Glllls ol the Mseument Branch at Department llmiclpnl Alluirl nld mm the nut nap In expand county ovemmcnl ml to put mou mznl at manly levrl Ill ho tlnlml vmukl mnluro MI mldcnls mm my an nu ma Ila Inld um he prov nco 7m bnrklnt the cwnly num mcnt Iyxlcm wllh ulenlva mm on admin and 111p mcnl The only mnnncr In Ich nlo only winner ln whldu lhll th far henclll lhg qvunly II by bunly nucumtnt came up In Slmcoe County Council lhl In mulun nnd mu Ahelvrd out ol lhe member unwed lo m1 muld hmdlu mm on mm ngupnhly Wellm an wunly bmlnwu nhonhelv ed lmnl munlrlpnllllu fell in II wnl 10h th loud lulp muld dn ml IMM lhn ol mmlnlcllxm wu nllo hrlvrd when lmnl municipali llu Impoan lhrlr own Inuile In In dur lo handle In Inn in MI Mallly on mllmdlun lmnliy Ivhm my nolkclcd In at In Inmdlm the HM mnvrmlm val iulul ml ml unmunl mu lllul ha mmueu may the mgnlclpalfllu yllh mull the munlcl allllu wllh mull Inllnnl m1 mm vom Mlh mu urban alarm Ill remnmrmd Ill Irvan lo mmly 4mm ho ohmd it and imdlnz mm and do mm Ill laud um wdllnn yflith Mimi ii Firm whith up now Ii Inan vellum Md lull limo The loéal crludxm levelled vat County Omndl only one man ammle but than are many who would um with the speaker lnnlsfll Council lhe mnvcnllm munldpnlltlca held ln Ovmn Sound Just In lha speaker Dr mmmlng nl this Department Munlcipal Malta look the delegate to task ny lng hat they shled away mm new vcnlum and that relorms were needed to make ills county lyllcm more maul He told the mulan that this we of gavem mcn had hncn In force or over 1m yam and Mom made pos Iible by In pmvlnclal govern Mal are not belng taken Ad vaypga aL mun Ihy way 1mm new undertaking allot makan enqulrics Tho provlm L9 nsk ed for lendmhip but It can not run Ulq munkipalidcs and doe not van ho said Eddk Sargent Owen Sound mid Hm lax 111mm ware needed as pummel am lakan the lull bile lncrenlcd edn canon costs The countch would Join other In demanding dunno ln axflan long In member In mundl think only cl their own munld nllflu no lhlng will be nemmpl ed ASSESSVIENT oy ng ml mined mu BRUNEI WM In rllpqlnnulloggd jug bgu msgwas duclosed In state men project plans ï¬led by the Commnnlcntlonx Snulllle Damnation Comm wllh the Federal Communication Com mission Tuesday WASHINGTON AmEurope and North America my man using satellite regularly or transatlaquc telephone mmrnu nlgljops as earIy next May NEWLYroman Civ flgn Club of Barrie In spon lorins the ulnol M1311 Satellites Maybe Used As Telephone SYsteIri Irqylrnvwr cm and INNISFIL NOTES Criticism Levelled At County Council Wnrnlu clme at mml of mum to dlmm the new plan whlchcuvm 0w bnl mm 01 1mm 1mm by him on MAW mm whldl mu hm pnrHy lnld om rruvloual Th luuullnn Ilul MI Ihou each lmvn drilled wall mod ch to allow dual us of ï¬lth welln but rovldni um waler would be mm doov nr mum wallll lmdv Ill In bmum lo lunnlnnl lho pmpmy plum or lple Ii alter was received by Coun cil mm the township wllcllor Chmlo Wilson naming the authority lo pm sud 17wa under Man 11 an oliicial plan war In lam Ila wrote lhnl be all under the In mur ahnl department any action lhnt was needed Alan the ilnu of removing or restoring bulld lnzl might be taken with he no nklm ol an impede mm that signalthx which Yul put mammibllly mu ca control taking thc mu of gum Smnghlfldl 9t hug bcmmo unm Erï¬ilnllon and an in sum of dknpnlr In on Iha Ila or Altmuom WELL NUT WANTED The inytcrian Gmrch Bond ï¬1 £11 Icn cl er In awnerizlp In unwed well Um buldo thu old rink nm 37 $33 Wm one of water mid to be daunt olu And In mm of cover mum ol Ihu rink fly claimed It was no on hi Hut The church Ilnlu um um hv In meuurcd hair ouuldo lhclr boundar cl 11w dadion In llll ll up wnl dallycd In me the mur whoever mlghl he wanted hl water nl rnllwny In wu muni Fly 0111 Owen In to mlvu lMMm Alvin hundle ht mnutr Imsz WlJJE Wu um Ml mm wk llndl nu Ian mule mum ho lowum on