Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1954, p. 4

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tinge rSitay Queens Legion Tackles 00E cf Legion Cliinb Couse Blanks Minesing 550 smaasrim EXAMINER mommy JUL is was mansion sundae nie Alpa with pelligp to 6511 Allme were married it wutiie Mciho H000 reet cover 61 per cent or the lNlljiItPRlSE Ont CHMr dist parsonage doiycarsago Both whole area at Switzerland and Mll er Raynond cclebra tutoring good health they work roots Blank French Motors CGE2520 In Begin Climb ted theirfldoth wedding lnniver alien in their bidyegetable arid With the battle to ilrst place in the Barrie district senior soitball standings crowded as tire sale Barrie Legionmo mentarily knocked Mlneslng out of contention with an impressive 50 shutout victory at Minesing Monday Harry Cause loser of only one start this season chalked up another brilliant mound performance in limiting the hardswinging Minesing squad to three scattered hits ran nlng sixand walking only one In live or the seven innings Condo retired theslde in order Thewln moved Legion into llrst lace tie with Canadian Gen eral ectric and they hold game invhandfi However OGE played Ed ai Toppers at Edgar last night an tberesulteould aflect the Standing No matter what the Thursday night meeting between Legion and CG find much at stake and Queens Park should shelter one or the largest softball crowds at the season Minesirigs ace Ken Glenn gave up seven hits three tor extra bases and lor the most port lound Leg ion threatening to break out with runs in most every inning Even the quickdelivery lastbailer could not check the teams losing streak which has now reached three in row The Legino used five innings to plate their rims Popp opened the ilrst with single and worked his way around tor the games lirst counter In the second triple by Gelucia and sacrifice fly by Genre made it Z0 The defending champions took 40 lead in the fourth oti three hits singles by Ted Hardacre and Harry Cause and double by Gelucia in the seventh they col lected their line run lrom Thur laws single Mincsiniz nevu seriously threats rned George Miles singled to open the second but got moving to third and the side retired in order in the fourth Glen Adams salvaged the teams second hit all Cause but never moved lroiii lirst Ken Glenn started the filth with li single but was out on ilalders choice Harry Adams Walked in the seventh but got nicked at socv and In all Couso only faced 13 batters over the seven lnnings lust two over the minimum led Hardaere with singleiand Thornton Trample ivy Maple Leafs Thornton ran roughst over ivy Maple Loaf last week when they rolled to sixinning 229 victory in north Division South Simcoe baseball game at Thornton Jake Smith and Bill Hunter were he battery or the league leaders while Bill Laycook started on the mound ior ivy relieved by Clar ncl lioggarth who gave way to Brolcy later in the game Lou lilorroiii With two home runs and Joe Timmons with one wcrc kcy batting liguros in the win ners olicnslve Thornton pity host in Barrie French Motors Friday night and he game is expgcicd to draw one or the best crowds of the season it the community diamond Widow and Children Rocnitu $10000 on $5000 Policy in wumn own joint rxmiiiic dial miily in Im running arriilrii lie was intirvrd with 15000 Imiieilersiion Lila inon min in Arrlileiitll liraiii iii Disinriiiliriinrni lieiieiii ia lull ilil aiilnw and shit llrrn imivrii $10000 Ar tlirir rm anil pmieriion Ilioiuil sells it its liiiiil iiiyLiaiim III Iiiisioiirratloiia Accidental ilralii Iiiiiieiniirtmeiii lieu eiii on 