mum Immu Howell JHD 1m nu numb II In any Nlumuh ll mum umu 43am B1 rm CANADIAN Ill39 NEW YORK AW01min Ellck Huts holler learn an hnva forged Inlo Hnl pllce iln uu Natlnnal Hodxey Lulu nn the strength OK In llnmo unbulm mank nnd Bobby Hull ll mum most the mdil Chihawks Reay Praises Mikita nld Billy Ray thl conch Wednesday dont outlook sum mun Hel the hen centre In the mm and has becn anor laclor In out drunk Iyc and Mikiln Agaiml lhn but ocnlru In the lulue In recent 9th Norm Ullmln of floplrul NW York mum walnudun lmult Munlml anlo nmdlyl Gum Gilto ll Dulroll Only um Irhcduledt TiltD607 hunt Ipllnlltld norm Maia Mum £3510 May in théWOVHA Senior Krhardhitung gefqpceman fox Oalgï¬lle Oaks Mpe been giggly or the remainder of the season with compound thl fracture his ï¬rst serious injury in 15 years Ha Me In hospital bed In traction for four months be cause some idiot tossed cotn on the ice They will never learn mannay Null floclvmu MING Clde mm 10 lprlnwgd Imglliflll iiu ennui THE MAIN SUCCESS of the newlook Central Ontario Senior hockey group has to be its unique close me Last night twopoint gay separating ï¬rst from last has been restored situation unequalled in any major hockey group in Canada The scramble has never stretched wider than five points in this wellbalanced lea ue With their old pros rounding into form Orl lla Pepsis are developing as the team to heat while Newmarkct Huskies continue their home ice domina tion They have won all their games at the narrow Newmarket Arena while failing to succeed on the road SANDY AIR former member of the warldcham pion Whitby Dunlo and plafler last season with Sev enUps has poppe up as coac of the Markham entry in the Metro Junior loop The veteran of Allan Cup playolfs skated briefly at this years training camp OUR LEAKING memory has done it again As mentioned in this weeks SevenUp statistics story Jon Weeks fired hat trick against Newmarket However his was not he first Blil Prlng gained that distinction early in the schedule during 97 win over Orillia NORM FURLONG an inspiration in determination ior SevenUps was lucky man the other night in Newmarkot He suffered nasty blow on the ankle from an errant puck and was first feared to have frac iumd bone However Xrays revealed severe bruise and he will be on the limp for 10 days Not so lucky was Frank Mucker Milne veteran minor pm lea gucr whp rotunnedjroqme officiating ranks BEFORE THE DISASTROUS MELT number of Barrie skiers were successful in passing stiff tests in practical examination at Georgian Peaks near Col llngwood George Huxtahle junior instructor at Horse shoe Valley took slx of his charges to the session and four managed to pass This was most creditable effort since only 85 of 117 skiers succeeded in passlng The quartet were Jack lllulchlnoclr Diane Huxtable Shan non Cairns and Bob Burrows Snow Valleys Bob Han cock also qualified Bmce Hoffman of Beaver Valleyl representing the Canadian Sld lnstructors Alliance headed the 12 examiners for the Southern Ontario Ski Zonea amateur instructors school THIS MOST UNSEASONAL lack of snowfall may discourage some skl sloge bullshul all is not lost as some cenlres keep the optlmlsm No places which refuse to regard the weather are Owen Sounds Bay Sid Village and the newl opened Mount St Louis The wellused Owen Soun centre has succeeded ln manu facturing artiï¬cial while stuff while Mount St Louis is literally importing their snow to pack the bare spotsp Josl Enter and Brian Rowley employed local help in transferring snow by truck wheelhamw Indbasket from surrounding