354 gas751101933saigm iWith MoneyAndArmsr Hope nf wlnning victory by the second method appear In creaxlnlly larlurn The Saigon lovemmen appnrs 1233 up table of holding own than it was lo year ago when South Vie Nam became independent or France the Indirect result 01 Imnshln Communm vic lnry play Blen Phu 1115 mm L1 to move Into the ï¬ght directly with Us combat troops and mum Mark on Narlh Vlet Nam or ven Comv munlst 011118 The first chulce and III to ImaxInner includan nounalim uon 50th Via Nam hava been Muted by bolh the Ken nedy Ind Johnson administra ans SAIGON AP Can victofy be matched in South Vie Nnml exhausting war only by nith at bomber over Cam imunisi Nartil Vie Nam Pllnnm in Saigon and Wash ington have been weighinzthe possibilities of expanding 11 war amide gqulmivm Nam Sane We Cong wu be In draining blood Ind treasure In 1960 Ihe United Slate has need three choices Tha um In out II lnuther luminl over South Vlet Nam to thaflmgmgunlss llmnnTw MIMI ll Wllllfl flWAC Milli WQWRWXIIIIWI AlumAl WI WM NM NV le second choicehe one In has been follawed up to now1510 share up Ihe Saigon government with money sup pliu Arm and ndviserx In the hope that Saigon wlll one day be Ahpld ILI own 1h Vlilrd chance Therefore We dont just gloss over the winter rusl problem our unique deepdin ruslnrooï¬ng seeps into every nook and crannvlo seal out the ravages of rust VIAll MOTORS llMITED BUILT INCANAUA FUR CANADIAN CONDITIONS The car then completely dipped In nut prooï¬n pnmm paint second primer in may on for good mama than Llwmuh uu Thats why the body of ovuy 55 flumblcr in Iuhmergod to the mofllno in II sepnrnto metal in cleansed nomad Ind PL Our maximum Lo work and came up with solution dwpdipplng Dipping the entire car in mntpmonnurlght up to mofllnml Wadidn Mop than For complain nutpmoflnx chn maul surface mull be nb animal clean 13m hp of all Impuritiu mtpmoï¬ng miihodnIprnymg and coat ingfwmp ndoqunto l7 Gowan 5L 7266488 Some yum 39 yo docidcd that normal WE SPlll mum mums IISE Despila th argumentV many olflclals here believe ex vandlng the war into North Vief Nam Wnuld have lfllle effect on SWIMMING other have argued that at least Communist suppiypoinlx and inï¬ltration depot outside South Viet Nam should be bombed Hanoi has charged in mean mum ihat this is gain on now and Washington has de clined gunmen on ihe enamel Some Pentagon and date do pnrlment oiliclala believe Hanoi would call halt to the war in the south of itsMuskie were threatened Agnool Ihq xuppoflers dl rec mark on North VieINam is Bernard Fall nuled French historian and author spaclnliz In In Indochlna pmblems Fall has argued or years that whlle the UnlIed sum InIucllcally weak In VleI Nun has sum emi strength Ihnbslwuld be use BOMBERS PEAKED Fall any onihe hash ol hls Irlpa In North Vle Nam um the Ilanol uglme conï¬dent iI comdeleal the Unlwdflalcs ln he fleld cl zuezrilla warfare but hit llanol lemAmexlcan bombers NonhVleI Nam has null but gmwlng InduxIrIal plan whlch ls hlghly vulnerable alr rnlds and whlch Hnnoi would halo to lose he con lends which could lead eilher new Korcl or mam world In came under new scru tIny wanmsmmï¬nzc 1m lJvlll mwr year smï¬immm and ummzomm walk so by The mult Rambler In tho worldl malt completely nnlymofodcar Every 1905 Rambler um bout the wont nlunhIndull winlcr conditionsyear for your uuL wotundlng mom any blemlahea Fifteen pound of runtprqoflng primer cont the stool Three soul of chlpmilmm lollmin hnt Input enamel an then upmyod on Ind baked Comionmhunt wax and Inlet compound am nprnyod imldo girdm