dooml uniIr lhll my mm In Inmlmd ml lawhunt mod mm it m1 Ikrr lhlnfl In 14 Meninn Mud tan Hm 1M mk In win mp hm NATO mm mrrnl 1k Guile will no um now lalor nr Our New Ad nu 1110 In My Mai by An yum oéï¬nnilkkod duly uiv m8 ANGELPS ANGm Lauri Nnrllnd 1m mm mnndtf nl ht Nod Mllnflc Treaty Oruanlnllon um um US mi hr Mmtllniml Nude Fom Om udo In divulu num 0m mang the MINI of NAm Nonid old um mvdw mu Balunlm lhal he day NM mm um um over gm U5 yqusa ï¬lm lo BI nucleu Ualed many mlny lime am by the dulkxu ol lrmllomw llous mm by Inflmme Wu lhlnk till cunlblll of the New lldiddex Island From 51ml Sign Manura me If IllW Imam Book Book the Bible wm PM in exam duln In any the on In ht heathen the AMI MIMI Comm mm hlm mllullm 10 on My uld It the Idbcnmen the wlldcn Ind mm uvnzo know They we conï¬rmed cannlhlll Ind M0 trim well rn unla 1th wuld Iva Pn Ind wwuful Ind sharper lhan any woeind MM Word God he uyl II living and Mum 11m LI not liz urnliva human but sober muflu oi the MI mm ml workhu of this mm book tho We Thin can be Mm hearts transformed lhe dishom est the Immoral and the vicious become trustworthy man And Christine The opium ï¬end delivered mm hh pabonolu mm the debtor dcslmyn his Images and turns away ram lhe shflna his Huston Manhood mvolullnnitcd rho peopla whlch In dark ness my mat light to them which in Ihe reds and mm deaLh II mun up mth ms TRANSFOMHNB POWER The wrun to ma Hdnzu nyl PM Wed at um God Journey to heathen mm He saw good seed which springs forth Marin Nit after in limb and In that darkened klnzdmn than Ip pelr converts rammed Scrip lum print pram educatlm El lufiluflum and EiLIpenllrlel Former NATO Man Blames Proposal heaving land of Chrisllnm Bibles churches sduools pub lishing hmm Ind hospitals the IqLujoqaxy mned with the Word sALVAnoN m7 In Ill ma Ind dimes and among all peoples the word God wherever proclaimed has wmugh eflectively In the re newal of heart and liter tho power God unto valvular to every one that bellevelh to the Jew ï¬rst and also lo the Greek Raman 1415 The ward that god out my mouth ray the Inï¬nite shall not re turn um Mo void but it mu accomplish um which please and shall prosper in the thing wherein sent 1L Isaiah 561 Vquirmenw1 look on glue were denied ohm mmuui wumLNowawhm era can mum and Ohio mm W3 Mm 1° WWW NO3 IN SERIES Gdds word Déiclqired Among All Peoples mm 15mm AT ST THOMAS Immune the lam our church rather had In Ills youfln been ungodly and um HMM but wu 1011me china ed by main lhn Ward 10¢ John Bunyan ha miortou ell Bedlam who hazqu was lo vua mu aven wll wo men wither lholr children mm the and when cam bf um hay would not hear VII mach vnu minimum Ifwmmfomwd by lho power And an the Bible and been wmmudlrl wfller mm mmw n0 in PM Ind Aboml hovqhhinm mud whizmanna 11 mm hm pm Mm min cl memr Inland nmluu can he teem doddui Ihnl ll amtth mp mm would mums IM hand ol zmemmtnl ht Uniud mm Franco and ma Unilad Klnado Norllnd uld flu ihmly was or hi poll Mlhorillu ma darn well mum than lo cm 11 ha laid WW an pm naming mm dard ol lhe mum that lhzy demanded her body or their rethcm Paton rgmmh 11 upon ergrnve mu on Io day and nlgm um onLv by his dog TM was he only way he could preserve his with body Alter hls ho mired to his lonely house and began tho lrnnslnllon ol the Blble Into the naUve tongue For 30 yun he mend with these