Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1964, p. 2

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At SheltérzzédWorkshop 22 Fan Upznvison hue ed WaxMpJMrarwmm kln Mt slnwa Vishnu SHEETS FOR ICE MELITA Man CHA firm here that manufacture plastic sheets or wrling rinks has oeived orders for in product mm almost everyUS mu throughout cm mdtmm Sweden ahceb 150 be mm are placed under the has 91° rink my mum Mn Eileen llankin Iupervly or nld people Were nun Arriv mg alter the pm clollng It wls the but open houxe the Iheltcr ever hnd hum Hock max sum ll mum IM Moth Common 1mm TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE llla Royl Bank ni Clan The Royal Bank oi Canada de dared ruuiar quarterly div dand of 60 calls plus yen end 31 cent both pnylbia Denernber mile shminid era oi record Odober Ln yuar the Bank pald 15 will yearend extn indicated annual dividend is now £160 wmpared with $255 previoudy The EnnkMJinmmL Rm Bank oi Momred declired regular qulrieriy dividend ol 51V cents pin yurend ex tra of cents both paynbia December 1961 lo IhmhoId record Odnber SI 11 lndlcaled anmui dividend mo in now mo in mmpmd wLh $115 prcvi llome Como lelkd The Hume on Compw nnv Munced 911m an cumIn limit 10 11m mi Hum when In wmhuo km ddmnmrts 1m hm will con Ilst of 120900000 lo memo per cent oonvenlblo mink lnale dwcnlum omverfluo 1n laIClau than of mo 9am vrw on 909W 12 l° on mmtrdon prim lo determined lulu Each chm holder will recdvc rlzhl per nah Chan Ind phmheld Ind 25mm will be xequlrtd la punchuo uch um par VII Bl debunk lelled The Gunman hu liv en lullnr Inlenl ton Iarflum mmmwan mpn lu lo pr or odudhnoyl Fnlumbr in up IM ampmy on ha len Gur afla Illde of In mm mum Columbln Fnlmvbrlflu WHY rooclvud Mm mm lhl mum Column lw men to nwfl mu cannula Io Jim lulnbmfl mnmm pmy mmu or Ibo liarl Eur cnded July ML pm muury Ml Mrnlnu Amounlod In mum or limo unpaved wllh ml urnlnn nl mun or 00 In mm hm your ml Ad July 17 ml Mr mm Sultanr1 lmldenl ol Com filled that chm um did not My pm with um IIIch In Ml urnlnu mun 0mm don ol mm mlnM mm mm mom Elm mam duh In yarn Nuflnn Tllolbm MINA Dunid McKerlM Pnddmt of Um COMM IM um 0w rompn1 plun um Inter IMI 7m MIM limo ol Inmunmmu Irmu m1 mmm um mt dam nu Ml Talmu emuv nl mm Inhmml IM mmphuy um 11 the Inn IMIJ numr per ml 01 Nntlhem lrlephmll IMGNO nmimdiu cu mnn Hum Hun mm had been mum In Mokm mm Jinn mm mm The workshop II traInLng humming Mlnu Compllzd by Flynn bunlah El Elmo manual lot um um idly Nov nu AVIRAOI VIIIDI BULLETIN BRIEFS extlhllsllmenffor ldu murd ed myol whom come 1mm th 061M In the klmhenand recreatfon room where refreshment were served were exlmple hair bles Including number painl lngr Icrnpbooktneedlewmk andruorda gum chlldren Blnkl st Theraue 26 lrnlneerlt the workshw Yuan they were hard It work demomlnllng skllla inslmcton huvo huh lhem Meinbgn of Lhe Barrie and DhlrlghAarohlion and volun teen wagon hmd to Ith the vidth Hound Ufisllln than were two labl worklot ulm Somo 1n or $12500000 expansion cludinl expendimrc 38000000 to brinz the 0mm Mounan MimA ink plododinn Ind 000000 expendilum lo mun IndLl oapudtiy lo 