Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1954, p. 13

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Horriepf Brides Parents Setting ForMarriage Thn bome oi the brides parents was ecoratett with rose and peon ie rthc weddin on telday June 26l954 ut tilree oclock In the alternoon oi MissMarlcnc Vaughn Weatherill second cldtst daughteroi SSgtang Mrs Robert WeatheriliCoidwatcr RR to Walter Earn Laughllnfeldest son oi Gordnnlaaughlin and theistic Mm Laughlin 01 Coldwater RR Rev Charles Carterperiormed the ceremony Thebridewas attired in white not oversatln withtpeari and bead trimmings and lace Jacket She carriedrcd roses As her father is servingin Germany with the nadian iorces tlle bridcwas giv in marriage by her brothcl ale Weatllcrill The bridesmaid was Miss Valerie Weatherill sister oi the bride wearingpale blue not over tatieta and carrying bouquet oi iohnnna Vhill roses Robert Lnughlin brother oi the groom was groomsman Th iiowcr girl was Miss Mleh aclc Weatherill sister of the bride wearing pink nylon dress and carrying it nnsegay of roses Ushers were Lloyd Crawiord oi Oro Station and Douglas Borrow oi Barrie Assisting to receive at recep tion or seventyrtlvc guests at the home oi the bride were her moth er wearing navy nylon dress with lace triln matching accessor ies and corsngc oi roses and the brides grandmother Mrs John Galbraith who chose mauve ores and Corsage oi joanna hillroses For travelling to northern points the bride wore navy suit with white aecesorics The couple will reside in Goldwater Outoivtown guests attended irom Toronto Barrie Ore Station Hills in and other points Lorraine Lawrence Becomes Bride of Robert Good Burton Avenue United Church Harris was UleSdtting or wed ding at wide interest on Saturday June 20 iii at threethirty clock in the ailernaon when Miss Mary Ella Lorraine Lawrence daughter oi Mr nndMrsLcslic Lawrence 01 Barrie was married to Robert Melbourne Good oi Sar nia son oi Mr and Mrs Good or ChapleAu nev Eugene Beech periormed the marriage ceremony wedding music was played by Mrs Gordon Roach who also se companiedtho soloist Mrs Marvin Forteriield oi Exeter in the slug ing of The Lords Prayer before the ceremony and0 Perfect Love during the signing oi the register At the reception she sang Wedding Jrayel Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing gown oi while hitch iashioncd with iull skirt at White nylon tulle witha titted bodice ni chantiily lace teat uring scalloped neckline and short scalloped sleeves Her ilnger tip vcil oi tulle illusion fell from cnrnnct headdress oi pearls and she was carrying cascade bouquet at White carnatinns and tiny deli cate pink sweetheart roses The matron oi honor Mrs Ed ward Manel at Richmond Hill and the bridesmaids Mrs Wib Mills and Mrs it Henry oi Barrie were wearing identical waltz length gowns oi apple green tai ieta leaturing empire waistlinss with bodices oi green ilowercd nylennrgsnza Their matching hats oi mohair were scalloped and had tiny velvet flowers as trimming and they were wearing matching shoes They carried cascade bou quets Di bright pink esterccd dais iesr Miss Lyn Fellow at Chaplcau was ilnwer girl wearing short dress or apple green ilowcred ny on the bodice file were matching headdress and while glove and shoes and carried rioacgay oi pink roses and white carnationa Leighton Smith oi North Bay we groomnnan and thcushcrr were Edward Lawrence oi Barrie sndThom Godircy oi Chaplcau raceptl it followed In the Sun day School rooms where the math er the bride receivedin pile rose sheer styled with lace inserts Her accessories were navy and she was wearing corsagc oi blue estereed daisies The groom mother who also re ccived was in heather tricotinc crepe and was wearing white se cessorics and corsagc oi pink rarnations Leaving on wedding trip to Ottawa and Montreal the bride was wearing dress oi mauve lincn with flared skirt and bodice oi mauve cotton lace trimmed with rhinestones under linen bolero jacket Her hat was oi matching mauve linen and she was wearing white accessories and corsagc oi yellnw roses On their return Mr and Mrs Gond will be making their home in Sarnjn Obiwitown guests at the wed ding were irem Chapleau North Bay Toronto Hamilton Eradinrd ahd Stmud saiurday Bride Honored by Home Town Gathering Bciorc her wedding nn Saturday Miss Rcta Parker iormcrly oi the public school teaching staii nt Huntsville hut in recent years of Barrie was showered by group oi her iricnds at the home oi Mr and Mrs Wilircd Rice oi Hunts ville Twcntytwo guests were pre sent Mrs Blce was assisted by Mrs Davis and Mrs Bud Robinson The bride was presented with piecemi iioyal Doullnn Ton oi the Hill by Mrs Robinson on bchali oi the iricnds who made up the group Miss Parker made suitable reply Another ieature oi the evening was ilnral contest in which nli participated Prize presentations ion organza over