Barrie Examiner, 15 Dec 1964, p. 5

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Saul Sll Mull 1130 had In flu mam mmlorm Monday nd hlzhnyl were doucd wllh lo lathe Tizmnlnl SudA bury salmon Fulll and Elliot uke All had lelur MIL Irncébrldgo amt mnu Darth of Toronm BRACKEIUDGE Out valnclal police when wen uflimd of III road here Mon day beam nl poor condition when the 113111 biz mow storm he xemmdmmd our to 11x Inches of wow In the urea Huntsville and Parry Sound About 7n miles south of North Bay wenhadly In Orluiu durinl on 15 minute period viath an 100 mL An eightchh Ill kept many marl mm the polls in three municipalities near North Bay Desplw blixard nondillonr two blocked rudl were later dared It Poussin Ind Ma le 15 mile will and cm respectively North Claiming that liter moving to Oro Twwmhlp she Mind the dly lance too in to drive dlib to Warnlca School Mrs Mary Grecly resigned inst monilz She had taken apsdll coursolm summer for handllnl pu ilr who $211 slaw Io grasp MIL em reading and writing Ind were placed togethar in an opportunity class She is being replaczd temporal by Mrs Peters who although aha hn not ind spechl trainan along thin llne doing whit in Enough to be satisfach lob ith the pupllr Mm Grady ha been the ra mpient ol speclnl commendation by her luspecior or the npld Idqu 01 name at the mu TRY mm WANT ADS PHONE mun Two guns possescdhy Georxe Wezliak am still being held by police Wesllnke was lined $125 and $1650 caste ln polch calm lart week or careless hunrlng on the property of Judge Harm at Holly when do runnlnl with Mrs Peter Harvie and her horse was shot Ono of the gum ken belonged ton friend and will he returned The other mly be turned over to the Inuit und lorestn department or dis posall The hunter pleaded uilty when the case came be oreMaxistrao Foster SCHOOL BUS SAFETY lmpecior Macklun has ranged or the showlng 01 film which cover niety on school buses Edgar Sturgeon bus operator of Churchill nr ranged or the use of Thu illm which take less than hall an hour to run is be shown at alivthe school in Innlsfil at uhedulad times It will be run moflly just alter the bus Ir rival and list oi quesllonl are on lorm whichlhe puplLs and oihers will be asked to ill In convention 01 school bus drivers will also be shown ihe picture when they meet in Bar rie next January Third Storm Hits Muskoka hum2n 51ch IKE MINE LWWER TUDAYLDECEMBEN Dania hi1 llmrtl In in LCML Pllll Inn ll nl Dink WEDNESDAY DEC 16 sngknuo AI pm Reservations NEW YEARS Eve Party Confinanfa JACKPOT $23000 lEGlON HALL COLLIER ST for flu Gnla lEGlON BINGO MAKE YOUR NOW Mn INNISEIL NOTES Gum c¢1¢ea Inmagcasev ELMVALE sum Flo Township council is media It an or ho gag gm this L9 exmled lhat very little my new busing will be dons nnd that most at the main will be taken up with winding upthe bulms of lheym CORNER OF COLLIER AND IAYFIELD Vupra inst cannnt Allard Illa costs was the uply Last fall Aflhur Evans MPP Simon Cenm Inlaymed us that the pro vindnl government had taken an all the cm whlch would have been the share of that township well he depart ment of highways We was development mad and the den ger of an arming wmreamed Mr Evans sald that it was am up to Vespn to have the pro ucflon Installed This delay has again mulled fin tragedy ha 9091 In time triple John Robertson Hos Mnwp clerk= sky There hl fish One In the city still unpnr looted and ll ls dangerous place will some dilllclllly in seean both ways should he added the applicallon lnr tedlonillt has not already In done We hww lmw the people klll ed recently the Vespra road crossinx must have all they ought to stop their car We had Iha same experience there once and lmdw of other who also