1300 tan ore day ropes expan xlon acheduled be compr ed In My m7 The Company 0631 per mm owned by Nor nndn Mum Umfled Auk unmet Pals and PI Mllh lefled Mr 501 Pmidenl In Company slated fill the com any plan to wlit IL commnn Iran on or bull glbled In On IP anl bl IhArehoIdm ll we dd muting to be held on 0c tnber 1961 Thu would 1n mm Lha oulsundlnl common Iham Inng 1314171 to NM Ind 111mm unhode number at In pm In common mama to 10000000 mummy Hammad plIns to redeem In 1400 mundinl 32 cumu MUN deemable dnkInI lund prdcrred Ihlru ol no pl VII no It was also IHMYIM llul hm IN helnl mm lqu Fmooomo par value cumu mm mnka vrhlemd nu In in lorm ol 000000 mm luvan par valuI ol udn lmorhl OILIJHUIILIM tam puly mum lhIl for thc nlno month WM ended Sepumber 30 1000 m4 earmnn Imounud la $1001000 or um Ihm II mmpnred Wh nel urnlnu ul 831560 of OH lhlfl 91qu Pmkknt Mag41mg WMJNNWHWW byzone umnmrwun Mrs Brown Hmkhp mlwm Mrs bum PM b1vilu mildew and um flu mm or Ill mmlmrpl nppum Invvnlnlo ml Wm conleonI continua meInL Domth Mun Dink 11v Company mm lhu lot lb pulod mind Womb MI n14 umlllll Immmtod MMLOM or com Run II comm Mal oamlnu o1 MMJm or can pur hm In In 23well period KL wdvkwmr II In lhc pedod or Mk 00W mmm wmpmd Vllh um sale at mlle In lhc 5ngon hum Mumblh lbwy and mcvmplny mm mm tarflu nin mnnlh perm mldfiqtmfier umlnu Imulod lo mum at nu uhau mmvmd lllh M1 mm of 01mm or mm In lhl mr flapomlnr pom 1m yur In n1 mun pomd WM Ml AIM MM mm ymd with MAI lulu ml main mm pom Allmlum mm 11 0mm my Mind warmly divi gun IM In comm Viral low mr IvM la Ahlrdwldm mm In lkremhu 1m 1m com my tun pmhul pm ll ml unleva The lnr 1mm nnnunl aIHLlM rm II In NW In ll our Brydgel principal at Bantu District North Collegiate presented 68 socmdary school honor gradation diplnmas tn mousful rude 18 students at tha annual comencement held ln the colleslatefl auditorium Thou Melvin homr iradu at diploma were SheilaAlax ander Joel Andersen Carol kimon Helen Binnie David bier David Brennunan Rondd Erennumn hm Bucklewlu Tennee Galvan Kenneth bun cu Shawn Davie Donaldpemy like Donlki Damn Hugh 21 MM Elmer Mlnny Feld mm George Sumter Dguld Gamer Anthony Geummck Mums Goodhud Dxlnlm genlously made bookmark were lllpzyeu Inolher palLIMI lhéihum when were workan at con tract with local mdnslrlu Then align room when trainee make up brochures Grm Richard Green Mny Jane Hagan Madeline Harmem ves Edward Mamas Mary Jam Huflnu Maid flawelL June Humm Shirley llunler Termite Idmn Gaml Jamel Connnce Jamu Jam Jenkin Elem Jones John King John Knapp Mary Kmmcr Ronald Kama myuflnflmdn 11m Wendy unu Norman Madgod L00 1113 Eichanl Manila IcKenzle Emndn Mr HIM Hobart McMarun Wnyna Meadonal Donald Nash Mldmtl OBrodxl Linda Peter non Jun Quinn Marian Indira 0th Ramlds Edwlene 9mm Patrick Smith Carol Spirit Kelly Stewart Mary Anne aono Pnlricll Slrrmn ghnn John Taylor Patricia Tomllnwn Jefimy Trw Get nrd VAn Dnlen David Walker Sunny Walkar AM In Warren ACADEMIC Sooondlry Adm zudunllon dlplnmas Acadcmlc wens pre Ienvod by mun prlm 01 ol Harrie Oenlrd Colic Thou receiving diploma WM 6er Arbour Duvid ann Ju dith Humane le Bennam Nnncy