Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1963, p. 16

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or Kw vkkorlcx In lha our xamo world min men of Naw York Yankees TOOK ll VOTES Pravlously chosen lhI Cy Young Awari wiriher he years fines pitcher Kaule camplelcd hl dauhle by uptur ing firstplace volu Short 50 Grant was named rat by our vnlers whlll Mllwaukco outfielder Hunk Anon and Lo Angelo lnflelder Jim Glllllm Ipyt Ihu mm BOSTON AP Lo Angeles lclthander Sandy Koulax the camebuck Dodger who made Hue dlflcrcnce Wednesday was named the Nltlonl Leagues most valuable player or 19w The 27yeawld ilrlkeou klng dcclsivcly heat chk Grant Die Louis Curdlnnls aplrkrluz 237 palm to 190 Results the annual poll of 20mm com miucc the Baseball erler Assoclallnn Amcrlcn wem An nounced by BBWAA secretary Hy llurwllz Koufux was named on all but one ballol Koulax recovered from nor iolu circulatory nilmml In finger an left hand which sidelined Mm 111 July 1982 pflched he Dormn the pen nant they couldnt quite hull of 36mm Mm lhl Iaupr half of lha BrooklynAbom bldlelor dulstmd National League mom of 308 strikeouts en mum to 255 wanvlosl mark Ind brilliant Lea gamut nu Avcr are plmfiedhll xecand ma lor lcnzue nahmei early In the mason Ignlml Snn ancbcu plan anq peljwnqllx femqnled Grant was 1960 VP for wnrld champlnn Plllsburzh Pl rnlc and Aaron lhlrd wllh us polnlx In no or Dodger rellcl ac llan Pnrrnnaskl was han orcd In 1957 Gronl and Aaron were lhe only players llxlcd on 01120 ballots Wllllu Mnyl 01 San Fynntlsco was null voted the Nallonnl Lenluol on prize nlnco Brooklyn Dodu Dan Newcombe in 1056 and only he mfnrgh 1m yprp Koulnx lmd amen most ever by Ioulh pnvl In lhe majorl III Ilruck out 15 Ynnkm In the World Serlu opennr bunklnn lho man of by Dodm Carl ulB lyenry 0h llmniryou K991 Iald whnn lnlonhcd alhh lelecllon Thu puck skim past he ndge or thynet 15 Leo BMW 20 the Boston Bruin Mu Most Valuable Plaver AWard Goes To Koufctx 26 DUNlOP ST COMPARE AT nrrmmn mmcm TERYlENE SHIRTS lAMlNATED JACKETS ANDERS MENS WEAR ACTION HT THENET IN NEW YORKBOSTON GAME Up lo date Emma Confer ence lnllsflu suppun this he ory Tha convert has been kicked on only 91 Iha touchdowns scared to dale meaning at approximately one in four missed dlfllcu lo understand In nmlesslonnl sport but Ihe guru qrc lherp LIsluI In an nxpcn John hen Tip 411311 good ex mple of h2w Cnnndlans can link up but high prlced Imports Tlp native of Fort Erie 0nL played or Hnmlllon TilerCull from 1951 through the 1955 mason and In that llmn Cumin mu Spon Edllor Any Clnndlan yuungslcr wllh Imbltmnx ol becomlng pro fessional laolball player In lhln caunlry would do well to can central on convert klcklng The pro lame pnnlcularly 1n the Easl needs players who can accumcly klck he extra polnL th aim his siluntlun m1 by phone didnt think was especially proud because be golnl lo win because dldnl llave Ihlu ll Rh molt lmpartant lhlnk pllcller would wlnl rV vml In bmblll or non In tho first perlud In nllhla game at Madl Ion Squm Garden against Poor Average Ir Convert Kicking Listed below are just law tho many valuu you will ml nl Andm Com ln now Ind SAVE RUMBLE AGENCY PHONE PA 84110 CANADA HEALTH ACCIDENT ASSURANCE CORPORATION Eyl TleIncIlon Orin Connnllll Cm Nervonl tondlllanl or meulnl dlmdm Chlmnnclnr Outrapnlh or Ambnlucc PIIEIIIUII CondIlInnl YOU BARRIE IIIULIICAIIE GROUP PLAN PAYS All BENEFITS FOR THESE CONDITIONS ONLY THREE DAYS MORE BARRIE MULTlCARE GROUP INSURANCE COMPARE AT 995 OIENINH IIECIAL By JACK SULLIVAN YOUR PRESENT MEDICAL INSURANCE DOES NOT PAY FOR All WOOI PANTS NOW At 26 Dunlop St NDERS 26 DUNLOP MENS WEAR ST WEST Formcrly Of 123 Dunlap St For Pmlcnlm contact mmllmenl allch 1288 COMPARE AT v95 $253 Ch um um It may he dIIIIculI Io make IummllIon or the questIon In zenenI nId Tip now In the Insurance business In Hamilton Howver um then Isnt enough emphuh put on phnle Illa Elma And on the Importance ha on the aim They sort of no Ibout convert kicklnl in nonchalnnl manner 1m to let it up there II ledlln boy want In make In the pro ranks my wuesllan to him II to by to become upeclllLfl an convm kicking Ind lhl