Scï¬oqn pums Emmi mums Ind lnmormw wllh dun ml Imleurrlu In Add In the mrprlne rim dumptd on Banks duru lhn nllhl 11 0HK blank now Ipmd oul hln mornlnl mrvrlm In mnny mldrnlu he wanl la whllc Ibo mad olnnom hm oman Ignpenlun llllh II II am In nu dny mdlnl llu um And d1 mlnlmlnt wlndl I04 clur mld nllhl my In Inllt Ruled nlnrm mm ol Ionlnn Ind MJIIM rlaul cal Inlrl Nlmnl IIII llhly um um In upper Ian din lrldl Walnwlly AMthh Hm vlu am An Hiely Ml 14h Erlr Ind Lula 0mm ll wwld may be Wednesdly nlm Ir Thurd1 won mum an um mold dmhp ll SAULT STE MARIE 0M cPClalmRoberLson Z5 ol Ban1e was sentenced In three year In 1511 Monday utter pleading Ruilty Irmed rob The forgery Incident occurred In Barrie ndthe magistrate um waived Jurixdictlnn Rob ertson pleaded 111192 hmmr Ralph Chrk mid Mon day nlzhl post manem showed lhnl Andrew Harry Gulhrle lnrmcrly ol nellavllle dlcd us mun drownlng In dul low puddla In hl buck yard lri dug LEM 1m trim nulhrr ulll ru In lhc mm In lhl mpfln huh mun uh Ill may up Robertson reached an addi llonal oneyear sentence or or xery In run concurrent wilh the three can He was arrested here our days aner ha robbery of ll nnnce company teller of $100 during noonhour holdup Nov lirfclnrk Aakl lhere wu Indlunan ol mullurnca nr on ma Ind no lnquenl will be The mnxrnzllinn of Weslmln alcr Presbyterian Church will hold an open house Jan 24 1mm to pm at their new Church bullding on Steele Street mural was dcdicnled Sun Iy Father Drowned Coroner Says Jail Sentence TO Barrie Man yulcrdh hut lhe open hum would be held Jumm Carolginger torn Steele so room Schoolweie out In diam desplle lbecold entertaining resident along Sm Mn unh Yuletide soup Th money raised by our moral being donated i0 CARE Above the young Iiera in harmony slog out From the leli they are Ens mary Bannerman Kathy Nor ton Wilma Ware Robin Car ier Brian Caihline Richard Clement Pzier Jacob Hod Barry Clement 0n the lei the caroller are graded Vb Mr and Mrs Mel Wollls and their daughter Susan Exam iner Photo BARBIE AREA WEATHER Open House Set For January 24 Paragon mm Snowy Blanket Surprise To Area Md MIcLarea staled that Barrie has enough crosflown highways now and said that the Wellington Lhmghwny should not even be considered until In any OWN the land ngtwgen 1mm 5L and Sunnldnle Road 1th section of Welllnmn control lew hm eveni bylaw making Walllnxton through street rum Hayï¬eld to St Vincent street vm approv ed last mm In city council but not before some healed and pnr lousy diswsglon ogltlplacm Alderman Geny Robert and Jack MacLaren opposed lug leg lslatlan nn the recorded vote The WellinmnSIme through way has been dcbaled at great length at several wuncll meet lngs but last nlghl enunclllors lacklad the problem with renew ed fervor Imul Tum In uIm mn Windmr Kllchener ml mm WIMMM Hamilton It Calhnlm Wronla Mm litInu WW7 whim It adds up In exncfly what we asked lor Mnynr he Cooke said The depmmen has mud to enter In speclll mu men with Banla or he menu slmcllan at Ann Street 11th al nghwny and Cundles Road on share bnsls equal that connecting link In bring these street lo Initable mm darn The meta will then Iem as detour during he recon slmcflnn of the High 2621 consume has mllllmbnry Township police mind clmern mm mm mule wrmponden or lhe aroma Globe and Mall who hm bun lnkinx piclum thalyminx glam lollce ufli lhcy look the camera at Hus lmlmdlan ol he depnrlmcnl ol tampon but Davld Glen he dqzanmcnll regional mnlmlltr Alr urv lm Illd Imlmdlom Im llvtn The tuner wan lulu laud wulhem Onlulo Tlnlpelllllfll wlll Min moderlUfll In In lthdngdfl uluru Wrdnmdl Wind lodly mlhcriv 21 Wed IIkflkroufll rmton Killm 14 Mullah CapL Henry 29 Vin couver An experienced pllot stationed IK Camp Petawm 0111 wax Mllcd Mondny when Ms light ohmIon mm mth