ol nunl Irreslalnlzli gown and garmenls will he alleged or yaur selection And no Non conscious wamln wlll want to be wllhoulv It lens on relnxedly elegant out or her alhurna hours whether xhes enlemlnlnl or just lounging or lha evening wllh hook Hundreds of buy in luxurlou lulher textures Jich hll hues and mm shape wlll be aund thl ypar From the long mm envelope In tho tall hmadbuscd tale thls somnn handball are r3AM la the eye 11th In hlnd pmlml in me Fall 1963 will he the ieason when ynn dress up to stay hymn An 2911x111 Row lmup ll all slatted when Inshlnn mat Norma Norell who ml to many trend dulln ed and created mumiflcent balmob langmnd luxuriant Ind mellculoully tailored in heavy heavy min for one of Theres bl nary In Inn lhu handbag lashlom lhll lull In evgry shape with very ca luma Ind 01 evAry occulon wo men will be currylng lune lpl Cl lull pegs The new mack and gold Genuan Leather hang tag on the bundle In one marl elegant not underlinan the quillty and sth appell the new hmd BEL Tho lwlnl lo olucr bags at Illnnm with the lrcnd to ash ionl keyed to cum llvlnl Iamr wlder bu compltlel lhe custom look lhc costuma it Halhen on lhl Ilmpln yet zrncclul Hnu Illorod con or null The exlrn mmlnm ol hi new bun wont be umly un wtltame to warm who mun urry In much whcnmr they leave home hm And hlndbll duluncn hm alven reln In their lmnulnlliom produclnx bun vnrlely cl bill In uln ed Imoolh hmhcd llld lutdc Iceman Th nusanl deep lulhtr col on enhnnu lhI DVCIIIH bnl 1mm Oblonll And Iquml In dlrktnod new vlnun nm they Ildl mm bl km Illlnu flildl wooluu an In lhnr can In hundbul and uh er hnlher Icoemrlu lhll 11 II oqunny mun lo ml colon lo coordlnm TORONTO CF Allandd Monlml known the dun nl Cnnuxlm mm cmbrmd hll mh bnhdny hm hmdny wllh Ihowlnl MI now holiday cullodion ol forml And cuull cvtnlnl wrnr Thu callmlon Md tlmlvely or Hm rllllllnl In blldnl Ind avonln luhloun In In ummi Ihuwn lho oIJ mum II hn rum out tlr nut wln monlhu mm In lthlovt Ion Icmrr bu Ihlmly Illhnll me we dr Ilwd by nlmwl cummcnulor Clthy Emma 11 rhuth yau run In or long Io was mr TO DUILD STATION MSKANON CWInn mnd llmllululnl Marlnu Malian In Clnldl wlll be hulll lhln nu on lho Unlvmlly ol flnnlnlchnwln mom undu Irerllan ol the MinkMun llmmh Council Ill mlln ur pnu ulll la olylln clan ml mmunmm lulul mm mmm lmm nlulonl lu vllwr Inman rm Im rnmmrod and Ar mnnl mummloflnl lmlmmenlt Mns ELAINE PAnansoN dressed for an Inforan eede and an evening oldln dnl bllck crepe zown with Ilnyshoemlnz sum And New Handbags Are Roomy Elegant Costumes Designed For Entertaining At Home Designer Creates Timeless Fashions If Ewellr tasilon um yur ha Sportive Influence very myth full There are 1on ol oilhanded lhlm mmllllared or Inn lnaklvely softened but alwnyl flunr length In uncommon tub rtcs Inch meulllc plaids lnmlnmd Jernyl Ind avzn velvels One look and qulla DINIII 1y nther st lesemnz ladle wanted equal elegant lhlun wllh lhls new teeL The lonk of these new thing long always to In In ankle And the mood one my elegance often achieved by the use of mm tuonshlr He or unusunl comb Milan 1mm nuklnl Iha 0mm homu gown of pm In Iogu yeryyn his most elegant Social cul lnmm lo wear or her Munn 5137111qu enlepllnlpg other designm begun cre allng And suddme thlsnew way to dress at homo was man lhanllrendJl