Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1954, p. 10

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Vulnerable Eccnomy Management and organized labor alike are timedthat unemployment in Canada in recent months he reached substantial proportions Oiileial figures both of the Labor Department and the Dominion Bureau or Statistics otter irrefutable evi gence that the national economy is seriously out of kiiter The reasons for the growth in unemploy ment are set forth with great clarity by economist MuoPherson of Canadian Industries Limited Dumping of American exports in the bunndlun market at prices below those churned consumers in the Unit ed States MrMacPherson believes is one 91 the chief motors underlying present economicdiiiicuitiee The 011 economist rightly tears that dumping policies oi ngri pulturai suiuses new contemplated by the Unlted Sta es will iurther aggravate Can ndos export problems No less significant as contributing actor to current unemployment Mr MncPherson believes Is the man cost structure of Can ndlnn industry It 1948 is taken as ba he points out wage rates in Canada have nearly doubled as ngninst an increase of £3 per cent in the United States and at only 55 per cent in the United Kingdom Lack of large domestic market superimposes an additional cost burden on the Canadian economy in the form of higher unit pro duction costs than those the united States and the United Kingdom mum An unrenllstlc wage struciure and an in ndcqunte forelgn economic policy lie at the root or current unemployment In Canada Effective Efforts To gauge the clients oi traiiic accident prevention work on short term basis is difficult if not impossible However irom time to time there is encouraging evidence that safety eiiorts are proving eiiectiver An increase in the number and the amount oi work oi various organizations in the field of traiilc safety has become evi dent It is most grntiiying to observe As most people perhaps know since the war portion of the energies of the department at highwoys has been directed towards controlling the street and highway accident toll in Ontario This work has been increas ed irom year to year More and more groups have been broadening their traiiic accident prevention work lllghlnnd Fllnu wlll not dlsnppmr m1 long In more In In Nova Bcatln mlnkn Thn mum John Telegraph Journal Thu provinces Amuclnuon Bcoltlsh Hoclullcn now han under consldrmunn prupoxnl HIM one month each year be dunlunntul comm month Dunn that pnrlnd much or um 20 It has niwnys been the ministers opinion timt when suiiicient number of the people or this provincebecnme inmilier with the nature of the trnilie sniety problem they would realize that us individuals they could iiny important parts in the work It is how his hope that all who can will increase their efforts to cxpnnd truilic sniety eon sciousnem among our motorists and pedest rinns mid so move on to the zoui oi mnkhw Ontarios ntreets mid highways the suiest in the world nm hoping that all the organizations and the press and radio oi the province who are working forsaiety will take heart Irom our experience in the last two months says highways minister George Doucett April with about 5V2 per cent increase in highway travel over the same month of the previous year showed decrease in motor vehicle fatalities of some 1312 per cent May fatalities irom preliminary re ports show considerabie improvement over last year The number of victimst down irom 87 to 50 Editorial Notes There ls oLcoursc no room in truffle salety work for complacency Improve ments are gratllylng but no Improvement could encourage the rclnxntlon of efforts The problem ls conllnulng one and needs Vthe fullllme support or all who walk and drlvc Populatlon the