hooped slip ior the contest were awarded the Tile DollarWise Shoppers Protect Their Wushingltiuchlne investment WITH liiiiiS HERCULES MECHANISM FAll lillAliltNrll illluum tmllhmnu hunt in withstand pm and un til the hunt liltul ni pllnlaiimrnt VAhi Wash ililnny lint lnm dirty iinlilrs hflliilt lut wnve illglll mum Inst Itul rlullu llun any other mm iii AN 10 llirllii srlirll in nil In II HZAII ANII 113A ADJUNTMNNI link aluls All In In wit as inglic iNDIlflIrH ii train Mitrtltlng tho IrIUI lit the hoqu VIII want In lttl WHATEVKR MINI UI NitAl VI Wll inliis II the IIIii Hill has It MARINE IliAltht XIOMIIIIL III man II III lulur Invlllllllo III II Mid eariulivn ingila ninmymln lulu lEVIT7S American Couple Travel 700 Miles Beerdsali Reunion The Beardsali ilmily and their wid eonnodinn oi relatives gath er in Spdngwaicr Park Mid hurst on Saturday July ior the 23m annual reunion The weather was ideal and the members started to gather in the pavilion about pm By the time supper was ready there were thrcc long tables laden with good things to eat and over 100 out down to snioy real social meal together They were there from Barrie Orillia and all small hamlets around those two ccmres Toronto Winchester Brampton Elmvalc North Bay Montreal and Petcnboro and one cousin and her husband Mr and Mrs Kirk Dyrnent had come 700 miles irom the United States They rechVcd the prize or coming the longcs distance Mrs inura Tubman oi Petcrboro received the prize ior being the oldest Bcardsnll at the picrue There was also beanguessing contest sponsored by Mrs Mac Gilchrist Toronto First prize ior this event went to John Bcardsail Shanty Bay and second prize to Mrs petty Warren Toronto The oldest momiber oi the iamily attending was as he is know to all Uncle Tom Sewrey Drillia After the tables had been clear ed away the business at electing niiicers and the general business that makes the reunion such sue cessirom year to year was con ducted Oiliccrs for i955 are President lame Beardsall To ronto viccnpresideni James Ports er Brampton secretary Gilbert Bezrdsall North Bay treasurer Frank Beardsail Toronto The committee ior making are rangelnenls ior next yearsrplcnlc is composed oi the members irom Barrie und Drillia and those re siding between these two towns suecessiul competitors by Miss Bes sie McAlplne and Mrs nay Bail Misc Parker was married to Peter Sinclair ei Barrie in Huntsville and will be making her home in Barric Burlington llwdlairmanodthilcommittuil VubrtDBeardsaiL0riiiia 111 relative decided by un animous votcto rrturnto st Vin cent Park Barrie where the re union had been Ilcld ior several you ior their picnic on Saturday July loss ALI proceeded to the ball iieid where there were sports events ior young and old By the time this was concluded nigbiiali had come and the members shook hands all round with the last wish in hope to see each other again next year in Barrie Coldiivaier Manse ls Seiting For June Wedding Coldwater United Church Par sonage was the setting inr the wedding on Saturday June ill 1054 at two oclock in the niterndon oi Miss Muriel May Bayrnond only daughter oi Mr and Mrs Hilliard Raymond 14 Goldwater to Itulden Roy Silk youngest son at Mr and Mrs William Silk oi Mount Ste phen The bride who was given in marriage by her iathcr was attired in 3410de blue suit with white accessories and wore Corsage pink roses and lilyoithcvallcy Rev Ross Cumming pcriolm ed the ceremony Mrs George Silk the matron oi honor wore beige suit with rose accessories and corsage oi pink roses The grooms brother Silk was groomsman Alter wedding trip to northern points Mr and Mrs Silk will re lrifle ambit Memorial Avenue Or George SPANISH NAME Cortes island oii Vanmuver is land was so named in 1792 by the Spaniards in honor oi iicrnando Cortes LONG TERM Sir Lomer Gouin Liberal was premier and wttorncyvgcneral oi Quebec irom 1005 to 1920 RivenCallaghan Nuptiais are Held in Lindsay Churc Miss Mary Therm Callaghan daughter oi Mr and Mrs Thomas Callaghan oi Reaboro was mar ricd on Saturday June 18th last at ten oclock in the morning in St Marys Roman Catholic Church at Lindsay to Joseph Alireti Riv ctt son oi Mr and Mrs Alired itivctt oi Cookrtown The mar riage ceremony was performed by Right Reverend Monsignor Mc Auley pastor oi Lindsay who also said the nuptial mast The girls nirst Josephs Acad emy sang Salve iose 0n Thb Day Sacred Heart and Panis Angeli eus during the mast Beiore the marriage ceremony Miss lrepe Trace preicct oi the Sodalily in St Basils Parish Toronto and Miss Joyce Taylor past prciect preceded the bride to the Shrine tr Our Lady where they renewed her act ni consecration as in Child at Mary and removed her Sodal Ity medal Present in the sanctu ary was Rev James Kcélor or St Pauls Parish Allisten Given in marriage by her iather the bride was wearing an imported gown stylcdwlth bouiiant skirt oi layclu oi tulle with