was mllly Andrthm are Ion mm mm ull and ringed olhm slim Ind Innaw or uncfly am in be worn with cmmlly chu en Inns far nnl uhlon Im paq ground the wide Adding morn excllemenl nnd drama lo the plclnra Inch creations onepleco oulllu that look llke separate but lane mu the mm over herdreuMnJflhmn chic bllck nylon ace to matwhich an be removed or duclnl Photo by Eric at Came mu Did you know your diamond you In umounnd or mdadgln whom H10 union DIAMOND IS ALWAYS IN FASHION Arent Ind new twasumu that often pair Ian Ileevelesl can over In print Ihmllka mm or long Jumper over mp blame Lllm mum or contra marl top Youll ï¬nd flannel being pair ed with chlllan velvet with wool phfld mm nude with Inlln In hue huh and un orthodox naw comblnnllons us than long been lacking In our Mme clathu Fluid emlnlne crepe up pearl often tailored mm Ion duped column wldalemd culoue with tha look Iklrl to be worn WM 1110 pony ml or 1011 nesvelm 11kg lur mat Theyra velvet or min 1ch piled woola vllvlsh hm udu flufly mohnln and mad plgd here In robes Ind contl 1n bl new mood loo but than new Indoor com dont look min Ilka 1h nld robes we onge blew These shape In generally my keyed lo 1h Sportive mode Ind onen counlrlfled Ilnnx Ime luncheon lines But the bimn difference in ihn coallimbo menu is the new limping Ihuyu cut Ind named with the careful Ilionlion lo Ihe kind of deuil lhn hu previously heen given an in mm formal wur mu amen warm wean black tundress ol silk mum van mun yelrmnnd ensemble sull le um Iutumn Wellhel Thu hlhlonlbla way and lhc win wny lo nurchue dlnmond ll lo dawn qulclly and uk all th qunsflom you have over hld Iboul dlnmondl And nravldlnfl lhore qunllflcd perm lo mum your quullnnl Ioyonr ururlly hand In Cunlul 0M rlo ludlnu DImHoml Muchm no In to uy without rmrvnlian Our lupuIIUm In our Ounrlnm 76 Dunlop 80 In PM PA M745 would like how you our llne dlnmomh nl nny llmo hnl L1 convunlcnl you cilhcr In Inc Alert or ll your ruldcncn by uppolnlnwnl Dlnmondx mm In cm by Candnl lendlnl houm Dlnmondl Kunrnnlud to In mml anlblylnl purchm Ruhr £qu Dignmond urriu with the mrdlnaled look from head In loom lmpamnt tn lnll inuhlan ways glove emeru vital part or tha picture New lcnlhern includan he niches are appearing to add new Interest Then Ira Itrelch mode In elellnl lengths then Samun once excludde lhc bombinch leather hm are new lizard and now rant menlx ha old andby lav orllcs Now they nol only keep your hands warm Ind pmlcded but they Add Ihe last touch that unllle the overall costume Newest with the weeds and Spnrllvo costume Um are so fresh on thehsctne In the many pluklns Theyre mos right In the neumll mm belu Io brown lonu wllh hlndsulchlnx and alien metallic lab or button to add an even more Sportive look More and mm loo one And discreetly tailoer love belnl worn or daytime gloves stemming mm the plain and ladyIlle classic but ncwly splkcd with maximum In their Harlan These wellbmd ulnvu cm bormvr many touches from tho gentlemen saddlesmchlnz brassy or goldvtane culllink oven stretch Iealhen or uMmm 1n camlort Gloves Are Important Accessory in dark color lend um season wear $35 to $3500 Ever alnco Um bmn hm known jawelle them and dnw udmi lion This FIlll exclth ayd 5U163 1n J4 deslm and sLyles ln kwallery ol Ill kind In brlnllnz special Iplrkle tn mry