durlng lawmm near the llollnnd River Hal lund Landlmz About ï¬ve mile 110th ol hm eury wn on trllxr In llxght mm Camp Fellwlwl la mnm 0nL by my Camp Bowen when the crash occumd He was Alone in the plqm Army ommis uld rout of the cull was dcslmyed by ï¬re An Inquiry was ordered In delcrmlno the cm oi the Three Holland Landing ml denll lold police hey hand llghl plum ln trouble at lhe helghl or me new IlflmL Po lice and llremcn searchtd or an hour belong xpolllnl the madam Col Kleran ol Monlml also llllloned Camp Pelawnwa was muon In the plane an llw llnl 1c nl my ID Ila mnnlntd qupp Harden Ncwmnrkcl is About mUeI Izth of Tannin Momma wmï¬ruvm Cloudy lllh ml and modernllnl hm wulurq Wrdnudly Wlndl The connectan lintproblem Ippean lo be overARer many delnyl rekcum Ind ume of propane axmmmucmm cll In nushofl 11 mlnulu In nIghl named to up In lut ntger 1h Depaflmï¬n rlel micem or the Iccammo damn rut lrafllc during the re construction Bradlord Street The department also promised to reconsider lh connacunz link 1112 5mm zxmmzn Tugsï¬u math 11 council Agceptqv£j01kt In connécï¬nd TPrébléni Pilot IVs Killed In Plane Crash councilAnprdveis Through Street 113 Ruben sited mï¬eazue TIlnltrrfllln In WM i6 10 0P Ald FuHersey said he hid walked the mm and agreed that It should bea lhmugh meet Ald MncLamnwrled lhai it was not pedestxian mule Mayor Cooke said that 15 live the nlterpltlva mula afar mm plthewtset He mgr mentadflm the Departmento HUIWI qu prqvfously gunpllnz 101191119 nlllhe Newton to reveal hh reasons for wanting through met Wellington Mr Nman re plled or he third lime Ind stated that an extra eastwest mule is nun by the cars travelling from the Industrial secllan In the southwest lo the regdenlial section In the north ea Roberts uld thrplin would strangle dpwnlm Bar rle Ald Newton sald It would not Ald Newlon slimline would like to see urvice road paralleling Highway 400 but that plan was loo In In uluxe to holdup lb plan for Wellington SL lie dow one funnel Mr Docks and Nd Fred Sinllh lzavetmielled to main my zlmu In xecent month to ï¬ght or ther Illemllvef connedlnz link The depnqmenl has only been willing grant me Ald Charla Newlpn xlalefl list night hatBarrl shauldinot be named wilhtheJIS peg cent subsidies Iylluwed an connecting link ma cityshmlld try Mar 100 per cent hesnld Mnyor cooks mned Lhn lhe clty ha Ill hardln pam 313mm lhe lwo connecnng inks nndpralsed me war of MP Art Evans who assisted Barri ï¬zht Apolce Ind military cordon prevented crowd from IP pmachlng the wreckage David iyxiém should line pmï¬Ã©mim lem prove InLInngequaten AhouWMmANflQUB Amrgmjmmm Do you Inlhl on Imlclumler In your rye whhky WIINMI Ia 1h clan youru GOLD SIRIPI mm llmo qunlily lhnl blended for Immlhncu but don no gluiflco fluvour thllur run like It on flu mclu wiih mm Iodl or ï¬nger Ila GOLD STRIPE live you ll Mbodled Ioodgueu ï¬lm In In bollom oflha 11 lhinl youll 1m uz price loo Nut um uk or com armsIn typo Are you Gold Stripe type Mil Reta fAllnngChurddlI grand jury Jorgman andan Avery Cheesemln Tollenhlm jury member were culled to lesmy at what tune lhe jurx lreacbed ll decision to bring In the true bill Bolh slated tho de clsion had been 118tth shorfly Alla pm Dec Both jury members quesflanedflw fluted Ihcy were not aware of the ad lurlal eglstence until rallrr the had presented their lind Inn Judge Barman MM lwlnx momlng Nominal JUDGE The Mgeï¬ded that lhe cdl arm in questhn could not 1th have prehzdjudlhe ury because It was not In existence at lheume the jury made us decision The editorial mm II III late tditlon oflhe Packet 1an Times Dec and In the momlnz edition Dec Sheriff Ross Huaheg lest ied that he put through can to Judge Benntlt at the request oi the grand jury to notify hlm lhal htiury hndzreached de