mean pm llce Mnny amen hive been run Ind Ian on convert kick nu his to beam the most nm nus In modede football RARELY MISSED Tip now Ind nbld oat hall an nld he practised III In flu night weak even hurl Ive mlnul urlm mum on convert klcldlll Pri marily or promuon purpom He mused duh four convert nlttmpu v1th TLCMI lhe New York Rulers Rang er ml Jacques Flame and teammate Don ershall 22 Llnzloll Ind Doul Har COMPARI AT ormmu rxmAI Cnnnnlll Condlflom SUEDE JACKETS IARRI OTTAWA CP Fun ul lending home games of the DI lawn Rough Rldcrs hnvc named quarterback Russ Jackson as the most valuable player on the Russ Jackson FanS Choice vey allov the 1113 Has lons Bob Lcilnr comes In from the hack AP Wire photo With orwithout Dows always right its brewed to suit your taste taste testedby men like youmen who trust their taste and know their ale Thats why Dow always measures up to your taste expectations always gives you the smooth mellow fullbodied taste you want in an ale really have been lucky The toughest llme Ive had was nbout three years ngn whm last seven leelh 1n the same week Whllu playing for the New ank Haulers llebenlan sald Wednesday lost our upper teeth when was hlt In the month by sllck In hlonlrenll few days later in New York got three of my lower teeth knaeked ant when lhe some thing happened The Bruins acqulrcd he ycnrnld Winnipeg nnllvn 1mm ghg lunacy In the High draft NEW YORK AP Andy llabenlon tlm Nntlnnal Hockey Leagues anmnnAtobc ls in excellent shape to continue his assault on the leagues consec utlvo games played rcmrd He needs only to appeur In Boston nrulns next games to break Hls 559m game will bye Suri duy nlght when the Bruins are at home to the find Wings Tm veteran ight winner has had his share of jump and bruises during his elghtycnrs In the big league Yet hes played In 560 straight gnmcswlha rec ord Is 530 held by Johnny Wll sun Iormcr Detroit Toronlu and New anklpfl winge last Juniflo éhpcarch In every Vilh the award goes 1000 pound lop grade steer donated by packan firm Enstcrn Football Conicrcncc club Fans were Invited to cast vnles allcr each Ottawa gamm Hebenton closing 11 On Iron ManReC5rd Suit yourself Illllll IMMIIV UNI WIMW gamc durlng hls clghlycamlay with New Ynik My streak cams prelty close Io ending about three years ago when was In lhe cyu with sllck Hebenlan sald Things lonked had because he an al most pluud tight and we had game scheduled for the ol lowlnn night But they put drops in the eye and was able take my ull turn tore sumo ligaments in my right knee that first year and guess the Canadians ell that would have chronic knee trou biz said Hchnnion They sent me dawn loihe minor and missed 30 games The knee gnve me lni oi iraubie lhen but it hasnt homered m0 since Hebcnlan Inrncd pm wllh Montreal Canadiens years 320 although he never gal iutn game with them Car To Yul In Ian Ilun CAR WASH Cor Anna and Dunlap Sh MINUTES enema INSIDE AND 0mm To vow smsncnon the brew tasteleslcd by men like you The semnd year withVla Iarla In lho Western Lvaguc had my appeyldix taken out so dont have to worry ubaut lhal any more elthe Hebcnlon says he sleeps with the wlndea wide open cats lots or steaks and takes an occu aionnl been usually only get one cold year he added had one In tralnlng can about month ago so guess Im all right on that score ton DUNLOP ST Murrays Shell FREE DRINKING GLASSES WITH EVERY s250 Gus Purchase or over EC IVA we touch all bases on gelllng your car ready fur cold weather rndlulor ballnry lubrication antirem en sine luncvup brakes healer etc complete Winterizing lob AS LOW AS WINTER SERVICE MONTREAL CF Two new Imports bath linebackers have joined Manlrcal Mounties nlflle Eastern Foolbflll Canterencu The newcnmcrs are Jerry Fields 25 mnmlmr serve squad the Amerlcan anlbal League New York Jets and Howard Vnndersuu who played LhIs sensoh wilh Port land Sen Hawks he Atlantic Foolball League The Aloueltcs also afinounced Wednesday Ihal dclcnsive hall backBarric Hansen will miss Sundays game here against Humillqn TigerCats because bruised knee AlsflavéTwo New Playes PA 64 32 fig

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