womunl eye Ind nddlnx glamour to her wank mba lay the Jawellery lndw CaunclL Ewrywhm the popularle hm gold Iowanla mwm Ind the vnrlely of Myles to choose mm seems Almost llmll less Whlla many mw place mun lrndllhnal pllIIlnl mm 2an sold jewdlery L1 mom linomadam dellm uslnl van lam Idndl oi llnlslm In men lnlgreiupg dlecu One on dnmnuc new trend In ho mamlvo nu colored done Inevery said Jewelry with pin In an flflll being let with high quality aqulmulnel manlyu um ell opnll tun qulm and th vmou mic of Linda nun Thu ashlnn Importance of old lmallnnuve humamuefl are even heaumully framed minon on the wan Just like picture to add 1pm dim or dull area tourney you Ill to know Ihe rule otdeconun in or dur to use mirror In tho mos drecllva the bick mund wul buy fur ex Impla WI but in uloct xlmpls tramsor dispense wllh name But nlmple back zrmmd Ihould bu drummed by In important demrallve frame Use lull narrow mirror it you mat to mm In Illusion of heth In low Hinged The nnawur to many home decanting pmblem noun other hm womanl molt honm ctlllcu mlmr ll can make mm look lunar hlxh um lovely ulna or zulle unlurmlvo mum Attractivé Cdstuiï¬e Iéwelry Carries NevflGblden Lobk Mirrors Can Be Used To Disguise Odd Shaped Rooms Dull Decor lunggye SPORTSWEARUNGERlEACCESSORIES shtnlnn month In mnlnl women flatten lg atten ï¬lled Jewelry hu Menlkimch 2an thanks to monud more lineman Ind mum claim In pgndanm plm bracelets necklace Ind canInns Thrnuzh tha nu precious new Ihll swolry ruchlnl new be his £139th Plnl In inwalry Items Ike mun carry luch bienniumlone II hllck onyx smoky lop Jade curved Illa eye urnellnn an even Ivory Ind cmedjlde001d ï¬lled bracelet and neckhm 1n variety or ï¬nishes at null Ihle In many style lull lo dlgl flshlnnl elry this sensor carries fascinating gold loo the result oi gold and fringe mesh braid and oven ï¬nishes With the dramatic um of color od liones the pins neckilca brlcaietn and earring hm tub ed on an air at rpccinl lmpon tenet The populnr rhlit wires in brought about two distinct mk mm lam humour1 ml i691 Inda all W13 Touch Of Mink With Wink TORONTO CHll your wile wnnu mink or Christ on buy hcr mink mas You 9951 Mink trimmad are the new value man Ihlancomdoua women lhll season mam mlkeup In Robert nld hm Mandai Sp nu lhe apeulnl or comm ulna Mr Rob on laid the mink mum coma in shades buck brown Illver my and blue 1m lengths Ian on thut II attractive on high or mund mllu ml thu choker um adds It the boat dupe at open neck new mldlanath necklace of we or thm alrde and made In hmdsoma zoid llnlnhes makan ll debuts THE DAME EXAMINER THURSDAY OCTOBER ll ma with full VALUE fllall will you will gel when you come to MOORES Thu men In fuhlou but never forgetting the quouty or Inn wear and hem dollu value We Hove shoe for aYery fool poles or every pocket gamma blngkr or brown Specuuii Bin aid émunenm heel no Hell 1206 or Iueek dreu with comfort It best RETIRE FflflNfl FOOTWEAR MA SIZES 310 54 DUNLOP ST PRICES ARE BELOW WHAT YOU MIGHT EXPECT TO PAY 15mm mg 68 Dunlop Smut Wm PA Ian oore All dun point kn he abulnul popularlly at ring of all klndl mull then In In unpm edemedrvarlely ring qulgna uslnl colored lama almonds pearl and other allrncuvo mne such Linda Stan ur quolse opal lade I59 eye con nl And many moro 54 DUNLOP ST 035 PA 35375