ed laid cola Desi Man ossibla vicinity comsrs at and Dunlap Its or Owen Colitar This is charity sale niw HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP ONCHRISTMASGIFTS ART AT ONCE Earn ite iiire mson St Wit nsancan sle bour us by aimt Ismsan ta liv BilROB ana PA was laLrAnLl Wama to take har oi Madonna is Ilizd hll rep ass lit macseuphoria PA doors RBNCED Wlllxaslel Wlnlld Wittng at man oidll cool plul Apply 00 arm or talk in PA lol iuflhll the nation is minimum Shorthand 1w essential Permanent billion Vim ulttsl TIMI nu wsnb Restaurant and isinI as it is tinl Reply no 71 ismI air enced handlI ll cli nI working condi uIL bl In by Oeto oaa 10 pWrit to Box l9 Barrio lhla MPLOYMENT WANTED IILD DAY can in my own Transportlion supplied isobarII PA errata LI LOOK anln may in my wish millREP worn Area in StrIaL Telephone ra um iNlINfl Storm Windows back res and other and Jobs Ilene la um Telephona PA as time curve pusma lady with Mflllrial diploma desirel post tlon as Isms or slenugraob Reply to Box Tl Barrie Luann TAX ntisma prepared It By we lI sitA51 nacactyll Div II tint or illenhnna FA 5425 MPWYMRNT llnled man snide leie About to rIIIr Health can not oi or Write Box at cm llamtnar MALE HELP WANTED YOUNG MAN lih Grade it or is ior oliicc rk Bookkeeping training desirable but not accessory Apply MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LTD Barrie lF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR STEADY WORK HERE IT is reliable man between 23 and married and with car want promptly to sell ltawicigh roducts in county Selling ex rienee not nccchsary We wilI uln you to make lrum 65 to 115 or more per week No capi at required This is an unusual opportunity tor hard working to build up buiinecss with security tor the inture It writ pay you to Investigate It Immediately Write or iuii de ails Rawiclghs Dent Mid lA toot Richelieu Montreal OIIUNIAY lul rn hoIII bust cation and idol LIIMAN wanllnl on II seiin ï¬t Hal man in ems Comm tan Wm lmith wna Clitloni Orv rimen Int uiaais ma min Inl no In Ital mm work LOCAL Expanding Whale Arm requires lJaung man In Ilst is worn in and HI Or lion Writs la lies Iniril provii it you as to Ia and Id am in is May or appoinirnrni slave to upsuni inns I1 sbiiaiId nuiIe mm talita woun with Ian trill III IQHH mm an ovroIrImrv mum tamplny read IIIr Imam at top in F0it Till AND 100M Classlilctl Atil inr iurniiure suit so bargains AUCTION SALE Saturday November2 i963 II no amine 106 ONTARIO ST COLLINGWOOD The undersigned auctioneer ha recelved instructions item the executors ol the Estate oi the late DR RALPH ROBERTSON to tell all household iuraishlngs and eii both modern and antique ihe iollowing valuable goods will be altered ior sale French provincial soil and matching chairs no solid oak dining room suit alt tea wagon matching table Gerhard Hcintzman piano up right grand matching stool Larre grandiather eloe blnatlen television ra re Citts player Electrohom Wen tingheuse heavy duty range4 Westlnghouseo cu it reirigera tar pe master bedroom suite aathn two ape bedroom suite bpc antique spool bed room aul upholstered cc Bug Rug It 10 Rug it 15 race Rug 11 Several scatter rugs antique mantel clocks Cuckoo clocki Electric kitchen eiocki Alarm clock Antique chime box 45 pc set matching Imported French crystal In pa set matching silver pr bone china tea set Complete place setting oi Limoges china made in Franco pc sliver tea aer vicc In English bone china cups and saucers Large Dun can Phon Ioldlng table Duncan Phyba combination table and bookcase Hound Duncan Phyic tabla Oak hall table Hall seat andmlrror with hangers Mus ic cabinet Record cabin section glossed in bookcase Grey lava seat and matching chair Smokers cabinet Morris chair end tables card tables Wicker table TV told ing table floor lamps wall lamps I2 table