United Etnlm n3 Mny 1054 wnn uIVcn 101000000 What mlghly own ramnrka The Ollnwu Journ nl nnd whuc blmlnx for mu warm lhnt In tho mnln lhln force In on the nldu or good HuW my mwn mm In Class Newspaper Publlshcd Monday Wednesday Frlday The Wllwn llulhllnl Ioll Olllte Haul Hunk OnIrlo Cum ¢u WIMPIII THE ANNIE EXAMINER LIMITED WALM rmmm in cnnnm luolmldm MI nwm BunnqTmlunr Mum nu noun cm hm cumm mm Jimm uniu Avenue Pnld ABC ElmaHon Month Ending Mar in my mamammw 32 hullbfllmhhn lamn momma awnmum munmu Mmu Anyan nun canm um Munmutual rum mun Ill fl MMM 6542 WEDNESDAY JULY 14 1954 member and exl Loyalty of dog to man long has been regarded as the eplugmé at the relnclonshlps between animals and men nates TheWInd sor Daily Star And the loyalty good dog to good man omen ls much deeper and more lnstlng than the loyalty of man to man The recent case In Normem Ontario when flne dog was found chained to tree In the woods havlng died of starvation makes us shudder to thinklwhéz klnd 01 mum that dog had Indlvzlduallty in people is to be approved not condemned declares The Wlngham A115 VanceTimes it grlpes uswhen hypercm lcal people make remarks about others just because thelr tnstean any glven subject happen to be dlflerent What lolk ln small towns need to learn ls what people the world over need to learn Namely that because your nelghbor ls dltlerent it doesnt neces sarily mean that hes crazy The crazy one might well be yourself OPINIONS or OTILRS Ottawa Journal To must us butter in simply spread that makes our bread lash boner or helps improve the flavor of tanked and To the Government In many pull tIclans and other it is as bccum£ng headache The reason is that Canada hits more butter than people are prepared to buy and notothcr country want our surplus at our prices 50 recently the president or the National Dairy Council felt called upon to write the Prime Mlnlstql asking that butter not be exported at cutrale priecs and that it the Government must get rid ol the surplus ways and means be devised to let Cnna dian consumem benefitThe Dairy Farmcrs of Canada countered by urging the Governmcnt to continue its 58 cent support price as an essential guarantee to producers The Toronto Globe and Mail would remove all support or dairy products allow them to seek Ihcir own prim level both an the domestic and world markets Canadian Butter Problém All this may well be the opening xounds in longdrawnoul controversy The Government dalry farmers and several nnttonal unznntzallnns helnl concnmnd and wanted over the sltuntlon One trou ble that than as well us In the United States nobody appears able to cnme up with an acceptable solutan to the whole pmblem what in do wlth surplus loads butter lncluded It is all very well to say that people in other lands are hungry and need our aurpluscs but events tn the Host recently have provcn that It ts cxceedlngly dmlcult lo even glvr tnod away For one thtng dtsrupm markets in the rccptvlng country Anmhcr that nppenrs lo have escaped many at these who ulfer pal solullons or lhls problem ls that fnrmproducuan unllke maul lnduslrles cannol accommodate ltsell Io market needs In my exact dc gree Another good growlm scunn and he butter surplus problem becomes worse To suggest lhal dnlry farmers should aceept what they can gel or lhnlr pruducLi means preuy harsh lrenlmenllur lhe plaln act is Ihat nobody else In mu country would even lhluk of dolng so Farm Incumc hns docllnnd nbnu 25 per cent In the pan lwo years and manual go much lower In the face mils ul olhcrgunds and services without the dccllnc becoman real danger In the general ccanomy As Is much of an unemployment might be traced tn lower arm purchasing power Col Bryce la nu lhc nm nullmrlly lo ndvocaln wflllnn lust for an lulumubllc