mused by short margin Four people rum lunislil Including Reeve and Mrs Cochrane passengers still talk ahnut on 95 ca When this mud in Vespra was opened and the Hi manic be gin there we asked the head Iha towmhip about having pro teclion placed there CAN AFFORD COATS Plos Council Holds Final Meeting We cm the railway llve time on he route we aka be tween home and office Four of lhese crossings are protected with safely devlcu automatical ly operated One Just does not hesitate to cross when there Is no boll ringing or light flashing All of hnse crossing are dan serum and people have last then live at most at them be are they wen pmteclcd Tamil police repox that cha saw owned by Fred Tay lor was amen from construc IIon shed on the2nd concesdon Difficulty experienced In 10 rating it owing la back 01 knuwledge of the semi number TAKE SIGNAIS FOR GRANTED Annflwr teacher Mra Ayers of Holly has to be replaced at Hnlly school before the end 01 the term and an ndvmisemem Is now running at lhlx position The management commime the old board pull unwan POtICEV REPORT Roam Enultiifi mw Ilvlud Ihapo ban ulna 675 JUST OPENED FOR CHRISTMAS TRADE COME IN BROWSE AROUND AND filings REALLY DELIGHTFUL DISPLAYgVOF new no of bountiful CUT CRYSTAL Itoml Candy Dillm Alh Tray Duamm Haul etc DIcK STEEL his and 20 graduated third class In nhipylld weldinl in scheduled lo cmnencchn our Mus lnIncrcise our weldlng shop from nine an welrL 0n motion by Miller mended by 711mm Fergusun the board madmanme no grant pennlsison it belng um derswod no cost would be In vqlved WYARD WELDING 0ur stand with tannins sd WWW 9x went 11in vncnfloniniwnavlrsory oom miflee in it upon to the board an adun educaflm uldy nle repremtguve Mal Plugson was In ouch with your Mrlaylarand they Maths roomcalled the Mmlc Room would be quita Idapubk lhese Iesslom Iherelore we are uklfiz permisslon to use thln mom Ind he warhead proer 10 weeks surfing Jan $6 131 Chambcr Commeme operation wlth um Depamneul of Education 15 aging to run seman mums ThL mm develode by Department ofrmda Ind00m mere In Ottawa and Vlundlad 169 iuradlwor the COLUVNGWOOD sum lmweehcoum Iln mummaul momma torxnallbmlnesi owners and manager wfllbealn Magnum Iumlhrznneflu olflu Colllnzwood Colleulale Insulin Hoard here In IIIth ha board melved the following we rum MEWaldenraL the Collingvmd climber of Commerce Dgai 51 Collinpvood li CD pm 4a from SWEDEN POLAND ENGLAND and special compmu llm from CZECHOSLOVAKIA lnCROSS and ciifsrfiand other GLASSWARE You may buy SPlECE PLACE SEWING10 or 40min STARTER SFIS WHY NOT MAKE BEGINNING 0N THXTTROMISED The mm in navigation or list yeaxa class was paid Isalmdmnmnmhlora periodaflwo Indnhaflmomhs Idem we an instmfim at his rate The SLCaihnrines We my having qullo Ilme ln loclling classroom facilities or dull come and at the pres ent llma we are negollnllnx will lie committee in charge ol the Hood Building or llu rental of one or two of their romns BIGGEST PROBLEM 0n blunt problem ll to lo cute instructors for thm emu5 as Mr Holman of the mom ship lnspedors office has been xeqmled to pravlde ll of men who hold Ink and mud elm enzlmrn certificates and um th lhey worklnz on We wl have to contact their employers to see we can set ln touch wllh these men We have had request to insulate class or first and mud elm mglneen There an 11 Mme on the mum and the unionth advised hat they hnvsz Isl men who would Abotaka this course Ayel nu request ha been lecgivedlm clam In navlgw on rmvldlnx there cooperation up nurlneeompanlqnnd union involved Thu board rebelvsd the Inflow In repofi fmm the vocational Idvsorymnillee nllhl In units been IPPIW by Ulezpmvinclll governmenland awarded to Ottawa oriederab