15000 lnliry pays 05000 If you all hum natural raiiua 0000 ii ynn did It manni noon It you ii aeriilmt while in piililio vslilcia auroraleiialvglalieurlnl in iiiiilio tuna lthml mi paymonia iiw Iirnmntmmmi whim oniedciaiion iiiouiiios rmlrrzn iimiin mm Indlmntty iii lillll iietvrrseniaiive Caroline Btreet liicCartney ri double and Gelucla with triple and double headed Leaiona oi enslvei Porn Couse inanim low had one hltcach LEGION Popp ll Schewchuk rl Hines 3b Kettle ss Perry lb Hardacre Getucia 2b Cause Thuxlowlcl MllNESING Win Downey Adams li Adams 55 Miles 2b Glenn Luck cl Weri deney 3b Dumlord rl McKee lb Beilby cl Legion llil 2001 Mincslng 000 000 it Mon Golfers into 2nd Round At Barrie Club First round has been completed at Barrie Country Club in the mens championships First iltght results George Dan geriield defeated Gordon Baln Bob Chittick deicoted Joe Saso Gordon Needham detoatcd Hollis Robinson Charlie Seagram dcleat ed Fred Anderion Jack Rodgers deieatcd Bob MacDonald default Dr Haslett deflated Gordon Roach Jack Kennedy deleated Jim Simpson John Ough delaated Bill Hamilton Second flith results Lloyd GOA henn dcieated Don Rumble Ken Treadweli dcicaied Dr Fred Mc Dowell Les Martin defeated Torry Harris Danny MacDonald defeat cd Dr Harold Smith Jack Corby deleaied Jack Craig liazon Edge doiaatcd Gordon Coulis default Ron Armstrong deieated Ross Pea cock Wilmer Rowell doleated Charlie Osborn Volunteer Labor Requested By Curling Club Barrie Curling Club are asking for members to volunteer their labor in the interest renovating the club rooms Bout momma being fontsrged with ilte maln downstatrs room laid with hard wood flooring Assistance lrom club members is requested and evening work is donccvcry Tuesday Thursday and Friday starting at pm and finishing at I0 COSTLY ACCIDENT LACIIUTE Quc iCPlA buck deer weighing 175 pounds was struck and killed by car owned and driven by Maicit Wilson near ltiareian The impact caused dam agu estimated at $750 to the car RCAI Close in on Champions With Winl RCAF ilyersol Camp Borden prevented Bradbord from running out of sight in the South Simone soltbail standings when theyscored onesided ilt victory Monday night in one at the toughest parka to claim WinBmdlord lihe interlocking and South Sim coe defending champions saw their league lead trimmed to one point as the Flyers with one game in hand move into position to claim the top rung The Flyers usually weak hit ting but strong delensive aggrega tlon thumped starter Steve Simone and relielcr Pal Poland lor nlnc hits took advantage at practlLally every iiiiscue made and welcomed walks and there were nine or them in act it was bad night all around tor Braddord who had no excuses with all regulars on hand Cllt Dutch Foster enjoying an amulng season on the mound 0orthe Fiyers was touched or nine hits but kept them so well scattered that Eradlord had all four runs confined in the third inning That short outburst brought Bradford trom behind lor lead but the Flyers came back with tour oi their own in the our th and the issue was settled Ilhey didnt think so andfiddied our more in the sixth Sasso new catchcr lor the Fly eis was the big gun stthe plate from his eighth position with three singles on tour trips Guns follow ed with two The Flyers tamed longball threat Jim Mdhrtney was held hitless Ken Tupllng and Joe Magant each with two singles headed Braddolds attack ROAFtiloster Prudence in Caldwell 3b Mclhrtneylb Low den ii Lord cl Lyons rt Sasso Gunc ss BRADFORDVeal lb Fallls 71 Tupllng Gillan 3b Carter ri Maganl as Simone it Edney cl Ems Lt Poland Reynolds Lt 201 IMOl1 