New Soviet Liner TermedClassless rrs mm mm new only jillarence ï¬x soman like an yemnM Samarade rlghl mu has nme mm The that he was cele brating Hm decadcs movie star didnt lax himNit lure joesnl seem the Ion lnp with his longtune buddy Jimmy Slewafl In ï¬nish We and was depressed nld Fonda told Jimmy that every ï¬lm novlewnx over wax by terrible doubt that nobpdy would ever him rm lg MMAald wor With the muw yen he in hnd him Mr movies nd eight plays and lelevblo arias He was novcr without wwk Im mon than three months mad 1er om Holly wood in 19 at the being nl Waller Wanger who had 501151 himln Ngw Flees on Thu Ivnn Innko Incar hcnd at malhndlcul man on th laurill market6mm Savlrt Inurim on maiden Wynne He bears his years 59 well Ilil ï¬zum remain spare his me like that amuntw boy who has been in Hue city few yeflw Hm year success have been unable Io eras Ihe nu or impending allure He laughed IS helgecggeq gtegï¬jlye ï¬nndvfléy Ho mans Unionl fin error bulldmz luxury lincr lay anchored hm madly mam mm of RM Ilan concept cnplulm comr laxl 11 dullul lhlp ultl Capt Mikhail Grizmv some Iha cablnl In more clnuleu than omen mm captaln 1d dod dimrch bnwoen cabins gum lh am my ln prim it Um hmded or Odom ï¬lth new It london NIH and Nexi lummlr the will ply Mwm Ilnlnnml and IMMMI win no al Scnmlnnlln Tho lvnnFrnkn has nl grnmlnu tnplulllm lududr By BOB THOMAS HOILYWOOD Hera Ive been this Iowa 30 year md hell Im just an Insecure the day arrived lay PW mmum mumM um duo mu mmm mm at mum wot lmmmnï¬uhmdoflb minimumflunk Wqw lamm mm mm MOVIE COLUMN 14mm Amm Soviel wA mull ulan wilh palm 0mm archnlu chrome dmuled hall Fonda Never Without Work Mam° 33 mmmm MEN mam cum mm 30an The ptlu hr mund ulp Ilmdon lo hull1nd vlll b0 lugt nrvnrA no mo It will remember Malina In monument In Hand Hay ward talkbd Wanzer into payan me $1000 week had been telling Leland um wax 3131514 and But 000 week had but Ian lummer theatre date in New York where was getting $5 weak was convinced Alter signing with Wanger Fonda returned In New erk to appear In Farmer Takes Wile Pox bonvwed hlm or the ï¬lm version th allowing year and he became 3m His lilm career has had two Immindonl once during hLI warum navy Iervice Again surï¬ng in me when he re turned to the stage Inn was lnexcapsflelhe pm In hi lifetime in Mister Rotten15 and he ranan for Point of No Return and Calm Muflw Cow Mnnhl at my this on the mac bu it mu nrlatukeln my nwav mm Um no long he muted was gone nearly 50m yem And murmiu In My but out here Fond hm devoted tho put lew yearn to ï¬lm and It prev enthu three unreleased Sex ahdflhe Single Girl The Rmmd and In Hams le Any Dulka uhd re mun Nu no man replied on 0n clou bupedlan the lamb llnz mldflnol turned am In he Hedda mm on with 1h cullumm un play hockey Ind loom mllchu dam the mom my uld lhn chm pumr Therel mm clnulcll mull lélml maul of IM rem In val mythmz TM mam country boy who him in city low yam heft Henry awaits in the ï¬hn vmion of The Farmer Taken belled In Russian and Eng llshglmblinx muhlnu Allleam hum Ivylmmlnl pom lihnry Tnlavblm Ind radio loll Cnbm will mm of huh hull MUM COMPACT llmamI Iiipg 3M1 NEW YORK AP m8 Pruddcnl Frank Suntan pro posed Tutmay uniiorm hour votan day or United sum national election with poll news the country opeylnt Ind doslnz nlmulmw 11m pmposcd thlt mi llonnl polllfcnl conventions be held In Sepkmber with IS pmidtnunl campaign lhorh Md to perhapc no lonm um month 1mm mmmmdallon um szml mm the oqull llmn prothon ol the Fedcnl Communication 1m mulrlnl um mlnowmy candldtln or him Mlice be alven m1 broadcast Ilme win ml HAN DlllMY SYDNEY ME 01 11w PF Wu dhm liolor minim wilf d10 Iny llna Jmnnm cm Km for mldlhnulry and mg an India numb In rnmby lynl Damn the brzidcanl this ugly cuggildntcg MIor liouï¬ilorm anany prvponl Stanton on Ina Imu Parliament At Glance The Commons spent it tevenih day on lhe umnt flag debate Melting Con servative motion to ndJomn 10 other business Wile promoed In the mid an um 30 year of in he has been Mn movlu pllya and television lab ieIJAP WirePholo 