Du puma Mild Alum on the rall HM mirrpu Rm ml mad Mr Wannch AIM had plowed Ind Iced1 lhh Ind ll Mkl In lo part In m7 II He um lhnl It lhl MIMpr oven thc um Tudhmhum hang up cm vol my go mm on tin J3 funI1 nlll woman stalled by HM Md tuner Elzdenl new mum nary 1966 IL Bel Vespra In Jammy 1965 Mayor Lu Cooke being number In mum 1n Alderman Roberta Thu nbovo we ccrllllcd by ler mm the Munldpal Denm men in Tomato REQUEST BYLAW the lame Mme ConIsa an nounned Um ha uked 16 aerospace companies to pro pose utudiu ol the launch vehicle 41qu could be used In place medium altigude com munlcullonl satellites In orbit The mtan ï¬led with the NC mu the I5pr Hrs Carma melme known the Early Bird be launched him at innIa to January 6253 Ion Inn Ll to January 1960 Wu Dowgwt V211 g9 Jun uimeng MIN Wil ma Christmas cakes In local meeer me The 1110 teed liven chgrlty new Canadian sullen at Mill Villnie NS will be In the mil stage of usflng the time and will no enlet the symm until next October Hovering roughly over the Area of thy Cape Verde Island In the Allende It wln be caps hlo lransmfltkzx ulzvhlun computer data telegram and oher typu twrdlralflc well as two way telephone conversations lhe um operational use however probably will he tele phone service slate the ground station are being geared to this may initially Cotnsnl rivalely owned us ï¬rm managing lhe global mmmunlullonl meth Iyflem In which Cmadl in wrong the puudpgunl coun Iru In dus Inlual dlvklml than in ma IYMpme malnad 01 per ml ownership Cumin put up 15 cent gnbou new 1mm Iï¬iéiunint In March highalmude orbit 22300 mlles Above lhe equaIar at 27 degrees west longitude Sam ling he can are Joan Trib le centre Mary Lee LatJ Inlet On 012 Ian club vice pmflent Bill Price mail early for Christmas Ind please romembor Vunaenlod anyolopes roqulro stamp Mom uni Spencer Imam Goat Worth eon 3613 mm cud tn Bflflnh Davin 01p Ind Mabl man on team After Iona ï¬llnwwuq FAr Montreal John Belnun Milka Lynch 74 board dulr mm Sim Minn limited Montreli The club is mined lha Edmond mu Evil3199b one on 15 In Ontarloqmmzm also ling elm In Quebec Westmicduudpglocu laid 15c any Clvlian civic mwwmm an colml men EM durum nndvhion who willing la modal larlha Ia ddo in something worms to help lhggxmnunily ivii internutipyniiw foundedrin 1917 when BWPIW LI me at weekly unchecnl for tha lib pose oontriimtim collectively to tilecivic betterment dï¬tbeir community great deal or Attentioix was zivan to the niecflon 11 I1 Eoprinie name In tmply the but community work sexvim nue launder coined the mm Civlian mm In Latin Civ ital meaning citizenship The motto Builders good citizelr ship was also Idoptedi During the FintWoridflnr the Civitan Cillh at 54 am after member winning Jan 5911ch Natural look maths mm my v9 fluted in the Interest the war elmt thin daily unch tlan bullneu Ind loch is that 6mm 619 member gee Io lace with the dune builder nod dulenlhlp 1d My Grlznrd newurvico club In embark edon mun projmf nlu ï¬mdl tog chulw omcm are LMaleï¬ my Idem Price vlcwml cut nibble secretary Ind Mchddgq treasury pinch are Llsoumb Dmm 11 191 McArï¬mr and pear gymcmmmmzss axdonlmdyMarb DEATHS WBAY Ont UmA mlneduemn being used by pmindnl policedn an attempt lo locale hike believed in be the weapon used to H11 69 ygar old maps wnmm wax chained mm the RCA at North Bay IL me was new 15er inl 110 recent snowfall WVHW Police nld the due be and to luvs Ihnrwn the hue Into dis lot Iqu hll escape tom the Lavergno canth g7 early Sunday mom Luz Nov Ky at no acumen and reJdent of Cache Bay wan charged with 9mm munier last May Howu matted the store Ponce nld Mn Alderlc LI vengne 09 Cache Bayrdled 11 wounds minded by Iq Intruder Mair look play in hp begimom andrher body Wu found behind Ihe bed Mlu Jeannella Renaud companion of the dead woman wu tho AMedln her bed grifï¬n mm ollgkcwnmmlub1e dung nlné 111 61mm nlIy