YOUR SANITONE DRY CLEANER DUNLOP 57 EAST AMERICAN HOTEL 14 COLLIIR ITJ DONALD AllANDAlE UMBER IAYFIILD ll FUEL CONSTRUCIION CO LTD ROAD 726 DUNLOP ST INTERNATIONAL MOIOR TRUCKS meoo numop ST CRAIGAND SONS FUNERAL HOME ND 30 WORSLEY ST MENSWEAR THE 5m THATOUAILITYBIIVJIIJT 42 DUNLOP 51 EAST 724 Wright Cleiners lid Hari Motors ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED liTABlISHED ESTABLISHED ANDERSON ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED esrAausHED STEPHENSON VALLEY TAXI E1942 E1945 STECKlEY INSURANCE JEWELLERS 72 31431 or 71I2212 mom mfm 7235553 71660 71 I410 126M 7281026 72355 729gm7 11 Camlvnl wound n1 wlh undue of 0000 Thu honour thllvmnn Emmy Imnn NHL hock Mir lordII Abwaomblu mm won an burdnrowia mnluL Home 136 pa um InulhoJco my HIO Burl Wlnllr Carn Iul owned um may ofï¬cial Md union momenu ovu flu lian ll Th Wlnlu Camlul lo rollln with param Sunny Iklu Ind nurbnlmy menu wnllm mmhrn And lha lbmmndl who norm lo limit to llnl Ihc udo mu Sentry Ham unwound plum Io bule Ion on an gullHm at Bank Lynn Mdnrnon wn mvm Id queen lb WM Danie Win ler Clmivfl Dnvld Kelth Brown And My wife Ulllnn 94ml Emu ol RR 001mm were killd whey mah car vm nlmrk mlnnengCaIdwIer mm by Blrm Dlllxint C014 lulalu bond MidII and up pmvad um 19301 hf In lddluon lo Naflh Comma Ton out or the llruzlun 11 9n John Vuley ol CAnIrll Collekiale won 50 prlu or llll only Hm would Cm hll any Haw Would mm Wlnlor Mloymenl The tour Wuhan Ipcnaored Ivy the lnler Employmenl Camplln Commiltul slum County Councll plh ad ll 01835000 budget or alum yurlpm stated um 1m yur urvlee The Barrie akï¬lmmhm Ind outlined Jhl hhlory Ind umulthepubi llculion NW YearsiDIy nmrold Munro lune Man tow Thurman dled ol carbon monoxide poisoning 1hr lrimd Wingl Urry flitl Birth died on Dec leo lrom tho nmecnuu The New Yen1 In babywn Henryk SlenkleW Int nonnlMryandMra Stanley Slenklwlu nixth street Ha was born In Rayll VJclorII Hus pull 9544 mm Charlza Rohann president of Oahawa Column Md an nounced that nelodallona have been completed or the purchase of John Lang and Soul Md and lb lulueat which Canadian Packer Ltd held in Robson ualher Co Indualrill Commhalonzr Ed May accepted ho antral managerahlp of Mid weatem Ontario Development Almdadana la Illa lmprlwmnenl the non capltal munier bl 10yearold lllomulna linker The llrl lml been nbducied lrom her home in August 1991 McDonlld led polic Io um body In November m1 Mryeamld Barrie taxi driver James Caulu wu Nb bed of $1 Ind forced to drive to lllmlllon It knlle poInl Hughes was elected president of Barrie Anlwlt ural Sodrly Ill Inaugurated The Simeon Counly car rel em for The Burrle Ex ner toured Iha newspaper plnnt They won welcomed by publlrhar WIUI en ml manner ll Wllnnn and mnnulnl edllor McPher Ion ll Dr 60 Seymaur Au uededNoel Stephenson dulnmn at Elrrlel publlu lchool bond nrrlu Cfly Councll accept ed lender from Ind Ken nedy Contriclnra ud or ban boner pollco bulldinz Melvlllo Hodglnx Wu bnuxheno draw 1110 rename 11 Supreme Court lor the cnpiul murder brother Percy so uecenlnlod by nccldenl 29 OveraoBmle youngmrl wnlked ollwllhmm ulnn lull Ilu prlun nwnred in ucordlan mmllllonnnt tho Klwulx Mlle Ilc Feltlvnl lul week an runner requested 1m yrovemenu lhelr bullan nnd parklnt fuelllllu ln Bnrrlo Central Collexlm drew 3000 people to us open home Seventy Ire elementary Ichool loud or returned to alarm or an Introduction to chum In mnllv umnllu tenchlul MARCH Simon County delegnlion lllving learned lhnl RCA Ed gar would be closed vlslted Ot uwn to try to oblnln the