drlvlnz llccnsc Thuvmblrm OI nullEnlllnh spcnklnx driver bummlllu man and men nculc and mum to uvrr tnme lhl ubvlmn llloci III our NHLfl nyllcm hul bccn mlvurnkd ILum nuw pinltulnrly the prrru nml nahy cnmpnlgu urgnnlzullunlv nm dlfllcnlly 11 mm ll wuuld mmlrc ICIJDHIN lnruc mu mul wnuhl umnn cmnlu drluy In urnmlng comm hrrnum Ihc uxumlnnlllrnl wvuld ulvr In In Innrknl nml unlllnl II wul dmu nullllclpnl Invll mu mumrhmlllrl 1n MM nml Invnnllnn wuum be 00 Hull done on pruvlnclnl XchL flu dnum 11 ml mm mluhl memnlllu mm ullllly SI Thoma TImcslnumnl The ruler or due dlvlslun 01 public safety Lnl mm nppxnrcd lmtmc he lagmnmrun com mllluc an hlgnway salcly cw day ngu and had much good ndvlce lu 01hr luwardu accident pre vLnllun on me nlxnwayl He ndmllltd mm It ls pure sulclde to permit New Canadians lo have drlvlng license Damn they undersland IIngllsh ufllrlunlly lo enable uum l0 rm and underslnnd road slum He mum have unnu comidcmbly lurlhcr and demanded knowlczc Enxllsh at bcyund In low Ilmpk phrase nqulnd tur mam highway alum In incl ll poglblc that he had lhl In mlml wlwn In summed lhnl an applicant or license be TLqufld to pm wvlllcn uxnmnmllnn Allhounh Ic dld nut uprcfly lhe lypc DI unmlnnllnn he wuuld prrsrrlbl lhul whit would provldc unsun nhlc piclurc we nppllrunls 1numncncc as well denim knuwlrduc the Onlnrlu Trilllc Acl wunld be mull suitable He New may Wm Written Tests for Drivers Hul lhc plan LI mull one It in In In huprll ml he cmnmlllrn Iakm sonic Iclloh on the WWW Cu Hryrcn runIrma wlfll lrnfllc iroblrlm uprrlnlly mm nu nppmlunlly tluclml nrclxlrm Ahuuhl hr vtrlnnkml rrunrdlrn he lmullvrnlrnrc lnlnHNl Drlvlnu hm lcachrd Hm pnlM wnm nu mpmmbnny Involvrd nllrn urrnur Hm lhr lulll Um lndlvldufll l0 Ilrlvr Allvr yrarn nrrlllrnll nml xlrulh lln vllhl In nwn um Ilw nrrnmu II lflltltlld mul ordained by llw Thn Hum firm whrn lhr ruln of nulw muhllm In MH Buddy Ahnulll Iu EVIIWIII nlul IE pnvllruul In ulr rrqlrlrlnl In mum wlm My nml rummun mm The lnnuunu unvhlrm II gum mm mm ber organizations exhibitions mu mum um elmml In mum mm mm luauv cums nmm um um nun huthum would or gamés lhls season he year when camp days picnlcs and holidays are the main cnnccrn there is lime time to In much In the gar den However as you make the daily rounds it is well to see jus what plants you have gotten in the past year that are real ac qufisflion to your garden Everynne xhnuld get something new each year and see 11 some 01 Ihe varlcum ynu now have could not he subsmumd at better var my My own summlly Alon hcse lines as vlsitcd flower beds Ihls anemnon mlgh Inlcrcsl you llenchnm or cnral bells new In my garden last year has been lovely ovum monlh Thls is dalnty compact pcrcnnlnl we should see man cl Double wllllo perennial Campnnuln lm been very good and along wllh thcblue slngle varlnty makes pleasnnl cnnlrnsL ll 15 less lncllned lo grow long and luppy man In blue ls lylhenln Mardcns Pink Vnrl My ls real acqulsillon If you want In see beaumu specimen his plan an well as In olher variety called Dropmnrl Furpie vlsll the garden of Knapp on Cluppcrlnn St Hare In th garden as usual you will see most beautllul display at dclphniums Mr Knapp wel cumc Iluwlr lovers nt 1111 llmui su dont be afraid to der by Another nlnnl that growsvery wall lur me and whlch han wnuld glvc calm to many gardens that have lot of yellow ls Acon lte Monks Hand ll ha lovu ly luslmm green nllaxc whlch comes up very early and luck well nmung lhe lulipu The early all blue varlely blooms rumthe 0nd June unlll well on lin Aug usl The trusses are ldcnl or rulv llnz nml lasl well The lam vnr lcty pale blue Varlcnnlnd flower nf slmllnr gruwlh slan to bloom nbnut Aug and cnnllnuczr well mm Septembrr The Full llllts nn Jun nicely camlmr Inn flnwcr now