Golfers Invitedl Jilondaietgoli course have come up with treat lor all Slmcoe County dullers and summer vis itors Wednesday July 21 ihey will open their scenic ninehole course tree at charge Housed Aimsr OTTAWA CmMary Theresa OTarrcll pioneer newspaper wom an and artist who died at age 90 painted scenes that are hung in number at lloman Catholic chur chcs and convents hcrc Ndiivc at Montreal she was on the Editorial stnli iii the old Ottawa Free PIN years ago This Fun iltti glued ny World lat into SEPTiil TlillliS Pumped and Cleaned Ni iIJ HUT AEMEIIHHNUY CALI Static Tanks and Weeping Bods installed IIIIIUMII HEITIU TANKS SEPllt iiiliii Sliiiillilll 00 Phone Borrle 5527 deies Bail Barrie Greer Acesgieeted wing less Canadian Generai Heuric with extreme hitsand airtight pitchingMoriday night to cbsikup onesided 12M vlctoryin fa no ric district ladles soltbaillcniitest at Shear Parit Mt ins to mrs oilaThll lenge tr lourthmiacerEimvsile ihcAcesi bhvle from all appear antes shaken the siiimp thatldmp pcd tiiem lout oi tirstplacecom petition into third spot in the six eam atandlngs gt heading the booming bate against dgls Awas Hoer Wr ht with ti ruand dual Dorian Parker poled tripieflond doubles in as Mother they collected Mur cl Lamb and Lorna McLean The ces touched Nrbu oi CGE tar 15 but the coilngdous little hurlerjllowed with be terd2ien4 sivr support she could evelop in to winner Betty pishop aiarted onthe mound tor the Aces and only al lowed or hits over tour innings Muriel brelleilcd and was touched to three singlesin three lramcs Together they collected seven strikeouts Dorian Pdrker Muriel Lamb and Haielergbt With three hits each ted the Acgs Vollensive Robin noox zand florna McLean had two apiece Andersonuwtthvd gialr topped CG and GhEER AiJFSLennox ssuParkl cr dLamb3b Wilson lb Wrigiht 1L Daley 2h McLean Marldn Gaunt ri dishoo Reid rl Mar galtlGOilfll 3b CGHenham it Withers 2b Forbesp Anderson ss Stacey Robertson 3b Waison rr Shelsweii cl McKeever lb 159 zsis oooooooo molarsailinmpiaie Buck Dmberllne bases STROUD Honor Departing Teacher Tomark the occasion 01 school closing in June and to honor those teachers who are leaving this area the onmen Teachers soclltlon oi innlsltl TSA No he at dinner party at FarinaaiSpaglietti liouse Stroud on June 25 Dinner over Miss Velma thbert on oebail ol the teachers bald tribute to Miss Marion web MissMarte Cottrell and Miss Mari yn Raymer and ex pressed the regretol all at their leaving Eachnt them was then presented with an as memento olher associalldniwith the organ luiiun Miss Webb is leaving alter number oi yearsos principal at StroudSehocl to take position on the Barrie teaching stall Miss Cottrell who has been at Painsx wlck is going to Edenvale and Miss naymer isreauming her stud ies at TaachersCollige We wlsli all oi thorn success and happiness in their luturework WARNS BOAT OWNERS PETERBOROUGH Cll Iheit ola 25hortepowcr motor irom boatltled up at whirl hon brought adv cc iramlnlpeclor oi Dctcctivu William Clarke that boat owners infinitive even on iloh ir theircrait has to be cit unattended Many sucli Irtldenu occur evéryaummerhe slid Have ANCIENT BACE TheOrlyaa native or Oilssa in the Republic ui litdla trace their traditions hack to l000 DC Boot Churchill Jt tools My Iimms lew weeks to straighten out the kink in his South Simme north division en try but now Barrie French Mo tors one or the youngst clubs to youmete in the circuit are begin ning to develop into irwintiing hombinntlon liowardSieckley and Johnny Moore who worked the fourth inning only limited Churchill to one bites the Motormen scored of 11 