Noomllald shlrlay now dery Llndl Bradley John Ema low Pltrlcln Damage Hin Pehlwv 0° WW 12hr 68 Students Of North Receive GradDiplornas sum CamiMIL Dont ml or ally hummin comm la um youn wol gratedd from lodl may llplnclnl hmrdl wl 1mm complatn nlunncc in WITH OUR AllINCLUSIVE ONE PACKAGE PROGRAM Don lmfl AIWBEhso YOU PHONE WW mwnmc Aunt nmw TIHNITL DEDICATION mo R4311 Edi Wilklmon Lord Blah In decal lbmnlo wnbh man at Nu ky Angllennclurdl Sundly evog nln comma IQ flu ro LocALrfiGENlQRAL deaTcnuon Vol the clutch organ The man which was 3mm the am anN mn platgiyfnbfiltflh nmqlk oomummjomn The Barfly Distrla b11 eulMeBoanl wm meetMondly dvcnhfi Inuae hoard mm in gang comma up pm BOOKWEEKu Next week willhe marked unmanned by llbmlu Yuma Ogmdl Book Week 9CmRENB All he childrena mum of the county of Simcoeand the City of Blrria wlllmeet Tuts dy ulpm museum mlnlltnflon Bulldhu va nous 092 We ll King George School 121 Blake SlueQ which L1 memes by flu Barrie and DislrlctAisodnflofi or Muded WHEEL mll will be huld Friday Novxm mm In pm Rah251mm will be served and all Intemm lnvhed Mend ART CLUB Mrs Hazel Mons teacher at the Univerle Guelph wlll be zuut speaker at muting of fine Banjk An cm Nev 17 Eleanor Camat Garry mauzh Terry Chum mm mm Catherine Clark Jnhn Fggd 90x 1099 PPM Ami Mmneitdu Jahn Dnunmond Brlnn my Sylvia Frankmm Gayle Gard ner Jenn Gilmore Edward Gra hnm MuyDm Graham Mary 51mm Graham Robert Hm um Ma Scuba medu1lm yamm hugged IJISNM Gall Mimi Domd 6n Anne Cmok Kalhleen CIInn ni ton Buy DnlgEJtAnm It pm wmm Out 01 Diane llamlltw L01 Hell Evelyn Heflmnr Dwinhc Henson June Hum Hem Hunk Gall JNM Purim Jadmn FmdadckJonemPelar Jonas David Kflxour Ivan Klnl Jenn ml miter Kinda Jmlcl Knapp Cnmiyn may Dnvid Lune Jame hogan Brent 1mg un David McAdam Jun McM finl David Mtflynmnl Marx arol Mdnhhon Alexande Mn Guile Ronald McKm John Knlfii 11nd McLean Bury Milu Juanita Miller Dlvid fills Clmlyne Mm Bryan Mani John Mulchlnod Bu bap lump Mud Nelsgn Ban Palmer Glenn Puller Ian Bryce mm Dwid Pu Glry mm Lnth Perl Ilmoulx GM Pallet 531le Ihlc 19 Susan Ranch Undn Min LyIKiLnale Ragyon Sellen Nllcl Raw Calhem Smelhum Daudu Smllh Graham Smith Joan Smith lame Spark Thom St John erm Sud Cami su wm Brim 6100 Edmond allllymBovcrb Judy MM Dime Mhn Penny Tompklnl Dwight Tracy Joan Van Der Woude Mulm WIN Donn Waulhdr ThomI Whookr StaphMo Whlu Rl chlni WHUIIM Drlm Wlllou Jo wl sum WM and lJndI NM CHANGES Amen tho man an 10M Ilml mm In Chlnn durln the hut mu the own Paillngmln mm culled Turh hnmomlnumlmth mom AND mm nose receivlnz Iomas were Jenn Mdcrdlm ra Guppel Cheryl Cole Paul mum 1m bert Elstub Pele Evans Clan Herrygen Teny Hodgm mm mlry Kent Trudi Lapp Sharon hymn Lynnel Nortlmer Rom mnry Penct Lind Rae Barry Sllndanfl Ronald Schurdl Man Anne Smlth Goldon Sulva and Run suumland MONTREAL 0P ch worse mam daz is Iighhusuinm than wry The film sad comm 51000 are 10 be opernted elde 01 the ma orlxinally used lemman commercial direchar It Noah presented me mommy school gramtlon dip loma or those in the comma cm damnan Bob George mm and mm mamwm raisin event fonthc émx MR WGor5l koolvoorea