EXECUIIllli Oi NORTHS RIFLE TEAM North collegiate Girls Riiie team competed sumsiuiiy It the Thmetc Anglers and Hm tere Association winter match held at Fort Yorir Anmury They pidred up most oi the Centrals Band Dance Will Be Major Event By ELAINE ourer Central Collegiate committees the been set up decorations are in the making ttre toad has been ordered and the entertan meat is in the production Itsg Is All this indicates that the bLg date is approaching and time In running out last in case you havent yet got your date tor the Band Dance December at at me pm Uentrois Gym will be trans lorrned into toylend oi tans tasy and enchnnimenl thanks to the Ingenuity oi Barb midt warth Kris Emberoon Ind Co Music will be provided by Zen his own dance band who will be making their ï¬rst Ippeet Inceol the season on home territory Al 15 bullet will be serv ed in the catetertI under the Swing And Slow Beat Yule Record Features ll Jingle tingle chIrhMhs the newest doors is the Jamaican Bin Well whether you to dis eothrqun or net records on big It Chridmu iiemrds are un verul in amta The young set digs Mag the overt go tor the mod and the other mmprmnlse NW Idmlitully this is on ovorelrm pliiieation There are tearog IrI who wwltint train their mlicttion oi lttnukydtornokov tor one Boatloiteet Ind Ilse renunnrlnm who imp rim with over their emetic oi Julie Ilmdod discs It you dont know what type at nude the receiver oi your gift likes llltll The best hot is In instrumental or IlngAIiong record Him rnrr The iollowrng is rough gum liIt oi rrurslc tor all IIrI it lnriudu new Ind old soil and swinging rctordlngr CHILDREN Children lttnrytlme manta produm In iniernrttnl min ol luylime tilting The tact oi the over iI iramed Jigsaw punter under the rhlrmilrg coloring mod recording to Itorytlrne pl tor children woven together It hurttllul murle song ad poetr Tlllee include Mel tretII Treosure is 0an Upva llratle Clottutu ulnm Iuelr Ir ltutiolph In normal rho om Tedd Itette thridmsr no More Angel on smart trio is honors The executive at the club shown here mm the left badt row Janet tarpon grade nine representative Marilyn Byles grads to rep resentatlre Ellen Beavis grade it representative and capable direction cl Pat iiay and her committee It is worth noting that every studan tram tirach to 13 who is in the band contributes toward the rueoess at this dance Not only do they help supply the winch menll but all are expected to assist on committee and sell tickets special invitation Ir extend ed to students from North Coi lrgiate St Josephs ltlgh and especially to grads Tickets are $175 per couplesnd may be purchased from any band rnenber ISCF Wednesday evening the inter School Christin Fellowship ex ecutive had the pleasure or be ing served authentic loads at lndin Miss iauline Brown missionary on turlough rum in One and the lloppy Prince also help to ill the stocking TEENMFM Teonagm Ihe big round tor Iilnrms includes Elvin lreriey ltorrttrltoul ihc Ilontlu Sornctlrlng New Hard Day Night img Tall Sally and lieotlemsnls lltliy ltranu erI From Window The Rolling Hnnu II it and the lneermlrera One the Five lrteeI ol lilahireti hlsnz ilrc AnlmnlI Session with the Dave Clark Five Gone iltneyn liig ills tren the Very lient oi the Hverty Brothers and Trini impel Aw It lluln Street for the ioittoilts there II Tear Down The WallsJoe Ind lidrlle The bed oi hran ilsrs the llest rrl the Kink stun Trio Mill Ielsr Paul and Mary in Corrmt Folksy NinaNina Simone For dancing and listening lrtIl hunt the Mmlrs tn ConicI World Without lavehire Gerti btrnd Dannie Wil Cant Stop loving owllottty thriviï¬norol My rIlr lairNat lllng Cole overter War the our eat em Ieta FountsinI New 0r It At Midnight llI tinry WorldCory Co lrlsl tho lllli dlrotheque ore party liarlrtirantuiur One time Time Citristmra Wonderland Teen Teen ltieyor Now that most at the exams are