lamps told lng chairs Hocking chain several odd chairs matdrlng rocker and arm chair mm movie protector Keystone It mm movlo camera Kodak Large viewing screen Kodak camera Hoover vacuura clean lloor poliahcr Bisseli no Air and Airs Percy Boyle oi Ind and achalr Mantel radio Transistor radio Small cabinet radio Upholstered blanket drawer chart and mir ror electrlchcaters Hansen 66 electric truer Bathroom scales Set at skis and poles pair oi skates Toboggaa large steamer trunks Several suitcases Dr hag Portiallo Flight bag storage bags Lawn chairs LE Kettle iron Toas tcnr Sandwich grills Complete canister set and bread box ironing board Kitchen stool Quantity at kitchen dishes pair and real garbage disposal Quantty oi paintings and pic tnras Car rug and carrying case new eandeiabrl sets tailver and bronze Quantin oi ornaments some antique Bed linens tabla linens biann kcta bedspreads comforter variety oi handmade quilts pc set at shariie drapes al pairs drapes and curtains pli iowa cushions towels tea tow cls waste basch Quantity oi odd silver and copper trays aliver casserole Tea service Odd piem oi crystal large lazy susaa china chamber set Lorna iall underlay lawn chairs ladders Scythe Worn on clothes dryer lawn base oil lampr lawn mower quantin oi loos sealers cracks bed pan doorl large quantity cl lz kindling wood stove coal and many other articles too nu merous to mention No reserve Terms cash plus sales tax will commence at neonate LAZIO Auctioneer run xccurons on auc TIONL ll WILL NOT DE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR AC CIDENTB ON THIS PROPER TY ON THE DAY OF THE SALE lTSEASY TO PLACE BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED AD Use one oi these Ihm convent out ways TilONE IA Milt and Al want to placa MAIL it to The Danie Exam Iner tlsrrie Ont lliliNti It in The navrte Es aminer oilice itayiteld Street 14 PUBLIC NOTICE Itsnlord Horne ELMVME By MRS Tartar cannav WI zucrma On Monday night Sanrln men institute members spon sored senchre pariyin the school it II said there is no thing like eucbrc ior triendship The room was crowded to ca pacity with an tablesln play Holding lucky cards were Mrs Rawat and Elwood New For high score Mra Finch and John McLean 2nd prize hire Adams and Gordon Giilen Sandwich cake and tarts 1° mil AGRICULTURAL ANNUAL On October 22 the i033 an nual meeting at District No oi the Ontario Association at Agricultural Societies assembled in Markham United Church There were let in attendance Georgetown Acton Milton iu Society with Coiling Acton Beetang Mens Society received winning awards Ronald Parrot oi Markham sang couple at solos The theme was Small Fatrs should be kept go lngaadpay asyou go it should be large iamlly not cli que The community should try to make Its tale success An invitation was extended to the societies to hold the loot annual at Bolton Those attending irom Ebnvala were Mr and Mrs Lea Mr and Mrs Charlie Mc Fadden and Mrs Terry COUPLE HONORED Friends and relatives about on at them gathered Tuesday eve ning in the school room at st Andrews Fresh crian Church to honor Mr an liira Lyle Ed wards nee Phyllis Graham with miscellaneous shower Diane Graham aadJamle Dix on carried to the basket oi gitts Assisting the bride and groom were Marion Bertram who cut the ribbons Joan Rowat read the acompanyiag good wishes with Gladï¬s Agar placing the gills Phy ss and Lyle both thanked their irlcnds tor the slits Reireshmeats were serv ed and the newlyweds passed around pieces oi wedding cake lilrs Lyla Ritchie oi Midland spentuihesday with Mrs Regina were recent guests at l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Household Furniture includ ing many Antiques The undersigned auctioneer has received instructiqu irom hills ELlZAEETH THOMPSON at FERNDALE ROAD houses pireljht north at liar