victory Monday night at Agri cultural Park It was their second in iow and lourth oi the season Churchills keiin Sinclair who was heralded as budding mound star lam year has failed to live up to expectations this campaign While he tanned it he also issued tour walks and live hits one triple by Mike Dusomi over the six innings Barrie counted the games open ing run in the second when Ross Butch Grahamreached Lirst on an error and made the rounds on two stolen bases and second mis CUB Churchill tied the score 11 in the top at the third when Jack Constable singled home Roy Stu goon mic had walked And that was the last time the visitors poke Mter Mike McCaniis single droveiacrnss Howard teclsley tor the tiebreaker Fr ch Motors mmped to twovsun sprees in the lourth and lilth and added asingle run in the sixth lMctiann Dusnmc John Christie Jack Etheringtan and Quinlan as counteddnr Barrles hits Steelday star on the mound but ran intn iron to in the rourth and Johnny Moore iinished the inning Steek ley then returned lrom right lield to work the llnal three innings showing excellent form in tanning the last four batten he faced cmrmnon Abrams Iioy Sturgeon 71 Davis ll darts Constable lb Keith Sinclair Mel Saunders is Yosh Yamotto rl Harrison ct Frank Keil cl Vern Abrams 3b BAMLlEJim Edward oi Mike McCann as Jack Clemens rl Ross Graham Mike Dusorrie it John Christie 2h Frank Wiley lib Jack cringflon lh Howard Steckiey rt Johnny Moore ib Quinlan ri cimrciiiii ooi 00001 Barrie ii nix7 UMP ward Charitier plaic Joe Brew bases Per capita consumption or beat in Jnada increased 32 per cent in 1955i to 591 pounds Pictures by Favero Examiner stall photographer that or pear In this newspaper are available In glossy prints For in lniormatton about in picture you want Phone 2414 The Barrie Examiner RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS Colops highly trained technicians are hilly qiiallilcd to aervlro any radio or ltlevlsion art guaranteed to give you aatlalaclion and c0409 Barrio Television Exports save you money 259 iiiiiisrii sr Pliilllii 2429 BARRIE BRANCH CANADIAN LEGION Mlllilli illiLI NIGHT Thursday July 15 yilillillllltillliill Plilili DOUBLE lIEiDER Pirates Dodgers ligois vn Bravos VFIRST GAME PM ADMIHHIONAIIULTN Ilia CIIIIMtINFIIIK Lunbl4iui nan my lathe urns house where they ilower garden 47 5f dsnotlier thing iilrt Dangerfield iiioiiirs laclaahg artsaa so well in your novels Mr5winkels are the surprise endings EXPERT BililY iiilPiliiiS REASONABLE RATES Contaotiltirl Ed nagan SERVICE MANAGm For Fania ESTIMATE Us Iiellniaia Your Car tmnran 69 Collier St Dial 2487 liaisiiere in The BOUblflUtlitllifltlllle Yearsilesi iiiiys iPiérityoi outdoor lulltime stiliori 3tIiecalendar Stock up how on gwiri ngweambles ior your leisurtlhours Short sleeves in white grey and blues Sins SJtliL $295 iiiiiiiu JEliliS Mens denim hobby learn the ideal thing lor holiday wear ms ms Knltted cotton with em neck and gaucho collar style izss swuii suns Naiionllly iamous Jantzen swim suit iii boxer or iiiiel style Ilnm 05 Well tailored lo our max tmum comfort Made lrom cotton horn £3 soils Jilillls Boys nanloriled loans ready to stand the tough wear they will got mm rm BOYS TSlllliiS iioya thiiiin Fhiilru or illian IUHMIV WP Irnm It BillililES IliliiiEST MENS iiiiii we iii cars iilrna sport cam iii KMi milciy li llllltlnlt atyirii painnu tmn to iiiiiiS tiiiiiiiiii sriiiis MESH TSlillilS 0i you with short alsevrs vm mi own rnliar All stirs an OWER lN OUR BUYING MEANS MONEY IN YOUR POCKIT iiuniop St East lit The liveioiiiis rerunerr

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