wl two In III Innvy InI Innr IIn Iqui tIII nunIuhI nn IInm InII In Inn InuI riltlliIM nu unnInIIn Ity plant In IIlt runninan with nu lrlrlvn fur InIm Winn iliIlIl II In IlIIrrIl Iniuw Iitlt ruInunIIIInu qunI IInrvuIqu InnII In Enliitll ivlmiiiliig you may nruun IIIII IIII uaIIicII laul nn Imlt In InII IuInIIInn on Iuw ililil lrililt vliIIIr In rquInI lllltIIiIIlil nnni IIr InnIIII will I2 than on Inn IInnI ttin iIItIIIIrtltlllll wlitili IIlV tiIIll III hm IunI IInniII Elto Innu In In will IIunII Mirurl Inuuun In In IIIII III Inm II II In nllii nun hm In rniili uI InuII Inn wntrr muI their IunI iIitIIIlliIln illiifilllrl In IIII Iiillllln In IInvIIr llavl Copier Drops tflordcnalre Look Maw no wings Must be new type or flying saucer Strange things have been hap pening of late down on the hangar line Sikorskl hellmter pilot ed by Flying Officer Nicol son with Cpl Vozina as crew man has been here from 102 dim munications and Rescue Unit at Trenton Two weeks ago the RCAMC were celebrating their 50th anniversary and the activities included pickup of it wounded suldiur front the Army parade square Last Wednesday they were here again for further Army exer ciscs and the pilot kindly con sealed to photo tour around the Station Slime oi the pictures are reproduced III this issue Apologies are extended to iiS for stirring up all the sand during the look in on Iron all In on Borden accomplished pilot can really make it talk FO Nicolson dmlnnstratcd by ascending to the great height of about two feet then moving for ward backward sideways to the lelt and right and thm turning around on the spot The pilot also demonstrated how the aircraft is still safely under control in the event oi an engine failure if the engine quits thch is sudden sinking for few feet while process of automtatlon builds up From then on the pilot has complete control just as it ho had power again until the plane has reached the ground While the landing may bl faster than norm al it is still quite safe Pictures are included to Show the use of the hoisl with the crew man Cpl china gettihg breezy ride in the mm diaper ms sky hook has many uses such as Jane Pmldent of Ithe United State has approved the 1mm of the UnitAd States Air Medal to foil Canadian airmen for their merit orious achievement Igalnrt 1h enemy while flying F86 SabreJet aircraft with the SFIIth Air Force during the Korean conflict Citations show that Squadron Leadu Hill Fox Squadron Maderduhn MacKay DEC Flight Lieutenant William Bills and Flight Lieutenant Robert DCaicw through their personal courage outstanding airmanship and cx cmplhry devotion to duty have re fluted great credit upon them relvcs the Far East Itir Forces and the Royal Canadian Air Force SL Fox 34 of Victoria joined the RCAF in I941 Aft completing his pilot training he flew with it Bomber Reconnais sance Squadron on the west coast Canada and Alaska in comple tion of this tour of duty he was em played on transport operations in Europe until the end of the Second World Wor During the Korean conflict SL Fox served with the fiist Fighter Interceptor erlg for the period of June and July 1951i During this time he completed 70 combat sions against the enemy and commended in the citation for his courage aggressiveness and pm llO Cdn Sabres To Greece and Turkey Recommendations have bcen re ccived from the Standing Group of NATO in transfer an additional 110 Canadian Sabre fightch to Greece and Turkey made avail able as Canadian mutual aid in North Atalrfiic Treaty nations The allotment is in addition to the 54 Sabres to he transferred to the two countries during this coming sum mer and autumn Each aircraft will be complete with spares including spire en gine for each aircraft In addition 195 spare engines will be included ill the transfer to each nation On completion of the transfer of the aircraft each country will have H2 Canadian Sabres in countless ways in construction work in the Canadian bush On such Job was the new aluminum proiect at Kitimat British Giium4 bla Here the bulk of the hydro towers Iinci and installation crews were flown in to oiherwisc inac cosohin mountain country The Trenton coptcr was on an Interesting two week lob recently near Cornwall Ontario By means of II twentylive pound load weight hanging from their hoist they helped to sound the famous 14mg Sault rapids for tIK first time in preparation for the St Lawrence Seaway Project All when considered this is truly 1i remarkable machine Just think While helicopter is no speed picking up people flom water or of the possibilities on moonlight klmz about miles per hour an rough country and his linen used summer cvenlnlz AWarded to Four RCAF Pilots flciency which contributed lrutly to the ultimate success of the rlgncd plutonl SILMacKay 