lpleL Lev hoge our an doesnt get mixed up with Puffin laugh MARINE lCllOOL clean or in Illd sewnd clauenflnm Ind one onlhlrd Indlolnlhum marine enlhb ng wllllbl started providing Ivallahle and OLIVE pufmm at $185 par plan hen many STEMWARE LINES IN OPEN STOCK gamma or COMPLETE SET Allan OPEN STOCK pumnm Martini Sm Candle Holdm ch Plrhmu RUBY GREEN AND OTHER Colond Gluuwan JflNER SET Mr Fugue said there wen mural conrerenou but one he sat In on had to do with hiring when He Bald them wu II panel dismlsshn on capital punishment 75195315 PER rum Folffilnz requestd the finance committee at the Ontario mm 11511901111 comuNsz usse omnpmedon camelem xi the Ontario 01 rkulnm Institute theld at tho Royal York Hotel In W0 Dec 11 On motion by Dr Ivuyuoanded by Mar 55 the board molvedla am BILmarine cmxrsea pmvldinl il received cooperation mm 1115 mujne companies and union In valved ness mumMo was helm ovumed by the nlxbtnhoo praKram Rewarding um nunIna moi McAHMu Id With 016 $1112 mm were to let the Ranch lemu um so they hm Freud clue fink due lama thin Ippllu In 1311ka of gin unknown op eratlnx can durum urn spec to mm clamnun space amUnslmdm uhrlu yourbums mush ml zesll hat tho boudnmhodm committee lo deal mama mats lummn Illules Ind maran school Bu the course I0 slamn win hire the next meal Mlhl nu ndaaumcaumum nu for nixhom dny Wot mn flne Instructs Ippmxlmataly 500 much moi zealrgilqt LAST TIMES TODAY sum RIDER Plul THIRD SECRET ACTION mm ya 1965 The Instflutel request let MW In the allowing pan Krlph file finance mmmince the mum has fiflmaied hat school boudswm comma $75000 In 1955 1111 alumni L1 00 We yrhen it Mmm mm REM am 151 sdxool boards untrime at the rate of mm per pupil Jude total mtlrlbuflon Sn excess of $70000 964 mammary move In eadi year Johncsheardnwn 100mm tbs new re idem Mnnlm Schaer may mtvresident vica nmident Roycu Randi Elm vlla dimiara Duncan camer on Ind diaries gimpsm of Sinn it Bay Mann of Beelnn Ll lbs new director elected County director vi William Gihbins stroud 91 mar M3 Cameron an ny an on Find Treanur Herb Tillman Mr Sienger Mind thonur pose of the Ontario Yemy Club was in mm establish and continue the milk industry Over $100000 contributed in 1961 by producer and dairiu inr ndveriixing pummel Dudleyl Oiiver spoke on the new promo linnoithe mum jug 10 per can Jersey cream Some 81m were made regarding am mean and picnic guns ormiuum gar the About 80 Humbert at Blmeov CountyJerlg Club 3mm Md or manual mu malhhndnlmrtyu given bf Harmaw manila 12 rule ha mecfingrdlnca and drawme sale parlshilgaw cm mum and bum mi dune hum mined utter our yun a1 Iceman hemm and wuuucoeededrby Mrs Chmkt Smdean Egan Bmnk Simierptesldenl of Ontaflohmy Mlle Club pro Ijiedifor ngmggyflopa II Ierflgfi Holds 591 Méwflg 1231135 Mutantsman qflmfnuucm MATCHING PEARL EARRINGSI pr WWWWN MW LUBTIIOUS PEARL NECKLACE You run Alwlyl nounl on purl In th mm glow Enpcdnlly when my look ml llmo by Evmhkk Evrn In up tnulxl Illnlly lell Ilu dlffmml Cm In Idjmlcd mm dun In rillt Ilnndl Only LACE MANTILLAS Helium Infill Inn to weir In her lovely bud Jun will in wlnll at church mica or to rm vdlh puny armIn Inmnl Whlln or Sophhlluml Blank only 98° hwxunv gamma Um pmiqu an unk lt cnulno all luml In lull Inlulm II and km lienII lulnlmn llhck upmwn RerlASJLS UEADHUGGING HAT All lha nge in New York when limo unan 11cm topper Wm Iprdllly punkled In full riuorje Shlmd shown jockey Ind unouu ol wt uyltl Full colon in ding Midnight IllIi only 399 And holl Writsu how Hula at dwuopoclal priced Glanumrm 5U comrch ihat lhall chefhfi in May the will in Doccmbor Amish ForYoUr Christmas Eve uvr may 363 $16 sz

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