Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1954, p. 3

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THE BABE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY Far some 20 years he was in he empiny Hi we Undemm Limiled shoe racmry During most of muse years in was armu outstanding orchestra an and drummer and singer ops1 music In bum circles but ibly to greater degree in musical field he was known an enjoyed as cuiorlui pnrsonniily mliscssed of nniura gin for mimi keen sense humour and Many will recall wun not limo nmialgin his work the haritnnv Vncullsi with various dance orchestras particularly the unit Job Pawcila Melody Men which played in this area or Sev eral years prior to and during the war For time he appeared an vacniisi on weekly programmnl India simian CFEH Toroniu He was lung valued member he Barrie Cilizens Band Mr Barth is survived by his widow the tanner Muriel McCon key Midland and um son Gre gory who mm in Toromo uls ler violet Mrs Genrgn Frlckn Sn and brcmer Jack bath Barrie nm Cu Thu pallbearem were 1111 RCA pcrsonnel with whom Mn Barth had been associated at Camp Burr dClL They were LAC Dana An lepton LAC Gordon Adams LAC John Reid LAC Thomas Foley LAC Hubert Berkwllh and LAC Ronald Gauthier The many Horn mbmm includ ed hrso fro mm McLend Club CAP Camp Burden the Airmnns Mnss Camp 13 rrle cm zcns Hand an The Thu Orangvmon nlundkd 50r vlm 1n Pinkerton Church on Sun day Mrs Lloyd Cubum and Pnlcr are spending Lw days with Mrs Lloyd Hughes their couage nn qurgiun uculsmn Wu Mr and Mrs Mel McCarmll nnd Don Pcmrhnmugh upon Hrldny wilh Mrsv Doyle and Mrs Meson Mr and Mrs Farn are vlsiung n1 Mllhm and Hlllshyra David Countll Pam Cuburn irnllk Mnhm mid Kunny W031 are fipbndlnn week at he church mm In Mldland llm Archie BMW Camp Borden former barrie rwidem passed away suddenly in Royal Victoria Mospllnl on Sunday mumflng July 11 1954 He was in his 45m year He had been in hmplml two week undergoing rehtmem when hv sulfered heart attack Born In London England Archlw buld Harry Thomas Barth emigra 18 In Canada with his amny 1919 comm directly Barrie wnuc for some years pm to his1 death he had been on the flat at the Airmens Mess III the RCAF smuon Camp Burden Mr Earth was wellremembered In Barrie The luneml service was held me Lloyd and Sleekley Funeral Home Barrie with the Reverend Allan Read Reclnr OK Trinity Angllcan Church omdaung In letmunl was made In Barfle Un ionCumcIery Mrs Ja den and chlldren Amway peudlng lwn wevks with Mr and Mrs Doug Slcwarl Famlly Beunlnn The llmrmnn amlllw lucid Inllnn Mr uracil Cnpchnds on Sunday mun Mr and Mrs 0h Sargranl and many at llnrrle sxmnl Sunday Ilqlph nggylm Mn Leeann Mr nml Mn Wm unu 1mm vmuu 0mm frlondu nu Sunday Mn Allen spunl low Ilny In Tawnlu Insl wrck VMS Mull Thr WMS mu nl Mls nowrs rnllxlm lxhl luuulny wllh Mrs Chunllcr In In thulr Th1 mrvl Inn wan In chum 01 MN Hnuumon nml Mrl IL Cupclmul Mrs McCltnnnxl Munsnold wal llm sprnkcr my plrnxnnl am filul hour was sponl urnx mu man up Ynunz nuplr rem Innmun mum tumor or Mr nml Mm Jim 1er wan mm In no hnll Ian mm wrnlnu wnm un urcmlnun mm Wm pru nnml Ihn newlyurtls um um wmm nu yum muplv mm MM 1mm Wm nnl hulhlnyl Hull In WIIIIY Mnx Mnxrlq wrrkrml mm nl Itmmlu Mr null Mn filwlp MIM mln