34 of Winnipel and New Weitmlmter loin cd the RCAF in 1N1 and following graduation from ins school war selected for flying instructor duties in Canada He went overseas in 1944 and iolned 01 Fighter Squad ron flying Spitfires During oper atlon with this squadron he won the Distinguished Flyingfiros and Bar for autstaiidlng leadership and gallitntry in the face of the enemy During his Korean tour in April and May 1953 he served with the 39th Fighter Wing The citation for SL MacKnys Air Medal states that he demonstrated outstanding professional ability during suItaln cd combat air operations over North Koran and that despite adverse wealhencoridttions haz ardous terrain and numerically superior enemy fighter aircraft he accomplished numerous missions FL Bliss 31 of Toronto joined the RCA in mi as an acre eng ine mechanic but later transferred to aircrew and was gm noted as pilot in 1943 He served overseas with ilz FighterSquadron and on completion of an operational tour served with 314 Servican Unit IIOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY MARKET PRICES JULY 14 1954 As quoted by First Coopentivc Packers of Ontario Barrie nag Market Lame Medium Small 28 Ill 35 31 21 Special Grade Grade Grade to Special Grade Grade 11 32 31 25 ill 30 Grade 25 Grade it lawn to our the above prim coin and Over lbs 25 22 15 to lbs Undo lbs 73 21 20 ID 11 12 nwm Visit our Modern Showrorim while You are in Barrie GENERAL KlilTlrliS itIASiIZRS RANGIIIIIIS IIOI Elione Z429 ronivmiuluiclis lorTE lillNGETlE lN EXCELLENT 0Nltll1fiNs26so GRASS CIRIU WASHERS ltliliRIGIIRATORS RCA VICTOR TELEVISION 00 AIR CONDITIONI JO01 ItIilltlfiIIRt IOll WOOD RAN IRONS UN WIZ IIAVII USED I7I HRH ICII IitIXIlS WASHING lAflIL TOME IN AND SIZE TIIIIDI IORS PLATES as Iii IICIRIC FANS itltlll IRIC RANGES COAL thttl OUK SItiVIiii tlUIlIII tieIn Values rIIII minimums lEItIIAIS YOU REQUIRE PAINTS IIIUMIIING FIXTURES 0R SUIIIIIIIS iilLIZUIION 01 MT REFRIGERATOth SliN CLOSED Slil RM SllViCttE DlSTitiCT iiioperative trailers HARDWARE AND APPLIANCE HEADQUARTERS LOII oi Convenient FREE PARKING III IIItruss lav4uwdumnarlnnt4Ia¢aAclllwtnr4lhmh mmImogmhh FEATURING SUSI ROOFING TOOLS SEED FERTILIZER to rcutlvale that elugriiih rcptio tanlr 79°l5°° telting dnlle engine rlrcrlfl Hir tour of duty In Korea war with the Rh Fighter Interceptor Win during May and June 1953 The citation for his award reads in part Although often faced with determined enemy apparition the courage aggressiveness and de grec of Iklii with which Ill Blifl conducted hir assignment contrib uted greatly to the ultlmale suc cess of the osxigftcd missionl FL Carew of Quebec City Joined tilt RCA in 1N1 on com pletion of his pilot tralnlII he served overreas with to RA and lZ RCAF squadrons For his combat missions during April and May 1953 with the 4th REGULAR MARGENE MIIIIIIIIIIIIIe NEW DOMESTIC SNOIlTENING YORK CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES YORKCHOICE CREAM STYLE GOLDEN CORN IIIE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 19567 Fighter interceptor Wing in Korea FL Corcw lr commended in his citation for outltondlng profess ionai ability during combat mis lion dupile hazardous conditions displaying keen llylng ability and an exemplary devotion to his duty AUCTION SALE Thiinday July 12 Jack flourish Lot 32 Con Kine Townshllfton Yonge St Norta Aurora Extension Auction sale of farm stock Imple meats grain Sale at 1230 sharp Term cash No rescr Farm said Ken and Clarke Itt tlec Auctioneers serialrm 35 SPECIAL lb pkg SPICUIAIII 2o ox our 31 SPECIAL 20 oz Iinr iolir Iiic yorhSplcy itolleii BOLOGNA I2 in 34 Yorkimh STEW YorkReef 15 oz tin 29 YORK4 DELICIOUS NERVINGH l5 oz Ilrt WIENEIIS and BEANS itIAILE LEAFPURE TENDERFLllliE LliIlD MAPLE LEAFVLAIN CHEEZ TREET YorkPeanut BUTTEflooz tumhloi 33c MayfairSpiced llref LOiiI 12 on in 30 Hereford Cornell I2 tin 45¢ ClarksMeal srneanszamze 2o nz tin 25 IIa we oz idr 27 lo oz iclr Cd Winn ma SWEET IICKLIII POllli SNOOLDERS PICNIC llliMS WIENEDS MAILIZ LEA Macaroni ti Cheese Loui liIAILH IIIZAP LUNCHEUN MElil L0lii MAP LEAF lb 49 49= IIIc 49 59c SMOKED In Ill ILASTIC TUMIIIIIIRNf ilIARG HR PACKHill MlllLE LEliF SDlil ILilliES Doubly or 75C RIUIIMIZIIIItl SMOOTH tfllIIAM SliLliD DRESSING lIIl SEAL IItNlV RHIl SOCliEYE SALMON WINDSOR IlRANiiI VARIIIIIICN lCELliND WillEllS 42 n1 iur 65 IIn 39¢ 11 oz quI 39¢ zs my IUII tllllr IiIIIIiILhIIINti HUM H75 llilttY HllNthT LEMONS Dill II Ii lIt Ilthttt 300 doc 49 flAIIIFUlNIA Nil NEEDLEHHNUNKINT GliliPEIlllili DIZB IDOI tot 29c XAIIIHIIINIA JUICY VAIiKNliIANNUNKINT onnnugs an Pulvvllnu 65¢ OWN ANI IIEIIATKD IW DOMINION NTOIIIZN LIMITIle Value Effective Friday and rfi Nlluliloy Jilly l5 Iii It turn Inc My

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