mm Emmi mum mama Assessor Robert Sproule sla ted lhat he has he new assesh men 1011 ready to present lo Council at their next mecflnl Just what the changetwlll bu will be learned when lhl roll has been tabled may not have Job alter this has been ruched Mr Spyoulg sn now lhnl new Mun ual ls 1n lhe hands Use Queens Printers and wlll be placed In the hands of the assessors before the ï¬rst ol next year Thls mam unl wlll replace the present pro vlnelsl one now help used ln lnnlslil ll will adopt zoned basis taking lnlo mnslderallon the areas where openles are located wllh spec n1 consldern lon to types of soil and cllmallc wndlllons of varlous zones There wlll also be survey the sales reporls at arms sold lor arm purposes gelllnz the land values as lhey show up ln the sales ol farms over the past decade 1111 same process wlll likely be adopted ln urban pm rlles All propenles wlll be rough up to present day valunllon Farm hulldlnxs wlll be valued at replneemem value and ml on lhe depreclnlcd values of bulldlnls lllly years an or more The reassessment has been un der way or about three yum and has cost the townshlp con ddcrnblu sum One of the ï¬rst moves was the ndvnnclng of the shone properties to ten dollnrs out frontage for unlmpmvcd lnnds put on ut the beginnlnl of ma musseumcnt Farmer and other will not have these changes compiled until thclr next axes plan vhm this manual II adapmi II to havo nll nucl Ion pm course on um mu tho mnnunl and to place the whole nucumtn conlml In um hand County Assessmcn Commlnlancr Thom lacll wcro dlvuhzcd nl ho hum Union Con vcnllan lhll week INNISPIL NOTES NOW SHOWING Jnnq Kmlln 19 Miss 28 nada in the Miss World comm poses taking temper alnro Mlss Malaysia Catherine bah 19 In their London hotel Wednesday Ca therine whu arrived yum Present Another BSsessment Roll wwwmgï¬duun pumnmmmmmmm mmeu mum pm an nun mu WWW mm In HuniEviiEMIcKiifllis ADULI RUlllllIIlG KEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY MlMil III WWIIQ lho Rendezvouz Lounge WORLD OF DIFFERENCE BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL By K63 The reassessment on whlch considerable time and costs or Innlsm hnva been spent will be thmfm waied cum and will have to be revised Again aim the new Manual put me general 15 However 11 me Emponlan of assessment lncrcase nub lngad on laym pm The executive official of the Department Municipal Aifnira said that soma mnsiderntion muid have to be given many the older assessors of the municipalities who perhaps did not have more than grade iivu education and have been doinl their work camclenllousiy and caninily it could cause hem auiilcienl marry to put him into an unhealthy condition ti they were made to meet the exacting uiremenm that the Department expecting of mun icipal 1mm in thaAiulure with lnnisill Police doing double Ith and special Illen lion being muted um phone call would answered pmmp fly when home owner hnd mn Ion to complain lllt hoped that children Ind how not IO childish will imp lhil nvcninz lo lime oi luu plain inn In some areas rnicpuym an ml nz up vigilance commlilcel lo wnlch lor vgndnlllm Th ylnclnx parties that has already been added to shore properties the costs of massesan will be more than wvemd when this local added to next yam lnxes TM would luv to he handled in dlplomwc manner but would be expecled Ihnl nil ofï¬cials had zuldnnce whhln their men of obstrucflo when they my mum an Accident while lhey might bu mnsldmd just hm mu menu that the pnnldpnnu wll hnvu to nplnu ho pony AH hnva ml old ushloncd llnlloween wllh Ihcliaull or the kldl only good limo or thou who make up pmlu clc dw find Oclobzr In London too cold so she Hay in her hotel room whlle 6ther cun lestanlu zu sightseeing 1n lhe British capluL Than hot water bokllu right AP Vlrephoto Bmlo Lug And Mal Luxurloul Fully Llconud Loungo My HAMMOND ORGAN AND PIANO Prosonls nghlly Entertainment wllh GORD HATCH rm ear2w and hunt In MI