rocker punch under and on underbody mau Lhnu critical places whom mar do It wont dugngu 1116 plane trashed In swamp naar Ste Therese 20 mile narlh or Montreal flu minutes after lakhlg on for Toronto from Mbnlgea Inter nï¬lionnLAirpgxL Templm specialisl VI nemdynlmlcs with the Natlonnl Regan Council said known He said It lridlcales mat the Dow airliner plunged ï¬n earth In two stages tamer than one long mm dive Mr Templn submitted the ¢raph to an lnquirymom mission investigating the Alt nada disaster Nov HONTREAL 0P Ottaw enllneer Robert Templin pmduced rollercoaster cum Monday whld he snld rq resenu the vertical path hula let Ilrllnex over lhe last miles below It crath last ygar ï¬lling all 115 persons émnxflc is doubLM zhazvihlia could turn of the We Conn campgqï¬ven if It wanted In Panucix and milimy gull me also hujomhued 10 now from Hyeï¬lel tang lhroixghadvlsers and arnnluu lent In the south Engineersubmits Graph To Ietï¬ilf Crash Inquiry war in hgsgIglh For oné STAYNER HOLLANDS GARAGE had laken only between and seconds or the new to cover the 15 10 miles and Mr Templin nld 11 and that the only way or llf ml to do thl WA la de scendf 1h hweve vay high traction were we ouIsidc the condition we were trying to meet PATHS mu Flight paths filling known conditions were plotted on the E11911 which showed the air cran iwoopum down mm an lnliill altitude oi between 6000 and 7000 feet lppearinl to re covzr lhen plunging steeply Io tha gmnd from between 1000 aud 3090 get Inlormnuan about lhe mm the planes Ilflhlde speed of climb andother actors were led lnla computer and Ihem nudgqeampgoduceg some Madmen uh any one who ails to have them selves orlhelr dilldren vac dnaled by till date may be prosecuted Ind ï¬ned up In 50 rand $70 PREMIER Realm he South Alrfcan government is mining on vabcinlï¬nn Igum mallpox beans 01 th 11 creuing number of cases By Jan every person respective of me must be mainled In the enleMn try Wm Mrican Govt Insists On Vacciï¬e Mr lfebcfl nld Inm Inter view he had not yet had Ilme In mad Mr Justice Bmssardl page report Kn Mllch lhe judge nld he hopes the maximu and danxemus nnwtall ol the Collin case In llnnlly beau mahed commisslon was an up lol lowing publicalion Mr He bsrll book JAccuse may sins dc Cofï¬n in whlch he claimed he Gasporpmpoclor am rallmded lo he gtth by Quebec IquIllcs IuI bulk translation tho book Amuse comm Assassins was me usvuww Wilbur Coffin was hanged In 1956 or the murder of one three Unilcd Slates bur hunl ers killed In 1963 Mar Ike Gaspe communin of Pena In Quebec myni commission report reicu ed Friday the ludze uphddjhc canduci of an thoriile in the Collin case and aimed simnx criticism at Mr Hubert and other who continue to uphold his innocence unnu rcal author Jacques Hebert said Smday Mr Justlco Rare Fmssani the Quebec Court of Queens Bench deceiving himself In thinks he ha ended the Oolfln cuseJ party of then choch mun mun new Mr Carlson is Conservative find his experience and have in Canada in mnhinction with Emds huge dealership maul nation should be helplul fvn the pa saw was In mark of lheFoxdcwngag new dlredive lo senior execu tive In human neglve In In all Ellmycalï¬afmn for the Publicity xi publi mi pa latloru procedures Iudgé Deceiving Himself Over Case Que Authquays Youre Spedzlm In pod may wlmluynpopulu prin iIIHI gum loch Ind crmmj Mt popular prim WEI1 NC One albe headed by Dongle Carlson of Toronto mercury ardthdlreaar public relations villergspecm 9185 Thu delegates 11mm to Opposition Dlelenbl kers resSdence when he was conï¬ned with cold Mr