on SATURDAY NOVEMBER AT 1230 PM SHARP to sell the ieliowiag Admiral Deep Freezer good condition Leonard cu it Re irlgerator good as new Find lay Propane gas stove combin ation coal or wood Service electric washing machine good condition Chrome set consist ing at table chairs kitchen cabinet good as new kitchen vanities electric mantel ra dies brand new Electric ket tle Electric mixer Electric Irons Antique bullet Antique table Antique writing desk Wurlitier electronic piano brand new Combination RCA Victor hieii radio set complete good condition Sylvania North ern Electric 11 TV act com or new Several electric lamps Chesteriield Suite complete with two chai mantel clocks Extra chair Sev eral coiica ta Davenport China cabinet Antique table tea wagon Wail clock bedroom suites complete with vanity dresser bed and springs brand new to section steam radiators Antique easy wicker chair Drop Ieai dining room table Complete hand painted it kl gold in pieces at good china OIld sets at china glass ware bedding Pals lansx Carpets living room rugs Electric iloor healer brand new tor iireplaca Kitchen Cute lcry Garden Inrnitur Garden tools Power lawn mower Enr eiII larch Tractor with all so Iarhments Electric power saw Electric grindstona and many many other articles too numer ous to bat Terms cash No reserve as home Is ior sale and owners are returning to England It hornets not sold beiors sale day it will be altered ior sale by public auction and will be subiert to reserve bld Owner will not be held re sponsible ior accidents on pro poriy day at sais FrsniI Webb Irrk Jiilliik tOUGiiLIN Auctionerr CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ESSA CLERKS NOTICE or POSTING 0F VOTEIIS Vulcrs List 1003 Township ai Essa County oi Slmcoa NOTICE Ia hereby given that have compiled with section at The Vatera Lisl Art and llial Mi the list at all persons It titled to vote in the municipality st municipal alertlons and that suit itsI remains there ior Inspection Mr and am Ciuteahd maimed irlendahlps In the dis Mr and MrnCharlie Graham aiCaig are visltbi relatives to the grimIInin Mr and Mrs Stewart and Mrs guests oi Mrs Lock on ThIIrs Mr and Mrs Albert White were puests It the ClotsBarnett wedding Saturday In Toronto lilr and Mrs Arsiald Nurse Mr and Mrs Albert White spent the weekend with relatives in Bulialo Tiny Houiisoma at tendon spent the weekend with Mr and among the gnestaot the Hub bard Knox wedding Mrs Thompson oi Midland was Sunday guest at Miss Ver ona Usher She attended the an niversary services In St Johns United Church Congratulations are extended to Mr and liira John Cyril Hub bard nee Karen Knoxi who were married in St Johns United Church Oct id by Rev Hisham Mr and Mrs Everett oi Whitby spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Walter Drap li KITCHEN SHOWER er Fred HI ii entertained the telephone oil as girls at her home Monday night at kitchen shower ior lilisa Karen Knox whose marriage took place Oct to The living room was decor ated tor the ocaslen Karen ex pressed her appreciation ior so many gltta Lunch was served and social hour enjoyed REREKAII SOCIAL DRAW On Oct 25 the Rebekah mem bers held social evening in the 1001 ilall There were it tabch in progress The enchra winners were Mrs Bortirwlck and Mrs Schaadien men Waiter Kltsemetry and Beardsali Reireshmcnts were served and the draw was made on tickets sold Mrs Booth at Waverley won the embroider ed quilt liiiss Edna hicQuarrte Elmvaie the pole lamp and Mrs Abraham Barrie tira pil low cases ARTIFICIAL ICE WEEK The big drive Is on to raise anliiclent money ior artllicial ice machinery ior the Com munity rink In the Memorial Arena Looking back low years it was said the arena community hall would never be paid ior but the cltirens oi Elm vale and district have repn tatton lor supporting campaigns