film EmilIMF FEATURE SHOWN AT 700 Trlist aCédenies wirgbgaw 35k Tax IChdnge Esme Tax Au should be in cmsed mmmo mm 560000 an Iha around that death itan emu enough hardship without Adding the burden ol aleon fina associnilon representing 51 member companies said in brie lo the Royal Commission on taxation that revenuwalalng has not been the historical pub pose behind iheiax and the so cial objective limiting he nc qumniniion ol wealthshould he flawed in iho light ol Iadnys HTAWA CF The Trust OvmpmlesAssoclnuon of Can ada rezommendedtodny that the We WM wider 41° ï¬stula mes ins ycnr ac munibd or only 171m can Mai iederal revenue and the association aid that it in were nixed lo providea signiï¬cant source oi revenue it would mean the laxa aociai objective would be changed to conï¬scation of weaiih Such an objectivewould be 1011 within diflcrem politlcal philosophy than lha one which the majority of Canadians mw embrace Under the proposmi increased exempLions they would rise above the 00000 minimum with addiiionai dependents¢he ©©E®E ©EDEREWZA SERIES ms vm TONIGHT sIoo NOEL COWARDS Bmmswur JEANNE MncDONMD MISON EDDY nun NM Gill GOLDEN WEST mm mum lllh ll Manley St BANQUETS CONVENTIONS WEDDING RECEPTIONS SALES MEETINGS Alrepndlllomd Accommodfllun for 175 Parson HOLIDAY INN VICTORIA HARBOUR GAï¬Eï¬ER Entertainment Fri Sat Nights PHONE COLLECT VlCTleA HARBOUR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION NO CHARGE FOR BANQUET HALL DYCONIAVWHOTEL Four Seasons WASAGA BEACH We cater Io Weddings Ban quets FluHes etc Phone for rcservatlans PM LOUNGE TERRACE ROOM DINNER BELL LOUNGE association estimated that tinw iliths of todays eligible estatu iaxpnyern would be exempt along with about 25 per cent existing revenue To streamline administration the assbciaiion recommended that tho pmvince suspend their estate tax adsOntario Que bec and Britlnh Columbil now levy Iheir ownand have one iederally administered taxi Thu federal government would retain the revenue irom prop my held by persons living out side Canada and taxes imm person iiving in any province would be reiunded to that prov rm brie said am system would reach the desirable ob Jecflve oi reserving the estate tax Held or the provinces bur without mailng new admlnls trallve difï¬culties or each prov Ince would also mull In one unflorm tax news the country WILL HAVE FLAG OHAWA CHCanadn will have national flag More he worlds ah held in Montreal In 1967 the wnlenary Our federation Prime Minister Pearson assured the Common Wednesday Al The Finestl Fully Lleennd Hcs WlShlflg Shun willing EVENINII IIIOWI AI III 0NT CANADA STARTS FRIDAY DONUT SALE This Iamau creation Is now av ailable lo ynu ram our pain by number selection which range In price from 880 lo 595 The Last Supper priced at BAKERS DOZEN LAST SUPPER PainvByNumber Sat Leonardo DaVincis Famous PARKAS Boys 100 Dupant Nylon Parka Detach ablo hood quilted lining water and slatn resistant Dry clcnmblc Sizes Ml Color red royal Muck 735 SKI JACKETS Mans Quilted Sizes W46 Fully lined concealrd hood knluml Alarm culls zlppcrcd pockcls Wulcr rcpcllcnl washable wlnd rcslslnnl Canadian mnde Cnlml red roynl blnrkl mic DOWNTOWN BARRIE DONUIS FOR IHE PRICE OF 95 lATEX PAINT REG 799 Rag 599 LATEX PAINT 99 99 compleu learnIodrnw outï¬t based on Jan Gnagyl lamuul step by It leachan melhmt Include pass an in erucllon book plus all drawing materials required to sum you on your way LEARN to DRAW VENUS PAINT REG 849 799 SEMI GlOSS SEMI GLOSS Reg 649 Jon Gnagy 99 Mnnn Panmanl whlle couon ribbed combinations Short Ileem lcnlfll 57 COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Meni Comfortable Boyx Weslnm Drlll Jenni lully lined wllh heavy flnnnulclle clas llc wnlal ln back Heavy duly zipper Double Illtchtd and bar luckcd nl pockclu Double knees Sim 142 Cola lodcn blnck grey or ditch FOR 3400 Boyx llned Western REG 899 HIGH GLOSS HIGH GLOSS Reg 699 JEANS 99 99 99 49 EACH 59 gem