bushland parts FURTHER WEST in tho Coliingwood area ski re tort operators am less optimistic Conditions over the holiday season are the worst in 15 years Josl Weider who has been in business for 23 years noted this was the worst Christmas since 1948 He predicted finan cial loss of about $80000 Most of the mom in south ern Ontario were booked solid over Christmas week well in advance onm Mam EEXAMINER mummnzcémm mm ringleid Anmltn In Eula Miltn 11 All 11W II 17 MI in 1117 WIN Md llll MM MIC Wll DUI muwunnw Anunumm rmmmmnm T115114 ntlz1n W7on Mm mmm HOCKEY RECORD SPORTS 5COMMENT UnusualiMildSpéll Upsets Skiiï¬gquns By CHRIS AYLMI Detroit Bob Pollard Ton onto and Hoan mama of Monlml and he hu oulphyed overy one Lhem He del lnflnly belong on the In All Sll mm Miklu lho luzua Icorlnl champion In new hu loll and 17 mm or 39 points In modal me he Inï¬ll only Hull the blond bomber whm we all In nmda hll conquelol Nlrw York Rnnxm ellMM Ontgo In Me Manuel Cunn dlem lnr lhn lop pman with Jo pnlnll Kllchonnr Sl Catharine mum WMnndlyl Mull Monlml St Callurinu Toronto Kllchmcr Frldlyl Glam Mmlml IL Cathmm llnmlllon ll Thronlo Kllchflur 01h Hoan Nlum Fl hum nun New York Nov Ann New Jeruy £1ququ Jukwnvlllo Nuhvlllu lnlmllm Mon Mmumn loll Winduorpmmlh New 01 out luv 01m Jn Lanmur IntMun Ml Mom Jaw Mum Knth Jllhr Hula flrnndon 110 IN 117 no ml Releree Pa Shefler AIUs on had In ulnmely busy time attempting to keep order play evelone excessively rough He whistled dawn no In than lnlracllom Malling OFER 3M HORSE LEXINGTON Ky AP to nl 386 thoroughbred horns hmludinl yearllngs have been conslgned lar ml Jun 76 It lheKeenelnnd nuc flan nl horses of all ma ln cluded in the sale will be lrorm nlrrd by ruch mall Bald Eagle Swoonl Son Amblorlx Spy Song Lark ln Mar kel Ind Hill Prlnct PLAYER FINED DETROIT CF Jack Adlms pmldml ol Ilia Cen rl Mushnal Hockey ungue announced Vednexdny that lenwlnxur Larry Mlmy Iomrd Hm or dalm lle unll hlml been woanl well shulflo Ihe mm and try new enrrblnllon Somellmu lha mull exceed rxpcdallnlu as In In use Guam powerhoun Inward llnu xmupinz Bobby Hull Phll Emalla and 011m MIlL And wmetlmu tho rmll II bust hire or ulmple lhn lenalva lhnlcup lried am by Toronlo coach Punch Imllch Wednuday nlflll Ihc whil lvu Monlml Clnmlanl Idzed ML anh lull Sports vlrlually dominated lerrllorial play throughout and llred at will Menard nelmlml er OhmIla Schultz blocked 29 at 41 drives Once axaln Spam were successful playing wlth man advantage The local pro dmd pair wllln the extra man Includan one with lwwnan advantage gnd recorded another We 18 ralhemwlvss On my lo matted oven In the anlmul llocqu League byukklmd 71M defence onmholh Ildll mldo plrnly ol dillmcm In um mnlul deep in In place Mumd came through with strong cum throughout even though they ended seven mm down mm Sportl who wildl fled their grip on therunneh up eloLTne hosts molded the Initial goal or the very um time before Barrie bounced heck tomem ï¬rst period Iénd With play concentrated on rougher tedlce the teem man Iged one eel each during the mood session The the period we twwuy shooting ullery Sports counted xix ol the ntne goals ouuhootinl their hails 1510 Mnloney and Rick Dunn counled or two 1081 each Jhn Burke Glen Martin and Jim Thompson nund lhe mark once In the playmaking department Maloney set up hree sum as Leighton Smith nnd Bum mn ed two Insists For Meaford ddenceman Don Douglas beat Clare Shepherd twice Mac Harvey earned the lead tally Hmer Taylor and Murray laymek Ilse scored hunch who In bun mml min In 14 Idlh inhup tor Invml vulu huh mmunrd