vale will not all short in this worthwhile enterprise Sincere sympathy is extended to the loudly oi the late Mrs John Baker who died and dcniy other home in Elmvalc Oct 13 ANOLICAN BAZAAR AND TEA The ladies at Wyclllie Guild were cpleased to welcome large crew to their bazaar and tea Saturday Iiiernoon The warm sunny aitcrnoon provided Ideal weather tor the event Mrs Lecho welcomed the guests as they entered the parish hall From 230 to oclock the vls itors ealoycd niternoon tea and patmnised the severaibaeaar tables The hall was decorated in ilallowecn colors Each tea table had small pic pumpkin in the centre There was dis4 play at homemade baking can ï¬yi lancy work and knitted ar as Ill ANNIVERSARY St Johns United Church Elm vaie observed Its Seth anniver minlstcr Rev Reynolds AtA DD archivist historian Vic toria University Toronto as guest speaker Ila delivered Id dressea at the momln and ave hing services when church was tilled to cafacity Rev lllsham con nctcd the serv lccs Visitors lrom the other churches helped make up the large mngra atian The church was adar with baskets oi flowers iticrvyn Corbett pre sidal at the organ John Lewis and Billy Hanson sing irom the Fred Victor iiisslon over CIIUM Toronto Rf solos and ducts as The lord my Sir herd and Thanks be to the soles my will be done and Just ior today were on beiraii ot the Hi Mary ctsrrlng and Keith Doan present the communion chalice RUGBY lly MRS JOHNSTth Mr and Airs Alaniord Horne visited Air and Mrs Newton lime Guthrie iiiss Jean Anderson and Allan Johnson were In luaiph at the OAC on 4in Judging rompeii tian Mrs Nettle Davis has returned via WillowdnltI ntler ending anilitliltln with Air an Mra LlIARIVAtli Air lilll Mrs Norman lang man entertained the eh rl gang on Friday evening ery one bad In anioyahls evanirr playing games delicious lane was Irrvni Mrs iortion Home was spokesman Ifltl Eric long have IIId up at my attire at V1 mm VIM Pmm llasiar on the ilih day at October tsri hurt and Norman with set at TV lehies lam and waste nper boa Thry bot mm or the gills Mrs Meaning and was and by the reports to date Elm ti sary Oct 11 with the leaner AND hereby call upon all voters to Iaiis to have any omissions or errors corrected immediate procecdlnu Irrording to law last day ior appeal isan the iilh Iisy oi November Ices DATED this 1in day at October in It HIILII llll tchiI lit the lnwnslilp oi ljssl lched Term Mr and Mrs Clarke ilrstne sud iamlly and live it Paisley oi OrlliII slatted Mr Mrs Thomas Surgeneou sonic Sevrrai irom lhla lontmunlty attrnrlrd the mini Collisi anra at Big Clslei ly Mum MrsSadia Tough oiToranto apent iew days at her home ere Mra Mariory Rogers is tllag irieoda In Toronto and HI on Mr and Mrs Raaa Delan spent law It recently wleh Mr Ian Wilmer Palmer and renewed many acquainted ces Mra Barnett eat the weekend in Toronto vls ting her sisters SENIOR CiTIZENS TottcnhamLegion 29 enter telned on Senior Citizens at din ner Wednesday evening last in the Legion Hall Rev Mr Holm es asked the blessing Following the supper ilirn ilre Long Silence was shown it was Appropriate or the occasion as many senior citizens are veter ans and Remembersncc Day will soon the observed Six rounds oi enehrs were play ed with Mrs Wica and Toni hchenna having highest scores Mrs William Emigh and Tom McKcona received iavonrs ior being the eldest lady and man present Walhenr thanked those responsible tor the evening The Legion president Is Don Gal braith Wilmer Palmer was chal man ior the occasion iNSTiTUTE ACTIVE The Womens Institute held business meeting at the home oi Mrs che Monday with to members present and Mrs Ro bert Thomson presiding Plans were made ior the lucky lunch can to be held Nov la the Legion Hall at 1230 pm it was voted to buy tio glit cer tificate ior assistance to UNES CO as well