pro mrlv mnva Angun McKay ruperlnlend eat olpubllc ghoul Ind Df Seymour nnnounced In hint mlumen ï¬ll Mrn McKay would reuln llln post 111 agree mml allowed lmzflly dlmuu over Mr McKun duller and monmllllu 011m Barri Plumber de luled Parry Sound IN to Id vnnce lo the Onlarla lunlor hockuy llnull awn Und Uom Arthur Evans MP for ï¬lm 009 Centre blah aim to use Raw Suuon Ednr as prllon Smite mam operators re ported to favor darlnx bylaw ch was presented the bulldlnl and of flu Barrio YMYWOA by Barrie Teen Mn Dillon Jermey Module lowmhlp wu Ioclnlmed County Wuden FEBRUARY Thu worn flu In Barrlen huory up downtown Dun lov Sim Apartment mun Illdriver In Stud Ind our Em Mr And Mn Keith Barths new city Councll Ill Inaugurated The 51mm Counly car relpondenu to The Burrle Ex per plnnt They won welcomed by wbulhar WIUI en ml manner Wuhan and mum editor McPher in Mayor named tho till ed ma MI Cooke vial zenl 01th annex Vexpu Township Into the city am hi 11m ed turned 864 879 3333333 1960 3111 Egamimr Atkermunuhompsont BODY SHOP IAVIIIU Celebrated 100 Years of Continuous Publlsghlnggï¬f Serving Selma JUNE waif 61mm 0M Ilivr Ifl nomad pin to lld chunlnl blaldlu plum mm landed lho mumm Ion Ill lb mv llbnry Dddl don flu dflwr wn nut lam mm Cmmn um pgdn luv Runrm blush the muniulnn at 11 ll Run Dlvty uewflv clinch of Blrrlll YMYWGA numed lllun ol lho yur Slmcoc County Univmlly orlnx commlllu deddtd RCA station mm was to be ellmlm IN umpul Alle 1h Depldmcnl ol Edunuon mom mmdod Bill dour to Am mm ramiuc hmorey to would mm Lulu 81me lhI Sev lrn fllver loch um mmpletedA M911 nmnmn nnlonll Sub III Cred Indzr aid 11 mm um nutamAUon II to blnmo or nnemplgymznl Dolmen Mlnlmr conï¬rmed um MAP Sullon Ednr vnuld clone fluldm would be com pleltd by lummer Council IP provad plnn by mm Can nlmcltlmy to erect All Ipartmem bulldlnl It Grove ad Bnyfleld m1 enunclllon led by Mayor In Cooh dammud lho Federll government hilt pm poud mamunlon on loch It Bl chumm Mnynr glld lh Waklrloo Mlhmn Univer Ihy presented mm to Sink one bunlyl unlvmily comm lea concernan Ihe mlblliky establhhlnz Ill adunned level lnltlluuon RCAF 5mm Edgar Wfllnrd Klnxla lucmd ed Home Prat ll dullmun of Burr lndmlrlal Commiulon Gunn Barri wu eluted clulrmnn ol lha Younl Pmnuiw Comervnflva Commillge CplI uanuuclu munqu wu Frank Light won the Mud nurunll and mum elm gmpmlion 5m Revolver flu Industry Mr Dmry asked County Council to prmnl evidence by the end of Mirth that unlvenity level edxmllonlllnslltullon muld hr xln lb year accummodlllon Wm available This wu lo vealedby Rem Leannrd Sell Mldlnnd Simeon County ln quest jury culled or 19mm In road Inler oducntlon lol Iowlnl Invnuwlon Into an Feb dukh ol Kmnelh Elmer Srinley Innis Tawnflilp Th boy wax muck and Blind by cut he rods his blcytlo on Highwa 27 29 Overï¬oBmle youngmrl wllked oflwllhmm um hull flu prim qwnred 1h uccordlan mmpeuuom than Klwulx Wk 19 Femnl In leek Simon County delegation having learned that RCA Ed gar would be closed visited Ot tawa to try to obtain the pro perty site or university campus North Simone MP Rebel Smith exprmed dim appointment that the government estimate did not include Pro vision or improvement to Col linzwood harbor Et Wilmroi Barrie war elected vicepreddent of the Ontario Municipal Electric Ak Iociation Arthur Harris at Bar la vval elected preaident the United Finrieta at Canada industry Mtnirter Dmry asked County Council to prment evidence by the end of Mardt that unlveraity level educationaltnstltution muld hr gin thir year it accommodation were available