people lhen commhslan ol the Build Gov ernment vlslled the Bland and Mllshed an oUldnl documm ol congratulallons nyhu hat the Cannbnh of tho Now llo hrldu had beeorna llu mos Id vnnood Ind cultural ol all un nulvo tribal who lived under the Brltlsh flalr In those so yam nee had been rant tanned and redeemed by tho lrnmlormlnz mu of the Amara In Book of MI Today lhll enllre pawlHun burl mm to lho umlonnln And uplflb In power the Nbler anch uvzs passaz on my that not All the mlght of Great Bï¬laln could protect him among such savage as populated that dark land Paton persisted with such or that the vaenunent ï¬nally gave in warning tint he want at his own rid and wild expect no help mhe got In tmtble One at th lords ol the Admir alty said that lt would not be In entlre loss when tha savages ata Paton that would ulve thc Bridal Navy leglleata excuse to blow them and the 11L land out to sea Paton laughed and said that he had aomc zun powder of his own called the xospel and he wanted to try that rat BilWA PEOPLE Tho people with whom the Pa ton worked were brutal and cruel almost beyond hopet Alter short time Mn Palm died of uoplcal disease that twin 9nd aegdty ller mm hurled on passport anqforquq him mm Aij mum law may the sum If you cant 41021er to be sick you mad PERSONAL HEALTH INSURANCE to cover lncoma replacement and major 7737 medical ape1m twice the lek Inn And thI flu noon Um God lull hum to 91th mo Ind um In In In Son Ihul hllh lhl Boll huh IHI ml III um hllh mt IM San mm no life Jnhn HIH Nut guy BM vaï¬md nl We llvo in lrodzlod world will dlumn pflplully and um ceman on evcry land leh ly mUam mum and 1M vary loundlllonn mlny are mum Amld Ndl mndlllom haw nod how mlliylnu lo ml our Iran Ilw lure mm dullon Mm lhe lmprunnbla mg Holy 91mm 1M manna of flu llihle Ill mm In men with the newnm 01 in morning WWI the 1mm nm cl youth rimo mllu no wrlnklu Ml Ill hm or it II Ward cl 00d Whldl val IM aw louver Dur In In th word the Bible LI lb mou powerful aid lo ml llnn living In eduan ww er Ind zulde has no think It aim mm one in bullw Inl and llrm hope for fulurc dam ludm uni en Ables man to llvu pencenbly nnd lo din WU ï¬le Won able to build you up and lo Iva In inherlunm mm mom ugly yo unclfllud None ol the acted books omer rellxinns demand III In ward chum best they merely aim at outward change or Norm they leave Ibo hem wherein no mans males need untouched To be sum he Bible with lrawormlnx Ptbe ILIMA aluna It Its we Invinx manage thnl pm the Bibla In alas by null No rival can hold and to he Wu And Imam mummy means the Word of God HI ha and of the lumun hurt and brim peace lo ha loul Them In no cum book III II the world dun can compm the unique power 0110 fluid In need help But for me know nothing that will transform and save mean the redcemlng power that inher ent in tha Bblo UHIEB Menu BOOKS ruched and Faced upon the mantel desmble for mu Inu her cigmlm So day by day the mm were mm out Wban her btsotted Imband wicked leaflet In the mummy clmc homo home and the mudlaled Testament he rebuked er swim mm rend that Book He did and his We wu lruflomed by doing so He led hIl Godless manlun Wrist and anther they opened an pel hnll In the undolnz the 9le which they had math In lhelr cammmuly wan 1mm in mutilnlzd no of mere por tion thern 1e Du you knnw any qthcr power that cm awdmphh