as Halloween party tor the children to be hed in the Town Hall Oct ii pm Mrs cha reported many con tacts with sick and shutiris and iunds were voted to carry on this work Mrs Ken Thomson gave report at the District held at kastnwn and Mrs Maillon report at the two day area convention at Cold water The hostess served lunch assisted by Mrs it Thomson iiirs McClain and Mrs Ken Thomson Mr and Mrs Vincent Trainer recently visited Mr and Mrs Noonan oi Tomato the iormers sister Mr and Mrs Ralph Thompson and Barbara spent Sunday with iarmera cousin Mr and Mrs Earl Basslagthwalta at Tomato Jack Wiea oi Sndbury visited ls mother part oi last week Mr and Mrs Herb Kant Mr and MraWaiter Hnribert and iii Charles OLeary and daugh iera Mra Gertrude Msher Tor onto Bid Mrs Seager oi ran ALL near came ior through ieedlng iecd conversion BAltitil executive and directors meeting sroi SHURGAIN WARBLRID rue EASY war T0 CONTROL WARBLESV caused by grabs working rcaulis increased grow cummos mo MILL Anne si ea mu iron man examitfrnuirabar ocroann stuns Nobletoa attended the lath wedd ing anniversary at Mr aners Angus Rusk in Crecmora Mr In Mrs Rusk were onetime residents this community Mr and Mrs Ill Taylor and Jimmie oi Paigrava spent Sunday last with the lattera par entaMr and Mrs Arthur Thom Ion Mr and Mrs He Peoples oi Cochrane visited aat week with the latters brother Alvin Austin and other iriends Mrs Walter Spiclrer is In Oshawa at time at writing with her son Don and iamlly Mrs chc and Mrs ito bert Thomson attended the both anniversary and dinner at the Churchill Womens institute held in Leiroy Wednesday last By MRS aowpau Mr and Mrs Bowdesr visited Mr and Mrs Harvey Bodiord and Donald ai Cocky town Sunday Mr and Mrs Lloyd Council oi Weston werI callers on San day at Mr and MrsC Bow derrs home We welcome Mr and Mrs Archie Bathgato oi Tomato who have built home and moved here on llrcaday Mr and Mrs James Miller at Weston visited Mr and Mrs James Smith and Mr and Mn Roy Smith Biasdai NEWTON ROBINSON By MRS LEESON Mrs Stirling Robertson at lhomhill visited Mra leeson on iliesday Ben Steers is in Tomato Gem eral hospital We hope he will home soon Mr and Mrs Clarence FarlI oi Cedarburg Wise are spend lng iew days with itir and Mrs Grenville Halbert Anniversary services were well attended Sunday Rev Mr Page at Cbarchili delivered Iplcndld sermons both morning and evening The local choir aso aicted in the morning and the York Choraicera were must cal treat at the evening service Visitors attending the anniver sary services were Mr and Mrs Grant Mayor oi Barila at Lloyd Coboms Mr and Mrs Elmer Wiggins with Genvtlle Halbcru Mr and Mrs Archie Woodrow oi Barrie It Dee Cbantlers Mr and Mrs Wier oi Bradlord at Don Draw Mr and Mrs Council at Toronto and Mr and Mrs Alvin Smith at Bond Read at Vernon amnelis Mr and iiirs George Holt oi lhanItou Mr and Mrs Gordon bladiil at Richmond Hill and Mr and Mrs Jack Poikingiiorae at Walter Andrews REDUCE LABOUR SilUltGAIN Warblrid because It is iormuh alcd In the lead completely eliminates the need individual treatment simply treat INCREASI FEED EFFICIENCY iiy eliminating warblos at rub silage an spare the animals several mont oi lat on under the hide The ratcs Improved COSTLY WARBLES tartan By MRS WRIGHT Miss Winnltrcd Abrams ls visi ting relatives In Usbridgc Mr and Mrs Mei Smith at Resolute spent the weekend with Mrs Butter Vlsltors at the home at Mr and Mrs Milton Reynolds during the past week were Dr Robb and Mrs Robbva Brewster and Mrs Reid oi Tor onto and Mr and Mrs Tyndale Rntherierd oi Brampton Dr it and Mrs MeKelvey spent Tuesday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Elwood Nichol visited iriends in Orangevltle Friday Mr and Mrs Mervin Gould were ht town Thursdayn largeaumber at people at tended lira tuneral at John Kirby at Alliaton