1m CANADIAN mass 103mg mm lad Ho er lPCAcadan moved that the House adv journ the flag question and IUDW Ihe question period to be resumed nIe moliun was delealed by vol 139 to aa our Quabec Conservaï¬vcs voting with the government and one Liggljal again iL LENS word on the 58 indicating all madmenm not lodted upf Marcel Lumber POEd monton West said Mr Gre wanted to tax ï¬le Con Iervmm Douglas Flem lNDFPolt Arthur slid he one of many veterans who dont share heflqygl Cpnadgan ya WEDNFJDAY Dec The Commons meet pm ET continue delvala on the flag The Senate stand adjourned until Dec 14 President Of US Network Proposes Full VotingDay lele Gregoue Credmsle mg debalg totalled gm vwwrolkéepmz the Gm 90 PM WWW um WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF um 21mm EXAMINER WEDNESDAY um 1m REGINA GP fihGJQurfll yoweerme inï¬egina 1311 yur ocumdhwsdax on ave olxnezoiinlions wilh th vSamtdlewan Power Corponl Mon to put use thacllyawned pvweif plan ands distribution swap Earl Genlnnd In engineer the city plnnt nuleredlau and arm bum when Inm lnunn In 4000 volt twitch tailed andghe mlkhgrpuxded The Incident occurred In mpanel in the boiler room It the power phat leaving the on We city without power mm est BeginaPbyie Fails 9379 SaléyMéet city council tqhold me chl meeting Wednwiny to dil uu flu SPQ otter In purdnuv flan power plant Negouauou on the sale hive been undu wny or more than year Tha SPC nnw pmvldea power to the bulk of Saskatchewan resident boch run and urban NEON OP Joaevh Wlosowitz ol Toronto pieaded guilty mesdAyvto Binge cl possesinz salen go He was on three men Ir mted here this week for whom wamnls had been Issuui in Winnipex Kamadx Sash and LakeIDntln coqnenï¬on 915qu Detectives Iound three mum of gold worth about $105 In Winsowicx mom Poliée testiï¬ed he worked Im dergmund in gold mlne near Rom Que Joseph Zodworney Ilse ol Tomato and Marion Banamk 87 Windsor 0n were durged with mud Banaszek gas peen in jail since his arrest ullfll Il who HIM WIN dllcla ufl HIM Ml will bid dull In lhuu Winch 011 Ind Minn Mt FIATI CA mvnm WI mu Plulhnlh when 01 CM 81 Jun MM flocldy ullad 1mm tor modulo um mm or 0mm And Medea ho Mn nun ladk Ian in Full mulln hm or mulled cup Irnllnm netsha at out In ll whlnknblsf he laid win Huh but hm mm In Iva mvorolun Ilnlu one or mun And on or French ulnclnlNl In ml Conledtrlw moon ï¬lfl ML WAWA Th Can dun lovmnmenlu umflklll but myan Mduï¬w WIBWWICL Wm remandbd in cuswdy or sentence Dccnlsfl Buy nun ï¬nder of Idmln mum or ho 0mm Rewr lu OurmhIIon 1an autom bor wu named In um pool nmudqyyn llehm bul llom Io unau llnuln lo patrol the unw gruflnl poly gr would arm In In 0m lll ol Nicoljahpn Ina afï¬lilfll Mil In um mm In It would put An and la the ories Ind counterIbmriu nl how reports 1mm one area of 01 country with all in poll closed can gum voung In In oLher ma where they an IUH open 1h quesllon wu nised In mm marten during he Nov election mull of bro network mkdhm on an outcome of the pmkknllnl OI be to poll gland In many Sald Stanton The limo hu name or III lo IIle common nlllmwhln vollnl by or mumJ elec llann It and In 1m It hour 30 hll any valor Inywhm can van It Iny llma ol day of nithL hinn human bum mu um dc pnmom summed Mum mu In In album Candi WEE Maggi 3n IM TorontdMan Bled99i1tv Tocoldcharge 1an vimmun IECA munsoAYï¬Mgziz 17m Bflflfllï¬ PLAZA OirmnAv DECEMBER mm W5 MONDAY DECEMBER 2m orv Im IUESDAYJECEMBERMND REP WEDNESDAmtcmnemno mmm open ALmesq ousywï¬pajjfnufl mnnmmnaumammnmm CONTINUES WEST ALONG DUNLOPSTREET THROUGH TO TORONTO 5T THEN NORTH ON TOR ONTO STREET TO ROSS STREET LEFT ON ROSS STREET TO WELLINGTON STREET ALONG WEL LINGTON AND THEN SANIAS PARADE Wlll END ATBAARRIESHOPPING PLAZA FREE CANDY CANES for All KIDDIES Sat Duluth Vll mm to pm FILLDH 18th pm to 991 SptDi¢ mh to pm BARRIE PLAZAS SANTA HOURS MUSIC FLOATS CONVERTIBlES AND EUN SANTAS PARADE BEGINS AT ST VINCENT PARK AND THE KIDDIES CAN VISIT SANTA THERE UNTIL pm FIIEE PARKING =BIGGESTMADEw 5rfNIYEARSI Tun Dec 22nd pm to pm Wod Doc 13rd pm lo pm Thum Doc 24m pm to pm