ao mud Il you do hasten and all oAyour fellow the world and weather In England One of the lending mews he Jea ne James outlaw an wu coir varied in prison through reading ha Bible and became the name prison maplaln leadlnz hun dreds of men to similar ex perience Such the power ï¬ll Amulnz Bookthe able Down In Central America min copy ol the New Tesla meni for want someone read It was lhmwn onto an uh heap Himat vgomqnlgelna WIN NM EVENT Mlu Rumor UM 633 $119 am um um Mum Intermch Si Mn hm Cumin lulu Jhn Ed Anton drawn Michel and mm Wed with flown ltmwdlaluly proud Uu HM mm flu Unllsd We mamn um mm dating cumin mu Sicln lrlul Hunt III1 Kathy WWPMNQ Agricultural Minister Says Winter Fair Was Geatest TORONTO KP Mom Mbylllduymm Aaflculund Wer ucnndh ind in downmuntuhlmmnay imammm Mullde Wink Ill SMflr de ol 1mm day mm with Ibo mm Thou MWIIIWMMUIIIIMVI hummerd lea mlwnnmwmm 5m 18mlh 10000 ma banal wintry Km ad with link m1 mu 1170000 In mllworg hm almody meetlnzl aid the dedslon the council presidency la but In lmmedlnle wk on the ill km liberty deduallon wu only ulbaek and he hoped to vote would be taken wllhln yum Earlier James Cudlnal Ml Gulam Anklsz ol Tomnlo and Joseph lelml Enter Aralme of 01km nude dmllar statements Last Prldw the Vlle more than 1000 bhhopl lasted lhe Mod on the pm lnary vole but the West llam dered when Papa Paul did not intervene humduo Cardinal max Amme of Montreal who hung Sands gm golqncu MONTREAL 0P Three Roman Catholic cardinals ex pressed confldem Sadly that the Vatican My manlw Imdl designation on 39M Fugslug Siroud whlle Mum Campv MB of strand plnden the thlrd prlu duh The entries of Ronaldka and ill Braden were ufled mmlan ndfln nerve ammme Aunt In Gun 1325 mo entries Ronald Cook wen on to win the Ream Grand Champlon Cams Awnrd the 1961 mm Amman Wlnler Mr Ind wan cold for 1150 per lb to 00pm Plckerl in Barrie 8m In rn the ï¬ndings or he South Slur 4H Ovrn Gun member were 6111 InmSpem 3th Robert Bnln 101nm ML and limJohnLMannalglx Once anln th Rats exhibi on from ha counq haw than ol the Beelun Hl Gran Oluh placed 11 and mummy In the open ï¬eld Cmp mam Kenneth Peacock er pl ed Ind Nick chm ton placed In 01m Wheo any varMy In Class 370 om Eat11 or Medium Eat Now of Strand placed 1901 Ind in an 377 Oat Medium Illa nahred yrs IM Magus my In the Brethour Challenge 11 my Clnu the um prlxe club was Ralph Cooke Stroud und Bill Braden of Milton Second 9119 was vacuum Cardinals Are Conï¬dent 0n Religious Liberty vote 615 MONDAY niova mp the Royal Agricultur Wlntu Fair severe nl the breed en 1mm South Simeon hld en trlean Ike varlouedaieee Placinzaln the breeder mixm competition Sum Gullaqu andSolu placedlslhgln an Bemw CBJCI com Nan Class In lh pm club were Ron Cook Strand andJohn Home Imam Second prize club Rnlph Cook Shout In the third prizeclub Bill madamAl mum 09mm end Sag mumps swam Sons Baton yumray Eul of Bradlprd cpmyi an Club Did $511 153B5Yélgl ï¬Ã©ticulturiailf¢Féit 000M Hutm1 tom nl 0n anII Mn me an all 0mm Ubuu In um ho mum cm lown WWI Nu flipl rum HM mmwmmwwmm mammmmummmm mm mm wwwmmm Wm MMWMmWW an flaw mum mm Mp4 Mm Wmmwmwmmmmn $me dmoly gunner ol lhc mmrvauvcs ulcka to old Una Ind the Menu unt lnl man freedom he said HE Amodcm b15231 vetqu wanted tho vote taken ï¬rmne dimly lnal Hilda and mu Cardinal szer Also Chicago had mum lo the Prue