contlmllon ul Na llnun Ind Carl rower who had hell dllrmlvo mvrd in the lulu lor lhl llnl onplhhd the mm mlmd nm mm with Em and Allan Manley with naun an mummy illnllhm wu on 2h In lot hm hm Cand Mull ms was ilmnaen in Chippy Georglnn my Junlor club Meatord Community 11 Sport nflenslve was well balnnced wflh seven players sharing the gall pmdncflon mt winger Ran Rayon was hqad mgnvglph kg trick will Oalu mm 43¢qu inch pm dullenze mm the cal latdwellers Inst night Bums Spoflsjumed on the heavy it emervin lhe M9 10 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Hubs Discount Punch Moves ny cums unm Exlmlnar Spot Em luvltullul MM SCISSOBED SPORT day Tabol ltlckhandlcd tho llnmh the IN lo Icon Ihe wlnnlnl ml whlla Canadlem were ll mm Ihort Xn Ullrd period nn mum Manual mm lnon wen Mud me Dolby Roman and Ferguson Rod Kelly Dave Keen And mile Ron E1 toured or the lam Canndienl mulnlnu lole nation Im pm in 015 I1 away now hold lwo poinl ed aver mmup Mule Blank Ma nmmla mun In lourth mot behlnd Dem nlne poinu all lhu pm SISTERS NAMED PARIS MPJChristlne Ind Marlena Goitschel sisters who wan gold and silver medal each durinl the winler Olym ylcx Wm named Francel Ilh km 1961 by the dally sports qewspaper LEquipe Wedncl Hill In nuullndinl rookla lumd In II but ptrfnrmunco MM NIGHT EMU Ml tho Illth by lbronlo Oolllnxwood pllnr Ila pul lb puck In Moul rul net only In ma um pa rlod Ml lhl mm mm dlnl land bcuuu hll um mnlu wu ln lho roll out land Monlml onllo our Had on law ulher ocuth one at IMth mulled In Kvllyl ml Gringo play Dalrofl lo nlml In an only um Ichod ulud On Now Vurl nl mom 5th And mlnulu Including three game mlsmndnds and our Ivelulu ute majors for ï¬ghting Mea Iord an out seven minor cal to 5mm ulna rulebreakers mull mm developed mainly in the second perlod and ï¬nally exploded with an alter ullon llle 1456 mark Bar rlu mislanl captain llm Burke and Mealonl blue liner ï¬m Bel anger 0le on the boards and came out swinging Rodi were sent to the dressing rooms with game mkconducu when 1th plersistéd ln conï¬nulng the tan cl Burke earlier in the period was decked with viscloua board check and we dazed He wns hit by Helunger who re celved an elbowing penalty and tell heavily on Ill shmdder he third period opened up both ways as Klnsmen mad motions al mixing rally with Sports lendin the host re corded lwn ask goals la slice Ihe gap in three However the Barrie power pravailed and poured our more sums to Mn onng away In the In eight mlnulu SQ louh Brave had been ï¬ned $100 and suspended or on gum or llnshlnx John ManHilInn ol the Mcmphls Wings In game St Lou Dec 11 MacMillan escaped salons injury Mickey will mlu Friday nights game whenSl Inuit deLs Memphis IM 01 Elk looted wu hla of tho non York Chlcm 5mm 5mm Last night marked the start the SZgame AW ball VANGUARD MEN mum nu noun CARI In 1M1 Mum to All MIT CONRAD MALONE Booth mu HAROLD JORY MOTORS ROAD umvw Pentllnl UNI 17 WE 11 21120 Oolllnzwood 37 Odllh 11 601111 Mellon l6 MI FUTURE GAMES PridnyPcnolnnl AI DAHHIE Call cod Man Nnmnriet Oliflll Midllnd comnxwma wood Norman Fonu llnlal eoond hall for atom who ï¬nd themselvu Ohm pom luck of pixiean Pancho Enronwho hm two gum in hand Hum an ham Em rle Arson tomorrow nllemoon at am In speclal New Yurl memoon game vmlxd mm Gollth Indluu vldl Spam lhll Sund nflemoon with tho same ma was Clay Perry who am nurxhgl Ionelbw M¢I lonia 11 walking wwnded Include Mun Layenck who Phyed wid me He Emmet tha him with goal IN muk EnnisGoal 51 De mm Mgr Defence Donal Eelnmr Best Noble Forwnda Schnllz Eldar Laicoclt Brown Smith