inserts oi lace over satin peterpan collar and lace bodice trimmed with opul cscenlc Hcr tulle veil iell into short train irom hcr matching tiara headdrw and she was car tying mother of pearl prayer book covered with Corsage oi pink roses with trailing white streamers tier with pink roscbuds She canted rosary blessed by the Holy Father Her attendants were Mrs Twokcy 01 Lindsay sister oi the bride asmatron oi honor in waltz length gown oi yellow net with insets oi lace and lace bol era and Mrs Mcchan oi Harrow sister at the bride and Miss Mary Riveti oi Toronto sister at the green in similar gowns in mauve with matching headdresscs The attendantJ carried noscgnys oi spring ilowers Mia Mary Joanne Meehan niece of the bride was flower girl in gown of pale green organdy with mauve trim She carried yellow rose and wore matching wreath Master Brian Twokcy the brides Canada 1954 litiYiii WliSllEli WITH iilthiMiiTlt Plllilp AND BELF INDEXING WRINGER This In your opportunity in own It benuiliill new Iii51 iNiliibl ItiWti WttiiIIiit with nutnmntlo pump illlli sellwinding wringrr iur much less til the priceoilul ordinary mnclilllc Tnkc atlrveilthgc oi imitli Hiicciili Stile itliltliilllltliit the quantity oi these machines is tlcillliieiy lltlillrll Illlil this oiicr inlay not be rrpclitctl now AT LEVITS ONLY WITH TRADE OF ANY WASHER REGARDLESS OF AGE TRADING I29 BARBIE manna WEDNESDAY JULY 195413 godson was ring bearer Ambrmc Rith ol Barrie was groomnun ior his brother and the ushers were James itivrit or Cookstown and William and John Callaghan at Toronto and Reaboro reception ior issguutl was held on the lawn oi the bums oi the brides parents Aiter the toasts the bride and groom cut threetiered wedding cake decor aed with ink and white bells cceiving mother at the bride was in figured orlon in grey and yellow and was wearing white Accusoriu and corsagc oi yell ow rosa The grooms mother who also received was in deep rose and was wearing navy sc ccssorics and corsage oi pink carnations Leaving on weddlng trip through Northern Ontario the bride was wearing pale blue suit withvn whit hat and matching ac cessorlos corsaga oi pink roses On their return Mr and Mrs Rivett are making their home at Cookstown Outoitown guests at the Wed ding were irom Ottawa Windsor Toronto Pctcrborough Bradiord Giiiord Newton Robinson Cooks town Oakwpod Tweed Kingston Burlington lunlwnnh Whitby Milton Little Britain and Scarboro Mary Enid Wood Becomes Bride of Stephens The marriage oi Miss Mary Enid Wood daughter oi Mr and Mrs Norman Wood at Minesing to George Allen Stephens oi Barrie son oi Mr and Mrs Dawson Sie phcns oi Angus took place on Sat urday June 26 1954 at twothirty oclock in Minising United Church itev John Vcais periormcd the ceremony and the wedding music was played by Mrs Charles Grant who alsoaccompanied the soloist Miss Joan Wood Given in marriage by her iathcr the bride was wearing waltz length strapless gown oi white nylon lace and tulle over satin with lace bolero halo head dress trimmed with sequins held her Iingcrtip veil oi tulle illusion 33 count 5min woomum No1 VVusheril and was carrying cluster bou quet or pink wedhurt roses car nations and gtephanotts Ker attendants were her sister Mrs Jack Buiilck oi Tomato as matron oi honor and her niece Milg Linda Bullick oi Toronto as ilowcr girL T11 matron oi honor was wearing waltz length gown oi nile green taiicta with match ing headdress and was carrying bouquet oi yellow roses and the lower girl was gowncd in orchid tatieta and was wearing tlnrtl headdress and carryingra bouquet or yellow roses Edward Stephens oi Barrie was itroomsman and the ushers were Harry Wood and Jack Stephens oi Mincstng reception followed at the home oi the brides parents where the mother oi the bride received in turquoise nylon mesh and lace wearing white accessories and Corsage oi white gardenlosh Mrs James Simpson the grooms sister who received in the absence oi his mother wasin green ilowercd ny ion and was wearing white acces sories and corsage oi white gar denias Leaving on wedding trip to Eastern Canada and the United States the bride was wearing twopiece linen dress in powder blue with white accessories and corsagc oi pink carnations On their return Mr and Mrs Steph en will be making their home In Barrie Outoitowrr guests at the wed ding were irom Tnmnlo Simeoc Ukipia Barrie New Lowell and Orlliia BIG BIRD Largest oi Canadian grebe species the western grebe is about the size oi large duck Production oi single pnund ni hcci requires directly br indirect ly between 15 and 30 tnns oi water II iifliltiicflizéiéis ounln Stop lunln er insult um hm rub acuml hlipl olmvlu Inks Rabies athletel tout and annularany caused skin mm on nickacting soothing aniisrplie CIIFTION Grrzsrlrsssiainsa5lopg itch oi mono bark Dont in drum on has II rsucnlrrlou ls

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