had um or Immedflle vote Ind that the Pop turned down on tha mm mm the mom and more time lo stuiiy uieliï¬inum vTem within their rights Olldhul Mainlth sald re writ of the toll were malty mammt Mull law nd ml to do in WE WING makinguubr on 1119 Mllky wwuwu held on Navean um In 31mg lumwmnily on compet ed this mien and Cook pm in fludtyl Idlvluuh 11 girls mm the morning lemon moonhszamd pro cus mls and menu planning 11 afternoon senselonwuimstlyi mummy the dub pru enled aim and skits walnz bow Mmle milk It in the diet aodmmwwmltunbom emporan hm daily use WC th Ingrown mam was he pmanmlon Pmindll Honor Pm and Car uflutu to 1L Kirk who had molded Homan Club mm Thou mivlnx this honor wen Alida Sch1y Lynw do Camcbcfl Keith may Ean di mu Donna Jeane and Ann art will be held 13mm Orange Hall on Friday overn bervmh pnï¬guluhtemt on occasion the It 10 be given byGooxze Jane 01 wmmm wwwmxuumlu wnuz 0qu For Dllry Cattle With all flag porn um hbeinzmn In mommy who men tine IMI VH1 give us In opportunity olflndinl out man mdha Min on Acnmvm my 1119 three Achievemant clad in John Fennel 0rd topped one thefleece dam MMer Grant Slay ner had flmkexhlhihjhera wm several uhlbllon him mingling dairy mu wean dastagwlneghrm elm 9nd so South Slmcoa breed era and mp mflhkï¬p mm products berm ma large nudi encv of he Kayak homm mum The Innualrmeuh of In Simon cgmygmfnam ln Vxnoil secllém rot theï¬nyal and no possibla to report lllltfggexhlbnorior dunes cam IVININD SHOWS AT 700 um IN MEMORY mum ION flykiiï¬ï¬nns rumELK saunas SOMMER lam135Tï¬ mm IVININD SHOWS AT 700 PM AND 900 PM But here was no Indication that the West German lbvem menl will thW my mdlneu to yield lo de 1le10 In Ger mgnhgnch dmmncu De hull not It lhe MI Anniversary flu bullion al strum mm anl flan VI his 74 blnh Ha chimed that Wes Ger man dedalun to lulu with the United sum In manning fleet males mluiio all under lhl North Atlantic man would zrlvdy wound the mu hope of FrgnchGmnm co Inï¬eld he proposed the ac mm In common wflh Germany at an unme flu is both very anderl Ind vzry modem The mmtmctlon of Enrvpean Europe that L5 to nay Independan pawerlul and in nuenda ll the heart 01 work 5nd at liberty gflaflgugeé the Gang on ea mm mm mm lflledwml lhs United Rites butflee Influence France ha said sand has made great political and 1pm llul dim ulnbflsh deadly mlallom with the Germans menlump Ignmly Now ï¬t nd 3n 1mm35 um mm Meanle Now Ii wu Ala theï¬ermm l0 am Jo ol Me has been made of the portion now owned uilalsotakulnflntoadwny that leads ta the watch the ume of punchum mere Ind been mdlelegnflmg rant payer or so that cmwde wmdd mot be IuInguprivm mm Reeve Cochran suggesied that further am n1 present at Ben mm NOMINATIDN munsun flm nantnatlan meeting or the dealon the mummy Aï¬rlp blong aimadwaywhleh ï¬mflased am pm or cumin and Mg no Jinnah that thin adios nle Ihereuon flu auluclenl mfltudlsm can not be found or the mntlnuaflon nlï¬buylng mom p311 lands commmee 5e unby the Reeve Wald Vvhlatoysonu ratepayers iol dawn 92nd lmmywha jheyglglmedfln ling In that the 15 la olllmouae qr Ihls 50 find might uwefljbo léarrzddlflonnl InnEl I13 Wm nv pox110mm the cm mum hallume wnuld be shamed bag gvlonlnlmmemenh nu mm tomhr the III Many local 30111119 fly wax purcth ed when lute Wmlun GM ins wumrvc and was bought emlrelyupl or letdyad The