over this column willagaln appear every wool to lnlonn yuuoi all activities concerning Barrie Teenfltbwn 1er yearr attendance has been verygood on In avera but during the past ieww nudmnneddtorouaex Asl mentionedia ea er col urrms we have been trying to obialntite mm of Gene Pil My tor some timein January but because at sovereiother Ipolntxnoats he cannot make it Her This does not necï¬riiyrmean thatwewlllnctgatlrlmas his agent has promised us the ear lest booking once heis tree rwrli probably be in iata Februaryor early April in the meantimewe have acquiredthe services oi Canadas linest hand to the person at humping Ron Ind the Disciples on Jan 1a Thus the Pitney atlair will not be such disappointment now We have got both these top In tertainers Ronnie lian and Gene Pitney The executivelrave also iinr aiiy arranged the urrlstmal schedule at Teen Town it starts wittt the appearance oi the Marcatos on Saturday De cember 19 This is iollowed up by special dance the night adrocl lets out It will be hard times dance and the admission will only be so cents Tuesday De cenrber Following this because oi pop ular demand Teen Time will bring badr My Mortarn and the lnvictas on Sat Dec 25 Adamewtllalsobeheid on ltresday Dec 79 and thins will end up in hang with the ap pearance oi the iabulous Courtts lormeriyrknown as Avril Bentley grade 12 rep resentative Front lrnrn the loit Linda Jetiery treasurer Geraldine lottery president Barbara Parry secretary and Donna Janelle vice president tEvaminer Hrolol dis prepared the meal It the home oi stall adviser lilr MIX well At the regtdar ISCF meet ing on Wednesday liliss Brown gave an illustrated talk on her lite and work in Illdll Regular meetings Ira held every Wednesday in room 12 and the group is open to aim dents oi all grades and decont inntions SCIENCE CLUB nlr Devil teacher oi Ici cnco and better known as football coach LI helping all In terestcd students to establish Serena Club We club is open to students at grades L1 and in who Ire interested in studying biology Dues at 32 per student will he used to supply study materintt tor dissection lie rm to listen to the bulletin tor tur thrr notices llert Kncmpicrt in The tIIsLy Moonlight Jerry WIl loto Sarah Vaughantith and Garry the Kirby Stone otrr My Fair lady tlwings Sinatra anti Darinit Might AI Wcll lie Owing ow Glad not Nancy Wllao the ihmoth Srnrndr ot Goodwin and tile Orchestrn ltoy Arr thony plays the Dream Dane lng Multic ilartlnis anti lilemriu JnddI Gleason liveryhodys Doing ltilotrby Joy and the anh Vol lho WItuII Vol The Bill Vol Tho Mordrey eomplrie dIan instructions inriudedi other trmnll which would matte grrorihglllai ior nnydjdultl prlrapl turns It ParadiseArthur Lyman ttnnda Cline tioundtrrrrlt in Gunmanom Do in than son ifllingtnn To lire lropieI Mire Tenants and Telrher AI CIiolhOn The Trail Woody Allen hotly enIrI do Portr Lilqu lltryr iiolden Themes ltorn itoliywotul Golden WIllrn Everybody Knnenanror Per er the limit oi ulsnnl The tint oi Lawrence Wei Thai IAlln Feeling Bert Kronetut Judy It Game Is witJudy iisriand ts From Funny tiirl irle King totals and OrchaItrIr Founds oi the treat limit in lletlnr 0a The iiireet Where You liveVie Drum the Grants Five on Saturday Jan So all in Ill this holrday may be write Iriot in spite at any bad exam maths Before closing would like to mention that Teen Town will take any and all suggestions as to iuture entertainment and Ill oi them will be examined and voted on by the executive Any corrunents may be direct ed to the writer in care of this newspaper PSIDont forget the Mar catos Saturday night It the Embassy NAMED FOR JFK Yemen has given the late US President Kennedys name to Its greatest prideI new rmriti milliondollar water system MOSCOW iCPi What are the attributes at an ideal Rus sian boyl The newspaper Komsomol aknya Pravda posed the due tion in one at its