grill we Noflh Bay being scanned vacant mm 100 feet lmn where the killing took place was the oh me of mblndumlth and metal object present und We mm Interest convincad members um mm man be mand ed An lnhmntlohal aluminum luloundelq Aptï¬‚ï¬ 1mg lyghmdk Eaiiiuwih campaign prevention pnmhzem hydéan and In wlrst memi maan wmi the floor of belni Hm oundarid CMth Intern sh vellum resident me Wan Inlemngonal or iwéflï¬yï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ iAti cache de mum Junior Civllan fea be in Canadas but1M pbï¬ï¬qq 555411un try WA GM1M Canada Pension Pin would put the weiim minim in the delicate position oi hand to decide whether dumbed maniacs am mounted bylova onthl pmspect ol widowl petition mm ï¬le is mverm 1n 151mm Faun hosplul mm SI 1mm lo the lnca arms legs Ind back Devon who LI be held It 3511 dishcl flu Sam mm nbla tumm mud police WIDE Ianton on the mflmgmryjemlom Wmmiuee rind ha PKVIMUII exvhlned In detail muduby UM lovemmenz ouch wry slrgw up flu pension plan 1cm ambl mdwwofléllmwlghmilhl mgr Ipmnwea may ogawdcal ind 1qu fldp 90mm In high schooh give dflumhlpwwmymd spawn wdandub Itll saw 58 Ind commie WIN Gui and Sonia C1 tan bu may known leader tn 1n orgnin uon whidllndude flmmu Edlsm nnd Luther Burbank l0 lhm tanner msldu of the Mud sum Calvin Quo lldgaan1s Tman and Frmkfln Delano Roosevelt Pension Plan Delicate In Marriages mnmm unmvwanmn nzc nun SYDNEY om1m held lheDomlnlon steel and Coll Corpomlonl mel plum berg which uncaringmurd mm 1km my the mill will operas almost ospncfly mama or has the next llxumomhs Dmry dent stealing my telephone lnï¬ervlew mm Mont ml Monday that reprmnw lives In combing the world or new order or the plan and the mmlon or the ï¬rst hall new year excellent UHAWA cplLiving least in Could me 791 record high hNovember wjlhlho con lunyer prlcg index mmmm threaten of point or one 11m 01 oneper on 1359 mg 11353 month earlier lmdaythnmholndex or flu urbpgflwtï¬Nonger was rltvperjcent him Hun the MVEIIW31MMEXDI 134 The Inde lsvbasedan m9 prim equalling 100 551 of the men main mm ponenu at the index Ihuwzd In qensu with the transportation 1nd lush94 The Index oi avenge weekly wage qnd gluten wumm In September mmpared with an monk enrflenndJeu maxim 1115 Novamher loud index mulou 1qu of oneaper cent to 1321mm in omber Pflcea were higher or tux Ind bedflormesg pomm comma celery am pm uctsand honey bower price were reported or muntrape ï¬ll bananas lpplel 1mm cabbage onions canned fruit and vegetables ant huh and and pork Mill Operates At Capacity our 1511 monmegl Lï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬awém Collier All Full Ell nuns Highln November Collier Ind Blyflzld Ell Ilse bne per cent in thy housing Index Increased It to 1393 from 1392 Both um Ibel ter Ind the househoid oper ation components lncreuad lgnginnally The clothing Index ma lightly to min from 1207 flecflng higher price tormm item of mens and dulldrenn mar oatwelr and llundry and dry cleanlnguwlcel Price womensyimer wen and mm and wool dress leflnl Very low The health and personal urn 111ch advanced 10 1111 1704 Hither price for ncdptlons and char yhnrnu oeutlculs were noblumclen to move the health caracompon pm but the personal are men advanced result of Increased price or personal mppllen mens him and womens hairdgmlnn Higher mice or motion pio turn admissionsand film or umem Increased the mn Iiion and reading index to 152 from 1511 mannerisms out weighed iawer prices or bicy dex Ind spurt equipan The inbacco and alcohol Dr flex rose 101211 from 11M Both ma tobacco and alcohol mponenu increnled wih higher prim im cigarettes gnd tobacco in um citiel and $11M iiquor trim in Man STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT Eur elderly Ind annulu ent Menu Ewell some lor pfluu on semiprivate H03 and cold water moms Rattan ed Nurse In madam ha MARSHALL indu Elana 1mm