ihiï¬Ã©ifmeuélw wadaaiï¬ pate Maui 913 aqu man De Gaulle Calls 0n German Union HUI AT 70 AND ltll PM Fugue AF ADDED AME Lgndlggghajsed rbrjselrnwartrark mmsm NDTES NOW PLAYING nine MONDAY TUESDAY PLAN nimonuu LONDON Reuters BHIA ains permanent mumL31 lo the lulu pmldent Kennedy will be hflhide garden near bou WWW whcrrlh Kai pm wan In I115 will ham wen lolhwlna nu the gt ol MAXI William Fm salt 24 dualsad were HeIen 1mm Hughes 24 who wmwminnmwm Klan today and Game Dalia Selrnan mm and man at the mummy mom 0N WK OKTAWA WIJames Alex mder Mum 40 nnflve cl Klmardine 01L died home at mam Bells cometa nlgerfllokina on plmoillaurblnrppg an mums saw Mk ï¬nger mm Seattle an mm mm Vancouver and me mm of the Unlvmity British Columbia mum wen ï¬lmed gammy muck East German seamn in de faded mm the German helmy ship Weuopk whldl walmed hm last wee for me er the Grand Bfnxï¬ Re Hel qumd poï¬uaal Itqu there since 1981 911ml iv mu large po on or III taxes lbs tavmshlpwill for tho ï¬rst lime beOome ivemun board or the whole of Imwfl Up in thls Ime 13 mm haveioomprlaed the m1 board 11th dis mcu decuonzu mung 53 uin at £11de nieslgnatetrI Hlhb work fugulaung the education over 1300 ckgfldren lLono thatï¬equku lbs heal abilities we can select mal of the Hamil High Sdmol 50 miles north 01 01111 WPWWEWP injuries Hated when he slipped and on ice at the school last Thursday Mr MWÂ¥WN 9miqad wmbe held this com 2113 umber MI Smud Nomln on do It 730 pm Ill Inform mu which mend urge poruonpol Ihe taxes or PRINCIPAL DIES WHOM 0P John mm WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF THREE CHARGED 31W row an FEATURE PM WI Em sowed by magnfllcenl perpetual tro phy sterling silver my and cheque for 100 donated by Salad Foods Itnd Reserve Gmmplonship wu won by Stark Seed Fm mm lander Wbcomh USA Onluxlo pointers have again mud their quality by winning emaliaual awards in both seed and lable stock disses the Rays Agricultural Wmler Flir ï¬mnio Grand Championship or teed wall in Mrs Allen Ryan Box 21 harllou Slailou Ontario wllh an exhibit of Keswick var ltiy The ward is hmdsom mplw silver my and no in cash donated by the Polaio Gmen of Canada and sored by the Cunndlun Hort cul tural Council Reserve Championshlp wa won by Sylvln MauAuieyv EM llama PEI with Kuluhdln vur Ontario Potatoes WinChampionship In lame mlalm Aben Hock lgy ammunl Ontario won he IntemLional Award with In gpblgo gha Noylnnd variety that Canada European at mm In thednremable Mun should not be seriously ax lected by French campemlon He said that France with another large when mp 01 alum 5000001300 tunnels un daubiedly will have msldep Abbe export surplys and she will be anxious I4 dispose obit abroad So far this Ieasom nutslde ul moderate quanliules sold to several annuities and prospec tive sala to 211m of some 18 000000 bushï¬srnhe doel not peg lo have mlde much Im Momma expgxu her neighboring In market me have beendluppolnl WINNIPEGICP gralnv Iulhnrfly here say um desplte blzirench wheat my this yenCanada in llkely to con llnue tn sell good baklng and milling Wiggly Europa Halaller research di rector for Senrle Grain Com yany Limited sald i195 com mentarny man mimic Satuniay ILA Frénchï¬rain Crop Will Nou Mfect CanadianExport HWY ll IN BARRII fora MGBULLUEH MCGULLUCH PARTRIDGE TRACTOR nicimaiui McCulloeh My ludnlo0ululo 7284752 Only 95