Ieatttre coir umns and got moo letters irom girl readers In last order Komsomolsksya is the nrgIn oi the Young Com munisl League ii the letterI published by the newspaper are any indication liusainn girls have little use or irivolity In young man girl named GIlkI wrote that her splendid boy was one with whom she liked to die cuss world problems Irientitic nehlewmenis what surrounds us noth at us like physics This helps us to argue lie ll tor Newton am tor Einstein Ior contemporanelty rt LclyI LavruvI liomromol secretary It Donetsk in the Ukraine wrote that the news papers query sparked ot direusaion in her cl that raged lor tour days during re cess periods The connenrue as reported by Min Lavrovn read more like sermon lhnn chIrIrter por nie Hawkins and Robbie Laine sumo who am mm at North Collegiate round room preparrrng decorations and pos RECORDMOLDER HATES TO LOSE VIANMVVER iuPl6port was Just tun tor Jana sturdy until she highlumped ï¬vI act at the age la Now sport Is matter both at tun and great promise tor the 15yearold garrrin Her unadr and people in West Coast trot and tield are thrilled they are also anxious be cause many athletes brilliant in aykouth quit long before their pc lier marks oi live loot four inches in the high jump and it leet in the long jump are Canadian juvenile records al though she wont be in juve nile class for almost another year The en rresponding world records are sixteet three Ind flieeblour Her veteran much John Freeman ol the Vancouver Uiyrrgric Chi says he has never seen anyone who ap proached her potential Sre has unbelievable deter mination he says She hates to lose She can come Irom behind the way only tar more experienced competitcrr troll ller Itivlee to boys ltrxpect girls that is whsl we ask And do not try to be older than you really are lieod poems Ind try in use more good words We would like to listen to nod Very good words and or at Mm GEEK 000 IUIIL Anothrr girl who signed her letter simply lr it wrote thIt her ideal heart II good pupil who Inan mothemotlrs Ind physleI writ III to work with his handl and is member oi the Young Communist tongue At mrliremnlies lesson he tries to arms with the tesrher llr hi to prove his ltien lilrsn he understands be be tomes rootrnt envy lrlm because not Irgue own it am rlrh From llonirlsl In the Uk um melancholy note it is sold the mlmdid boy should he airong rmui wel vrrad illtI sport on music began it it leorlully do not know it Sasha liked music or III well md lie was proud iiaahI litgoo missing IeuonI Finally he leil school It It may mr since tan Milli limit Owen Allen hoble the speed hIIlng record lortlre rnv oxtumrcn wm Mrs room mun il rowsmile Ito aisrhlsn Trail in the us an established in rroo can usually so makes sur prising numbs of winning lumps on her last try vaorr on Attributes OI Ideal Russian Youth him wrote the heartbroken Grade 10 girl will IlwayI remember him Sheantielpated question it liked him so much why didnt help hlml lie didnt know Ibout my ieclings and couldnt give them up List Top 10 In Hit Parade Last KissJ hrsnk Wilson 0n Jubilee The WeddingJulie llogerr 0n Mercury literati TattooThe Walki kis on Kapp into Something Goodlitr mons llermitr on Capitol lccl ï¬neShes Wornsn lha Beatles on CapltcL llcld Mo Prob On tandan Have th RightTh lloneyrombr on Pyc Dairy loveThe arpremer 0n iImia Come Little liit Closer lIy and Americans on UA to Four Strong WindsBobby line on RCA Victor ilecvcs the Jewellery Store ever nrlnrliui oi the iuture customer beneiil and complete satiriartion QQtQS llllilll tens tor the evenlngs moor dyMalorresreHI on Wro worm Tum dance From the iett Marsha Goodhead Wen BordenHigh Humang After ChristmasExams By WENDY DEAR its Malone Karen tortbe students and teadrers to Live It up little alter tutu Exams are over at Camp Bon den High and eve one is awalt flan ing the return Mm Mingle will