mum flulnl lIIIIL Nrw Hvuuwuk hulldnvlng th lurr umllvrr Ilmulkvwsky Mr Ind Mu Mutiny um 21 huhy mu uldurl Unvllllllnm mt vllmnx rmnm Ilul nlnuvn Prominent Musician Archié Barlh Dies 45 Burial Barrie Cemetery ML ulul Mu Immtu Nuw Jemy InllIrl nluhr Mn wrvil Mr InL MI WllM um um Hy Hui VI nl IIllwn nml hlrmln hmu hm Wmkllhl Mn nml Mu Ely only vl mmII mum amm 1mm wlll Ire mm Irnlrrl In wvux mum Chmrh Hum Ivy July In um murh mum Him lmlldlm 1leva mmmuz mm II mlwk 111m WIN WWI mud llw wrnlm 710 leI llnv mu 4qu mum mm pnwnlur um um Ynunl uhMAI Mr nml Mm In mo hnll rm mm Ilw himh In all data me win In nwll Nunhnnnlm Imh slvkm whhh wlll fur MIIA Iluxu Newton Robinson Minesing Station WEST ORO wnm uml huh mil lnrvnlly wllh hullll fiululybvuvk mun 1mm mn nun nglxagylnu wflh Airmnns Barrie cm Meiody Men 51VILL mu vlillnl llu Mun hm MKS Mary Lime Teeswaler and Mrs Samuel Jnflmon Donald and John Newmnrkel were Sunday guns of Mr and Mrs Robert Bayes hke over huge Norman hunt anantu has taken aver Fennel Garage 1mm Chnrlle Dreeden Sundn Vvlsllnrs wilh Mr and Mrs Eben Sawyer were Mr and an mi Jnhn nl Fargo Dakota nnd Mrs Slan eyCanns and and Isaac aims at uradlurd Mr and Mr Frank K011 and Clarence were vbillng with Mr and Mrs Hubert McKenzie Nnrlh Toronto on Sunday Sylvia and Edith who have been visiting n1 Ihé same home for week he turned wllh their parents In Same School Mb Ethel Todd 11 mm flvu weeh Primary Mathudl course It Oluwa FL and Mn William Nellly and Michael CentraHn were at Lou New or the weekend also Jean Robinson Taronln Mr and Mrs Art Bell Milton nndMrs Bells mother Mrs Smefl ing from England were Sunday vlsllors nt Owen Bens 1m Afigllcnn Church of St Pauls at Port Royal NS was bulll in 1750 Vhltofl Bl Paul Russell or the weekendwlrt Mr and M11 Bd Gusan and daughter Dhnne Ind Mr Ind Mra Sidnay mull Ill Toronto Grnlihifi Benin oronlo span the weekend Wllh nunl Mrs George Nwhllt Boyds Paint aWallpaper ll Ilnmmlnn Ht lInrrln Sn or flu olor yell huvcnl bun nhln In Ind mm In and dunk our Cnynr at you kn Churmul Gwy Bnnnulu Cowl Cllwnlllu Ptrlwlnklu shrimp Fink nulvomalxh Curnuvlon PInkyoutl flnd mm mu Winn you III Imlumln Manul Color at you like It youll heartily Igrnlor In film 200 olou yaull and in HM color you an looklnn luv to no wlvh your drupurlu or luinlxhlngl or puhupn that uuw In AFJD YOU CAN BUY THESE COLORS IN ARTISTS AND PRQEESSIQNAL DECQRATORS SAY THE FINEST RANGE 0E PAINT Gowns YET PflflDUCEfl In all Wild povlmmanco hldinq Im uppllcmion ap ponmnco um long liloyoull find Moons Haunt Palnl Ih vmy b0 II II My lullh lucllon palnl FOR GREMEST SATISFACTION YOP QUAUIV Gallon $725 Qua $210 MOORWHITE PRIMER Th II on oxleriar primov lpociufly formulated soul now wood or old woulhnrod palnved wrucol Provonls absorption oil Item ID finlxh coat so Ihul mo pnlnl ob lam longer Ol VMUE Gallon $725 Quart $2l0 HISTORIC CHURCH GILFORD TOP QUALITY FINISHES lnIerIor Alkyd Flul Oil Palm lnlerlor Alkyd SemiGloss Enumol EonrIor Gloss Palm 11 Ham mum Ina rnlm IIITAIVIR INQIYIIIIR INVITHL Dminin ll dulzned to make doclon at the Navy Anny and Air Force iamlllnr wldl the nedicnl arable the three armed force The subject receivinl mos allén lion will be public heaith and pre ventive medicine the surgery oi waders aviation medicine