wbpmNovz141hpga¢mxllmumqsmoolmwm Mm RW Georgelmk ova mm xGradeg elgfl MruGomaoh om mater gdvenzuln The Als in iund MM poster adVemEm gumH1 mFairmbeheIdhCod DLDE ATMOSPHERE SIEAKS Ontario No SNOW WHITE 311110 Lean CHUCK sIMO PREPARE P0m£llNFfilRJLSCHO0Lg MONDAYS DEEPLCUT SPECIALS 6M9 mvmfionhem south the flaw of cool ah ha been weak and it 19 on flue mlld aid Hale mm mollng is expected andjundly will vrobablybe somewhat mllder Tamerath In the neam exuded could May will wmmwtp agaln tamomw wjvqmlm lanqu memMfiflrm Windmr lamina Sunny with mm change In tempertun Winds 5M increasing cloudi ng and mud Sunday ollawed byshowas 1n Ihz evenlnz Winds windy 15 Mom Lake Hum Map Arn Lake Ontario Georgian Bay Hallhunm Killaloe Tor om Hamilton Sudbury Var iable cloudiness Swimv this IL men NUMBERS on mu wml NUMBERS pnmrm on nzvsnsa or nommou REGISTER 1m BARBIE ARIIR Warriiéf Cbplifig N0 NINA NKIHAIY Ill IIOUIIID nnmmmqu puns vapour uh no nunxmn In um pmw In IMO walk VI0 rum ml pub In un pupvhxlllnlhphyd mm um IA my bula In Wm mu In NI MomI Iva many um qomtu Illl II pm nmagnml Codurane weslbm JamesBar mm North 15mm clwdy paw and becoxnfi tinny1 ui afternoon little qooler 1y daEh5nME flurry of llxhumw Seasonnbxe Imperuurng WM Hm Algoinn Mine River reklans Vadabh dmdému Ind mm layJam Mmem Pi minim cloudy 10W by occasional ra or snow SundnyA Mndslimt May Mag 15 sunny Forecast Loy mum Peterbémgh Muskokl amnion FIVE III ADD E55 CITY 01 TOWN 757i 11 113 9c 39° Siimébe TFogestuflégflow 1745flfictes LOW acres of land on the south Ihiq ol the Iflowespra Jaw line just west 01 highway 27 Ar thin um HI county entered ln laln ureemem withaha Pro vlncm Governmenth manuo the lgnd or forestryverom ISkncoe Camva the 31qu county In On to do so thu nlumngun Among Jacked hylax gnableaCmmfles RIV Mulleymlhorillns or Thwn flllngflpurchau landfor oh ulrgyurpom The lmdhum VQurned over nu Department ofhnd Ind Fomulor mm men The ownenhtp ip with ha nurchpur maflembll fimenl Slum army For wan dawn the Va ppm Tn Township alr manol the 1m Reforesumni Committee Richardson 0L weon Fannry Branch am my others whose enthusi um at gig doresullonpro mm timed In flu County Gunmen on flu promum 1611 Tender John Simpwnn Axum Imedflm mum bl linnlnzln 1m Slmcoe Gaunly Eaten mm prgunt when deedJnln five lamb or mlnazement purposes The forest no known Wfldmn 0m Lake Drury Handsla Ind Angus FarahIbo origin V1000 am In FlosTownshIp ll nw part of Hendrio Forest The initial purpose Simeon County For was to reclaim marglnnl farm 11nd Primila planting ol mes 11 many gnu drifting mud wuquite prob lem Ollen man would bu block Vcd And It wnruid um many lot In an County had flying deedln keeping with the orlzin almme Ill llfld purchased by the County unsuluble or agricultural purposes Over the yam wands Ieemlnaly unless am hive been made pmducdvm This lam It now producing amt products Ruth pupwopd poles piling timbers and uwlngs Land which wu subject In blowing every llme the wind earn up in now sLllL In 923 Umslpolfallqn TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS mom muu F831 318 PHONE 252

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