be held our to Brlra activities have been re be mmmal mm KM sinned leaving the Ml him who take Home Re mirrg with hustle and bustle dranoetc wear their creations bullet lag Just began um um mm¢ dinner of Clrlclren in Basket we were visited by Paperback is to be special attraction The Bookmobile ltris iantastic col Grand Prixs aregoing to be pre lecrion stayed to days and sent to provide the music or the me of the classes in their cycling Our Cunar Olub is thrush to view rlodhad chance trying new venture It will emhammm take picturesoioouples to be any they desired in mg developed to size of ing from the historEwoi torture and these pictures will cost 25c to the Beatles ï¬lled the literary mettle at all PENNUH The Press Girl is perhaps the The Student Octde has two busiest of all clubs it it trying major productions under way to meet IL rust deadline whidr at the present Christmas hasto be In the mail by the Concert which will haveIllght lath Students are running theme should be good time round collecting class reports Bantings qule Dance On Dec 18 Activity Iround Banting High picked up somewhat this past week witit the movement begin estr to be held on List but not least teiiovr in last Saturday when our own hoot dont target your in Svnrtons drummed carat vitatlon to Bantingl Grristrnas ity crowd to music Dance to be held December in Wednesday Dec Banting by 39b mm 593 Girls looked with awe Ind rer pert at their male claswnntrs attired tor the my in suits white shirts and ties awaiting their turn tor class pictures Photographic Club doing tirI honors llow aboutdoing it more citen bcyrl Also on Wednesday the un ior assembly waI held during the that period Special thanks go to Mr Van Wisaen tor hII enA iobele contribution Friday the nth Italt Ind stu dents combined their eitorls muscle school spirit Ind talent ill in our Innuai hrnersma Night held at Allision Areas The night began It with the Irmaics Ilagin roombsll hothe um and the night ending wi skating or all Much cheering and booing too was hesrd mm the packtd stands Scorer next week Notices erI turned Igsla to day tor reminder at our In WWW BIrtiII Finest Selection Of SNOW BOOTS FOR TEENSI $895 to $l995 wtrrtwrr srrors TM Ilufll It IUNLOI lir iorrnai if prom mirrors Partial roll Dalila tnar Photo lindhg the tram iii placing out 2889 Ind do signing section dlvrders very lanuliaruyinthehallttbe coming Her have rouse our WW3 am Elliot new approa talnar this year with any note of originality and treshnesI in all the writing Dave Hook and John Finlay are doing an exceptional job oi preparing the copy and the duh wants to Wish them continued clue as HM HOCKEY Have you ever watched floor hockey garnet mean really stopped and watdred what its penal The other day spent quarter of In burr watching the game and gathering the opin ions oi othersGlrls generali agree that it is toorough tor them butboysinslstthettberea nothing to it There must be nonrething to it though because house leaguehas been started gsyd imlmtsge otmtirs are and are is an even largerngntarber oiI spectators Basketball mic take place most every yr and there are three distinct testm The girls are in the pro cess of iorrrdng junior and radar team and it Is that they will be as mulul In the Volleyball tum Io echo iImlIiar onl Iven more days tillutle be dam CLASSIFIED CORNER Auromorrvr BYRONGRAHAM MOTORS 177 Brrdtord St 7281061 Quality Ca For Every Podetbooi IltY mm WANT ADS SHOES one an SCHOOL SHOE SHOP The largest selection cl footwear in Bank tore Teens NORMAN SHOES Dunlo St Call 12 3831 LLE FtS mannersum Cltuatmaa 5121st uwwwawmwflm CHRISTMAS TIME FOR TIMEX 795 to 1295 amen lOll EVERYONE Mens with gold tol Ir ts chrome caret dalrty models tor ladies iteI tor boys In girls lather uponrlon rude ItrIoo Ons yesr guarantee All giltinsedl Transistor Radios IANcINo room 1289 to or cannon Widrtak wreaks