dsian The judge stated he had received the call but mm ya no possible for court to convene mm in madly All nsult he grand jury lamented In ï¬ndings In Judge Benndl the alloying marnlng Juflze Bennett old Ille court um some person rendinr Ihe edilarial mlght came tha con Judge Collin Bennelt Owen Saund Monday relusgdyimntldli lu quash grandyluryn truev bill of threemounla of munlclpal torrupï¬nnAIgalm oxmet Or Ila mum Wilburflwnp Bar mntymun Mount 171 Newmarket tried Iobypau he cordon bycmw In the Alu on the Holland var but he ige bmke under WE yfdumm hi y5uUIwu remaby two policemen und an army officer yrapped In 015020 Ind lent get Aside the lmebil beuuse an editorial Appenrlngwlnlhe Orilfll Packet andvï¬mea Dec could have Influenced mim Jllxdlced lhe grandhxry in de on Crown counselH FMcCul Io¢h Humilm called wn members mevgrnnd Jury the Slmcoe County shark to MYerdinl thelime at whlch membgm the and Jury reached their decision Gerard Kelly hwnrlor Mr 6mm 99M eer In WEBUUBAMPICASEE wuuu yulullr vyrwu Aid Fred Smllh added lll tle salt to last nlghrx council meellng The dlalnnan of the Public Works Commlllee report edonlhe In or salt during recent snowfall Many cmn plalnk were voiced by driven Ind molarlsu when work crew plowed snow lnlo the mlddle ol street Ind pouredm all 1112 result was slushy mess and Input dummlled cmum 13w councillor laid Ihal 1h weather million warn Ihe use of Ind that II the we hexJud retrained cold on he days application the slush wld not havg bgen bad In Nieltin lo fluiedknflnl uudn pointed out that some sawmillsmid In the warm were anvlhaslde of being flammqu PUTSCASE ovsn rln icy Laf the edilorlal and grasp raven An applicatIun by Gerard Ke1 iyf lnwyer Ior twllbur Créinp la hnie the OrnllaPackel and Times angel or contempt of court wis timed down yestei day by udge 021m Burnout Oweq Sound mi judge told the defence allnmey Illa the mun did not have HI pqvger locile or con tempt taking place wlside the court Mr Kelly agreed sling flu perhaps the dune had been wrongly placed chislon that all 11st Hunt Mmme should nol mm for publicofï¬ce unmzihechartu ol munlciptl corrupï¬on laid Against hlmvare pmvu ground luHeuid thawever that omen perm reading the game editors mlth cpme ta lhe con Eluslan lhnt damn Mr He alrmedum all In up Id humane ogmolm Use Of Salt iIs iEconOmical ï¬ssures safety ï¬Ald Smith um um mtmben peui ury callgd the pram MtéihptziTp iflavé Néwspéï¬fer Citgd For Cdntemptï¬giusgd MI time mishtbe Influenced therehm Mwhelme ovar the inext generalisesslm at whichflwlllv beginqu in Mr Crampxwtnnner mmr 01 Orllllflr lam PM charm of mmcipnlwamlvflom pham es Include accepung shim of WM 10 NglmlGal rwnsldm Non for gun at lrnnchka bl 0rillln acceptinx NONG shares to qud Hanan agreement with ansumcrsfflna 09 and cokwlrin with NOUGijesldenl Rllgh limit it has deal Kelly had contended that an editorial appearan In the Orfllln Packet and Tune Dec would influan Ind prejudica tho Ernnd jury ln comm lo its decision on charges against Wil bur Cramp tanner Grillln may orLfor municipal cplmp 1le sum the snow and Ice and allow war to llopw Ho also pointed out ha economies of salt The last snowfall not last nights would have cost $460 tomnm by truck But did the job 8180 III remu saving the mme heflld Jig agded that $977M Warhdeparlmenl would prob 3be make more mmam win all In lbslulumbut lhntflleu were unavoidable Hmulm ed comment from Aldermen and cillwns mthe muhodl ol anawvremaval The aidenmn um wlshed cv eryone mo and Merry mm mm lured exln union be aha tnwlnler dflviu Mr Cramp wnsdelutedln the Dec Lelecglnn Orillll Hggwu mnln deputy reeve UVingslonQC acting or the publisher and editor of III Packet Prime and iii writer the editorial made no slaiemenl he find jury hruuxht in lruebill Dec my