This waa ro vealcdby Reeve Leonard Set at Midland Simone County in quest jury called or increase in road laier education 101 iowing investigation into the Feb 15 death ol Kenneth Elmer Srinley Innistii Township The boy war much and killed by car at he rode his bicynie on Highway 27 Waterloo DJ tinilver an mun4 mu mum layermun re ported to favor Cloalnx bylaw ch was presented to the buildinl and of the Barrie YMYWOA by Barrie Teen iown representatives Nrry Calvert and Jim Canon 11 men year old Barrie boy Kevin Flanagan tell thrurzir the ice at Keanpentit Bay and drowned Sbudnta oi Barrie District Norh collegiate were honored at graduation banquet at which Rev Kenneth man 01 Ave nue mad Girls In and Mission ary Alliance Grumh waa the meat apeairer 151 piling up near Shanty Bay calmed damage to boathmn en in the area including that oi Rednnitler 11 Camp Borden soldier brav ed amoh and rearing heat to rescue taxidriver wedged in lagged glare in the window oi burning Gowan street resi dence Cpl Karl Kull pulled atarlle ilth mm the window and led him to the ground II Judson ioCaigdirector the Chlldrena Aid Society It ï¬tted an inereare tn the nunr at unmarried another re ported to the society He aaid lhia indicated the GAS we be Homing widelyan and Wllmrol Bunla wu elected vicepremier of the Ontario Municipal Dedrlc Ak Iodnllon Arthur Hum Bar la wu elected pmldem un Unileq Florian ol Canada 24 Gerald mum and Larry dramd Ihelr 1n valld ILIIH Simon ram their bluan Min street home 23 Tho urgent need or com plm am plannlnx wu ï¬rmed by Mayor Lu Cook nl 1h Inns meeting ol the Gwrllan Devzlopmzm Alloclauon Barrla Union nulblc Ich emo of um plnnnlnz under Lakenlnnny lowm Ind village myJmt nuvlve llywunod zua Rifll Sylle Entonl and Elnlnu Grunt la wen killed onlhlmway gofwea 01 Bank when lhe car In which her wen ridingdddded inlu the pathjoh truck IpSplln Thimmndu It In mul thetrial mienInca In Burle but ï¬lm win no indi utlon 1mm would lollow suit is momconumlzd thmurhouc cum 27 Conn John PM Barrie Ontario valnclllPoIlce lurnadjlo rezulu mmduty alter um yam of duk duly uecenlmod by madden 21 em Fm nl Blrrle North Collexmo won pulse for her 99 ormanpu In No Croon and ley AL lhe Gumlain Buy ngFx In prillhw moon 34m to on Hanndiry wu dmun Quun of an nadunum ball held ll lenl Collulm mm BIITII Ilullmh of mud hwnorl AM mrdn ll thu MUM xmm Mule Putin 1h Burl nm In hn by um frat bunrd nut old paint lncmln Alllnon 11hv Bully mlnluer 00m 54M Unlled Ourch put nu ma Irapm cull to bo min Kym Unllud 9mg lllmlllon 1th Slawm Jude ll udenl It North 0011mm wu fumed qnuu at flu lrlduluon lluu Davey exewtlve dir mrd Du Barri YMYWCA Ill mde winner of he WIIIJAm qu gimomxjophy my clllnen the yeah 111 mm mm nude by Bert Ru pram of ha loul brunch ol Cannde Lulm 63111 Soplutl Mm Bond when melved In in about Inmm we Seven peran were two Ioully 1n an Accident on high 23 north oLBmla nu mun lard thn of tha Dlocue 01 Toronto at killed th dedi cation the ulnh lull Arm cm march chomp was presented flu bulldlnl and of the Barrie YMYWOA by Barrie Teen Mn representluves Nrry Calm And Jim Carma in yel yenr fldï¬arrio It facilities were beinl used No crosswde At St Vin cent and Blake lireell and at Collier 1nd Hayï¬eld smell wen mend ranva It matting at city mail 71 Maxhen oi flu Birds Rb lie Sdnool Board wnmd bud giwgtméo dopted rm um civic budge calling ior re ductim oi Almost No milk in flu in nu IpSplln Thimmndu It In mul thetrial mienInca In Burle but ï¬lm win no indi utlon 1mm would Inflow suit is momconUmlzd thmurhouc thl