Hopkim Hunter hy lar Harvey name Put Sheuer 01 A1119 ton Lineman Prank Garvey of Own Sound Sullhhflmmpnn Fawnax Houuth Burke Mllonoy RI mn Parry Dunn Quinn Wilk er Ronni erfln Ban Dunn Thompson 1430 Penalties Hozgmh char 774 Noble lnll 1131 Smith hold Ind llaycrlfl elbow 41 Quinn Xcheck 1645 Taylor chart 1905 opldm um Penalties Thompson In Elder albow m1 Belnun lelbow 971 Quinn blmick 1339 Eelnnger 1sz name misc and Burke slash light game mlsc 1156 ThirdPeriod limit Mnioney om 10 Mallard Douxlu Harvey Elder 121 11 Barrie Mmln Leighton Smith 421 11 Mealnrd Dough 7210 Mealurd Lnymck Dougan 1112 Barrie Raymfl 4Malnncy Lelzhmn Smllhl 1147 15 Barrie layman Perry um lo Bun12 Mmpm Maloney Roman 16 17 Bank Dunn Perry Iuycram ID Penailiu Hogan um 141 Taylor lelbow 40L Marlin chum 502 Ryum elbow Thompson light Ind Schqu light xame mm 512 Ml lrlp 1342 Noble hnld SundIyhlllntwood mm NEWle own It Pomn1 lsm By Barï¬Ã© By Union GB IUNIOB LAST NIGIITH RESULT IMMIE ll Mallard rurunz 0mm SundlyOrlllll ll Midland MarWW Barrie mg Burrle Mal gurkg 11m maloney Barrie Leighton Smith 1038 flealurd llpr genera90 5511mm Second Period 16 F4 mum wmmu mm or limo run HIE SENIOR STAX Homo Nutlna Sn SW20 PETROLEUM BIG BLAST 7282563 ANNE It sum 0N GOAL Flu PeaInd Leighton Smith 510 Mnlaney Hogarth 1112 Raycran 11 Lfll WIBGII Awmwnn rnnwwfl Tel b0010 Wl7oll 16 II 1542 51000 oowmno SPRINGS Colo APBusxiaa abilin to keep shooting lb net at faster pace thin the opposing aide paid all hundsomely again Wednes dny night when the Russians deflated Canadal nnlonal hockey team for the mend time 75 and virtually clincvhed lop tournament honors hm Canadl held lhe Russlm Olympic and world champlonl lava Ile 1n the in period hm Anon Pirwv one the mu lbs Soviet mm broke loom for pnlr ol goals In 111 umnd period and Skinhan Petukhov another lo mm 63 or Russia and put Ihe game out tench nu Cnnndlnns The Russian kharpshooteu pounded goali Ken Broderick with 37 shala Ind mud xix their 2031 in threegoal flur fles In the ï¬rst and mom pe riods that wiped ou an early 10 Canadian lead Soviet gnali Vlktor Komvnlenko had 15 shall In handla 11 Canadian dropped Ihelr thlrd straight dedllm In the tournament that ends tonight when they play Ouchoslovakin Previously the Canadlanx lost to mush and Czedluslovakln SCORE FOR RUSSIANS Vlmr Yakudwv Leonld Vol knv Vznalmin Alcxandmv llld Vyacheslav Surihinov neared Ihe alher Russinn can while Reg Abbott led lhe Canadians with lwn goals and Jim McKen lie Wager Bourbonnlll and Gary Aldcom mg mired Russian now land he lhreuounlry tournaman with three victories one lou Ind le polnl Czechoslovak LI second with lwo wlnx one has Ind our Mall and name In hind The Clnndlam an In wilh thm lam Ind no palm and un go any hlxhcr even they win lonlghln 1mm Cumin Cum Mal lhu Runinnl flhcldgy glib If onlng lo lhem In lhu lournamenl opener lul Snlurdly nlh Ind um mad for lonlml meal lnl mu Canndn All ICOIIINO McKumlc ted llm 1mm nulml nuuln allmly mun thin lwo mlnulu all Nu nnrlcd nlypml In the Ouch but Clllldl Ihey could He mm on wlnll but they would have In Icon mm lhnn 12 goal to hell the flunlnns win Ihud In In all mm Ind an thlt bllll hive vlrlullly llnched ho Wllur an Memorhl My um on to flu tournament VHF nor it ha loumamcM each can try play Iho other lwch Canada Laqombl mike ham Albeih meetlnu ilderablm II on melr Emu our Compellnx in the AhenmeVmprcompeLlflqn BEATENHGRIN 1m Ilandlnl BATSTONES mu mvncn 10 BAYFIELD 51 72945549 USSR Shqrpshooters Bombard Broderick Ill TODAY BUY THE BUY ROCKETS APPLY PRESSURE bound from eight mt Emban uals