alum wflh lho Madnnnns nml Cnrlmnn Miles They are nrlsmcmls UK How crdom and lhcir scent nllu lu vvvnlnx In Lilies mu balm grown more and more so you haw In modern rrnd try Io ncqulm some llllm Amonfl my own coll ccllun llllul his your HIE Cum mlnzn mm have dune um Tmy are un nrnnxu rolloxml tym slrumz vlgarnus growers Imd srrm lo mm 1111 lmavy lypu mil wmx which wu have lecnd mmwmwmwmun Hos changing the nationu landscape when many vnnml lul mun Ilmkl he hHw ll It wllh no new uhoul Whne yuu uml on no umme ml wnl nn rycwyo MI my now Iu Mw npnrlnltlll Ilumc lune ur mhcr bulldlnl mpllyul mlc In plnvhllng lhnnlu In flll In lvlm manylmmn the hue Ilml Ibrn or my on luw In muununlly nfln umnmmllfi New Mad 1lean III Ilphlll llu Iuwn lflwll Sumwllrll new Inth Iv Ilulll New lmhnlllnl plank Im mo mmrlmln he luyvrmllltn nt hh lulplnn IHImI lnhnm ml Hum hm plovlnknl yull whll lob Whu M7 Ir lemm Ihr million nI IIII Inummtr rnllvylmhlrn III nnmlu Am Ilu nmnry mm Ilwlv rmulumu chh lilo humlmo companlu Invul lhrm Ill mnku wulhle Huh lnuwumnenu mu lhlmlfloulflmHIIImI Yuu way It ll hull of whnl he 110171 In Ihe rllyn llllljllll HM on where lhc mm mm lull In Ih muduomuln Il mm Ivr In Ill IYCW lqok II nil Slltcljn Iw old lwn mum rollrylmhlu human mum of ly ml yuumll youle Ilm lulplnl In build bell ll INSURANCE 0MPANIES INVCANADA By JEAN GABLE Lchlconccdc ounclvc eighties And inlay bridke The Barrie Horliculluml Socier GARDEN NOTES QMp can Inwtnnu mvvlly wd mic lnl AT YOUR SERVICE Lllles like light 5011 so All 01 our llly bed had be Enndmuntd with Band humus peat moss nnd sawdust below mum plant them Our socier has bus chartered in take in the Shakespearean Fes iivai this year The bus leaves Barrie at am irom the Wailing ton Hotel Corner on Aug We will proceed in ihe James Garden in hilngion then for brie visit in the grounds at the Guelph ne iurmatnry then to the gardens and greenhouse at the GAO Somewhere ainng ihe way well have pic nic iunch Well stop to visit the Kitchener Horticultural Gardens and see whal ihey have that is new Then on in Stratiard or the matinee performance Mum urc For Measure We were nbie to secure 37 iickeis for this per iormance through Mr Fiett presi dent oi Straiinrd Horticultural Sneiety and our genial host last year All these tickets have been spukcn for you wnuld like in gn anniher year let us know weil ahead Aug 11 ls he nnnua picnic election at ufllcm and first din 1ch flown show will be held in Bracebridge whcn lhe Emce hrmgc Horticultural Secler will be hmls hunlald nnuclpnlcd mm Barrio Mr Fundlcy who 15 Ear rle rvnrmnntnllve on lhls event lnu announced hnt flower mun be in Mace by 1030 Ihcrclnre we shall have tn leave Barrie about 11m Take 11 plcnlc lunch and lull Ind pleasant day win be yours Pull damn regarding the flower show will be made knnwn as soon as get the llsL Since the Idea hnvlng db lrlc lower show wm sponsored by our Enemy Xe uu do all pow lble make great success Far your rcsoxvallon or his hip czl Mrs Hall phone 3358 Any une rem Angus Simud Orn nr Vcspra wlll bu wclcnmc In 101 us Lculmrdu In Vina conceived lhc lIlLa cl IL nlrplnnc nearly 500 your mm mm hln lnsmlrmlun mm wulchhu the bin The nm mamsmp on he com 1mm Columbia wns the Dan vvr hmunhl Imm Enxland In 1m The nvw 200lXJmn llntr Orsovn mm In 11mm or the Auslmlln run me am shln her Im wllh mum NCEIVEI IDEA FLIGHT EARLY BTEAMER CLEAN LINES Magistrate Gurdnn IL Fosltr pfl shied with Crown Attorney Thompson for the mention RémundsAdioufnmenk Quite number 01 adjourn ment were requestiedv with several cases sat or July 14 including lhefl charges dninken driving and various mm charges Judgman Given ScMence was given in the case of mm yaung mm who were con victed previously on charge breaking In and theft in Nollnwa saga