DI Ienbaker urgad the delegate to Ishlen up their local and dis llicf argnnluliam in lhalaLe nl organllauonal adivlty by the New Deanerth Buy OH2901mm on Miami exde the Con Iervauva party ï¬elded Sahib day tolput ofHu 651mm meellnzunlu pmlbly MOM Ind concentrgu on party orzuy nylon Indmxbhcity Dalton Cam Tomb nluaml president unnamed afler daylon closed meelinzl of lhe executvo thalllhedeclE lien on data or the small meeting which drmawmxlj malely $0011 delegms was ldh ixlz the hand the executive ol PCSfalbstï¬ï¬Ã© Annual meet 19mm El nit org Mont However th assessment should be in tho vicinily or 33000300 to $10000 which in um would am In added avenue ol W900 lo $60000 he added Mr Dunn called on lho ov emmcnl lo elimlnalu the min in tax Illd permit municipal ILs lo Inn lime Industries NeveDann said lhe twnshlp received mlnilu mm mm 0130000 durinx 19 which rep men an assessment In prgglmlely axgpomo Inslead he laid Hue 0m lario government under Mining Tax Ac clllm or purse the value lhmgh tum on which Many hould he pan KM munldpaulyl lament He Med ma Wm depends on operation olMgomn on pmpemcs assessable by the lawnshlp Reeve Dam culled the brief protest agalnsl illogical and unlalr means by whlth the pro vlnclal government obtain in revenue Ihmugh the mlnlnx ax Nurthcm Onlario and mum lng part that tax revuue lo the munlclpalilles by my zranu San WAWA Ont OWA brief submitted to the seiect commit tee on mining hue Monday called or more equitable share oi mining taxes for min ing owns across Ontario mmmsumz plug day away mdvthe Bu Rostollim il surï¬ng to Mining Brief OnaMine Taxes 3mm 103110ch 222m ronénusnéi Aliocallon lha Immblyl 53 mu will ho made undtr The ullramnservnuve Unltad Force had only 10726 voles and glued Irbehlnd 1901 lbw The ConanuPnrtyn lend wu Mud on won Iumau In ha Georgetown am It basllom But Juanl parly math lubsunual min In the capllnl dhtrlcu pollinl H000 vote mmpami vth Illlhtly mane lhan 7090 In 1901 Wflh thou onelhhd ol Ihu vntotahulalcd ofliclll resqu mm of he British wlonyl 55 dimIds lava Forbes Bum haml Peoples National Con gress 4631 when la 31346101 Jannl Peoplel Pmmuiva Party GEORGEMWN MPllex Istv Pumier Chadd Jnuanl chm opposition look In anticl pated early lead yesterday in BdUslI Gulnnal general elec tion but ananl party narrowed me up II return from mnl mu belan in mm In Committee member Elma 50pm liberal member or Iha Iezlslalm for Sudbury saJd he aympnmlwd with the plaInL He dud me case the mlm In Conialm 0Mv which allow berg and collect dié additions In come OppOSiï¬on Takés £ar19Lad In Guiana General Eledion Raftlnaflntzbuonw $52 nnd letterv 1m Although Jazanl lramxslva Partyms ï¬ll expected Ln set me 1mm vole the expect Ilan More tha elecuon that wouldnle the mlloflly mammary lo glva Jaznn mm of the Assembly and Annam term premlcr lnslud lha Commas Flfly and the Unlted Farce were expeclzd lo Joln arm lo malt numhlm pre mler 111a Brltlsh hoped mu would mull lnl meeslern government and thalllrllaln eventually mild In the colony lndependcnmx About 13¢anlo 341 000 rezlslered volm med out or he volan Monday Willi 1500 Brlllxll mldlen Ind 24m pollen Ind valunleern on duly than were no repom ol vlo lence Bu olllcllls lured the ulll wnnld be trouble when tho oulcorna ol Illa elcdlon beam tlur lnler today new xyxlem of pmportlannl rep ruenuuon wlth each may emu mu accordan to ll total one $203161 thrmlnnhin this heroommlugowhh scheduled loth hearings In Saul Ste Mule today nu ma Lax mama um even mg H56 oomél nagE Minhu 1qu Mt In Earlin Examiner Photo HI town recelveysomo