made it Ilmnst two minutes later whan he deflected flap shot by Terry OMall pus anovalepka Yakuchov slapped on from Inside the blue line past Brod édck nr Russias ï¬rst goal Incl Vulkov Lied It up on whole um whhzed put Brnderickl skate The Canadians were 111an handed when Stlrnhlnov scored on power play It 1111 to put mum ahend The Russian had man In Ihe penalty box Ilsa when Cunada lled up with Ian IhanvIIve mlnutex III the period 10 on Abbotts mun god deflecledrxhot In Lhn Iefl homer the net In tha rough mend period when Ix peruth wen handed out Including misconduct lo Slanhinov FImv not hll Iim goal IIghtly Muted one the puck hi the skate de Iencenun and bounced Into Ibo Id mrntr HI 1116 Then at he neared hIs mom my on slldlnx shot that Just and Ihl far corner ol Iha cage Gilchrist WM led an loam In msMnl durln mmullwm yur wllh Mnlo and who paced ht DH In IheIr 2M plnyoll vlclary over San Dino Chuan with nuhlnx Peiukhwlel fly wllh blah shot that fled pal Bmderkkl Ihoulder far the leth lenn goal 1111 nle Canhdlam scored IwIce In 39 wmlperlod whila Run tallied once NEW YORK CF Seven player Iormerly wig Candim team wlll be In the lineup when One American leblll Anus mlem Ind wexlem dleIlon All um um angle the New Orlum mm Bowl In 15 ludlnx Illa pm on Ihc eul tm Iquul ll lullbnck holds Gilthm ol lhn champlon Bul hlo Bllll lhm lummnlel aulrterhnck mk Kemp nnker Elbert Dubenlon Ill and Em Warlldqro the on uu eulem um don wllh another lormer Canndlnn quar lublck Bub Pullll ti 3010 man And end Geno Camel lflll AIM at Bollon 1h Iona uCandlan In an Weller lineup end An Pow ell Onkllnd Hilde who pllycd ll me me lm annnla Arlonluu md Ilanlrul Mow loll Former CPL Buffalo Players Lead East For AllStar Clash at stockhoim Sweden Iha lenlor quad has won two mm lame agalmtum dlv lslou clubs Shown here in ullon ac Johameshov sum um um Djurgarden th Abba hatched goal at 619 clicking iii3 munor Hmflbm IAIIIIW seculld will neat afoot pasxlromL centre Gm Dineen while Run Ill wu dmthlnded Alexandrov accounted or mun aevenlh goal In than nth minute when he neared um muted mm so feed Ind Aida cam completed tha scoring un misled 1780 with wall Lib Hui ham hit KANSAS cm maum Finley owner of Kan my Mhletlcl dmpped two 1an will against the city edmi day he carried ou prom In 10 drop the legal Idiom against the dry and keep his American ungue baseball club here or three mare yam un der lemu hlacfreum mk ment with lbs he of he lulu nought lo 00ml the city to relnmle 1931 SlgdlulmAlease 511mg few nulea More 11va nu city mundl loll olllce The olher asked that the city rm direclor recommend that all council Inn club or ï¬rework dlsplayl Lin Ilndium yards la la canla plnycd vulaul llmes In Canada will llamlllon Tixer Cats Tonyllo Aruomuu and Sukllchmn lellrlden Dubenlon ll Illa tamer Rouzhflder pllyer whlla Wuh lldx llld Kemp one lln were with Calgary Bumpedm Pullll nanad larmrly or 01 um Rough llldm and Cam lalll land previously for Sat nln lden Bean 1n the old Onurlo Rugby FWUIIH Union The eulcm IllIll coached by IMI Saban of Milo I150 lneludl In hall7W0 mu mlnflndu Mm Newjark Janna su trimmd Roch tho Sweden are during 1mm their end Pulsed in Iron 01 the net Ron Tonkey lacomboa 10 mm Cablapholo lrom Stockholm BI day loll ucllunm or you Ind your lmuy hair 1ny mm dflvlnl loo AI uh to the mad mnnnbcr lb munon min Mldy Hm load Um whmvu you drlvv mu our wlh lo mu cmlul dvlm mmr any Bull Firm Mutunl than my IlaMi rnmm ll Cgmn mm mm ime Houston 011m Finley Drops Legal Actions um mum nmu STATE FARM MUTUAL CANADIAN SAD omcu WAIIOIDUOII 0M 53 in