laid by PCA Kellogg OPP Cleveland Keenan was glycn three WW Cleveland Keenan was van three months unrinue and six indeterm innte en the breaking in and theft at construction company shop two month concurrent on the Casey gasoline the two monihs concurrent on the Coylepase and two mnnflu concurrent an the Me Kinnon giuve and cioihing charge in the case Ronald Fergusan His Worship pointed out to the youth that he had been given an opportuniiy to make good alter previous conviction but had not straightened out On the Bailey Construction C9 breakin he was given 1hree month determinate and six indeterminaie and on the Casey ihelt also 4mm maths concurrent an the Cayie charge two month concurrent and on conviction under the ETA WIS iian $10 and cost1 or 10 days concurrent Sentence In me case of Patrick Sherman was deferred until Friday June pm pending further Investmnlun by the pro balinn awcer Judgment 1n the use of rob bery with violence against Jack Bates and Elmer Couller at Cree morc was also deferred until July 14 at 930 am In the nonrlnl of charge Md by Innlstn chitf police 3105 against Donald Bender Roy Ferry nnd Ronald Eaton defence cnunscl John Reid asked fur remand lo July 14 which was granted Too Neurv Office ahargco drMng motor veificle whlle nblllly drive was immircd by alcohol was laid by HédfléLpPP on June 19 against GenrgeMarks 35 who had been proceedmg east on Col llnr Sm and norm on Mulcnster when hlx cur stall ncur he pollce like He ha pleaded gumy and was fined $100 with cosLs of Colfimon Esau Derendcd by John Rold lnyn char common nuauu nanlnst woman Rub Bradshaw plund ud gullly and Wnsllnnd 20 wllh costs 01 $6110 um WW The charge was laid by her uh lowing the incident on June 25 while lhey were iniking in front slate window She cinimed he pushed her against Lhe glass smaller windaw whim brake through and she received injuries iii dnfencc was mm she had back ed away and he had scizrd her in snvchur from me alum Ho llnd paid the cost 01 ihr breakage Denounced By Tcrmml disgraceful by Ills Wonth Wu the ntllon when lrlnzlu 15 manled wha was charged by PC Scrum OPP on July 1n Vmpru with wlltully and knowlnxly supolylnz liquor to person under 21 ycnn 01 ago The nulccr stated he accused wn ln nxlculcd in car and had two girls ll your age with him He plcnded zullly and was re mbnndrd ln cusludy lur srmoncc unlll July l4 Weaving 0n Hill Charmd by PC Hcdrith OPP with ervan on lllzhwny 11 on JUN 13 In On whllc nbmly to drive was lmpnlnd Howard Vnrdun 41 marrlul pleaded ullly Evldcncc he nlllccr Wm am he bud ohsrrvvd me car ud lullow it down hill Ind m1ch lhnl lhu Vrhlnlc was wvnvlnx In Xlghl lrnmc mlles nn hour had flopped VIrlkm um um round pan home at llquur Nr Me Win Itfended by who Mnrjhnll QC Mm cnllcd one wunm Ernest Cavnnauh who mlrd but the accuzxd wn nut lrlllkcr nnd hml mm rrpulnlllzn Vnnnm had no prrvlnm um um and lnlmed Hml luwlnu rnlcn vcry IMHO In irlp wn ulchmdnLflnnd 11m UIHHK mm ullnnlfly wlm mum lrlvmll WEDNESDAY JULY Ll hid lauded Mm mcwhat Wm no previous convictions he was fined 100 with cast $250 and an an nddluoml chuge hav ln liquor 1n the car place other $th hll reddence was fined 25 plus 3250 mm Alleged Liquor Theft Twu brothers George Achd arson and Donald Henderson not army permnnel appeared on charge of attempted than 1qu nor mm he RCAMC ntflccn mess hi July Iflcr midnight Cpl Pavellch RCMP Camp Borden laid Ihe charges Access had been made to he mess by handing bar on he dnur nllowlng to be Thu brother at first pleaded guilty but secmed uncemln about high gull and His Worship not accepting Lhe plea as glven re manded them or trial Slflyner In one week Smashed Winaows Charged by PC Charles Gormm OPP with breaking windows at lhe hm Shep Ens Smilh an July Richard