am Thennew aléphone witch In centmpn Bnyfleld went mler Into mvico with Hie nay dgr in get anth alum as Open Gma by in mch In play In nan111mm 30 PIIII to Inlalrm Clu ldl armypnlvy Ind Ilr lore mvlgu was named by muqrily limit Maiden him Rev Hw11klmn lotcod mm cl walnln mumsnu on Dunlap am out ol their mm Mn lrvlnl Nahum luder 010 Put School honored 1mm Ind armor atudqnu th mum lllmamh her Mixml him damIn of Ila will mun new 31 mm wen vod by It Barri mum Dole no Board or nearly mlllou Man to Barri Noni WHBIIIM 14 hmlly VIM lomd htlr ham by £100000 in which dumyed tho Goran Mard Balm 09mm ll Andy Mulmmon Burk imupr wu nlmed Onllrio uh dflvtn dum Ian pg ggl hed tn llchenpr liquor vote to all liquor outlet In flu townshlp 17 County diniLuiel wen lament at 01 opening Slum county Juvenile and anily Gum mammal Oakley Put School Med Gllbm Ind Sullivan opemm flu Pl Ilu Panama 19 rlnz buoy llle mum wn InstHod on the end ol Bly lleld docklor nu la can marten The Ixll nod In turned by the oldut Ind young mam ben HM llarrlc YMYWCA It ceremony on line III the 1m bulldlu un kw SUM provided rotation pin with Iummer and winur uhedulo 261110 blnk inspector con game deprived Ill elderly Barrie wormn of flle wr mu parilnfly bllnd Inlllvon truciian over in ieleplmna to Lhclnw money beenu teller wu mnemd of um erinz wlii her locum as An addition to Maple GM School will includa kindernh ten class dumb to nude ny en Grade eight Iiudenil mil mnunna to alignd either Steele are Schoolnr Oakley Palk Sclsz Addition wlll be may in Semithen wwd of About am It bended thu annual cum immo iinn Ii Burrlr Diurlct North Callexlale 29 Fmd Haulink and Pun Bird wen named hand boy and held girl by ha Itudeni body oi Gen lnl Coliezlalq Member at Wemirmer Predayterlnn Grind armed lira int ml or their new church buildini 30 The wicerx Mm Ii MAP Station Edgar war the scent oi reiiraneni minim no thru ofiicm mofesl mu Ifler you in re ï¬remen Kenneth momma Mal den nomson Nampaper Llrnlled wu of than my on in mark the centennial oi The Barrie Examiner 10 Police Gilt Ed Ttdlirhut advocated um law limesm officer hmwwidain 90 arm especi WI Traillc Ad Memes Be In speaking to the Ontario fluid Constables Association Oun ierence in Kingstm 1110 annual alumna not held by Barrio Mic School Menu vm held on Kampmleli Bay near the municipal marlin la Vdenlinl Schipr of 0m lral Collezilil and Brian Edey of Nani won two Bum dam uni to In Uniled Nlflonl Seminar Univmily oi Western Ontarioi 1119 trip III uponwrad by the Kmkfl 17 mum mm bum Inn ed am airport in nun 05 in mm um as Andy Muleomm nun ed tho winner ha mu annual In drivinz roadM mud of the Barri Junior lumber Commune 25 The menuJuno clam hour bylaw wu paued It the Civflovncll mm The My Eda Wuuxiixzuurï¬uï¬ymhq mitten Gloria Kwn mu wan presmed the 101d medal for ï¬lm landing Sn theory It Royal Vlmdl Hupiull numa manum Sue Dunn named to flu Buï¬nï¬a ï¬lm the Chi Bade Examiner mut ed in wow you with flat pub my melt Cumin hi6 bu 1Vï¬hdl MIM IAYHILD IT 71M AllANDAlEDANCNG SCHOOL Your qu90 Chryslar Valiant Dnlor 75 BRADFORD 17 72M MR3 ISABEL HOBSON 52 HOLGATEST BRADFORD 8T BAYFIELQ 51 ELECIRICAI SERVIQES lbe 50 INNISFIL ST FUNERAL HOME 127 BAYFIELD ST ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED FRENCH MOTORS ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED asunusryfl ESTABLISHED TIRE SERVICE lTD FOR GOODYEAR TIRES SERVICE TIRE SERVICE FOR DUNLOP TIRES SERVICE Blll lEBOEUF BATSTONES PETHICK JEWELLERS I951 1264 I949 SH IT TEL 72664431 TEL 716444 ml 728921 7261859 7232530