and the evacuation casualties Surgeon Caplnln 11 Ruttun 40 of Winnipeg and Vlclarln medlcal altlcer of lhn Rnan Clin ndlnn ley will be Jlle first Com mnndan ol the School The Cenlre wlll be loomed he RCAF Sla tlnn Toronto and RCAF Wm be responsible for admlnlstratlon The Army is conlrlbullng largely to he Instruman staff Emlnem clvlllang wlll he asked lo serve as guest lectureu Each course will be slxnweek durallan and al low or local enrolment of 25 parlannel The creallnn oi the Medical Juini Training Centre was the result of recummendadons made by the Canadian Forces Medical Council in an 8qu to improve cooperatinn between the three medical services oi the armed larces Dr Mne Farlane Dean Medicine Unl vorsity nl Toromo is chairman of the Canadian Forces Medical Coun cil and will supervise Ihe lmlnlng given at the new Centre The cardinal 0112 of he com wrath91y tew mm spec e5 whose female can sing Medical Join Training Centre Ottawa July 5A Medial mm TnlnlntCentu wlll be opencd on July In anonh la lruln incom lnt docan the three Armea lu vlm wax Innnunced lady by Natlnnal Defence Hendquamn SINGING CARDINAL llmno 5200 HdlessnSherhet Dated Baily Blend Pride oi Arabia fioflee SPECIAlI 0mm Product oflhalobluw Salary SPECIAlI Quality Produft or mammuw nanny Raspberry Jellyliollg new Loauws come akdfio 4y yawn Crédgad Who lOBlAWS msmy cnoUNn CherryMullbwllslighls SeuldSweel llmnge Juice svEcqu Mammkw almm Weihgys Brglgifi yqllthickles Moi Red Rose orange Pekoe 1de Gerbers Baby Cereull Ogilvie Cake Mix Mum libbys Mixed Vegetables mom SovereigflSockeyeSnlmoni 11 IiiC Orange Drink Slukelys Honey Pod Pees mm SPECIAlI Contemmled Frozen Kleenex mum on cuunvuzl 10 Snowflake Ammonia Powdér max OCedur Furnilure Cream rm OLIll Success liquid Wax 317 593151 Society Dog Food 7m Pepsedent Denial Cream ms New lux sonmm lot Tone soup 1lequ Blue Cheer Spic and Span Cleaner Princess Soup Flakes Deal CONCENIIAKD MVIL eh lux sonmm ll Tone soup SCIIINHAUACK Blue Cheer Spit and Spun Cleaner Princess Soup Flakes Deal Aiax Cleanser Punex Toilet Tissue Maple leaf Ioilei Soup fluid Ahggll°pd Caké Mix SPECIAlI mmv IV vhm loaqwsnmmous 1le c1 ORANGE DI RASPBEIIV SIICED 0R IlNSllCED 1641 3211 DI Ol IIL 54L 01 YINS HIISCUIT 02 lOAF lOL PKG lbOl llFl OLTlN 701 YIN lFl OLIIN lSH OZVflNS lHl OLJII PKG 1m IEO CAKE 29a 3201 51c 446 63c 21 35c 11c 33c 31c Cérlo lidnil CalIo Crystals Sealuch Red Rubber Rings Metal Jar Rings Melal fll Ilings uomucaumn FruiIJuIs mu 001149 Rose Brand Margarine at 19c Burns Ehgckwugnn Dinner 31 Davis Gelatine 2423 Dysons Di Pickles aka Hansons Inslunl Puddings mm 03419 111 286 nation 10 Domestic Shéilening Malibuch Cheese Jelly Jars JHMBOREE lEMIlN PIEFILLING ASSORTED FLAVOURS EVHPIIBHTEB MILK aim MILK POWDER SflBflTflGfl PDTflTflEHIPS CORN STARE EUNCREST PEANUT BUTTER JELLY PDWDEBS SALAD DLWES BENSONS McLARENS SHERIFFS own nous JACK JILL FREE PARKING FACILITIES FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT OUR STORE mums AIR CONDITIONED 52 BAYFIELD ST 52 BAYFIELD ST PRESERVING SUPPLIES AT OUR STORE AI lafnd Oz 31 Assonljzn rmvouns ngs MIDIUM DOI 12 Pkg Id lax 1801 In 13 11 we 0L PKG Mb Ti 01 ZWOl PKGS HI PKG PKG ll DDL no 136 PKG Ll 25c 25 27 30c 29 iii

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