Hickman 17 single pleaded guilty Evidence of the owner was that hu young so dIer had been drlnking and had thrown stones through 1he glass but had pnldmw damnga $4155 He was med $15 plus Took Without Consent Another youLh Gordon Gardner 17ananlopleadnd gulMy Making car mm the Slmcoe Mom5 pro perty on June 27 without ihe con sent the ownus PC Gorhamx Investigation brought out mat the lad had come here on the back at molarcycle with Hand and had decided to dme back home 1956 que but was olcked up bolero the company was nw at hellpf ride Evidence 01 his mother was that he had been working in Scurbofq and that he had no previous trou ble but it was discovered he was already on probation or similar prevluus oflence in Toronto and was remanded until July 14 In sentence Mare 10 am Jodi John Thomas Brbmner chumch wth dangemm driving on June on Highway 25 In Nounwasagn elected 4uiul by higher wand and preliminary hunting was held The charge was laid by PC It 11 Jordan OPP men witness CH Inrdflunl of Owen Sound old drlvlng south rm that dale near Callingwood near me intersection ol Wnsugu Beach ner in In line mama when he sawuz red truck go lnlu Ihr dHCh ahendnnd tram Elected Highqr Court Db yfiongnTwofianur dm you hivenr Plnncd emu Why not put you mind use right now by cunning gmllng fnuxu will mu you nothing to have your tame pllnned during yam lifetime And it gim such fuling ol mhflctionn rennin pm of mind to know lm In olden IA qmlified Ming 1mm Counsellor will zmhln you enloy the millmicn 1le propyly pllnncd mm In hing nun DHICI IN Inlnll STEREING TRUSTS BARBIE BUS TERMINAL PHONE 55 THE flawed dm MW very Nth be hm noted the number In paling Imuhle am he saw the lam flier an accident and al in the red truck in the dnch where had gum like shot out Detence counsel Boullnn Mar shall In cmsexaminauanbroughl mt that the witnc had not act uly seen me accident bu was 200 yards away when it happened Gordon Donovan driving snuth was inwlved in the accident with red and black panel truck He hnd been Lining 30 an The south bound lanc One or lwn passed and he had been struck on heIcf rear as they crossed He did nu hit head on wllh AW nurlhbnu dtflr police officer Rulflnd McLean was also going north on lhnl nccas Inn in his own car and appranched the scum NIerc was line traffic southboundl He was an the passing side butsaw car cum lng toward him His car Winksch oral vehlcles behlnd ihé red ruck Anticipating trouble he pulled be hlnd truck saw car hit um truck Anathel can was com from behind so he put his own ln We dllch Havn mom to lplmd seeing the IIOMI luko your Ilia City vaculion by but Furol are low In crnsswxzmlnafion he said he saw he imgact when 150 lee awn emner was commit hr in the next aesizcs He is also faced with twmoflier charges driving whllc inmxlcab ed 0nd carela driving with rial set for Oct 27 yaunz athlete Glen Adams Mlnming was charged by PC Tmblyn with careless driving on Highwny ll tn the early morning June 20 nurth Palnswick Evidence disclosed that he had dazed all just as he passed the farmer Cunk arm on the north std ol nghway ll Ills car lell the road travelled 75 feel and struck toléphanc pole snapping It all The car contlnuci on or 275 feet and finally stopped when 100 Ieet cast 01 the hlghway In grgln Ileld Narrow Escape As cuslumnry in such cases he wm convlclcd nn xhc mrclcss drlvlng charge and lined $10 plus $450 Illegal Possesann BUFFALO $945 ST lfllllS $3240 VMICOUVER $9315 Two similar cases for hav beer and ale in their cars brought fine 20 plus cos 950 Jnmcs Smith 22 married on charge luld by PC Scmgg and to Geurze Murray charged by PC Tnmhlym The nnl thumb was June fiand the ulhvr June Innl lvlp ulmn ll rhlnII nuum own um nlI

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