Tuesday Mr and Mrs John Farts oi Cookstowa spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs Milton Reynolds Mrs Cecil Reynolds Mrs Gor donHawtori lira it stailord Mrs Roy Armstrong Mrs Wiggins and Mrs Harold Watson attended the Thankotiering meet tialted Church Thursday eva IT III Mrs Hunt and Mrs Harvey were In Uxbrldge Wed nesdsy Miss Barbara McMinsI oi New market spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Stov wart Mchnn large number at membe of Barton Agricultural Society attended annual district meet ing at Agricultural Societies held in Markham niesdsy Oct Miss lots Butt at Weston spent the weekend with iriends to town Mr and Mrs Bert McDermott visited Mrs Baycroii oi Alcona Beach Saturday Mr and Mrs Wllmot Hayes spent Wednesday In Barrie Mrs lda Cook Mr and Mrs Delbert Baker oi Gonniey and Mr and Mrs Spence and Linda oi Stoutivltie visited Mrs Wiggins on Sunday Ruthertord Is patient in Sunaybraak Hospital Toronto Mr and Mrs Cranstoa were guests at the MaconTomli soa wedding in Klelnbarg Uni ted Church Saturday Oct be Mr and Mrs Elwood Corbett oi Barrie were to town visiting relatives on Friday Mr and Mrs Rothery visited Sir and Mrs Caran ston on Friday Rev Wills MraWllIls and iamlly visited relatives to Toronto during the weekend LEIROY By MRS MAURICE REID Mrs Eva Reid Mra Grose Mrs lngram and Mrs Stewart enjoyed the Dc Your group It the Community Con cert ln Barrie Collegiate Audi torlum The First Leiroy Brownie Park will be collecting tor UNICEF on Halloween night it would be iiincu appreciisibuvu every one would denate Special boxes have been supplied They art black and orange and white The amount collected with be an nounced in the Leiroy news Mra Earl Gilmore William iagram and Aible Reid are all ationts In the Royal Victoria ospital BarrieMra Pete Letta la patient in the Toronto Ger crai Hospital Best wishes ior speedy recoveries go to them Mr and Mrs Jim McNeli and children ol Torontoara visiting their parents Mr and Mrs Gross now has By raise WANLESS Visitors Saturday with Mrs Clarence Atkinson Included Mr and Mrs WPcarson and daugh ter Gwen Barrie and Mr and Mrs Morley PearsonThornton Mr and Mrs HBums and son Finlay Barrie were yisiiara with Mr and Mn Alex Finlay Mr and Mrs Harold Gilchrist and iamlly Stayner were supper guests Sunday at Mr and Mrs Harry Train They also called on Mrs Kirkpatrick James Mliilgan Kspnskaslng spent the weekend with his iam lly here Mr and Mrs Cline Ram and iamlly attended anniversary scr vlces at Guthrie United Church They were dinner guests oi Mr and MraEwea Caldwell By MRS MARLEY Darlene three year old dough1 ter at Mr and Mrs Ed Valender sulierod severe cut on her hand while playing on slide near her home The iereiingzr at her lelt hand was severed She was rushed to Penaiang Gen eral Hospital where Dr Patcheli groited the linger may it is new reported healing Frank Marley is in workmensg Rehabilitation Hospital in Downer view undergoing treatment tor his back Mrs Emmett Stone at the 3rd concession has Hybrid HOT that iaydouble yolk eggs quite oi tea Last week she got an as oeptioaally large egg It wet ed hall and ooatalaedlha whole eggpia hard shell inside the shell which IaeiilI IIIIKS 1k and white it tsoo display Chaputa Grocery It In material was purdiascd tor tlIax building Mr and Mrs Roy Tberrlen and iamlly attended the Diaor mend Jubilee Celebration at the iermera parents In PM on 0o 11 MONEY FROM MILK Vermont tumult 1000305 Wit da ti every whlchwanccouatsdor to per cent oi its agricultural revaaus roa ALL DAIRY CATTLE Eseepi those producing milk tor human ronu sumpiioni FEEDING INSTRUCTIONS Simply lead ib400 lbs at live wclght per da iar any day criod Dec ist Mom For Further information and Details CALI lilADlOID lose mo MILL incomeum sein between Sept id and COOKSTOWN IIIAWILSON issuers